Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1880, p. 3

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i ich 3t i bl7 if sisumb tums tlk txbll ttaimlciive acton as folio i j- eoisa wkitr sight kxproas ln5aui tirouuiunil skiatu day eipresa laiptu express j suiim- ulaltmitcd wop coix0 xast f sight express rtoajn ttt railed v tu day expresa i 1130 aui vciteru mail i 440jutn liaoniaiawl j 9 5ff linf fort ojmioa at 09 syads jowouorr u tan ooodj btoro a new stock ot purses a ucw stock ot spectacle and cases a ucw stock of vm ot u viniu a new slock of ikdiu woali and moltoca a new clock uc silver and colored tard4kiani anew slock of eilvcleki aad xow paper wcddiu and birthday present hit beat and largysl assortment in iavu call iu and iw- sign of lie llie watch geo 11 j ndt jewellery and fancv cioods stre aclon a7if advetiseukxts ixals a green manhood culvorwi 11 medicine co honnd l isl trwl scoot- j locals l jl matthews unequalled success thomas c walking wanted adam forepxuch prrsexvins kettl4geo karill grand rush cbristie henderson fcco r goods j d williamson i xev goods wiu stewart co baby jirriaccs john worsfold locals mcleod anderson co taxasni uottxtse jcix s isst rawx axd corsti ripe cherries splendid lifhrg weatlifr xow fur thfc civic lolidaj mike bar while the san shines rispbetriesire now boinjj brought ia the rehoo children aro mw in their glory r a very quiot founu of july wiis spent here rirplietries and cherries are no fceinc gathered in read tie list of properties far sal- iaaaother column the birds are treatinj tbftnselvef to the ripe cherrie- remember forepaagbs monster siornett keluwdiy there are thousands of young k tato bags bird at kork nor tlcniuic ol the merry mowinp idaclinc ia h3k to le btard iu every drcc- tica a kumlir of drnnkea trump visited actoa this rctk tbty ftoalibivt been lodged ia the lojkup tlia village ias veryauet on daiieiaa o i ilostly all tac citizens betng aviy ouhtiliday trips tbe rsideute mid frrqucntfrs of elin street are yaicing patieutiy to eee tbe nev cdcsralk that vas titiqnedjor if tlier is iudcribible luztiry tn ttf jbath tab thit rither vhat mutt the fessauou of tiie enull iwy be who yoes iu citminln tiftecd tnns a day the cantata of tbet hayxiaceri u noa- zealously ptrforcifd daily by the farmers is their oca- hav licidt j tlie 5s ncnic held in irckeniiep grave charch hiiioa tccday was a ice- ccaa hating had a very lar atteadaace aeoct six hundred farmers from the coaatiex of ontario and victoria visited the ilodel farm at guclpb oa thursday uat tliix u i cod caprnf tbo fkei pejwt to tend to a friend can be had ready for nuilicz it the gluce of publioa- tiae tie slale of fhruii inshmi eer d b oameipa sailed from xew york on the 2timlt arifved in gltiow oa the 6th met 7 j the neiv fence enclosing the pub ijcschofli preinises looks well an a tod coat of paint vill make it- more attractive anddttcabje mr john kenneyg new fence opposite hit residence oa eigia street looks much better since it has been treated to a coat of paint j tnegrand lodge of a f l xi ineeta in gnelph oa the 3th aad uthof july and the grand lodge of loof the second week ia acgiist we have received from the pnb- lifhers meaars dezcrache co montreal accpy of the music of the qe- dominion hymn by arthur sullivan j yoa nerer uv rnf ihands as iiitfu that said a petuhtntmother to heri httiegfrl xo but your madid vu the sharp if not respectful reply an old angler sayt that a fish doea riot snner much pain from being hook ed of coucw not ft u the thought bf how hir- weight till be- lied about that caasea him anguish the married and single men of belts orgaa factory gaelphj amused them- eelras oa saturday at a game of base ball the married men were the victors the score being 43 to 3 tao ercellent oppprtanity is af forded for citizens to break some of thetr limbs on itilt street opposite mrs secofds pretnisea arotton planic bas ahnosi us- appeared leaving a- large hole in the side- iralk not one woman m every seven hundred and thirtythree will admit that she reads the advertisements in the papers tod yet let the merchant advertise cheap prjnts and the whole female population be- come apprised of it nmnkaneonaly it fanny how thty get tb news turnip veed suiilteb vacatlok tua dittiiwut dciirtmcuu t ikc uauic sclofll oc una vnllac mtvcloicdicitcriy ut ait wckt disctclc ctanl ellci a ander- tan wilt prrieh in ike diiciiiic mwuug ucuse on sutultty jtilj ltlli t u tini- fcud 6 uin i iuitisttcuapcu rav cliak ckkjk if kinciuuil proichcd cxciieut icrmoiu moriiintfuutf cvcuij liat saudiy ill uic bapiu ciiiixil paodabtittiea ugut to iuddmio ffiudi and fiud wattu wotlkt tucw 0 every ppciraitoaatiaqod tiae wcilher for two ot tiik day inacqurau- rcr t l wukitiaan lately appointed to tka pastorate of he method i churcli hero pruchvd hu grit itrraoui on baaihy ijuu fall huow thu diroclore of the halloa agricahnral society tact uat week auddxidtrd to bold tue fall aba at milton oa tuurdsy and frivlay octolwr 7tli aud 8hu base ball a we ball match was ii1iyd bctftwu the clipper of toronto and maplo leafs orguelph a tlia ktter cilyottpouuiiioadav- kcault 19 clippcrc 2 kkoe cltrcu the pulpit of the trcstivterixn church vn occupied uat bbathby ftcv jaaic bnaat of glca iuimi tnj kcr miuicic of doaflm will oiecialc next suaday voltiifcl thief wai header too a lad tvelve yeirsof ac livingiii guelph wis irrcsud oa monday foe itik in raoaey from the atore of john roche where he was employed on hu pcrjoa were faatul wrairer aud two watches agrictltcral coitmasiok tue ontario agncalturiu comtniaston will meet ia the city ftall guclph itt tuctday aud wedaesday of next wtjcfc to reseivo the evidence of ictdini utocknica ia the section with reference to rink live etok kako cokccet the members of actiid bras boad will cire a tcu ctnt promcnidc concert in the drill shed on the evcaii of monday 19h inst good promi cnadc mesic wilt be fcreuhed by tlie dand and actou iarlcir grchcitn proceeds to be applied to the liquidation of tho hxliacc du on the new unifonn- ravv italss lt simdsj- milton wis visited with the heaviest raius thit the oldest inhabitant remember eccin in a ftw hours the creek which bud been almcut dry wti s rearing torrent pverduwm its binljlnd the sidewajut ia the wt c were rloatiuc we bice not hcird of tuly seriuns dinixe caaivjj atvipent while playing ucross- nn dominion dxj xir marfc maw rcceird a severe blow with orfoftbe clubs it atrtct him on the writ which immciiite ly iweldi op and bcexme very luinful a doctor says the bolo it broken ifr will lep mtn fronhis cntplnynunt for at icist a rjmulhgsrijert jtrat good foe gcelph a ctbla des patch fays that wheeler 0t of the wel lington field tfitterv ha waa the cbaj lene cup at the a 1 tear raages ilia ecort wis 21 p iuts the same dcfpatch iuforme us tiiit 17rivitlmcrncytr cf sifisitooi tied for the tecoad wih s3 poiats- snider rifle were uied if mrjojj scores as well at tie aiirbltdpa matches hi prospects fur the quteas prize will le good death or berlin- mayoe sir l05u breithiapt mayor of ikrlin and one of the most extensive tanners in ontario died on saturday morning iftera ehort ill ness he was entirely teumiile min hirinc accnranlited a ixrg fortnnjand had 1 fjreit deal of real es i herlin he leaves a widow and- family of grown up children 5frz- a- hsll formerly of this village u manas f the tunning establish ment of the above geutlenia that salve vtry many rend ia the ipen aumt tbe ailia- craig salve made by the old irith lady and tend etiirip for information to her mr aticin- sna of that place vet emie think it mxy ehncof the tjtatnbags art4rss it trrer we heai it reajiy does all it profeifcs to do opca or runaiocr soia of all kinds and axmes are eaid to yield to its cnralive powertr wfceacsed as directed ikstallatiok ioof at uppecial meeting of acton mfie ko 20i ioof the following olscers were instaucd by bro x mcgarvia v dg m fur the present term j p g bro w williams x a e xicklin v 0 tbns sniyth r s eli snyder f s h p moore- treas alet if brown new jolrsal a new ptpap the xdpttrial world and kctfwaal etoiwmut devoted to home industries commerce finance insurance railroads and jins is published in ottawa tt clsiins to be connected with neither political oarty bat staads thoroaghly independent of both we have receired the first namber aad its ap- pearaace is very creditable it ia n journal that should receive a large circulation ajbong the commercial raea of our country foa exglam mr geo matthews jr of this village sails on fhe i5th instf for binninghiin england mcacrt w el storey t son cf the canada glove work here faive lately eirtablisheol a factory ia the above city for the maarfaattire of the eureka- spring ghyo fastener lately patspted ia eagliadnd ifr lilatthews w ill audrae the management of the irelanioil part of the business mr wm fiwtbrook of xoranto will enperintead the sale of the spring in england qtjtrage on saturday evening a yoaogiroman tumadfaaay king arrived iu hamilton from milton on the it w train and engaged a cabman to drive her to tha residence of a friend- instead of taking to her desired destitution the csbmaa took her to his stable drugged and ontcaged her and turned her out parliallr iaaenifblc ia the raiddleof the night feel ing her disgrace very keenly she determined toltafce her own life and proceeded to the wharf for this purpose and threw hemel into tbe bay she vac rescued by a iamp- iighur n4 card for byinqairica it is sceruintd that her charaeter is good the cabman has been- arrested a fatal btisaou sunday juno 27tlia miss jonjiio jfccauum datighpr of f mccauum eb county lrouurcr m- coived n bting on the lip froth wtuo tnsocl whioh rcaultod iu her doathou sunday last modicataid wai at once procured but uoth iug could bo dona to relievo the aufforinga of tho young lady which wore incut tatouao until ended by death nkv uniform qn sftlm-dayeycu- ing unuhc bnui band appeared iu their uflw uuiforu which look well and invvs them a dccjdodlv fiqq appcaranco the baud puvcd on mill aad main atrotjti tbeu marched along mwa ilrect to vvcit bower avenue theace to willow trevt and along willutt- atreet to their new ataad whore they played a urge uumberof pieces to the cajojtucut of rur- citixcla it bgng a beautiful evening promeaadiag was largely iudulgedia- hound lost oa tha 2tthof mtty there appeared iutheae columns au adver tisement rclatiiig to a valuable hound which waa loat we wurc iufocmed hat the dog waa found iu a few dayt afterwards aud tatod llii fact in our ncifc imuc it now teems howcvei that pur infonnaut was in- correct and a liberal rewardwtu still be gixtii cor tho recovery ot the bound it u a dark speckled ouc any ope holding the dog will be pnwecukd for particular call on mr fred fcjcccrd acciuevt on slonday cveininp last mrs 6 a secord was proceeding to tho rear of her block occupied by messrs chapman and turner for some flower pots aad when near mr chapmans bade door tho watch dog which was oa duty think ing no doubt that mrs secord waa a tres passer attacked her tearing her dress and indicting a painful wound on her breast and a slight one on ike aliouijtir mr chapman immediately took off tho dog and dr lowry was called in and drcssca the wounds which are progressing as favorably a could be expected- look out far him r well dressed man is going about the country clximini x bo deeply interested iu the cause of temperance he calls at a firm- houfe presents a pledge for the firmer to siiin and when thit it done produces an other card aimiur in appearance o which he also deiircs that ihe signature be affiled in order to keep a correct memonndum of his work the second card u a eight note for tny stntmut tuenrindicr my o nt to dcirmd look out for him turnip seed seniocs accident a ynung man named william garvin of limehause met with an accident on tho evening of domin ion day which will in all probability prove fatal he wfs coming home from george town about 930 oclock andnnt thinking he was so near to the biiugt at the 7th line wdkei into it and fell to the bottom ife laid there until ttboctis0 oclock when vr james sharp canic along pud fntnd him and procuring liisuroo took hint to the residence of mr lindsay neur by dr freeman of georgetown was imraediaev called and on erminstion it was ascertain- cd uiat the poor fellowv baet waa brolcn tncre is huh hope f jr liis rocoverj s pcratnlf mrt 51 kennedy is vi4iliug her friends iu gait mr e garret of gilt wis ia town on tutlav iter gei sale of toronto gave us a cill oa mrur 1 mr james vratthcwi of garafrara in towa thit wtxk mr john meniry of seaforth it vieitiug his acton frenda mr uobt warren jr who hns heca at- tendiuc hih school at watcrdown carae home oa saturday to spend the tnmmer vicauya 4 doniniox dai actun btving no pablic celebration oa the ntist the day iaed off verj quietly but on the whole nit nnplcasntly xcarly all the busiuess places were closed and the day recogniasd as a public holiday ahnost cveryhody left th villige a large number tookadvaattgc of the chrp fares and went to baffkltr- kiagara toronto hamiltoa etc others attended the celebrations afcguelph genrgc town and brampton and those who did not visit thesfl places sjtenta pleasant dy at home in tbe eveniug an ice cream sncial was iciven ia he methodist church under thj dlrclfiltgi li lies aid t5icietyof the church in aid cf the parsonage fuud the amount required to liquaiata the debt waa about raised hatrtmoalsl on tuesday nioining at 1020 oclock the erent of tbe ecason the marriage of miss emtni matthews eldtit dauyhter of the late george matthews ecq of this village and rey charles a coot pastor- if the baptist church kingston second son of hcv it b cook of this village tok place ia the baptist church long before the time announced the church was well tilled with an crpectmt comagny the fair ser predominating the kmihngyonng maideus looked hopeful aud pretty and the young gentlemen secmel to gather coarage with the occasion aad no doubt on tho principle of like begetting like the pastors oe this village and viciaity will have lively times ia future a flutter at the door told the story of the happy couples arrival- the groom ccompamed by his brother mr judsoacoofc of georgetown who acted as ejoomeman proceeded down the right aisle and tbe bride escorted- by 4ter brother mr james ifatthews of gari- frax and followed by the bridesmaid miss etta matthewt sister of the bride came up the left until they met at the altar and atood before him who was to make the two husband and wife the ceremony which was performed by rev s a dvke ofto- routo assisted by revs w p halreton pastor of the church and r b cock father of the groom was soon over and the party in inverse order passed down the aifle tc the carriages the bride was neatly attired ia a silk dress of very pretty color thechurch was beantiiuilv decorated with evergreens and flowers which render ed thidr part in the ceremony a large number of visitors from rorntojafmiltpn beamsvilie bramptdn and gcargotown were present the happy conple left by the iio pm train east on a trip to xiagara falls aud st caharines by ay of toron to they will return iu a week or so and pend a week with their friends in acton after which hey proceed o their future home in kingston the fans press con gratulates the rev mr cook and his new mode bride and wishes them a joyous and bucceapful life voyage turnip seed noiioct worth attntlon j machine oil t post office store a qiiuutiiy of siono jan ivt aw u rceus hatb from j5 cent to 25c t j tw bit by lla barrel ut ilia- post office gjore plsest and cheapest millinery at atonifdil house gtnno butui ocooks mid cliurua wqreu iv new prints cbonp for cash t bt laalctti now storo scythes bcmtthx llukes and forks at tho luit office store ilikjuudgltjut sugar for 100 at themontreal houto aiiotliii- lot of llio 12 lb siigur at tbe post office store leave your orders for ics cream and strawberries at u g mattbchs it yoct want a nobby durable and cneap suit j fylei is the place to go a w gnnif the cisli store has a good slock ot ha rakes call andsee them fuesii boss fitsii every dny nl ways good try tkcli at the eictlsicr bakery okoice twoeds ond cheup suits made to order chris tie- henderson t co acton ornngcs and lemons always in slock at ll gj uatthciea e cream and trait parlor daily cxpoeied nt th post office store acton window ulass assarted sixes 7x1 to 30x0 for jinuino arclic 8ou try the new sods tountaiu at the eicclsior baker li e kicklin pure tee cream by tho dish or qnart at i g matthews ice cream and truit isrlar if yan want n coxil refreshing drint try the new focntaiuatthe ercalsior bakiif bte kicfclioi choicest dlack te only 75c if yoa want a really choicjj ttaask for it at christie henderson 4 cos farmcrkreincmber bat plow castluits of all kiudsure kept on hand at the ftce lresx oliicc it w klg millikerv the rush slitl contiti- nea new styles icr evprs regularly to band cunatic teudcnoa fc co window faauffst the post otsce store y ullfixerr snd- ildhncry goods new choice sua cheap no fancy prices lor hillinerv christie henderson co gicikd ditplny of new and fashion able hillinery this week it the glasgow house acton christie hcndecson 4 co 3o t ti8 eestofflst stsm for tiic cknio www lend ec4 toad sxiisiac cslsn ltd u yiiators 5uiaitos- illpoktxkt to all cocerxed ciu on christie lenjoixm co for really new neat and stylish millinery at bottom prices 12 yard- llro goods for 100 new gmds aul jiuc iu seaxui at christie heudersoa fc tins acton where yua ct the faniom 50 cent ta- l g juttlitws has the largest lctt aborted aud liticjt flavored stock ot cukiu evrcitwbl ui alaa at iu to- crcatn and fruit parlor 1 choice go cent smsollinfffor so cents 75 crat tea for go cent so cent tea for 70 cents liuck 75 cent tea fur co ceuts at montreal ifowc actou those lioanliful prints at the old prices ducks dnnu shining gray and while cottons all at the old prices christie henderson co the grand rifh continues at christie hcodersoo a cos iclon cheap dresgciods cheap millinery cheap tweeds diicka aud shirting best greeu t japan teas for 5j ceuts frh lot jost receired drives jo and bargains iu all lines of goods christie hendeisou 4 co tha greatest llemedr ever discovered quinlnp uonnilrea thetrelct reranly kuin iiul wetjciuvrf luas iu equal m cot its peer lu tue product of- lh ck kikii xiitihic has bpn ucovf rrti tn equal cod llvr oil ks k liiltler tnu s stalmr ocilie ikv incoummi ton niti all wasting dw onler but tl as ruineklc inplrd or us nauseous pro ion ill lu kelts knmlilon oc tffrrviirt tatettrfl overwibte anl comhtnivith llie hj popaos pliue ofljmc ana kaa it u to mom ulu auti renuuyerrrdcovaiod marble works -i- mn ule works quchcc st goclph messrs mcquillan hamiltoa poprietors are di rect importers of au kinds of marble aad granite havinp a lxrqe stock ou haud purchased previous to the late rise in pricn if raarlile they will continue to sell all kindof monuiueuts head stonea mantles in slate or ifirhle at their usual low prices satisfsctinu guaranteed 41 tf gfiit we continno to do the orderol clothing trade o this section of the country tve have done this season tne largest business ever doee ithe reason why the joods aro right the price is right the cutting is right the trimming righttba making it rignl we fit the body head and praket special reductions to save movinglthe stuflintn the new premises uclead anderson fc co grey and white coftonk ducka denims tihirtincs fee the ild prices thesegooda were iwufihtfast deceuilteraod held over to cualie us to ie reat lar- gains durtutj the doj days christie hen derson l co equal to teiscrraphr it is not so mauy years ago when telegraphy wan looked upin asachimern anrtprofsor atorse as visionary ue ail feuow nor its wonders more recently phrmaeinl sontel the idea litut tntoriti coum be made plctstil m ihe ttt hut messrs srott t donne wlm tlielr ralatalilc fnslor ou i ve o ce l o iomm wolch is a lectin nic lleinelimsl qili to itat ot profe sor mnro itlt not the na seous ciu- lor tll uforrchilttbocrrnuyk u ltlnuble and atreeabte to tie uole irjca v5 cents new goods crelouk black oiahmerps gents white shirt ucnts ltudciclulliiuff white ltce curtnins a lot of silver and buttons i gilt clearing salei the mammoth house georgetown i to announce a clearintsale irliichmloboinne 10 ihe middle of august this iv a bona fide clearing ml jifhfjijjwnt lo reduoe their stock heforn inoving into their new premies nlwut the middle of august unheard ol bargains will be given in all kinds of dry goods includ ing drew goods ooltons prints miilin ery mttnlles carpets ready made cloth ing gents fnrnishiiigs wo jjnwiriyour lime to make money- mcleod ander son co of- best qualities montreal i house dry goods i tweeds miiinery xa continues boots and shoes me5s and boys tl haitis drugs medicines st a large lot of the ahnvt hnfi of goods on haud and cill le told clieap ohipians corner stow acton the new corhard hointzman uprrghtl best ix the doaisrojf call axd see it at montreal house vie chapman agent preserving settles in iraisjiyjaoite sfthc bat in the llarkd at hayill uill street actox sigv qf tee lmp truth8 hop bitters a medicine nt a urink coktaix3 hop bnchot handralie lan4ellon and thk pukest axd hpst medicau qualities of altothkk blttj they cure all plfcitres of tte eitmaeh botciit blood uver kiuv ami uritiry or- ffn ncrvonnm rieecfnes female cinpiiuuhdd urunksunefp siooo ix gold ww b rntd tar a cie lliey will not care op hipor for sinylhlngfinpareorlrjari- oas fuaud tn u cm akfc yonrdriirllforiton bltleo and frrc bnfcr rind iry tlie bhteit before youplep tnke nu otbr the hop cough curt and painmitfu the cheapttt surtxt and bzsl houurrncas mfoco rciicftrr ky nnd toronto ont por sale by all uwjrt h f a week ia vow own town and jt r is no odpital riatel ton can give jl 1 1 i the business a tral without ox- nr pensetbebebtopp6rtnnjtyovor otfered for tnose wflliug to work yon should try nothing else until von see for yoarjteli what yon can do at the business we offer no room to explain here ton can devote all your time or only yonr spare time to the business and make great pay for every hour that you work women make as muoh as men send for special private terms and particulars which we mail free i j outfit free dont complain of hard tmes while yon have bucis a chance adiesss hallet co portland maine fresh arid cheap christie henderson fj i 5 acton cheap dress goods cheap millinerj cheap tweeds ducks arid shirtings sest green and japan teas for 50o fbesit wt just received drives jobs barqains 1 1st all lines of goods i i l 11 1 ii grand opening unparalleled display of handsome goods jl cx btjoham guelph begs to anrounce hi orand general exhibit of new bpinggoods ant extendi a cordial inritation to every lady in acton and surroupdlp3tonn v4 country to visit the fashionable west end clothing stpie in every department a large aqd magnificat stock gill be exhibited aobucham ivsiiioil wat end qru udnllf and jiwnerv psfoifiajmoif ottlph what is this f i eeryboy vonderabow it ia there is always snch a rnah to hills pjaotograpi galleiy 1 forphotogbhaphs this is all explained when yon sea the quality of the work at the pried why pay ju p dcg for cabinet portraitswhen you cwa get them lust as gool tor3ot perdoz why pay a uu per doa or carte de ft whon yon can get them for 8150 auart incited fa call and see siecimens and pricet for themidvu 0 w hill photo p s all kinds of framing done a large as- sorliuent f7etet and faucy goods very cheap i o whill baby carriages r o n m n o n m hybu want a good strong stylish and durable baby carriage goto joiln worspold go i upper wrxdpami street gvelph thoy have a largo stock and aro almost giving them away- cash ia scarce- do not be induced to spend your money before seeing themi sltts of tue chaik hasleton block upper wyndhamst flqalfli- t furniture a good aajorlment of fintt class fnrni- tnre of every deacriii- tion consuitly on hand prions aa low as gnelph orifleorger- town j a 0all boucitid s- john speight at undbrtakln j every deborijttjon of comna cjkkttot aud al fuutrlre- qisiftlwjllir in ateck a hnnd souie tam itft- nihed at a low jute avmsgvin drug store wm j

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