Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1880, p. 1

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rtsme if i i i 1 of 1- siif sa 1 rmti uallj frt 3s id ron 1 ps j es the l ftcttfi free press 1 published erebrtbursdat morxwq s- 3e scoore edlur proprietor at tni easclrcta qv8js jerlioorluetjiolt01nikh mi street s aetibxiil tours ith piat hra will bo mat to subscriber postage paid far ji00 per aa- raneei oum in adtaneei k it not so paid no piper discontinued till nil arrears am paid uoej attne option oiuie rrablishcr amtetudio lus casual averf-so- meats 8 cents per lino lor the fir inscr lion aoas cettta per line for each tubsc- iucnt taserlior cash professional cards 10 lines or loss u00 per annum 1 squire jf2 lines 1500 per annum pavablo ia c raeutisfrom date of inieaion anv special kolicctte objecrof which is to promote hc pecuniary benefit of any individual or coxpacy to be- considered an advertiso- meat- the number o lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of telid nonpareil coxittacr zxtes oatcotumaone year 4cq iu half eototnu one yrar t 550k vtxrtereolttmnane year sutt cue eotuaia tit months i halfetvtiimnslrmrttitti nfti jurtrealbtnnki5noiils 12 j i calaain three month 310a haircalamn tnrtjcmantnf utp iartereowma three months 700 advcrtlteninuwuhoatsreelac directions will be inserted ullfirulc and charcd accord- tnftr tyansluar advcttlwmcma tmnst be paid in advancec chances ocontrtct adverilkmnte ninst toe ta me office oy f m on mncdays other wleincrwul he urt over till the lollotlne wet h p iloure ttdllcripraprletar thffi pipfr rleoi5ientv5atoor k1xkew voilk- verthitcealwailc cuaoacu waj be ttf h lqttey- st b if c p s grtuiust o trinity calle mem- icrofcoufse ctfysicii sad surgooas osce and residence at tha head of fred- ericfc st icton 1st 5rcgartix it di 51 c p s grsdaate of victoria college liesi i seace coiner ofieu and frederick streets coasaltitiorj ds frumji to 10 a- m and stogonl i qretefoe joux davis reo- 43 rncni land surveyor civil engineer aal ersughtimaa of gaeaa is prepared f to attend io all turrerrs in acton and ricin- ity orders left at 1 e llcgsrvins drup 1 store acton trill be promptly attended to odirexce d griswold teach- tx of piano voice tliorbugh bass- and piano and vocal elocution class teach ing a specialty lessons givcniat the res- j deace of pcpua if preferred tracs i ok per quarter of thirteek lessens one half in advance address r craiae or currva d oeetoij actori j- d jatees0x attoexer-at- 4 lit solicitor in chancery c 0ce next dcor tojvallaces h6i hiltoa 4 ilsier i claee iaeeistee quebec street gaelph akjucce office ea handiest balldtot suii street acbifa stoma crrscmst fcejits tifishtr v s- geokgetowx ost- will visit acton every vcediaes- day and wili f ut all calls pertaining jo 1 profession- orders left al ifcgarvins drug store till receivepnmpt attention terms moderate t j fishes b wedcgt tnglvftfr lion fonnder tttticihnlbt kfccbmcy a erery sescriptfon made ta jrfer on tha thortest notice acd mikt xeaacible terms securing promptly ex iadedto termio0 in advtneo j7d ketctmjkfa ilapo buylaftlt fhciuationi and itt vdtt coneenu is0 if not o paid volume vi no 16 ttemust have bread so jrlwkaaj pocr uii is it b ei n1cklin aoton ont thursday october 7 1880 tpiiole no 276 bkbil8 contectiosees cbrxza ilxik t mill stetm acros would intimate la the pooplkbt aclon that io has purchased the buwuerbuslnemlrlfllr carried on by mr a cook and that he has altraon hand a flrttclaas stock of beef pork- ihjtroir sausage poullry and game in esun ic and boresbyslrtcl tttleatlon to buiiikm to tecure a fair share or the pflmuuiee of the i public meatdcllveredatanyuine lo any beg to ultimate that lliey afepreparod to tmrtor acallsolicirel i orojrs promptly attended to jc c vlluam faer supply the village and surrounding country mtli vsry best of bread bess cakes pastbt and oonfeotionery bread delivered while tliamkiiig tliose who hiye favored jai vdth their patimnsge in the r past ycc solicit a ogiitinoaace of liie same and will xelccnic cewcastoinecs icecream parlor- we have now opened our iceckiuicpaklok and will always be prepared to supply puiv ece cream fruit drinks fruit jc ice cream supplied by the duart if desired acall solicited b e xicklik acton uav 5hlsfl f nassagaweya etjmber shimclemills peter 8ayer3 would intimate that be has on haud at his mills in sassajraveya formerlj fcroira as olni ills tnflls a laree stock of lumber lath and 8hlndles ofallklndsandquallucs oheflp jtol sblnslfs st50 per square bill stuff cut to order termstcasct peter savers acton dec 25 t9 now- ready issued aujust tst american newspaper directory too 18 8 0 tvrlflk jlkruoi iotiratc om thousasj isd pifit page price ftre soiurs tvdl hemetbeet licensed auctioneer 2at tlxe counties of wellington and aln orders idevbjbt fsir peess onic acton nr fr iny jeridecce in bcckwood th be gpromptlj attendatto terms reasonable patents foedttekticykeexpe- dmocsir and properly secured in can- flortfie united etlies and eorope pa- xentgnicaaleed or co charge for jirinted instnictioas agency in operariori cciraars heket geist otlaxft canadi- yechajical engineering sdicitors of p- tfini and draughtsman- dohikios horzc act robt agnew proprietor the new blotel is fitted up in firriclfles style wiih new-yiinu- tare giraraercial trareilers will fiai good gccorrinndaiion god commodious bpmple booms bfecklattentioii paid to the wants of iie txarelling pnhhc bar supplied with tha bestofliaors and csgahc oqdstabl- ingrand attentive hostkrs lflah b ahkihc icflmpriy satixcs baxtt cosxrs or umzs xxo vtsr tsf six for cent interest paid coipe pjsits of 1 nd ujtrards safest akd bestseccjutt board of directors d b chisirotjc eqfremenc fx keeks eiq of f joij a wad f -eo1-fiar- llntton vipretioiit w rosnrcegfr k u- hamilton hcge xicerat esq himluon tiroscas blaxcuxej eaiseuaiu col jaas ljlso barton root dccvas- eq hamlltaa rkcrrhocj tiw oafcvuie w faeciiajc 3x u georeetown elsantmx md t c b kxow esq tjtanalger cotton lllj dajictax jfcray ia xra ott ffiz eiae ia ow to at ixjrroczrt and on eaty tervu jboffire open erert weefcday from 9 am- tospni d dexter majiacer a u i r 7fim eotal exchakge- hotel actok as campbell proprietor sir camp bell late of the ba5a3ih hbose near gt k etatipntaies pleasure ia armooncing to his manj old friends acd patrons that he has recently purchased and refified hie royal exchange in the neatest and most comfort- ie style and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor hln- in ftjz most com fortable manner choice wince liquors cigars and cool snrcnjer rfp always in stock stable in ciarge rf ah attentive bottler the patronage of the public is rs- twctfully solicited and no effort will li paredfco give hie very best attention- jjiaskjou skxxb- i aie prepared to pay the highest cash prcie for aides calfskins deacons lmb and sheep jfeina delivered at my xacnary- lace jjeather constantly on hand james moore anos roh rr i po usb ptncpsipraiesippjiefl i w v k 3tng m gupertor well and cistern pumps which vrill be put inaa short settee bepairioe promptly done furniture- made and repaired charges moderate also saws filed scl set gire him a call shop on frederick reet opposite dr ldwrys residence vfeadalib us- oketto to as 1600 to loan on firrtrclraitanniecnritr reaaooable rate of interest apply ta h p iloore jpte sias office acfon this wart is the recognized wnrce cf in- iormitioa on th statistics of american airfttpspt rs i advertisers advertising agents editors ndliticians and the departments of the gpyeniment rely upon its statementa as the onhr recoimize1 tnthoritv it grvcstne nsrce or aimtrmrpspeix m ither reriodiciiil it gives the politics religion class or jhiracwristics it gives the diys of issne- it gives the ediiyirs nunc it gives the puhlif hcrs name it gives the size of tho pspor it gives the subscription price it gives the date of establishment jmd the best obtainable information about the drculaticn tnd sere ralvalc able tables and cliskifications eeviscd annually and informatioa brought dawn tothe latest date sent to any address on receipt cf the price address ge0pr0well tco pomwben sewepaperldvertikirig bureau wpracest kcwtorfc calvibl how lost how restored i we have recenlly pnliished a new ctiitoa af or caltcrwfuf cie- bracrd zimt on li radical ana pcrnmncnt cure vfthoat nfedi- ctnejofkervou- debility menulftii purtje- aildraraettyiaiictlliuenuofmarrlageetc recluoc tsufrice tn a f jate d ecvelopeonly etc or twf pwtrxe uiur ttieefllebratetiaatuor 3n ihlsfaduilrabla ejtar clearly jmunptratec fnnt luirty y uetal frctie tliatalarmlac onn- seqeeuw may ue ntdiwlly cared rtiaoat the 0a are root m of ialern medicine or uiauieaittie tnifa poluunfoata mde of care atoaecjrapi una ettcctaaby mcitm of whicti avry suttcrtir na matter vhitt liljlcondltlon may oe mtycaroumcef cbeapy vzl vilely au4 raiicaly tuu leclare should be in uiehanlf o rveryyauld aad even man tu the laid address tue calrcrwcll hedical co it ann 8 vew torlc post office box isst proverbs konnecaa hedefc whnthcktomach hlnollltvcrand fchnevareheaubyaiid hop lillterc fceep llirm so thec uontifhlne 1inieadpc- tiiwr trenclbeneraadcarjllveouearlh hopeirtert lt u mpcibloreniaiuione tirt or oat if iieitli where hop hiueri are ufd vby do hopbulerc care romacur buetiev give pod rfieeiuoa deb biboclnd hcaiuiy t c louof all he arcane so mxtier wast your fhppar alu meat ib hop bitters rtlt odo jojooii remember if bflteft uover doec haxmbutrpod always and cocltnaatt purtfythe bjoojclcaneetlie stimncli and aweeteu me breath with hop bii- icrt qotelnerree and balmy sleep la hop bitters no health wllh laneuve ilrer and arfanrrwsum without hop butcrs try p f fc care sad paltt kellef- for rale by alldraeefsts two cr038 w0rd1 lucy if you rnn o sew on this buttou i do wish youd do it l cant wait all day tom didnt speak a bit cross only emphatic but i out of temper- tlut morning aud ray head achud badly rom silting up tha night before tom had gano to supper for ho econd time since pur marriage given by ouja of bid bachelor frieodaand had come boon the vrorso for it it had provekedaa intensely so i had o follow him to bed in solemn silence and awoke none the tetter pleased after iny sleep on the morning just alluded ta to make the matter worse just as albebtc0llegb belleville oxt tub gbaxxja rztjrcustzot affords excellent faculties for elsctttz jstcdizs rjreperatiori for katricnlation in ltr medicine of arts or for teachers et arninations students also may attend the flourishing commercialcelifige or alexan dra colloge for ladies or the itusical academy average expens for tuition iaaolid branches with board boom fad 4t only 3jm psr week iterma open sept 9th 1880 jan 6th 1881 and april it 1s8l for circulars ic address fresiaeirtfbjmum di d beuerfie ontario wmfmwsblixq xb sjsrlbit tsreitjovr obbwsons cornbes rs rrepaied lodo all kinds oc whitbwa8anri3otoeing oirthe shortest nollfe and at reasonaole rates ar leave yoor obdeeb at the s pnas office acton p sciottiibbieaneau bciv- ovated arrsphwsi we ober the above reward lo any person who will cornish ius stifficient evidence ti convict the parlies who are selling or ofleringjto sell other oils under our trade marfcj cas- toruie we are sole nknalsclurers andproirietarsoi thecastorinehachine oils and every barrel ia brauded cas- torine t0egkt0 oil company ts bherboarne st toronto for sale by u t hill acton the cax1diax northwest jl moathiy journal devotfd to the settloment and detoiopment of btonltba nd the northwest pabllahed by i jame3 we1dmah belkirlc llanftfibiucuiada etch numberof the canadun knrthist will eoatain thirtytwo paeesof very desir able matter and will lie usuod attue low snlipcriptton price of one dollar a year in advfl6 sample eopl will bflsentjontecflldt of flr- teeuejnts tuktami addreaa james welvicas sellclrt maultoha coada waited an energetic honest man to opena branch tiffice of tie nev magnet telephone co in this and adjoining counties small cash capital required to such a man this i an excellentopening for money j making busi ness address with stamp g w foster ik and 137 clark st chicago hl rillaeles camekos ilainsti aoton agent for the bell oraao maoofsctnred by messrs w bell si co grieiph orders left at his residence will receive prompt at tention for particulars sea ady pn of her side give him itfial chah cameaon decj07923r ilbtf shitu i j 40ext fobthbhlbirr reapetti j10we11 also rt rat- claw generarporpoeipiows climax threshing mnclilnca vlnopsota cliief and vibrator sptlrw tooth harrowtcentennlal uullcy horse rufce cilmnxfannlna llllls ihe oelfnralcd wlsnor seed drill ac all warranted to do cood work every umt or no sale termareosonable i rirr v hm itu u-trnj- hp spoke o me about the button ho knife with which i was cutting tha bread for his- lunch siipped inflicting dcp gash in my hand sud the baby aoke and sot up hersharji little cry from the cradle all in one and thu same moment you cant wait at long as i did lasc night i reckon i replied 86alyrcally angry at last dout hurry me i do all i can and mora than i am able with one lair of hands tom dropped tiisbutton and turned toward uie with a startled ucchtuiation of why lucy 1 c duut lncy mo i retorted throw ing down the bread and catching up tha baby while the blood streamed from mj hand ail over her white gown i wish i had never seen you i wish i wat back again with my father and mother- i broko down with a burst of hyster ica tears and sofling the blood on my hand tom came ovtr and knelt down beside me why lucy he said hid voice and eyes full of tundemess youve cut your hand why didnt yontayaoi here gire mo the child whilu you bind it ui8k6 how it bleeda he held outhis hand for tha habj hut i snatched her away and went on tkj iijt ii tr m dont cry lacy he continued stroking the hair back from my fore head fleasa dont i know i have done wrong dear bat i didnt mean to i fell in with some of the old boys and they persuaded me against my will but its the last time ficy ita the last time i why didnt i turn to him then ml help and eocourige him 1 because uty mean tyrannous temper got tha belter of my wpmaus heart oh yes i said sneeringly it is easy euongh to make fiu promises yoa told me the same thing before how can you txpjet rue to trust you oowr i tom nu spirited and quick-temper- ed great lovinghearted men ilways are he sprang to hia feefc lika a flash aud before had time to speak he had left tha house i tossed the child into the cradle and ran to the door bui it was tm iu he had gone i just caught a glimpse of him turning tha corner i i went baclc to the little breakfast room liow blank and dreary it looked and what a sharp stinging thorn there wsa in uie very core of my heart i luyed tom and he loved me we had been married duly eighteen months aud this was our first quarrel i eat down with the baby in my arms heed less of my morning wore and fell to thiuking all tho old happy days came hack and ona jnarlicuarwben we satin duinhacry wood it was in the autumn and all tha world seemed in a place of gold lis the sun slid down and the fcjuirre chatted overhead dropping a ripe nut now and then into my lap aa i sat there with the last rose of sum mer kuitting a purse for tom lucy he said as i wore in tho last goldenstitchrt youveknit my love my very life up in that purse tell me now before yoa fiuish it how h it to be i am i to hay e you and oh 1 1 had i followed thd example of my mother who had never let fall an un kind word bat torn would be home to his din ner the thought brought me to my feet 1 went about cooking just such a dinner tu i knew bo liked the plum pud ling was done to per fection thebaliy in a clean slip and myself all smiles to receive him when the clock struck one but he didnt come i put up the untasted dinner and prepared supper and lit a bright fire in the little pallor ha should have a pleasant welcome but he did not come eight nine ten oclock and i put up the untested supper and baby and i went up to the nursery to wait and watch how tha little thorn in my bosom merced and raukled tom had broken his promise and my un kiudnesa was the cause nothing els rang in my cars through the long hours aaiout two oclock i hetrd a noise below and went to the window there iusiu on the ioich i could see him in the dim light tom ia that yoa i i asktd softly putting my bend out yesj open the ioor lucy j juick the police are after me my heart sank the police after him 1 1 1 an down swiftly to unlock the door bat as i did so lro men wear ing official badges stepped upon the potch and one of them laid his hand upon toms shoulder aud said l arrest you sir for what i cried for ranrder tha floor aeemad sliding from b- nealh my feet but i caught at the door to steady myself and looked at tom at that iuataut the officer uncovered his lantern and oh here was blood en my husbands hands all the rest is blank when i came to myself again i was in my room and kiuc compassionate face were around inc- 1 rakcdfortoin he waa in prison awaiting his trial there had been a quarrsl at the tavern and tom hadstruck his antagonist the man waurldna they thought he was at first hut ha waa badly hurt about the head but if he recovered well then it would not go so hard with tom i arose and went to the prison but they wduld not admit me no one was lo see my bgsbund until after the trial anotuer day crept by a liight and when morning came i went down to he door and opened it with a vague feeling of expectation which always accompanies severe affections and look ed out the sun was rising grandly and brightly over the black stone gaol the frost hung thick and sparkling over everything even the scrap of folded paper that lay at my feet 1 stooped and picked it up idly as we catch at a straw or tig sometimes without any power or motive of voli tion thej superscription caught my eye it was my life it was my own name and toms handwiitiog i hurriedly tore it open and rrid dkar leer ihave broken out of gaol aud am going well no niatler where t didnt strike hastinga with an intention to kill him j kbs intoxi cated and it wss mora his fault than mine but he may die and then al any rate it is better for yoa lucy far me to go t nevor was worthy of your lave now yoa can go back lo tom- fathers and orget me and be hippy yoa will fiud the bonds for that money i have in he bank desk it is enough to make you and tbacbildreu comfort able forgive and forget me lucy god bless you vou and the baby ton this was the end i this was the re ward that my cross crordabad purchas ed for die 1 truly truly the wages of sin are death we shall not need one pang of corporal punishment one spark of real fire to perfectour tbimsntif wc are lost conscience is all sufficient reniorsn that worm that bbver dies it wont think of it even lucy it would ia not for ma to talk about what i tuf be too dreadful no tom i answered you are o have the purse andthe band that knit it too poor tom lie cried then jnai like a child he the brayeat man in the whole vfllsge no fault in him onl a little loo wild toi fond of gay company hot joa must tam liim lncy aa your mother did ma that was my old fathers advioe on our wadding day my bearumote me dreadfully aai recalled it to my mind fered in thd days that followed that morning words could not express it incept to one who had passed the same furnaoeof affliction butil livedfor sorrow and death rarely walk in each others steps and nursed my baby and did the work my handshad to do i did not go oaefeto my fathers i ra mainsd at toav home and kept hie things all about me even jiis cap hang- iijg on tho wall forget bim 1 does j band is a man now standingtip proud put a notico in the papers telling toni to coma back bui lie didnt coma the winter possud away with long long nights of bitter remorse and ten der recollections oi he doar liusbsuc whose strong srms lad once been my slay and my support the spring ctuie tho sumuier another winter three pears went by crept by oty child toms little baby grew to be a fairy little thing with bloe eyes and goldcunsir and a tongua thai never weaned of its childish prattling all day long alio sat on tho doorstep where the eveningiabeams slanted in lisping o her doll and iisteuing while i told her of the fathar who would come back to us some day for surely he would coma most surely gods mercy would vouchsafe some compensation some pardon for such repentance aa my soul bad injured forth the third spring was peculiar some how the faroff sky seemed to droop down in clearer bluer folds tho sun wore a softer radiance the trees tho grass the flowers a diviner a tenderer beauty i rose every i motning and looked out of my little window at the kindling beauties of the morn wifli a feeling of strange tremulous expecta tion i seamed to feel the shadow cf aoms great event that winged aa light above me one prayer of my heart seemed about to be answered one evening oh that evening a may sky soft and blue hangover a gteen blossomed earth the turtle doves cooed in tha distant woods and j the robin twittered to her young brood amid the milky bloom of the orchard gods love shone in the grlden bright nesa cf the westward going sun my child little effis sat on the doorstep talking to hor doll and watching the birds- all at once she clapped her dimpled bands and bounded to her feet mamma cried gleefully pspa cqmin papa coining jsflie go to meet him v t the words stirred my hiart to its utmost depths and dropping my work i followed her out cf the door a man wag comine up the garden path his garments tattered his step slow and uncertain a beggar no doubt t called effie to came back hut the ran on heedless of my command toms little spaniel that i had polled and taken cire of for his sake darted backifrom his kennel wilh a pecnliir cry mch aa i never heard from it be fore what did it all mean 1- my heart- throbbed aud my kneea trembled little effie ran on holding out both dimpled hands her golden carls blown all about her rosy face how dodo papa 1 ise your knv she lirped as ah reached tha mans feet he stopped to raise her in his arms an then glanced at me and such a glance such a face 1 pale haggard worn by sorrowiand 8uffering to a mere shadow toms ghost come back from the grave 1 not that either for ray arms grasped some tangible fonn- 0 tom x cried is it you i speakj speak aud tell me 1 yea lacy it is me i could bear it no longer pin dying 1 believe and i could not go without seeing you and the little one again tom tom i sobbed jetting down on my kuees beside him oh forgiye me forgivo me i have suffered- much i it is me that must ask forgiveness lacy he said humbly uotyou 1 waa wrong but i stopped tim short no tom my cross words did it all but for them w might have been happy all these weary years 1 mamma mamma interposed effie twisting herself around on tier fathers shoulder dontery no more 5 papas come bak ypb- thank god he hascome hack poir tattered and liiingry dike the prodigal but my tom nty husband neyeijibelesb i would aevetj fpeak crosa tbtiim any more it is spring time agam the sweet may sunshine steals in at my window as i write and i hear the turtle dove down in the distant wood my hus- bbulfchlntifallxuhtltlus inferior to frerloiu shorn cmd ittkjbime the annual fill fiir of esq nosing agrialtiiralsociety waa held in george town on friday 1st inat during the morning tun weatbur had ft very gloomy appearand and thjre waa every indication of wet- and diiiagreeable day shortly after nooiybowover the clouds disfieraed and the jauer fart of ihe day waa ail that could be desired the attendance waa larger ban last year and ail present seemed ts enjoy thinisclves noivul lilniss laird dia- oouned good tniuuc daring tlie afier- ioon the entries were fewer in number llian last year thonghjnsom lepartmts great ninptttttment was observable the exhibition of ktock was fully op to previous years and tb bow of frail was large and comprised ome very good specimens tm tld general appearance inside the hall was poor comparei with any of the exhibi tions of late years some of the classes hayiug hardly any competitors and others not represented at all the xhibfcion of agricultural iuijriemenu was very small and consequently did not reflect much credit an the roanu- facurers of tha township in our i opinion there should be a change of plaw for the exhibition and our town presents claims whith should be ro- coguized the exhibitiou was held in actorv about leu yeara ago and thia had the effect of greaily reviving it and we think a similar change will again prove beneficial our citizens are prepared to gnariutoe the required amount and we think the directors will conclude at he annuul meeting that acton u ihe iiriipur ve for esqueaing fall exhibition in 188l our are duo to tha various officers of the associatianfor their kind- nusa and courtesy in uaaistin as to secure the following piizsj prize lis cittle thomughbrl cowgivt iug milk j t g hartfy j waeren p kennedy three year old caw j miller j b bessey j early two year old heifer j b bessey j 8- bessey one year old lieifei j miller j s bessey w fraz r heifer calf j thompson bull gjoyce two tear old bull jwamn ji amichie w wilson one ywrtld bull j 15 bessey j early j s bcasey bufl calf j k g hardy v wilsbn bull any kge g joy giude cattle cow giving milk j r barber j s bsscy three year old cow d cross j miller two year old heifer j 3 bjssey p kennedy one yearold heifer j early d civss heifer calf j s bessey j e irly workingoxim t cbiahclm e doverraus fat beast p kennedy j miller siieepr leicester- ium db me- nair j b bessey sueirling ram w a wilson g wrigglcsworth ram lamb a stark j wrigglesworth two ewes a h brown g tvriggles- worth two fhearliiig owia j b bessey a stark two ewe lambs j b bessey j wriggles worth sodib dowxa shearling rain w wilapn ram limb j b bessy d robert- eon two ewes j b bssuy w wit son two shearling tewes a 8tark d robertson two ewe lambs j b bessey w wilson fat sheep any age or breed e- deveieaux a ijuik cotswolos w wilson j early shearling ram w wilson ram lamb w wilson j eirly two ewes w wilton a stark two shearling ewes w wilson s elliott two ewe lambs w wilun j ijirly ram any age or breed w wilson pios lirge breed boar e nixop boaroflsso e- nixon sow of 1s80 tbell shall baeedbars elliott e nixon boot of lcsfl w wilson aelliolu sow selliott dbmcnair bow of 1880 a mcdjujtal s elliott pocltet pair dorkins dr me- cutlongh chickeus dr mcculirmgh biubmus w rubinson dr mcoul- lough chickens d hill dr micul- longh cochina j a s hewson spanish j holmes j biillchickenb j hulnies j bell eirjeitgrei s elliott s elliott oomuiou ghoss a mcdougall j early turkeys dr mccullough s elliott kowan dncka s elliott j fc t hewsoh aylesbnry ducks j euly comuion ducks f ruddell e nixon biutms p appleby pigeons p apidely w robinson gbais seneca ijwhwj- 3 nickelt j marshall t chishulni whoat e itivoreniixf jluddcli p kennedy spring wheat j marsbiill r storret j hunter jiige peaa p kunnedy small jieas p kennedy lovo wer forget hastings did not 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