l m m m m -bie- u published j sysnr twmtkir atojixixa nr hz j- 3vcdoke- etiilor proprietor xr vu c fnfen larm sqcss j nit dojtiomethtu church j jot nv i xcem oxl tcxs tho ftcu prrss will bo tent to slcribcrs jxlie paia far 5100per an- num ia iilvince 150 if not so riil ko piper discontinued till all arrears sjc paid escort st the oyteon of the publisher aiuiktising rites- casqal advortase- raents s eonu per lino forthe fir4urcr- tin and 2 cents per line for- each subao- quout insertion- a professional canlr ltvacs orosssi00peraununi i squire 12 lines 500 pas aanam payable in 6 months from daw of insertion any special notice the object tf which is to promcw ih puniary benefit of anv individual or couipduy to 1m oonaidore an- advertise- ruct the uerar of lines reckoned by v the spice ocetpiei meiuurod ijy a scale of one colcem a r year iclf colamit o yei- iiiripreiiitntiou year on fumn x mciruie ilalfcutgian sir miiithf ccnrtrertumiftr month ipcnran thw moiutvs haifciiiimn uvrrmmrthc nu quarter coatatj three months tq verf laments wrhn fi voice turociimif will h ipwirtciuliftfciarnjcltjirfdnccam in elf trmitrr advert iscmenu matt bo term8ioo in advance the sctrijxiikr a map of bitty lift ill llucluatwu and it vah coimrus volume vl no 13 agton ont thursday september 23 18s0 w11t 510- s0o stlfr ioi s1a1 chances r be tfjg mrct advrrtissmcnis aiik wjucywlll be over fts h p ixen tjuari proprietor i mo rftriv cut kcmupcr ad- we must have bread j i so say inuat joor oai as siy to b e n1cklin caklrs coxfectioxers coexee iihk i millstkcetj xerox ew butcher shop woala ititlmpte totueroplof acton mat he tiaspuktiaftdtlie hufherbiieluemlmflly cjirrieioa ly mr a code ami luat be bus ttlrjupon luiucl a gritclaw htuokuf beet pork iiultuk sausage poultry anil gatuc in gennflon ifca and uot- by strict kucnlltu jtluc to tccurea fitlr fttnrt oft iiilronifceof the j pubtle meaxduuvertilalauy timoto uiy bcg to intimtto tint ticy aw rirerored to lrt 01 the lctt taplj- the village sad euirooooijif acaliiubucirei ooault- 1ui t very best of brsadj i foerm r- e lo krofcosise o vrv hb it ci s- j of xpsitr ccilzz han- rarkctins a3 surgeon blxs cakes pastry axd confectionery bread deuvereu wliile tbscticg tiioso truo litre favored i as witli their pitrwie iu tlie past we j illicit a contuumoe cfthe same and irill ivecoae ick customers os acl rcsidcaw at the hcai c- frcd- crctb xctoa vt hcgitviv if d 1lcps xx a gaiito of victoria collece iti dvats c er of ia tci froiericfc sttot uiaataa daavrro s to 1u sni and sveloe ice cbeam parlor wclisvctiovroixrinioarlcccskjvpuin acdiriil riwaj be prepjvd to aapuly pre ice cream fruit druissfroii dc ice cream fjipplied bv the quart if derfrec a cai sohdtl b f xickliv actnn wytlth lv utt m b e e shihclejaills peter 8 a ye r 3 kouijtnumntethit he ha on haad his mullti ssacveja firmerty kiown as oariav mtiu a large ktocl- of lumceruath and shingles ocaufcindsmieaainiep okesp xa i slunsicss 33 per square bill stuff cot to oiwul tekkscaeh l peteltsayers aetan dec sl ttu tuciucfvlctlau3tcu lctilcipic ling o the windy deep xt fdldicrt nraiic their urnmr hut iu my heart thu ioat ill kan the itdciuut firmer when fint tha rtise iu ruw of grccu ualold its ctitmou lining- and rcuud the farmer porch is iccn the hoiicyjuckle tuuiii when iaiik of llwut thtir tweetceaj yield tq be that kukt hoacy ke d rivu the kmi tcrtias the field when ricjar sol t and aunuy the blacklfrd cluota lebtud ida plough 1 the yuail piictt1flidaiitlcijirjf j j yon ttrchard frid bclilbdt i wjha the homfl he lavts to dearly the gay old loan whose dcort ciifold hi uniple store in iueaure mom rich thin hipt u litardiuc gold a preciacti tticd trcjurc bat stjotlur iu the uoich there suuds his wife the lovely cltarmtr the twectest rti on rdl his iiuds tha ludcpoadeut farmer to him the spring comes dancing diy to hiui tlie- aumtticr bluhbrf the autumif erailst kith ujcllow my hi sleep the winter hushc he carxt not huw tut world may move yodoolu of fears confound him his home jg the aiode of love and lleuing jaihct round him hcjirusta iu god and iovcj his wtfc xor grtf cor ill may hsnn hcr hcctnaturcs boblcotan in life the independent farmer wan if you ml i fwiicr uwiirr uiiucrtd eheu liik fur u uctdii iu rv totted joumuj v weut ubuut hiiklr f youd by httre lo iiil oti tu tlii tirgl hhrfcr jau met mid ind jrovl nn k it ulo withiiut litviiij tt jvl more litu tlmii 1 iikm 7m 0ut clilt bil lioc4uiuuri i might ndvnise vud i ukfii ia till the doiic le it iid e ru rtell i ticu caart now ready rsied auu6t ul kowuost how restored t c hare rt rtly pmialiiki a new cjiion f 1r cuttcttrciivcelf i2s braird ijaj tu radical aiu fltioniu cure hhiotmci sinie yiu its frtr btjfoufrs to that i 160 if no oo paid whole no- 274- josh isuljugs on beer i in juverage- is hoi fxhzelicl i giusvvulb tat riaos5 vca iccaricis gii u-ici- r itten a the rvs- idcni cor a of ppii tf prtienc-i- fctrss0o0 irtcri tiiirtu kes o2e iiajf in j address kcraice or crtjrna glisciij acton oht tvrfrta avhcal ivnntr onktuousaxd as fifit page price fire dollars fy etarly duioustrateii fr- ti tnrtr y4 tjjt alnrmlul-cni- f51iflv my tw wliftairr eared ruliout utf luaspoa ho of lnlrnl niediclof or ui use oth knife poiniit naix nido of cttre at ont i- trnple certain iidcflenaby mbit f wlurtiieffrj iftcrer no matter wkt hijsondluon may de iniycurchlnucif tuis work is the rccoaiied source of in- jp prlraiciyonj rndaaiy fortioa va the stitihtics of american tlb hld 1 in uielian3s of tvtry yi illi ani tvefa ihuu la the uud j0xua1i btkottstiteat ir ail v1 zohilr ir sclc ttrs liijj aruerican mnrpaperi advtniiers advertising events cdilnrs politiciins ijid the doftrtmcrti of the gotcmment rely cpca its sttitcmeats t the onlyreccizd utliority it gives the irrue of ail newspapers sad j it girts tiie ipsncs nr clya or characteristics- it gives thediys cfis3e it gives the editor s muiic it gives the publishers natso it gives tiiiie c the papr it jlvcs the salf5criptii price s2ekvs georgetown it give the dsso of csulehrocnt and vrul visit acton every wednes- 1 tle ut obtainahle infonrstoa shout the h al to ul czilu pcrtainin j circnjuiu jja ucvtnd vaicsile fcites and orders ieii at stcgrviav daaficatlour tiiircccva proiapt attentioa heriri3 canusilv and infonaatioa j d atiieoi- attorney at- au dvtjjvces ntoi hia szxxea office assalttcrrpttlieic h sing t j flsheh hroglit down to thu kiei date scrt to asy zdlrert receipt of the price address geo p rowell k c puuhnrs nesepipcr advertising barean 10 spruce st new york ctxada w ii hehstkeet iffcenssd auctioneer tcr tae cjtles nf wtjhngtoa iiid halicn orders icft c tho eis peik ozce actcn tat ihy redtrce ia eccktccod will he teens zz ecelttccr iron founder t atacfiinlst llichirorr cf every description made tc- rder en the hortt cctice and most r r f zfc2s prompdyt- lflah uakkwc sampahy sitixgs baxli covkp or jakes xkb yte sts plt cf st ajl cjrarij safest axd vlst security board of directors d s cursttnrw eoprefront s kecns eof john ttadiet co bnr- unfelon vwprefjdent x w rorncrcir m iitiumulon ricgll sfcekay eescci itamlltnu timirafirusciaunkajkeiitt cot jnirjrlacti roirr ncsvasfq kitmilton i rfccsrnolhfc7 oafcvlue j wk fkcenjj sc tgearcetaa hrgirrttymd c b kkow e slacaxer cotton sluis dnnda jfcney o iwic on eiatt in tvm to tuil borrotcers attdoactuy feme jcofilce open every veefcday front 9 xmld5pni d anu i5t5 atdrks tuc culrcroell hcdleal co i an st vcir vort post once box 1 proverbs noarit cti tcfifathertnmscli hli1llrr nm kl jnulltijaid hop bi tcr s k cp lh m mx nairirhnj nnlranpe- tirr ftrptihpnerandccrjtiveoucarut hop btltate itlkimpcsiblelaremali lrnz tle tor cnt f bciitlit where itoji bitters are died wiiy do hop bitters care m macnv b caue uiev plve c algecnii rich bioodxndueaujjyfcajnofuuihaniihk so metier what yaar ft e lines or all- mnt is ffcp fiftlera irilt do yoa to i kcmcmtit hii blltprs never does iiarra bat ood alara6jiud oouliuujtli partly the blood elexnte the ktinaih emd svccflcu tiit- briiiili lth iioij blt- qllefuervea and bslmytcp tn top ailtcr no bcauti willi inncjive lfver anl arioaryorin ulthaot 1ioj bitters i trr hop r cars aax pafakciicf foroi- by autfrrjitff j i patents for erventions expe- zjixijzzr tui properly secured in csa- ads the ucrtsi sres and enrobe pa tent gnarsteei or ec charge bend for prntl iiitractlah lagency in operation ten i i j henry ghist ouaxa caoada hechsjikra enneering solicitors of p- tri ani dnhtsnian yynrjnion eotel- acton robt ayagnetr proprietor tha new hotells fisea up in srsclsss tta witt cctt farm 3re coaierca2 ttareusrs will find good ms noistlon and comin odious sample kooes specidaitcaficapiidtothevfiiits the travelilnrfpluc usx sapphed with tfcfiteefliqnosabacigaa tg 4 attentive hostleie pphed sood stibi- ldoewakd i we oflcr the abotre retrard to any persoii who will fnraisfa ns with sufficient evijence ccoaviet the parties who are selling or offering to sell other oil under oar traie matc fl tbriue- we are sole niinuiacltirers and proprietorsoi the castorine ilooliine jili and every barrel it lrauded caa- torice toronto oil company s5 sfrerfwiutie st tnrouio e3 for sale by u t hill acton delxevit stanafirer 7cm r l r xl echaxge hotel actos cir mrcamp- glaie ti tit eoscu ksoae near g t h statist tares peasare in annonncing to his ffii porons that he has r pirchassi and reittei the eofal fttfs a the titart arrf most comfort- siie jtr n ts preparai to accoaunodate jis mz fetor t i ihtmost com- rw kaacer choice wines liquora 3nlmer drinhs alwavs in in charss of an atteatite j tue purmag of the patlie is rs- rasici ad no effort mut s rtoa the verrbcat attention- vtli fjv he tie a j l- faii irooiis actt pcsit7stt iffle humitavf pog promptly giveiriw also m5re filoi and ir ur usryj roalute j- w e adiifs misisr h apply to ap moore i- rv albert college beltevrivlve ont iat gsaxxan scuqqli reopcixked affords excellent faculties for electite stcdks preparation for atricnlation in law medicine or arts or for teachers ee animations students also may attend the flourishing commercialcollege or alexan dra jqlloge for ladies or the ifusical academy- average expense for tuition in solid branches with board room fuel dx only v3m per r terms open sept 50iri880 jahctk 1881 andapril it ib8l for circnlars tc address president j njiocns dd beljerille ontario 1 fke citibifx j jortflwest amoolbirjoonialdevotd lollie j settlement and dcvelbpinciit of jdmltt oa aad tee kortnwost i publlfhcdby james weidmam sexkiilc zxznlwba canada etch namberortbe canadun korthvrrt will muwq ihfrtywt i4itcnt vfry dffir able nuttier and wltl he fsud attlielcw bubfcxiptlaii price of one dollar e rear in advane i simpl copies will bo sent on receipt cf fif teen cnts in ttamps j address- james weiyitan sclltlrfc uauitoba ciuflda an energetip honest mzu to open a branch office of thenew kagnet- telephone co in thin anl adjoining counties small cash capital repaired to such a man this u an excellent opening for mene making linii- neiw address with utarap g w foster 125 and 127 clark et chicago el main st acton aeflnt for the beu orean manafaetdred w bell co orders iileffc at ma reiidec will receive prompt at intention for particiilars see adv on ofher jftide gie him a trial j r ckasoailbiwy wmitbwasmwq axd cclqfilxq e ua- ohewsons coenebs u prepared a so all kinds of an tlieaborteft notic anrf at reasonable trereateyoaroenekjrattherezepkwwijbreshlnc- machine mnnmta cuief nc tee aiton vibrator spring toolh hartocpatnnf j kaljry horpe soft- climax fanntnj mjlin n a m wt a e tfl cel0ratd winner seed drill cjai v nlqthlaz clcanca ilenj warranted to do eood work every lime or no atjifpjf 1 1 i i sale tenniireaaonable oraico r wrj alex f smiths j jo lb am sfirott hd the name of leing the cosf8t and meanest umi iq puka tuioke where liv krjt a dry gooda uud grocery oto with a aoteimying at- tachtuent how im manned totcep the run of castaiu he had was a marvel to many hut ks uu tiiystrrr to the uiote clusely observant sj lixay iconle oved htm mouey hat it wai curnut sty i tig that if juthatn s chose xo close in on lis cehijrs iim would be the owtwr of two thiidtt if all pokuitnake xow whild dm was libcmleuaugti iu giving tiiue oa goud etenrityj bi it ahvajfi ttriditftood to thysci who pre tiili tly iaidbeiriutrrtad bought his tojds without gnnugltug st cctut might aud iieacuiv voe he tu fiiai ou wlioa house juitium leld a uittga ittid wiioia he ttught dtyitmij wrilh a rival thu fate uf that man was apt j to us a warniui to others iu h ire- dictnient not to co and dtiilcwixe fdis nearesl apt iroticjr to tin act of chitrity was whou h beaded u lut of ten ouc hard winter who kttlwcritaid a ddlar apieco to bayavidow jenkins a barrvl oflluur but uieneiiclkton tshtiktit was lunch abated when ilcitnie to light that jutliktu whohadufcen charge uf the cuijccliun of tha moucy had ulo guipiied thu flutir from a damaged lot lie had m huad we kbkllhacfcufiichtiuy introduced jotham to tho reavr wlieu we hyp kddzd that cliid stingy us be wos no oue hsd a hecsr relisli fur imotheiv puree he had a vrouderful icnhck too of securing invftation to eat and drink grattf ortmy dddle himrwil ats a convivial deadhead van hardly p gteutfr success juchatu had come to kew york to replenuh his stock wbt ro he met kben trukt and thcruu innks a couple of lellowtowtisiueri also iu the dry goods aud crocery itneadii on fiiaiilar erntud bent ebon traar was en open handed fellow and n bit of a wg wilbaj tak ing theron bancs into his counsel it ttas agreed eivioii tbem to ssttle by errtiinjcat how much in the way of treating jotham sprort cauld fclafld without beiuz ashatued into ati oflcr o trat an his side for two days they plied him with everything extalde and diiukaljle that catre in their way but jotham never unceflo much as hinted tlhnuhie its my turn boys it wks their inst eveiiingjn he city and lhethree were iu the hotel cmok ing room enjoying xome choice liayau- ita whas frugranclost nothing to tlic- euse of jotham s rott from tbefict fact hat he inhaled at tha cost of ebn truar therev lomnihing i would ika to mention sitid the latteiyia tt lowuud canfjdeotii tone theron hanks looked up inquiringly while jotham 8prott threw back his head sending forth an azure whiff which curled itself into no bad reseuill- ance of a note of iritrrogntron vye fouud a pocketbopk continu tho hi that lust proj tho fuftutiatcj fiudt-t- the tch owirr cjuich ahmg mid uldi ji if which iut likely to happen in tins c4se u tv kvn 1 thiult i should nuke hiuie inquiry well ask me and thfton htnks hk either of you lost a pjketbuuk f htyyou ko ihtnk you say we 1 ajid we dont fcitwanybuiy tluc ha there surely that might to mtisfy your conscience xobody no cu chat g you nithcriutiual cjtctimem how tiien would you advis me o wctl nid e with a luik be tokening cjuiphi suneadr to juth- iuejudemeil uf cjarse nphed the litter idler pausing tu coiitidvr it would lojk a little uieaa to ajiply the luoncy to our priraleuftf aud tcotlu might ay if the sory ever got out lut you had acccd fro ui sordid motives i think it would hi the rihfc thing o spend ihe amuuut on n nc little ueat to uz til ia he ihpe at k box at tie thettrr and a nat champ gif afifnvarja jijfjt let turf coiivuu a bit with fritnd iltiks ftid eheti who pt- ciyed in tiious bjka ttvusg mcrks of disapproval oh 1 by ill means if you lliiik hi advice better tliii uiiitj retorted jotham 6iif i e1ku tout theruu aside and aftr a brief iittcrvil they rutuened 1 b jt ml kuliny whut wat not my frit- suid ebeii qiuu ugnrt witli von uv irally cum to the conciinn that ugt beer us a be uiloxicctiiik- i ikiv bti old hj a gertmu wlo mid lie lufl liurk it all liitu loot jil t3 try the eiicniueiit md ws oblfjiti to gu inline ehtui-iy-ajli-i- in tle-injra- ing i iuvejku tlis h trte man tliiuk iheeii lisss mifjj if le wah drulk t wis in fruiali uubody coulj htidinuui it it in jnoier enough tnntate tin tlif niuu kejd a liir lnit saloon att c ui- have no oi sri icily id i uiw him in uuuinij uir tbility 1 cever rmk but lace glwd of lager iu my ife and tit uude my luil octmfitt s thi it vs hung on the end of r string bit i fn told iha it t5 6iiig o my ilebein out n plice and i fiiiesi that it was ki fur i nver liled over irus tiniti i did when i gat joins hut uite my k-f- ihfjt i was goin to die imd l whs afiail that i ijionldut for it serine rt as tin everythini l hud evtrcatej in my lite kfta coming to the snrfrice and i believe that il my wife lwduc puheii oif my lioois just aa she dttl they vonld have coins thnnderjtig up too 0 lijw sick i ivuz pjiirteeo agu and can lastv it now i tcver had b uiucl so liort a time if any ultn shiiil tell me that hger btef ivfi ttol inloxieatrng i siuj b- lieic him ieit if he should tell 011- that- i vtttut diunk thitt nite but thai my ttumluack was out of order i hhould uik hiui to state oyer a few wnda just how a man fcltund acted wlcn ho wjatfc up it x ivarui drunk that nite i bid some ov the most tiatuml siuiiuns tlut a man ever ud and kept sober f tt ue sttt puc it kas abjiit eigiity rods friiii where 1 drank years exnetieuce in the 1 ami i yicm my scrupkes j beer to my lions and i was jest over the pluu was carried out to the let- 1 two hours oo the road and a hole busted through each oue of my pupts loon iiwzaiid didot liv any hat and tried to open tlie door by the bcl juill and liicciped awfully and saw even- thing in be room trying to get arouu1 to tlte back side of me and fcitting down on a cluir i dd not wail kng fnmiji fur it to pettxiclly urjer tue when il wtiz going round and i set doku a little too soon and missed the cjiic abjtit tiielve inches and couldnt get up sjun enough totakc lie ucs one thtl coaiealjcg and that aiu all my wife fcd i win diuuk as u bcs and as 1 1 d befjie i begn to viu ui j tut rhicre lie irad em half an lour before the departure of i lake slouaiinfrouj her wlutrf yeutor- day thcciijilaiii waiapproucbed by a stronger who lad lieen iutkctilg the bot fioin the fuctfor the iiiat fltij i tiiiniites 1ntiodticiug iiuiself ui ja wuiild h pafjeiigcf ho asked captain is ihw boat provided with life piciurrctsr shoir aie thcysiftigui 1 ldty hip cm your ciaw laimch n life- bout f they can is your life raft- all right f it is is the fire hose all ready for instant service 7 it ia will your eiicitioer stand to bis lost in case ofdimistt 1 ho will bo you mi ilirsilf a cool and collttui uiau in lie iiriacncu of dan ger r j jo io you know exiclly what you would do iu cshj ti a unible gale or a arel i do can the male bs depended on to mcouj all yuur lllorta v l he can aud will your cfew tusd by and obtv vu j tc ui are vour green and reittglitiralt rigliti tney are micbiuery in pafict cidrl it is going to overload tho boat f xo sir epxtlo els any racing xo air y- it she fixed to olow eff at fortysix pounds i ljhlev i riue ail light v itis the stranger heaved a deep sigh and m9 walking away whn the captain aked if his inggagi was aboard xonud i gueasril go afootwa lo reply j every boat which has burned up or gone down fur tho last five years tnid everything in the nicest kind of order olid rilenher loot for a craft making sixfeet of watt an hour or run be risk of going through n raiiiod bridge good hy captain i shall look in the dailies all this week to see who of yuur passengers werfl saved f live up to he jlottocs ler riie cuteitainmetit after tho theatre was a model of iu kind jatiikui sprott kept tho bill of faro be lure hiui ana waf cireful to see befurtrj they rose that the last cent of fjeuv windfall was eriieudedito strict tecjtd auce with the programme when ekiu came- lick from the desk after paying ths bill lie suddenly roueiuleied that the waiter hxd been foribtteh here kprott be said give he titn a doliir ive no change about me ill ivturii it when we reach the hotel mx sprolt thrusthia hnd into his right bieecliea pocket but withdrew it with a fjsrrdicj rk ilia face grew pile aud paler still it grew as with trembling hanis ills other pockets were searched one efter another i ive lost my pockethook i he gapped iu a half audible whimper things freely if lager heor is not intoxicating it used ma most almighty mean that i know still i hardly think that lagerbeer iz intoxicating for i hive beeti told soj and i vm probaldy the only mu living who ever driink cny when his tliat a piokle had iu been put lew soak yba ilotit say io cjciiuied his i liver was not plumb ftieiids iu syinpitiiiziiigcliotuij i dgat wast tu say anything against poseibly hitil may be it arid elien hariubsx hiverage bat if ever i tmtx pioiudiig the depleted leather driuk eny mire it will bwiti in wallet from which he had just jnid the j bands tied behind aud mi mouth pried bill open it is it is oi if h jotham eager j 1- dont think lager beer is intoxicat- kuatohiug he liirp oject from eiriis ing but if i remember rite ihitdr it baud v where flii you get it aud tasted to me like a glas of soup suds whatajbeeotne of tho contents r i foiind it na already ixplained replied tflien as to whali becimu of the contents you can answer us well as i jjook here eben truax i whined jotham in a tone seveiely viituiius your conduct has not ben wljat i would call exemphry von must have seen uiy initials here pointing lo i readin- tor enrt imi tii it i i them and you should at least have asked nie if the pocketbook was mine as tor the js uuswered eun they might have stood lor john smith as well aa jotham strott and as foe itakiug if the pocketbook as yoiua tlere is no use of putting up the motto gojbless our home if the father is a rough old bear irad the spirit of discourtesy anct rudeness if taught by parents to children arid uy the obler to the younger theie is no use- in putting up tie motto the lird will provide while- the father ia shiftless the mother is shjftless the biys refusa to work and the girls busy themselves over gewgaws and finery there is no use in putting up the molcy the liberal mail djviclh liberal lungs wlille the money chiuks ia the jackets of the bead of tho liousclod igroauiiig to get out and ere light of day and there are dollars and gtoies fn- aiia aud tobacco and other luxuries but pcaitivelv not cent for the- church in how many bodies are these- mottoes sdinding let us say hanging arcasins mhicti serve only o point a jest and adorn a jsatiro tlie beauty of quiet lives of j trustful frctbauded freehearted chs- j rilrblt itvfif in cue of hurpasaiug love- j lines and those liyc- heil their own j iucoiimitle fragraiee nd the world knows where to find tlum and tliey still itinain fresh and fadeless- when thecolnrs of the pigment and ihe floss have fded ard tte very frames luvo rjtted aivay in their joints lex f smith aaext roa trfitltjiiiir keapmi mownn ttlao aretciapderaliarpoe piowb cllniax machine vtnnoa clilet and m joham iuterext was at once arous ed found a poekethook 1 he exclaim ed vhere j when on tho sidewhlk just as we loft ha ilee where we had those last john collinses much in it f asked jotliain alittle risiriif fifty dollaru- youre a liicfcdog beul ejac ulated jotham looking gmuwjili envy of course i must look for tho foliy of such a course i may as well admit i fit a strong conviction that the lost wllet wan yours as ieli from its exact 1ejtmbiaiice to one i had sen ta your possession as beoaiiseit was at your lieels i licked it lijj but in such caws one cant be loo caudous you knew bsides you assmed nu remember that oeidier vou nokthtroii hanks had lost auchan articl but youhud no right to spend the money there again you must allow i acted by your advice and the spend itg having been done undr your per sonal rupervisioii it must lis regarded u your own act so cell j tut call it your ircaf jotham had no more to ely but the laiigli that shook pifcosiiiokawiiefi ktiert tumi and tiieron hnnks grit back and told their story didnt tub- side for one wbile to iltisbmias always complain of being tired and remember tliat tiobody else gets tired your wife should have everything in readiness for you but you should not do anything for her wfien voir vii afks for money give her a uickl afk her what she watils with it and alien rie tellayou ask her if he cant io without it tiien gn down toan and fpeud leu irnea the i aniouut foe cigaiv or they are n necessity go down town of an evening stand around on the slipela and talk politics its more interesting ithan to stay at home with your faintly charge your wife not to be gossipy bnt you can spin ull the yams you wish have your wife get up and moke gics but dont get up yoursell lill the itsitof the family aie eating brcakfusi as you might lake cold wear poor clothes and mike your self hs uniidj us jkissiblo uuil your wifes health fails then it would be ust for you to fix up some for in all probability j ou will want another when she is gone drluiin too ilucb children tire not apt to believe ibey drink too ranch water and yet hey do wlien you come to the liuuse punting thirsty from play you will take a tumbler of water and drink it down as fas as you canitud rush out to iesume play and perhaps reprat the djririk xow the next time you feel tlirely how does rvsailor knew there- in ri man in the moon i because be has been to sea why is a fool in high station like a man in a balloon 1tjjcunse everybody uppeara little ohiuihnd lie appeals litflu to everybody when john was asked why hia en gagerrient with jane was brokstr off lie rolled hia ayes looked yrry ravith pained and groaned oh rlitiijrrieid j out a daceiver but lie diii ijot udd thealucoivur was hiuiself have a smila for evenbodyyoiv meet but get a frownon before you go home how dor n atoire feel when full o coals t grateful- now thai the ravelling season u nl hind no rareller ii safe without a bottle of tor fowlers extract or wild strawberrtr to coiinlerabi the bad eflects of change of climate waier anrl dietj fruitful shurrtea ot b6ifercoinplainu wild vilrerwlierry is a jppecilio tor sea sickness sauaeu vomitings polio- cbolemmorbusvdwihajiaiiddysfntery contains nooplnles ispleasahllo ihfi tapte arid oertiin in its rffecle 37j cents per battle ask your druggist lbriir try this exptriureuh tuko a goblet and slowly sip it before it ia half one your ihirsi will be fully quenched and you will feel better for having drank only what you- need and again we are all nut to acquire the j- iiitlit of drirkijg while we are eating our meals animal dont do it and it is hurtful to its xiture gives us all tli jtaliva we neni j and if any ono can jcjiew his fuoj sluivly and iborouli- ly and not take a swalhuv of diipk until thropgh eating the deiiro to do so would soon leave and ho will re- nniio only a ftyw sips of water tea or coffee ufttr the meal is fiuished this practice too will do wonders in llio way of keepdg off indigestion dy sjiep- sia and sickness conundrums when is a wall like a csb 1 when it isscled which of the rtptilesls a niatheiiia treiaul theadder when is a hrxtt lmte a heap n snow 1 when it is adrift when is a doctor most annoyed when lie is out qf paiients wily is tlieletter g tike the suri beeaueo it is the centre of light whiit is it that abowb others what it cannot see itself i a niiiror when ibn liteiiuy work like smokol wlieu it eonits infvoliiiiies why in tht letter n like- raitbless loveipljecause its in cunaiaut wlijr is vjiispenuj a litiacli of jnod matinra j because it is not alutid wii of m ei vt isnn old lady in the middl j rirtr like 1 jltktito be drefwh