Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1880, p. 3

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uktrifctlh tail traiaaheavt ketones fellows uoivukkt sight ktprcat l5ani t irualo mail p i0ani itj express i isp m jtltuuiod b upiu aoisa sajt jurat kiprest gait mixed i laem iulb davkxprets u jo tin vettem mail 4wpm condon mixed 90 pm th lttdlaf mora in aetoa for berfia wools gtarlin wools mottoes mottoeamottoeepanoj card bcyirt weddinsr and birth day ptownte glassware oruels knives spoons andtporks sisn of the bij watch geo hynda jewellery iranoy goods store acton qnt thtksdai mokkim sot 9 issu towx axu covrr all xflbees apianxj a the heal coksms of lie free psesii alsnq attatfua u p6- be mevftao or rsfcrfaiamealt rcfipuuu serrfres or ta aay eacw natter ktll be vucied vkly at addcrtaemenft arf caaryaf af rrysiir raiec bus uen luiiiroving hop picking is in cull blest san tell ouradvertiaing columns the licuic season wilt aoaa be the farmers are all btutlj- scgsged at seeding the fatt foliage u assuming the- vanagaled unfa the merchants are getting in ioi dense stocks of fall goods 1 fmepiann8l5tr peruiiuelrt ifta s auugsta s cords us w p brown and hubert creeeb have cxrlrtngcd rcsidca the rratdic school library omkai upwards of hot valunea mr ev suvder has camuieneej tie bncfc work ot fcls new residence ho that bj- lis trade ouidrisr must utter bait or advertise paiwilire the effect of d gardener i tier were disposed of by lsiliffv sale j esterday them are six gentlemen and fix lady students in attendance at the coaaty muiei school tne anioact repaired tij the bostd az trustees of actoa public school for tie current tear a about 1630 it la almost impassilile to get tatter tie fanners nvei are bo it in tapes of receding a itill lucner pnoc aooui- installment n new bools taa becaxoecirej at ctoa public school lilirarr tle new eacaitjjce aill be uced la a vtsek or co to prt the cmolm of a im anax the wick m atssc rineorancrryft ei before joa cae it it will then bara botli xweet aod plecaatxt ben jcibart expreax delirety vagaa came to nef oa ill st oa fndij- ke had arerj- hear- load oo aad on ot th croat wheels which waa dctecure urate down the beads ot natls protrude abort- the odewalaa oa th ranoaa thoroohfares ad a- poetical stmaa pate tt thatlf leaf bf ieax the nuea fall placx bj- ptaai the aidewalk goec la the dartiieas on and all oa the nftitr stab their toes our facutts for alt tindi of prcnfcag ate exccileut and foil np ta the reqeiremeats of che locality the material betag ia hrstdsas ooautiaa ad of the most modern stylet the feee pkess ofiiee mil cerer tara oat a job of pnotic that wih cnt le creditable to the estabiishazeat btj botch work ever allowed iueas 160 mart hare had i bott firr la acton list fiaardaf arght the re- fiectioa of a hght waa seen rery dutiactly fcere rrsra for aetna uiuon kaa caexs soaiebod u sfiltaa mast hare had soahes a lus boots there was nd bonfire or any other fire m actoa or ricuuty aa the satardar night la questloll the ihnruri of the public ichoot iihnry toaaestt that all paxjes who wish to recerre books woold make oat a oct of the boika thy want befors cottung to tht library rhepabhe should hare the eocrtesy to do what they can to facilitate the work of the librsnsar especially as they hare the free ue of all the hooks in the library an exchange say the man who advertises for a lost cmbreua and er- pects ta see it sgsu expeetc what neer was nor is nor ejtr shall be we weteof about the tame opinion too bat but wert aa sdiertuemeat of a lost ambrella waa ni- jiwalrbd thacouiumteeuh streets and njlkl hare at last repaired the sidewalks sod enlrtru jqbsvuhtic the miltoa aeir has cut off its patent olitsids aiidj pnata it at home a icnsihlc change kkw sidewalk the tillage coun cil hare built s new sidewalk on the east tide of uaulatrtst from clarks comer to ilr vbclersjiiweuorjr store ceuivrfolrit fcroi hiltox jo 8uovr the lime or holding the rlaltoo county aftricultanl klhlbltioa has bass changed ta the 12th sad jlh ot ootobtc the posters and prua tuts are now issued i goooafukat wslisre before us s rery fist ssmpla of seneca wheat grown by mr iv n usaushiratoa his farm near speside the graia is very plump sad lancer than the sierage pwoil festtral a peach festiual rill be held at tht residence of ilr r s flail near tfornb on wednesday 15th lust lu aid of the baptist church sunday school admission so cents tut xortu west we hate before as a copy of the cnaadira kortk wac a moatlitj ioaraal devoted to the settlement aud derclopemeat of hlantlobs and the korth west published at 8olkuk mao by james wetdmao to let while in georgetowa the other day we uoticed a number of houses with the uj let card in the window if the owners would ship them up to actoa they would noc remain lone uuoccupied lioqies are in dsmaud here blsivess uhavgc on suurdsy last sir ft p bruwa opoaed a stock of gtooane iu the shop former occupied by ur ater keeord mr brown says he in atimcai 10 utulosw 1 iiilead losviiik aouin lu s fw di sod all aeoouuu due we and not tttulnl by 20ti seiityiiber will lis put lu the bauds of the cleric ut court for tollotllon t johk ucufjan q1rrkge painting hiiiig opened a faint shop in the pram so lately occupied by mr james mclain nest door to kloklini balmrmam pre pared to do carriage nainfftand sign nting of every description and woold re spectfully solicit the patronage of the people ol actou and yiciuity jamks 8txjtt tends to tep a stock ot firstclass groceries and eoicits a share of the pstronsge of the people of acton and v icmity laeoe trexd ur f catni twh bf m iltou la the begtuoiuj of summer sowed one peck of earl hebron potatoes a few tlayc sjo he dug up six bushels of the saoe potatoes and feels eucioca aatoahfther any other ponoa rso sbow sach a large teld frum such a small quantity ot seed cismptas eoite aoiit jfr james ruhinsoa arnced home o friday evening isat from a sir weeks trip through usaitoba sud dakota he met a number of acoiiatan ces fruox this county an both sides of the line must of thent however m dakota lie made vtiunipeg his headquarters and took trips la vsnjox directions from that point ckaaptoa rccawax on saturday afternoon last a horse with bagy attached belonging to ur igeorge tattoo became frightened and ran away from the g t e station aid down church street st a hisu rate of ipeetl- a son of sf r tultoo wbo ns lu the boggy at the tune was thrown oat bat escaped injury tle hoe was stopped at agueac led on main street ax lvttatio in another colninu ilr j c hurst formerly of this village latltes the people of actoa to give him a call when they visit the toronto h xhibi uoo he snnouacea that he will cut goods any iguthtct tsirtn eay oaaatlt at cljsc wholesale pneea black sad colored slks and satins cashmeres velvets and gne clotlu a specialty head the advertise ment attempted boeclaet on satnr day night last burglars entered passmorcs store eockwood lad proceeded to burglar ize the safe the jock was charged with an ex ksuve of some kind and fired and the report aroused ur fassmore who im mediately proceeded to the store as he entered he saw a man makiuc hit way out of the front door ax fast ta possible the safe waa not damaged xo due to the bursitis fatal ekclttheolhr night young man met with a hornhle death be tween woodstock aad princeton it seems he got a one of the freight ears for the purpose of stealing a nde and at princeton he fell from the place where he was perched aad wax instantly kdled this should be a wxxninr to a number of youths of this vil isge who make a practice of stealing ndes on the cars to georgetown eoclwood and dther places oa the lice of the g t h dont continue it boyx serte in the fexx psxss and the unprece dented result wss that the lost property was restored to the owner the fexx pexss is a raloable advertising medium asothee ifasuracroar foe actos we are infonuad that ur gordon a gentleman from feryu hat leased the thop aad machinery formerly owned by the acton plow company and intends to odea a foundry aad agricultural implement mana factory in the premises this property is voir suitable for the share business as the shops are commodious and are supplied with both steam and water power actoa continues to grow and improve jjatcis uualli to ttiu lure potatoes ma now biug dug s tiuiuor visitors uro reluming horns maajr ire proplotying aa eatly winter apples are pleutiful aad of good site snd quslity tlnra ws not a single ajnrai of fire fu guelph daring the month of aogust the giaadtant fantw ptiuledut wcllsud oat his eutered upon its third year those who have tried hunting wee september came in report game u very scarce and ihy veanor the prophet has issued decree that this month is to be a mouth of heavy rsius sud slurp frosts let all take note of the fact the harriet home festival held in the drill shed on thursday evening last wss a tuccess the church wss beautifully dtcorated eer septimnt jones of to- to preached an excellent ermon iu the afternoon toe tillage of norval has a band they gave s social a few evcuiags sgo st which they netted the sum of titty sit dol- ian guelph banl boys should go down snd tee how it u done guelph herald acton band or rslher acton people should go down aud take a lesson too the fele press is urging actoa council to sppomt a constable the office having been rendered vacant by the resig nation ot mr 1 c robertson never mind dear brother r hilton hat done fairtj a moutbu journal derolad to the fur same ears now and on uugnt as well sattloment ssd development of manitoba rtuables cameron mevin st apton agent for the bell oritso rasoutsctoroj by messrs v bell u0 ouelph orders left st his residence wilt receive prompt st- tentioa fur particulars lee adv oa other bide give him s trial chas cajlkilolv dec 1079 24ltr 100 aewaud i ttfe odor the sbire reward to any vt person who will furnish us with sufficient trijenco tooonrkt the patties who are telling or ottering to tell other oils under our tntde mark cat tonus we are tola manufacturers and proprietortot the castotine uaohine uilt snd ererj barrel is uaudetl cu torine 10rqnto oil company ts ifcerbearae 11 tsrewts tar for tale by c t iiilu acton the canadian north west have no constable snd ears v our muuey one who aoes uothiug but drs lu sxurj wicr uoruby items froze air oicit evrrupondenl aiphs are a good ctop lit his sec tlull tt recent fatal amult case ctiuis much excitement rev sir wilson of malfceron spent a few days this weei with his huitiby ricuda t itresrs john g and e a hall who went orer io the english uurknis ih cvtrsjoet of cieep about ar weeks sjj tcturued tut week pteparations are being made by the farmers and their wives aud sous aud daughters for the annual fall exhibi tions of the towuuhip and county the fall seeding has been somes hat delated by the recent wet weather but good deal has been accomplished during the fine weather of the present week a peach festival will tie held at the retiovuce of ill r s hall hjraliy ou wedtittdav evening 15th luit in aid of failtoa bjjitist uburdi sunday echoul admission 20 cents a hew sidewalk will he lid in a wt or so from the grange hall to near fadion church this will nisle about a mile anu a hall of sidewalk far our village and all built with funds ramexl by private uieos i on saturday evening durtrig the cotouets inquest at auburn a horse bebuging to ilr richard hemstreet which was tied near the hull became frightened aud broko loose mi run home a distance cf about a mile and a jialf although a buggy was attached no dinikge was suataiued by cither it ur the horse peaches are being introduced into thiskction ro quite an extent ilr r s htll bits a tineoebsrd of almost iiiih hundred trees aud will have about bo bushels of penches ths yesr a number of oher iu mere in the vicmity have a few trees which are doiu very cell snd go to show that tint lutctotig fruit can ba successfullv grown lu our county omeevtett lopm and the norlhlivest fublltbea ur james weidmam selklxt kaaltsbsv cantns eiclinurobcroflhtcantdlas kenhwek w ii con ul ii thirty two pxses of very ottir able mslter and will he itord atlbe law saiiscrtnuou ptlce of onq dohax- a earlu bdven e siwplcoplewliibietttonfiptofii t eac ntsjattampr adlrevs itllh wefujf ak bejkvjtijauuotj qjusda rerwmals ilr lemuel mmlis is confined far his if its c kennedy it visiting her friends utgalt itus k ftmood is visiting fronds in chicago uus annie comgill is paying her berlin tiuaif a nit if r jobs tfoore jr ts laid np with s poisoned hand mr e e hxe g t e agent is awsy on stwo weeks holiday tsip mrs george uoort of brampton it psy- mg heracton friends a visit ur b warren jr is att gnelph hjghsaool he comes horns every trea- utg 1 i lir a hesastnet was kicked on the leg v a horse oar saudsv aad wtm aashle to fa to work for several days a telegram was received teeterday after- boon itttuu that eer 0 b csmsron had arrived safely m kasr fork aad would start from that city or home the sme evesing paints oils flae eeater on friday last ur ckltles enees tuper- iwndent of jscobf t cordorsn tannery here showed as the essortmsne of leather and hae findings- prepared at that establish ment for competition st the toronto indus trial exhibfboa the collection consists of s number of fine samples of satm finish cordovan sides guse kid manufactured from entt tfcim straight grain snd feblle leather and grain calf j tlas cordovan vamps snd fronts congress and scotch vamps and creole vamps footings fronts and tonaaes the exhibit will be one cf th finest il most vsnsd eyer shown st toronto and embraces several classes of leather heretofore not manufactured in can ada ut eoaes is an experienced man indhaseceivgd a number of special prises for his leather in the united states snd s medal for hit exhibit at ihecentenniai our cifctent will no doubt be surprised that sa creditable aa assortment of leather is manutsctnred in the village and they will be glad to learn that this business is grow thjjeryjatt snd gives erery indication of becoming a permsnent establishment here a large amount of new and expensive macniuery has been put in dnnng the past few tekm snd more men have been engag ed botmeas is goodand there is to isrge a demand for cordovan leather that the film u nnabls to tnpply it as fast as required tee otplr depot of che entire bodily economy is the stomach there it is that the manufacture or blood noes on and upon activity of the great digestive rgsru depends in a great measure the wellbeing of the system if its func tions are interrupted by dyspepsia btl- tousues and constipation superveue the blood becomes meagre 1 1 quantity and pour in quality the siipetue no paired nervuu- symptoms manifest themselves and there is a loss ot flesh and vi or asa roe ins of stimulating and invigorating the ttamwh and rem edying the above aeplarable state of things korfhrop lvtnans quinine wine may be confidently relied upon by debilitated dyspeptic and nervous suf ferers not only is it atonic of well and certain merit hut a most sgreeable one lis flavor is unexceptionable snd it con tains no ingredient that can prove harm ful to any one using it it proves most efficacious m remedying weakne and nervousness when he directions are strictly adhered to asanantt periodic it possesses great excellence chills and fever bilious remittent frrcr and the minor malarial complaints dumb ague and sgu cake ste eradicated by it snd the tystem fortified agamsttheir return it is an article whiah bears a timehorjored rrputatlonand has proved its efficacy in numberless cases well aiu enisled to put the remedial value of any remedy to crucial test refreshing sleep increased muscular force a gam in flesh and mental cheerfulness are among the blessings winch it confers intending parotubers should not forget to atfc for the quinine wine prepared by northrop at iyman toronto sold by all drnggists the fuuofain of life is the hlood seep che fountain pure sadalfthe tributaries of health are in good con dition rurdoofc blood bitters nll cleanse the blood from all imparites expelling scrofula shd sll humors tones up the debilitated system regnlatfng the liver bowels and kidneyt and brings health to the afsicted kabsasawbya ltjmbeb shinglemilis peter styeits woamtntimktethat he hex ontbafld tot bis mill- in vsxsaaweja tormerlyklown aa carglus mills a larso slock of lumber lath and shingles of alt kinds and qualities oheap no i shtncles 9130 per ttiodce bill stuff cot to order tbrmsoash peter savers actnn ne s tuil ceadle hillat horpby on the 28th ult the wife of william hall eq of a ton t t0ecble dattocrt b0orgetown on the 21 th ult ur george dayfoot aged 80 tears camp in hassagawera on the 6th mat captain 8 cnsp aged 75 yesrs varnishes etc i of all kinds at mew butcher shop would intimate to hf people of accnntbtil he tiac pttixijird b halctuhaiatu tef carritrdqu by mr ju gor til thufc ut tu bee pork iiarruksaasage pauhrr ami game in beon ic rkljiob ttrit ttnon lo bakinc ui iocarea fnir cbare oc the vatronate or the peb le iefdeuvereitsujy urac to iuj rklttof tfaellqvo tfrikcwh acalosouclred qt- f tended to wttllam falrr proverbs kontkttsaaheftfcwoihettomnch hlnchlivrr and lcllne t ptiealtii aud hop bitter keep llient mk the creaet aourtrhlne ivnlcanpe- uitrritrtntthetiectuidcurutboatajfilt uoviiiiten it lr inipoiklhle lo rtraaln innt ick f oat r iituiux ttliths uuy uilictt ore why do hop btttr care foraacnr ucaae therele utioj tfeunn ticli b atjutklljeiillsij 8ciiovofuiritivijfsin vo mutter what yoar ar all- meat flop ulum wlii da i ou iooi rfimembt ha i blturr omrerdoe harmbdtj3ojsilwojiiaiii1caiiaiiaalty ptiriry the binndcl the ftitnach and cue leu tut orcutuvlui uup bit tern qtet nerveccad balni7iccpln hap biutf so health with inactive liver and miliary i-rpai- uquuthuh lluers trf oop aajti care and pala ttelleft far wile hv all drngttttk stoves stoves cheap at j a tiilis a tfje slael fall ixiuu of sto ves juti rwcicairntaavaccurtfliuhc btxt quality of irvatlic finest ptult and ikemost kandiqnte stove m tht market cook stoves all f att at tie very utwett priexl a vxllkucftdlt tijst w a r ie alttatsos haxd eavsrsotrapna axd will he exieuled ostak swtesriiohce i flood itoct q inferior juoiiy caeon oolfz ami sss os twjtsfilths js c hill bept i very reason- r ao to the post offlcs store acton t for cheap hardware 0t7t 8s wrotttiat istil s la all sizes paints oils and varnishes window glass 7x9 to 30x40 choice smoked hams side mjsats best teas sugars and general groceries at lowest prices alexsecqrd christie henderson co acton this week show tbk contents o ovb- 60 oases of boots aad shoes from tht st loktn la ttt dominion ra 7trr xxotiitst quuty ef tim grood u bin tltewujhl7ttl tot ru ju th ttesk uc qua- utr virioty stnuuty tad oahphi u uvnrpumd tj ar tiuit aouu la til tnds t rut roportaalty u efltnl tat proourlaf th mult- its ftix at wattr njplr pull lines op tweeds gray white and scarlet flannel can ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles pine wool goods black costumes costume cloth etc just in hivivg always hade a specialty p a isqic whstoe 11 we are determined still to maintain the super iority of this line winceys plain and fancy fom 5 cents 0 remember their famous 50c tea christie henderson 00 always busy z never idle thug fashionable otjeii i c oae of thoe lire ituting- nubluhmenta vhicb aw tlvaya bur alwayi bmy eren i in the rery doueit leaioa ta hr aa ale lime erery man belof fcpt aeutalr i ecaced irums a m outill pm west end rresemag -tn- kettles brass and granite iron ware t27i fif i ms jfcracf at havills uill streei act0k sigjv qf tee lamp guelph cmhall hew arrivals of scotch r tweed i suitings hardpelthats soft felt hats shaw mtjkt0n mesaaaut tailqrs able prices opening today handsome velveteens at 4sg0o and 73c lot varus lovely colored dress mist tie a yard vew styles in ttnl klbbons uursnse oil c sand sbultoa kkls larse job lot jmt liaujd tome wide embrotderles ladies waxe direct for the fashionable vest sod oar roods are sit rresm brlrfissad beautuul a o bucham usawiwwe if at end dreu uattu and mwuer bttahbtkmau cnifk chas w hiijil has a fine assortment of pictufwes aw fbaaloss of latest designs very cheap al30 in st002 sterosoopss steroscoplo tievi mottoos firforated or ofcromo pioturo oord pioture nails glaes all sizes motto frame3 complete tor 20 cents photographs the latest city styles the best adoheapest in thd coun ty o vr shl zt john worsfoldjco manufacrrjkers and dealers ik all kinds of 1 tjpholstered goods a tpeclalh elegant drawing boom bnitea sltatj6hsimler saitet elegant wing boom fnrsitnre 0m ai patens adjosublo solid comfort chair best in the market sign of the chair hazletons block upper wyndmam 8trsjst guezpji furniture a good assortment of first disss furnl tnre of every descrip tion coflstintlf on hand prices as low ss quelph sr george town a call soucmb john speight i unoektakittj 1 ii bvprv descrri 6roomiii3akeu and nil fuirevah re quisitralirav 1u suci i va hand- soiue hxa fir uaed at alow rate fraju xasoiabljt willow strbbt jvototl at mcgarvins drugstoreackn

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