Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1880, p. 1

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3 ty wished- b orp put ffocss kn dootto uetboahst cawed rarte tbe oeriber mm in ad pmwdii except fortuatpviw h not ao paid ncj bairears utnia the pobksher t casual adtattne- th pecuniary benefit of any individual or campanvrib be considerod an advcrtise- juent yuc number ot jn4 reciojicd fiy the space occamcj niekaiired by a scale omrrttict sutts oa ooramuoneyear halt eolantu one year qtarteroruomaoae vear owo cntutua six tfeautoa v kaituma ttx mpmhs xjnartereojtrmirttx month kalfeoltttno three tnrinirn iaarlee column inxve months ttnit ssts- ai sou ww b itus ri advertisements ultxite direction rirt belnrttrfulinartimin-teuarirnliutard- nrlv tranitrrauveruiueflu5 utut be paid in advance c hi tlqolnaclvnea ivtlj i7ic xcicsixtpcr a afcy of tiiuy lfc itt flucluuliqm antl tt vuet coiutrm yfttfgfe novu- 3 uijij adtq 9 1880 160 if not to paldi whole no 272 wmu8ti ioto sroad posrsr 6 myxttfiaadawo ad 10 r vs- it s e nicklin bakurs coxfecriokers corxeit itlts utll srutets act0k kimivg till uidt they gathor in bolenttt foatfctl- i v tiie clticft of the household- oaad- v they itt in tits dartcucd clixmbcr tycsiictav vry au s aui each with tiue voicoexclann at ttiej point to lw ticufomid utiiiure the baby iuuit hayu a name f thvj tiriyt fofl thenf meiby dotins itb raaui an aniiou look they tcao all the uleatnd novek they search tlitnuch the ol old book begtojntimala that they are prepared to till the baunyvoiced yoanit mother tapplylhcvjilawandsorrouuibtj s koir urciiic her mor cliiui j ciernut m thajandflft acctau i ohgivhii verj be3t of- bread bptn s rufmn man mbuttovt k p itooe jjjurtrwffttgss helolf low lag e ittor 4 proprietor twtwttff reu 1c sprfcc so tirr wjmrtlrtrt b7recul i i grddii it of trinitr college ilem bee of college cf etrsiciaaifi iii1 ihugeatic gsceandttsidsaoet tie ueadaf frca endc st itteicr- t ivr itcgiavxk sld jr a p s it jrajtmteof victor college red comer 3 mill miifredenci streets gjaritimca iar ffbn 8 fo 10 a in iik 3 to g rl m surveyor ipax bins pro- vrsciil iaa satrcror civiz englneei aj dntacltinini of gacjnh prcpart to aiteaato aii sarrcw ia actus and cin itr orjere kft at j- btsierijirai brill be prepay alternator skjt actoa clirekge griotoliv teach tscf piinq voloe tltoraat bss ant jpiiaa a wtcii kbilon cu tccli ing m sooc ily lesc- rivat u tbe res- ilcncecs espilxif pnffrti tcuits su pr qairter cf tsirtxn leoc cue iitlf ii itlvsucc addrfewi r cahie or bcxs cikes pistrt akd 7 jao oettltereo- xr tniile tliaakiii tliosowho ukvotrorod js with their jutroaao ia s jiast wo olicit jl coutitu3iioe oc tlic ijiue toiif will welcome new caitomere r wecreaifcprwrv ive have coppcoedqorlceciiniicfjliitoc tad wfll dwits be prepared to appy paru lea crtitui frptt pricks fiuic ed ito crcira upplitdby the 25artii dtsired acuil souctlftl be kickux sow ebadt ftiiicif aujuet 1st unerican newspaper directory pletty naiiiu i ki grandpa waa ebeaexcr ieo6l1mr1ed and jotc dtartootf 5iya the iieoibljn roicft pe craudnia aitfceouiet uar drops roll phi rail him t mine auuittis jurlea ihe yoautiat of the thruofff ilunjohn says the hapby father w hoocat tiame auditrou1 aad ihns ia the embryo ctatesman rerhaps jr the tnldicr lwd wdveuueniafotnre title lielt otteryngtiii the dd idyfttcanjattcrbotlittle pojiitn wbosi deed ik of fume iptj nuaie will hoiwrtleinortal f ac jubrtal diahtndrs the uaine i8 8 0 up tho phnvujfcra of ihejten oclock tntn lyljtdji wliiln mpllwwhh t tn- coteslpllt gipjiii drjmuicicetliip to her ghotildci wna beatiagii m u yellow towl sim run into ilia sitting tooui riudjiotljliijdgh tiie linls lu isnt there sho talilnqnird ko he will uyt come until utter noon and by that iiuu i tlmll liar finiihed my work und ba ieady tu reoeiya him fjflevtv iiiimiiof 1iut as she slid pan of briunuiagcuitaiil cups into tin- ovun nkn heard a slop an the lixizi tlulluiut iw tho farm baud that papa wk to livrid i sljonjtl uiilik lie woold knoiv ouougfi to coue to the lidck duor i sho shut tba oeer und ran iuto the sitting room hgaiu liinmg tlia slttaof tho blinds in ordar to peep thiongli 1 you nmy go momud to tho other door she suid rather condeacoadiug the mun at the door stared with a disconcer ed air at the blind from which the vuioe proceeded mollie nijcalid with some cmplixsis go iioilml to thaolhfr door please and 1 will jjive yua yoitr ordein i tlid mmt obeyed with aiuch uiirtli in his even nd a couvnlxiyo twitching shout tho corners of his niouth by tho time lie had reaehtnl the kitchiti door however he whi qiiitopravekiid tatt miss ilullies glaufcd with great compqmo zesk a plump pretty girl with brown luir tucked ojiunder a drab swetiimctp k 1iiue airbu tied over a iiiyhdii dtoaa arouud a trim waiitt wobai arms dimpled t the ilbows the sir tfi j oli ii farley jjave li host a lucid ocopunt of his receptiou j mrs dnrni hereif uai imai- iued when jlnlfia iuforuied her that die believed mi farley had been aw- ing wood in thu duck yard ever sinco eleven oclock iu the lorenoou y the cohcii whs iincouifniubly crowded explained john lo jlr lu- vers and reoiicludecf that a tiuuip of to miles would not hurt mo how- ever i did uut clculato ou beinj set to work on my urrial and tlicu the two went off into an other burs of ukrriiuent john farlej passed a very ileasant week at the daiivers business taking hitu tint way kgato two mouths later he made anothit visit and still later ha uccipdait invitiiliuu to clirntmas with lliam somehow it always came about de- spilo uis uaii vers plana that alollie was ofienest iu idea tele with the v6t f qnd of work spend a pretl good rtory wai told in our heaiiujj uot long since by a lady whose 1 iive jolinnya live yeareld hero is fast rowiug beyond the iotahiile innh cency that constitules the mamjiiav darling she was reading to her uov one evening from a siunnv school pujkr tlra story of a little boy who when his papa had been uken away b the cuhl hand of death went to work like a bravo little hero slid worfcid as hard and as diligeatly as hi could to support himself and his good mother when she bud read the story sho uid down the piper null turund to her boy intending to impress the giand lcssdu therein upon his mind now jjhuny suppnufl anything should hapnn 0 i i hope it may be outr very long i bat if such thing hould happen tht yoiir good papn should die wouldnt you be williogto jv r from aou u light johns hjtmer rang tin ui oiibor telliujf j but oft hi isrkoj with enriouj eys sqalrs harjjri oosy dsrdlbj one day the squire himwlf came by my hotm has lest shoe john and thats lbs least of all my eares bat cars dont eomo to you john rhe llghtolsi strmkby bams last dirt t j my child aaar daatkl laid ul j so i iifeis oofafolks ssppose tis oat of roses made juno and thso the suafre rods liglfjat john wskhsd bin ip smuwrned and as be watched two laees bright r ftom the open oamineat lie hersd his wifel voiff sweefrand low his babys marry laoxhtar john gave his anvil sash s btiw itshook each smoky rafter i would not dungs with sauirsv for all his land aifcl money theres tharas for im as jreljju me bafnot tech roses bonoy i wu aud nnmor a cheap country seat a slump iciest and at last amelia remarked iffj wolk and work us hard molue and the visitor oue of y ii ilatiitsoit attoeierar vjf a lac kuljcitr iu cirmirtvc oijce neit ixrtit tvallctc iloia miltm m 1 a listee jl- clabk bahs1stei quetie street goelptt itifacu lihrfctilfiloitai bciiiuac mao tlsg- xc ti ftsheii f s geougetown e one wih risit acioir every te4nes day aadyiil sftnj to sli calls pcriainin drag stre will taxire jroaipt attention terms mode t i fkher vr he1isti1eet 1 licensed ductioiieer for tbe coitnties of welinoc and kslian onlerrlefi a ikcfczz pkeeli osce actoa or it ult recdnce in xkrood will be jpromptly aitesded ltd terms reason abk si klulxf cjckmxxh ist thousand and ftfit pages t j price hire isoiter tins work is the ixctiiized sourco of ic- artiattflj ntc ejo itatiailcs of aiutncaja ivrspapcrs advtrtscts advcrtsiif aoat- cliloir oliticaui aiidtiie dejisifnictiis nfthe xottfni5tit- rdlf tipfia fti stutueits a be oaly reconiied tntikirity it gircstbensmeof nil ntwsprperaad itber periodicils- it gives the pqlit religion cl or it gi res xhe dajt cf la3- it pes tlie editors ui3ie it gives iiievulmskertvziue tt gires tlje kire of tiie piper it gives the ealscriptinn price it gives the date of ctimifhmcut ad he bet oltiimme informitioh hoot the 2scqiiton and several valnblo tables juj j zhsdcttiovs r r t reriscd snnvsllv jmff w fcnatin iroaght down to thektt dite seat to aav address oa receipt of hie address ko p rowell fc cn pulifihr newspaper advertising bureau 10 sprncsr st new york patents fohdjfv5tioxs espe- lmoclrftcd prapedj secured in cia di the dmtai states aud europe pe- teat guirsntad qrtio curta 13eaiffqr printed issiziietiajb- a3zcy in opetstioiaj tsn years 1 l c mzvkt farist v f 0ttarc4soaadi- y ag se psaf ht ih drftirgif caxada dohcnos hotel acxon eobt agn2w proprietcr the new hotel is fitted no iiiisfrcfsai styls witfeaiew fitrnj- tare yufiurfftfr 21 cagiq acconimodtiaa aad conunodtatn- sample etjom special attention piid tothe wciits at the travelling g ablfc b ar sapplicd with fimbestof itiqaors and sgirs soodstabl- rag jti aftemftdfiflrtcent f vtkrr jlr six set flasl4st paid oa posits ot 1 isd cpvsrdi f i fapest jkd best rec01uty board of directors j n b cnisnnoa e qrreeliletit i wx kekssei of jnlia ajei co bar- infclon veepreidcct j w koscnntcn 3iaislin nwujnlmi rlsinil tnck ktiecan eijrli htic titic iulko barron obt dcyrik kwj tfxmlltnn b slchrhoxu kq oafcviue wk facruxy m f georgetown hkanrrttv m d crb hoh fbts f qvadss pmt tn t kifaciarr cbuoa sfuis akn ikt3 nd it iu si 1 jlv jiscii pftprtevfct mdnp- fcell late of the eossin hojase near g t e- statian takes pleacaxe in aanomicin to lifs many old friends and pitroas that he has recently prehaied and refittsd theojal iehange id tke neatest tad faost codiforp able fityfe and is prepared to accommodate all who miy favar him in the most com- brtable manner choice wioes t r mgmnzqil ammet drinks- alwvtbiui n nrr- f- hostler thspatrgaagc ct line puldic ia r- gpectfally foliated mssi wed to gire the vertapoti stokv to ffitr on 7cc rvf in mm to suu tjoite open erert wcefciay frcra ff tnitospra d deitek hanafferi m rtish foe gf ryg i sin pxeijw wicwaaiij diu any onft in wantof a sobctintial and food uttldfi grice for hfdss calfskins itcons lamb and sheep skins dellrered a my tannery xace leaiher constantly on hand j iboariinotfiitlcoieavetliefrorfiertttlilfietahd new boot i shoe shop xorul maks vould ifespetjt- vfutlmateto tho people of aitv y astoriflnltvvclduv mat he hs opened doot k0f ktop la tiie uailalnfe apposite v 8toreralove worfcoa uili ktkst wttitli i ittondisit asiwtti well and cetera fanips which w51 be pot idone fonuture made aou repaired iz i harg moderate alwjgalgiad 1ct jat give him a call sitop on frederick rwfc oppoaiie ic lcxrfe resideacc m ojiey t loav fl00 to lean oa rntcltik farm tecurftv at a reasonable rate jf interest apply fdjvv jvt 3t etjso kt h p mooee j oeybhggadqgjetijfcg fnwin lex f sminr i l irtet tinfseir nja peb i mowj jimsto ietttcaidirtolelows qjijb ttireshlnf maeufnea mlniimnta raef anc vlhrtorbprlnir tooth haftnw xlly aifr bolty hpri bike cllmsijnnnliit jflltir the eeirstmf ft rlli all irarranred to d awid wnrlc every uiae or no ale termsreasonabie lauoil ib ujjrijiv wmife wsmnxs ceewsons coenebs njrmollie i liira voll will 1v iscfctvitbywif rjstjjid and lr amcthat the fiflht chamber is iu order in good wmtio for mr fallcy inav come tbishftptuoil mik our excuse to litis if he linen eciue y ill- be at home by fuiir oeltiek oh and mollie your itur will seni a man rum the other villije mid shea he coint you uny aettdlktthim at work on t fie aood pile afrellttvrigclimbvdlkrshlii fjiu ilycitiy11 tuiurwiikl iiilonoiitly fur vle wna a oily womaiij whtrelier iiuhkttid and het eldest laughter atue jhj werp alreadv ktl 1 jf r rfuvrraliiik upijns oyer old uillitrtadrwurprkiaduit hu nira aud trotted oitsedrttery t 7 it vvusveiy evibtit that mrs dm vei ruled lle family u uctive gojd hwrtij monarch though veu il klj ifiif rather after tho lattcrn of a match niuking nmniua mr delivers was a quiet ejw going man who avt giest store liy liiouii eit daughter jiuiiie mollie wck a bright tuerry thrifty girl of ftventeeii with broni hair liatel eyes a pt-ack- loan ekiu and the tnott charming dimples in her smooth cheek but amelia wiiu the uiuty cf the family a ttiltj etutely liotitlo of twenty whoso mimier was petfect pi rhaps it was a trifie to perfect to was tho wih of mrs danvcss heait that amelia tdiould nnriry rell but aiiielia hud failed as yot to mitko any lafuitf iuiptfsaiyn on the geutleaien whom theguod uiiitron considered vlig- ible itow john faijtt whom jlrs daii vers and amelia had met iu instoo sil mouths before was coming tr- oa a fiurveying tkfkiditiua aiid io lie wiot ko oldafquiitntatickof sir dattvers he had sigulsd hia iutenlton of accept- ing a long staboing iovitatiou lo yisit bis friends home ilrs danyent at onco decided that this was owing to koiuterestiu amelia and hero was an opportunity uot to be despised a rising young man my dear nut wealthy but k very well btvd ana so promuting and 60 vastly superior to any of the men about here amelia listened placidly she was not one toiuanifrt much smotion and always followed fn the path her mother pointed oat tojter indeed sho was mucn easier managed than sltiltie for molfie was wfnl knd impulsive and naver aeamed in rare for thaiiroprietiea of life jfortlio whole family hij sn invitation to dine with friends iu in adjointigvillabi ontbe verycday jn which lr farley would come aid therefore they were in great perplex ty until mfiuie cainelothecescue vy x- prtsaing uetwiiltnnessto remain at lonie jhollia was the neatest little hoi je wife id the coantryand took a p-e- mlotf evwf jsti a ttfklcdtmtllfuir for ier bread or her work so it was no great sacrifice for her lo give up the anticipated jpsit and remain at home 0 da ho honors and receive the guest slioiad never seen bis john parity and in troth cared very little abnnt f hint anyway sho presumed ho was welf enough as a possible husband for i amelia and wna quite willing to mats everything pleasant fothiii when sit came uitt further than tint rhe didpt and two firm7 while bandit which held a huge iron kpoon there asa a smudge uf finnr light across her little time but muilie vtas sortitmy ttticohiutls of that and eyed tfitf etraiicrwtth icuclt dignity 7rc ktw a tall tathcr good looking ycuiig fellow ktiuiitmwnrit and stalwart with keen yiey eyte and urm hand- koine liu lie was tlnwved in a brown liuett suit and a uraw hat if it valbi iu one ijattd aiid li and tintl calmly slamma whats the asei he isnt ona iit iu love with me nor i with him for that matter cant you see it is fotlie he wanta t htiia enough it was mollie and at uut juhn nude his prokjsii to iir iltuver8who listened with a twinkle iuhis eye well my dearfdlow yon have my consent and bleskiug with it hot if mollie kec you at aork always as shfl did the day you met heryott will be an old niu ufforo your timel aud hollie who was hiding behind her lover shook her sjiall fiat at her iaiher and iagbed a little as she lesnei against johns ar11 as you a cliajiier ou dojg by joshbll us duzs are various m kind and thanks an afkwisa irovidetica tfcey laiioos inuumber tba are the bola nuimal of the bnile perswashun who have voluntarily 1ft a wild stait ov ft- ctraeti 1 c ltie fl or a ked iutn ps gabonea bi choice and j luv lew belong tow somebody this t tiipj von are tl youn man i j v knd l a wirom tac aa u hire si doa and dor nzjboul rest for vou lkik heated and the ilr 11 7l iou they jswarnt i will give you a u of blt cn licfc ytnl tte i llu tit their hearts z in tie tie thank 1 her and celled the j l ul u p ft wutf c rratifnllr as lie itrtuiued the glaks llnliie inquired his iiame jly name i at yea uy name la john he suuiiueted whereujion mollie rtjnintl very well joha you am to havo tho room directly over th kitchen iud you may ukeyuur vahseupslairs now if yott like aud llten you can coma down and go to woik ou the wood until jitpi tetiirus a faint heart never won fair lady hut a faint whisper ofteu catches her speaking across a garden fence ad mits of u gowl deal being tuia ou tolh sides there is omehimy saddening bout a pair of sciasofs alas 1 they nly rttebtto sot 8r j m a budthiig young damtel hurst inio frail t jflteu she becomes the apfhs of sooiobody s ye a good dd is liefer lost he who sows courtesy reaps friendship and bo wlio plauu kiudnis gilhers lovfl salt water will prevent he hair fiom fallibg out but 0 pieyeit the bait- from being polled otttj getbonjn early tennyson spends hours on a single line and so by the nay does vfco washerwoman and the line of the latter is the ljugust whom can we trust p is the hack- typo inquiry of au exchange it is of no consequence whom can we in duce to trust us i is the tfolagori2tr a mules head dors potloootain a brain cavtble uf culturesahd refined rearing but i is wouderfnl to what could ir uiamma f master johnny did not relmi the idea of work he could not take kind y to if and yet ho could not tell u lie ife had imbibed that other lesson of george mvshinton add iris little hatchet and he would bo firm and true whats lle use i he demsnded haint m got a house all lull of fur nlture and a cow apd a horse and pigst ai johnny i but the cupboard e- must have provisions we cannot eat the home we live inj well aint our cupboard chock frhand aint we got idta of stuff in tbaijanlryr 1 rearing but l is yes my sonbut thofa ting extent the other end of his fdrmcaii be cannot last always- they would soon i j the jfufoundlin dog is useful tew scye children from drowning but you have g tew have a poud ov wattir and oiildeu running srauud kareleas or else the dog aiut proffitabie there aint nothing made boardin a jtufound- bn dng rjti terriers are useful tew kech ntts but tfie rata aiut proffitahle alter you haye ikeched them the shepaia dog is tisrful to drivs shee- j but if yu have got tew go and buy a be eaten up and then whjttwouldyon dol well said the incorrigable yonngs tr7wiih a decisiva snap yond better dolsa tom botlonilys manitna did she didntask tonrto work for hir she fust went and got another hus band i thereiiponth8 cnrtiin fell a hypocrite gold ruijj say mister as ho walked up to tho proprietor of a jewellery store who stood behind the counter have you git any of these hero luger rings when can i fee mr danyrsl floct of af 1 lv more than th inquired john h j to leep thtdog biuy hr wilfuat home th afternoon i 1 p tho family ato aliaway but myself f vl h bat if tew and aa we ar eicpectiog a gutat from z d th rue lap awlthe boston i shall have only a lunch here trf iie ball dogs u inthe fcilchenthts noon so when it ur itrtu useful but yu hy got b trcady i will csll yoa j ltv kje ou kant johu left the kitchen withont mora j is dag ithe coach adoandmadojtiavaytotha rooa aaij g v ma mit ov signed to him where alter depositing 0sst j- gat to hv 1 6 1 osaci oiyu kaut reilize from the dog thns ire sec thatwhile dogs are generally useful thare are times hen ths aint giitrally prcffitable irlontietlly luv a yailer dognor a mad dog but with these two uufortn- twia excepalmns it is drrxlfu hard work for me tew sa a hard word ajin dog the wig of their tall is what takes me euiiy man who wiii ibtite a do otnce acton vi ftkixeitasiirvc c0tm5g trouble herself iiincli ibout him j ontue snorttntlrc ann it reawiaoi j fat hon the carriage hid du- tlaiot t i ii around a wye of the cond tavyoorobdensatlfioiejretkas ad gn reentewd the liousf n thought of the custards that were to be tllloif cleaned be a- made occupied her mind to the utor fjcliifiiioldyik ilia valise tqiou th floor he iuduixed in a aroxysai of silent laughter before ret lining to tho lower regiuus the long summer day wore on and jdhawieldcj the saw right manfully under the old maple tree by thu wood iileglaiiciiig hito the open window uceasibniily to fee mollies deft fingers mixing up wonderful things for the delectation of the palate of ml- farley at twelve oclock john was regtled with a lunch in the kitchen and at two oclock mollie went upstairs to make hei unlet coming down presently in the daintiest of muslins with a rose colored ribbon at her throat and iu berl hair i john did not woikea heattily after aloilie had disapkared from the kitcli- en thejlime dragged along tediomly his riw was right iu the middle of a particulatly big and hatd slick of wood j when the young lady-made-liervppear- ance before jjim j john looked up with such unmistak ablli iidmifatinnin his eyes that miss lilollie bushed- and was tm mediately augrywlth herself for doing so jokniid said iu a very stately fashion my father has returned add would like to have yodc61netound for theliorje i mpjftt ierhered tho iottte und by the itime juhn made lijs appearance ttrodndtiliijfiornet- of jjieiiifldiug shej wasbindnefzz fulking witb her mtlmrwbo atood 1 whisking thflliwifrotnoidrbilliesiffail mjifver started vw iis eyes fell uponhe yotrag man i wuijbless my sourjind ete old gentjepifo gisped jiothwa tunds and nijsbjjjjjciiliabaiii yotrtiadn t come j what hnyoni been inptojanyway 1 yutt luolc fit toindti3aollie dear ueedqtaskme to lor huu or ppt for him eiuy man who will abuzs adog will abirsj a woniau and enny man that will aluiau woman iz thirtyfive or forty miles meaner than a pale yaiier these are mi centi- tuenfs and i shaiit change them until i receive notice that the caaiel has smothered down the lump on his back and the sarpent ceases tew wiggle when he wanders- these heretlteseoh 1 fbrgit what yon call em 1 gold rings pasked tl proprietor jfo not quite gold ringi oh yes hypocrite gold rings thats it cant understand what you mean by that bid the proprietor with a stara i mean said heyouns raan this kind of gold that i00m ike gold and isnt gold this hero kind that most everybody is wearin nowadays i want a rihjr for my girl and twant yon to scratch nn the inside jim brown to sallie jones dont care what it costa you can go as hh as half a dollar for it all ifyou w ant to its a gngement ring the boss took it all in- and- soon fixed hinioir with a hypocrite gold ring doho op in the softest kind of cotton reared the newspaper often print the last words pf men but nayer- hosif a woman the latter would take tip too much room and crowd out all the d- vertisenisnla sooner or lateri says french writer everything is foand out just so a mai ried man for instanoa is generally found out lalerlot three bodra lafer than ne should be too much tronblfc a georgia clertnnan was obligd to spend the night a few weeks ao in an obscure cabin in tiie tyiljernsss in the morning a junior ineotbiar of the imily in response to an applicatieat for a waslrbqwl brought him an old tin pan and after the face toilet was coai- pleted hnntd up about seven teeth of an old tucking comb for him 4o arntnga liis hair with during the progress of- bis important ceremony the following conveisatipn between the two took place mister do you wash every mormn i 1 do aud comb your hair toot- yes yrll dont it look to jod some times like you is a heap of trouble to yourself r the brewers share a gang of sixty raftsmen left ottawa yesterday to work in th woois back of peteiporo l- sensible to the last my and mrstom lnlcaby lived ou a farm they were shrewd andtlrilty and hdtha rnution hfine oloaej finally mrs mulcaliy sickened und was abont to die finding neariag the end nhe exjireased a desire to put things in order lierorettiaterenl occurred aud old tom prepared io listen illkoiiiita ith rc- mcpntairs itr her mother bbanilier wji ere ilrs diheii and aniehawerej reiiioviiiglvetrbiiniiita molliii vat on j mloorj isuglirnfc andtyuig and ahouihg and jaigiiini ragairi itr ultet arisntlonnient to iter ainnsnirtftnt and diaaiay at tiieibaui blunder which she hid lnide downstairs peal after tom said xtts mtilcaiytheres sirs smith lip at the crossing she owes metl80ifor butter see ye mi u- a woikiuginan at miinchester eug teceully madea very effective temper- snee adlivss in the public square iu his innd he held a loaf of bread and a knife theidaf of bread representet the wages of the wbrkingmah after a lew introduciory rematks he cut off j a moderate slice this said be is what you eiva to the city government- he then cut off a more generous slice and this is what you give to the general government then 3wifh a vigorous flourish of ids carving i knife lie cut off three quarters of the whole loaf tliishe said yoti giye to the brewer by this time only i tin slice teinained he set nsidea gi part of this to the jmblic housianifj lird leltoiily a few cnimbs and ithis you keep to support yourself ind family tlievesonwtof his and i lory of fehowdaborera sliowed that- tteyi ksenlv apiiitciatesc ilia force of vhisl jlluatiutiou j give illm the kettle the following capital tttory of biahorr 1 sehvyn who interested himself great- j senvtoiit hytlieixt stenier ty in the poore was fdiid of telling one day coming 011 a ebi smbihle to lie lantsinsible to the isstsitidtom xlt get it then then thetva jlislfonsii at the creek sho djiea cofi tlstl foe chickens ah i lonk at that jipw for a mind she forgetg nolhing j iind mi riwh atii village she owes me kjifio for rdyebesf ibitf siusiltln to thq liistsinsible i tlieubt ssnniy d ri i j aidtwr j i mand mr ikobwts at twnte i oher i jijv mii on a coiiqiaiiy o rairieia he heard thenv ticking in a try animated wnj so loudly that he said to thenr my friendu something seems to fnterest yon all vary much i heard your voicesiittite lhditance rnafi ask iwliat ist r they replieij lbii see tbat copper tea kettio thcrel we and iserp ijiist vaying thttho triin thhtcould tell tbavblggrifr lie bioh taiyoit oli aiid- ihe uistiopi fpr ttinrj i tel tis tinmntily whytiievertoldviieiii y life wiietetfikin tho lottt winers s1bited 11 fcrekth floyernor the kettle a new paper bos factory baa been started in london bast that will give employment to a dozen hands london dak solrcol board ask 329000 as the years estimates being 1000 less than aaked lsatyear 1 bush fires are raging along the line of the madoc branch of tb grand trunk railway close to the track fost prevailed in the northern town ships of hastings for four nighta list weetc and did 6ome datnage toj- root p- i the full dress uriiformi- for the offi cers of the 26th london balulion light infantry arrived froui england ou tuesday housekeepers may be glnd to know that a fablesjiqdnlilof ammonia in one gallon of warm water jvill revtyie lne jcolor of curjta a few flapt ago the- miners employed in theiron mine ofl ldt17 in- ihtoih cocessiou of madoc saw four large lynxes of witch they shot wo mr vpillaj imnilgrayioo agent at oliawa liagiecefved adrieeifroni tl agent dliiih that 97 wrvant girla the ttiahop im7rrynntil ithioae uieti add a deaer bnpe yot will herer again iedthxhfill of ibiigiir ailtftii slilnlr piec pis ftartulbit andojof irtjttei isfniakealtlwiff an ahi fbnideari poordpspf brckiij tliose wl jolrjpct js tira jvwfor 5 j ixjoiirwcqqmau on innld toiuhiwy herlflrtnrt titrhpf wiinsiriht ure vee ed herto talk top mnchetj ttrttjijliotr rweiphig tliscnrpers cati funf ftralily ciitgrnssiristatjit anawert thegaol purnosntbr preventing dust and gives ubeurpet afrosb bright look alaibeoutnlr6f ernjlihmigmnts nrrivedjtiyjdon jtoriflgjhe first twoi daya of fhi yqvjt thej wire taken i in charguand provided with situations the faryier hndersttditli hiinutn naturo who said 1 if you want ybiir lioy totay at hornet dyns bear too hard on the griudstone wheudio turns the cmnk ti fyon wabt gpclirpjrcb it ritbculd water add boiling jwater eaert- r lit t 0 1w piece and qar ttuiah eual jtotb oj the liunrky v i i adarky jloipsltoipping t oh buj bands ina cieekdidut notice tho peculiar aotiotiii tlf a mat jitsfbuhind bimoiwhkh be bcrarowed ouilof tba iwatitj fkkf4ilr9 ittarpfnel he answeicd j i flimnq jtaojmt v if the kjnaer imdrowediuii oizlfv lri 1

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