1 c fffisskaasbsbewrtrfiaaawfeca r yocvw jfgiijgg cqjwrgg make tour mother happr- rittdtwl neks your inoteet happy f j f makancr liuinitoad of sir- i soltuie tuodrnfui hoar ofuerlicg w viry vcry uiglit chiua make y oaf foouicr tuppy- miny brief ik h- 1 to bcir and iit wvuta utvtx hcc iumcut cau ou uoi tliesc burvlcui thxrc cimrtv nslic our loulkcr iiaiipv hrottipt omdivnee ibtrers the heart while 4v wiual diiubedivuee chtmwn mi6 ir tualur4wpiy v lu ber uw uicjtiut of c4i jdecpen iaiiy dour y aco tjicut hilcyotttowtt arc etnootlt and fair 00ft out the string siunae atlhe moiuaceiiil mocclual d clctetij4 a m of too itnce a a lad mj ru opemtic iv p4rwl ywug mau aut lhoe itaagt dont cut lliciu i it irtt ucitirt t remark he had tcadc lq heir employee ii i uw tirttlcsauu f lhud to learn ami it iavqlrelfflc utv ciplc o tuccc arfuuce ia hwbaftct career iviating to a vcudrcasod aiaa ot liutly yearn belaud ue counter the mcf chaal aid there it a mau uho aluayt whips oct hit sctawri ajceu the striuft of a package ia ihrec or focr places ifcit pxl ftilcflmitt but ncrer rill be aftyuiiu more i pretamc he live from hand u piottlit aa4 vetj likely u idwav mure ot leim dcltt 1ue trouble vrilh biui is in percrwunslt tq sye x told the ui lojual4wmitiathe ttrim uuiavxo oit- tinjjtt not wciccii lurthc value if the string ax to tch him tit evcrythia nuiil be sred and uolhiu vuled if the uu- can be firmlyiojpnitiicfoa lhttujiud cfo 1 tbginar iu life that ootiiipg vas wade to be raited jca hire ild ui foauditiuu cf laccee xhc moral of ihitr tittle incident in self erideat a young nxia ttfli bructt uji villi a fciredceahua cecba einplnymettt in r j buioc hottactu lait of rule in jiwe jlhina it noticeable and become a drawback oa hit cojpleyer tuediircjcin if aarin ttrjcgi aad papcrevelopea iult jl carclesane uut rust tlmou allhi iubittlie due uat ct oa ia the irurid beexsac ec- ia wraitcftl soiaii moix of moaey alip thrjcu via fincai almost an xaiuaogflj lccatue ihey are amall lie jrtsu time by the minute withoat thhigfatf heoid fdirt tate care of the miatiieiiad le hoar trijj uka eare of jhemieljres- sitting ia the co a a tierroe ta of ooeof clerclazidc pldest aud cost tccceasfcl iaer- tfhxuu the ocher day uc tvuticed ttux he cat oft the blank aht of the letter he irir engaged 13 sling the cam of thi man ii cpxonjm of charity and bene roleccc and faia iiunlity ia all fpod trorfc u rhoosl fmb6aadeu his attetiaa leiu called to what teemed aa cjuical proceeding he aiidl ilea it- may atrike tec as cicfular ta i ire these half theets of japer bat i com- pieacetllife a jxxjr boy ia a cnontry itore ik kev eoguod aad tki cac one of the tnt leaaoox in taring little tiling that ru unat me by my employer hehatln neahr hxlf a ceatary nadir the tod bat ncrcr da ihii thaat thinkiaj of the gbt d pd m in i bcliete it was the secret of ny aneeeis ia life jtlii wrin of little ts does not impf finginetr pr meanoefi it it tiniplr tie hatof sariaginttad of tasting it ia eml o iied ta the mt watte not wtnt pot therefore e fxy bgac cut the airing fi c- r- ctsamt of gold words ate tle key of tle uairt rlfpthing ia so near to lore as pity ilin mikz tlje isfffl tqaitb the coitoms the greatest of sknlljs toba con- bcloas of none 1 wuere liberty firaruues every othtr goal thing grnys best the talae of a possession u in the use that is niide of it udder oar greatest tronbles often are out greatst treistires when a man ia wrong and wont admit it he always gets angry trf be able to please is already a great advance towards persuading a part cf the perfecsioc of this life is to bihare oorselres far from peilte tlon zeal s rery blind or badly regnlaf ed when it encroaches upon the rights of others t nothing so rare as that of ocknowl edging sincerely thit wa deeerre what we suffer j ileri are more rndined to aak curioos qaestions than to obtain ntjcessary in rstrnction the broof that we believe in the reality of aiigioniib that wa walk in the power of it t excess of all kindii is injurious as o what constitutes excch in miythtng people differ we commence by bring in lore with our own thoughts and fallow by seek ing to make others worship them v is is easier to dispense with riches when they are not needed than not ui attach ourselves to them when we possess them all flattery is dangerous sopoopie al wflysibidjrif iris addressed to others vbiitnerec when it is addressed to them- selree wr are generally lively anient curious to know the life of a neighbor but slow idle and blind to know to r and to condemn out own life 1 money hnd time are the heaviest burdens of life and the irnhapiies of till njoitiusre those who have more of jeituer than they know low to use consultation and election which are vitwb motion in us make but one in i god his actions springing from his iwfmfefintftottuii of bis will maart itiauinnacloi lord mcrubfiuid preaided oyct the aurt of kilns ikiioh with digniir hunwiuil by uruiiily nd nistainnd by learning a slightly iscottnh noccit uiiglit jjiru more tudiyldnaliiy lou chastely clear iloqiicucn ull las nwn mil orttu not uutf lu floniuj uell if 11 finely moiiuiiiicj vuttv a jul1 lr asciliiled tlw withesx box nnd c vdt to kjor orth bis eiiidencu with ia nil sided redundancy unheediuglhe uiwixirul- questioua o wvdderbuttk you iviirskveyuuisilfmid thejify iranble iluewrnid the chief justici- by confining your answers to the hetioik put itiisc not any cqlulctal lwhek i kknt yer putduu sliiicr baiii jack giving tbo uithndox tnulitiunni hitch to liicoutiutntiun but what oit o ciaft it- a cull dilut islierl sliivcr uiy titular if ever i houtud or vt tlllillj llft mr ciilclititer iiafcl tlm itatottislied fjiitf justici can tjirra tvally eiiit i man uudir the kiijjs protection wlm s igiuintllt ul lite uiettuillg of a cjiu eriil iu t i l hx tin iluttjwtiiuioi mn linl taid vveiltlerliiitn iik just by oidiiinr sijiii hut verluiuliii utity ul alou the puir body to tell his tale lii lin kit i the tr procwud well fkipicr ie was ulill thelutmncle wlieti j aluft the liiutuelo lejvelaiitied bif irdtdiii and prjy wlmt is tin timiingttf bfi lhr bin suji itty gro slid juelc ami ctu thcte tvully xit auiutiij lit kltuit utbjicu iuclt lubbr hk diknt kikiv t uiotninof klwift the bililiiirb the ciiiet juktice irilied bark will rgod i tt notvd blllili tfcebcteutph tregcdjf the prisoners in thf dlini ii v inietl were ivturtied t liudnii fioui totunli on fiidity by shiili jarvis of york thy ottueon the traiu arriving ic lvindou at 155 im occpyiu stecinl cxr lietuij guarded ly fuui sliriffii oliietik tliy weie lanclculteo in piirs and ji ivnn tj tile gno in haik tutir arrival t the fiulinu uut tin sinz r a ncnenu rush of the ctowil coutkised o about 300 jionons on um ptatfvmt at the time their tend- itve them a hccrly welmtue and cm iratiilled jtliein ou their safe return mi that llij cluugu of venuo wnsagaiii tefuscd as the result ot thu application it oigoode hitll iu cutivenation with jlelytughlin lie tenia rtcdjhac thy had ikkh treavd erecedingly veil nx toronto and bad ood time they were loobm wsll the chftne hxrtng wonderfully beu ittd thim catroll apparently beitii the most iuiprond ic fce is much stouter and ruddier iian wuen he iefi london- i at present it i ki known when the trixl will conto off but they thiuk it will uot bo bertire the fait attiles t wily sorponf a gergtit man was dbing near s rock under which wasatnikta den the other day when the reptile came eliding up from a forxging expedition and was dirappearing iu the hole under the rock when with a dexterous tneve thent theoiati seiled him b the tail and threw him twenty fet away tu- snake hardly knew what had happened and again essayed to enter his domicile in thi same annner again he wa treated as befcrt kever dekkiriug for a third time the wily seqient- p ptoached the rock this time he came deliberately as if contemplating the int uition arriving at lli mouth of the hole- he deliberately- coiled himself up and put out his long tongue as if to tafcein the fuiuituxtinn fur a while he maintained this defensive positum whed h carefully legal to tinoiil at the same time disappearing tail fore most into the den to the admiration of the man who had been amusing hiu pelf at hir expense cuiupest meat foe fakuhrs ttie cheajiett meat for the farmer is mutton it may safely be said to cost nothing as the ceece from a shep of good breed will amply pay for its keepiug then fur additional profit there is a iamb or 60 the pelt of thcauiuial if killed at huoie and the riddance of the pasturm from wcedf to which sheep arc destruc tive foes with the exception of poultry mutton is aha the most con venteut meat for tba farmer a sheep is easily killed and drcsitd by a single hand in an hour and la the warmest weather it can be readily disposed of beforett spoils sctencj aad experience both declare it to the healthiest kind of meat aitd a fooiu prejudice alone prefers pork which whether fresh or salt is the unhealthiest of all a change of kiks has again been refused in the case of the biddulpb prisoners john flowet of gnelph coaimitted suicide last wednesday continaous ill health had affected his mind the globe continues to show up un- foinjutonsnufctaries while the hail it constantly telliug of new industries the leading dailies are writing up the question of the abolition of the senate the txt for each is iletor- nier in favor conservative ia oppoi i tion ko man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without dually getting bewildered as to which may be the truer there are few who now doubt fjrart is to be the man of the people at the approaohing eloctioa for the v s prdfldericy the piobabilitioa are be coming stronger every day r the advertiser advocates the building pt a new seel ipn of railway from wing- hatu to walkerlon and tbcuce to owen 8ound the idea isto bring tbfse places into more direct connection kith london gofse u amltone s dbcliwk johnsons -v- mm m one hundred and sixteen hand employed between making up and disposing of the enormous stock 7 w3d suwew york city which is about twice as large as that of any other house in hamilton and muh more vaned so that labostoby dsuwewyo ninfimitan gooabuitolimaklngleiitdrcsincgowui thehwur uyubwaml 32 king mr eel eaat umlltoo done to hughson treet tumilton april 25 1870 thomas c watkiim hamilton b ha8lett wttnttn akkorxcktothe cm v t zkxx r aeli il vclilhv llwt tic iixiuwip utllti uuuftwioatlic rlt keleckj mock at oryccods croceries crockery glassware mt tint he unprepared to tell at the aintt reaioujlilc prit for c ill rnd aouldreipectrullyjolioitafhueof their pitrooic country produce taken ix kcmcmlicr the xew stoke mill st eaat acton b hmuett conijihis scon k bownes castor oil ti prepared in a torn perfectly ireeahe w ciuu dm tad mocticniim penooi in u nunubcturr the propenkaof tho mtbfl pake fin aad rrw andpai trccuataateaajldtrcodcrcrf uxoojymud laeasint id tt tcuem ut ataolutctr umeleh end pauuble i prkiiiaitiy lh fines bxa ire tod auante iuiava atd i a rcmedj- far cos tivenob coooifaxion ftod am infotiiul icnajo- mcnuh k unequalled and hdeuincd to ukt uk jjice of crude oil and it dnnk piilu md purjs tvex toe mle ly all dniu u is ceott a lwt ik dwat tdtovrll ewbootlshoeshop wwilmvus ivoulu kes pixt tfjlliulimuir co tli- people ut acton nnd vtclulcv that ne itn otctudi lwimtkekloiiluliie tiutlalniiciiij vv tktorftilovc vorictr hill utuirtt acton anjoa ia want of a autiauntla d food quuc boot or shoe jaaunotfiulloevctljiiror1criitliuland eepilrlncapcciilt7ilprenptlt atuicto w williams ictonkit ft ic iza on weekly agricultural paper printed axd published xx the dokixiok now ix its secoxd volume unparalleled success actog kewand improved form l6 pares i i i nassasaweya zi xt tt b oe k shinclejiills peter sayers vttilt intimate that lie ta nn hard t uu inttutq ntttwj- formerly ictokti scartluv mliuauikciuwkof lumber lath and eh1nglc6 otailklndctiudquallilca oheap xo 1 sulnatcstbiu0prrhiaiire bul stuff cut to ordeil termscash 1etehsaverk acton dec b 7k r- i eir aad improved form- 16 paget only one dollar por yer foh51 xctfufb kornbcre a uonth 31 pa a year 3325coiamns far one dollar voted crixr to affriculizre hocticauore sjfc dairy pooltry the apairy koosetdd ad ctcrt pemjsiij to a finn bah oat of dxart and fn doors it vttxx cocbsscnaix rrportt and price arc fcmlaailc thcciiotflraryiacctmlmtfapcrliaimet wita u thi luoda o the jtoaunrf of ttixida dviiaz past jxir 1 onrinlcd in the 01 journal ion o canada or the uailod plates aurfettiffofahicaad pfirtjcalwrttor are ca pped and coctespodencc of a nioiljlc niicrr ippanwccxjrfroai fix nunr uhjeribar fnxort fcocii ia he eut and lieijsh colaabia m the west samite copies filee printed and pubtished at the wtilind steam print- tc uotae extahuaoed ili by k b cqlcooc proprfeoc rppaqeedimr addrtaa caxadias farmer drswtr ii udliad one g t hiiljl -folt- groceries if roti want a food and eueaci aruelo povdf t sis t 1 i suijars sjrttps spices and tobaccos 0 all kinds fresh and sweet livery sale board 3table8 mill street aoton u where yon can get firstclass eigs at rea80kable rates good oommeroial rigt an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town a i parties indebted o this cs- tahlmhment are rcqnetted to pay up withoat further delay and sate costs ed matthews prowietor hardware of all kindt faints and oils hinges and locks nails glassy pottt salt by the barrel all cheap for ca8h qo to- 0 t hills mill street acton organs a hst- sewinc machines attention i attention 1 1 genuine harpers baznar int- tcrus full suits only 85 cents stsaw axdfext hats aitd boxkbtb doki ovttt ix illtm lafsst 8tyus mbs eh pass v18hes to in obsi tbe ladles of aelon and tlolnltr tbai itie baa lately learnt lbs kreucb mode of cutting and fitting and i i now prepared to give eyen oroatoirstisf action uiaa ffcnaorly wedcldgand funeral flowetsembslmeu drcuei and jacscu cut and a porfect fit guaranteed at a roawnable price for 8lyh and cheap bats aud bonaeta uoto is mbskhpom bfr leoraeb square gnelph robt craihe actjn i prepared to call on persona renoirns i either sowing machineg or organs e bas agencies fhom beat mnnol aotnrcri in the countr gnamcue atuniotion to pnrch teri terma very rasoiieblej unleraleft i realdenoe or addressed to him to acton will receive prompt attention v bbain the and hli po the largest and host complete paotor7 in the dominion 140x100 highest honors ever awarded to any idaker in the world studul arid disjunct ul otutauiiul ttmcdal and dqilnmaal sydirrf autlralta fsguld medal at pracitiaat fjchilihiou tvronio fsthiihftl atcard al industrial exhibition- tonulo isra isrr ms 1879 we are now mauufacturingr square and upright ififljlsros- beat in tue market correspondence solicited send for illustrated catalogue mailed free- address dominion organ piano- company bowmanville ontario ttatn freer 4 igiu b itsis is heart ihttam buloutntn jftn dt the best seuedtzsows tama toeo iflorrg ninsoutsinz iw 9000000 bottles h mp jbaaeatet farlei propero it mlmltt tie prmiubb la mim wtlrk mnrrl ibe uarrh sad ewarariw t4 inmtlaemel a dctoaer b prtraua caam wind tmi aatln f l- m la ike lawk it lb mrdletoe u tsrkra irahk aurr ftrreatlaciliefenaeauisaaeibele prweated it aeta mprn la ttrer ituti ap9a ie kliton t besalitv f le 8wvb i paring ike mud kqaleu ike rrrim braxna it diarmla narfakr hndto asd tatbcmem ii earrlm off ike old blmd nad aiba arw it aacaa iboaarrarf ibo akja im ladae beallkf pewptrailaa itoeansaei tkakcbalkktalr2erpaaaatnlbe blood nle hdenlm slmtufsttlpeub abdl baaaer of aam diaeaaea aad isamal botton xbero oo tplilti empred ia 11 m ad 11 caa batafcea by the moat dabcau baba or bi tbtalaad faehla arv ipby nfirwd u umtjttt i 4irttiti ma or usaz vtnass lx tmsov shell wmm grind mw to steaet ft co atjelph beg to announce a irand opening of every department special drives in new parasols trom 25cte x and silk umbrellas at ealomary low prico we hare secured borne ierj cneap and fashionable lines of dres goods we bow a choice se lection of fine new millinery blaple uooas us n ninai are well assorted jtiat received one groaa more of these cheap table napkins at 75 cents per dcz linens hare to adranqed that we cannot repeat hem our felt hats i are acknowledged he cheapest and newest styles every gentleman in- tiled to call and examine uur chthmg department is in full blast nobby new tweeds and cheap j wm stewart xfo to faemepws tho s gowdt c o manufacturers of the ymwmfmm and gowdys celebraifced gang plow iaiio chilled jointer plows general pnrnose steel mould poard plows mowers bakes rahnlnff iillls turnip need orllli lawn mowers tv c give us a call before purohaaing eleeirtliere prices lo t feykr it t important to farmer to jcnou that im hat purchased the ettauoflevi oomtt mand can furryithjparu for and alto repair any im plement manufactured by tkut firm thpqowdtioo guelphiont read tt voluntarty tect1mowals oprons who have been cubed bribe use of the blood purifier cores eryaipelsta lit koret wellmgtoa coont can deab si 1 was seerely afflieled with errsipelae mr two years and a j3 snort trial ol tonrlndton bipod t syrnp eflecluslly cureil me mrsjanet anpeksus liver complaint j- m forest wellington contcani ribiru i bate ofed jonr great 3 indian blood syrnp for liiei com- plaint and have received great tienrt i uierefrotn i recommend lis die to all aiinilarly affliated kelson cajib disease of ihe stomarn hi forest werlingtoncotntcan due si this is toerrtirjr that junr ialuable iqdan blood syrup cured me of cramp in the stomach w a cdrboff best itedlflnetrifntveterl lynrille korfolk co onc dcika i bare used a great many medicine but a belter medicine lbaa your ludlitn blood syrup cannot be made ll is ihe best blood furifiererer uet 1 7 waedel cousuuiptlon windbtm center dtui sis i cannot end language to lully express trie praise which jn grati lude 1 would utter lor be benefits i have received trom jobr excellent iudlan blood ksrnp h has done what doctorscould jol do or failed to dp 1 aa sufferinr with coniomption for a long time heavy cough fain in chrt r ihouldrr and back and your indian l blood syrnp has worked a perltc uuiracle 1 would recommend all to give it a trial vm cuksihuhalt dyswepsia aylmer elgin co ont sib i nave used your reriedy lor dyspepsia and recmmei d it to all kes johnfaflhlnqt a valuable medicine sta i have used your blotutnn and foond it a wonderful and valuable medicine x mrs betsey keforl aylmer ont splendid remedy for dyspepsia eta 1 have used your indlaif blood syrup and caused uto bs used in several eases or ispepaia sna found it it be a splendid remedj w wwxtllij aylmer ont 7 fouud as recommended ijia 1 ht6 used yonr indlakj blood sjjuplor dyspepsiaand found it to be as recommended john w q1llet jp f aylmjer tnt i an acents testitooiir aylmer ont sir i have osed end oold the indsab blood si rup and find it tbe beaiwm- edy in use lor iyapepsia and as a bloco r purifier iswu bn rheumatism r i have been tronbirdwithkhih- matism for a great manv years yout indian blood syrnp u the only ons of many remedies that did me any soo 1 recommend it to all mas cash chmbous kenyon glengarry co ont dyspepsia and indigestion your indian blood sjt has cured me 6rdypepl tion it baa also efhwtuauj 9 tg wife ol same disease -j- j lrtturtok joirawfi coathamont solseeismlajatifcpoaaalat northrop lylian slfraitsiafwat h also agenti totii mother holbir heaurfi th an engluhjucotef wnloalitwlh knowji at a mdualtlanderfrwtiwo purifier throughout thovioru vg j