kpsfte n7t m rows fqtj8coaa m 1 eiiftls fingers jbjtulmobnetia pit ivtsuat wat f know or iota my workbor a u the buttons finding tuiriihk up the fcuiuing livery spool unwinding 1 r jvow into uvchasfcai where the jmvf jitjj fcituca po uuacouyvuoi looking kagrin it furbtddeu tlioaftt workers trcicr xowr her uesk cntuluiiu iyilhmchsct caresses keeping off a icoidiug parliug little finders iccvcr ucver lull make them hrtvetdr f atlier ouc day do tyv mil 7 v j 1 in i 1 4 u- j a voojirjian history in brtcc r i first tatv tettie i social party ho toot bat ccc glass of iiieaci tfcatat vicurjrftt aoliciutuu of a yvatfi j4 to hont he hid beef ialroluccd i ncti satr hitc vrhca fco supposed kcat unseen taktuc a lass to satisfy a slight desire lie tnnckcj at the tltoitjjut ot danger t ucft aur iria iatc in the cromti in the ilrect unable levtealk home itssistcd fctaj tinker asdire parted i next sav hita reeling frvwa iok gree nery a confused starcvia en hit cotnitcn ance aid vrorjs of were oa his kaandsatnie vas cone t aair him qko pure he ara oii and jroliouteit aid was carried l his friends to hit iast resting place la the small tfo- cessiaa that fdlotred crery head iris cast ax ws fatfctfvrray hairs ue goiuc to the pave with torroir his ciclhfr vtcyt that the had ever given birth to inch a fbua j i returned nine ussifljt oa iaia future atile i opened the bible and read be pot deoeired draufcarda shall notinherit gtecktngdyjn of tjod this is a sad story aiaat that it should be trae wkea a bor oar poor friend irsa a happy and kriut as any of us mor thaaonee wrhea ttadenta together dlti he aaeerat uototalisat jkea l arted hint to sjgu tie tledge he acgied at me aiad 6co5dat tie bare suggestion of danger poor fred hi father had the glass on lieaible aad there lie aj petite ra fona- c4 vocng meu hawajt of the first ptaas fathers baaxsh the glass from your tables if yoa lroold not bnry yoar sons sa drunk ard whom can yon trust t a ships captain in xew york ranted a rcatr can tj take care of htx shia the antaui aad sect ivty all his sailors and iras goiafato theecantryhieseff somebody said c will do he is a frosty sailor th captin did oat faekece us ioho he thoaht etcry sailor toold steal if he coald bar as he coai4 do no better he locked bp ev oa boaol te ahip and hraagbx john to stay ttere keat morning before sc left the city he tlwojht he rottid take an early peep at his ship so he qnietly stepzcd as board and softly cpeed tie cabia door tfccre iras john on hu knees icith the bible bpesi be- forekinv the captain that tha door carefully and raifad byanby john came oat jafcnv said tie captain landing lnt all tne ships keys yqn cay open all tie drawers and frenfci and air those things keep a sharp lookout john for those thieves along the rixxries hare everything pzcg and ill be fcicfc nett jreek wouldnt commit a vfnnun waa yolvrday loikiuj around iba ferry docjt an ju aeaicli ul aauto oite kji iicw uud ahu iliiial aecoalod ru ojil iu emdsiu vilu the lbs qiuuy isir ie foil a sailor 1 1 liaia koiw bo itipltej 1 tlito limt becu a kcciit guja 011 the lakost mitylxs luiti is f kuvv ibcro lu becu uui 01 jud vou icj i bav t on on a achoouor yvs ujujbo you uft aud jm afrai4 lio ua out ill tha ilorui jf you bwe a sott on a schooacf and tbo tchooiicr was out in tbo atuui it is litcty yotic tun was otjt too 1 do you uitiik ibero vva any jingorf i ckuc uduy 5v but it blew terribly hui 1tthuiix it did ejnuvtu but as i pay cticckrrs most of bo liinu cint say low bard it blew if tbo scboonor wcuit down tny sor kent down too didnt be maibo o atul ttuyba uot i wouldnt lis to gijo aii oiinioa about that soma rciis go down with schooners ml huhc dont 1ou have lurj that llic daisy was lost lave you i sbuuldut lita to aay f bad or iudtit but i iroliablr havent jld her by tothiurroa i sle lad wouldut it voit niigbt ni jott tmjbt not vbe11 she had gouu an aetimirtanc who bud overheard the conversation asked tte cjiptiia by lie didnt give diiect tdswcik the ojd luan drw himself up an inch or two and replied twenty eight years ago i bad an opinion to advance an any subject one night tbo male of my barb said that we were tunning ber aihore on fyong point i stuck to it tbtt it was only a fog bant in iftn minutes she arns high lui1 dry and i wiuc 16000 out of pocket since then what i do know i keep tr leje on and what i dont kuow i keep locked up in my clam shell until i can strike a rising market voimtns of gold tn prayer ttve lips neer act tbe inning- part y witlioiit tt sweet concurrence of the heart- a- gbdlite life is the most decisive f luof which mm can give of tio being efgoi this wish falls often wirm npon ray ceartjrluat i may learn nothing here 1 that cannot continue in the other world that i may dd nothing here but deedslhat will bear fruits in heaven the absolute unselfishness of christs character i indeed its uniqne clsrm hiaowniife is denial throughout and be makes a eidiilar spirit the test of ail healthy religions life the thf uong man is a lover of his race merciful and inclined to pardon flacticeyer bears ill will toward any ma whatever but thinks it right to curpasa iii doing good ratlier than in injuring tike a beaatiful flowec full of eolor but without perfume are the fine but fruffless wordsof faim who pqes not aecoijiinsly bat like abeautiful flower full of color and fall of lerfuuie are tha fruitless words of him wlicacts i5jdingly tfo man baa- fl right tceomplain of iiis 4pt or of the times or to call upon taajky to help him until be has done ail be eaa to help himself by industry andfide in the place aod calling where lr and he who does this irjjj feido 1 jaye cause to comulain that man is a bad preacbex in the pulpit who is not a good preacher out of it and no man in the world hiaa righi u stand np for god if god has hoc adorned him with personal holiness we abonhi reach by wjjat we are as i well as by what we say j fjpeo tben your heart open it wit boat measure that sod and his lore may eater without measure lite a torrent fear nothing in the path which you aye treading god willlead you a by the hand if only you do no doubt and aie filled rather withjovo for him than with ate tor youraelf thexa i a great amount of revekf ion v eaeb man by the jirin- ciples laid do wo in lte bible by con- science and by providence than most menare aware of tt is not the light which ie deactif e it is an rye to see whara ha gat his authority i call on you said the counsellor to state distinctly upou wlat authority yoa areiprepaiedo kwetr to the mares age r upon what aathorlty i gaid the other inteaogatively yoa irt here to reply and not repeat the ques tions put to you i dout consider a niads bound to answer a question kfore hesiima to turn it into bis mind nothing can be mote 6iupv sir tl so the questinn put i again repeat upon what authority do yon swear to the animals agr i m best auilior- ity refijondcd the witness gruffly then hy mch evusion i vahy not tell it at once v well tben if you must have it must frill hue it vociferatedthe cauisellor iuterrup ting the witness well tbett if you must and will have it njjiued the hoaler ib impertnrbnblc cravily why then i had it mytelf frooj the p8res own month a simultaneous burst of laughter ran through the com c i ho drawback we often wondered why girls nisi ried an austin voting udv nnnti tl e ral ject says well no idont know ait id mkiry fur nionc3- hloue but if a mm had plenty of aioney ajied to a sweet disposition and a mcusuche bat curled at both ends and nice blue eves and a respectable firofssion and his father was rich and his mother and sisters were aristocratic and be wanted to marry me and would promise to let me have my own way in everyr thing and keep ma liberally eupplied with coin and hayo a nice furnished huuse ltd b urgpumptoit t net irctnd ire me two diamond rings and would ay my dry golt milliuert and dress makers bills rithnut grumbling and i really and truly toyed him li wouldnt consider bis money any drawback to the match one hundred and sixteen hands employed oetweeo making up and disposingof the enormous stock which i8ahout twice aslargeas that of any other house illhamilton and much more varied so that customers can aaye botih time and money by jnaking their purchases at these iimmehse stores for vvntruns buys for cash and elli for baih jlli aalaa are 10 very much larger jban any otlur aor la town be buys about twfoe the quantity of goodi that utj oibr kamiltou homo cun alapono of and cbmequentlr buyi obenpar than thoae who can onlypurohau imall lota and buying for cub ha goes ui tad ewy wb4r tint goeds can be had the ohespest j 11 0 employs a1lule army in maaufuuiriog the following goods which are all eut out aod mad up under tha auperrulocot ouieflftha boat artlats lob had in caoadir ladiev and talaaei mantlei dolwwu ulitexs fismiidresiei coilomes wrepira also klrta night dresseivdrawen aod chemiios in plulu fancy and ewbroidwl or any tnaleriil uau bonnets tati all kinds of millinery goods ladles bows and tloi uentt and you tha bows ties scarfi ahjrta and jdrawara in great variety fun imported a ery handsome rsiortment of th noroit styles or london ties lcri and scsrfi whiob lor real beauty in hadea diutina andualiui cannot lie surpassed while ijiey are being sold at the same profit at general dry goods which makes them much lower than usual price ui oinkat of sldxtcronusnd dickies mil well he makes ahirta from 7c rnlc4 white ihlits up to j i so for the tery best which hate a labulously large sale 271 dot ol ueouiiful french oambrio mroila aijd while hiru aw bring made at nil factory now which will complete a stock big enough for a wholesale house he also does 3batoby sureviryorkdty a good hvaiud in making gentvdmaiing gowns liiimllou april 25 wh tholuauriauus80aid b ha8lett ttrcktui akkoiikcetothk citf- zknsef acton and vidnllv that lu ltmustoicntdluwaurw iitnilftif velt kelecjed ek of drycqods crocewes crockery classwari and that he isprepared la sell st tte most reisouable prices for c th srjd would reipecifully solicit a shale of their pttroaae 32 king rtreat east hamilton close to uughion street thomas c watkins hamilton oouktitv rnonicrtakix i xctuxg rememner lue seh store mill st- east acton b haslett aeton pee blhrtsti scon k bownes palatable castor oil u pcaurtd la t fom perfectly tjrtetic w cm- dtxnwamoiiktlailxfptrvxii laitsvunvdctuxa he fjrotxnici of tie oil ijut produce piin tnj grii jng u e elimuuf ed end c u f endcrtd noc onl j- nultf iifi pjcuint a u kuon wit tloluieir uatcicti ted paiaublc it fc prccmiaedtly 0i hatt lumv ut and ottkirfic laara id rttncdjr far coj tinca cototpatixi and il inccuuul dcnajuj mcctx it ft uncqtiilioi and k dotuiou 10 utc ttflj place of erode otl end tit druuc pdlt and purca iixkt f- laic by all dtmsjiu u ij ecntt a bow tk dont ui to tiy il 1 i new boot i shoe shop xt williams ttottld restectt- 1 kuhlsv lullnulp lo thf pooflr ai a ctou tctitl vtcltitli tlnt tie iit tnctrd a lwt i klimjripn the ituiiui lit njjuc v iikiorctulae wotfou mill rciett acton ajifaue la wblntofa iubtuttual ud ccxi liuiuc boqt or shoe slioartlnotfajllolcavetltclroriterattdsstaad acsiiriar tspjciiitr aaiirenjuy itcrdcd ts w wiujamb acton soft 11 1st only weekly agricultural papdr printed aitd pubushed in the dojiimox kow ix stsisecoxd voluke unparalleled success kewaad improved forca l fagr only ono dollar per sear fok31 ntjjiaers i i knnibers 1 monih s31 p15cs ayeir 335 colntnas for one dollar vroccd crxr to arricre itoclkjtae srt pairr rcct tie apairy hct it crcrjjac periatfng 10 a faro boji j osta dcx ifld la diat i ts wetklf coaaercul repccla and priies air fcraltiiir tle eiyoriiaary ceecm ljus paper taa net wiji i lata tiisot the reoeuaryof caaaia ciaria fie j test eeartujdt nrirajed la ix tnn qijaraj kicccaaaixoctieualsiitn auxreca5ociiarj pcscticil wtiters are ba- raceo r cocrtspjidcncc c a taioable naizre tppcartatcfcirfrosn its nuar subsibert la miri j soxiatatheustscdontitacolaailnaiatheviriat bas1f ue co pies free i prated 134 pakihei si lie wessai steaat print tchoaseecabuiicii tssjtr k b colcock proprieiae aalrea caxadrak farmer j ornrcr ii weuaad oat hassagawhya zixriatbbii fc shincujmills peter s a vers voatj intimate that lie ha on tiand at nilluln nafsaaatryt linucrly itdovi at cvrclu mills a lmetock of lumber lath and shtnql8 ofatllclnjt andualltles oheap vo i shingles 8130 per kqnare bill stuff cut to order tekliitoash f etfck hueus aetna ii 21 3 tf cores tlie llargost and most complete factory iailw domiaioa 140zl 00 higliest honors evpr awarded to any maker in the worlaj 5fmrdtii and diploma at cmlcnnlal szstmcdal and diphma at sydney australia ttftgatd meilal at preirineal ediiliutoit toronto- fffllijht4 aurard at industrial iutibltion toronto w 1877 i87 js79 hewspaper men editors ate seldom beard disinfsing the proprfety of taking summer vsca tidns nnd leaving their congregationf editors must preach every day editors must etay and stick it out editors cant move- their studios to the moun tains or breezy seaside editors must get their inspiration at the old desk the year roand the desk which looks out on a patch f brick wall ten feet opposite and an ironshatter news papers never close their pulpits wouldnt it be ridiculous to propose vacatinc a nownpiper pulpit for two or three months- during the warm season and lending the staff to europe or long branch to cine their bronchitis i eewapsper men are like cooks they most broil at tho furnace the year round keto york graphic said a little efcap- when lately put in the corner foe beinjr naughty- iwisliallrcoms were built round and then there would be no corners i the difference said the ccok between a child of royal birth and a yoittix lamb is that the rg- is tended in splendor and the other ia eplendidn tender 1ne llesasr- uoxttr seldom has the njerry diontb of may been bo morryittfhielatitude notwith- standing occasional chills partiou- iarly at night wi are faariog what may almost be termed summer weather and the whole country reveals ia a flood of sunshine bloom and verdure the casaaooraid croak- tngs of the chronic gru tablets to the contrary notvithstanding the evenings are delicious for the prom- enada orawingingon the front gate and one is so tempted to stay out and up that one goes to bed with reluctance to rise from insufficient ileep with disgust h ill -fok- groceries if yoc stant a coed and elican article in toiarbyson jaaa slictoraia- pwor snffars syrups spices and tobacco of all kinds fresh td stteex hard ware of all kimfe paintsaxd oils hinges and locks a na1ls glass puttr sale sc board stables i mf lu street acton is where you can get firstclass rigs- at reasonable bates good commeroial higr an errress delivery wagon will m et each express train and delirer goods to any partner the town all parlies indebted o this es tablishment are requested 10 pay up without further delay and tare costs ed mattievg prowieto attention attention 8alt cash by the barret all cheap for qo to- c t rxills mill street aotbn organs sewing machines genuine hnrners bazaar pnt- teriu fnjlflts only 35 cents fitnaw ajtd felt hats axd bokairra oora ovtk k all the atcst sltyles mrs h pa8s iiske3 to ik- fokjf tne ladles of acton and vlelndy toatauehas lalelr learnt llic kretjcbmcdqor cutfinir and pjulusr and s now prepared lo give even firoator satisfaction tlaa rormorly weddlnpand faaralfloweiflembalnej dresses aod nckcta cat nnd a perfectjflt eoaranierd ql a rensonatile price forbcyllshandcbeapnoisand bonaets stroo ft jnisk hpnss is si tieorgnsbquaret ctnel ft rcbt craine actow isficeparej to con on rorsoni roquinnr eltuer scwlnc mnclilnes or organs hehas agencies kh0u the best mniuht liners in lu cotntry and kill anamrtie sntlf cton to parchastnt tirmsyery vensej sili e ontrrs left at nls residence or addnsatdio lilin to acton plo will receive prompt attention i k crams are how mauufacturing- square aod upright ftta lr os best in the market correspondence solicited send for illustrated catalogue failed free address dominion organ piano company r b0wmanville7 ontario dlpepilal ver theqt ilrtxrs jsrtfr bhtutria- tlttn dropty iz dettrt fhitav bwousntiairvoiu dtbiiujttc theb9rte2uedy known ts han j 70000 iptrreniti soiii airot is jo 9000000 bottles tins syrxtp possesses varied properou h telmalare the prtyu la c h hn irfefefe ctrtm kesurek m4 mfr tbs too4 liaslea a dfteifter u pytyaiu tanei wlod and 9ori f lhi fo4 is ikm kwaarfc if ike mdlelbe 1 tatkra iwomdb mlt eotlaff the fermeassuimtk of food u prerot0d it tuta upoolie 7trer arte opo ibo kltfnrr i recniait ike bwou itpvrtflp ibcnid 1 1 qjcf bo rnrobs hjwum if prkmten thfxtln it nooriibr htrrtbeam mwa intljotni iccmrrie otrtbe 04 ptmd ndmakvbnf it pem tbe pom cf the ilua d imiucn ilsaubr ferspfnuioo- ztttentnuxea bo barlltary tatei or fdaon fnb uood wic cenermk scrofau litpclii nd to tbmboa of ion djetaei tnd inarmlhwaon tbew r no tplzlti eurpl erred in i nnimxicnm 906 jl caa b iaixa hj tbo caort dchcsta babe or by tbe ftot and feeble cart cbj tvjy rvjaired ia irmiifi t0 dirtctiu csics of la2s3 i0ttiss n4 rsica ob buntl somas- sad the voluntary testiisilonlals of persons who hiro been cure bythi um of the blood purifier cures erysipelas htroret wellington cfont can dtsa sia 1 was averely afflicied with erfiipelas for two years and a- abort risl ol your indian blood syroip efiectually cured tne mhs janet akdekson liver f omplalnt lit forelvellington co0nfcan daaimit i hare used jojir treat indian blood syrnp for lifet com- i plaint and hate receited preat benefit- therefrom i recommend ite use lo all similarly afsicled nelsoscaia disease of the ktomarb lit forest wolucgtoncojntcan- eaaa sta thiaa looerlily that jiur raluaute lotiinii ltlood syrnp cured me of cramp in the stomach la u r wk stewaet- 55 co beg to announce a tirand opening of every department special drives in new parasols iron 25cts and eillc umbrellas at cnslomary low jricoa we hare secured some rery cbeapand fashlonablelines of dres goods we show a choice se- leollon of bne uew millinery smiile oovkis as us usual are well assorted just reseired one gross more of these cheap tatsla napkins at 75 cents per doz linens hare so adranced that we cannot repeat them our felt hats are acknowledged the cheapest and newest styles erery gentleman tiled 10 call and drauiine uur cljllung department is ia full blast kobhy new tweeds ani cheap i wm stewart go- best hctlfclnc4bwtreter -baejk- i lf nyille korfolk qo ont j dask sia 1 hare used afreat many medicine but a better medicine than your indian blood syrnp cannot be made ll is the beat blood fairifiererer used peter wardel consumption i windham centerl dsaa srat 1 cannot end linauage to fully eipress the praise which in grail tude 1 would utter lor the benefits t hate leoetved irom your excellent indian blood sjrup jt has dona what doctors could not do or failed lodo i waa suffering with ccnsemption for is lon time heaty cough fain in chfi shoulder and back and your indian blood syrnp- has worked a perfect triracle 1 would recdmmtnet all togir it a trial wil cunslnuhami- dyspepsia aylmer elgin co ont sia i hare u led your remedy lor dyspepsia and recoriimer d it to all mkajohnfabthlno a valuable hediclte t i hare used year blood syrnp and foand it aonderfukand la bla mrs betsey kecfosp to farmers thos gqwdy 0 0 u manufactltrers of the -it- reaper and- gowdys celebrated gang plow also chilled jointer plows general purpose steel mould board plows mowers bakes panning mills turnip seed urills lawn mowers c give us a call tefore puronasjjng elfievhew j fbivs lo t tyebs j farmfirf to know that mhmpurdiadtht estate of ban couitt son and can fumuh part for and aim repair am im pimento twitfactured by tluit firm i j thosgowdyascco guelph6nfe i4 medicine aylmer tint splciadid remedy tor dyspepsia sirs 1 hare used yonr indian js blood syrnp and caused it to be used in sereral oases of uyspepaia and found it ti be a splendid remedy w w whitki- jjl aylmer ont round as recommended r sia 1 1 bve used your indian blood syrnp lorpjpetsiaand tound it to be as recommended jonn w gillet jipi aylmer cht o an agents testimony j i ajlmethit- sir i hare used and sold the indian 3 blood syrnp and find it the beat rem- edy in use ior dyspepsia and aa a blood purifier lswu buna sheninatlsm t sib lhave been troubled wshtiheu maliam for a great many yeara tour indiau blood syrnp ts the onlj toi- of many remedial thai djd meanygobd- m i recommend it lo all tin catb ctusjouc kenyon glengarry copnu dyspepsia and indigestion 4 kuiyour indian blood syrnp r has cured me of dyrpepaia andidlgetv lion it has also eflbctualljr coted myf wife ol same disease lmibtos jousv4j coatluim ont sols diauni ajonts in oaatda northrop lyman no 81 ffroat st- west toiaaw- alao ageotafor r mother hobirsheamnc 8yr6t i in englbdi disooer wliicb is 17 known a aalaable nd effeclie btoodr puri6er ibrongboui the world t- mea