ffppipisiifig cjtttbuk hmk tabu j raini leare actoa u follows i uuimiwtar sight kvpress tirouto mail day ktpreu bxpteta uiltmfttd itnstwm fl 10am 14jpui is prai- tspm ootks east sight etprctt v gtlliniied day kiproti waatern mail lujoa uitxed 4ln ra 842 a tn u30nui h0pni c30 p it purses and pootet books i lrce stock just openfed dressing combs pine combs cir onlr combs baok combs 8ilver and colored cardboard berlin wools all new call and see at qeoroe aynds jewellery fancy goods store aoton ontario ian xdvetisemexts 1 to teut dstewart i music c d griswuld evgeokntpur john lovrfl card of thank ae lultncwa pane last tt staffotd jnat arrived james scoll load alt scord kownwdy ifp rawell co kew bojcher shop w frr ecou perry davis m lawr ence j i i 100 reward toronto oil co extract o strawberry tttxiilbara i avtys busy a 0 bucham qaelpli aoili hall shiw f llurtao post office store aler secord substitutes perry davis fc son i lawrence j locals chrisie henderson 4- co immense reductions thauias c walkins thcessai vioesixc- arccsr 15 issq rowx jlxd corxrr r j civic holiday enjoy yourself to day hop picking will soon commence the public schools opal yester- dy l te had a light shower on tuesday night i go to toronto 00 the cheap eicar- tioa tday th farmer are bringing in their new wheat thetrip to toronto and return is only 75 cents thedtsire to pn somewhere in hot weather it oulyicauxilcd jsy tie desire to get back ain as itnal watermelons green tri ple and stflrn tehe are cuuccrrelit iij their appearance tbii yesr if yoo srmt coirvct infnrtnution cil who fcis nerer easei in l te ire pleieei io im tttt mr w t snirtii c tti village received sicaad cii crt2ciie a tie recect ititfc frisi their setfeity tiafc actoa suscrt flkst ptttje at iho qioiung tourmmtot held ta a r lut thuridajr mr llogh csmcron of tliu village look fint pttie ui tx cull there w 22 nutriei or the uuldu basrblla niuiia of be bu utireea uiuei choen from the citiioiu ol the north d uatlt tide of mill 8tnet kui ik pujtdoa the old ground lodj l two oclock i ewkllixq jffocsra wasted tltere it not an entity homo in acton indhoaiej ir called for every dar capiuliiu mould he amply tepaid by erecting a number of 0 tenauont houtea immediatclr- btr this ip yocjca alr jacob swacthamraer of toronto toicmhip form- crirof sckhammeta ililt near acton threshed for tchu frttcr esq chuiua- ooujy lot 3 con soo loihels barley 300 of oata tud 100 of wheat in tv en hoart ith a ililton machine ak litpostqe a correepondont ay that a emalltiied hampbacked nun tpoaktuj broken euftluh u uoinj titrooch tie country eolicitiuit charily he i aid to be impoainit on the cititemj n he ia knotn to hxv parcliaaedpnapcrty ia to ronto on bishop unset ovtaiuo bosrvess cblteoe we hare received the twelfth annual calendar of the oatario baaines college bcllerille it it very nextly got np and containa a full jcscripiioa of the college the variout ttuiiea and differeat depart aieatt ratet o tuition c any peroa who contcmplatea taking a commercial courts thould taodfor the calendar of thit college rifle matci tha annual riflo match of the 20th baullion halton rifles iraa held at oeorgelotrn on thursday and friday 12th and i3ti iost the match was well attended and good toorca were made throcghoul imong the prize winners were captain shaw pte shulu pt- shar pu hut itew s shulft and ptej aloor- of corapanyko 6 of acton j arrexoixo rtrc faib it will soon be fliiaw time and already preparations should be in progress fur beta attending and making exhibita ah one or more of them there are many reisona vhr the farmer and family should attend the fain it it a socrca of botnjuutrcctiaa and amusement to old antracng many a lad haa had his interest kindled for improved ouchinery lire stock frails etc by attending the fall show bcsikess chakcc mr aler s- cord his purchased the stock of hardctrc taints oils varnubes groceries etc of ilr juhn mclagan of the post jsce store and fill removci his stock noa ia the shop oert to creechs tartdlcry into the post ofsco store this will make the largest and most complete stock of hardware groceries and crockery in torn mr seord hopes by strict attention to business to receive the pitrocace of the old customers of both stores and as many new ones as possible advice to gibls the acton frtc prtu advises thccirls uottosnnb theyoco men of the neighborhood and get acquaint ed trith rtrantrs especially commerciaj tiavellcrs acton must be getting sotne- iinil nie a tar trcstctntcwnwterfc one or the residents told us gals are scarcn in onr tiwn and a fellow fca to dest roond icihty lirelr to get one eat then it it teachers examinations a bistet of dishes came to grief on hill street slorday ruht the owner however remembered the maxim of nocs crying over tilled milk tae niau tbat iiies plenty of prtn tersink in the riht way is the man uat u air win uiiswniib oldest son of rv jo umworth qwtgttowa arrived homo lait saturday nfuht idtn winnipeg fior an absonco of nearly four yeara he will rttnabi a coapl of weeks and then re turn to winulpegffeonxoic iferou puksk lost axd foikdt orr mon day momlog last mr a k matth while out for a walk about u oclock lmt hit pocket book obtaining a 110u for 2s tnd caili 5 fha pane wa found by kider a audertoo of hamilton who preached in the ditciplt chapel oasuuday ilr anderson immediately procmded toi find tho ovraor of the purte and htndod it over to mr malthewt who proved hit property aldorthott itatouot h bottiuths market lirg boxoi chrialie son- ilenon i co ti10 tain of health a montbly journal published by ft walter h d of wcmcrtviuo pi formetlv of thit village in concluding an article oa dr tannert fut tayi we vonture the prediction that dr tanner will notlive long beyond hit experiment and vet he it not likely to die for two or three wcekryet poatibly we mar be called upon to congratulate the doctor on his recovery after his long fast though in common with most pbystottna wo doubt hit ability to endure graio hag large lotjtut recelrtii will bo soldobap foraotcaoh clirlttie hendenoa i co the friend of air t albert moore late offhij village will no doubt be glad to learn that he ia meeting with good succett and receiving much encouragement in hit new vocation and that he it enjoying eood health from ihest maryt journal of last week we cbp the followiog the quarterly imeetiog of the canada methodist church of london north cir cuit wa held at bryansfon laft sunday the eev t albert mooro preached a very appropriate sermon which was- much en joyed by the congregation the sacrament of the lords supper was administered by eer w walsh superintendent of the circuit altogether the tervieet were very pleasant profitable and interesting tha basa ball match played last satarday afternoon between teamt from the cauada glove uotkt and moorot tan- nen waa won by the latter the following ia the score caxini clgvkwoees goins to tncceel all thinra else tieini t- r indaytliemth to 27tb of august the bat from their unfortunate proclirity fur commercial travellert the boys vrill have to dust aroond livelier thata all acusical festival a convention of musicians and tansical lovers of wettqrn oatario will be held in the city of gcclpb on tuesdny wednesday thnrsday and fs 4 iual r adexk whoueomewbateraarter than hss employer was heini to remark the other say thank fortune the batx tma tropped advertising for the seasoa so we viil have a rest j ilr a j iloore ji a formerly liai mastir of georgetown public schools- has been appcintcd aasistxnt mathematical mister of the goderics high scioul at a tilary of jsoo per annum rhthe 6tyle cf inscription the industrious little bqusesy it now ec- gaged in writing til over the p jlished wall which erstwhile received so much attention t the hinds of the good little hazexdie complaints are being raada about the young boys who are in the habit of rob- -iiiuj- orchards tiey not enly steal the apples but they treak and destroy the trees a few days id the county- jail vozxi do tome of tnemvgood j attenta ii called to tha business card of mr iarnei scott lite of glielph i who has opeceda- paint shop in oar village and it prepared to do cirriaje painting or tga wrifingof every description at abort aosce and at resajaable terms tie scamp ton ztirarsayr air tjtorge xattratt puptl of out town higt ssikjol tniceeded ia taking a fint clast catiatcot grade b tt the yacaiiter- anii6ontvwev presume the tttxut ia- tesded to say recent etamiaatioae titt hoytiood ia the melon fatci l when all but him bad fled and visicct of a royal feaat l entdancirg through his head but the farmeraod the buildcg came andtheboyoh vhetc washel go ask the doctorman who patched hi tore anatme i rquite nuinberofoar citiz ns yisitad guejph last thursday theodd- fellows demonstration waa a luccett and largely attended the band concert nd the firework in the evening were tplffldid and maet aoorecr by a very large jtbtringof risitort vz mcgtmo wa h representative from anton lodge i 0 0f to the grand lodge join loveji jjf afootreaj wuf bmirt oa th i6tt intfe hit- advanced geography forth ate of- eeboou and col- wa tiiiti bya gentleman residing in ir h iu p6 wu b found t 3 f ful information rew i to a coaotnv rf the- world etnbel- tttteolortd mip ndsioillut- on t at al bo convention will be conducted by prof j a bctferfiell of chicago the celebrated moaician and composer the object of the convention it madczi culture and develop ment in cencral with special attention ia the ieudering of tolas and choruses on the evening of fridy the7th fast a grand concert will be circa by member of the convention this will- no doubt ik one of he crandcstmusical cnfertaianienia ev r held in this section and we recommend all having a love for music to attend shade teees we notice fa driv ing through the country that farmers in different- section bavi planted shade trees along- the tront of their jfsrms some i and other outride the fencek the only draw back to their chance of maturing oa the outride is the deprepatiou of young stock which are permitted to ma at large the mapleappear to thrive the beat and haa certainly a fine appearance when grown and we vohld drie farmers who have not yet let out trc to do to at the earliest con venience the labor rcouurcd for the pur pose ia very slight and if et out snecest- ively along the different larmt the country woald ia few years praeot a magnificent appearance and the farm woald increase ia value permbi mr john jrcartbor tailor i veryill mr and mrs iharry hunt of berlin were in town an monday mrt w w clarkson of curkton got it visiting her acton friend mr m christie it raiting frieud in waattingtoa and pilkiagton 1 1 mr w h and mis jennie grant have returned fiom their visit to quebec measn j f- and f h smyth returned from their trip to mmia en friday last hisses afinme swan und- emma cook hare returned from their vuit to iungston mr horace jhali of berlin spent a few days in acton danae tha fint ot the week mr eottj of vcrk it the guest of mr- thos moore erincipal of acton public school mr w h mcpooald who his beenpur- snfngliii medical studies in toronto ha piul for sorae tairepast returned borne on wonday i r vtebad a pleaaaat call from mr ja a fraxer of georgetown iinnerly of acton ontuesdt i mr charles bronson of qeitaijmrgv y i nuking hi limehonte and acton friends fitit wr a e mattbewt montreal ttlegrtph tl goneto oaelph for two or three week to ukel he place of mr alex mcnafe montreil telegraphy office there v away for vacation vrnishas etc jt wilds e i a s jckrkp 5 i ff jenoer fb f 2 vv wstsoa ilb g o clark at a stafford 3bj 11 stafford rf i 0 l 0 0 i 3 i j ctmeron if i 1 s dunn cf 5 i 27 u uoores raxicnnv 0 k f francis p w king u a x e xickliu lb 2 a girrettcf i 2 j mwre 3it a a j ecolibsn if 5 0 1 mcconnelt 2i t 1 w gcrocy rf 1 a hematrcct c 1 i ft 22 acoitc irrxsxixo i 2 3 i s c 7 6 9 olora works t 0 i i 1 i 0 0 it raooery 3 c i i 1 5 j 3 2 2i the return match will be plsyed oa sat urday 2sth icat or fowlers cxcrarcor tvttif kfrawberry mis preparation stands pierleist sj a remedy for all summer complaints have ynu diarrbei it will positively cure yon is your stomach sour it will positively cararott are you going on a tea rojaga j be sure and ukea bottle of the tmwberry in your haver sack for use in sea sickness vomiting snd other irriutions of the stomach pad bowelt it will positively cure you every one speaks uglily o ft cre or eictacy campuinl 33c parliament sfreel toronto april 17tb iss0 p jlillmrn i co gentlemen i have been for over a vear subject to serious disorder of tha feidneyt often being unable to attend to dositiess your burdocfc blood rit- ters waa recommended as a good rem edy i obtained a bottle pad am happy to say that i was relieved befoia tha bottle w half used i intend to con titme as i have confidence- that it will entirely cure me yours truly j beuce tobkeh ecdjraorr thomas excelsior fo iectrie lil worth ten times it weight in gold i pain cannot slay where it i used it is the cheapest medicine ever made jne dose cures common goio tbroat one bottle las cured bronchi- tia fifty cents worth naacuied an old standing cough it positively cares catarrh asthma and croup- fifty cent worth has cured crick in the back and tha same quantity fame back of eight years standing the following are ex tract from a few of the many letters that have been received from different parts of canada which we think should be safhcient to satisfy the most skep- tical j cohard of hparta out write send me air dozen dr thomas ijcleclric oil have 60ld all i bad from yon and want more now it cures are truly wonderful- v7m hcflulre of franklin write i have sold all the agent left it act like a charm- it was 0sw at first buttakes splendidly now h cole of ions writes please orirard six down dr thomas u5leclric llil i am nearly but nothing ejaalslt j bedford thamesvilte ftrite send meat once further supply ol eoieefncoil i haveonlyone botfleleft tnever saw anything sell so welland give such general satisfaction j thompson foddford itrifes ssnd ine some more ecletrio oil i bare sold entirelyont nothing takes like it sdiiar haid ulverton p q write the eclectnc oil it getting agreit reputation hero and is daily called for sand ua a furtbersupply without delay- bewaee of imiatioss ask for dr thomas ecleclric oil fcea that he signature- of 8 n thomas it on the wrapper and be names of northrop fc lyman are olown tn tha bottle- and take no other fctold by all medicine dealers price 25 cent n0bthkop i lyman toronto proprietor for the dominion v itotb ediclric selected and electrized ttli cbadle snnttocz rn acton on tho ilth intt th niteol cobn sbirlock nf a son the cbate altbebsotf ill ridgetowa on the i3th inst infant daughter of mr john a c anderson formerly of acton of all kinds at notiot worth amtntlon hhatsfromwcooli io f28ct j fyloi vrlbfjevteu at alex beoords pol osotistota jtp you want a nobby durable and cneap suit j fjles la the place to go a good full hat for 75 cent at j fyjea j for arclio 8ojatry l g afaftb ewi new fouutaia best 8iigit at alei seootds pott office store cocoa nuts dalcn atuple sugar tc at l g mtthew ice cream and fruit parlor a ton of 6iigar cured pork at 10 cent per pound for ttft at tie cheap cath store a w green for reaper mowers and threshing mschines use casfcrine machine oil for sale by 0 t hill acloa for the firpt peached and tocialoen of the teaton go to l a matthewt ice crctm parlor dmtorine machine oil it war ranted o outwear teal or lard oil and is entirely free from gum orange and lemons always in ttock at l g matthews ice cream and fruit parlor beaper and mower tnanuiaotarert say cislorine it the best oil in tha market pare ice cream by the dish or quart t l g matthews im cream aad frnit parlor goito c t hill aoton for genuinej cajiorine machine oil sroox booth stock just to hand oldpricet christie henderson 4 coi foralkind of machines use cas- tortna machine oil for tale by c t sit acton dont fail to get your 50e tel from christio henderson k co a theirs ia decidedly superior to any other offering oukotine machine oil i war- ranted to glroaatislicllon cbrislie henderson i co tell cheap witness their famous 50 cent lea told elsewhere at 60 to g5 caul birtferl butter i bntfer 1- tbe very hiiiheat price paid for rood batter in cither tubt or roll at alex sccords post offica store cheap stoga boofa for feeding threthingfand fall plowing alto a ful slock of- the famous 40c tea at chrl tie uendrton et coe acton casforiue it a registered trade mirk enoj any pertont tailing other ailt under this name will be prosecuted toronto oil co sola man nfacturers haeset houe boits genfi- tweed euli 750 gentt womed irail 10 thelgraodett uargtfna now oser- ing call at once cbristiej henders son co c t hill acton keepa the gena- ine castorine machine oil a nice bright taw sugar certainly cortains more aweelening power than a refined of even brighter appearance tdo best band of raw sugar now offers iug is to lie bad at christie headenoo ifc cos cheap tha greatest uemedy ever i disooyerecl quinine iscousidrki he arefltet remedy its peer u me product of the cjd fait xctuifit nasj been a i score rtu to eqaal cod liver ijii nsj a balder ana- 1 tlutr of uit boly oojtisamvton nnd allwastlns dis orders builtc usefulness ta impilrtd ur icjt roiusis propertlrs in g emalilak ot pure cod liver oil tlxts objection f eiillreic overeosne and ccmlifned wuh liiehjpeplcos- pbkekorliueandkedattlftuie mosl valu- able remedyevcruiicoveied aiaeble wpttss wellington alar- ble works quclxc st gaelph metsrt mcquillan 4 hamilton piopriefort tra di rect importers of all kiuds ot mtrhle and granite having a iarte ttock ou hand purchaed previous to the late rise in fries of marble they will continue to tell all fcind of monuments head stones mantlet in slate or marble at their usual low prices satisfaction guaranteed 41tf gcuts j we continue to do the ordered clothing trade of bit section of the country j fte bavedont hi season tije largest business ever doee the reonvby the good are right the price is righl he cutting is right he trimming right the making is right we 6t the body bead and pocket special reductions to save moving the ttubmm tha new premises mceead anderson co dr fawleft extract or wild btrawerrr is the most successful medtcinn known for all summer complaints diarrbaja dysentery cholera morbus elc its ef fects are marvellous it acts like a charm relief ia almost instantaneous in sea sickness and vomiting it is a specific worth an limes its cost equally good for the young the old and he middle aged for sals by all dealer t iillbors 4 co toronto equal to telegraphy tf it nof so many years ago when telegraphy wu looked upan asachimeraj and profeaar iforso as vlalomtrj- we al fcoow nor it wonders afore recently pharmacists scooted tue idea tbat ituctor itl could be mnde jilensiul to the urtc bol mcrsre xtoll jt ate wne wliu tlieir palatable castor oil ltve rofved t o problem wuieh saicatln mcjfcloe tffnosi eqial tothntoi profesor sfcnei xtlsuottbe nanseoas cas tor ill ofocrehlldhpnd days itf naiatab k- and axrceahle to the taste price 25 cent a sfnbtwrn rata dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry is without adoubc he safest nnd most reliable remedy in existence for diarrho3adysenery cholera morbus sour stomach isea sickness ard all summer complaint it acts like i charm its eflfcts are marvellous re lief instantaneous cure speedy physi cians and all who use it recommend it it should bft kept in every home at- this season for use in cases of emergency for aae by all dealers- j- snofsbcoiitlltlvtt or cholera infan turn which is carrying off thelnfariia and children by bethoajaiid at thl season oi the year can always surelybe checked and cured by dr fowlers ex tract of wild sirawjberry it has never failed to gire reuef ia the most sever cares it is a boon within ha reach of every mother po not fail to give it a trial you will jbe pleased with it charming effecta for sale by all deal ers tm1lb0bn co toronto cleabiko 8ae the mammoth hdnse georgelojvn begs to announce a clearing sale which will contipue to he middle of august this is a bona fide clearing sale as hey want tr reduoe their stock before moving intdtuejr new premises about the tmiadlnof august pnliesrtj bf bargains will be given in all kinds of dry goods inculd- ing dress gobdsbottont priiit millin ery matitles carpels ready made cloth ing geols furnishing mo now i your time to make money mcleod ander son a co very ibeabon- i aptotbe post offlco store acton for cheap hardware out wrotjght 2stails la all sizes paints oils and varnishes window glass 7x9 to 30x40 choice smoked hams side mflats best teas sugars and general groceries at lowest pricesj -the- oontinujs resviag settles ik- brass and granite iron ware fgrtlie bat t the market st ha villus mill stree1 aotok siffjv of rms lamp goelpfi cloth chiiisue 4 henderson mew arlriyal scotch i- tweed suitinc harbfelthafs soft pelt hats shawljlukto mergbant tailors- y f pricesi acton -ca- cheap dress goods cheap millinery j cheap tweeds ducks and shirtings best green and japa teas for 5qc fresh wt jtjbt received drives jobs bargains in all lines of goods alwzya busy r ver loue the fashionable west ekl gtjelph ij oat of thoso lire tirringoubiiifatmqta vhich are ilraya lmv ilwtyibnsy eten in the y err dullest 6uon wo hire nitile umdevary mu belor tept actively t enjaeed irom b a in unul6pm opening today handsome velveteens anasoe and 730 iob yards lovely coloreddress sllk 75e a yard kaw tlyles in tlnel klbbont mil range 012 1 6 and 8 buttin kldai large job lot of uadd- some wide embroideries u j 1 ladles make direct for uie fashionable west end onr good are all freah brltbt and i beanulol a o bucham r faaumaut wat eadpnumamuatimdlcrixakli llfftili ohas nvv bcixj has a fine assortment v i notures aawd ame of latest designs very cheap also in stocs steroscops3 steroscopiotievi mottoes pirforated or chromo jkottue cord fioture nails glass all sizes hotto framed complete for 20 cents fstiotogrplls tlie latest city styles tliebestaadoeapestia tho coua a john worsfold co v s makufactorers and dealers- ik allsinrjs c rjphobjte good 4 tft iletti suites elegant dining boom- furniture see bur patent aujustable solid comfort cksdr best in the nurkefc 11 f 5ij sin sitottheohalr xw pelpjf ifatfj 5clltirfc i furniture a good assortment qf jbrat olasa fnfni- attrfs of avery desori tlob constantly ion baadiprioeaaslewi ki6iielbfrbfgeoreei h frrv john 8peiht t 1 ij j ii undertafllllo i ii mbitiflrprio tfl qujsifesy insteb 1irw tijiiitf- tifabttiiwvtlw itauttjlusqijy rj ijri i atfcgarni1