ww nwsmwwwpi rr v fc t s ret cm v neflt i a all lktu can lured fltf i out fcfts del iter oot in iiss nibre lord ipsla vdtaa i to le and tdlan idling cdtan it renj- 1 linen jyoob rgoo4 soli syrm htlige- v led nr lis well jbjpjli lt published evjsrt taur3dar horsing rs pjmooee mttor proprietor laxvbm pku fbiss socsjs kexlooorlo uettradltt chnrclt jfib srra adoit qui tsair tha fail pxioi will bo sent a subscribers postage pail for tloo per au- unm in advaaoc ilsq if not m paid ko pager diaoontuiaod till all arrears are paid inept at the option of the publisher auvsattstxe iuia casual advertise ments 4 cents per line for the tint inscr- ion and cents per line for each stec- quant insertion cash professional cards 10 usee or leu hofl per annum 1 square 11 lises ijou per annum parable lag raontht from date of insertion anyspecial kotioe the object of which is to promoui the pcatuiiary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the nomltjr cf lines reckoned by the space ooenpied measared by a scale of olid nonpareil cwttbact bultcs oas eotrtma one rear t4a0 halceolamu one year 830 qaartereolanraone year ioi oaeeolamauxaiouuic 500 islfeolaraasirwoauis 9303 tiniricrealunuislrraonths u ai oieeolaatn three mctmts 23io halfcolamn thremonths tiui quarter column three months 70 1 advertisements without rieelne directions will bnrtadutljll and chtrgydaeeanl tatty translkr dvcxitmeuu mutt be paid in advanee chance for contract adverluemenis must be in lueorave oysa moa jdcjaysotlier- rlse chej- wut be icrl over ul the ouaxlnr h p moose k jllor 4 proprietor r eet this fltrctlkaittu w sewprt ad- vrttamc bazma rax spivce btl h dtmlxlitc eoatractsaiarbeiiiiidetucltuc kew vokk- bvstxsss bissctar j n lowry it b if c p s v t gradnate of trinity college itein- ber of college of physicians and snrgeons office and residence sx the head of fred- vj- stcgirviv ii d if a p s- ix 2iajlase of tlctoha college eost- dence comer of hill and frederick streets consultation daily from s to iq a- m and x te fi nm spereyoel ohx davis pro- vrsctil land 8 arvcyor civil kngineer acidratt5htsmaaof guelph is prepared t attend to all stirrers in acton and vicin ity orders left at i e ucgarvins drag store aefcin wih be promptly attended to ctvrds bihheads and circalirs of every description eiecafed neatly at the acton firx panss office the best local paper of kaltoaco- jd sfathesok attorser-at- a li solicitor in chancery tc oece nrr door to wiifes ilazd r- 4 listerst- cfrrt baeeister quebec street gaslpii i cuech mce in bauiieiri boitlac biu kreec lelaa storro ece lvul famixig tf fisher y s- georgetowk a ont will visit acton every wednes day and will attend to ell calls pertaining to his profession 0 rdrs left at ilcgarvins drag store will receive prompt attention terms moderate t j fisher ttjit heitsteeet licensed uctiorker for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fnrx pures office acton or at my residence m dockwood will be promptly attended to terms reasonable patekts foe istest1qss expe- mocsir and ncoperly- secured in can ada the united states and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge send far printed instruetians agency u operation ten years heket grist ottiwa coasda rvtiwtti1 ngrwrtng schfftors of pa- hl i l i dosaxsioshdreiactok eobt agnew proprksor the new hotel is fitted up in firstlasa style with new femi- tore commercial travellers will find good afieomrnodaiion and conamodioas sample booma special attehtvn paidto the wants of the travelling public bar supplied with the best of riqnors and cigars bood stabl ing and attentive hostlers tj otad exghahge hotel acior xvjascambepropriefcor kr carnj- b woof the eossin house near gtli station takes pleasure in annonacing to hie many old frienda and patrons that he has recently purchased and refitted the royal exchange in the neatest and most comfort able stylcand is prepared to ryrnmoov all who may far or rmrr in the- most com fortable manner choice wines lfqnori cigars and cool summer drinks always in stock stable in charge of ah attentive hostler the patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited and no efieit will be soared to give the verr best attentioa- rxash for sktks lam prepared to pay the highest cash price for hides calfskins deacons lamb and sheep skins delivered at my tannery lade leath constantly on handi jalfes moore actot terms 100 in advtnet tlie acimwjwr a ifap of dwj life u fluduatiorit and tit vuit coieernt volume yv no 50 a0ton ont thursday june 10 l- 160 if notap paid 1880 whole no 260 we must bata srtsad so ur ireuali peer and jo u 7t b e nicklin biktrs coxfectioxers coekkr ilus i utlr stukpre acrof beg to intimate that they are prepared to supply the village and surrounding country with vejy bt3t of bread bcxs cakes p1strt akd ocnfeotionery bread delivered flour feed store i law son bros wtmlitrrpectfuu inform ike people of artaun4vctulirluauhcrlveuptin- ualb0 ptiiim oipolie dr ixc- airvlai residence v vtliilc uianldng thoso nrho hire ivrol cs cith their pitruaage ia the past we solicit a6anticuiaco o the lame acd wil welcome niw caatoiners- ice cream parlor we have now opened our ice catnc pinum and will always be prepared to supply iiure ice cram fruit drinks fruit c ice cream sapplial by the quart if dtsired a cll solicited r bfc e kicklik aclon itj- 6th isffl flour and feed store acd ul lcep eonstaql ijoa band a fall slock oc flock of ill likds tndadink fimily flour buckwheat flour uraham flour meals com ileal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse rjhorts j fine khorley t i chopped peas chopped oats hired cbopf jau ami peaa and ad kinds of feed usually kept in a hrstclass stare pqsfsr the dressed turkey 0n of the pariili lout oua inorti j a farmer kind aud abic a nice fat turkey raiiad on corn to grco thu liataraubte- the fanneri ltd aat with ihc fowl aad thai addresicd the paatur i3iaine mc if iaiut tired 1 here ia a gobbler fwut aiy oiaatrcr tbo paator wstl thou ahoaldafc not thas prweut the fowl to tuo locnc 1 take my cbair and fortrao acti aud i will act for llioc thprcacucc chair received thd boy tjw fowl the plwuir ujok wcntoat with it mil thca came in plcaaatt smile aid look and la thi yoaaj mn prvkm he iid pearrir my honored tsaalcr preseuu this tarkey aud i i test kcijccu to yod his piatafj good am tin bov your tnakr u a keatleraan aad fchalar mv thaaki to him audforyatiriif licre ia half a dollar the paator felt around his raoath a most peculiar twitching aud to the gnbler hold tug iwt he bolted for the kitchen he txtc the tcrtay to the cook and came back in a minute theu took he yaaugtters haud and left 1uix a dollar iuit the tsaveulers lipeaai accident ins co of uartrord oaa write- everylllne eltvljle in tlie vnsqi lacckiid accident iauruee stslst soexrltr tttiusitisael ample drnoait mtde vlth the ttmlnlon aaverracnt lor uie security or canadian follcy xjoutrs paid npcalt capital 60otoj 00 gross assets t79ss77tt tobu lifailttie i5ii7ms7 hurpus to policy holders 1s5 w337 jaues atjlltilerts agent acwa int ifxf coort jdicaxd o ay vart of ike cillaije jt uoyt us onlerrd 55x call u mindfully loliclied lawson bros acton jan i5lss3l dominion boot shoe store kekheysoit iiait stpftft actqx would intlrate to the peuiita or acton and 8li0e of bread butter and burrx uduic c muy lhat tiiy are now rccelviuctliefrit oc cakada loak bjuiktifc compakt odesee of jajccs akd vtsc sts tt a lyritztoisr- siz 2t cant iatct s1 oatca- jodts of 1 ml upvords sjfet axd best security board of direotors d b crrisitock e q pretjent vrxkehjse jotxu ttadleica ear- unton virfpreiwc nu j w kosickcir u u hamll aa hcatt mcitkat esq liatnutdo taickasiilasrcltaenfqxciaaa oil jicx laxd usrxoq noirr ucjrtras k amlitoa- kk cat naut tli ottfcrlle wjckrtcas si it-georceiowii- hkoktltiy md c b sxow evq rjfaiiacer cotton mills daalis sloan if co loan oa real etalz lit ttteut to wit bvrrvuxre aud o fay eritu jtarofs e open ever weefceay from s mfi5om w i j c afift iwr igo jtut ufure slm turued her 00 w3 aucl silwe3 tmighuufjfliiddovd bnck on he tcitcheti to sulk to the garret after wuleiiwia befnan loeonilatofaji cwartment supariorla uitariil quuitr tti st7ic of kaiufwcurfl to any ttocfc nntorare roceireoi inacioa everything sold cheap for oash d auff u is7s dextett manatrcr 76tu custom work repairing in oar custom and keiiiiriag oeprt- meat we are prepared to execute all orders entrusted to us in a most satis factory manner kothing but the best material used in too shop a call- solicited eenaey soa aclon march tth isiso dontliydorotliy waldo feerearn- ed miss loriuda cross croa by name and cross by nature the children yen and many of the growiiups of the netutiorbood diri uwrj u she pounced the liia loaf of bread which the imd taken from the oven and put into the big stone crock only hall au that idle jiussy mohjfcpffl jo iid u allwork wlio imd txeti twice na loug as alie aught o have been making- the beds there i said the linga loaf i should have said hall the huge loaf f r only that prukiitiuu of the newly baked bread remained durolhy wal do oo agidri scream an iiro7iug smile or iriudly word much lets aloviug kiu evep to the geiido winaing child loriuda oroas remained a bold sern woman but durulliy god ifut her i was so suuuy id disposition that the stern ways and datfc face of bur mint could not cbud her young life aud thouli shut out fiotn tliut iaflttibie womans hiiartbhe found the doors of all oilier heartu ide open to hr the dogs the oats the hens the chickens the horses the cows tlie cat rex the very gese re garded her with adoration the farm luborers blessed her pretty face when ever she otiue anion them and asfqr jdolly- poorj hardworktd molly i she jjiave would have kissed he ground the little feet irod ui in- jvhat wonder then that dan howell th young surveyor who liyed hlf a mile away ill the old stoue cottage and whom she had known from the very first day of her arrival in femville when lie a tall brightfaced boy ot 15 yanking her souls gate and stiiijf ihe sad looking ilitle gill in her blsck dtess standing by it silently offered het the irettest wrjite rabbit she eer saw a rabbit he had been conning liner crown or a month pail to sell him 4tud which uuff he parted with without another thought at sight of those lovely tearful eyes and that sweet wistful acrjwlial wonder i suy that he thought lot ber by day acd dream ed of her by nigltr j but go buck dorothy came amiliug- intu the kitclienhcr lios and jliwks as red as the cutrxnta she carrmd bat the smile fuded away when sho met her aunts irate gai- j did yod cut this loaf and then leave it lerejin tbis hot room lb dry to a chipt deuauded miss cross uud then she added emphatically without waiting fcr an answer but of course you did no one else woulil have dared to do it aud how daro you knowing that i never allow bread to bo cut in my house until it is at least a day old i j am very sorry aunt began dolly bat le looked bo uancjt l i he screamed her aunt regarding her with a look of horror yoa gave it away then and to a he j a tramp lve no dcuut who will come bach some night rob the house and murder us all j please ojint entreated the young jjirl diit twso angrr hewasnt a tianii no tudetd he wasnt hat a handsome young lellow with longgold- tn hair i j j a wi anarld llisa crosaj c the moat beautiful blue eyes dully went n i ever saw imall mf life aud he wasnt ueur thehoiise ihe ihieves and iromps who happen to 0wuo slull oh 1 exolatraed her niece h looked- like a prince a prince i with a gnort of corn your bead is turned by that trashy poetry yuu read iprinoel a likely story iu shabby clothes and nibbling a criitl a disgmsell liuglur in my upiaiou but burglar or no burglar ihe ciuliuued it tnusl be- confessed wih some irrelef ency you shall nevei maity a man who haant a dollar t call his own with my cousent and it ever yoa marry without uiy consent you make a liar of your mother in hei ed ilisa cr- i an ascending sqie he didnt tuk for auyihiug oh with an ominous tremolo oo tha utdo listen aujit while i- tell you about it i was on my kneca in the th jnckiug uji some currants i tad let fall stoves stoves cheap robt creech si lakee acton out at hills pceirps ftjmp8- ptj1ips w e adams mannfactnrer at superior well and cistern romps whichwill he pat in oi short notice- bepainag pramp done fttmitnte made and repair charges moderate- also saws ka and set dive nima-call- shop on frederick street opposite dr lowrys residence w e adams w hey to lojls 1500 to iosaon fintfcisfarmsecaritf at a reasonable rate of interest apply to h p m00ee at fazapasss office acton a kcoibaill klddell tx jcatcenwx for sewui machine and general repairs try tiff georgetown novelty wbrka aectteiddfxlv jttt main 8t tieorgetown quakles caheuoa liain st acton agent for thebeii organ mannfactnred fexart w beu o gnelph orders left al his fesidence will recsive prompt at tention for particnlari see adv on other daraivahioi trial chas cameron dec 10 7utm 5000 customers wanted this week if the cyxtsa7 boot shoe store toctcayfiutbcttee sqqfs xb smqes j j axd germrrrekbasaxxxs in acton tilin to go away frnrn horae inaae your purcbaaes call at orailtfiisoirs wmivewiismme axb cqlqbixb a large sxlcf all lucl of stoves jul noutxdmanujatlwtd of lie bat quality of iron thiiktifinuhaadumoi kandiom stove ia lit marhd cook stoves of ail tizix at ike txrjf louxtt price a vxll telced stock of always ox uaxd satsraotosnra oaueheb woas ass sphoiaities andmllbeaxeuttdanthtiliorlcslnotia gojlft oil a good ttoct oj inferior quality cfteap ooms aot ssstortotosbtyes september ism j hlt new butcher shop a3d a ivrbodg woald intlmala to the people of aclon that be has purchased the bmcherbuslnessipiolv carrifdou by mr r blory and hat lie has always on band afirsuelaas slock ot bkef pork mutt0msac8aae fish 4odcf and bores by strict attention lo batlness to secure a fair snare or the patronage or the jpnbllo he at delivered at any time to any i part at the town orated j adam cook wm elsow 88 wm btbtisobt crewbons oornbrs is prepared lo do all kinds of wnitewasnivg colobing on the shortest notlee and at reasonable rates artaveyouroedbbsattheybbepbeas rtffloc actn note tes aunt replied t sweet fresh ycung voice and a pretty young utrl ciuiu in from the garden with a batket of cherryred cutmuis itifcer handv a tiny thing she was with round dimpled rosy fice innocent clildiike blue grey eyes aud ftr hair some short tresses of which had escaped from the braid into which they had been bound and were making a delightful use of iheir freedom by- cuhragintire most charming manner about the low frank brow and little pitik tipped ears about sweet sixteen a stranger would have pronounced her but dolly as her youtldul companions much to the disgust of her aunt lirinda balled or was older thin hat by a rear aud a half aa orphan at ihe age of 12 she had been left to tie care of the only relative sho knew her moiliers eldest sister a woman hand in speech and nunmrs and anything hot sofc in heart tuia maiden lady soured irrerocably uu her twentyfourth birthday which should have also been her weddiug day but at the very moment sho was fastening the otauge iu her hair had come the news that her betrothed had eloped with the giilfiitnd she had chosen fol der bridemaid lorinda tore tha bridal wreath into fragments and scattered it to winds never mentioned the false pair fioat that hoar banisicd fur ever all the womanly grace aud tenderness she hud eyer possessed truth to telt she had never possessed much and became the hardest worker oc her sex that ever worked on a farm tn a mans boois coat and lint early and late hot or did et or dry with set mouth lowering brow and silent lips she ioild aide by side with her sturdy old father until the day htf wus stiuck down by the pitiless sun and del a lew hours afhjr died j ust iii little to be saved tlm paug o hearing ihat his youiigest and favoiite daughter wth lying at tlie point of death widow ed and friendless in a far sway city liknila buried her father if she wat for him none taw her promoted a man why had hoen long in his eruploy ment to thu position she used herself to occupy and- bturted for her sisters bedside when she retuined lo frrn ville again she brpughl dear little fair- haired soft eyed dorothy with her and some of her neigh boit fancied thst bines that tinie the bad been a shale has stem j but if she imd been it was so slight a shade that it was almost impossible to perceive it true she did leso catdoor workapd devoted part of the time thus savedto teaching her nieea to eew snd cook aiidjclniin and other like accomplishments but never were the lessons accompanied by slight tenden when i saw him thiough ihojhola in the hedge brownies calf made the other day coming sfjuly up the lane if vou had been looking aj what yon were doing joti wouldnt have seen liiui sud her grim listener he didnt see me tf touree said dolly or t khuuldnc have looked at lnm so mlen and oh aant lir- tnda it was juiit like lookingfal a uic- trre 1 stuff said mescto4 he wat so handsome and so dusty acd so 8huhbr poor fellow and he sat down under the old tree i took a crust of bread out cf his pocket and always aie said dan bat think began to rat sa thorgh he was very lt m y f i hare the very hungry rawentto ar heatt ond rabiiithf said her aunt i can wait dan yea with mischievous little laugh i can wait aunt i have told you again and agiiuaaid dorothy firmly but guntly thai lliever would i hate npi for gotuii my mothers last comnianda then dout be eucuuragiog that daniel howell toineot you every tack aud turn aud if you must soon one to walk home from church ith you i can 4jo and come by myself tliunk liearen theres abner brown and he has a thousand dollars iu the bank liutaart ive kaowa dan so long and he is away so much that when he is at upmn i feel asthough i mean 1 wouldnt like to hurt liia feelings balrflortedj the grim maiden men have no feelings and as for kuuwing itina long time i think you hive kiiown him long enough but if he had the thousand dollars instead of abner bi own t questioned dully with more spirit than she bad yet shown i that would be in his favor certainy but he hasnt and never- will have with that old father and mother de- pending uton him ja thousand dollars indeed where would he get itt tin- sooner you forget daniel howell and the sooner daniel howell putsjou oul of his head he better tlieres no need for you to talk so loud aunt said the little girl indig nantly and then jstartled by ihi look of malicious triumph oa her aunls face durochy loiki atoand jnirt in titu to receive a farewell bow from daniel howell as he turned from the door he heard me said miss cross im glad he did twill save trouble oh aunt lirinda how can you be ao cruel f said poor dully bursting into tears a year and a half passed away during whici owing to his fitqaent absencea und lorindaa watchful care doily and her lover had met but three or four times 5 it hard said the youngman on the last of these occas ions to know thtt i cannot ask your aunt for your hand because i have nut a thousand dullarsof inyowu when i know lhat there is plenty of room and love and everything for you atthe old stone cotiage ol dolly if you would bat brave ber anger how gladly id uiaka you my wife this iuomeutl dan intennpted the girl wilh dtwy eyes it isnt her angr though i feel thai it would bo roost ungrateful in me to provoke it iut the promise my mother made for uie ou her death bed and if it hid not been for that promise dan you must remember j abouidrttava tninvramite7oratr orphan asylum and we would never have mev adding the sunshine com ing back again dont you see how much worse thingr could wave been v yoa ate right my dailing as yoa until i am as old aa aunt lorinda and i got np softly acd run into the house arid cut a slice i a slice i lareal grief 1 indirrapted f alehi aunt lorinda a piece big enough ter ula r and kh swei fur the breakfast of a whole family and i buttered iu you buttered ill yes aunt i only to ik- th butter that was lefcin the riah half a pound tan go jwi hout butter for a week aud i tau out agan and into the lane as fast us i could continued dorothy apparently und smayed by this threat forfear i might lrjae cour age r and stojpingsuddeuly before him i put the bread in his halid and said i am so soiry for you aid tnrnedto run array when he seized my hand aud kissed itjmiss lorinda cross be- cime tigid as marble and iaidj these are the first kiau words ilve heard since i oama to this beastly iountry tell me your name little one dor othy waldo taid h djrothy jwaldo he repeated isliall never forget it and he raised his hat and went away dear uuut had you been in my place would yuu uot hare done as i didt 1 1 cried jannt l iriiidi i carry mealj to strange men on the public lips and now goodbye i am going away again to morrow to be gone i caunol tell yoit howloug oi dolly heaven speed the time when a little wife shall lie waiting with the old father aud uiatlier at thu stoue cousge lo welcomeme h6raej si e raised herself on tiptoe clasped his face between her two liny hands gazed into hi eyes with a wealth of leudrnesa in her own and said who knowl good fortune mny at thia very mouieut be on its way lo us and the very next day january 3rd isisu as dorothy wuh a crimson shawl thrown loverher head was out iu the garden scattering crumbs ou the siinw for the sparrows she heard the jingle of sleighjbell and farmer bern cams down tha lane with a sled load pf wood moiriin miss djrothy lie called as he reined up at the back gate hares a letter for you thoy thought it might be important at the ifbcr and so knowin how keerful i be and that i was cotnin this way they tuked me to fetch it to you anij the old fiighwav i tut a foreigner who tolled j man tossed- the letter over tie hedge my country ja beusily counuy kiss into the gills oatstretched haids and faiy hand no indeed he never would i ami nff diove oft a letterforjme 1 said dolly in tones of the greatest amazement why j never received litter before in all my life then ishe turned it about and inspected it furiously the envelope was common large yellow one and bore the printed address of a law firm yoiiv wasted said her fnbxiiiln rela- in an adjoining city aa well aa her own live ia pretty wife youd bo for a addiess written in a plaia legal hand ma iiisnt a dollar tocillhis who can have kissed ny hand peihaja not- said dolly with a momentary twinkle in her eyes aud then she added pleadingly hut dont be arfgry any longer aunt ill make anitapr loaf of bread right away bjit that wont bring back what own giving iway iteadpy thehoaf and tmj and 1 hen opened it to find her bufterby the pouud misa clbss had question bai partially amwetedpa by i retained ut least one wouanly y to exagerstioi trait a to all sheet of blue aier and bmuller ehrel 0ie were ei closed the paper con it be from i wondered allied in the mine brnod which had sddreoed the letter theae line misa drjebtht wauw dkii manui wo tend yoa the ae- kinpanying check io compliance with orders received to that itwt from a oliont in luropa whose interests in this evontry we iiront plwte actnovledmi receipt your obadieat serrsnta ftantpbor january l 1880 r r- dolly lovely eya opened to thsir rideat extent a beekl hej xclaimed and wii tshlingjefgeri ore opea too second envelope which was also addiwojed to her but in a- i ffercnt vtoiv elegant hand j anefsure iionh- ihein wai cheek a clitck for l thoutand dollart payablu to the order f miss dorothy walda and on a ilip of paper which had keptitcompany were tbeae words in payment for a dice a very largo slice of bread and utter and thats alltoe yoong girl eveickoew about it fur one moment the stood dazed with joy and astonishment the next be thought of dan perhaps he bad not started yet how could she get m him through the deep snow i ileigli bells again farmer bteis lining bjck without the wood she ran out into tbo lune ob do take me with yon i she cried to the great urprise ot the boneat old fellow i uust see dan mr howell i mean i raurf lee him a soob as poanble jumi light tn toy 4ear said the id man and ill hare you atthe iwneottage iu ajiffy away uiey went tie gray mare asking excellent lime for her and m they ueared the house dully caught kightof dan just leaving it j dan 1 dan f she called her clear foung voice ringing on the cold air nil madly waved her crimson shawl dau turned saw the briellt sag ard her sweit face below it and came bounding over tlie snow in time lo receivn her in hie aims as ehe jumped from the sled you couldntno not if yon gnessed forever she said italz crying and half- raughing you couldnt guess what brought me here this morning whateyer it was heaven uea it a thousand times i said her lover it is ienpyer you know dan yes iowi think of it it is but it cant lie puesime you have come tiers to propose to inef l very possible indeed answered dolly slowly and deliberately mr daniel howell will you marry me j ilr daniel hovvella only reply wa to fold her in so close an embrace that being the tiniest of maidens she almost disappeared from view and has miss cross he began when the pretty flushing face all dimpled with smiles was again raised to his own no she has not interrupted dolly she knows nothing about it- but its nil right dm carefully tocing some thing with her dainty left hand d in held the rightntothe breast poskoi of his orercoat you may come aud see aunt lorinda as soon as you choose you didnt know it dan dear but j ouvo got a thousand dollars about tooth pitiltng an oil city man wa standing hi front of a dentists ofbco with all anxious dnhapuy look in his eyes and two yards of flannel round his lower jaw ho cast sorrowful glances up ward to the dentists sign aud iu a hesiiatius sort of way placed his foot on the lower stair then came out to the street again as if he had forgotten something col solou came along at this mouieut and wilra ihoughtful interest in the mans welfare said toothache eh 1 guing to haie it pulled i eve had a tooth pulled i no i well youd better go right up afore your courage failsyou wdiat thing in the world is pullin a tooth ive been rhrough thenar had both lungs shot away fifteen bullets in ray headand d ransuprqbe through- a hole iu my ahoulder right llown through my bsdy to my toe thought twould kill me but man alive i never knew what painwas till 1 had a tooth pulled mnybn you thiuk tlie tooth ache is horrible it ia its awfull but wait till he dentisltuns them ar iron tongs in your mouth pulls the tooth right down through your jawbone aud- then yanks away as if he was pulipg on an old engine and yerl thiuk the toothache aiut up more to he eompated to it than a flea- bite is to a railroadjuxident yer had better go right up though and have it out doc let anything 1 said causo 1 yer to back out i merely wauled to prepare your mind for it an dont yer take ether knew a man oncet abcut your oomplexion an build who took ether an he died iib dangerous jest go right np an have it out ill go tip with yer an see how yer stand it when he liegins twisin the bones round yer wont sleep a -wink- to night if yer dont iiure it outjjau maybe yer ont anyhow for sometimes the tooth breaks the jaw inflammatory rheumatism strikes the whal8 its name oerve ard the whattheycall it beta iu dust at this moment a young man practicing on a french horn in one of the upmr rooms bhw a long ear-piorc- ing blast like the veil of- n man in torment aa as the inst sbnnd echoed through the hall uie colonel said thats it j there gettin a tooth pulled now and ihe dentist haint any more tlmnjnat giveo lie first twist either ctiuietight np an have ours yanked vhoop there he goes again i osanothjr terrible blast from the horn came down the staircase hold on hold yelled thecolonel hut be wasnt quick enough to stop the man with tint achingiojth whrnaned out of th a doorway anil down tuo street so fast that his two yards of flannel became unwound and streamed behind him like iignsls of danger while jthe rihainjjns old colonel sat down jrju roe lower step and laughed ill his eyes niched f an ottawa man has been committel ter trial 6nh charge o karlnihwi wires all living nyl