w4 m7tteeu stot a w stock of purses a new stock ot spectacles and cases a now slock of combs of all kind a new stock ofi berlin wooh and mottoes a new stock ot 8ivcr n4 colored cardboard a new toek of knokfte and kote paper wedding and birthday pteseuta the best aud largest assortment in twrni call in aiulsee tgft ot thobig witch oeo hynds jeweller- and fancy cooda store acton new advetiseuext turnip seed j e mcgamn jcowdej store gulden lioa locals a w qrctu saddlettir creech tenders wanted baud coaidiutec local mcleod anderson co gtrl wjuueil qlias kuees lthstls b 4 enicmin i fatm for aale jssiiiir paris green j e mcgrvin grand rush christie heuditnoil ifcco tprksna moiufivi- jess lo i8si miry so ccrsrfc viae wtatlicr snow balls hire blossomed strawberries will won be ripe be careful what you drink lha warm weather our imp says lie u en gagwl at pick nicka every day mill and main stroeta are receiy in a coat of gravel strangers visiting acton refer to plied br applying to h p- moore at the m ie i its beautiful and dean appearance a fe wetkt more anf the summer vacations will be at hand for the silool chddreo dajlr exneced at the post ofeoi- store acton window glasavaasortcdsizes 7i9 to 30i foe genuipe arctic soda try ibe mv soda fucdtain at the eilelsior bakerv b e kicklinl the sscrement ofthe lords sap per ww admtuistered in the rrchrteriaa clmrehoasaijdy list- i2vsrds urnagoods forfloo xwcood siftl zjlin hh i t cimim heciersou t c s acton when yta et the famous 50 cent tea tbe boara of education aeerpat- tjnk a new- picket fence six feet kigb araind the school groends tie wiariou echo says there is notfhiff like leather it is sold in wiartoa far beefsteak at 10 ccata- per pound tbe c if pulpit tu very accept ably occupied yesterday mih nit by jlr t albert itjrc of xcvjq our editorial table u adorned witb alciaticl boaqcet frwn mrs s a sccords- cower rirjec ilrs secord has cur thrijr rit bits beea icaved hy recent trial tint bad language by boys on the streets it par5altcbyiiis4 or cojiining let ad boys tike heed wool the highest pric in trtsl wili be paid for any qaantitv f goodcd trercfcattilie- vt helirereti georre- tawn jretw aiioefvnrca three guelpb mercbaqts in the same line of boszness pht thetr heads to gether and agreed not to a ire tise eea it empty stores all the time herald ilr d d cbristiv of this village is shipping large quantities of free stone fros his qcirriea oear campbellville- he employs quite auuniber of men there a dmnkfn man ridirur abng mill jetteet on horseback created a sensatiozi on icuratday night he terminated his antics by tallin off iis hone on the bnad of hit lack hlthc mqd j 1stk b t e kicklin bave pnt is a new soda fountain in- connection witb their ice cream parlor and are prepared to enpplythe pablic with the best at soda water during the warm weather grey and whitg de skirttnc tc- at the old pricea these gooda were houghtlast deceinlerand held over to enable na to gfre rreat bar- gxina dnriut the dog days chriaue hcn- dersonn co i eef r eobhs will preach in lie metluidist chnxth here three more sandays after which he will take charge of the vaasb- j ington circnif where he was appointed ey j conference ear l wilkinson will irio l jxed ifr hobba a good account a to sum it tfp sir loug yearv bed-ridden- alcknet4andsnnerinkt rer eir rhxlflx allnt wmcti waskujpped hjmurpt- j botjeonfopbiueritajenbrmrwlewho haatfoneberewn bouaeorltforayearsicce witnooltua loaa of a day and i want ererr- bodyloknowltrortbeirbereflt foax weeks bntler ky 4we have several times received rettersifrom varionaplacea asking informa tion regarinr prospects of opeiing basiness herej we do not need more stores bat we do want any amount of manufactories sad such shoold receive every enconragement 1 possible that old irisii ladys sitre called the aha crsilsalve is reported as mak ing wonderful cares and is said never to fail if nsed sccordine to instructions if professes to care an soret young or old no matter by what name called to which it can get access the hev ifr atkinson of ausa craig repbes to any inquiries about it r- a yoing man oftliis village wioso best girl eata more icecream than he can sflbrd submits the following protest vounggirlf who desire to keep a fresh and rosy ejmpleiion must not eat ice cream or candies in hot weather the rosiest cheek will become pimpled and greasy on a diet of such trash young geotlemen ought to club together and ref use to destroy the rosy sks of young ladies by cramming them with ice cream and other deleterious truck the waterloo clcromde says duriig the absence of eer e w williams berlin at the stationing committee and conference sesijona the pulpit have been isadedoverfo uu brethren of the quill lt sabbitb ifr t a moore lata of the acton free prat took u that services very 5tau and next sabbath mr moyer ol takes berlin in the morning d waterloo in the afternoon and the editor of the ckronicu takes tb ereoing m in berli turnip seep kbr slb8cwiikrstlie fhek phess from now until the eud st the year tor fifty ccula if you wnnt a oool relrcsliih driuk trv the new puunlainat the eicelsior bakiig ut e iucktiu laiiqk saiarlcs the meiubew of duumdle fire lirutubeivc the magnifi- etui salary ot sioo per annum the pulpit rev j livingstone of bayfield preached excellent sermons in the methodist church hcraoa suuday last miming and eveuini fihe ix guetpff about one oclock u uinday uiorninclhe dwclliofhouse of mrsuplelcu gnelph was totally cousum- id by fire together with the coulcuts flic inmilcs nsrrowly escaped from the burning building the cause ot the fire is unknown tiieibaso std the new iwiid upd is to be erected ou bower avuaae at the lead of ifohn st uc ifotrow having kiudrv consented to have it built on his property there a new sidewalk will be builtoa john st from hill street to bower avenue dojiucios dir pcfperutiont an- now lieinp made to have a big celebration in oakriile on dominion day mrjohn ooherty of u14 oakville house carried sroand 1 prirste sulacrrptian list on tues day sud about st j waa subscribed standard weekly onraixos ewelopes parlies repuiring properly numbered en- vjopca for the weeklf offenngs ot the icetbodist church of canadaywilx be sup- treasurers fkee pees office if spnonr k i htootta 1 celeeratiox posfra will uiortly bi issued announcing a flrand celebration in georcctown on dominion day judgine from the parties who hare it in hand there is no doubt it wutbe one of the best days sport ever witnessed in georgetown a urge amount of mooehas been cclicctcd licrctd coaxee stoke the corner stone of ihe new uethodijt episcopal church gecrjetowii was kid yesterday by ilri g h kennedy of that village apttupriate hrtmoojeswerecoirducteii aud luidrcasca delivered by ecvv j si simpson t arcue j lynch j a campbell and g abbs presiding eider foe gnicico abuttt nine oclock on sunday evening a special train ot seven passenger and three baggse cats passed tliraogh acton on the grand trunk rail way ea rvtu for chicago there were on board four hundred greenuacfcers from the states on their way to chicago to attend he greeubacklibof ceureution j iitrotlteta nunber of young men make a ptreiiee of congregating on the- rldcwalka at the entrance to the different chcrcbes ax the congregations are dismifs- ia ou sundxy evcuingro the annoyaiicc 0 tbers especially to the ladies the younr din wi 0 practice this shoald be compelled tu mo e ou and not blockade the waits equal to telezrapiy ft isjnot so many years ago when telegraphy was looked upan ffsachtmera and professor morse as visionrr te aj koow nor it wonders afore recently posnnaasu jcxe ibe mra that castnrnt cntiu 0f load- pleas nt to tbe ufte bat kesrs sectc d bawae wn tdelr ratatabte casferqufcve solved tie problem wnlcb is a lest tumellctt e almost cqnal toftulol prafe sor if tc t l not lie nanseaas cas tor ill ororrehlldhontr days itls rsatable andairetabetotbeuste prire s cent how to wrtite fott xetvspafers- l have something to write about write plain dot tout is cross your ts point sentences begin with capitals 3 write short- to the point stop when you hate faze write only on one side 10 the leaf 5 head it over abridge and cor rect it until vou get it into the shortest possible space ii pay the postage pitesfastels dctt pathnilbtftt of rural municipalities will do well to re- memler that the act amending the car ada thistle act takes away its optional errrnfperatfve on theni to see that its provisions are carried out without having first obtained an order from the municipal council it also requires the notice to the owners of laud overrun with thif les to be served en them not later than the 25th june beware a certain class of petaons have lately engaged in the disgraceful prac tice of decorating the walla of the offices in connection with the public school premises with drawings cuttiajni snd pencilling of an obscene character the board of trus tees have taken the matter in hand and will srpel any pupil from the school and prosecute any nerson not attending school who engages in this filthy and ilisroef ul sirasemeut settee accidext on tuesday nightgeorge carr carpenter limehonse feftthia village for hrme aboot id oclock and proceeded along the railway track he attempted to cross the cattleguard at the south of acton station but being too fall of bad whiskey he fumbled off the rail and fell into the trench he laid thire until morning when he was hy one of the g t e employees and was unable to move himself it wss thought that his bsck was broken but medical examination proved dinetentlf he was badly bruised however and was taken home by the village con stable personals agsg annie comgill of this village ia yishang friends in berlin j mrs cavers of st catharines is tint ing her friends ia acton j mr fhoa ebloge of gravenhnrst for merly of this village is in acton he in tends to remaiu few weeks kr tp hall x toronto univenrity and his sister ifissorpha hall of hornby spent tuesday cnd with thoir acton friends ifrs aier brownsr and miss anns karia brown returned home from bismark where theyhave lieen visiting during the past few months last friday 7 kr jainea matthews and wife and mrs c thiil went to port eowan on friday list to visit mrs killmasfer sister to the above i ladiei who is very ill and noter- pertad to recover ifr thoa sumniervillc of this village returned from a trip to nebraska on tues day last he enjoyed the trip thinks a ct dealof the country and purchased a there mr bummerrille called on mr p 8 armstrong and family late of aston and says mr armstrong has s good farm and the familygenerally are in goodhealth turnip seed nohom worth attention iinffre atoolc of qrooeriesiuat rtj- ooivod at a w groona call and be ooutinoedthat he has the best stock in town seeprloes below beat slock of soaps li town at a greens cheap cash store 7 bars of kow dourinlon soap to 28 eta 6 bars of laundry soap for ej m- 3 large bars of vyalacr boap for so ots is cakes ot todet boap for 25 ots 12 lbs of good sugar for uno dol lar at a w oroena cheap cash store beat slock of tea in aolon jtut receiecdtt 4 w greens cash stafe aa qnaulity of butter wuuled at a w greens cash store three uniea of green tea for 50c each at a w cirvoia cheap cash sloro r st jtwn tea in town for 50cia at a w greens cheap cash store myrtle navy tobacco 18 cenla per plug at a w greens cheap cash stole best stock of swpn in town at a wj greens nhesp cssh stow ajl kinds of groeeriea sold cheap for ouh at a w greens cheap caah store and dont you fortjet it fuesit butternind eggs at mont real home fixest and cheaps hillinery al sfonlrval house for arctic sola try l g maftli- ews new fountain rtce crcsm and summer drinks at iheieicelsior bakery u kiiilds light sugar for 100 at the montreal house best eaa aud sugars in aclon at clapuiaua montrttitl houss- if you want a nobby darable and cneap suil j fyles 1 iho lace to go for a first class baby crriicg- go to jehu turner is mrs scconls block go to do morrows for dicks blood purifier and indian blood syrup chairs in endless variety at john turners in mrs keoortls ijiockaclon sjlcatli asaoxtmeat of cxeciury of til fcifidn at uta pest cfico etcro glvfijolm turner a- call before going to cjuelpb or georgetown for fur uiture fresh buxs- fiesli every day a vfsys giod try thtui at the excelsior lukury millixekt the nisli still contin ties keastyles per express regularly to hand christie henderson co cucoa kuts dates sfnple sugar ia at lg ilatthcas ice cream and fruit iarior christies ounieo1 milk and prairie bisoiiitk at b if- e kicklins bakery j largest and test stock of dry gokis boots and siiocs at montaal house hats from 75 cents to 25c at j fyfes oranges and lemons always in stock at l g matthews lee cream and fruit psrlor lfoice tweeds and cheap suits made to order christie henderson co aclon a good felt hat for 75 ccnla at j fyres new prints cheap fur oath at b flasletta cew stote good value iu 50 cent test at b hasletts new store icecreah icccrcaro by tbqnart buckets snpplied free at the elcekior fiafcery b i e xicklin dixixo room parlor and bed- radm funiiiuie at john turners in ilrs secords block acton a xeiv lot of those lvautifb1 ladies and genls silk handkerchiefs tt christie henderson cos choicest black tea only 75c if roa want a reallvchoice tea tuk for it at christie henderson cos millixeut and millinery goodn newicboica ana cheap no ctncy prices tor iliuinerr christie henderson co for a good assortment of first- class furniture go to aoim turners r umjlureilore in ilrs-texinia- bok acton tchoice go cent tea selling for 50 cents 73 cent tea for co cents so cent tea forq cents bbick 75 cent teaforooceuts at montreal house actou co to tio scet offloa st for tisjhsiiijis wtiito lead hoi ui crraininr colon aid all paittart wqaisitss itew ttreedg a nobby tweed sait for 1 120x1 st the glasgow house christfe henderson co let us have your orders early trv dr morrows german hal sam for colds coughs asthma bron chitis croup whooping cough and consampuon tifportaxt to all oovcerxed call on christie henderson co for really new neat and stylish millinery at bottom prices it g matlii6wa has the largest heat assortedvnd finest flavored stock of caodiesever cthibited ia acton at his ice cream and frnit parlor ghakd display of new and fashion able millinery tins week at the glasgow blouse actonchristie henderson k co fanners remember iat plow castlugs of all kinds are kept ou hand at le free press oiiice b w k1xg those beanliful prints at the old prices ducks denims chirrings- gray and white cottons all at the old prices christie henderson co you cannot fail to lie suited in sideboards bureaus bedsteads whk- nota cribs and cradles at john tur ners iamrs secords block 4oton rincexse rush for i and mantles styles unique prices low and right immense display ourcirpels are likewise krptin tills showroom in large variety cheap mcleod a nderson co rocking and toy horaea and wag gons of all kinds st john turners acton pure ice greaui by the iiisli or quart at lg matthews ice cream and fruit parlor kew goods king of the dry goods continues ui i unprecedented success christie cjcu a owwdei istore sales laoreasing daily the pry goods trade of the lion or the spring of 1880 has this far been a grand suc cess eclipsing any former seasons business thus we attribnxstio two reasons first a more prosperous condition for the people second ihcigrowing popularity of the lion as the peoples dry goods house i never was our stock so fully- assorted never did ye offer nuoh value never havewe done such a large trade grand milllnery display on satuflday ttio most magnificent oyer made lm ouelph 27e fvllotrinrj new lines haze jusi wt to hand new summer silks new parasols new bukt1ngs new organdies new whitesiuuts new kiijglovfs at 50 new lace mittess new hostelly new lace goods new straw hats new liken du8teks new lustre coats new shirtings new hollands new s0mmertweeds new lace curtaina new taf lings new towellings 500 pieces fancy prints buy clarkes anchor spools j d williamson co acton -0- cheap dress goods cheap millinery i- oh heap tweeds ducks and shirtings best green and japan teas for 50c fresh fxdt just received drives jobs bargains in all lines of goods x1uelph l cloth hall french oamlirte shirts in ckolee patterns ik all colors ify sizzs underclothing ik cottok iierixo lisle thread casiljierefc sllbc shaw muiiton mercmant tailors i truth 8 hop bitters a itedidoe nci a drlalc c05taixs hap bafba mandrake dabdclfoits akp tk pukkmt akd uest siebical ualitccsurallotucnbircew tflet cftb au dlsoafe of the ktamacli boyrcu blood liver kldnev add vrulary or- ffatss kervfittnfn sleoilacss femala compiatluu stod druutcgnricfit c rand opening itnparallslod display of handsomelgoodfl v que lp h t begs to announce bis grand general exhibit of new bp inggooda and extendi a cordial itrritation to every lady in aoton and surrounding towns and mimjrtojrlsitthe taahiooaw in rery depiitment a large and magnificent block will be exhibited a o bucham fatshnable ite izna dreu llantle end itdlinen bstailuhacmt otelpk what is this montreal house cretods blaek ca8umerea nta trvbite shirt oebta underclothing fwbitelace cnrtaina a lot of silver and buttons gilt turnip seed 81000 iv gold will be paliforftpim tlicrvni not cure oriolporforani-tiinrldipareofiijari- ousfoadd fu u cm aslcyonflrngxirt forrtop eiucn and frcp boolcr and iry uie buieifc befure yoa uep tafce no other tke hop cough curt and pain rtlieu the cjttapctti surest add best iron brmsrs sivaco r5cuebler ont kor bale by all urnmrlbu adjourned ootztoflletisioa the court of eevision for the munioi- pality of tho village of aoton avsl bold its second sitting iar bearing and determining appeals agarnst the assess- ment of 1880 in- matthews haisl acton r p r monday the 2lt june 1880 at eight oclock p m j all appeals against assessments mnbt be tuedin my onicam or before friday jane lltb1880 j e mcgaeyln yitfsge clerk clerks office may 13 80 ofbest qualities dry goods tweeds 1 milinery groceries boots and shoes mens and boys slaaiitis drijgs medigiistes f seista large jot if the above una of goodt on hand aicf iriti be told cheap corner store aoton i e erybody wonders now it ia there s always gnch a null to sills photograph cjallery for photogrhapfla this la all explained when t ae the qna of the work tt the prioe why hy 600 er dox- for cabinet portraita when ynn cssn get them just as ood for 9350 per dnx why pay f 300 per dot for carte de kirfe when you can get them for 0100 jill aftinciled ia call and ice 8ptclment and prieti for thenuelru j 0 w hill photo p s all kinds of framing done a large as- sortuieiit tftelvet and fancy goods very cheap furniture furniture a o o e fresh and cheap r o m m h t webnre now full stock ol all kinds of plain fine and artistio furniture rew and faibionablo ftr the spring trade upholstered goods a specialty wsj were awarded all tho out rnxes ou uiholsitred goods at onrcenirai ktjlmuotlasttaajaida would call hpeeial alteiitfon lo i li i branch an ills season of the xr new covertnm ml mods in stock and arrliinj dally all orders will be iiroinptiysrodakjinilly encaied 8a ulhctlon fuaranteed j j sijkf tbx ch1ik hulelnn bice upper wjndhabi street jviunlxt john w0r8f0ld oo 6uelph furniture a good assortment of first class furnl ture of eveiy desonh tion constantly on hand pnosuslow as qurlph or ueorge- town a cm aoucrrxs siohn speight undertakino every description f coffjpa cstskett and alt- ftrwrajl v quuiite4wjp in atack a boiu8 bausttk ift- siuhed at a low rats isuaewuu wnsisqw arbaaaaiofpw at mcgaiws drug store a6ton