s jilti 4 fc i i 1 v i i j 1v s i i u i ppp kcnttdy ijevls jyluitwr w hub jntoo parsnips f hunter wlmdn son mangold wurtivl j lmdley w ixtlie cablap c spaijiug j bradley cjttt r a iumj hut gat cauliflowere w t4ie j r dayfool pumpkin a wikut w kewtoti onions av kubiiimu av rowtitctu tomjliks uolpiu j bradley cullwiif cscpw j mc- fheiraoo j jjonlity all mn a jfeiisan brmuy iviuw aileiy 4 jj tjjsoii j lli mldy fjltcfc iuiks a htlson ahx luioh white crapes rg jjukmi tctis swackhautiuer j i tiuiic lurtliu itfart a jscilsou llkiit bun iu jywy peart j linllcv chirr varicfk of pirsj c ferquotixr bot tled fruii r giittikiu i ttiadby mixxd 1ietuw fkmiu j bradley jjoniemide wins a c a unr don hop yeast it ad hemic utuhc thus bell fi jixuiu 3t bread j giltij a sln acdt 3 don iomy wi fiii- ll j kenuedv d ctcs iiiuiiit j ltij- taikych a siib dr mclsir ftrall luttr fi jtuir t cniajiolni a uutdm w nwtan w leslie firkin butter vv tuitir 5 -ktckeh- t- cliuluilm j pulton tidlcs work fncy work quilt miss ilichic jlissgdlies patchwur quilt idwc micmjkii t d ruhei fancy knitted quilt tliuy bll r a heid fancy wool wvirfc oa cauvns k a reid f j wlr em broidery od muslin mt mocitdland r a rukl emliroidiiy on cotton r a- redd mrs riuuliaw era- liroidsry on etk r a liim fc ttunler oraimcctid kcwiicumfc a ibroi t j wtieelfr cwu vinrtr a jlch jlisstrcy fcy knitting r a rcid j sicken bridin a ffriere r a ew ptrtn f him ier 5css mccll point tjce t j wbecter a brown lice irorfc r a reid f icuaftr honitdtr uce h siccoll tuir vretk r cmbtnj tthispstt yissjicckllxnd woollen stcckint d b mcknir a keiuja woohcnj socks d b mc kcir s ertm wualltu mittf w frezr a sjroti s ft c uaion r a rad t j wltclcr fittuttt mtli tt j wbtlcr eltka- seciiir coot voif a grieve woal jrort i 1 wiiretcr fixe aets piinttng iq ntcrcjlcr j- pndfx miss- freamin pencil driving a- h btajrn s s ussey crayon dtrficj j s bcsscy col lection of plutagriiis w ii kttt phtojrjfu fl if k tue boqaet durus- hit sr uiiutlficd lajael d cnwr 5iir ftecmsn pen- hi drawing by it piiiil of rutil sclwol under ll yoirs of og gircn tiy mr ii cotlee juiljlic school tncler rose ingrun 6 eijncr cjlleccioc of iulira iusecjt jlis c pksiod uohestic setttm inrncss j thesrsod slt caiiinj inrri- e jjlop spit tingle lirius e gaii ileas rewed ltnt wtu anttin jlens iffc4 loos avrn ansin womens loots fund nixtlt win awin win axstin ujir icailur d fjrois plaid uiinc nckton fictorymide lilauuns w xtton rg carpet- 3 elliott s elisut lorse cirriage culji g jukcizte opan bner cdp i mcknrie thnk r bfil jiarfct vrngson culi i mc- jcerait iron pljngb a gnive j tkenjie other pkujl mokinnon 6l izmkhi hirot- cuhivitor j mckenzie turnip tcils r j lic- kenzie iron iarrow tfios b li jickinrion k rtuinliw gjiug plough r w- kio kmlf3tiieivx jrntight horses d lilde a keilkin tbo yrar old gald ingjjr 11 r wm brown d little year old gelding or 61ly jaraef etrly spring colt james etrir broid inare jsme eirly gneii purpose horses char brfffrn jas hnnin jr geo storey bcood nutie j browrcndge a- wilson wm fhfr one yearold itmllre colt geo rntasien tro year- old geldinj or filly francis hunter john brownrdge oueyeirom gld ing or filly wm fiher a neilson fipririg- ct j wihon j k x mc- kenie roadsters carriage horee jmes brownridge divid brooks j kennedy single eariiaje horse in iitroess a t aittiu ew dever mt hack liora in harness jos mcintosh wguiipj 0 wetlierald jfiiddl horse joa brovrnrilge jr jus brovrniidge ar t j filler b ood mare j s beaary ja ilcpheraon tro yaarold entire eilt j j hin- er taroearold gelding or cmy j s bscyit t g llcmillaa one- yeirold gelding or filly t s- finher vi 3 fn aueaint spnng colt jtoi brotiyiridgt er j k bssey shod hocie hckinnon li rjtnhr hdhdce rioe john juiininglinni ddjos h brornridga 1 i tftu imbitlonis korttiern draqiille oct 7 8 k ol ilislmoh aberfoylc oct s haftbn coouy sho- jlilton cjel i2andl3 erin ein yillg oct 19 nd2d coal oil tax fsp tfesss artvsvvtllfuapat ckt 7 1m0 toe township 8h0v etiily in tltn auui uior of tlo jjrcent year itu cftmtwus inudt ly wnovnbr of our ciiirfmniid othor iu udspurlof llto lovnalii to iitva the animal town- aliip cxhihitioti jiejd ui acto uii year iuttoitd ol ccniijclonn where it ism hn hold flvery yt for the past ttii ywnu ctoii wa ciiivaaaod at uio tiuu lo ruiao the uaital aiunuul of niiiiicr fir ciiouws but wieittl influential jukjiilaya of he agticuiutral society liviug m geul-ge- tou litid victuity deteioiiued that acton should not have it aitd using every meanl sucoetjed in keepuig the ktiow fur tuis yfjir tt houc the iur waa tlut the f ho- ak ailuie cuu lirud to jiny previous fair- it uiukt not 6e mderfiood howerer that actincjcefltl an influence aguiiut it s hucll was not lilt kr tel jcttlk no after it had liecn allowed to get into a low condition the show was livid in acton tich had tlie effect of ideally teiiciug it and it was superior tu pitrious titiowt for several yeats afut wards it is again in a very lnguihicg condition ud fiotnetliing must oo done if the skor is continued i3e think that acton ital claims which- sliouid la recognized ly the uiscurs of tlie society wo have ac- cjumiodatious here ejual lo those of giirgetoanand in ouropintontt would not only lo fair but beotectal to the extmsitiun tojjqjd it in acton every ulternale year an excuse u made that acton ia too far from the centre of tlie township but our peoplejitre licn cqmpjslled to go to geonilown for twentyfile year ud it will equal ijfl the thing if the people of geoigo- towniiars to cotno lo acton for a e- yeare have our readers mythitg to say tn the matter i xomiikuwcya ktm rviii r oir comtjiamlenl d j miltte liu received nil the uiachiwry urjhif w tavr injtll jlto6vilboiulij l0l of tlie mkiul tiittnbor bf dnuilti pi iu cvinuij- of lha ujwtwhip ihujr the annual naaaagaweya fair wan held at firookville on tuuaday the how wan a auccess nd waa well at- tciided ker w fl mctarith prendied in the preahyterian church for rer mr mcpliftraon on sunday lakf mr mc tiili left for knok collific bu wtrf uejidayv lliv if k mcplieraon wio iina ben atuuding uio pan ptaaliyteilali qikmcil at philadelphia duripg the mat fey hekj ilctcd ti return lionib o day jn saturday niglilthieieaentered the cellar of mr john raniaay warden atid took a iikin of hulter and a box of egy fanueit should ha more care ful in closing tlicir outside cellar duors mr j w fitimauri leclurr de livered ancxcijlent teinininco leclurii in the town hal brookville last evening ilia uihject noa tha last forty years o the temperance cause there was a good attendance he lectures on thursday tad friday cru iugi i keo new goods 5ew goods board of education the bard of trustcei of acton school division met in the school housu on monday evening oct 4th pursuant ji adjournment members present messrs j speigtt in tlie chair d henderson s moore m sptight and a tatoy minutes of last meeting read and conlrmed i the financo commitue pietcnlcd ihtic coven tl report andrecomtnetidej iiyment of the following accounts tlict jtcore tdirj- for sept tad ilits jfckcilir 2s00 hits grant 1875 sirs hughe g25 4 adams shelving library ctc iso auction solo register octoima ijrr wm overton will sell at agsews hotel en tuendayoct 12th 1s8q it i oclock p ra lot s con 2 erin- con lairiing 100 acres also two village lota both of which have dwelling hanscs forpar- ticulira seo postch- wm hcmslrcct auc tioaeer octooti ijto robert t uci koaseiy will cell an it 2 con i erin on friday oct i5th icso at i oclock p m a nom- hcrjof firstclaaa cattle and ahecp for psdicalarjsce posters wra ilcmstroel auctioneer ocroam 50nrc smith will sell en his farm adjoining the g t r station on j wedncaday oct 20th 18e at 13 oclock p m a large number omhoroghbrodcattk and ebecp also several good horse and a quantity of impienionu for terms and particulari see jarga posters wm item- slrot auctioneer b b a wbtt afj wecnv a uoi mow qi jtts w fall g6qxb h30mpiusino french merinos cashmeres lustres colored and plain winceys gents underclothing ladies tjndervesifcsr berlin and fhngeringlitfoolb coipred n stocking goods and- a uifjt auobimsht ofr i airp a 00 ass all of which la will sell chaap for cast or trada b ha1lett hats and caps a00mpletbj assor7lpkt 6f fall and w1otek sat8 atfd j caps at the astendclo ihingstore xiot ojf bots scotce caps vt tse rou to yin itmi tjjrosijwtothiisra ad kitittbd goods la geat vabietv asd yebit caeic at j fyfes mm m the tbi csaolc vocra- fa qaeirij on lie 1oi iuat tie wife of ktr voi young of aiuo lxir la eteaeainev oo tlie suj iait the wife of sir joiepu laahy of a lea ucluaiu in ena oa the 58th ntt the wife of mr wm mcpiisil of i um thokrwx ia erin on the 6li inst the wife of ilr j il thumpsoa of a aoa iuxtos ia llarhim oa the 22ud ulu the wife of mr tuooiaa if kutan formerly cf aetna xk m iwr totil uq0s3 und tbit the chairman issue his cheques in favor of lh treasurer for the turn nquirrd to cover the said accounts moved by d henderson seconded lip mi speight ttat the report of the finance committee be adopted car- rmi on mnttqn tho loard adjoarned to meet on monday evening nov 1st killed with muskfcr fiad enttof agncipu boy on friday afternoon rolerfc hilliard e ten year old eon of mr frank hill iardgucphwas tent toschoo as usual hiit inetead of eying to the school he met a conpio of toys sons of mr renting after getting tired of play the three lors jlulled together and young hilliard started lo the city and purchased a bottle of whiskey and made his way hack 0 where he left his cauipjtuious between them tho whis key was drank young ihilliard was left by his mates it is said in a elate of intoiication between i and 5 oclock as mr john campbell was driving along qieen street ho saw the unfortunate lad lying in the diteb and thinking lie was asleep sent a young 1i who whs with him to wake the boy up the boy could not waka him and mr campbell went over himself and found him in the last throec of death he unlooiad ibe boys collir and cleared his mouth lof- the vomit and sent for dr herod before the utrival of the dooor tba boy breaded his last an inquest was held and the fob lowing is the vardict that robert tiilliards deaii vox caused i by and from the effects of drinking whiskey we aup find that the parties supplying the whiskey are gravely responsible for giving thflsame to minors such yaung boys in particular wh also recom mend in fulure more stringent mea mires be taken to see that tire shop license law u strictly enfoiced the proprietor of a temperance hotel at ayr was tast week fined t for selling liquor without a license burdock blood bitters cures all diseases of the blood liver and kidneys female comphints nervous and general debility and build up the enlir system when broken doiva by disease coal oil whili wheat- 0 53 to 1 00 traavctl ol 0 9s lo i 00 spring wheat glasgow od i 00 to i 05 itcackiff i 01 to 1 05 oati 2s to 0 3c peas 0 5 to 0g2 birley 0 55 to 0 54 etg- per int 0 10 to 0 ii baiter dairy packed 0 i o 0 9 batur rolls 0 20 to 0 20 ioutocs new per ug 0 0 to 0 45 cittra hiietrra flour 2 5 to soo wtite wheat 0 90 to i 00 a splendid jirograramc has been prepared lad an enthasiaiue mealinc is expected proffosteu or new rkcjswicx t wcasev gs logt xafaxif and other eminent temperance workers vill addrcas the convention erery friend if tempcrtuec ia uio oiunty u reoaeatedto preseot 1 read well spriuc wheat glasgow red cusj osu ieaa barley kgtii per dot ratter dsity packed b iter rolls potatoes new per hash 0 90 to i 10 0 90 to 1 02 0 90 lo 0 95 0 28 to 0 30 0 50 to 0 65 0 55 lo 0 m 0 10 too ii 0 1c lafl 22 0 18 la 0 21 0 0 to 0 40 plasterixg nahu plasterine hair for sale at the acton tannery cairles knees toh sale a firitclasa covered phaetaa bacjry- nearly naw apply to r w kikg 1334 georgetown aucnidilu ridpell tieecglttwi for scwinp mwhine and general repairs trji thegeorgetoftu kovcltv works arch riudell 22tf main st georgetown oheep astray came on the premises- lot 2 con i erin aboat the 1st of jane a ewa and two iambs owner will prove properly pjy expenses and taka them away r0bt kekxedy teavixg the undersiflne4 are prepared to weave carpeu and woolen chithi in tha host mn uer and at reasouable prices carpeu t specialty apply at lot 25 con 2 esqiies- iog atj elliott 450 13 clioice piecei of shieimutic aajffgste rilacsl50 fall me best qaality yocil ind im rumen tat- 6eot potft pjfd for 25c addrt at onc to j c shattcok m offotta mich usa toifloooa 7caroritoaj ij iiy in jtjor nwulnoiiuy ytmrow norlthr women jo rfil h m 9 u jjnny ran ke mors than be amour of- frrrd above ni one can fall to matco mnke moiej rst anr an can dfjihe work yoamakh from0ctito2 hu hour by jevoilmi your etenlngh ard a para utne uatiebuilneu rotu nohng to fy fiebunci folhinc like it fur money roaa- uig ever otftrod lwire hosinem plennn fltidilricin noticfable reader f you antto kio v hii h6oui t bepnyligbmlnjbefnre hie iinbllpw itid u yotirodilrrm find we will ifji od rll partloulnra nd nilvale urrai frfe snropiev war 3 alw free ytu eni then make un nurmind for mmrieir ad- drxa oborlb btinson co portland vlfllne r just repeived a visitors to guelph ladies from ibe larroanung towns and villages and country geiurally visiting uusiiibtjrs irjlulnlieno vishuie ashi0kablewest7eim tha otjljf- tiptop thoroughly ladiea house in the city 1 xolalr difdtlinltsitnstunt nttu wkiwnt ealunr ncn i wsihwtw hand- omlsetiirarsiijihirojlirreluiuguosnlu wlicletmdaana lead the faajlous ca uic day tu ver- parllcalor i our display nest weok will be truly matmiflcent any cliti4 09 le sireet will direct slramert lo o ir eaubllsrinjenl jfu r upfeb wyxdjam8t qozlph ao bugham faihionallc vd kud urtt miutk ow millinery etlallulmeiii qudply magnificent daily gaslight illumination and ei hibition of new millinery mantles and fancy i goods at our show rooms s we take special pleasure in informing tbe ladiei of acton and vicinity thai commtenring on thursday sept 30th at 2 pm continuing op friday oct 1st grid closing at 10 oclock on satorhay nigbj ool 2ud we purpose presenting an exhibition at once unique novel and brilliant i temperance convention halton connty teniperaiiee association in tend holding a convention ia the tctiihuiaitoji toesoay and wednesday 12rn akd istu ixsts a week in vourown town and on can give withoal ex- fc f a week in voarowi i v i i no capital risked yc l 1 1 1 i the bvfeincas a trial uj vpensc the beat opportunity ever offered or those willing to wort ton ibould try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer ko room to explain here you can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business and make great pay for every hour that you work- women make as much aa men send for special private terms and particulars which wo mail free j 5 outfit free dont complain of hard times while vou have such a chance address h jhalleto portland maina i notice kotice is hsrehy given thai aa ibe requir ed number cf voters names have beeu ob tained for petitions in favor of the canada temperance act of 187 in the county of italton province of ontario and that said bctitinna will i filed in the sberirtaoffice in the town of milton in the connty of lhaltou on the eleventh day of october ia jibe year of oar lord one thousand eight hundred mi eighty m c camer0s milton sept 20lh 1880 secretary c a a a- mottk mar ill nay at home a kill i indantiliius cal i i if w quired i we wil 11 v v hen women bo a mottk muranteed i o made by the capital not rt- 111 start you r bnjs ana fins mako money faster at work for us than at auylhtnr el tbe work is itchlaal pleasant mndlucbaa anyone can at rlbtat tb46 wbo aie wise who see ibis uoitee wtusead us their addrerbt oaee and see for bemselvea caatly cnlflv and lermk free nowlstueuma tnose already at work are layinanplareesumsof money address tbuk4c0ausnsta maine rtlkkuge paixting having opened a paint shop ia tbe prem ises latelv oceopied by mr james mclam next door to nicklins bakery i am pre pared to do carriage painting and sign writing of every description and would re spectfully solicit the patronage of the people of acton and vicinity james scottf rpendtrs fok cabtlnt tenders will i received bv th under signed qp to tlie i5th inst for cartin goods lo and from the grand trunk station in coflaectinu with oar business teoders to state a balkom per year for doing tbe work particulars at onr offic w h storey 4 801t acton oct fitb so orgaka new organ from a firstclass canadian maker for sale suitable for the home sundayschool or small church we win sell the above very low or cash for full partioukaa apply to h p moore falsi paul omcx aoton feb u 1880 j p troauek practical haihducssits is prepared to execute anything in his line in the liest possible maimer and in the latest style monthly customers t special rates a nail ia solicited j p woltljek dr haydocks vitalized buohu the extraordinary eflret of ibis bneha as tepaed by dr hidock npm ins kidue s anu drtnary ortais is vltuoal i parallel in the aliory of medicine and its result fur beyond any bf ibe kldoey remdlesoi the d ly h siimolsiaa diieauon adda tne to tbe ays- uru i n rljpirmle uteilebl lilauc and is l nts uble loi ibe cure of dubete in iu witfu fuirn- one trial ola teaponnful lo a wlneuasaf w shall meve our magnlflent jand unaqnallad dlaiplajr at original pari and london pattern mulinary plumes flowara ornaments fancy goods mantias dolmans irosndaia daily casilckt illuminaldni j onr spacious show rooms will be specially arranged and desper ated so as to exclude all light from without and scores of gas ketil will ponr forth a flood or brilliancy that will rival the celetatttiesl electric light l i ll- 3 v jnview rfthf extent anil norejty of our dplayige shall naveji an itiimense throng oj visitors especially on the latter iatri our fiends from the country urill bemore fully psisintandioe therefert urge ropectj oily upon theladies who can ilo soia favor us icith their presence during tae ea her part of our et0 hibition and tscapithe croicdthat icill be sure to take plaeetis saturday ri this will beat the grnndest display or mllliiiery etcr matreig gnelph and worrfay of the attendance of every lady that eaa bey prctcnt i intromlenlolwaily btnuua disorder of the kidneys in oil diseases anvcttnalliescos ns whether tbiy arcrru- loo mucn r too utile waur ot whether they be afllleted with l- ne or inn el orwlto iichatid pains skilled in tbe toias over trie resiois of the kdne s j hatdockts vitalized bu6hu 1 will irfrs almost tramdial rellet wben sl o her means havefajied tbemcvtioverfnl exiliiif medtcln lor haeureor rtaieeom- pbilrl klfly yeans experlrnee incoitc prove this remedy onrt vailed for the d ineldental to tbe female sex ko family ivt all are veloomej j d williamson co duelph5 suoald be wlllioat it and it may be laken by younc or on aa a will rettora health when rer7 other mea us pruve nasocceasfui tu lha someh we tmee dyspepsia head- i sen and cenerat debility lolhe uverblle jandlee ald jellow ftverl lo lbebiweis diarrhoea dysa nlery eonstiurin i lie- and qstnla to the larfs consumption ti in the blood serwnu scarvy and all entaueons eraptiona by keepiog- these ortana and vital flrd pur and healthy we may safely dely lb attacks of disease and no mrdielna yet prepared fortiils purpose cau equal ibe action of haydocks vttaltzed bt7chtt hxas wuat u rum k baa nade ma a naw man dr haydocks enchu baa increased my vclfbt flfteen pounds fy wife wouli not bo libout it for any money 9 our hill boy is muebafler i eneloae cne dollar for anoiner bottlt f flod it u easy to lake u milk wo have sold thirteen bule this week aad shall want tbree dozen net order my mornfna agony tsoqeuiaokstioyour buehu j i wantofspase eompels me to ennelude anyinraill or snfferer afniefed with any kidney disorder who will write me as iftthelr eomnlalnl ill be iread nnmanly and kind ly u t my most earnest deslr io investl- gala ll forms of olabet and five relief at all iftnesj if you are too poor toparrhase write me any wsy and your ese will bave ntmedlite attenilon i oajtion obaerrethat the situs tare of jos uaydxk is across tbs moclh ot eteb boltle price one dollar fur large and hfty eenla for trial eises jos hatdocr si d m rlatt stbeer xew tark tothbi ptjbjjiroi n l a w oreen i i woald rcicuuliy cahyoiiratntioq to uiulareaud well teleeud ttoekitf 2 teas sugars jjbneral g wblch forqoallry nd price tsannot be equalaed nacton comedlrectiolba cheap cash store i and be e jnvineed bat by peroal inspecuon he leads tn the way in selling goods at the tat iptst rciris portrait of cladstone given away with the j western adyertiser alfa i wasstr libbmt tke sraal faaally kewspaper ft ike vest 8fb0ial fbatuee i balance of 18 free to new bnbaeilbers j astloulturai lae by kev p wclarke a health aud diseased apromllant ihysl- elan t begal queries answered by w h bar- tram iaq 5 veterinary oertbyprot j hwilson fl toaehe r column by j ueararu q inspector 7 womans klnsdom by dame uurden t tempenuip8abbaui school lessons etc etersol travel in foreign oouniles w reliable news and orttnmarelnl rsporti and latest toleiikuis irom all over the world single snbseriptlonavooor with ladstont portrait to pay pmute and uibliuotlso i n olobaofrlvoroverslls or wl h portrait 1 a and balasea of 1m tree to new sub scribers nft acentswnnted in erery seeffon good pay for trse samples ond terms toaseou adirln sjohn oameron oo x auveruser once ixjndorooi large stock of goal oil at j b this htrge stock cd groceries just to hand has been purchased for cash rujrl are all- fresh new goos ooma to the uoheap oash storei tor bargains j the weekly globe fob 1881 ti mflnabce of ti ffffijlg the largest the cheapest the best containing 96 oblamns of roadttiif intior and dmutcdiy the beet anumritjr in sxioaltarau and commorcfal olroloe ihronghdat the do minion itsenormons clroiiauon distributed u tt la id bui parts of tho oonntry renders tithe best adferuslobr medium for retching lholnlfiugeot mi nsitw uttoitctuiwitsuhi ftsttfeittt tj 1881 tit fioqufht m h0kbeabb0ws ntfatimtdittii hat goohobmm ffflmrnsttttttrt- iniiningii nllttlalwjrtafl one yollab everywhere dtjilw pee83es 1 3stetw j 1 increased speed in publication i ileidksbor thtt an tobbcril tweenthls date and is janiiary title the bberiber to receive from date ofsutacxlpkiontoslstqc 1881 ordenonaromlttmctatobeadtlrta the globe printing- co aaaats waste ta aver nnirwate arstrirt tkmikeat 1 liaaflssli tfkn t teisf mm ikm r0 tesutav rmrrnsitiv soitefjkittatrrv buh llttl1r ifii4s1ajifi elinlriisusfai tsu b tti- toronm tcgarvins o a b d re act i ua