vf- v 1 e v j a i i 11 if- i 6 i hi i ar rtuit cica twu jwat lehtwl the woodshed one tort tummerday fn ci- ihc lilu the 4inmg sua lirwied it ysvv aunt ksjf hrtittj- acsutwji ft i l l i safclv lutmvl afc fermi all el 0nliv cuiuitiiy iff vst r i ttovku uij fiit wir if ali irichl cjtl imviah faucet m viryca uf uu iuv tiesdwaalujil tui whhcd round wc ilck bnuideaihl thought kadlouiid and tjwilcd toy lial cictr tfly ikuaaiwd j i iifa f attars sroftlured uusu lc teemed tirttlic axd far fluuv he kuewl kucw ti knew- idinuied loi iirat jafrr t jmy spara momenta two or tiuh fi- lntlifabuir rb ili farmer sal villi kit jiiililr iiiiiin dial before the arrival 0 ml lor lwi wcoklofiir corns uil i villi kit jjidiler liiiii ny ruouglil ik fail ki could he hit cue pet unit and her loving rale he wrhad aitlt ikiiu1 jit i hare wvutoipivf jii uic lclal imtj- tva would oiakvoie old lutiicaleid ttrttlt tufrvt neighbor cray with hit clsituci -rfout- rr to fie fcumcrctrwr hid i too nime a proud lil father id be my dear u ll it i be fitlfim xrticmjr miff ifcltf prx3ooli iiquw nrnhjagaw lha great cimrlnii of f tjih i i jadomtoby f ti rcnjnufjliliiitkubtjo 1 1 3 buuiiikt tlotwliilorfd blckidwlhmillmlmjnm mflmilprf 8w mj nrtl aul l k 1 clov acj iium ilastct jumuobrij tfwuwj tt a r iir flbhttflhki illrwnki ftin barf97toperjair aiiiiuuiomoiuueiinlkwhloeiinll ll krrodnuick- siiihttewjfl4 lij lof yuiioj ulbluiua nml uullpt tiuk ftmfnihmiurv w lf cnrtcir iihoucthhi lwatlmnvldiikf 4fatf4iecl gocd jfch4a w3 mll twywinfidrtwpwww ftfjsa irundriii lvliilshttttw e rmiloniulvl5ui8s j liu ii cg ha flx i toil as- 6 watitilns l 1 vwti liv luft cmb ficith tiic uld d jctasjri eritfrnirtriw like some old dttutcticiylw yoti vrxut w- ffarkod the scnij n jycitir lift i i tiuut uc in ikoic ui jjiik will sitb suit at all aiiiulini ibc boys request u- ffentabont iittwerk ioy fttrjcin 1 is lifcj nd uuttcr uaji itev iu iuc ubrry i jw mutt u iuti toi ffjcaici u unrj- at it 1c saij taiee yen udb let kinttc i fcccw tfiiftef jtoifctoi it frin crpil pat isije tliciikf ti ss etadyinj imd toot up t utia uvok sjiii tccantoci amice the irewcotncr the ctacai uti some ticie etrery qcestrri hifii inlctrniig3 urwcii5atixje le ie tuinttibiiiitii3 thvpttto t lviil x aeil ctciimtkil tfc pacjpil ivqo certticij- ilo xcll loofciug t th bas- frtm jiexd to foot prr fas tpectacjcc- i- iity- icre iid jatt picfc op la my iywe naaicau isirerej the tv- tlcre jlc vit xnr q j fcinltftrtiii rithluf fet opkiruaitic for clyoiinfr nitetlmtitittcdfgr cihee liy jusply improeing hit fcpirc moowoui trciy trc po epareieotieiiiief latizwi nt ftme iiqirtt vc arc ta site them i ttkrt p pkmkeaut v list an yi show jic tlieai 1 for ttlmn tic tailed jiifavecsil heiri vud nil lrckllc hushej jlitted the dt the lien mailer or a cfllctcud kkof nd uked icie uisu ti mttnt 2igytrinie iti ut wu luei l liiiuuug he lwtedmore litfc ikjwi thiatuylhing cwi tulj kiintd gstdlii uiekilcjua her r desinedj md u pecxiat the hxctdix i cioojd lite u ee ur slid he voa rkct e lteaktt flt littlij tud iiie terriil- jul1 iei f l c puiev be tiid ftuit knelt her dniitt v kitjej thi uad lint m old and klhcr uiere may be tirn if yott will vnd imraiiy diuihlcr till wjtoelcfiitii ii fifcif to u mite the old hcikmlckl iciglit luuoufatjxkty elue jtee siidilx forcer wid ho iftxythit fume body lie oh tin itimides iu biev cheek hut jdiyei rith tho uiihtsichide-jcd- tcet airiy am his ere the lurucd her hid one of ucilbar imt ihiliieu the taii i k c- t ivii iliu taid the irm t ante it pliili u it satmaliie ur utry xe auvtlier fcfss aa uii- ftl piubp pr i v to help the urmttu audcruml km tiid tle fanner yc 1 tee it it tiro far yoartel and orwfor me uut ticitc tad there eau lie hut one forme and my hearttilt life iiomort and lurtrleaf ihe farm tliwul n class of urtwrs who ar- uricgoiilr to trisp ciorf kcri- tin it lriis wn iioyrraiare5mstvi no aa their torliuen ortliiiibcivek do ijweinongirjauifc tiicy cnuot lie- vritil iitlithe incxiinit arm nor xjultl thev l wlirtl vih any vihei- dusiuiss bt thk nha uiidertnnd iliat tl uiulust oijert uf ubir is not io luafaj mnnrr ltic to inividi tle ureeat niuuaucaf utctnk of iuoaout iijovtueiit the w6tlillirtili cti uiiti tjiit purwiw of gricliijre iltrntli iimrliiiliiriis idai r-ah- ccniribuh tu uur well wog thin rtiy mijnjinrtit rcyiriiiiri the tdiue nniptmt of ciiill lheir tonus nre not to urge is lo nti- tuvck of ibetettvrs aod tlieir 5uu6 ntiliretrwiv tieieigumii substitutes f tr the pnhlle are taaliorwd tffium i cmtan aa j cioirnt ouile enmawn tjtttsartmneha dffilcn awl irtrich it ihia i when ikedfw a txnile of palnklllfr iher roddenly diacowr lhat iher arefrwm out mt have anrither inlcle jurtai j gilfniittyucr which they will wpoit at theauna piee thcoldectof itwdecnmioaiunmpctnt thoe j yiiiiitiift art made mlooll on inwtiepbttloii of jtvflrttikfllnrt and b compomidedof ihc and ciwpci dmk iti feoaght by the dealer at about lutf wh wttft lh cerniine platnier which cnmilajilrv iterefnrc in rrsiac a fewctntt more profit j rer blle anon the imitation article than he can oa ihc renume tot cholera morbus cramps v l j n u j- summer 0r bowel complaints r davis painkiller j it ciaoaiurti i it cures al instantlr the pk kiarali pot trp in t o ud j oxtettla retiieat at fj ajjjjcohieipccuttlj tinre bocda tte tetcidre cfaca 111 j igtfl by ailmeokjtnebeaurtt- i floueupeeiir lawson bros aeuii in1 rlciiiuy liul it i aoijkii- etl in ije trtlr ollhe ur mc- thb only weekly ajriculturaj papei -i- frcrted asd poblkheb ik the dominion vo ix itfsecoxd votume tli largest and most completa paotoiy in tie dominion 140100 highest honors ever awarded to any maker inilie vorla fzsifnliii antlditjomiut cfiucimiui tgtmcdul mill dqjluuia ul sydiri australia qgjqilil medal ai provincial htlilbiliou toronto st llijiui uwird at induilrial exhibition turoicio 187g 1877 187 1879 wcru out ftith corutaut drudgity ltlicfrhrv4rdulnnrb wnl illoere ry k njiifei with many prowif bta and there are atfy away other lnyt i ara afraid in the gaiitrtner hoaac of correction ia the forecaatle of a wagtinj7 fa thetcarahltn h ww w fr wih ait them wkexf- they begaa taisr ttnfal coartet alight aa- trer ia my iysto aidaietita- latty tpare pmneuu i gxrgblexf fol ia ray agaqjamainuf hegaatakeajd drkjc t was in my suare muajenu thtl ictt wgaiistler chettoata fkw fie old jroroaat tod it iraa in ray fpare mo- tneoti teatj jj f 4 sialnwtjqi icie ftsocixus tafce care of yocx epare oo- farii4an easy fue eie- i henrt wird beecler kooie ubb ioce mcelrad a letter from a wonn rnim who recortimidei himself rerr highly as being honefct and closed jt the tequost fjefr me nueasf ait uitiba that haneftlv may be rewarded to uicli mr richer replied j doat 6a tm ediujr if yoa would be easy do not try lie uv ivoid scbnol eeptpjf kepp oa of the pulpit let tloaa ill ships atofw ship- and uier- riundws abhnr mlfrfnr icpxj from liwyera dort jractice mwlicine jffa poj a farroer nor a mochanic neither a soldier nor a bailor dout study dont tfiinfc pcuc vrort koqe ijf them are easy ouiy bonest ft lead toil gre m yerfiird wprldjl jfooy jflf bat ono real ey place in it luat hathe grave 1 l dj aa yaur cooiiliisuee dietatea and yoa will ucijgi ac agtray j sariow nbt yonr mind to four own aeifiaaneat biitjjive it a broad field for jyoar fellow bicn to work in p tha efjiefurt of ktuiniog i to learn aot little jiti time the widest ercar- tions of the miod are- made by- short firglitg frfoupntlj repeated dot mioaglj set about by thorns- ptiy be aiaje a staff- supporting oyen while it torturer cant it awayj and jijtbeprruact tci a i ixlreatnes itandg upon a precipice aifjprapenlf unbalanced jj uioral bilasiod cariiea a mm erer so little be- tluftiliii pdwfvoyercears and dules him to pieces avcioaa vbo can gfre yp dreanjinrr and rom bis daily realities j wfcocan sniotbfr down pis 4ieiit its love oi oe sod take to tiio jiard work of bis band who defies fate and if be must die dies figbtiag to tlislast- tbot man is life best hero truth is alysl6iwisbett-witerit- eejf aoaiinsjqiripytoiidp tnt it uf lwti avu attuijjtj and pljiipon our lips and isresify jo drop out before we are awsi9 wfiewjb j jie ibtroubl pjpifi tsot vs w tfoubs- irom oily to sutyfcet iio the jot saws si giny gore of ititmhieiiib3bbiocjfl t ur same kind to make i good j rarittiesof weircjtiwirdelicibiia- fruit their hoitkee are utatle clieerful by the iuflaenco of boots and niajiand a taste for thepote innocent eiortueflt of life is developed iplbtrtttit8wa cf ere and there a farmers borne ex emiligts jall tbe rcoo itntuieut and impiiiaes to a rare duouicd 0 iaboi bid disappulloeuu vmol ihunparalleled success flour amd feed store kiwaaiimpiidw ttpage t only ono dollar pop tear i c f koaiben a hoath 8jj pages a year ftotk of all lisdsialbilin i 332s columns for one dollar yrotedittrtoartfcalnirthcttkaaaresjei dairy poolur lixapairy h aod irnrailf flour liuckwheit flour ctrahttn fioar frm kofes tfie lat thtiisj o be done befart- oing to bed is to- g0 oat to the barn anil give a good look at the cattle and horse and they will be likely to have- agood loot in the morning for roses ia pots and almost any bouse plants a good liquid fertilizt may ce prepared by diysblviig vspoi in warm water hone ground fine tusks aa excellent iertiliier for plttila a london exchange says earthing up potatoea dimiuiahes- the proddee and retards the riientugaf the tubers long experiments in kngund lave proved tliis- fact that hilliug up the otatowiu reduce the crop about one- fourth i robbing posts a few rrthbing posts set uuiu pastures will save injury to tho fences cattle will us tliee convenieucies very often and it is worth the trouble says an agrfcnltural writer to witness the enjoyment of the animals in the nss of ahem the cronp in fowjt has been cured wilb sulphur aplil as follows opijn the bill of thelowland with a tube which may be formed of paper blow- half a teasooonful of sulphur don the throat three applications have been known to cure au toots and tnachinsty not tose used5hytitorelbis season should be pat away iu good condition any re- paiis required should be made bef jre storing for ths winter that they may be ready jbr use- when wanted next ieasbn tbeshould bw wsftcbieanic and put sway bright and cntefujiy stored so thai caltla and other stock willnotgetonthemindhnrt thami selves and break thj dffhjnerjj ij httyifs should he walefed in the morning before they- are fed a full drink of water immediately- afteroeing fed is a sop eway of producing indiges tt9nifnkjn0aniinatiodwleii water is drank by borsia the bulk of ffgoef directly to tho larjjevlhtmtines little 0 jtis refiiinedn the igtomath sdaie od and worthless hnrses by way of expsrisient wereed with and r eupnlied with water ininiedi atclyliefore hoing killed it was found th tb water bad carrie the pen from 6ftyto siity jjilp the in xqib t- cortj ueit lat ileal cracutl it heil bun coatre bovlk- tine slorlf chopped peas chopped uals slired chnpc ual end teas anj all kinds of feed utually kept in a hrathfass note 1 r ttpal grlt tldicrrcd in amj pari nf ilic r77 onlcrrd f c rcirelfulhj hilieil d l4w30h bros aclonjan mfsna i peruuaiaf 1 a fans both oatofdoonaadfaaom its weehy coataerdil rrporu tad prteet art itirj toiii nnw oa wh itiat haadt r ihe reooaary ot cinaaa duruur the rattrearttaadfaaatalediauseaasals olioiffnak ka ct canada or ihe united sulci alarrccaflot afcleand pracccal rrtm are en raql aorj coqespodeacx ct a talaabk aatare ippeari weekly ireea n may tueaeridcn ia sort fcitia ia the bate tad briiiih columbtala lie wat it all sample copie fhke priated and puhlahcd tt the wcdaad steam priat- bg home caihlryiyil ij6jit k b colcock proooeuc rppaneeaur ajirc cakadlas parmer drawer u wcttaad oat o t- hill -rou- j0hnstois jsarsaparilla mlmilsitimersii and fcr pur itvnff the blood it bus been la tias tor so years uad has i proved to be tha bstprcpsnuioa in tha i trtetroreic uilujajelkpaik ik 1 tlifi side ott uc3tuxr coh- i ilijkt poiflea 0 the face dt- j ipbia illes fisd ail oisescs that i criaetmm a disordered litcr cr aa im- ee blood tboasandflcf ottrbertpce eitondptyolttotbeirchinin rtrr- i eidafta prescribe itfisuy thosovfaoiue i u dnea rccommaid it to oticrs i it ta tfi4o irom teliotr lpct hooda- i ru earapmisft wild aierr ippcdcciy pttffw mat wcu t chct vcqkuova ralablo boeta and incrts ubsoricctegetablaatndcia- 1 net trrt tho mort delicate constiuitioo i u ij cz6 cf tho best medicine ia aio i for hcrus tbe towels 1 it u rxm by ftl refpaasfble uraggtex i at oae douirhcrfl quartjwttie or six i bocje lor cra dollan i tboso vbo cannot obtalnii bottlo of i this mediciae tron ibcir druggist mar i send ux one dollar and to wlli uclirer lt to tbem free oc any charges zeiucttttco totqmo arid b a eandaa wiioieaie igeuu groceries ifyou want a rood and cheap article in ttwaj syioa jajn blacker sua t1asm syrups spices and tobaccos 0 all kinds fresh avd sveet albert cotebgri belleville out fee gqxuas scsooi arfordsfetceittnt faculties for eleatts stctixb rsparatirsb frjr matriculation in law medicine or arts or for teachers ex aminations students also may attend the in solid branches with ia only t3oo per week terms open sept 9th 1880 jan 0th 1881 and april h 1881 jor ciojjacw i belleviuo ontario wanted an energetic honest man to open a brand officefffflwmotvtflep coi this and adjoining counties email esat capital required u such a ipltr hjinbai eicellentjicanlngfdr moneyi imupg bnsi ness amfreaa with stamp tjtvtrtoster m and 127 chirk st chicago hi hardalle 0 all kinds- paiktsakd cils hinges and locks nails glass k puttf salt by the barrel all cheap for cash qo to- o t- hills- mill street acton how lost how restored i wehavnrceertlypibltshed nnew edlllon nf dr rnlterwellt rele- braled eatay on tnr radical jimi prrrdnnpnl cure without medi cine of nervoni d billty mental and phr le al incapacl l- imrwdl menu ormarrlnje tie reaulungfromeieeiibet tavprlic in a om hl envelope ooly a clt orlwo wl8eblararn t0eelebraled author in uils admlrabiii ettay elearij thirl- y ar utcelol practlee thalalarmlnt con- arqnenrra may be radleally vared wllbont the danieroiu ore or lulernrmeiielnraor thenaaoifnoknixeipolniingiat a mode of enrent oneelinpiexertain and eoeelus by meant of w blob very arrrferer no matter what blaoondlinm may no ro acre blmter ehsspjy privately and radically thlt fcectore ahnnld boln tbe hands ol every yohlli and every man 1n the land 1 address the cilteitrell mefllcal s post otbce boa asaa iwi in a qood aoooufit to turn it npi slalehiyenranl bedtldaen biajtinnberwri nu work i ra jearjfinoe witliftjimlia icawutatny andfl arast rvery- body to know it for their herein joavwks buller nv we are low mauufacturing square and upright flia 1st os best in the market correspondence isqlicited bend for illuiitrated catalofrua mailed free address dominion organ piano company bowman villb ontario- wwi stewart co aub now showing new black satins c new black cashmeres 1 new- dress muslins few black buntings new millinery hats v new white a blk plumes i new fancy hosiery new corsets j new lace mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons new bordered cretons new bretone laces new pserasols s7m tewt 00 afxl bulouneatjttrvoudblmyttc tkelebliis372s0wht3labl oooinntiaitsinscia 9000000 bottles thu fyjyp posttsta tarty jyopcft5b tt tlblaatni ibs prtyu ta t- ftaun fkleft oafrsa the kami i37 im iinnb if k atrdlelm i ukn ijwmeoi fsaa lnr alaewa a dfjdraev4a 1 caatet wind n4mrii at ik- fe4 link ir r capiat r aels dpoolfea tdrer ilaietf apotfce klaae- ll recalafa dwo aimr rrrrehiiaufrie preveaied ilaietf apotfce klaaera ll riit hawaii it pahbeakke bimj il qttleta ifto ervas systesmr ii pre ctpesilmb i ka irrgtkea awitt it earrte otrtbe old blawjiaa ahlin arw it apena lha porraaf tha akda aaaa li haity pevtpftf ftaa unsamsiea li heaufarilillcriirfl blood wacsiui i it 3i iinnlili tiiinjja aadal of amaieaieiandliiarsaleinon 1mb are no iptdu riad n u lanjdacon and uean ha tabs w eauaatt sabeat baha or by 0 acsdasd fcmla opv mfiovmrj in j- tintimtidinctiiu itobotiblwrabtv nrca os auuiisomo read the voluhtart tiituwnlals rfpeoaiswbchare been curb bjthl nseofthaelooapurlrter 1 cnres erysipelas mtkorest wellington ooont can tlste sib i was a verely nffieted with irvsipelaifor- two yeatj and a short i rial oi yonr indian breod syrup eflecluallyfctired me mrs jaket asdejtson i liter cmplaint mt forest wellington coontcan per tik ibave hfed xnr treat indian blrod syrup for uvcr-cdn- plaint and have received great benefit tlierelrom 1 recommend ll ttsttoah- iiuilarly afflicted nelson cakb disease oi the stomach mt forest wellington coont can dsak sia this is tocerlily that yinr valuable indian blood yr op cured me of cramps in ihe stomath w h curfidwi best medicine i bate ever ttsed ltnvitu norfolk coont deak sir luiave used a jireaii many medicine bthi a better medicine utan your ladiaaiamood syrnp cannot be made ll u tha bast blcod furifiererer uted s- i pkterwabpji l cousamption windhsm cenier tik srs i cannot find lanpuaje to fully express ibe praise nbjch in grali- luiie 1 went id utter lor the benefits- 1 have received irom yodr exeelteiit indian blood sjrup it has ricks nnav doctors could nol do or failed to do i was sufferipi wjlb cchsrmptinn for a lon lime beavycough pain in chet i miouldrr and back and jour indian blood syrnpi has worked a perfect biracle 1 would rectmmtca al togive it a trial vim cdnslnuham dyspepsia y aylmer elginco siu i have mtd yourremedy lor dyapepsia and reumnih d it to all llia ju11n farlhlktu- topaemers co thosa g-owdt- h i j manufaot0bees of the x eh bostvbeleiateq i j v a also chuledjplnter plows general porpose steel hoaid board plows mowtrke fanning shustnriitp seed ilruls lawn moawrs c- c- 7 give v cail before piirojiasgraltlttrei i pjmtles lo t as ihivjrjat jrfymoftiiwf- to pariieiwoiflo tfihr ui hivtrnmkitedm utattlofbm owt son and atofutnwpdrti for anil alto repair im peujtmatiundjhaifink guelph ont a valuable kedicice fib i have used your blood syrup 4 and found it a wonderful and valuable medicine -t- mrs bjotsey recf0ri aylmer ont splendid seined for dyspepsiau- st 1 bare uacd your indian blood syrup and caused it 0- bttj used in several cases of iiyspcpsia and found it to be a eplendid n- ne dy w wmhltft aylmer ont r i j ronud as recommended i b iiavo used yonr indiaii blood syrnp for jdy tpepsia and lound 5 it io be as recommended yptim w ailiet j i aylmer ont i an agejitg testimony a ku fire i have ised ind sold vhe indlait blood syrup- ahdifind h the beattetns edy in use lor dyspepsia and aa a blood purifier c ajnrqknak i m ehenihatlsni siai i havb been troubled fithah1 matism for mnjeiv man years ydbf indmiibtoftd syrup la the only onai of manj rmehtethat did mesnysood- 1 recommend it to all if mas cam cmsboui i kenyon glengarry cotont dyspepsia and indlkestiob bis- your indian blood 8jnr has cured me of dyapepsia and lodhjesj j lion it has also efieotqajljr cnied bjf wife ol same disease iimwttoi j coathato jt 1 lii- fiolttltsuni ageattfer f ijflro fcgenti 8v mother nmh he ytfu i known asvyaluablhurrtlv purifier throughout the world vji i