i 111 m if tei a w jftmrvrt qm8 cojutaa tridmalm there were four little boya who etttted to p froea tawvtry same spot to make tracts in the new hi that made hit path ilraigbtett they had in unite plan of all if the four 1 8hould w their beat man now there tour little boys were ihiltn and john and merryfaced harry and subereyed dou j the beat friend in the world and tullot iuienliuu in play but they seldom ware found in contention well they itarud totitr and hurried alotg bat john don end uarry in some way weal wrong the fourth made hit path ketrly itrtighw ud they wondered when til tried alike why the- throe bed lundertd then philip replied tbe rrasqa yon tee though ou harder i tried to succeed loan you threat i puehed for thst aek goinc forward quite ready vkile yaa ttrsgjcled on without aim and umteady sow you tec tnr deirboyti what anclt lessons laxch if there it a paint tint yna uh to reach j a iwitina is lite j at all worth the naming if yu gain it twill graally depend on jcar atmin kipln oiftor a wornm as araking along a street one windy day when the ram bean to coaie down she had an umbrella but her hand were full of parcel and it vac difficult fot her to raise itta the wind let me tuaanx let me please- said a brightfaced bar taring the umbrella in hit hands the aatomshed woman hxiked on with satisfaction while he managed to raise the rather obstinate umbrella then taking out one of those everhandy strings wuicb boy carry- he tiecf all the parcels anniy into one bundle and politely handed it back taherl thank you very much aha laid vm tie rery polite to do id much for a stranger- oh it ta no trouble maam n said with a smile i eke to help people both went their ways with a happr feel ing in the heart for inch little deeds of kindness are like the fragrant rotes blot tominjraloog the path of life we all have oar chances day by day and shall one da r be aaled how we hare im proved them almott any out like to be helped in sir- difficulty are we all at fond of helpiakothers over hare places f we take the golden rule for our guide we shall not only make a great many people glad they hart hr known ut bat we shall onnclrea be glad in heart wit ud hamor the mux who was hemmed in by a crowd has been trembled with a stitch in hit tide ever tduee a boaiding house mistress like the rest of as has her weak and strong pomtatbe weak being her eeffee hat strong point tie batter an exchange apeaki of a man wbo is bat on step retua red from n sts hed better make it three or four the animal baa a long reach back ward j john how man- time have f told you etwayt to tit bread with yoar meat psp hcrmany times nave yoa told me cerer to do two things s timer u itamphr sid yoang gentleman at splay with a toanglady coald plar the ktr better than that mraelf i wonld like lo see yoa try was the jtalrt reply u that a fnnerstr slkre sir rn thiokiotit is anybody of distinction i i reekoei it is rir who is it thst died j the jintle- man iu the coffin sir a booch of american shingles which was washed ashore on he island of madagascar ws pa t to poptil ir ase two handrad jsnd fifty childten were sccomtnodauej i- aognstos dabble srait dont yoa think it is aboat time i erhibiud somethidgr setere critic examining debbies isust production yes a little talent for instance a cartons misuke wax made at a hiddleser divistoq conrt lately the defendant in bis otimt had added in the yearof onr lord as 1880 which brings to ones recollection a scene t an irish bank lsrdkqaander orerdriwn mr ohsgsn why i cast an the past book myself and it showed orer a thon- and poonds in id faror mr oetagan ah my lord ita a trifling mistakayoava mad youve cut the year o ear lord into the pounds troth its rollin in riches wed all be if we conldl only diseoaot anno dominyl word of witdom uufrlondsd indeed li lit who hu no ftiend bold enottgh to point out hii fstttte calumny would very toon starve ind die ittelt if no one look it in and give it lodging those who blow the oftau of otltera rlfe are apt to haye th nrki fly in their own faces 8ce what i am f not see what ray fatherwml is a very old nd celleut saying in most iitualioni iu life th contei- ouinust of innocanca u our best iltield and our firmest security il adveaity fa the trial of principle without it a ntsnhardly knows whetltac he it haunt or not at raalsrioui sir tnty endanger a gucd constitution bo bad cotnpaakua endanger a good character to rtjoice in the hppi4m of olbti it tq mike it our own to pioduce it is to aiake it mors than our own take a trn view ot life be proud that you have waik in the worlds busy path and da it wll ani honorably right halit it like the channel which dicalrt th course in which the rivet hall flow sad hich grows deenerand irepcr with each year if yott wih meoass in life rnnke pr rrrerauce your ljjtd friend riperittc four ariwe couhsclhtr caittioa yotn elder brother sad hope jclir gusrdiat ietus anybody can soil the reputation o an iu iividal however pure aud chaste uy uttering n suspicion that his enemin ill believe snd hit friends never heat at to behsppy the pastiont mnst in- cheet fat snd gay not gloomy and mel tn choly a propensity to hope and jet ta real hcb none to fear and lorrov rati povtrly praise no man too liberally befon hit face norcenaure him too lavishh behind hit back the una sarort o flattery the other of malice and boll are reprehensible lfany of as are apt o attribute a bad motive to a good action bat few of ut when one bat been guilty of a bad action ever thint of attributing a good motive to it ko man can lift himself above the world unless be takes hold of tomethinp higher than the world ht cannot lift himself unless he graipt something hightr than himself 1 before the arrival of the at the right house v v new fall goods hamilton iy- tliw 1 leu lor jwo week longer dime and make your purobutu now nol nt th bight houw twwj jj urnrutai lood ttloe jbuttooad firiteboloe otfu 600 were mrkel down m 8uo to i buuou kuf ulow in colorjd wim f jsisi uning dndt itto per pair kdudovet eeolng thdesrdue4 iroia 1m w l r k j jj fjgjoo j dij i tii mittias marked d tor vr lowprleaa firinad kllks varv cheap the allwool canadian mripaabllmvarcdep1 wdiirlp1 unen ru f0 childrtn dr clark john80n8 indian bid sm utbobatoby 7w3dsuwew york city an imtneno assortment ot e1j jlorea tn the beat krcotlv make uuiea niid clilwreut hosiery marked down in price bslbrligsn si cheap before white oouohirw having great tun lictuteand 15o knotrry and white colloui by hie piece ut wholesale pnoes colored f ilkt at 60o black nd cowrtd suka in rttens unpthi ail a gieot reduction in lj j ep crdffl oryooodwbehttdialuodomlnion thomas c watkins hsmillon julf l5lh18so eoxjos comtatxts or cholera infan tum which is carrying off the infsnta snd children by the thousand at thu season of the year can always surely be checked snd cured by dr fowlers ex tract of tyijd strawberry u bas never failed w give relief in the- most sever cures it is a boon within the reach ol every mother do not fail to give it a trial yon will be pleated with its charming effects eor sale by all deal- en tilllbukn cu toronto remedy for hard times stop tpendiogso mrchoa ene clothet rich foox snd style bay good healthy food cheaper snd belter clothing get more real and subtunllal things of life everyway andespeeisllyiiup the fool- ish habit of runningsfterezpenitre and quck doctors or using to much of the vile hdmbagfcedicinethstdoes yon only hannj and makes the proprietors rich bat put your trait in the greatest or sll simple pare remedies hop bitters thst carer always at a trifling coat and you will see better tmea an i good health try it once bead of it in another column governor cornell of new torv ex- jdudai wine and other intoxicant from his statedtnners the snrafi war to make ourselves ag to others is by seeming to thiok them to if we appear fully sensible of their good qaalltiet they will not complain of the want of them fan i on tbarsday a tad oecenrrenoe took phase in onr otherwise hsppy and floonibing town about be boar ot tn oclock on the day named a trayelar tapptd into a ibopwbo appeared to be try hungry without the least pro toeation ho jumped on the innocent dark iaj rery brntal manner and was n be ic of performing a bloody tra- ef the clerk rolled up hit trooser u at toon ti be could and mad at bte j iv oonfliot was of tbort dotation ad th intruder was laid prnttrate on aefloof vitbtnw blov he was a bubstitutes i tr the nnblic ire ctntlmwdtetlntt t enrtom which is prng qnitc ennnon of hte among acertajnclfti cf nirdtic deolein and which ii th t when aakedjj a tonic rf ralnkllllt they ahdcnly obcover that thfyre todout but have another article jut ai rvd f not hrttrr which they will rtnnlr tt the tame price the object of this deception u trawnareitheae luwtiutet are mvle up to tefl en the rtjggtttbnof the pain kiiittt and being cnoonndcd xt he vilmt and chwpetl dnigi are bnucht by the dealer at about hlf wht he t frv ht itenuine palaklllet whch nmhllijm therrfnre to ralitc a few cenn mote profit rcr blt npon he iwintln article than he can on the genuine fot cholera uomcs champs amu ill summer or b0welc0mplaints perry day1s painkiller a vwsocauaa j it cures al 1xstantly raetir kiuihpot of jotatlratiaik i tl j ctaa moooilrrrc oalsi am taerefore cheapest j sou by ux meotclkf ocalxss flour feed storei lawson bros woald reapeetfullj inform the people ot acuiuauuvtctoitytnattlieytaveopen- ei tn ttie prentuet orr lr ate- aarrlut reweict a j flour afio feed store stdwiuiteepconrtantlronnanda lull nock ot ftotrof itttl3cdsbiclaai famllv floor buckwheat klour graham flour i ella com ileal oat heal cracked wheat bran coarse ehorlt fine shortr chopped pest caoppedoiu mixed chops oauandfeas- and all kinds of feedaausuy kept in a hncla store fgall gaodz delivered la any part of he pillage at toon at ardertd bt wk rctpeclfiilli colitiltd law30h bros aeflttan is lssof pjuktbo ako published 11 the dobinioh kow lh its second volumx unparalleled success i new and improved form 6 paget oivly one dollar far ymr for s ktthbeks i numben a month 831 pages a year jjj columns for one dollar voti brixr to agrlcslmre horticulture sxk dabr pootoy the apairr kooaeheh and tnriaf pouinim- to a fan both out cf doon and in doon its weddy caaaercui riporta and meet art immaaijeiaaif awiaeallii lil h uh u tbekaasseslbevaieaurr h tanada dartaf the pact year stands varivakdlo the annaii of jceanal ha c caaada or the united states alaefcrasolableaiid pracncal writers arc en raged and comspjedcocc ot a valoabte naoart ppeanweeklr frees in nunv eobaaioeri inkova scotia la the east and britiah cotnmliia tn the west tvajkpxf copies pbxte printed and publihed at the wellaad steaa print ha- home rgawniytl my by kbcolcockproprictat rppacbenhor addrem canadian farjtek drawer ft wciund onl the largest and most complete factory la tie dominion 140x100 highest honors ever awarded to any maker in tie world lutatttwh jitwt whnemmx warn drop heart mhtttut btotmtfiwt atrvenu ptjt fhssottseuedt oows iolla itooo adern xn ion iwci ir 9000000 bottles nusirtprvemtta varied propetsti it rtlamu to rrrraba la rw mtn v- i ta al kmart mllawrutl r tk- m tttaaeaw l itoawetseja la nhrm atat71iwrvtuttot twevattfe i it aate wtwa ike utn itaets up ito kumrrm i bacalaw rhe itwik staets ap ito kma j baca law rte iww ipririawaltodltea toaleultoottfh jffidaiandldiploma at cmlennial lt medal and diploma at sydntij autlralia ttwgold medal ai provincial exhibition toronto fffbiiketl atcad at industrial exhibition toronto 1 1876 1877 1878 1879 we aire now manufacturing square and upright i tj1t os best n the market correspondence solicited send for iliuatrated catalofrae mailed free- address i jdomimon organ piano company bowman ville ontario 1 have no hetitaact in recommend ing dr fowlett etirsct of vitld ktraw berry- g w searl st catharines i would tdvue any one tuflering rrom summer complaints lo give dr fowlers eatract of strawberry a fair lrial crman m gould it d- casueion dr fowlert kxlract of wild straw berry gives perfect satisfaction toomsa douglas cambrar can rec ommend dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry with confidence judge 8 s peck mlnderi ify cuitomert bear high testimony to the virtues of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry t stevenson orsngeiille xjacitnctt thomas exceltioe ec lectric uil worth ten timet it weight in goldl pain cannot stay where it it used- it ft the cheapest medicine ever made one dote cores common sore throat one bottle has cured bronchi- tit- fifty eentt worth hat cared an old ttanding cough it positively caret catarrh asthma and croup fitly cents worth has cured crick in the back and the same quantity lame back ofeirfil years ttanding the following are ex tracts from a few of the many letters that hate been received fromldiserent parts of canada which we think ihould be rufficient to tatiify the mott skep tical j colltrd of sparta out writes send meiix doten dr thomas tteleetrie oil have told all i had from yoa and want more now its cures are traly wonderful win mcquireof franklin write i bare told all the agent left it acta like a charm it wat oprw tt bnt bat taktt tplendidly now h cole of ions writes please forward six doxan dr thomas eclectric uil i am nearly odt nothing equals it bedford tbamesville writes bend me at once a further supply ot eciecfno oil i have only one bottle left i never taw anything tell to well and give jtach general tttitfaellon i thompson woodford wrilet send me tome more eclectrlc oil i have told entirely oat nothing takes like it miller a held ulf erton p q write the ecleclrio oil it getting it great reputation here and it dally called for tend ut a further tupply without delay biwati or ijtrratiosi atk for dr tbomtt eclectrlc oil bee that the tlgnatare of s n tbcmss it on tbe wrapper and the damn of northrop it lymtii are blown in tbe bottle and lake no other hold by all medicine dealers price 25 cents noktbrop lyman lorbnto proprletort for the dominion not- jsdedrli selected tedbactritea o t hill -fok- groceries sarsaparilla 10 i ins cntrtaaut msfsu and for purlfrtnc the lood it baa been in use tor 9 years and hat proved to be uie best preparation in die marketor hoc hkaluule pajh bt thbgde oil bactuvea com- platst pntpub oxthe pace dy pepbia piles sad all diseases that arise from a disordered ltter or an ltn- panblocd thonssnili ot cmbeat pcapla lake tt aadtjje bto tcuklrenthly aictans ice itpnee utamadar rascbrsapt kdaur ttwaawhosae jtetlow dodc ajoan cnerrr oter wcaknowa valnanlam and bats itttoricaryepsancandcan- not hot thaiaort aellcsta eomtitnacu tt is one cf tbe best nvsuctnesjta ta torbcitatbs tbe dowels j it is sold by all responsible uiiixfj at one dollar for a cuart botue or bottles for ire dollars i ut wbo cannot obtain a bottle of this nwdidne from tbeir dmrelst mar send as one dollar and we wjlfaellrw it to the free ot an t ngwbmjjju h ahheebttoboj johtahid tllrfl4co toronto aodli a ttitcnell london wboiettle efentaj j albert college belleville om fas g9ttk9 scmqot kioboajrizxd1 affords excellent acuities for elzctrvt stcdbs preparation for hatrioalation in law medicine or arts or for teachen ex aminationt students also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexan dra colloge for ladies or the mnrical academy average expense for tuition in solid branches with board boom euel 4o only 1800 per week i termt open sept 9th 1880 jan 6th 1881 and april 1 1881 for dronlan dx addresa president j b jiqiies d d bellevfue ontario ah eitergetiehonett man to office of the new magnet telephone co in till and adjoining oonntiet small oath capitalreqmrcd tosnoha man thisis an excellent opening foi money making bnti- 1 if yon want a good and eheap article in 7tfw btios jasta buck ona- pttdor tes ii eurars 1 syrups spices and tobaccos of til kinds fresh a sb sweet hardware of all kinde wm stewart g co are now showiua new black satins new black cashmeres new dress muslins l few black buntings new millinery hats new lii1ie blk plumes new fancy hosiery new corsets new lace mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons new bordered cretons new bretonalaces new parasols wm stewart co paints akd oiijs hikge8 and locks nails glass a punr 8alt cash by tbe barrel all cheap for go to- t hills mill street aoton aaisnhobd how lost how restored mwe bava reeertly pnhliihed a new edliion of dr cslterwtjii cele brated easar on tne radieal and permanent cure wllhont medi cine orkemndi blllij menuilanl pbrla- ai incapaclo impedlinenuof marrlafe etc reaultinafrom exoesstv agfvprleeln a aealed envelope only i ctt or two pohte tlsmrs tbeealebraled anlbor in mill admirable essay olearly demonstrates ttrm thirty rvsrsiocceufnl practice ttostalarmlni eon- seqoeners may be radically cored wlibont the dantrout oh of internal medicines or the use 01 tlia knife pomuns oat a mode of enre at once rlmple certain and etfealhai by meant f wblob everr sufferer ao matter what bit condition may oe raty cure himself cheaply privately andndleally tblt iaure tbontd be in the hands ot every yonttt ana every man in the land address the cnlvervreu medical co 41 aaa at kew verk post office boitstt a good aooount to mm it npiixlonf yiiarant bedridden total slaoalinf which wasionped hi ibrri bottieaothopmtmntakenjiyjyjtfwhr loinmtandtnbirlniwtlnf fswrer jittr tuonwatmonpeobyti jnlakenbrmywtft1 v ut mvu- baa done her own hnntework forayearatnee slrfewsai isawawaiiwawreaaf taw aaaai awa l bsautay ftraftrattaa- it wtatnfitat th hrrtabartabcrpolaoo ta tas iastdwklekataraeisciotalasmataaaau tlatattraelt aadseta b tastby ttaacat jdtataw or w 0radabablrrmvrraw- tmiimudinaimx xabcb 01 xiabsl soaub hm sktamouiii bottle read tbe vowntary testotomals cfparscmtwhobrve been ctlred brt to of the blood purifier cnres errsipelas lit forest wellington coontc an data sib 1 waa severely affiieied with brvsipelst fo two yetrr and a snort trial 01 your indian blooel 6yrnp efleetually cured me mrs janet akdekson liver complaint mt forest wellington cooncahj data m i bnie nwcl your great indian blood kyrnp for liter uotn- plalnt and have received treat benefit therefrom i recommend lit we- to all tituilarly nfbicted kelson cahb disease of tbe stomarh mt forest wellington coonlcsn dtaa sis this itjocertify tkatyinr ralunble indian blood kyrnp cured me ofcrsmpi in the tstnmaeh whcurbow best itetuclne i hbtc kreitsea lynville norfolk co oni deak sis 1 have used a great many medicine but a better medicine- than your indian blood sjrnp cannot be made it it the beat bkotl turinerever uaed pliter wakdlilj to faeifezts thos gofdy manufacturers of the stxtgtjel beaper and gowdys celebrated gang plow al80 chilled jointer plom deneral purpose steel dioald board plows overs bakes vanninr mula turnip seed uruit tawn mowers c 4c give us a call before purchasing elseviere pbioes lower than fcvkr j it it important to farmers to knots that v havtpurchaudvt eetaie of levi cotritt son and can furnith parti for and alto repair any tm- plcmeiiu manitfactured by that firm thos consumption windham center data sit i cannot find language to lully eapress the braise which in grati tude 1 would u tier tor the benefits i have teceived ilrom jour excrlleiit indian blood sjrnp it baa done wbsi doctorn could not do or failed toco 1 was suffering with contcmption- for a ion j time heavy cpngn pain in cheat shoulder and back and jour indian blood syrup baa worked a perlct miracle 1 would recommend all toigive ita trial wm uuhslsuuam- dyspepsla aylraer elgin cooiit sm i have nied your remedy lor dyspepsia and reaanmei d it to all kes juhlffakimko a valuable nedcine eia 1 have used your blood sjtw and foudomt a wonderful and valuable medicine r c mrs botsey szdfosd aylmer onl j i splendid remedy for dyspepsisi bill 1 bare used your 1 indian blood sjrup and caused it to be- uaed in teveral cases of uyrpeptbaj and found it to be a splendid remedy wwwhitk aylmer ont i- found as secorameudeet ka 1 have nied your indian blood syrup for dyeptpsia and lound it to be w reoommendrd jottn w uljlikr jp aylmer ont an ajeiit s testimony aylmer ont sfc i htse died arid tcjrl tbe utuu blood syriip and find it tbe beattem- edy in qte lor dytpepsia and ai a blood purifier f lrwu bantti bhrjtunatisbi sm j bare been troubled with hbffrj matism for a great mans years your indian blood syrunis the only one of many remedies that did metaygeod1 1 recommend it to all j iltt cava cbww cunyonqlengatrcg0nt vt dyspepsia ana indlkeati at your indian bfeod bat oured me of dyspepsia and i tion it baa alto ebeelpally wife 1 tamo dlteate coatbtm ont bolt- ttaral aetata fot northaopall alto agents for mother 0buallic i an bogliah ditoovery which hdowjn atareiaablef od ejeetire j purifier ibrdoghout lie world lirrtjetoy