Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1880, p. 2

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tniemuy strrjj 1s80 2- the rcinru of prospcrltr kdlloriul aulvv f 1 e if 1- i that there arc eudie indications of a feyivsl of iiusictuj uwtt rxu in tilths doeot lytcivligjly kuew that lheft must sooner or later la stxienjjo fut the talttifhlcwer party hejiptkitldl to be in power xli liberal party whbtiijycned lo be in power through- iatnir years of depression swami slow lp hsil the coming prosperity dutiug the period of gonswvauve go eminent bl i i direct result of ascribing the prjoaponty oc decline of cowiusreo to the rulieg power which really his veryutllewdowithit qjqi liulcs and bad liuies succeed each olher s naturally as summec and wiuler and piien as jodcpcutieully of legisulian he party iu power ouut not uccesstr- lly to be blamed for decline in com- jcerae pr jl time of- if prrasoa sr neither shaatd they plttuie theriiselvcff an tlio advent of good titne- tuid mi improvement la aitrcaniile matters far these conditions of things may neither flfyiiteur result from legislative ttgeccies wfa do- not agrt jtiiu llm liberal pms when it says there are iu signs of improvement and when it poiutsf to touiii load depttsiiou oruti- dividual at f success s eneviowitx- ot it xeither ou the other hand cm we or auy one ehesee the general juiproveuiettt so gradually cohiiug ution us if a direct result yf the government n wwer or tlie restrictions laid oo cgmuierosr by the txrilfsinc how much- soever the tariff may- have bfetieiittcd individual grins sfld a few ruanufactttr ting inlcrjsscs there iinoliing in il that iff so short a tiint as it has been in operation could have produced gen- erjl prosperity f restrictions ou cqramecije by a tariff are calculated to mite a country prosperous it caunut o broagitalcit it one bat would require years for suja an in3aence to b felt toany eifteat lrocd tht idealities of a fear minufacturinj in terats xeverlhelqsi ra beliere that canada k on the dawn of irosperoaa timtf a deiiwlclt ftoiu ytuwa uuouuc pit ha governor jettcrul will tclim a tltu capital on monday iiaxl and iltat a cabiiitl council will llitdd oil lh fouiiwujg be tin niw facisc ntilvvay coulmct will bo ub- tijlltcd ft his hjlcellcucya apjroval tha iitxt liuropeua war iliiro- bkbly wuelweeiijjuwu and aualtia doth theie powers tw intoully watching tha iroccti of di4oiuliou which il tmw going on fa the tutfciah emiice tito nd k near at haud and russia and autriii rait- fiko two jillurii tair ahart at the spoil u noon u the lifu that hotda the empire together- has guuefrouut the bekeflt of uceubl- ttoxs the people of cinadt are bejjnaine to reiliti the euletaniii benefits con ferred njraa them ljjricnlujraf sad tedttstri4 exhibitions tie time is not ed far bade vhec the annual gathering under the anqdees of tte prorinciil tho new york zvifam y tin- trado in livo ctttle between the uuiltd i statas and euiopp begun a fow jeanc go as- an cfpcritucnt has iuereaaed to a rouiirkalje ejtent and la sur eediiig that iu dressed mcali tb lupuieiiu last season arcra 10332 he and thus faruiu yenr 11s000 the aiiumut of tradu iu money is frini 320005ao to3500c000 a year fcrf the cutir trade ot the country agricujtnral afoeutioa rat poked upon simply as a star it was the centre of attraction for sightreere from toeu and country andthe prizewin ner was eioiiy a lucky maa who could manage to cajoy himself for a fesr days without drawing upcu his little hoard for manj- years these exhibitions were simply the tentative aflbrts of la ydang popaufjoa disjikyed much is fchoal bars used to parade sncfmecso their penmanship on the ern of racatiao yet they were not merely showsj etn in those days nnce they begat tie spirit of healthy rivalry and com petition of which the traits are risible tody mast of us are too much in the habit of dspising the day of small things yet in point of tim as well as in reason it must precede and acceler ate tbedawd of the brighter day which r brings with it what is great and notice- ftblir j in the department of agriculture for exsuipleaqd it had naturally the start in the race the betiefils whieb hare flowed from the fcchibitibn system ate incalculable in value there arf fcrmers now living amongst us and some of thfro tie still active men wto a tecneimber what ibecahiration of the soil s thirty forty years ago prbaps no class of men are more sen- ritive to the march of progress than the canadian fanners and they own this desire for information mainly to the v rivalry in marked at home ani abroad stiuiulajed by our thibions the v avidity with which superior impiemenu are secured the ever growing eal for the improvement of stock and the eagerness urinake iisfarm yieldthe niost it iab consistently withprudent und scientific tillage prove conclusipely thafe whaever else may stanc ilsfitii farmer doe not v i jtoifsiiistetjsgjilqi fittjsiitcdj promoujihsxa dlaplajl jnd tt u by thumnlation aroused at the erhibi- fz vwonfnafhlbvenuve genius la v to worif in textile fabrics ths projies iwadflvithin the lift to fears is il inpst marfelloijav is anybody njnst have narked who has stleoded tia late fxhibiubnk all parties xii- xnssttcitne a xevvs lie j w ruterbrook hoists of having in hisgarden a sunflower of th tasmauian variety measuring twelve inches in diameter icassagweya orchard lure been mitertngof lato from thieves jr nicholas njrrbdi icwt considerable fiuic and mr uuaick lost nearly all of his pears one night litst week jfr alexander logie of cornells ride k v list besa- piyiug bhr kassagaweya friends a visit for tliu ut week or so his frienls and ncnitaintamis were all glad to meet hiui la kissagiweya again ufter beinc away about fuurteeo years he re turned to his amencaa home on ilondayjast paikfcl accidcct john xloflklt kasssgawera niet witt asetere acci dent on sat arday 18th inst he was returning from the blacksmith shop at goaiomh in that township when he waa thrown from his horsa on foot caught in tha stirrup jai mr moffstt was dragged along ha road for about trenty five yards tho horse moving at a great speed finally when ha man- aed to disentangle his foot he ell under tha horse which stepped oa his ibigbi inflicumj a severe wound about sir inehea in length soon alter he accident the unlartauale man was dis covered and coureyedto dr winna oiscev gomorrah where the iniuriet were attended to mr kosalt has since been confined to his bed but is now progressing favorably uuuuli autuuiu aulzes the autumo assittt in flaltoo open ed at milton litat welt chief imtloe wilson prosiding mr john wedg wood dulbyiowliuuiicu hlr john dwar couuty irown attorney mr l p kgr li ic 7h following gmillciuoit cumpostil urn gmud jury messrs v ii voting oityuaiij r aitkias 3wv bru w j cafter aich gaiuiball j feather- stone w h higur ocorgn hard- botlli 0 jtt kcnniidr js tauib b mccurjy h piillefl a uouirlsaa 0 slade w tumble x watson the following cases wer tried quen a oeihrgs king jibcl withdrawn each pry imuyuij half the costs of tho prosecution isouk of montreal vjgreudy et al accounts mr d cliiahoda for puiutiq yidict fur puiuliff and iluigs lo0c15 and another for slolsaj meoibbon vs coulter action for ejcctiuenc messrs f s guortwillit- and a f hszalfurjilalutiit veidict for plaintilt chafflik et al ra dtvid osine suit by a new iurk whu1sja nier- chant aguiust a westeru uieichaul who tlitcondij to canl mr buard mtrtiu fur phdniift mr v f- wlk for dvfudaut verdict fur pluiulifj amldamages j tost vs avreemao maliraclice older made poklikiuiiig trial and changing rvuue to wentwortlt queen vf iiady tlu dofendantj lindsay who has heeu tinder arreai charged with having anuxd thedath vf an old mau at ifuruby uirticlar of vhih were giren at the lime of tlio airst wax tried befure his honor judge miller and acquitted ks no evidence ws fuuud against him mr john dawitr county cron at toruer fr tlw ctou mrasra ma- gibbouaad ltijitvy for- thu defend ant the indostriitl eilihiilion lias proved a sueeess cnaucially after paying the priiej and airnpeimn tletft will m a surplus of nversooo to go to the- building fund the rcoipa at the gat this j earsmounlod iirer25o00 salaoo ta all were paid away iii uriics hats and caps a complete assortment of fall and vintekhat8 and -v-v-7- cataactuk mdeloihinast0re f cr- axot of boys scotch caps icuv rfsiv c trerolothrno- and knitted goods is onut yaglett p vkiiv ceif it j is f ypes tfte btddniph case the fall assizes for the county of middlesex opened on tueadayaftenjoon mr justice armour presiding the civil docket is quite light and will not probably take up mucti time it is at present impossible to state the precise time when the biddulph murder case will come ap for hearing the matter eats as uiucxiftritlerle lefence aa with the prosecution mr ic ring q c of haujilton is in the city attending to thetaterestsaf the crown in the matter a large number of new witnesses have lien summcaed in connection with the case among whom are two newspaper repottere tte frorlaclat exblbltlon- the provincial erhiliition now being held in hamillon is is might be ex pected from the abundant harvest one of the most successful ever held in the province the cattle and horses wc think are equal in every respect to the exhibit of any previous fair and he grain and fruit surpass anything we lotce pierioysly seen the general eipressiou of the visitors is that the root crop is larger this year than ever exhibited wore though their keeping qualities are pqt equal to those of former years the exhibit of machinery is complete many newly in vented machines being on exhibition markets during the tacweck the streets began to have a mora besi nest like appearance than ihey have had for severat months grain is b- ciuuiag to be brought to market in very large quantities and good prices are being given mrtsr g k e rattonaratnlttnginrovtfso loads per day and tame days have reached aa high as is loads acreiaakkirn while wheat 0 9s to 1 tt trcadwdl pd 0 9s to i 0 spring wheal glasgow au i 00 to 1 05 eadcusff oils peas barley efg per dor batter tlsiry packed fatter raliff potatoes new per bac to the stjblig r a w oreeh j mfotildmspockullf clljrour4oullon toliuiarosud wollsolcekailootof tbassugabs general wuicurocqaallteeil prleeeannot oe eqdaliedlaaeton come direct w tbe cheap cash store sad ik euthie4 that py peraonil impectlpn ho lel lu the wr la sellliif roods et the iaturest rsicts im jma q tsb dry slr this lirgp stoct of g rocerioe jut ohsndhubeen purchased for cash and are all rii i these new qoods qmvio tht cfeheap oash 9row0sk bargalna w gire wl visitors to 6uelph ladusfrom the inrroeuding towns sod tillages and country generally visiting uueipti are ooraisuj- imitoj lo visit uie fashjobivwestejsrb th priy tiptop tboroturbdy ladies house in the cltr kn larfr iimiw ihlnefll rultnf inetoh wlthonc raluiic ntmn m w show ih hand- tomeat kuictof uewana thiruaui- reliable fuodl lalh4 whale trade sad iced he tasaloas oflhedarlovmkpanialar rwpjyptaynnr graale will vm trnly pniflff in view fine extent and novelty of our display tee shall have an iihmentt throng oj xhitott tsrxcially on the latter day whim m our friends from the country will be more fully pn sent and tee pj lfureforturgerespectfvilyvpon the ladies teho can do so iio j favor us tcith their presence during te eat her part of our ex- 0 tiibilion and escape the croud that will be sure to take place sin saturday thin wlil beat the grandest display or xllllnerr crer bade la gnelpb and wortuy of itae nttendnnce or every i that eaake ig preicuu v all are velooltee v i j d williamson co giieipifr cicl flour white wheat znoawh spring wheat obujow red ciafi oau peas i barley eggs per dor butter dairy packed biur rolls patstoea new per bush 1 00 to 1 05 0 2s to 0 30 0 55 to 0 c2 oi 55 to 0 65 0 10 to 0 ii oit too 1 0 m to 0 20 1 wtoo 15 f2 75 to 3 05 0 90 lo i 00 090 to i 01 0 90 to i 02 0 90 to 0 95 0 2s to a 30 050 toocj 0 55 to 0 gi 0 09 to 0 tl 0 ig to 0 22 olslaolat 0 30 too 40 tfie crops la manitoba the hirveshsa been nearly a inciith later than m other years there are splendid crops of ill kinds as of late the effect of rlfdfeoeht rains has been counteracteil liyfhepeculiarcliniate as thedrywinsand cooi nights have irorro powetfuranildotea thesime mpuitfwoweitflerinontaiwwauld owrfyluhhve the average yield oi wheat turouguonyliafrotfiuc isthirtybusbela to the acre and ah immense area has been sown barley foribitshels jot acre j od oa forty to fortyfive bus6erpef acre thus giv ing to manitoba the best harvest yet recorded debted tdjb it never tails dr fowlers etirsct of wild strawberry is an unfailing reme dy for all kinds of bo wet complaint hare counge oa usj suser from scrofula or some foul humor your liver uiay be congested your lungs diseased your kidueysderangocl your joints dis torted with rheumatism yuu my be almost awalkihg skeleton yet desrfir not li unlock blood bitters hi oured others it may ciire yod no risk thomas fcuoric oil it troria tirit ttmes iu wtihi is gold doyox knoic anything of ill ij not it it lime yea did pain cannot stay where it is rsed it is tiie cheapest medicine ever made onedose cures common sort throat out bottle has cured bronchitis ifty cents wartnhasicareddr ou slandmg cough one orlwb bdtiles cures bad cases of piles orkirfriey troubles bix to eight applioatioas cure any case of ezcorialed kipplesor infltmed bressl one bottle has cured tauie back of eight years standiug daniel plankf brook held tioga county pa says t- wen i ihhty miles lor a bottle of your ojl which affected a wonderful cure of a crookej limb by six applicilionsji another who iusnadalhma fofyean sue i have half a bbttvfelt and 100 would not buy it if i could get no more kufus kobiason of kunda n y wiites dhe small bottle of jour ecleelrio oil restored thevaioe where the person had nojspofcen above a whisper iu five years see j ilallory of wyoming k vj wrlteei your toleclrio oil oured tat of broo ihltis in one weev it is composed of six of the best oils that are known- it is ss good for io te roal j for eiternslure and is believed to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made wiirsave you mnch suffer ing and many dollars of expense jaeyare omaii latiosnisk for tirl thtnae eoleoirlc oh ieehlst vb sfgnatdreof sjj tbjmi ill n the wrapper nndtht names of dortbrop k lyman are blown in the iptlle and txitsiio orosa 8ld bralimaiiieloe- deslers frioe 25ict ndbtttbop- iiiman toijwto out proprieioh for the dominion t nbts ibycriseieotedtoaeiwtriid mcqarvin are re aajciilldoatoe street wuldtreet stranxers ti a t ksubliiumenl kost tjppkb wvsdjau8t aoslps a 0 bucham faihiauane mesf eud brett mfiulc and uuhucnj edmuhneni giulph tjitsekssrir ss portrait of gladstone adtutitaas capital not re quire- wo will itanyei wnio b5wwjd ctrl- olven awaywuu the western advertiser ash wsslt llbbsl rreearuuumme7tnalreidjtwotk resell xewspaper er ike west uly nnl1arjetuinsof mooer rdjike mooey faster at ork forntthah ateayliifn e- tbe work is ufutand ra0aaiitandkacuasadyqn cac co rlhtau ta- whneiewiee who see ihis notice win wad us ihelraddrr at occe and e forlberawlvel- corny cnldt end wn jatwotfc addnts true 4 uohnmrta uolue hatinsf oijened x paint 9bop in the prem ises litar occupied by ur junes mcua uetl door to sicklms bakery i am pre pared lb mo carriage psinting and sign writing oiej tlescriptiaa sad would re ipectfully lolicitthe pstronace of the people of acton sad viciuity jaues scott oegaica kew ohgak fboit a fiist-ds- canaiaa maker for sale suitable for tbc home sundayschool or small church wo will sell the above very low for cash for full particulaas apply to hpiioore xuii putss omtt acton feb 11 is80 j p wobuk reacricil hiiadttsssiau is prepared td eiccote saythiag in his linej in the beat possible tnauuer and in the latest style ifonthlj- customers it special rates a call is solicited iy i p wollltenr theabdenianed are prepared lo weave carpets sod wbolcn cloths in the best mh- uer ahd at tcaionsble prices carpets a apply at lot 25 cou2 esaaes- speciatty ang a t j elliott pioh 8aie a 6rsclaes eorered phaetan buggy nearlyoew- apply to v ewikpio imt bedrgetown b1ddeli seeaefrewu por sewibb machine andgenefal repairs trrtheqedmetown jtovelty works i i jkflpstbldaelu tti 1 i- v shbbpastrat j r- ii gsmsonjthe premises lot 2 con 1 erin riwuitifih jev fj and two bunba qwnerjrikbrore pay espenaes plasteriiitf hair fbrsalevit tne abtolorfhferyi a- w caiie8kiiepi sfboral fbattjeea lbalaueeoriswfreete hewsabterttxrs a atlcauuraiseoyltrvk wclarae j heajaaiidleasebapronienwhyil llan t lri qeerlee auiewered bf w h bar limra jm 5 veterinary oppl by pror j h wjlson c teechen coluioo by i dearucec esq inaihfflor t womaawkiocdora by heme uunieii s tfldj peraoibbain school lessons etc 9 leiwr oltravpl in korelsttcountiea in hellable hews and commercial report eod 14xesttelea ircm all ore the lyorld ktnrle rabs ertpl ions ttjonr with riisdnone portrait o pay poulce and toblntflsla in elabsof hire or over slxo or with jctrslt 11 45 eod balance of 13i tree to new tub- serlber- 1 sallte aeentsfl nute4 la eiery section good pay tor tree aamplesond termxto bf eats addreea john oaeron oo aoraitleeroisea iodbont marriiflcent daily qaislight illumination and ex- mbition of new millinery mantles and fancy goods at our show rooms we take ipodat pleasnre in informing theladiee of aclon and vicinity i that cosomenong on thursday sept 30th at 2 pm continuing on friday oct 1st sod closing at 10 oclock on saturday night oct 2nd we purpose presenting an exhibition it once unique novel and brilliant w than mattt out magnlfleont and anaqnallwd display of orlflnal paris and london paharn mllllnary plumas flowars ornamants panoy ooods mantlas oolnansfkobbdara daily caslight illumination i oar spaelstu snow rooms wtll b e specially arranged and decor ated to as to exclude all light from without and scores or gas gets will poor forth a flood of brilliancy that will rival the celebrated electric light i m bu j o hu a f f a week in your own town and wt vjv no capilal risked xouoanire jl i m i the bosineea a trial without ex- y pense the best opportunity ever offered for those willing to- wort- ton should try nothing else hhtit you see for yourself what yon can do at tho business we offer- jtorooni to explain here you can devote all your time or only your spare tune to the business and make neat pay for every hour that yott work women make as much as men send lor special private terms and particulars which we mail tree 5 outfit me doot complain of bard times while you have snob a chance address h hallet t o portland maine k oticb kofaco is hereby riven that u the requir- ednumber of votere namee have been ob tained for petitions in far or of tbe canada temperance act 011874 in the county bf hahon proeieoe of ontario i and that said petitions will he bled in the sheritte office in the town of milton in the ooenty of helton oh the eleventh day of october is the year of oar lord one thousand eight huadred and ahrhtv mcc1mee0n v uutoosepteothvnaso secretary medebovei ho one esor talltemakeimke money iast anr one can dolhewora yonmakefimjsqdtstoss eh boar by devollaa yotiretmioge altf ipare time otbe business- il eosu colhlni to try tbe bustneae vnuimolleltrsanot rask- luf ever osered before umdnees pfruant ansstrlclb uoopmble rettderlfyotfitsntlo kaiqlfsflbeilftxtwwrnre ux4itftmrtojitjiam will senit joutm tinloblsrs awwwmteime torgrwlp 6opcehlai wy qiiested td ball and settle their 16 colborne street toronto wholesale ikpobtee or-r- i i dry goods fanoy goods i i- f i will during the exhibition out i goods any lensftli or sell ia any quantities at the closest wholesale prices t black and colored cashmeres lustres silks j satins velvets and tiaejjietlis a specialty wholesale stock to a m select from m m tourists and others can buy here and save the eetail profit t ti i discount to students and hinistorb j ri -ii- iinf l- -r- o ii c pvo customers will enter from yonge st t- g hilnin jn t mh vr ir aboouiits witlioutfttoherjndti

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