Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1880, p. 2

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mmmsirrsct lra2s2ffl3s25ss slr m 3ls v i l ii i j ivi r- v v f rm j it 4 fi v- i t lr uuksd tccafc time tabu train acton icfatlovt aoinu jkr ktght ktprcm uotsvm tironto mail- i- 8ulm day ktrrom t42uui erprcsa slifira idnllriniicj g3pm ootso bast xicht express 4luui gall mixed imiski oay ktprom hsoiia woitcrn msil 4k0jiin joadoti mixed r piu rftlle acton i rfce press tyuihtit cvary tltnrtiuy morning l pot anaum tn advance tnuatt mnitsixa jckjl 10 tssd ooaaotops in ireland it is gratifting to hoar or irospects of- a good reason iu ruland if lh- leofde take advantage ot the favorable circumstance i and leave distracting matters of swt aoiro until llietiarvna is sccuted tlnre will likely us no demand for ixtntcoout charity ncrt winter ho brown memorial thebrowir xfuiotil coaiuiitlcohis issued a citaiur asking lur coutiilu- tlons to tiie imposed bronze btatas of th late lion george brawn to be erected ia quotas patk toronto the coit of the woik is estimated at from tweutt to tweiity five thuusand dultats tiie cttcuur kits whilecoutriuutions uty be tent direct lotlho treasurer iir it deemed dedrahle that local organist- tions should be farmed to cjake callec ttoas iu jji arts af tho couutrr we lope our friends in this ncighlkirbood il take action ir the matter at an earr date and assist the praiseworthy oject of doing honor to ute great fulrtmsc wlio his passed away any pjattibtttians sent to this office will be duly acknowledged and fonrardtji to the committee ct toronto tie officers ut which are jxr jotm jliodonalj chsiraxn mr divid lhaiti treasurer and hr 1 d klfrar secretary cable tstasraphy the stildcn dnifiiu tbe rate for cme ctesssges frutu syventj five to twelve and a hiilf certe a wtird iias calltd public attention cuce more to the question of tb cost of transniutic tekgtiiilir- wteu the first racking able ims did tbe price fired wis a iianano dollars a word but no business cunld be done at tlxii figure and the angle american company in their owc- interest tedaced the tariff to qfy dallirs relucaons to twentv five fifteen and ten dullari rapidly followed until at lxtic reached a dollar a word it was fully expected that tue uying of a new and independsnt cable by the direct company would result in a large reduction of rate and so it did for a time but erentoally tie anglo- american swallowed up its rivj and tbeurilf reversed to seventy five cents w here it 1 as remained the present do s caniied by the cam iletion of a new comietitor the french catle which iutileen laid from havre to est pierre cear newfoandiandand toot sf pierre to cape cod the tariff cannot reasonably be expected to tvtnain ion at twelve and a half cents -i- methqdisr church j of cahaoa london conferancs the fallawinff oppointinentfi of min istera fnr tlie gaelph district cf tbe llethodikt church of- canada was con- finned by the conference on tuesday taut gttiph norfolk street williiai williauk guelphrdublk street william j slarwell j eorjih jfclan stmui fear kifperannnated c potrunby e b sterpriwn b a fergus r w waddell b d gilt alfred andreirs hespelcr fi nugent pcstinfniitk s wiinn george to wn w iforton kelson bums si a left without a station at lis own rt quest washington piidiard itoblis putsvtlierfll sanderson berlin w 3 ford elmira john w cioley ncskhgaweya john j fisher acton tl avilkinsdru eickwood john wfreeoianbd erin isaac crane ganifraxaj laird j s bennett t albert iloore lata of the free pkess has been sppoinfed on the london north circuit as colleague of the eer w walali hanlantrlckotf i tiis rlanlnn trickett articles were duly signed on fridaj last i the race inkes place on thefifteeuth of novem bfr on did thames from putney to mutilate for two hundred pounds a idetiieefannijiodsiiti of the world and ixe spprltmaa trophy gil 8iitw has taua fifty pounds on behalf of uaulaii eferytllingbsbrenanifciliy drrangedto the txtisfacttna of all iarit- gtnat inteiest is teltiu the match v paris green i oounty oounoll council uiat purcnuul to nhjouii uleul the warduu in lltu chair mouibetk pivseut miura buck clay cimeuik cliikliolui ueudeihod luitit lindsay mentiw mekiwrjfmpkerlii melvod uviulivud robiuaon min- iiusuf last itiuetiug read and cmfii tiled tliii culk iiad tin following com- muuiculiui8 froui her grnce tlu- ducliiks of mrukirougli ucktiowk-dg- iue this itceipl ofilos 10b from c j caiupbell vicuiiosident of uici c v iu co ttoiu llubt coatee eo cvtaiy u the lulum ivtcjictv askocu ion front f mccallmii cotieasiirei and front wui mckay co cletk o co klgiiit also read thu co treasuiva istiiiiate of the amount ueccsshiry to bo levied to protijo fur thu tijeuses of thu iunly for lh curiunt year uud foe a portiou of 1881 cuuucil rvwlrtd itself into committee of the whole iu the cqiulintiou of the ktsekmiivut kills of thu diffirapt muni cipaliiitk tor lit iixteiit year mr ch- meutain the chair lieutcol allan itciit swifter od dtvssed the council ou the sutjct of a kvaiit to theivgimental fuud ol thu 20tl battaliau the sum of 300 for the above pur- tose wai luted the ivpui t of the cunituitteo on equal ixaliou was adopted mr kutify little p s i addressed the cuujicil on school matters i- wasdecidrd that in dtsean appeal against thu tqualintiou of ushessmet t 1 made that it be determined uy ti e couuty judge the usual bylaws totaise funds to meet tio pldged indebtduetis ot the county were passed gmucil ailjjumet to meet oo the lirst tuesdaf in augit ntics haosasawoya items from or aen evrrrtpottdtnt proiikct division had a very success ful open meetiug oa fr djy eveuing last i nassngtweya council ruh in the council cnamlier at bruokville on friday evvniug to difcuss tha levy for 18si piof w v ifunlman gave interest int bctures ind eihibitiuus iu schoil k 7 on thursday evtnitig and iu ko 3 ou friday evening to fair au dienos a nainlirr of homa buyers are ctnvaimug kaiaagitweya scverul acihs havrt hern made at goi hures xi hulcues received f5u for lbre- animal we unitminud the buyeis are americans rev iv k xlcpherson x a ireacheii excellent fcermone laat sbliatb au4 tlie two pteceeditig divri iu eonuec tioa uiih aduiiuislraltonof the sctv meut of the lirdssupjkt kev dr ward rope of t-jixciber- church guelpli assisted ou ft day and siturjay and rev jlr priugls of georgetown oi ilonday xcd t rows and covxrr the rate to the united kingdom via the montreal telegraph line iu been reduced iro n 75c to lic pet word whit tket sir or rr t i few ficrs roc inn frortx there ae bat few preparations ol raediciues which have witustoo tbe impartial judguent or lh people fcr anr great length of time tine of these is dr thomas electric ju eeail tte following and be con vinced tromaaeooiusn farnham centre p q writes hare been iffilcted with rheimatistn fur the last tentesrs and have tried many remedies without any refief until i tried dr tlioinaa electric oil nd tince then hire had no attack of it i would recommend it to all j h earl hotel keeper west khefinrd p q writes ktw been troubled will liver complaint for several years and have tried nifierent medicines with little or no benefit until i tried dr thorn electric oil which gave me immediate relief and i would say that i hare used ft since with the beat etiect ko one should be withotitit i have tried it on my horses in cases of cuu wounds etc and think it equally as good for hoese at f r man a maybee jlerchtint tvarfcnortli writes have sold some hundreds of botfles ofelectrie nil and it is pronounced by thepubhc one of tbe lest medicine they have ererusexi it has done wonders in healing and le liering pairic sore throats etc and is wortny of the greatest confidence r joseph eusan township of percr writes lwas prsuaded to try dr tnoinas ebctrie oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or our years and ijtnever found anything like it forcurlng lameness it is a public benefit hewaee of hitatiiiics ask for dr thomss electric oil see that tbe signature of ti n taokas is on the wrapper and tbe names ol northrop lj mn are blown in the bottle and take yo other sold by all medicine dealers prici cents koethhopiyiian toronto ont proprietors for the do- minioa icax eddru selected and electrised till chadlc kiko tn acton on the 3rdinst the wife of hr vv c king of a ilaachter focbesiu acton oa the 4rh inst the yiie of e- forbes of a daarhter ilcklksov ia icastscawtfya an the 5th iiijt the ueof mr john mckinuon of a son caiipeeu in karnagaweya on the 8th iust thy wife of mr kubfc caaipbell of a daughter akdeesoit in rideetown on the gth iost tha ttife cif ifr john ji c auderaou uf a daughter the altae kiysaredspnowl at the residence of the liridsa father on tlie 9th inst- uy kev d- r- caracrrn johdkicqiirdilto ketecca sfibsl daaghtec of john sprowl esq all of eiqoesiag acrox kxabkn wllite wheat treadwell springwhcat glasgow ced chaff oats sat bsrloj r eirg per dor batter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes per hag 1 10 to t 2 1 10 to i 12 1 08 to i 10 1 13 to i 15 0 32 to 0 34 0 co to 0 65 0 55 to 0 go 0 09 to 0 10 a io to o 12 0 12 to 0 13 0 25 to 0 35 paris green new tiliuihigi cbwiii tor call ut u llntkui uoh ttoro tub grand hut conlinups at clirindc hbtidchnit cuf aclauiicif otvu ouodi clicfli millinery cheap twcedi oiicktt add sinttiub butt uructi fc jupau ton for 60 ccuu fioiu lut jml jcoivtt drivus jdiu mid hareiim fu nit iiuc of good chrrfff ucudodoiitcco fabucm attkxtion tbuto who hive nut already mbicribcd for tha cana- dlan fanner louid nd far saniplo oopy nt once liulh tho cudian and american ircu hava beu very oompliincutary in uottougit and w add our mlto iu rccooi ucudiiig it special club kato ecnt on ipplicuou uail advcrtiacuicul iu auothcr wltttnn tiik ummollvitouft win luay iw nailer in lha ordcriyl clothing dojmrtmoth w had o get six now lianda luo tcaon wliy- culling the garmouu made corwee ho nnce loir the cock fa raetiscand varkkl now if your time to icara your oriom our dry joadt slock i comidoto in evocy depaxttuenc uclepj andenon tt co accingkt onfetmday mormng uat miis mctloam of uiiiuc eue9iu met ttilli a imp ii accident which resulted in a dishxated shoulder she wa cngsgtd milting and ho cow kicked knocking her over aud her ihcuidcr coaiiug in contact with the flttol tjuc dislocated dr iirj r called in and the pat lent undoing a well a could lie erected marble works wellinijlnn mar- hie worts quebec sl juclph mcasrf mcquillan t ifarailtou proprietor are di rect importer of all kiuda of marble- and lirauttt luviug a iare lock oa land parchaed prcvioac tb the late vise ia pries nf tuirlic they will coctiuuo tn ieli all kiudfof moutibicuu ifeadstoncc maiitl in slate or mrhla at their uiual low price ititficxiun caaraniccd ljf- rciaedr for itnrd tiwesc stop eponding so irncli oa cnc cloljies rich fool and etylo buy good bcilthy ft6d cheaper and better dothing get more real and cubttiiniiil things oflifc cterrway tnd peciaily stop tho fool ish htbit orrunnidgafwr cxiecsiro and qunck doctor or using so much df the vile humbug medicinethatdocsyoa only hinn and msfee q proprieiare rich but jiut your truft in the greatest or oil simple pure remedies hop tiiltera that curec always at a tnlling cost rtd you will t better ttraca am gold httlth hry ii once kcud of it m another coiunau a gecat scccnst the 5ontie i var ii a uicderful uewcpajicr scccc its circuktioa hit goue oa increasing year after year until it hxt reachel tlie front rank in canduui juarutlism the cfrcuhttiori af its daily and weekly edition now agewgate iiftyscyea thoitand copies entitling the proprietors to claim the largest circautiou in the ljmmiia a claim which it not dis- patc1 by any other publisher itconsamcf two touc of piptfr a day being one half the product of a urge paper nxill the- aw circulate thmtichyut the length and breadth of the uoaiaitia and ix ircocniiad u a great advertianj njejiuia it veil dwcrvei its ucccas ot cacrches a gentleman froru a lixe town utic a stroll through milton the other dav aid the churchca hfee were the iniit scrtille ho lad seen there i to little oat illation about them this ia true city coo grcgi ticca hsee of late yean vied with each other in building stylish churchea from a spirit of rivalry with which deration hzs nothing to do ia mast cisex they ruu themtclrc deeply ia debt and then feel iias if another eongregatiaa oatdoca them in the grxadecr of their church ckampiok tbe chxmplcti ukw x very poliu vny ia makiog an ecuic for the few ricketjr and tumble dawn charchee the coantr town ioa8caes scrcral of the congregation there would fcxve new and attractive edjgjea ia which toworhip god if- it were not fur a raajurity of little sou led men belonging to them who tbi ik more of their gold than they do of their souls or the code of thtte aroaad them ffard ot edtautua the board of trustees of aetoa school divtjdoa met in the achool beneer oa mon day evening 7th int patsaxat to adjourn ment present mr j speicht chairman meairx d ifecdcnon s moore and m sichl finance committee broc at in their fifth rcrort and reco nni ended ayraent oc the followicn aceoanu thj moore silary fr maj iob4 hits mckelhr do 2500 miis rani do 1875 t h atlies do 62g j e mctjarvrn drawiug cards 200 total s97m moved by d henderson secondec by m sjrtight that tbe report of the finance conitnittee just read bcadoptocl carried moved by d hcaderson seconded by s moore that it be a poaitivo imtruction to the head mjister to examine daily the outcet in connection with the school prem ises with a view to having the same kept strictly clean and free from all obscene mark and- to rtport tro nitly to the care- tkcr any cleanine fonud neceeaary and alio to make diligent enquiry- as- to anv obsccn oriither marks found cut or pencil led on any pari of such premises and forth with report the name or names of the offender to jhe chairman of the school board who ehazi have full power to erpel from theechool any pupil foand guilty of such offence or otherwise deal with them as nejueema proper a so that a sufficient number of copies of this resolution be printed and posted up in eack compartment of such ohiccs carried moved by m- speight seconded by s moore that ttis board adjourn fo meet on on monday july 5th 1880 carried rjlexders waivted tenders will be received by the nndar- eigned np to saturday i2th inat for the eretiinof a band stand plans andapeci- ccitions may be seen by applying to j c hill j w williams j cost jt speight fsto i r 1 v i i jpfr vntn jrt rr 5 ffp kt- i jtjli qgr j s i w- f i i i -r- 4 m tm wide awake merchants q xt ib l ip hi comprising many of fok rale or kxchange it a bargain a good single equarebox bucgy almost oaw will be sold cheap for cash or exchange for kiln wood or good hasswood logs to be delivered oeatwuiter at he oiills apply to g0wdy t u00re may 28th 1880 492t limehouse paris green v t h o w- special offering of pur whole stock of deess goods j the newest and most- fashionable textures together with all the standard makes which are represented in every fashionable shade j prices coixdred loffimes uklgli f0ule silks rtlupkt sttltmier silks llack silks millinery new 10 eta i i2j eta i all wool pebiege 12j cts k 15 cu j lieige camille and some of the finest goods procurable in french muslim buntings and dress goods 20 eta 25 cu 40 cu 60 cts to silks 5 ctt correct styles coloredsilkh heavv colohiid geo gssis 75 cu special i 85 cts millisiery g low prices evejs week hats wer oeisr out and bonnets in the latest iv ew york shades and always keep over 100 trim rifed hats and bonnets for our patrorikto select from a 11 tarougridur stock may ipe found some of the finest materials in western caip ada and every lady may depend upon getting a reliable articlo s from us wm 4wo litg ii seftvixt mat wlxted s avadtcd i cm of age ftedj iri aboit 15 pwd icrrant prl aily to chas sees acton tannery f ontl to trlshasseiis i kotice is hereby given that any pertoa or persona found treipaaaiag on my prcftjuh by eithct fishing or shooliutf wol be proae- catd iceocdinff laliv i 37tf or r morrow j a woruea iinc the practical lalrdi3sr ia prepared to execute anything in his in the best possible inauuer and ia latest ttyle monthly customers it ipecial nua a call is solicited j x j p woltpek orgax a kew org ax from a firstclass canadisji maker for pale suitable for the home sunday school or small chorcli we will sell the above very law for csali for full particulars kpply to h p moore fni pnxss omcz acton feb ii 1880 alex f smith aacxt ran tnr kinm reaper mower also nntciaefaeraiparpoe iiowk climax thrhntr ticulnt inncfola chief aad ylbrafcir spring tooth iurr wontemnui katf horse rxke cllaiai fannin ml 11k cue cc ta raced wurar koed mrili all warranted to dt eood wort every time br no saietermkrcasonafate i atex f surra uem i real estate agency properties for sale vtllaqb of actot 1 on haln strcctaadhcliifoi lane next to c f hmitns residence one fifth tf an acre with tlonc tloise in splendid condition stable and shop ontbt prmfses hsri and sqftwaterweils tlue indisputable terms reascnalile i xo2 on corner nf church and john b ooefiltn of an acre on ifce lot is a good house contalnicg7 rooms good cellar hard ttateranuinber of frnlt rees in goodeon- dltion eouvenntto churches achoolf1 post office and railway station terms of payment reasonable title indlspomble lvassaqawrta x6 2 at rfair corners 6n ot20 6tb fcon wbt corner near two taw mill one aero on whlcli issltoaredttgood stor and dwell ing stable and driving shed 20x33 cberry 4 apple trees bearing tho bolldtafi are in good condition will probably be a pout office here in aphorttlme tltlegood tierma caatt apply to j t bell xtuaagawef kkq0b81kq 2 lot 23 con s in the to nahlp of eaqaes- ing iooacrea60 cleared and under cu t late balance cobd cedar and blaejc qcod farm buildings fences in the best dltun splendid orchard of bea log treek ex cellent frnlt goodspriog water all he roandtha t rorertylsui nated bout2j niles from acton mile from a hrstola ftrlst mill convenient to school and etireb tale indisputable terms reasonable ap ply to james scott on tbe premises far at toton post office parties having vonses and lots in the iage or lannsiu thenrfjolnlng towoshlns tor rale will and htolbelrlutcrfsttouave hem imerted in ibis hit no charge dnlei tbe property is sold h p m00be seal estate agent actonjonu always on hand ffi iwa- con- yior vii- spring tweeds spring teeds for tee jfsjf riro xojrres stove ha at cost at- vi ll slgff of tbs l4xp wisw tin gaii i at the bj post offles- store acton choice r btttter chee3e labd smoked meats canned goods j- dairy salt in bags and genebal fa1l1lz groceries builders and house fardbblne hardware paints oils and c wiadov glass nails all sizes wall papir from sets upwards jobhltelictait fresh and good suitiug coating trouserings f in all tiie latest patterns and colorv par material and made npin lb uurt styles at low prices also a larga and selefl slock of gents ftjekrishillqrs couprisinj full li es of drrss shirts an shirting of m kinds erery notelty in tie3 collars braces gotten tjaderciothiag braces silk linen and ambrio handkerchifife christies celebrated loadon feats at tbe gast tena ulotnliig store i r- m scotts emulsion pure cod liver oil nikprasandoacombbtstlwtvb bat remetfirt crcr dheo far osmsmvptfoft oamintf omie oocclu rienmatum aod dlmm enbloeioamiaio tjr udilllvaitia oiwmm of chudno it doc 007 cottntlvdl loon ndbkk- wit htpophosphztes of like avd soda thko ckremi bility w t m m bf t in a focmihu fa perfeetly a h t m tfw ma hi tt but h addi the wopfterfal tota sad efefrfag prtyrf rftk htp ktowrpor ledtliltlkmedjctnofbotjtrujt lurased ftrkkm umnrmdsbewst wperior ttno of this combbed food tnd bedicae ta all the obore dheasn ills not eslr better takat bat nucb more rmdgy a by the tymn than plain cod ureroil aod a better accsthsricbhar -i- k- iuj nd laaro itygfag the gr5 f r sutth i t inoo of the throat tod taw mtori the bapaind fibcniava body uhttoib 1 kmnlalom forsakvyoudnsteulxapcrbecatt new furniture store i m wishes to iatimate to the citiseus of acton and surrounding countrj u w- v epened out a complete stock of fxjrnitureij tr of every description and ii prepared to sell at ibe rerj lowest prioeilor ci parties requiring any arhile not in stock can be supplied on nortttt possible notice i am also prepared to erect on short nptace monuments and eeatistottes e of tbe best quality and in any deslga required at lr price liradditioii to the above 1 am prepared t6 do all kinds of ai bv 1 f- contracts made and job- work executed at waonable prioea a dalisolicited jqhn turner j corner met main stsaetfta at j b mcqaryins drug sti3 i

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