y re a silf i is i it m- i i acton tjhurch dlraotory mirraoulsrtjircucsiarcasana rtun jiiitn irmwibtlijok m and imivtt uissenirtuotidsvte set n cuodsy eoulicni i- lxi clrit t mu rrayerwullints l iv dcvyevenltwa tm- tonus peoples laurlcy cveclna p ruwovtivuv raavteas sunday iteee inf at u am tvlsnm uetie vrnouinimtcliik aar ynmkvm6cutiorlci ouiihaiuwclnutal 1wmu krvlvaljheuorpmlor cwjrclt lir sagtavb hcavtcr xonl- ireaalddr at pro labuaiaeicnualni san rov w j itrmvtlnoamlmul lutrrtvr i cavicisttrl yprrctdnral t a nt and spin kbth hcfiool mftipitt traysr mttesntttueidayadruuriay ertaluc ml pea- ixrsarls laavicics-unrfnr- trmclln ml it amand t lu 1raeerhehlueitilhisa pm vthodist iiirru ot mile ncrla oornorntiia jfais st kcavtcanttu iv iveselducallimu am simmui s uca i k n m catholic ciriklavfvcivrain is irfeoit sccivuka kourtn kimdilmen mulim warn sunday fco cool ac spmeccrykut lay polished every rtiursdsy morning si for armani tn advance 1 urucav ufiitmko strr issu- te 1ndistrial eiuibi- tiox frertaradons for tue approaching in- dustcial exhibition at tarouto ire betuc rapidly wished forward and by the date of oicuirg it fs expected tint vtrvlbiug will be in spple pie order the exhibition oiis on september 6 sud eoutiuuesopeu until the 18th two days after which the prarihcisl shoir will orxaet hainiltotu the amount of tuoney -so- be offved in prizes is 523000 which rill bj distribute auiong lie successful exhibttora in lire todc tnd manufactures agricultural aud horticultural products ot ill kinds fine arte ladira tact tc among the special attractions will he the beach show of degs iuesbicjcle rj liand ejnoero- c theft cin fe no doubt of lie success if the exhibition murdtr at bmvult t tots otiu it iwlli from thnruw visiud uvtunvilte on thuridiy tud jiljiiig ilcutwlvoi with wltliilitri git into qurrl nd cim to blo john dutidn tin joiniger tidttuhr mil in about 25 yni uf g mid piiriclc dooley a powerful nw weigh iui oyer 200 poundi mt have iweu lu jwtt oliiur at flnt doolef held litawrugoiiit l by without much dfficultjr kuj ilia miliar did not it-i- ir in be a vrjr iwiriout rffitir tiul inter uilrjr iliiuibled orur l chair and d hildas irug upon him uud bal ititu to mvwwly tlmt death itttttedjia ikiui twenty uiiiiulea dr mclywn ud tr w h eckiiiidt were ulcing tea altlip hutel when the utrrl com- lucuavd ud they tlett wrrl la the door ixrt uia fetlblw id bwn atrucfc mid uoaky lay ludplou itiou thtt ground moaiiiuj with hit uw curtrd ith blood tho dinablwl man k ukcii iuto the imiisa ill an iuwnx- dile condition and ullhoiijli dr mo rtandid ill in his iuw to biiiij hiui to conieiouiul iifaill and dnatli vimicd in a few niitiulet aftcrwantt in llw meantime unudas too ttupici to traliiti the ettoia of tlii injury done aaunuiwl ct and it not until itna littw laur ijtor mr eckhanli had ilk- consuibl ucg- attention to ihe necessity of inituediau- action that anj atu-mrt- was ruadn to arrrat him ho ni found oti the way to tha great milwaw iatiou vdeh his brolhor quite oblirioua of te dfath of his antagonist and iubtuittod without tiouble tim ontario elmttons the elections whicli hare engrossed the attentioa of the people- of outsria for tome time past toofc place on saturday last the elections ret for west toronto and for kurth ontario west toronto was rendered vacant by the appointment of jfrj b bobiosnn to the fiieuteuantgoternorahip of ontario for this seat there were no- fcwr tlita four eiudidatas the gay eniment candidate jlayor beatty th- opoaidon candida ta ajderman ryan the natfonal currency candidate mr wright tnl the ontario ihra caaai candidate mr capreol the succesa- fal candidate wat mayor beatty who taa returned hr a majority of 21 1 over the opposition candidate mayor beatty tots- was 207 alderman kyans i83si mr wrights i5 and mr capreolt 19 the total vote cast was 3977 or 284 more than in the election two yean ago north ontario was rendered vacant by the unseating of mrwheeler the reforjn candidate returned it tha election of 1878 the vote as recounted gavs him a snjority orer his opponent at that election of fifty rotes the vote polled on satur day was wheeler 610 and uibbs i5i or a mijority fac wheelsr of 156 here is tomctl- ing sensible and pithy from an exchange a correspondent writes to ac and complains that be has mors than oncenoticed c want of con sistency between the different irading articles of our journal very likly this journal is nit a mere party hack bound to jog along betreen certain linegjind receiving licking if it goes ever so little out of tha regular tract tliia journal thinks far itsolf ia bound to no one and goes slow or fast just as it tifcet what it thinks to day ittnay not think to morrow and if such is the ae it ill certaintysiy so terf iikely our articlss itken separately may at limes appear inconsistent hut taken is a whole they all tend ia the same directionthey tand to wards the broad est and jboblest liberalism if out corresiondent is not content he can stop his paper snd if he paid m si vance be will have his pumpkins remitted by return exprai oounfw council the county council met in milton on tuesday august 2tth pursuaut to adjournment the wardeu in th chair members preseut messrs bock cuy clements henderson mcuod mceaery lindsar eeutiet mckerlie readliead white minutes of last meeting read and conliruied moved by jfr whita seconded by mr heudereao jiat 2 bu ranted to tha ciuaty madvt school l ist moved in amendment by ik cuy jfcondwl by mr mcloqo that the sum be 100 carned mored by mr clay seconded ay mr lindsay that 1475 additional be paid j stokes for building bridge au- town lint between chiuguacousy and ewiuesng carried a bylaw to provide for the expenses of tha county for 1880 and part of i ssi rat uaned the rate is grid at one and one- tenth mills at the ddur i trifslcir equalized value jt5km0 at i aodl10 milt ttttfso ejquesinf jt7lg0 kclonjl0s t18 191953 kissagaweya 189635 113sk mbton uj750 issis- oaarincu3s750 mit georgetown 137500 ullo burhngton iog50 uom acton i0650 iig8s a by law in levy a rate fir the sup port of tlie public sthoal trai passod as follows trafalgar 800 eaquesing 80o kelson 600 kassagsvcya o0 mr clay moved seconded by mr white that a food substantial iron fence be erected at he comer of the court houe mr f sandersons tender for the supply of coal for the jail aud court eous wac accepted the following resolution of condo lence was paused and a copy ordered to be sent to the widow of the deceased we the warden and councillors of tha county of halloa being now in sssion having heard with regret of the sudden deith of robert miller eq who was for many yean a member of thia council and who was during his lifetime reairtcted by all for bisgeullc- manly and courteous disposition and usefulness we desire through this medium ia convey to the wide snd fimily of the deceased our deep and heartfelt sympathy in the ereat loss thej have sustained in his death the council then adjourned as an evidence of the difficulty of transfering piece of and- in ireland from the party of the first part to the party of tje seoorit part it may be mentioned hat it takes an expenditure of about fiffy dollirg to convey thirty jscres and so on in proportion to he size the land stamp alone coals fir pounds sterlingi one can oonyey a thousand seres of ian3 iri canada at a cost of a dollar tir two- the civil service com mission has finished iulabors for tha present and has adjourned for a month ffil parties in- haisagawoyft iferrn froix otcr otca corrupcadau mr john barber attended the ma triculation examination for medical students at queenv col lege kingston last week tha papers are not yat er- amined we wish hint success mifs ltszia hntcheon left here on monday last to- attend ttamiicoa cot- legiatu institute and mr r mead went to st catharines to attend tha institute there severalnew members were added o prospect division s nf t last friday evening the cause of temperance is growing bare mr j c turner feachsr of 8 8- no 3 was mable to resume school duties until yesterday- on account of ill health the teacher of s s no 9 mr c cameron if attending ths normal school toronto and mr j strachar of rockwood has been appointed to filll the vacancy mr james f smith of s 8 no is not at his desk luiswk he is not ill but it enjoying excellent health wiy is this thuil a little bird says be is taking this week to leave the ranks of single blessedness f and take unto himself a wife tiine will tell ned brockville sept lit 1880 two young americans visiting que bec were robbed of tjieir watches on monday while going around to see the elephant judge ross of ottawa slipped yes terday and so seriously injured his leg that he will probably be confined to the house fur souiedays debtedto 3y br liii excellency the qoverlior-qeu- oral has relumed to quabeg froui priieo edward wand eibjtwotr thomas bxcelslor be tectnauii worth ten timesit weight in gnldl iain oannol stay where it l used it l the cheapest motllcine erer umde hie do rural common tore throat tne bottle ihs eured bronchi tut hflr cents worth has outed au old slandlnft ontigh it pasitirdr uurct oiitartli rulliuia and croup fitly cenu forth lus cured crfowtn the hack and ho same quantity ume back olelilil jnn tandiiia the following are ex tracts from a few of the many letters that hate been received from dillerr ul parts of csuads which we tlifnk should ue sufficient to satisfy the niotl ikcp- ileal j collard ol bparlaf uot arites send rat six doian dr thomas tclictrio oil have sold all i had from tousnd wsnt more now its cures are truly wonderful vm mooulre of rrinkltn writes l have fold all the itgertt lefl it acta like a charii it ws on at lirtt but lakes splendidly now h colr olloiu wrkes rbsic rnririrdflx don drtlmmas fclaclrio oil tm nearly out nothiiir4paliill i bedford thsaieaville trrhei send me at once a further upply o kclectrio oil i hure- only one bottle lelt i iierer saw anything ll io weil and giro such giherat satuuction j chompwin woodlord writes send nie some nioro eeleetrlo 111 i hiro lold entirely out nothing takes like it stiller keid utterton p j write the ccctric oil is getting a gieat reputation here and ia dailr called lort send ut a further mpply without daisy lixwaiix or isutitioxs ak for dr thomas ecleclrio oil keo fiat the lignsture of b n thcmaj li on the wrsoper and tho names of korthrop 4 ltniau are blown in the bottle and wke no other sold by all medicine dealers trice 25 cents mjkthkdp i lyxtas loronlo proprietors for the dominion icrrrt teric selected and eucfritcd remedy tor hard time stop spending so mich on fine clothes rich fool and ilyla buy good heullny food cheaper and better clothing j get more real and iubuniaf things of life every way and especially slop the fool- jslt habit of runniugalwexpenslre and quaok doctors or using so much of he vile humbug medicinethatdoes you only harm and makes the proprietors rich but put your ru in he greatest of all simple pure remedies hop jitters that curei always at a tnfiing coat and you will see better times an j good health try it once bead of it in another column a qood aooount trtiuoi ilapttclour ycrtc beuvlddea ptefcnecanlfuflvrtnseoltnr ssis ter fir ttli3i allot wfilcttasaielhriuree baaieaf itopbttwr taken brmr wife wik hvdoa hoakort fofkreariiaee cituoatliietciakoauaiaikli want ererr bodj- to know it for their herrut jottswrtxxs hulier kr for dysentery diarrl ceo snd all sum mer complaints use the greatest of all pure stujile remedies dr fowlers extract ol wild strawberry it is pleas ant rapid reliable aud eflsetlve tor salelyslldeslers t hjlbukkico lroprieors why experiment with unknown mix ture without character or reputation when the worldrenowned ferry darts pain killer which has ttood the est of o rer 40 years can be had far hi same price at any drug blore in he doni- inioa it see sdrertisement in another coktun kesrly all diseases hive their origin in impure blood snd improper acilon of the liver cleanse ne blood r gu- late the bowels and keep the glandular srstem in healthy action bv tne use ol burdock blood bittersand sietnesswill be a stranger in four household bur dock blood miters is sold by sli dealers st one dollar per bottle mothers do not drug jour children with poismous opiates in he form o soothing syrups wh n one liotlle of dr fowlers exlreetor wild strawberry will allay all irritaioa of the stomach and bowels incident to eeditue- it i pleasant nil snd harmless nd is a positive specific for every lorm of sum mer complaint all dtuggistsstli itat stj cents per bottle a specific hemedy for alt summer complaints such as disrrhcra caeia eholers cholera morbus cholera in- fsnlum sour stomach griping pains and all derangements of he bowels caused by using improper food such as raw vegtlablea unripe or sour fruir lad milk impure water arching or water chan es of the season exposure ko matter from what cause or in whitfftm jou are subject to any of he above com- plsints dr fowlers extract af wild strawberry will relieve you and a speedy cure will be effected without injury to the system it is manufrctured from the wild strawberry pu and free from opium and other injurious drugs for sale by all dealers at is lujd per bottle qarhtfijfcfoatmifa having opened pains simp l thsprtm iios utafy occguiel by mr jarati mouni nst door to nuiklins bakery lamure piceiv to do oarrisgs painting snd sign writing o vory dricrlptkin and would re iiiaolfully ioliolt ths pstronage of ths psnph ouctonaelyi jamiwgcmi stoves 8t0ye8 qiiable8 dam ebon mala st- aotoa asnnt orasrteltotisii rnsiinfaetiired by measrs w bell cvhi1uh left at his emno will rooeff proinpt st- tsntlon for particulars see sd ou other sldo live liiirs rial cuah camkrok flee 107d- 1ir 10 reward tho uudsnigiied will pay ths above re ward fir lis recovery of a wach stolso rein the resitienca of mrs edward moore en thursday lat it is a plain 3m silver caie silver joints open ace list elsss walthsm wstcli any mformstiou respect iinf it will ik slsdly received si he watch was s keepsake having lxeu ths property of a deceased relatiun h p moore fntx prck office acfoo oat 100 eswawdi we oiler he shore reward to any person who will furnish ui with sufficient evidence t conluf the parlies who sre selling or olluring to sell oilier oii under our twle uork cas torine we eresole mnnulnctufers snd proprietorsol he onstorine machine oils snd every barrel is branded css- torlne toronto oil company is hoerboorne s tsroale iffl- for sale by c t hill acton ixpxttosifctuniidjaxtuiir 1s8i ojvells gazateer ofbritish north amsrioa ajktainikti tlie isieslaud inft aullien tic derlllfn or over ura cities wniand vllwsln th provinces of us lirlo tittebee nuvareniunairuronswlcr vawfouudlaurifrtoca iwnnl slaitfaaiil lolmurliuh ailnmlnsanllue north asl terrlorlenmotier eemral itfivmhtlorr drawn rum official innroeeas toihe naroeg tneaiirexneenf nverlmo i akes and rlveri a tanit r itourrs ptrawlis hie prazlm uy or me had road fn itlonx aod sei lke and liver rrrts la the cuie tnwtui viicekecllrihmreral frovtnees tu table wilt br ion nd nvansble aida neat ctnlored map ofloe ikmtluou ot canadh rdtedhip a qasiesbv ostet bj- a coras or writers 8ibscrtbu namas rsapeolfafu sanctum actois wanlod prim 15 pamhu ot avfforry kontreal auust3l ill l m wootd ntlmals lo tbe people of aetna that ne has puretiaae4 he botriier bnslaeulrleir earrleu on br mr a cook and thai ha baa alwtrtoa hand s flrstelasa stock uc beef pork mutton sausage poultry and game in seaasun it andhoitsbysfrlrl altenllon o bnnea lo fecuroa flr slinre of the ilnuufce of the pobde mrtttdeltteredalanr line to anj- part of the town termkcash acawfucfed vluortiirs prooipllr altrnded to i wiluamfarr organs j-v-abbd- 3ewinc machines robt craine acjon xctox iukkltk white wheat 0 90 to 0 95 troadwcll otd 0 90 to 0 95 spring wheat glasgcw oil 0 9q to 0 95 ued chaff oau peas- barley eggs per dot batter dairy packed batter rolls potatoes new per bag flu to 0 95 0 31 to 0 35 0 50 to 0 60 0 50to 0 60 0 08 to 0 09 0 15 to 0 17 0 15 to 0 20 0 30 to 0 hi cceuk hakket fl75 to i 00 flour white wheat ireadwell spring wheat glasgow eed chaff oats peas barley eggs per dot batter dairy packed batter rolls potatoes new per bush 0 90 to 0 95 0 90 to 0 95 0 90 to 0 95 0 90 to 0 95 0 32 to 0 35 0 50 to 0 60 0 50 too 60 0 08 to 0 09 0 15 to 0 17 0 15 to 0 18 0 30 to 0 0 organ a new obgahi trok a firstclasa canadian maker for sale suitable for the home sundayschool or small churcw we will sell the above very law for cash for full particnlaas apply to hekooke fsxx pxxss omor acton feb 11 1880 archibald biddetl gesbgetewx for 8eww wsehiae and general repairs try tha georgetown novelty works arch h1ddell 22tf main st georgetown j p wobden raactical nstspasssxe is prepared to eiecntesnythiug in his line in the- best possible manner- andiia the latest style monthly customers t special rates a call is solicited p woltpen mcgarvin are re quested to call oheaiv at j o hills a urjt slock ofattkliuu of 8t0vk8 naitatmaimiutwed of lit hot qaulf of iron th jhtm falsa atdhtuh ko4m sum la- 14 vurktt cook stoves of alltbei at rtr vtxy tomrt prka a mil ttueud ttodo t iit w a it b3 always oxhahd fcoadsasrwoes asb spsoiairots and trill u tootled on iht ihoriui notice goaloi l a good ilaet o superior quality caeap oouz aus sei for totjszlvzs c hill erf mberhtli isw is prepared to can on persons reqolnnr either sewing mnclilnes or organs he has agencies from the best mranlactnrers in the country snd will ensrartic itflisfiiclon lo purehasent terms very reasonable orders lea at his residence or ddrsed to him to acto po will receive promptattealion r oraim sale boajrd tables mill street aoton is where you can get firstclass sigs at rea80hable rate m- sfttt good cpmmeroial rige an expr each expre soy part of 1 jon will meet vrsltrnnd dpliter iooit to hk iww- i town au partlehndebted to this eg tablisbmenlare requested to pay up wlihout farther delay and save costs irowietot b bddromo b 8 boilmbt b wttmtmsp kwrkwkwkwkwwk1kr j king o the dby gd03js v t dressmaking we have much pleisurein informing our numeronspetrona fa ibedressmsking department thst ilrs thompson has letarned irora her summer tscolion and is again ready lo serve uk lady iriepde wih her well known taste end abllily as sre sro more thsn doubling ilenumbrr or msisisntsinthlsdepartment we can prnnise the xecution ol orders without tho vexations delays to which owing to the great rua of work we were compelbjd to ml j ct patrons during the postseason wanted immediately 12 assutartt in tha draasmakloc dap real estate aoenoy properties for sale vnxaai oracrow i on tfalnslnetsnilkenool un next o cmluislretidno one onb cf an acre with clone itonss in splendid rondlllon htable snd sbopon the prrmlses hard sail on waur wells tltlalodlspuuble tec mi reasonable nn 2 on corner f chareh and john bis onehiihof an arrs on i be lot is a rood ltooe enatainlqf t rooms food cellar hard wternutaber of frak trees a pi onn- dluoaoouteaienlucnarehs sebonia pot nface and rallwastalioo terms ot payment remauabte ttlietndlspalabls waasaaswara kot atluooruers ith con vs l corner near two saw mill ooe mri oa which is sltoated a food stnr- anddweli- nc sufalaand driving shed 11x36 cb6rry a appla rtes ueartnr- tha bnlldinp are la prtd eondliieo will prohablr be a post tfflce here la a short urns titlefood terms easn apptr lo jt twi kassatrawera tsactaifco 1 1 lcbooo tln thfltonsblp3f esques- inr wo seres ed clearei and order enltiva- tlctbalanea food eedar and black ash floodfarmbulldnzsfeneea the best eon- dilionsiilendid orchard of beailnr trees ex cellent fruit rood sprint water all he rear round the t rorenr is tltuated about f miles fmm aeion j mile from a flrsiebus sriit mill cv-nrenient- lo sehoo aod ebarcb ttisindispuuble terms reasonable ap- isrlo jamss scou on the prttatses or at aooa poaldfllee 2st e w j g- o o 3d s i r i- r during the past two weeks we bare been hard at woric to opening rmt onr new fsllarrivals aud in arranging oar new goods these fact strike us forcibly tlut lurtac tie eerals nun tie liott is dettlatd to te to trtttsseett tiia vnt tiu crwitt ronataln of sapjly tha koteltr zxslltm varletr at um floods will not bo ezealled tli vilm tuil 0jxpam of our oool xrlu aot o oxeeued isu qaiilty tad sulk will odrsiilow utyotaar stoek in too sorsiortr- e our preoiises ar twice as large as any dry q oods llouse in ouelph oor stock u n iimorethmbalfinahdalre5ulywerecoinpellel io use every available space in oor dry iioods fauce j however the big ruh of business will sevn give us room our purpose is to make the all of 1880 liiemosi bolalje one id ihebutory 6f uok for cheap hoods wl bit faalea let others bang on to their big xrufita tn lion beheves in quick heturus j just ppened great dress purchase of colored dress silks lovely goods at startling prices hand some goods in cjennan knitted evening promedrne and opera shawls lovely styles roro 81 to i5 immense lot of pompadour embossed and plain velveieens beautiful range la dress bullous silk fringes aud drtss trimmingi cose to toe mux cielpu j d williamson co parileahavlnr louses nil lots in the mi- lacoriartyiu lite aijolnlnir lowtltli fur sale wilt eyn li lotbetriufrr lohavetbem nterled mi lliu litt so chrge naless tne tmjownr is sulci hpmoobb kealettate aient actor onl great cleaxing sale look at the prices i wide engliih print 5c a yd good wincey 5c a yd dress goods 6c a yd gocd toweling 8c a yd good towels 5c each wide lace5c a yd black loiter 1 2c a yd black cashmere 25c a yd large counterpanes 95c each fine lace curtains 1 pair womens prun gaiters 60c a pair boys heavy boots 90c a pair teas sugars tobaccos groceries etc cheap in proportion at ohapraana ooraar mora acton ont i g dr fowlers etract or wild clin mfimi cures diarrheoay summer complaints sold by all druggists dealers rs fkeebay vfom rowors is a safe are and esftjctwa destrwers ivans la eklldrra r adalu prints reals er far ie l vs rsecbss xc1t dohehtic dves are perferl every ealsw iw knxklaess sad shavaklllir itey kave ae eowal niceuccmuyerysu fall hats fall hats i jtjst eeceived- at the east end clothing store ald tee newest styles in and settle their hard anp soft felt goqds j i cheap and good t 3rjeaotols- tbwth8 hop bitters a medicine not a drink opirraiha pa baeka wiaermke paaoellaa axd ttta possst ajid bst mkdical lilahties os sll otbkb blttsas they cure all dlseares of the atomaeb bowfli blood uvar kldnen and uridarj or gans nervousness sleepiness female complainla and dronkenness 91000 in gold will be paid for a ease way will not eure or help or for anythtag impure or injuri ous found in tbem ask ynnr dnifsist or hop bitters and fne bookr and try the bitters before you sleep take no other the hop cmgk cm and pain belie is the cheapest surest and best hoh rrrrawa mva co rochester nt snd toronto ont for bale by all urnttlsu 3001 a month auaranteed su a day at home made ny the industrious capital not re quired we will start you men woman hoyi and c iris make money faster at work or us than at anyiulhg else tbe work is lani and pleasant and suonns adjdoe can so rlshlat those who me wise wno seo ihls notice will send ns their nildre sat once and see for iheresolves cosily ciitftt and terms free nowisthailme tnose already at work are layiriar up lsrse sums of money address tr4c0 1 3 nas8aqawbta ltjm5ee shinclejviius peter sayjers would intimate that he baa on band at bts y4 mills in naasataweya formerly koowni ii as carglilv mills a htrgf stock of i lumber lath an d shinqls8 of all kinds and soauues oheap n 1 shingles 9130 per square bill stuff cut to opsk tbbm80a8h peter 8atebs aeton dae s5 is v 15001 toseoooa yearortots a day in yodtowdioeaittt no risk women so as wrllasfmsn atabyiaake vx more than tbe ameont o j sred above hoioneean tall to make make mouey last antooeeaj do the work youmake from so otavtdfl hour by devotlni yourevenlnnawlanar lime to the business it coals otblnf uw- tbe businrss nolhrnsllaelllhrmoneymsk- 2 lug ever odored bejw bnslneu plaasaaj and alrioll hoooiabla beaderlfyou antt know alininitnelespaylnghusjnttetwy the public send us youraddrru and wa wiu- eni you full partleulars and novate tewyfl partloulnrs l wora li ilso rre yoo g yon r mind for yoorajlfei tkuk auaubiu maine r pnva rre samples wora si also rree yi then makeupyonrmind for dress ueoiwe stinbum co maine- 1 accounts without ifiirther noiacepl