m gtjq- v iieiisisj2gss if x m palluhod erery thursday morning 81 for annum in advance otau ft 03 sjvoss viurkiiay mrtrximu jcki st inu pi statistical an aiuetieac divine has bti mult- statistical cstimile of the power of christianity in the united stalee- as soinpurcj willi the liauoc lur hie ate lit figures ml clritttati deuoiuu nations givts ljutsi anwally tii ltiuj iui oiuigu miiods the amount spiiit in liquor i 5000000000 auiutalty tu oilier words the peopl of uit united states 6wnik tuuclt fur lnuir iu tlicj day as tiy do for lite salratiou of touts io on vcur a 7 h i tr a r f 1 iiv til i prtnca loopoid pcincs loojijij im shown lead kiuu in desiring thit lua yiut to america it us piivatas feasible if is health will nut pencit of tin fiii of cither rocviviujj or replying ta addreasev nuj hi liaie going limited bydipns in iitb rwvftioas ajd tire like howih u enabled tu brre a jrincli licrtwttiua lit the country and to examine institution more in- detail on oisiqn in which he may appeal- in public heaill b sure to nittt with a hearty welcome cur any russias grain proapoeta i rsiit future s gmingronius einnlrjr is uiteitnd tha nngli of the corn beetle tbronghoul the empire is something fearful the louses to the fstojers the prtseat season from tlese drttrnctire nsts being estimated at from if00f003 to 5000000 it is siid thatdeaex in american rrda me pivpying to take- ai vantage of tlts ctltmiiy upd calls aon the united satts ih pcdoubtedlj bo very heavy oicadian grain grower may possibly alwj becitlitj iuu to help meet the d fidencv ths fertile prairie isnda of sltnitjbithiih aradtatimd to be the fatiikrigtnary ofjthe wcid- stirjuld be ttkea lrer famwitti pain ture is fortune eireirnf all agricnl tttriats who are not afi aid to rough it iu the far west for a few yeara and iictexsed tmnngrtiioa may le looted f irnboiild thesoociy prediclions noted jtbgve jirore tne tha lai wii iluux v kllodliig to u fkunia tueiitr littlsi chujd from tenant to uwuor on lot vj 13 in the uc con audjolm and audww littles uaiuca aliuvlc off the uue peter uriuu u utbttetd lor part of w j of lit si in the 1st coll the amount of jolia uiieiijicnoul pivicrty wa truck et tha yjof lot t in lha 3rd s ahccavd to j heid if buitovi araeed fot a dog ths name of the lata juliu cvliihoaai jr wot tmck o0 tho aueasuieut of wj of lot i in ilia th onn chnngod from john ind jamei llurlch to duncan oaiupbell jr and tho former uaniea alruuk thore- fiom mio awasniant kotlbeiug cbiihrmid it waa moved ly mr uamafry aeconded by mr ilutchitou that the asaeanuient tloll aa anielided be aud ia hereby couliriuod and that the court do uoi- slow carried tim court tl 8 1 closod and council unit the keevrf iu the cluir th mill iloi of inst meeting were rend and eunsruied mr wlievlihin morrj fieeambd by jlr kutcheoii that iht sum of 150 bo paid to tjday for aaaineut uulls f i30 fur noicrs for luvitiug the list of voters flso for ciiilcitatu nciliis nud 75i fir votera liiu ami ihe further sum of fj to xfrasrs innes dxvidou for pathiuaitersuchedulai carried mr watson moved seeonded by jlr wheelilun that the suiuoff3f iks iwii to k xorrish fur one iheep killed bv dogs tiefng to thirds mine uf it ihe ckiiq having been duly ceilifkd ci tied mr menties moved wconited by jtr tfiitclivoo that thu itve and mr watson be a committee to ansair ieitaia quesiians pniauadl by thi ontario asricubuial commission to duly sign the stme and foraaid li ihi proiet aikhoftits lott mr tatson moved seconded bv mr wbeeihn that a special meeting of this council bo heiddu siturday the islh inst acd iu oausullation itb the clerk and assessor and others that may be pieatnt agree as to the urofjer answeis to be given to certain quesuonk propounded by the ontario agticul tuml commission carried the council then adjourned to meet again as ahave sltcgdir 20tu 5fav tnc council met again as per adjourn ment today mombert present iutts ramsey meniies hutchtou and wat sou the council with tha assessor and clerk and with sressra w w b ii and r aikini then prepared the answers to ib questions required by the agricultural commission and the clerk ordered to forward the same the minutes of istt meeiug was the- resd and contiimed and on motion the council adjourned to meet agiu at tl e call of the reeve j eisticcr03e tp clerk iiras coanell the village council net on tuesday eveniug last ic thecjuccil cuamtr etubera cil present and having tnkn aud sulucnbed to the oath txquinl b tbrtict organised as a court of r-vi- einu mr heiiutrytil rurve intht- chair ta fdlloxng pfcds were thrii ciauutird i h siitiiagnisst d kniyiy i- i at md too ua- cjuijiind iitinoin1n2 uprv r i 1 s ii ij iiiit ii own p p riy r ii atd 10 bih vciih nriuihhn h- ftery vtl- cti w- i iu bl mti by w hj sorjv s condid t d d ciir llit the thiucij ui j h siuiili u- cilti nurd cirricd mfil liv w h siotey escjnded ly s megarvin that be time fir itirkut ls iu txmidird ttil djis tftii lbt liis comicl uitt h a c kacoajaweya fame 7x3a oirr cyra torr oitfrit kasaajaweyi council mt as a crart of rovisionon uvdncidav laet particulars ill another column fiosprt division sous nf temper ancectiutmue3 to prcsat tlie aeekh meetings aie well attended rre is beading out and fal wheat ie ic the sboitinij leaf aaaenem thing tbf crop looks well tluoiiffhot thu towmhip the uuadows are also promiciug pctato bngb are on the scne a at-fc- in this ntighliorlioid tive he corited j2 ilgi on i uu hill on fiidav wnjf aao vuvxri o r ii u li- wa tl si t ii- tt tr t f llir f 1 fo d vd 5ti cth- 5 worl on to 3 1 if n jr g li hjitn 0j 1 l ti 1 c bobirt 0u 0 dtvi ccz rtbe sen ce it vr kiut ltxd sc riper ts it ci w rkr k ic fcftiiw in tbis section sllal fatiil cafc s limotlg coilsillil at r fent ll ciiultu it cfiiri nct on saludy st crwkw- to rply ti qiktilinnr xsked by the aicukiiral ciinniif ion con arning soil etc of the township key 2761 ifivrdv j d cjitisti seconded by css nhiihnt tblfiqauoj report b ublej clriwl jfired ijy x mcgarvib seconded hv w u stdiey that the ciwrbtau of slieeis t sdewalfce cuumiitee ad for tend- for puufc and scantling for tfuewalki lit tlie corpora tion- canied- council then adjourned cutnev tioa- talks ktwimt wht b- miild itcvf ilnl in birt lair cllusl iilh hlian btf li- tfu iu o i onii jii f i ti iini f xjirti 3 wh liiiklcwhis itfrtiiiifimiia clck iietlid si 1500- filii- r1 mm- initi ct ud up eintil s700u unit yet lonesi and 1 co iirerto cbtbl citzns me toiling awaj jfurci a day 570 the govern r geral and punc ss a li bad a n ttruw e-cak- front f j hujrihlh death during their jnn frnii oitawi to qitec last week the rcnlar i jpris bud laen siclied iff lire maiti hue to alluw the vicengal tmittta pass when ic was foitrd im- ikiible to dohi the switch back ffasjajawea oaanelt this coutich met pursuant to ait joarimiej t on wb iiy the 2flth jay ot all bo iiiimbent were prtut and havpig token and sub fccribed to the oath n quired by the act ortttiaj jus it coart t ekoa and appa tke dliuty ekvk in tie chair i tim arakfment boll wits then duly tx luiiiiextaii i kime clangea made there- is the fuilqwing asseixiunt of dags aasefeswitmiie foilnwiuf persons veie struck tin omrt beiitg satised j cvuly ilyuieyiiiiddctavlali tlioiaa fteudewoa ciutigivf to david hebdeisui rmi vpilliaui lcwrey ti gurib liwny ttie assesuuent of f h clarke on ical prjcriy was con fiiiud tbmjiib lfiiif of ihewiitliatf cf jut jo in the 6h con avnsniitrk off v iaiiccirtuiei and kwh 6 d wbeeiiikti the west half of tot i iu paris green i paris green forluratef tie engineer of the rpcciitl noticed tdd fr n it geslurea of out of heitraiti ntpnt in timo tn alacken iic fib as to avoid n collision tke c4t1ule- lesoxs ia eqaeeing an the 30th ult the wife of svm giijlkiijs esq ot ioa bi tbe3iit alt st vxi5 ivnde st erie fa us the wife of jimes i5rrcliy ee formerly of this rliise ic a daughter r thtxltxtt fucefjq itoype at the ilctliodat pr- siaaje ilickaod aa the 17 tu ult hf the kcv v fccanait kicholss fcorbc tj ezbeth iloorv bats of eramuu arststiioia i auc sua v7at he residcrce c the bride filler oa the lint alt uy the iter h heid mr jaciea aiaistroug hi iliw mtry a banghnian boiltoceriu hixvsgs ilcfascxke afc the netdeace cfthe lirides farttr oa the igth ult by tlfi ilev j v freeman geo harapsaoj judo tut bnt month of bummer hrti itrived ad will no doubt be welcomed himiloa of county council will appoir ncit vrcck lou multlicwi dow ioda fouafaiu it veil pitrouficd ltv you tried it fit t tlmaaufl boy is looking forward la dominion day with greit ddlfht otuia ili a holiday h tnko a look it yoar goourry baihet tad ie if thty dont od libortl aiplicatioa of hcllcbor those wlcgo to the grwd river oa fulling excurttoai uy they ret t ay auioual of bitei tnojudoe ifyoawaut moweiif rcapere dr iotta ttke cill oa ui sfyder acton he cm givo yon fiat yptt requictf it lur eipeuraenl prove that there fe no food for cowi ia well catcultd o pro duce gtldcdxtd butter u ted clatcr ia bloout y 12 ynrds urxw goods far 100 kew goodf tad jcul iu tcuou at chrulic ilcodewau t i acujo vchern yutt get the aatouc 50 ccut ta hnuoa couuty council granted 30q to tho wth iiftuliion at iu laat rat- intr on tuesday latt tlc maaoy ic to be qtcd for tue pcrcha of forage cap for the caulliua grey ind while cottant dnew dcnirat sliiftinc ic at tlie old iriec ihcto goods were bouut iat ucceiubcr aad beld over to enable its la fcivc i i xzius fiurini- tho du jjyc chrutic lieu denou l co mr jjtm armstrong one cf the umcst residcuta of liaelph who wju iu iii aiuil hfuth icd ste hcirty luxitfut oa ilondxy uaraip died saddenly at uoou frocaarilocapoplecy rtte orangemen of acton and itoc l wood ill ule part m tbe ennd dctnomtatiuu at hamilton oa the coming i2tb of jialy it u erpectt tticw will be frum j0xx ta jjocm ul the prociou ecjual to telecraphr- ft it not so miay yeatt ago when tctecrtiuy irjta looked uja muchinjora ant tirar jtone a vikcnr we sl i noc no 1 raiae r mo v ettv tjr pa fiait rcoaliei ic uti it tliorll mi 1 1 oe mido iain o lie trt bat uexv tcma a fcawae l ii i elr tilaufale cvroil l r ofrif p oli willed nmfu1 meaici e wimoi rqtitl to tint o pce at- lir ruuotfjie naiicbc ittir ororrchrikt vuny u t sou tl io cdti utic trke rjccuk aeon is to itare tlrwtt lamnt acd to the thine goe on all the little vil lage about ct are patting oa heift of ityle ind mil to a ttiadc oat iu the tbxde tweaty year lieliiid ibet stvrt ye perhijis weare iiioill viile bata the xetrt admitr we caa and da go aliexd of the cocnty tona and cua bottt of icttcrstreelr tidewalkf street imps moe idyal cclcbra- tionsa bctcrpjtruaized newtpiptr uotaijd be sfad of coairidiciioa either list weefc there tiireared in the fitle tulis ataong other jdrertikracat two notice bocft offciing rcwatd oue fur the recovery of a luti wcket uiofc and tbc other for lafuruutioa whiclt would icid u the recovery of a loat faoaud- bcxrcelr had the iwuc been placed ia tc htnd vf or rcidert ere the pocket uwlc rotored ad a day or io later the dvz w rctaraed both btiu rfearered thioah the median uf tlc fidciiitcuiiw thu jjjuiy ihuwi the pucer ot ptule ic- give c trumji ft itnttfnl of foat sni he siii toae yua ta eit tppy mara- tkx ikdpnwl aad javfully waadcroa xautjjtccl ktttrrjirlt liiitt tooth iu hed be more likely to gam lack after inure trctrnriei iidz ic yott chew lt blui cuuete iiitntcf with tbe mex odioa d of ibu buciuaw ou the wood pile and ic wont an yoa for aiy inne free luocli lvtlfjtz 6rirtl yet ore liita pide sj let hiia tcra cp the to aad let ctsee bar xi3 be wii ct bcxten ecatcdr for hard times sjip fpcndfng ta mveh on 5no clo uts rca ioolnndttyla buy gnod hetlthy uilj cheaper kil better ciotuing get moe tv ii and tuljcintwt thing of life ewr ky and epciilly atop tbff tool- in ii iiujii of i uniting lifter ejcpcomre atxi iic i doctor or utrc so much of the vjifl huuiuug rrdic netfaitdoesyoa oaly ik ttmt mkc tjeptopnetam rich but put jour truft in tlie gteatest of all inp pure rml e hop liuter tuat cuiei twiyant a tnfl cofet utid you wlt tee letter t met u i good lieilia ly it ouce uaad af it m another coluojil ffrroj- co an let an iter ve tip the following from he iloaroe mch democrat aud wc arc pleiied to ber of pipers of tuch inflaeace iu art circles m the practical plwtjraphtr ive aa high a recommendation to mr hill a former reiident ani ia fact a native of this towir and thia add another to the long list of persona who have rone oat from cmrmidit and have placed lhcmerw ou the teftnoat runffs of the ladder fa lmot everyprcfemioa andttide boih ia canada and the united state the item ia fa fal lows the st loaic pcattiuipjiooqraph tr of may aa art joaraal in speaking cdi- tonally of the art ability of jlr hill of tbifi city saya we have received the last month from j g ifilla atndio monroe mick a variety nf cabinet pictures which show that mr hill tlqderuada liiabusines voak ercelleut rctoachint fine the lighting of tbe subject which we hear so ranch about is sapenor rucn work should brin plenty of trde aud we hope oar friend is tcpt u busy as be deerv to be for producing such excellent artutical work johk hogg the wide awake merchants a if- g- tjeitl mm isi special offering of our whole stock of dee sb gr- oop s 1 comprising many of the newest and most fashionable textures together with all the standard makes which are represented in every fashionable shade colored lustrb j bkfoii oule prices i4 t to f4 striped sumxier silks w ulack silks 10 eta fc 121 eta i all wool det3ie0e i2j ctt 4 15 cu j beige camille and tome of lu finet goxi nrocuhblfl in french if mlini buntina and drena goodi 20 ctt 25 eta ij y- i i to siuakirih lcaiia mclarlane botli ot waaxte litojxeiims attho residence oetha brulaa falir no tbe12lhat ijy tbehcv j v freeman iiattljew war ner ot uraraoi ui xirrji jaur emeat dncliter cl e iiicssrdtoii kui kicfc- koad the ceivfc ovrirray at hid nrtou nu tfce 22uaa mr tdaaias orcrtou lata- of tufh rdiac aaed 71 ycirr actolileftl wbitewhsat 1 15 to i cs readirell i 15 to i 16 suringwhcat glafgow iis to iis kadcitaff 1 13 to 1 15 oati 0 32 to 0 u peas q 60 to 0 65 barlay 0 55 to 0 60 eg par ioz 0 09 to 0 10 batter dairy picbxf 0 10 to oil butter rnlu 0 10 to 0 ii pdtatoea iwr bag 0 30 to 0 35 appke par bag 0 to i 25 shccptkhb n 50 to 0 75 hide pircirt 6 50 to 7 00 wood por loai j 3 60 to 4 00 ifayjicrton 7 00 to 8 00 gfrtw per load fl 00 to 4 00 paris green- i o w j- h fh 40 eta 60 cu to 5ctt silks millinery gorrect styles i o coloreds1lk8 75 cti-8pcial-l- 2 hbavv colored giogwis 85 eta h new lqw prices v byebt ebk we ojpjt ottt hats vn d bonnets in the latest new york shades and always keep over 100 trimmed ik hats and bonnets for our patrons to select from all through our w stock may be found some of the finest materials in western can- r ada and every lady may depend upon getting a reliable article from us aw mm thai rtii tha q roatest remedy- ever duccryered qnlot loonllri ihetrrt rtn fcaotf oat fotlatff tl ial u pr tu iii fiouctqf uh c k v nistutir uf oii cimwtcivu to cqraf roo urcr ol aa a uier sihl a ii r ofliie itr ucu trmr on nnl l lliutna i- re bu tli u u n t iiplfrf ij j t re a-uropcope- l- iti ttair cwia of rawtwiutproli tlfccijtcau it cri6ly nt caaifsn- ccaio wic i ufflyppjio phlruaaabdaaa 11 upbao4 vaa- lie lemctljeverulcotewl jyotice to ttttspajseus kotice a fctreliy rirea tbat aoy penooj or pcoa tound trtapaasine oa my prmi iiy either tubing or sluctiaj tlu be prce- catrd ccntilii to uvr 37tt 1 de e morko j p wouuev tklctlcil hkdrissek u prepared locicctuc aajiliiaj ia hia ii ae ia tb bcac pouibie cauaer aud ia lie atettityle hoatklr cqatwatcra ft tjeial ratoi a call ia iolicited i j p woitpek -uqan- sbw orglh from rstclaa canadian maker for aic- saitablo for tte home stualaysehool small ciinrcli wa vrillaelltliaabairoirirj- low for cash for fall particauaa apply b o p ilooee 1kjj faaaa orrtcr actonfeb 11 1s80 t kxueks fdii lcublk- tcnderatill lia rcciited by the aacer- tixned until the ikli initfoc tha aapply of piaeflauk aad cdar scantling for olir- poratioa work the lambec muit be louud x jicoarvuf chiirmaa street t sideiralk cim taok sile or exchange x tt a barcala a fcooil tingle kjaarelkit bacry ambit nca- will be sold cbcp farcaib or cicbante for kia wood or good baaswood logt to be detivered neit innter at tbomilla apply to 1 cowdy t u00re may ish i8800t limeaooio a lex f smith aasxtroatirkkabt rtrarrnamowpn ntnf kciac ttirestilna stachlncn- jtjnnfolacliiei fad vib null hnrirt tooth nrticnlei at kufc ho a rj-lc- cunal fannlaa m1u me etorkte- ftitrcr seed mlit acjail warraaiedlodicooo ortc every time or no ale lermireaoaabe alexf8uith m apjournep ootutofretoiojii tha court of revision for the m nnio pality of tha village of aoton will hold its aaoond fitting forheaxmg fnd determining appeals against the assess ment o 1880 ia matthews hallj aoton monday the 21st june i80 at eight oolooi pm all appeals against aisesamenta must be filed in ray toffico on or before friday jimo uth1880 j e mcgabvtk tillage qork clerks office mar i fl0 always on hand liittji vvht idisiajii ijl for the wexr two xorrss stoves at dost i at h ay i l s at the post office store xcton choice butter cheese lard j smoked meats canned goods dairy 8alt in bags and gekeealfamily groceeies i at0 builder and house furnishing hardware paints oils and j- wjindow glass naiiaallfligefl from sets npwnrdg j0hm mclatiajt ing tvrtsia t- suitiligs j coating trouserings ia ail the latest palterna and oolorn par materia and made op in ths lauat styles at low prices also i large and select slock of or 1st ts fubitiskiltgs colipririu tuu ii tea of dress hiruand shirting of all ijindt eterj norelty in ties collars bracescottoa ttaderclotliiiig braces silk linen and amhrio haadkerchiefe christies celebrated- london hats at the east end clothing store i p h lt scotts emulsion pure cod t oil hypophosphites of lime ahdsoda eeabbalb tro bat renedin cm dkcorend fcc oaanipuarm mla rhamtum ud pimm ott l otm mclmc dlaaauwa of ckudram itaoceolyomatiastlmvdlaaevandlitraw dmfsstiaotiii rbluniillia tad dbuw rfoi l baitr tadall wkaclmat dtaaauwa of cliuilram ltaoceoijoma9iasthvdl r csuimdtlmxlofcodutcroanaionsthuk perfecuy cmek and ta dtbcrt tlrd ih rr fiwni ed rvtfh it tarfrstty tjrwim nruoui nnvcnplrf acxbtmamb tot nwr wprwttnbmrftttsbtimdfcoditdt ltfaetcdy but such man rttf mtajhadby thtrrutm thu pbfa cod urtrodmdabctmrtcaiimaiicblnc partfriafdicuil7th wtkejlhtlhrotl i hartotiimmircdlteetind riri ttronh ind ttpr to the wboie body tbtwcacir ocipoik aehreudttit m m t aa bean ui uk far sjoosfi kamlalosu for ola ky an d gsatlubpstctas new furniture store xobnsr ttjb1teej wishes to intimate to the citiiteui of acton and surrbodding country that he hm opened out a complete i stock of fubmttjre uf erery description and is prepared to sell at tbe terj loneat prices lor cuh parties requiring any arucle not iu stock can be supplied on shortest pssaible notice 1 i asm also prepared to erect on short notiee- monmonts and headstones c of the best quality nd ia any design required at k prices i v in addition to the above 1 am prepared xo do all kinds of euildiitg flasxeeins c contracta made and job wotk exeonted at reasonable prices a call solicited john turner- corner mm main sts actotij 1 i 1 fresh and good at j b mcg-arvins- drug stotei i wlgsemmit