wwifmn hbsib www ar toumt- if lb laps wite liiw is lull m ill tell ynu what id with j that all the bnje had ntucbl ty do i but jmly uy tad iih s unfit pit that would be to jolty id cm t41it to the creek j i think ll ride en tartcuacl j kko to cy o kllt fifajftck uticl in lorni the parly fvlmantel trcj ciy lilt ailc u uy nil fiif j xrii i ypt joio job ivhoyt ft ctttlftht ta anil pike i ga tutuuc bou and watchuig bites tvi-ue- i f mau to take along a iopk t rrad not idly wait for tivh inniblval my boojr- aodcarryoff the bait jkis tlyvcre wccjjjlreitbaet tijihiiju ieh v to seek ti ipcud osjrbvet it pity is fut the wtatt wiia pfqipr or disrexarjiffijf adrfcc ibiu herbert eiid illr wise to itc too not tc ro beyond year dr pth ia the river the itirface tookx very fair and spartlinc bat there it a dajigeroct eddy lieneath that may provrtool ttfpugfor totf letcert r tnetitt he ttpied it near iy overcome me j buti coald swim ati so gatberpod it rcamaibcr wliat lji yud bewire if the iodffcotcnt herbert went ta to btlhe ted tit very carrfal to keep near the share every time- ttawt 1m very iiajeroi here he rh4t4sirt4t ahodto hit com- paciua it is u smooth ftc glass led i csaualfuretnisif it it rough buuth fr icsbhj nh yon had betttr net go crged bit friend jdj- fxter fcnort thii rtrer teu and he uyctho uhdcrcbrrtaf it wry dik- erooi 1 tim go a l uttr wxx replied htr- lett uidi i end jt ikkgiroai cxicae bict 4id bt trted toorouif tir the niiddle of the rifer elucompinion witch- iog iiiat h- him throrcp hiiirau aildlr mdhcinihii ihoat joe help bat fhea help reached hi i tu loo bite the pndcf treof had got 61m- hc-wudrown- efl faithe tteichcrottf river i a litue cojs composuioa oncday our dog t6ver xs a iyia in tfr kufa trice ta fcleep h4 the dies hit bad be couldnt cos he his iw uh wf ajjj bifaujrikol lit ca head aad vaa- vorfcia aboat iika the do waa hisii tqvaef he heid hit head itjjj aad whea the cec ni cloap to his ooae toer winked as ne lie he said yoo i what thit buffer it doin he thiaki im a lay of the tafley which iiot opened ytt bqtyoa art wait tqll blobom led he opened hit month wry tlajc u n oot a frighten tat bee and thebee went into towtcry maath then towkt that hit eya isd hil tffooth too ijd bejraa to mako a paasefuiamils wen the bei iting him aad you nevet tee a lily of the valley act to in your life ki liljj6tnrpifc the beat daya for at are the rainy onw f we tat prf ia th tiht of aaog them there are thotmodi of thingi that can be doner better on raioy dayi than any other jmjkat or ray 4in ja lane hard jobt are inwaitinjr we know a couple of boyt who ujtd toicowl when gatnrjay broajht drmda aad lay dear y it al waya raini when we have a day h until they fptfktnaietnotinqh better a rainy day wae for mianjiiiinm they want edtodo thaanryother ah it one needa fi uam to do ihs rig g rather thin the miiftttitig ooea for in tgtwf lerapbooia iftii iiliiuet tiaaaa tthinemipted rainy dayl ron the other hand to attempt firiaptiaiimarllm and billplayintir fooliehnew il a time for every thing and erejrj right tithe la the- motto 0 uaei f t i jbfttla bobijyigcd three yearaw at tended sunday acbool one or tiro monthti he bnttrapttcholari andjlvei early prom- iae of hriusfof rich ethical rnilajje at jplay trie other dayth anieldetlirother hit qritpnal adam to far got tht better of him at to cautehm to clinch hit little fitta ari4 itnke hit bynther rrotbcr tout w about to retaliate witirlii more formidable weapon when bobby cried out vk6no tocher slid 00 mnttnt wrike bagkwheu 00e4utr t- fjmmjl alnmor sphere to gowhon thoti of money 5 1 object said a wit at a payly totha iaiiaabaroing armi because unload tlieia no with powder a pennsylvania ntpaper in qaot- ing tbevilal otafeioa offailadelpuia ujiottihittkk f385 were cluldren jfiayfjfa wife sbottld ie rt ti lkeniifoaate3linrd teaderabd nicety dreued a acaqip xada and witii- tlsjll 1 otitwatwrf warln one nd- lotdt in eenrp of a dwelling v it ought to bethe ptisiei baa jwc gfirin tktwo coata tha- reply f r it h aaid by oo of their oir n poeta- teat lljbre w otly one afghan who lei never told a lit and tliia remarkable iadiridnal has been deaf end dumb from lite birth- i mjoah kuinga writiajf friim irutinct aayafxo ayptjijl trouble oy law bujtffrouj beirw and otjieri i have koncladed to administer nponmrown tuplfjfftmijof taa go along ickkmxs acjioinrs one cannot uy out lii wutk to adrunuigp wilboi knowyijj uncinly mw lie klanda will niiiiil to lita imsineui xlie liiinink of tl iajir i uf jijroiitli lii i5 aaccttalnlu rtnviiliyvti atxouul of iiuiiural is kept fur a umiuli oi- 1 and then pvgucttid if it i oiily to ciicdutagq jjawtj of rrchliirjly aud poraeystntio it wiljba fiuie wel ijxut ui keep an account not only of liiuiwy xflvire tirtt a ifctuj pf eventi corcyct dajj7kia5tu ifi leujrvnp mitvyauiu jn every alaoilpf eaiut worl kiicl in buaitteai aouirti iltat fun- aigjtt and tponowy wliicji aju tvep wlwratln pviuie osstutialj iff ius wiieft sowiko prilling ie liy tut tiio lust method of sowipgwlieat k aeeijtvs jimfoiuity iu jujklians- java od by iptticg tirlie vraina in ii proper puow fur gtoietit five ar atx iak puin is sutssicnt ywd iet- 4otnirtul6dril ii mod 4 l toaia faraiett cte testing the value ut cqltjratink wheat aud their results iu afojokt lidifpruily in stvorrl mlu tctic in iofiujf ia ajlaruatr kmuta oflfidiilfte -ckiaed- ud tin d sonu in rofa aboat 1c inch t kkri ft isaitdifllcuu ui construct a culuvatoc lliat icotk ihiwcu these rowr by jjictns cf which the soil may be fcfpt looaaand fn from weedf a boas hi ftpitkks the fkraicrv life tody ts- vastly different la what it waa k fetreidkago wiit sam font erly doue by hapd and with hard laboi ilboc caiity and qu ckjv apcoaiiihe hyinfana tif aiachtncry itnd e5y t f scea some nar ittvcit foa la pueeltipcti the market probably tic must useful and iuqjt inijjortoot u these iath reaping hiachtue j iiiit rhjmi kvr h ittaclicd the- elf binddrthd aeraeo success it reached junr persons de pot yiaanplrn snfliciently as in iojfxirwl artiflo tf diet ileaidecontaininj a largn nm am of sugar mucilngo and other nutritivi- matter this fruit concaifi vvgetable acids aromatic qualities etc which act pqwei fully in the jajwcitlf of wfrfj- eraute touics audantiaefiticf aljwhtii freely oed at the leabou of mellow rip- ness pterent debility indication and avert beyoud doubt many of the ill- which flesh ia heir to thiroperaltrs of cornwall en ccintider ripe ijiplt nearly ac nourishing asrjxtljan ikr more to dian pouioei iu i iu whicli waa a jair of much scarcity applts fnstead of being wide into cider wen sold to the poor and the raborere as serted thatthey could stand tbeii work on bukj apples without meat wbjetfcasi t potato diet requited either meator tome other enluunual nutti- menc the french and genuine uc xpplea ettenivelyaa do the inhabitahu of 11 european nations tbi taborer depend air them u aa article of fool and frequently make a dinner of sliced apples and bread there ia no fruit cooked in aa many different vara in our country nor jtjhcrtr anywhos value aa an article of nutriment is so itaat j l help to hearing th the arctic regiona when the thetniometer ia below ropjrsraan oqnyerse more thana mile diafant uu jamison asaerti that he heard every wcrd or a aermon at tha dialance of two milct this shows that a ooldclirasle is a ereat help to ia hare tn acton when the weather hrwartn arid the people are inclined to aleep the preaober oftetr onahro co rnjke him- aalf heariinrhv pewi fmrntalllely in froojof him to lay nothing- of xdng beard at a diatanoe of two rnilea 1 a boston paper aaya here la a ccao in that oily whoif ao mean and miserly that he always paa a cork iu the bonis of babeltowasikr fadftgitriao aa to aave tha little windlefi in i commidorbfiiruutba faooiiedarart opened altqnoriiiiotict8titoiaresne new zork laafitflnday andfon je- day catnplained that jt customer had rocbed him of the gotd watch presented to hm by barnum x ob dont drink it jack ft will maka you- to tiraty gtrl-on- the beach to her little brotherwho bad a enp of tea wabr irtjhiajhapd whatbthp o3da said jactr gulping it down thereaplerty more i qnr new ministera sermons are tod- short aaid a young lady i donc think so reappnded her mother ife always getathrough rejoined thej hnllgtifflf kofrtr ve iiqff liaut id notice all the new styles of bonnets and dressm ill teach yoa to lie and steal and smoke and nae profane language said aq irafe parent to his eldest offspring at the same time twinging a good sized aapling ill teach yoa you young scamp never mind father i knawi all them branches already katqrai ownkemedyfortheprompt perfect and speedy cure of choteri morbus colic cfsnjpi aiarrbaa dyseh- lery sndall bowel complaintaln addlta and that terrible scoijree cholera ii- fantani ln asquhfiit destroys so many pets of the houselrbld faturea ciir for thasa devastating maladies ltbatewf popular med dr fowiers extractof wild strawberry pleasant to administeofaf cjfwftl and arer reliable sold by ail drug gdita am dealsvi at 371 cent per lotire jvvf t a now that tha fravelliogseaaorihlad hand no tmrelteru aatewtthdat- bottlfpf mowlera extraot of wud strawmrry to oounleraot the bad electa of chaogeof climate water aad 4i fruitful aonrcet ot bowel complaints wild strawberry la a epecigojor aev aiokneaa pauseau ypmwpij w cholera morbua diarrheal aod dysentery contains no opiates is pleasant to the taste and certain in lit efleofa 37j cenu per- bottle aelt yonf druggiet t 3 is great rut giwvy mil u feihlom that wra to be bad in tbi it direct from taiu i lien lhjpjrawiallm mtfliaw wool pr barges the cemeli l igjoiltl the satin duohiaaolotha tnal ere larpcr thiyi ever n hirbfj wloet thia wjv ilrsualouer a mrii caabot colorfo owgrljema of winoafa tnw j- facturers npd flitch frre bount last wntr wlien thawaitpf 10 pcvcontolieniior tiiitn liiey could be botdfor i sxefprf ia jl frlniei aimna rrlmwid orneeu and wrwmatirw it ursa laat aaaaort aiid thprloamlbw-iuwfphwayiiir- mu in all alaes tbomaonaqloyafltllng corttu inaljabjeia jrompup a waicorahi tm wt aifcironattnwiuuje oyer from but aeaaon at old difm faoiormani tty jtrd f ida hjanf jflo qiawfmi rt ti- moiveyaryklnl at ht htwmim mcbap aad in many iiiaif jer essis ilji al f sxjbstrrjprresr ihv-i- hvvi p 4w ncfcbnc art tawwdilia tf eiwrwtt li growing quite commo ute amwie a ceruln cltit mnv ione deafert and whicli hubliiwten atked ft le of palbkiller they studenly dfaover lhat iheysre told oat gd nt gitw wjrletuwtwll mbati have aomht artlck jnil as whliufpltat tretame iu thce price- the omkt of lhl daeepiiot it inntnarerit wlwilmtet are yaaje p ph 0 h trnl rt of the pain i are yaaje and being cowpooaded ytkeiftqat the palllklllert snn being cowpooadea tw patrtchewrit trtl b the deaw at half what he paw fif the genalne palnrkiiier toout wmch ort to rh a fewtcttt more profit erne the i art than he can n the in i if wtw he paw iblejitatherejc it ana tl swat genuine 7 rpa chottka morbus camrv aoau f joimmer or bowel complaints l l ta vatijeauan it cures almost imstamti tvrii kiokttirpioiotaaiotbtetleimiakit ifiadfaccauwpccntcfrrtirnbaukaamtfcertaaiaapt ill ia drtfowlers s cjr5 jhujy suimer comptalntq 5tss dcallr5 ffi 1 maatattwamttam hoafnfioatrtx an awrifeeria ertrrealwy via krlahtaruaa4aaraulltybeymremhaall1caucaliwrteiwi o 3 -hiaii- tlie largest and most complete pwry ia tile doaiaii140rlp0 highest honors ever awarded to y kajsor ia the lorli stlfidal ataldliioma al otnicnnial stijcdal qi4 piploma af sydntij australia fjjtgoldafedai at pracincial exhibition tyranto fsfuiyhetf award at industrial exhibition toronto 1876 1877 1878 1879 ijpriht we are now manufacturing square am be8tin the market correspondence wlicited bend for nituttrated caukraa moiled ree- addresl pniiiiion drgax piano company i v aiowmanviiilb ontaeio for preserving kettles groceries in brass and granite oiss fstttic bat in his market at ulil ier of tms lmp v i sarsaparilla and for purhytna the blood it has been in use tor sj yean and has proved to be the best preparation in the pladit pimples on jbzjacz ms iebila 1iles and all plauaea that arise from a disordered liver or an lm- puriblood thootaiidtofourbeitpeanla take it and gtre it to their chlldrontr rtdanapreacrlbo it daily thotowaoute it once recommend it to othara it is made rrcoyellgwdoak hoada- llufsrrybtt bcrba- ztla cot hurt tho meet andcao constitution it is one cf the best ftrttw ia aaa fornojuhtingthotkwels it it cold by all responsible drugsbts at one dollar for a quartbouie orilx bottles favflve dollars w 0 them free ot a charcea t wjaarjigt teifiribtu althzhctbdba ontario ieihii4cv toronto and b ar mltchel if yoa wanta rood and cheap article in xw srtbm jiptny suek ex iu- syrups spioes and tobaoooo of- all irinhi frestt ad 8wiit- of auldad4 paikts akfj bits hikges axd locks kails glass 4 etttty 8alt by the barbel all cheap for cash -oo-td- 0 t hills miu streat aoton guelphcwfbhall new arrivals op ei- ui hard sultincs hat isq7twilxaits h i iuji us tilsit i rf ae vow srqwim new black satins new black casnmeres new dress muslins pew black buntings new millinery hats new white blk plumes new fancy hosiery new corsets new lace mitts new silk43loves 4 buttons new bordered oretons new bretbne laces new parasols stevvaet co msordy do mahupactotii jopthe m rowdys celebrated 0angpipw h -akd- cttnietl tetnter rmm ftniwai pwrimjbfce moqld hodrdptpifil vmwi aaaltoh eannlw mm turnip seed broh r i- wn myripr atteif- vi oiyeb ayb igwrtwri if pmces irb it ii important to parmu to know thai mehattpunhated tht m rmdir anyithi 1wttmiia4uredhy0iaiirpi i f r kxwxytsccb djs t lib o o9- fifioijty afitoaitmuffifqri8juf rtttlvtirrvkuiitlactirtitktbejlqvaliti ijfml tiu otpu toy tomd r yrjcot i u hu k 1 jlwatb ox ffajfd j i i-x- i i i u om telll l tpcekted on at iortfit o o a ftp o pood ttoea- c npmor jialtty ekfap com3 ass ms to tctoasjalvas i4elmber lsuiistj jc hiil r flour feed 8toebi lawson broas woom rmpeclfotlj inform the pieopie of aeum and tietolty ihaxttierhanopad cd in tbe pteotites ofpoatte pr jfe- oarvlarldede ud flour and feed store and will keep ronttaotiyoa band a rtillticekof florb of aliliid8lwinoio family flour ibaokwheat hoor- orahaib hoto- kals t cora mewl oat meal craokird wheat bran t i- coaraa fchorta tner3ibru cbopted pet- i uboppadvata mixed ubopa vate and peaa j anj all kinda of feed uatranj kept io a faratrliaa atovw -jav- fjgall good deficarcd to any fart ofthevillaie at toon at ordered a4t4 eutf ia rtipccljully tclintpl i lawsoh bro acton jan 15 18s0u utsat sale board stables i mill8treet awtom is where joa can get firstclass higs at reasonable ftatm f m j good commercial rigai an expreaa delivery wagon willmaet each express train and deliver goods o any part of the town allpatrtlesindebied ti mi u tabliahmant are requested to pay op without further delay and aave coau ed irietoft o t iwirv sewing machines fftws jf robt craine actoiii jtprapaotolirfbwpteirtarvrintnr ep ha8 aqkrtoiffltiom- terma tery ruaomble orjrftesiot yet trmreat t waataew jaa