wpgtiris- 1 10 aria be m 4 ii isaai1utlk ttlle tadlfc trainiwvc acton as iollout l sight rxptosi lt05anu tifoato tnaif v 9luiiu day kjprsii j ltvpui express i 515 pni i3ltjaiied sijjivm shhvti kast j jfiht rxpittt- 411 a 6ah mircj oiclam diyeiprees 1130 aw western uiiil 440pta london mixed 530 p c 5 i tejt purses and pocket books a lores stock just opened- dessinercombs fine combs cuv cuiar combs back oombs silver and colored cardboard berlin wools all neve coll and see at george rynds jewellery aanoy goods store acton ontario tttfbsia uorkino aiqcst 12 i sot towx axd corsrr evenings are get dug longer i gcklptt tids nil abortion case tiie out crop is bcieg ha treated tlte wheat imrvett is alout oyer cucar excursion over iho gtr to cliiiio outocauy lait a vekv populir shade for the nmswr it the f hie of the treco tccsjurs ram htut rd6ererr- thine in nature look hriclt and cfctcrfel the moahlr eaalle fair at aclon still fiocirslics- hrtii ghui to trar it bpjtbtrl i the people are all cum ting ininfift meats for visiting or ele preparing far the reception of visitrr- thc do- days began en tuwiuy- tvccdatlnse tbt jul a dwum ho chxxcd up fir a lime tiie irfuties of the aurarx birealis crt dearly thovrc in the northern fky be tiiordai njht i a ugut showra fell here on tuesiaj afternoon and a heavy rain daring th nine tihl buthray vtlcoac tne3n vrresmloudknd naughty ttrtrds tstneca i tmcpleuf rest oq the street epjctfite tl- cisce co jiulcity eurn- rlsfbeckxes are out hurklr irais at te lit and iiiicililelicrrres oo tltrcfc is the iriy a local iirer uf laic hall the iinjirovemcnts just corapletrtl at thetf t rjejithave hia-ueu-recee- ezy acdtiveite jrtcu5et a more icvpt- able ippeacic-ce- iien bo ennnoi tnta jk- peataitjr cannot actfeipai nr iu lhiy tic5ve mccli ciiiiocraicn lea they aptal to tc hant pbjic opitioc exrilbitlon aueihiittinn of til oiniiteliliillinlrtestcr uiil leirei ca the fann cf ilr alcr hmrn toay at tctjncitct diatfaii taaee this new laior tavic aiciiine accident ikt wwfc a rainimioy cmed cbarjes vauijtan klile innjiinfi a svticz ia tle piraa irunls hruue hit lt arm and dicali lis eibc4r he is lotr tioinj- well cfivjpion base ball tlieletke l41 mtc irfttei tieeaai nf tfw caniila govf vwiffcf sad jres tatiuey cii1 not take place oa cridiy ct raa ptatjkcet kctit katurday next eirl stde 15 positive tlat it will rm tfce trtpi good grokie 5fr john arthur of giera irvjgbt tvt nfor eiatiinatiiio the other ereain a pe vine rnerleuric lea feet a leuth mr art it pi eays he ha a whuc ileld cf peaa nrhidi will average learij a mcch can beat it we litve yinddid to our it of czchases tee aero feec petf a eu aiiidfafl eheet jnttwhit we hare want- fur a loaj time a lire neep per u tei c how the qaeea sctjects are tfcririhg na cm the ether cfde cf the st clair river ifr lais g hatthevs is rhltins friends in ietroir fr chm w htu veat to uonroe ilich ou towiiy iliu clara sfwignt retcrnedf froa dxcn- madrilie ou ifoojay ifr aad ifrt tfcomwgqirdy if gcelph were el totrjtta sunday- 5 siigani walker of igteheu i tisftiog- hct acton friend iff george wilson and family left acton for allaadaleoa moaday afterjogo eev x bcrna of ceargetotrn college gate tu friendly call oa friday lift mr james scott of- gcelph apenfc a friendly hocrin oar aanctam on rieaday 3fr fred grundy labacription canraiter of th3 ivw jfaiif ailed oa us oa safur- x iliwei annie 5f and fannie a moore are visitisig- friendain 4he ricinity of tergtia tce had a plemaat cae from ifr t i htu of cfrantje tfillc formerly of acton on thursday hut l 1 sfre tnoraaa speight sc intf jfrs foha icbride markhanr art viaiting their acfon friend ifr wra 5loore farmer near the villace has been laid op rrithan hiiuzi hand for the past treelc ilisff euie fitarrett mane teacher of thu- villafftf went to albion on thursday for a two reekv risit- sfr horace pyper called on as on toes day on his retnm from kiagata fallav he left for fergar on the satnfi ereuing ifr a 1l xicuui left on taeaday morn- wg fora tea day trip to chicago he will tuft friends in- kankakee before returning r air richard titirfch of teeswater furmcrly of acton cane to town on hornby ke left fora trip to chicago on tueidy jnorniaiz mrs edirard xtcfcjinand mr phn karray left fr lenoffton ilich on tues day hwf they intend- spending acoaiile tf wflekj among friend there painte oils tltenu ia ulk of wtt uflicu btiuy opeucd at ccttt oona coruers the hih tuition houduy prnctu cally illustrated the uircut uoccasily of having the ttrvcu watered tuc funerul o thu into mwjohn waxfatr imliiqndiiy was urgqiiauandeda a funeral scrmou vtm iriiached m the prcauyteriau chuwlu runca andetsanj of uuatiuon fftll d v pwach in the disciilo niectine house oa saudi aug i5lh at 11 oclock a ta and g 0 vioc p m to par is georgetown civic holiday an ctcursiou to colltnewood and return otfor the x x w uatlway for 100 will take the majority of the inlubi uulaway front town messrs christie hendr8qn a- cos weh scales mccuiabed to a heavy load the other day the old limbers arc being unlaced with cedar whtchwe think will be much more durable than thoao heretofore used read all the advettiecmcnu in this issue of titn face press they bear testimony la the general ravivaf of httsiness amonc our mcichanta there are uo more enterprising cenllcnicn tiiaa those who ad- vertisc in tuc frt pitesa and it will pay the public to deal with thetn georgetottx collect wa ar in formed that a chaafi haa taken place in the management of thit institution rex a lv domill of dcmilia ladies college oiliava hat been admitted into partnership with rev x burns the college building las been leased for a number of ytnrs and eevcral important improtemeuta will tak tilace ia lkth building and grounda uudcr tiie nett- maoajmeut the college irill no doubt meet with eccourainjjiucccsa dlrikg the thunder storm which passed over tlie lower part of this county op monday- morning last a yaunc man oiinl john prescott a blackamitu at appciliy on the ilnble iuul a strncl dead while theiug a horse the lihtujuc fctrnck the gable of thchop first then passed inside and strctk both hre and man killior btith dead in an iiutanl there were others in the shop xtthe time but escaped uuiojured xctrt good fia acton the freight and jssctcr tarns fir actoa static of the g t iiailttay are vtry satiifactory ml thiw that bcfinem is fast improvini in ivjr illie for the zix months ending june 3cth the increase was 53147 andfor the eighteen months ending jcuo 3uth the in crease hasfcmnicd up to c73ls2- which u thit amount in ercesa of any other eighteen months since acton was made a jejkit on theg t h athletic clce a cluh has een frpnired aaong the boys of the village during- the past week for the parpcke of prcticinc rjmnastic eiercises the skating riak has been secured by th dab and will j le ottel up as a gymauium and tfie rirst enttfrtaiucicnt will be ffca ia moutlay evening next when a small admissiun will le chared and the phiceeu be ecpnded j on fitting op the place this is a move io the rijjtitdiriction it carried out inapmner manner and will keep the boys off the streets and also tend to develop their ansclea personal wcarplecped to tenn tijtt er jires w graham a canadian pricter ikjjv whrserred his apprenticeehip in the ucruir office st reels ville and who was at one time pirt preiprietnr of the milton ctidrtjil3n county of hal too has been nominated by the democratic fart- one of their representatives to the ptnnsyl vania state acsenibly there were four candiiiates selecied as standard tearcr and mr finllism rtjd highest on tho ballot we hope success will perch on his banner although we cant understand how le be came a deratcrat cudph jfcrcry hai tan aheid again tx referrinj to rmr rfrnnrkfi in lat icmc rpspcting the tardy appearcce of tbe georgetown iff raid the tdiir says wt- wciuld infer from tlf editor s remark that the fftpriuitrut oretburdtned with wort and seldom hi3 anything elte to do except pnblich a newspaper which folly acconnts for his punctuality we wowm however inform our esteemed coiitcmpqrary that we have our full quota of job work to execute hat still ve fieliere that any well repalated newspaper di ia face of any preisere of job work make every exertion to lie placed in the hands of the readers regnlarly on the statedday of pablieation the band conceht tho concert given by the brass baud oq sfonday evening dii not receive the patronage it deserved tfce evening was a motpieaaaiit one aad the programme waa excellent the ban3 played leveral newpteees in an able manner and the parlor orchestra sustained their previous reputation several quartettes were given in good style iy members nt the band assisted by a number of their lady frienda ifr griswold played a number of instrumental pieces in a masterly manner those present engaged in promenading and all spent a pleasant social eyening our citizens whahava not yet attended the entertainmenu lately given by the band haye missed a musical treat and we would tdvise them not to fail to attend the next one giyen which will take place on itonday evening 6th september haeest hoiifl a harvest home picnic will be held on the agricultural grounds eockwopd on thursday 26th aug under the ansnices of st johns church proceed to aid the building fund of the new chnroh soon to be erected in that tillage a craxd harveat home featiral underthe auspices of tho church of england acton will beheld oa thursday sept ii m acton a choral aemoe will he held at 20p m in the churcfi which will be tastefolly decorated with favers and fruits of thejaeafon a harvest home sermoawrti he preached by eef septimua jonest if a of tojouio aasisud by other clergymen a first class dioatr vul be served in the driljshed at 5- f clock and a splendid sacred and secular concert will be given iu the evening the committee intend to make this t ha grandest entertainment of j the season j varnishes etc mb w o kiiij lias ouru b fuut 3 iucbca high aldarsholt malchai ho bl in the market lnr boxc uirlslie ilea leron i co buaixisss cuaxak iaeiiiion ii ciuod to tho advcrtiianiculot mr win fart nceatly of quolji in niiather column afr ftrr hu tuiecliatf d tho butchor buaineta formerly crid ou by mr adaracoolt and being a roan cf ithqlicil eipcriguco will uo doubt tocurt a ood palronaga grain liag lrgo lot jnitreelrd trill bo ioldckp for net cull chiictle hendenon co r tue maaoij woman who haa new loved hugced kiucd played with liiloncd lo told iloriea to or tborouilily apauked ft child bis ouued tbo cardiual joyt of life oaixuu exijttm we- prciumc tbe erprta mta ku bad coniidcrablc experience ia the above butiueu knovrt vrhereof be peifcs and i consequently hippy cheap stoga boou for ieeding ibrnhing aad fall plawinpf also a full lack of the fanioua 50oto a chrii- ic litnderion a coa acton ihaicaaxts a tminof nine pasaen- rcp and live freight cars carrying kngliab iminigranu and thox bonsebold cffccla passed wcit 6u the grand trank riilviy throagh acton od monday forenoon the majority of the party were destined for iwinla in western qulario and tha united states aad a few of tie better class fr manitoba dr fowlert extract aftrua rantjerrf cnta preparation stands prcrlce as a remedy for all summer complain is hare you darrlo3 tt will positirely cure you is your slomicu sour it will positiroly cure you are you going on a jm rogej b turo and tko a bottlo of the strawiety in your luver- saek for us in sea aicfcness romtting and other irritations or tha stomach r net howels it will wsitirely curs yon everyone speaks highly of it jocaxaltstic before us re hare tho harkttt hicu rjsr a rtt elm family newspaxr published in marlettc sanilac co ilich by ifcasw hammoo1 k fcnuor tt will ly a most welcome chinjje a a large nnntber of the people in siuiuc cmnty arc from this vicinity and ve believe- tliat the majority of thote in marlettc ire evcimlitut and we will therefore be clad to learn through the cilnracs of the indtx how they are getting along toeoxto evestxg tcteceast thf large and rapidly iucreasicg circulation nd the lightning diijiatch with which the managers of this popular evening paper de sire to pat the tevertl editions into the handc of their reader hare nccettitated tte introducing into the tvzcortira office tbe new scott printing and folding pre which is capable of printing more copies per hour thin any otlicr pres in the dominion tills is now one of the most complete and erpeditfnas printing lscca in the ctcntrr the tdrgran has the largest city circnlition of any daily n toronto i acros civic louniv tho rcre inj compliance with a numerously signod petition from hie residents and business men has proclaimed thursday next i9th int- as actons civic holiday a very cheap excursion will be run to toronto on the g t r end pirties wishing to ykit other plrs cin hive the optcrtaaity of doing so as eicaraoiis are rcn frcna toronto almt every day to all points at low rates exertions were made to get an excursion to niagara fails and euffalo but the searcity of cirs prevented it kxcnrsioniits can go to toronto on any train nnd return on any train the c day for particulars soe posters koad ihpeoveiext at a recent meeting of the euesing towrwhip coencil the suiject of improvement to the fide road leading to acton from xasngiweyl town hue byway of nit biins mill waa ditcosted kepreseutativts from acton guaranteed that thev would raise 30 sad the esquesing council decided to advance o0 for the purpose provided that the people of nasaa- gaweya ho frequent this road would raise g23 mere and thru secure sufficient meaus to pnt the road ia good condition ft now remains far the people of xassagaweya to perform thoir part iif the proposal and the work will then lie proceeded with the repairs will be made fiom the corporation limits to xasssgaweyi town line fare or ktaaer campratnt 33t tardament street toronto april i7lh i8s0 t miltnra i cot ientlernen hire been for over a year subject to serious duorder of the kidney often being unable to attend to tuiuem your burdocfc biood rit- ters was recoromepded as a goodrem- fdy i obtained a bottle end ain lappy to w that 1 was relieved before the bottle was half used i intend to con tinue as i have confidence that it will entirely cure me yours tmly bh0ce tcjrnek notlcs worth atttntlon haw from 75 couli to sj5c t j fylel hyou want- a nobby durable and cneap iuil j fylas it tho plnct to go a good felt lint for is conn it j vfvi foe arctic soda try l o matth- owr niw fountain rcocoa nuts dulc muplo sugar ic at l o maltuwi ice cream and trliit larlor hoxet for nlc pure hony call at a wortetii ciish htoro li cents per pound la s pound lots for rcipora mowers ni threihing rmohinej tuo castorlne machine oil for sale byc t ii ill actoa for the gratpeaches arid tomatoes of the season go lo l i matthews ice cream larlor castorine macuino oil i war ranted o outwear seal or lard oil and la entirely fret from gum orangea uud lcraona always in stock at u q matthews ice cream and emit parlor reaper and moweir manufaoturera ray cusioriue is the best oil ia the- market pure tec cream by tha diab or quart at l o matthews ice cream and fruit larlor go t3 c t hilii acton for genuine castorine klachine oil stoua boots stock just to hand old pricea christie heodcraonicoi go lo the cash store for all kinds groceries that it where von will get then cheap and fresh a w green for al kinds of machines use caa- i tonne machine oil for tale by a t hil acton all fctnda of glaai and atone fruit isrt running off cheap at a w greens cash store dont tail to get your 50c tea from christie ttendorsbn 4 co as theirs is decidedly superior to any other offering outatine machine oil is war- ranted to gtre ailufketioa oliriatie kenderaaa i co sell cheap witness their fmciu 50 cent lea told elsewhere at co iq 3 cents oualoriue is a registered trade mark nd any persons ssiling oilier oils under thii name will ba prosecuted toronto oil co sole manufacturers hartest houe suits gents tweed eaits 750 gents worted tuils 810 the grandest bargains now o5er- ing call at oijce christie tfender son fc co one civic eoliiyl ts his worimpihe rctzc of hi vil lage of actor we the undersigned residents and business men of acton would hereby request your worship to beve thursday the 19h of august proclaimed as a ciyic holiday for our village dated 1 1 th august 1880 john llclvigau and 25 others proclamation in compliance with the above peti tion thereby proclaim thursday i9tb august 1880 a public holiday in tha village of acton and rrqiieat all cilizeca thereof to observe the eatne in a due and proiir mnnr d hendeksoy reere acfon august iltli 1880 of all kinds at sagbsv c t fiitl acton keeps the genu ine cistorine machine oil a nice bright raw sugir certainly contains more sweetening power than a refined of even brighter appearance tne best brand of raw sugar now offer ing is to be had at christie henderson co cheap ta greatest uemedy ever discovered i quinine ts rxjnsii rel thereatet resaedy unon nut we otucve it ia its equal if not iu peer in tne prolaet of the cki kiu soinlng uas been uucovertoto eqiat cid llvtr oil us k bulkier uud e ctalir of tlie hoy in koitnmrton hiki alt wasting llis- anlera builu usfunesu imptfrtti uy tls lausou proporttet tucits lmaltua or parr cod li verott this oijeclioi i tnilp ly nverimine auf eomatocj wunlbelljpqplum- putea arltmeand koda 11 u tue most vaiu- auie rcmcuycvcruitcavereel- i i ifarblb works wellinijtrn mar ble works quelicc st ctuelph messrs mcqoillaa hamiltcti ptoprietors are di rect importers of all kinds of marble and granite itavicjr a lirge stock oa hand purchaed previossio tiie late rise in pries of marble they wi continue to sell all lindsof monument head stones mantles itt slate or marble at thcirusual low prices satijftction guarauteed ltf oetita vn continne- to do the orderei clothing trade of his section of the country tve have dona this season in largest business erer doee the relsbn wby the goods are right the price is right the cutting ic right he trimming right the making u right we it the body head and pocket special reductions to 6ave moriog the stuffintothe new premises mccead anderson it co dr towters extraet of wild strawberry is the most saocessful medicin known for alt summer con plaints diarrhoea dysentery cholera morbus eto its af fects are marvellous it acts like a charm relier is almost instantaneous in sea sickness and vomiting it is a specific worth ten times ft cost equally good for the yonng the old and the mid lie aged for sale by all dealers t alilbdrx k co toronto equal to teleersphj- it is not so many years ago when telegraphy was looked upan asachimera ani l morse as vmouary e ai know uor its wonders ifore reeendy pharmacists icjnterf tnebtea lliat latorui could be innde picas nt to the tuple but jfessrs ceotc a bowne will ttietr pnlataljlc castor oil uve l te problem wnlch is aleatln mellclnc almost eqial totltstot profe sor- uorva it snot the nasenus cas torull orarrehlldlionddays itknclhtaute and ajcreeaole to the taste price 5 cents a xabborit fact dr fowlers eilrsol of wild straw berry is withoata doubt the safest and most reliable remedy in existence for diarrhcev dysehleryf cholera morbus tour stomach sea sickness and all summer complaints it aejts like a charm lis efiecla are marvellous re lief instantaneous cure speedy f hysi- clans and all who use it recommeudit it should be kept in6very home at this season for use in cases of emergency for sale by all dealers cleariko sale the mammoth house georgetown begs to announce a clearing sale a- nidi will continue to the middle of august this is a bona fide clearing sale as they want to reduoe their stock before moving into their new premises about tbe middle of apgust unheard of bargains will be given inall kinds ol dry goods mould ing dress gjoods cottons prints miilin ery mantlea carpels ready fliade cloth ing gents rurnisbingaeie jowisyour time to make money mcleod ander son i co i i 1 hare no hesitancy in rswommend ing dr fowlers extract of wild straw- berry gj w- earl st catharines i would idvio any one suhering from suzum- r complainls lo gite ur fovlcrn ejctriot of itjtrwberry a fair triul oilman if flould m d castleton dr fowlera eatnol of wil1 straw berry gives perfect sititfactionl thomas hoiiglui cambrar can reo omraend dr fowler a exlrnot of wild tltrawberry wth confidenoe judjte si 8 ipeok ilindeir li jlyoustomeri bear high lesiimony to the virtues of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry tslovenaofa orangeville very beason- odtqtot- post office store acton for cheap hardware out wrought in all siaea j paints oils and varnishes window glass 7x9 to 30x40 choice j smoked hams side meats best teas sugars and general groceries at lowest prices -t-mm- gontlnuuss i christie henderson co actgisl cheap dress goods cheap millinery cheap tweeds ducks i i and shirtings sest green and japan teas for 50o fresh lot just keceivedl drives jobs bargains in all lines of goods french gambrlca ok weosesdaf kext ihh ikst we shall opex for sate a maov nificekt ranoe o lovely kew knneh and etigllbh ohnibri id all the new pom- padoarandpouu dotftyief nowio popuarktiti eperlv sought nrwr in ail eutopeui sn4 i ataericaaceolreaof fasblon also baadjome bordered and mourning prints in great turfetr- ladles looking for frcnti bright ciwls maftcmc to n we art lb onlj hotim in tha trodeot prewnt fhoalngnpw joodstjany omiriptlan all other boose in tha uyrre boar trying u work off the baianciorth seasons stocfc commendable la iuelf bat bilforthecatomer i we artdeterralnyidotwuhaandnff the very hot and oppretsive irrlher to rroseent oar banrstevenhirfnii whit f gevrt llr resrded ni ihe dnits teaion ofihe yer wltb treat nri- wid rpcctfulijjwarn al onr comrflltori that we fhaii q jr efort t entire their caitomers tj the tmhinaje west end irfrb hrlehtrom whi rfoiu if lorety hanrleora new prod will doit ifthbeil twit forth mnaey wjii do t we are baand la win tbe trnde aad keep it too ladie o th royal city ladles from tbe country ijadlesffiom sairoandldatovdi and vuligea cohe direct to ts we have ihe rlgtigoods and are dolnj the lixe trade of the cl7 a o bucham fsuhteaabk wet end zfrtii ifanlu and ifillinen establmment btilpt sikiiav ltl preseryin settles dti brass and igranite isdir ware fgttlie bat in tha market at hay ill si mia street actox j sigtf qf fee jip dandas cotton shlrtinti hnrvnrd sbtrtlnss j frencli cambric sulrtlngs bine and brown denims j twilled brovrn 1 ticks and kentucky jeans i tweeds i- br the yard at tery tow prices- ggjtpartiet buying cloth ram ui can get garments cut inj a superior man nr free of charge j shaw iftjliton mercuant tailors able prices has a fine assortment of pictures and peaicss of latest designs very cheap al30 in stoce stero3copss steroscopio vieva mottoes pirforated or chxomo picture cord picture nails glass all sises motto feahe3 complete for 20 cents photographs the lajst city styloa- the host andclieapest in tho coan- ty s 0 w bill john worsfomt manotactuker3 axt dealers in all kinds of mm mta wf b z j a upholstered goods spooialtr elegant drmnf boom suites elet chamber suites elegant dining room fnrnituro see our patent adjttoblo solid comfort chair best in the nwket sign of the chair hazletons blook upper wyaoham street quel furhiture a goodmaortment of sinl olosa fiirni- tiire of every ilpsorip tfon oomtsntlf oh hand priona ua low s gnelph or ueorije- town john speight undertakino evory jetcrlptla d dffiiu cviketa anil nil funiml nt- ijuiattes nlwuya kek hi stuck a liamu some dbaua fir imked at- u low rate jriiiitcjw stbbht5xqisr at mcgarvins drug store aotoa