s -thur- to j r- f- ft acton free press la ppbtlii ikmr tiwbsdat morxtkg bv h p mooee editor proprietor aftm f paa m9vss lieri doorro meltwdtilctiureu if 7 sfretf xtfon oaf txsxs t the pmm pan will be sent to subteriberv pottage paid or 100 per on- nam in advance 1140 if not to paid no paper diwoatianei till all umn orajpaid exetpt at the option of the pahuaher auratotn bim- oatntl advertise neatt 8 oants per line tor the ftrct insor two unl 3 oent per line or eaoli inhae- qoenl insertion cash professional cuds 10 lines or ion h00 per unaui 1 kjmi 11 lines n00 per annum payable in g months from dale of insertiou any special kotice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individaal or companv ub be considered in advertiae- menu the number of lines reckoned by c space oocapied measured by a scale of ioulxesptreu coxtsact kates one column one rew half column one year qnirtercodraaooft year ouoeotama clr months j ttttcalamilticmaalut lioxrtercotorannx moalht o 4 ealaam three alanine kaireotaniatjremoatli tjnarfee cataua tkree moallic advertisements wltunaliuteeme direction erltt be inserted utt rrtldinil charted iccom iturty trcntltntr tdverttiemenu matt ik paid taadva nee chansec far contract sdeertisemf nie matt be la ttieolhce ay fl a mpa mamtarsother- vrlw ur will be ta ovic uluie lotlawruc wk term8ioo in advanet 27te netuihukra map 0 duty lift hi fluctuation and ill vaii conctnii ib0 if nof so paid volume vi no 4 acton ont thursday july 82 1880 whole no 2t5 jloj sum isro sqm lira 3103 liiu s p uoors jtmllori proprietor tu1c bjded ciflfioioaliatgiop i rmothtcn eoru co nraivc ae- majctacu ik kew vottki ouaoaott bar be bcsjvsslbctor l j whlowur icb xc v s gciiiliiof triaitr coucge hem- lurr o college o pjirsicuiis and sarpeotis ofitfiai tesicleaee at uie lioaj of fred- 1 crict st- actn xfcaarrik i d- it c p r- ja trrfcioite ol victoai coilce kosj- esce corner of itill -fntrfrii- j desce corner of itill aiid fnslerict strvet- gavaimioa dxijyizxm i ti 10 inuid r we must ha7d bread s 847 iitluili poor iai 10 117 v b e nicklin bittes confecteoneeus corxke uilk i- ktlustttlcts actok beg to talimaic luafc uicy are prcparod to supply tue vajage and surrounding country with very boat of bread i bcsvs cjlkest pastrvjlnd oonfeotionery pqbrsr scryeroll johx davis pro- ycsczmx lini sajtcycr civil enjneer and drxaateirac of gcelpk is prepared to tices j to tli sjfrvejxin acinus iud rictu- y orders left it j e icgrria prog stoac adoa whl lx pcumptly eitaded p mk pgrisc jld teach- ex of pitao voice tharuogii ijisa cd piaqo uid voeci eiacsocsa- cj teae- in t specialty jissjnx ven st the rc pr quirter of thirteen ie2wnsvne hk in adnnce addrfta it cnintr m frjrnrn d giujtolo atlq out bread deuyered vcjiile- thinking hose who hive fvored us with their patronage in the past we wlicit a ooutiiiunce of the same and will welcome new customers ice cream parlor wo hsve now opened our let crrjii pimac and will ajwiys he prepare t hupply pure ice creim fruit driuk- fruit ttc- ice crvaiu s applied by the quart if desired a coil solicited btexicklix haymaking tits jii pay hit hat hk coaceis the mat of her face and a ih hikes tlm ngnut hay hor arm if full of grace her loos carli llatt upon the wind a mass of uagltid guld and faand her rosy lipc thrc playa a witclieri atitold of all the rtkera ia ui field young culiu holdi hec heart bat still the pout be ti with hi miocr aad icudi a itiapinp dart of jeloui poia acrmi ini breit a cap of time each day vefc ligfuv iaugha and lures tutu an a linreucticath her sway a ncc a not ihcgitlv crieav well rake acroii the- field whoever tint can reach you hedge the other need auut yield the prirc a kim young ccilin aayt her bcuwtt chcekc turul to ttc whatueryou chote fort alau via and courtesy law bettowa with merry jest the start sway hi itrotic arm far and nar rake in the hay and ioia her bceast is filled with tuddea fear i breafc the pledce ahe qnickly cries he arntaad holds her fast and withthe kiw deep in her eyes he resili uio truth at last cliuds bhuieads acd gircukrs f every f- decriptiou execufejneasy ai tw acton ftte pexss osce tim bent lucsl rotpefpi hafcotco r vnrrini by itr k plnry atiif iliatbc it- yilfan itani s crttctast lick of teefcpurk stultyx sausage fisk jccc h jt d itatkesox attobxeyat- j cjg solicitor in claneerrirc ofice ncx door to wthoces hotel helton j 4 listee i glafie bi brister quebec street guelph- kticb office ztinmithc eautflac mul sftwt -irtab- j ornccoro rrcerfkixjltkc tj fishee v a georgetown e onl will sist actoa erery wednes day and will attend ts jlu coiu pertaining t hit frsfcicon- orders fcft at ifcgarrins dn store will reccire prompt axtention lerrc modenie txkeeb- caxad1 loan bahkihccohpamr kirixcs eak tokkuu of jakes and vise sts- hamiltoit 3ix eer cast iutcrst pill ca 23c- posits of 1 uil apvazds safes axd best security board of directors db cntstrork e qprerfrfnt t wjc keek csqof jotta witdle t ca bar- hacton vtpretdot jvv rosiascrgir m d hatnlltoo kcg xcrekavetej hjitnlltoii tixas hcocciiakn ei cl jcmxliakn gman ttoht dcsrajr eq kkmllton rk cur abut iii oafcvlue wse fkrrtair x h ciorpetown hsfiktfttk m i c b ksow eq uanar oocion kilts 1 sfoitft co loait aw ecur in trim to- cull parektfifoeixvektioxserij uvrrvrc a m y ads the united ststea uuz eirope pa- umtospm priaied mjtmfionl agency m aperatios 1 niii tea rert heser geist 1 ottaws csasds mrlrsnt7 engincenhg solistois- of p- sa andd iil hejistheet licensed itictloaber- for the connties of wefliagtoa sjid hstton orders left at the fim pcnsoiece icton or my residence in eocbsrood- vrill be pramptlytiendei to trzns reasooahle new butcher shodf at1atvt cook toila intimate to thi- peonte rann that tuber a ung while aga va at that saved br mr wife this night which will dtrrll in my memory vcith vivid dtktiiictnesii srhile litis and reasjn ste left tue vm ia oc tioi a tcgrni operktar ttfiiitrl at i little tnun ujiua the iiatid trunk lin of raiiroktl mine vis by uo tuexnss modl dso of resideuce vts hid two arreat at and tkirejby wrt attention to bntlneaa tn touutcfeittts and thor rasscatcely ecurea fair kiare of the lotrotwte of the t j bll- ue1t delivered at any time to any tay wscrl that thera aa not u drulik- naxtof tbetotn thttw cash a catiitklicired adam cook aoz lulfits 14ta new boot shoe shop doifdook hoteh actok bobt answ groprietot the new hotel is fitted ftp in firstciasci btyls with new fornix tare- coulmercial trarejiffs will fend good agcorrrnf ad cammodioui sample roams specialattentionpaidto the wants ofthe trateihn nuhlic bar fitrpplied with tkebesiof iiqtiecs and cigars hood stali4 inf ad attentive hostlert- rotal exchakge hotel actos jacampbeil proprietor- 3jr-camp- beil hue of the bossiu house neargt k stdsn tkes pleasure in umouncing to his many old friends and patrons that he has recently puxchaaed aad refitted the royal ecehoge in the neatest and most cemfbrt- hle tijk and is prepared to accommodate 821 who may tear him in lie owst com- fortahe manner choice wines liquors cigars and ioolfiumnjer drfnts always in stock- gtohle lin charge rf on attendee hostfcr the patronage of th pubhc is re- spectfolly soiicitfid and na effort will be i soared to gife the err best attention- vfash fob skiss i am prepared to py the highest cifih price for hidc calfsldas peoconff lamb and sheep sjansdelrrered ai my tannery lace leather constanily on hand tames jtcoobe kcrax tt williams would respect- bvlly lutlmntcui tli ieoite or accon kod vfcfuftj tuftt he hss niened a booctfrioetlj3pinteie0uiialpdijositev h storeys glare worts an lieu utilket actox aayccwittwantofa sabstsalla1 and cood fltuuj boot or shoe cboarflootfatltateatechefrorrferattjtsftand eepilrlaeiejocialtriniprflffiptlr ttoadad to w williams acton septet iks 5000 customers wanted this week soot ar rue cxstkal shoe store x t puilps pomps w e rfarvf mannfactnrer of xnperiar well and cistern pomp which xhl be pnt j in on ahort notibc ejairing promptly i done furniture made and repaired chargea mederaie alae ava tiled and et ji him a call blrep on frederick street oppobie dr ixiwryv residence vt e adahs ysetto uax lioq o use on fintwlru fafnaeenritvv i a reaaoiubte rate of ihtereat apply to h p m008e at fbke pczsa osce acton rwakles cajieeopf main st acton aent for thebell organ nunofaefored by fwri w bell t co- gnelpfc grdera left it liia rendenc vill receire prompt at- teatioo for partacnlara aee a4f on other le olre him a triat chas caitrbox flotiuvr tou cajr ecr betteil 8qqts ttfb ssqes aksaabcrtxasabnaxxs itt acton tuaa la en aray frnra borne to uiateyonr purenaies cull kt crai2te so ips wbtmhlsom 0ebw8ons ooenbesj te eeporc lo do alt kfnaa of whiteffashivc coloring cm the iliorteat notice and at teaaonaote ralea wleate yonr onsois at the rut vsuat office actoc- p sciotbloff cleaned een- orate4 l i wtl seuhis ett htucl uiing the rusuas around ne sttli there a ssliaul and a timid blue eyed uuutu baa come to teach them how iuq ut anprotecel aronian might hve hrei there tn only guess for alice halt had been theiv but tiirve uxuttthtt vhen hhc catitfeutnl to walk iota chuiclt with tuiatie day and walked out my vile this was iu july aud we bad uccimed a ittln cit- tage almttt u quarter ut k mile frotu the telrgrwih offic since our uiarriagp iseiug tins only uian engngtd in the telegrajih busintfts iu or town t h obliged to rraiaiti eouatatitly in the office during the day and jtrt of the eveniog and alice hetsclf brought me my dianer and sknier there was a room next to my office with a window but ouly one door camnianicitttig with the larger room here alice had fitted up t dreihing tabh and mttror vraahscnd and some shelves where she kept lejiper tuilt and pickles fr my office teia the two rooms were on the 6eooud floor of a wooden buimiug that stood alone with this necessary introduction i come to the story of that october night and tle rt my blue eyed alice outy eighteen snd afraid of her own ihaduw playad in it i was in the office at liout 730 when one of the tailraad oicisls came in all hurried saying stirling hare you been over the emtmuktucuc ua the road to day t no i hare not it was a speckl providence tcok me there then one of the great masses of rock has rolled down direct ly across the track it will be dart as a wolfs mouth tonight and if the midnight up traitr couk without warn log there will be a horrible smushmp sure it must stop atpottasille then i replied i will eeui message yes that is wht i stepped in for tne down tract is all right so yon neednt stoji that train all right sir i was sucndtog at the doorway see ing tny ciller down the rickety stair care when alice came op with my supper it wai hot and i wjs cold tj i dtvw up a ulde audetaptyingcan and basket sat down to enjoy it time enough for business 1 thought after wards as i ate we chatted any message ui day t my wife asked one for john martin john martin alice cried tbo greatest ruffian in the neighborhood whiit was the message f midnight train was that all f that wis all mr kill has just oeeo here to ted me there arm huge rock across the track at jthe embank ment so i ball stop the midnight train at potuvijie the passengers must stop there ft few hours and coma on in j the morning after the tract is cleared have you sent tka uiessags yet robertl not yet there is plenty of time that raid does not reach poturiile till half past eleven and it ia not yet eight yea its just striking bettor bend it robert if there was an accident yoo would never for give yourself bead it while i put some clean towels ia he washroom and then i wilt come and ait with you till you can ooma home she went into the dnwiing toora as ahe spoke taking ho light but depend ing upon lira light burning in the offloe i was rising from my teat to lend the telegram when four of the wont char- sclera in he town headed by juhn martin entered the roam before i could ipeak they threw nia buekjn my chair one held a revolver to nir head and john martin spoke mr sill was here to tell you to atop thop train you will nut send that message listen th rockia there to atop the train pit there for that purpose there ia 50000 in gold in the rain do you understandr you would rink all the uvea in the tntin to rob it i cried iiorroretttck- en jcsctly was the coal reply one- fifth is yours if yoa keep back the uieasage the mouoy his been watch ed all alouj i ssw the whole diabolical scheme at occe if the train at uie it would be thrown off the embankment and easily plundered by the villains who would lie iu wait there come martin said will you juin us i 5 over i cried icdignadlly we tuuit fotce you then tie him fast boys i trembled for alice if only my life vera at stake i could bare tnrue it betur cut even if we were both mtitjered i could nut take the blood of the patsettgers in the train ujion my heud xot a aouiul crfiiie from tha little roam as i tied band and foot to my chair i amid so securely that i could uot mure it was proposed to gag mc but they finally concluded that my cries if i made any could uot be heard and a handkeicbief was bound over my mouth the door of the wasu room was closed and locked alice atood undiscovered then th light was blown out and tne rusains left me locktug the door after iheut there was a jigilene outside i could hexr the ate of one of the men pacing up and down watching i robbed m head against the wall behind me sua succeeded in getting the hand kerchief on my mouth a fail around my nrck i ha1 seucily accomplished thi when there was tap uu the inner door uobert alice estil j yea my 1uvk i swiki low there is a nmu under my window are ou aluoe in th room f yes dear i am going to potlkytlle there is uo man under my window and i can get out there i have ail loug roller towels here kuotted together and i have oru my whit skirt iuto wide strips to join them the rope so made reaches nearly to the ground i shall tiisteu it to the doorkuob and let myself down it will uot take long to teach hme saddle seliiu and reach puttsville in time dotit fmr for me when you hear a heu cackling under my winduw yon may kuow that i am safely to the gruuua r lattla alice my heart throbbed heayily as i heard her hdraic propo sal but i dared not stop her heavec bless and protect yon i said and lttteued or the ainsl soon the cicktiug noise told me that the fine step at her undertaking had beeu accomplished it was a dark cloudy and threatcn- tug a storm and as uearlv as i could guess ch upuii utue oclock she had to go six miles and i could only wait and pray i was coo much stunned to leolize the heroism of this timid woman starting aluue upon the dark ride through s wildouuntry with a storm threatening june oclock a the bell of the no avail but was her life saved iu the agony of that question the ruiub ling of the train was lost far more did 1 feel the bitterness of alice lost than the horrot of the dixmicd urea the truin carried why had i let heritart on her mad errand i i tried to move and writhed with iuiputeut fury tion my chair forcing hu cruel cords to tear my dead as i vainly atrired to loosen eyeu uue baud the heavy tram rumbled past the telft- graph office it was an txprm train uud did not atop at my station but as i listeued sense sharpened ty uieutal torture- it seemed to me that the aeed slackeued listening intently i knew that it stopped at the embankment of nearly as 1 could judge not with the sickening crash ihti i expected uot preceding groans and wail from the injured passengers but gradually snd carefully a luameut moru and i heard shout the cntck of fire arms sounds of some conflict what could it rll meant the min utes were all hours till i- beard a key turn iu the dour of mj prison and iu a moment more two tender anna were thruiva around my neck and alice vas whispering iu my ear they will cauie in a few minutes lave to set you free i thought ol that before i started but there wnsa mau at the front watching i crejjt i around lbs house and paw him so i dared no be seen but have you been at puttsville deart yes dear in ailthat ttorm f seliiu betiiicd to understand he curried me swiftly and surely i was well wrapped in my waterproof hood aud cloak when i reached puttsville the train had not come up but it it here i ouly the locomotive and carriage cn that carriage was a aheriff deputy sherid and twenty men all armed to the teeth to capture the gan at the embankment i came i o uud they loweied me from tht platform when the tpeed slackened so that i could run iu and tell you all was safe wuua we apoke my wifes fingers had first untied he handkerchief around my neck and hen in the dai k found some of jie knots and cards binding me but i was s ill tied fast and stroug when there was a louud of many feet upon the staircase and in a another moment light and joyful voices weve captured the whole nine wai the good news three including john martin are desperately woanded but the surprise was perfect now old fellow or yoa a doou cuid knives at onee se vered my bonds and a doiea were extended in greeting th woaldoe assitsins snd robbers were sent foe trial and seutenced to peuah servitude alice aud i left fur a more civiliied community the following year but before we went there was an invitation seut us to meet a committee of the rail road couimtiy at puttaville we accepted had a dinner wert toasted aud complimented and then alice was presented with silver lea service as a testimonial from the threatened up train the company and railroad direc tore in token of their gratitude for the uvea aud property aaved by nty- heroine e a oontolontious lpwytrr mr x waa lawyer in crcellenl pruct in an inland city and mr y waa a wfalthy fartaer and tn old friend of xs not many weeks ago x received arnnvilation to dinewiih y ou sunday evening and accptm tn lbs ante pranditl half hour the conversation turned on many thiagn finally ywring round to a lawsuit- in which y was defendant and had engaged another lawjer but x gavt- hia opirrinii us o lie proper conme to ite parsued under the circumstances a orlnhiht afterward y received tr bill of coats from x for some legal bttfinesf he had entrusted him with including an item of gv 8d fop con stilting with and advising him in lib own dnawingroom on the night of the dinner time and place lieing acciirhtely specified on tbetaceof the acconni y was naturally indignant at this and xkstolate wilh x on making such a charge x admitted hat under he circumstances itwos rather exceplionu to make a charge bnt as the item had been put into the bill he insisted on being paid it y waxed very wroth and aaid confound roti said he your dinner coal uie two guineas yoii drwnka guineas worth of wine alone and i niado no charge why thin should rou chargn m for en gaging in ordinary conversation as my gnestt business sir business re turned the linih of the law i always believe iu paying arid being mid send in your bill for the dinner and ill py yotir and you must py furruy advice y went away rather indig nant hut cooled down ou reaching home it struck him that it would be a good juke to send in a bill to the lawyer and afr ruijch cogitation he drew out an account fur a guinea for wine supplied this was forwarded to x who by rctnm of icst sent a cheque for the amount aud asked for a rvcaipt w bich was given y was chuckling the following morning over the manner in which he had liested the lawyer when a policeman served him with an information for selling liquor without alicense thecase was heard at the police court the receipt for the guinea was put in as proof of the sale of the wiue and y was fined 30 with coats x ben demanjed and obtained half the penalty inflicted as informer fivi y-rjt- wban i wm t uragtmiodiht i 8ave some winged ninuwuta nawly caoght but time while stealing life away la adding to it averjr day i and whan ahe nnrabered is yean and i was 90 hopoa and ears the scroll futnro life unrulled i aud lore was lord of all tint kold when 2g summers crowned br hiad aud 25 ol mine liad had hlie gave me hera i tfaye br caloe aud then unr um wa s timoa 9 ami as the years ran on nqrlives in cub and cares till count in 5v kicli 5 note how fast it goesl how quick coma twice 6 little tow in the case forgot his orlef everything safe yaf the london sperling timet tells this good story a clergyman who lalcly left li vei pool inane of the huge oc an steamers began to feel rather ui comfortable soon after leaving the month of the rivet andi having ahi introduction to the captain sought him to learn if there was any danger soma weeks since while a party of detroit surveyors were running a rail road line down in indiana the survey carried them across a cemetery iu the course of the survey a amall stake was driven in to a grave and before it was removed and carried ahead a lathy long legged hoosiet overhauled tho men peeled off hift coat and danced arouud aa he yelled on show me the man who dared to drive that stake in that grave i we are going to remove it quietly replied oue of theparty i dont care if you are show me the man i i well vm the man and what are yon going to do about it t said the bijf man of the lot as he stepped out didut you know that was my wifes grave t asked the hoosiur with a considerable fall in his voice no sir well it is btr my first wifes grave and what cf that sirf what of that i whywhy sir if 1 hadnt ulanied a secoud one about month ago and kiuder forgot my grief id take that stake and pin you to the fence willril its lucky for you fillers mightylucky for you that i dont feel half as batlas i did i tha oullalma wltnaaa do yon know ih prisoner well v sked the attorney never knew him slev replied the witneju no levity said the lawyer sternly jfow sir did you ever aae lie prisoner at lit bar took many adriuk with him at the bar answer my question ir relied the lawyer how lone fuijel you known the prisoner t from two feet up to live feot ten inches 77 will tie court iiutke toe i i bav 3 hi the wiinew intictpktiiig the lawyer i ijave answered the question i knowed the prisoner when he was a ijoy two feet long and a man five feet ten your h inor itk a fc jtfdge im under mj patli peraisbed tho witness themowyer aioseplaced botli hands on the- able in front of him spreading legs apart leaned his body over the table and said will yon tell tho conrl whatyou know ahoat this caw i that iuut his name replied the witnesa what aint his name t case who said it was f yon did you wanted to know what l knew about t his case his names smith your honor howled the attorney lilucking his benrdout hy the roots will yon roakethis man answer v wiinew aaid the judge yoir uinst answer the questions put to von laud b guslion jeilge haint isia doin it 1 let the learned mail fire awy im ready then said the lawyer dont beat r about lie bush any more you and this prisoner jiave leenfriendsf never promptly resfirnded the witoea what wasnt you summoned here lis a fiiendf no sir t was summon- ed here sa a prcsbytivtan nary a one of us was ever friendsrbeg ao fid line baptitwithoat adropof quaker in him hthnd down jelled the uwyfr ia disgust hry f stand down cant do it ill sit down or stand up sheriff remove that mai from the lwx witness retires niutteriug well if he aint the tbickheadafct man i ever laid eyes otu tha franehmana oysters church clock ceased a rumbling aud l uia did not answer immediate hash told ma a thunder storm was wd wskn fore cojiing rapidly oh the long longcj minutes of the next hour ten oclock the tain j castle and told hirh to listen to what h wa8 ki on the clergyman was falling in jbocked to hear a wrty of bhilorw torrents thunder mng uglitmnaj jsweariug vigoroaslj aud expressed ids fiashing alice was afraid of lightning often i had held her white as death trembling almost faiutiug- in such a storm aa this had she- feared to start with the storux in prospect or was shev lying somewhere pa the wild roadj overcome with terror or perhaps strickeu by lightning 1 eleveii oclock thestorni wasover though the still uighc was inky black no sound to cheer ine none to make cie hideous suspuuse mute andurable a host of posaibilities like frightful nightmares chasing each othor through my already torured i would the next houc nover pass once the clock oiled midnight all wu safe i i wa drenched with perspiration wrung from my menial agony oua hour chilledwith horror he next i no words can describe toe niiiery ofjwmtingaa the minutes dragged alomtlr the dead silence a far off sound struck a thrill of horror tojny henrt fur ex ceeding even the prey ions agny far far away a faint whistle came through the air nearer and nearer thn he distant ruuibie of the train growing tuore and more distinct j the midnight up train whs coaling swiftly surely to certain destruction j where waa my wifet ihad uie rottaiaa intercepted her at the cottage i was she lying dead some where horror to hiiocnductor the captain merely remarked do you think these loenwoald swear in snch a manner if jthere spy real danger t where- npon- tlieprspnseeme satisfied and retired j a day or twp aiterpard when they epepantered ritiier aseveie storm the clergyman remeinheringwhat lie bad been shown before managed to make bur wy with greai difficulty tojhe forecastle and was overheard hi the cp lain as he cameaway exclaimingtn himself think god theyre swearing yet there ii something charming in nature and rural life it is so natural eojiuiei jounalloyedjby the thanceuver- iogtt he hyptflrbp the turmoil of social existence knowledge may slumber in the memory but it never dies it is like the dormouse in the ivysd tower that j sleeps while winter lasts unt awakes wilh the warm brwth ofoprintr withodt clappebino when 1 i goes a shopping said an old lady i alien ask for what i wants and if j tha power of truth il the eel anted gilbert wesv and lord lyttleton both nien of acknowl edged talent had received the principles of infidelity rox a superficial view of scripture they agiwd together to exiose what they termed the imposture of the bible mr west chose the resorrectlon of christ and lord lyttle ton the eothersion of 8t paid as the subjects ofihelr criticism boih sal down to their respective task ftilj of prejudice and a contempt for christian ity but what was the result they weie both converted by iheir endeavors tooverthtowthe roth of ecriptnfe they come together not as they expect ed to exult over snimpobturp exposed j to ridicule but to comment on their they nsed to tell of a frenchman who within an hour after inndiog rs america was seated in a well knnwn down town oyster saloon witli a doz en huge oystera helore him by dintb- ling them with his knjfeand forkbe uiamged to sllow two or three of tthe smiller oneswheu a yankee oauie n and seated himself on butpoaitfl sideof the table attacked a plate of oysters in american fashion thq frenchman looked ou in astonishment aa they disapiwored and lejoing fe- ward he asked t tou schwrtllow rnrn whole r certainly auswered yank ycu rchwaltow tis one whole f he asked pointing to a mammoth skimea on his piate certainly said yank pass it over here the plate was poshed across the table and down it went at a gulp slon dieu i exclaimed the french man i never did reev i try u achwallow sat same oyster onetwd three four times and spui heeui back every time yank swallowed no more oyslera from fifenchmuna plates that meal not such a fool as ha looks during the english elections there r is always lota of fun the letesr henry smith who was for many yeajp member orgokhester while canvas- sig in person an oue occasion asked a big dull loooking essex farmer tor his vote the farmer waa a fine rppcimen of mingled buculic indeihindeiice aud t hrckheadedness reiiowned to lor bis briisqueness and he said bluntly id vote for you sir ueury as usual only folks tell me you ure such a fool r fool sm i f retorted sir henry then nij good sir im the very man io represent you down came the fanners hand upon 8ir henrys ahotilder as ho exelhliutd with a hearty janghi i ti come im gornied if liat arent a good uu yuttrejo jnpti fool na i thswt and you ahull haye my vote hereewjrliaadflttltiv ii jlci fuimer nnbrlief and to coogrutulau eoclo that they bad discovered the truth of revelation they published their inquiries which form two of the most valuable treatiaes now existing in fa vorof he troth olflod sword oue entitled observationx ou the convjasion of st faiil end the olher observh tiona od the resurrection of christ let the unbeliever contdder that his rejection of christianity does not in toe slightest degreeohangc the lawgof hie fceiug lie is always aodountewe uc they haye it and it is suitable- and 1 1 t i i j i it j j in the reportof a iwel weddinn it fee juouned to btiy it and it is cheap wab wutten j her dainty feet were encased ineboei that might have been snd cant be got for less i most alien take it without clapiwring all day about it as some people do uwn uie ild cuadt her heroism was of subscribe now for uie febe press 1 r taken far fairy boota twt the com ixwitor made it read slioe tbatsiicbl have been taken for fcry bxtts learn to be short long yisitr long storied long x hotlatious long prayers and long editorials seldom profit those who haye to do with tluiii life is short tiiile is short uoiueiits are pretiquk learn t oondense abridge iuteiisify je eaa endure many an ache slid ill if it is soon over while even ideasures grow insipid and pain intolerable tl jey are protracted beyond the llpiitaof reason aadcbnvenience learn to be short lop eff branches stick the nihiii fact in you case if voh play ask for what you would receiyoaujdget through it yon speak tell yonr mes sage ana hold yonr penned boil duwn iwovouls into one ind threeiatawa always leai to be short j i xttsfv r bvwpeopleiirs so selfiah ah to keep their opinions to theuaelvoe-