Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1880, p. 1

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fc oar illy rrf 1 d -the- miss upabltchd jf fzvfif tsursda r aioftxtkg par jp ilkocmm editor iropriotor at tn ran pans pttlq pveisbittg ffovss ken bsorlomeuiodisl chorea ira5fj aetmoul tram- tie fan fact trill ho sent to srabseriwrx pou pai4 for 1w per an- paper discontinued till all arrears an raid except vttht option of the publisher svvrsrraisd rixxs casual advertisc- meata cents per line for uio first inacr- xiou and 2 ccnu per line for eachsabsoj quent insertiotx- cast professional cards 101ineabrlesal4g0 per annum- isojiarc z2 lines 300 per annum payable in c rooatha from date of insertion- any special ftorico object of whiclr is to promote th pecuniary terjefit of- ail r individual or cempaay to be considered an advertise ment- the mtmher of lices reckoned by tho srce occupied measured by a scale of whd nonpareil j crriue ath- ons eolqtnaonerear 4 aialfeohimnene year- tiartereolamtteae year xjue column srtcaoniuk halfelcxmaitr months iaartereolaninslx aiontns j w column three months hut column ihreemoctht aarleccotaraa three months advertisement wlihoutsreejcc direction in be interred llllfurbld aarfchsrstd accord- snala transitory- iscrerilsemenu most be paid la advance chances for contract adve rtlccmectr most be la the bolee by a a m on if nnuvs other wise they will be kft over lilt the lottorlnr n p houre editor proprietor volume vl co- co tocn svftl jdfti 12 co 3jk1 tfo 0o we aast lave kread s r iwltntv poormid ay m bi e klloklin bakebs t c0afecii0xfis odaxeeilaixdilnistuicw actox bog to intimate that thoy are preparod to i i he town supply the village and surrounding country with a0t0n ont thtosday october 14 1880 r shop wocila niiraale to thfl ivople at aetna hat us hat purchfwtt the batcher builacfcclmoly carrfodoii by- mr a- co- and unit iia hits beef pork i mutton saosage poultry and gttmmu aeaasyn fec audiobytrle allhllon to banr to secure a fr slixre of ilia aronne of tjo 1 pnbile meat delivered at any lime lo auy thi8 papeh ajtl eaaaca arbe bffiri- jsc 1 t graduate of triniry codegcjfem- icr of college of physicians and gorgeous osee and residency at tlie lead of fred- ricitaaon- tt- iccgietdi jl d it a p s jy graduate of victoria coecje resi- deace corner of icill aid frsieriei strts ccnsrutation daily from s to 10 a- m and 4 tazni very best of bread nrvs cikes pastry axd 00npe0ti0nbry bbeau delivered while thanfcirlff hosc vao liavc fnvored us witli their patititiage in the past re olicit a conticaaiice of the tune mid will tcioome new casiomcrs tkuukcasa- acalsollcird uoroirs proapuy aclniod to wllluufarr survexqe joex davis eeq- nyca lard staxtevcr ovil ecfiinecr ni draagiitssfi of gaelph is prepared io alwadto ih kattct in ltn tnd vin- itt older k at j e ifcgarvirfc drti 6iote acloa vih bepractptir aitqtloci to rxlmlekced geistold teich- t acfsuo vbic bu and fikaaadtocal elottatnai- cii4 tech injf a tpediitr lcsaj f irenat the ru- idenc of pipils if preferrai teljcs j5x- er qcarter cf thirteen icsioas cse hf ld adracce address r crsise or ouxzscl d gciitcid acton oat ice cream pahlor and trill jlwupt be prtpired lo supply pare iccjcream kroit drinks fruit c ifte cream supplied bv the jtjirt if dkired a call olicitd nassa51weya ltjmbber shinglemills peter sayers would intimate that he ha on haad at hit mills in kajjsiwej a formerly fcnovn aaoarslllv mllu lumber lath and 8hinques if ifciea ere bluer aud fojta wr fewer and fever the fltorma oa laud and aea wore ahinvaummen perpetual comen what an utopia this would bo 5 4 if life were longer a nd faith were slrouger if pleaaure would bidefif caro wduld flee if each wore brother to ooe another what an arcadia ihit would be 1 awro qrtedlioluhed a nd gain demolished were slavery chained and freedom free if all earths itroablea collapsed like bubblea that u elysium tins would bef ex otalt klndc knd qqalutcs chcap jto sfiinffles 9150 per sanare blbl stuff cct t3 order tetkmscash peter stvejts a mirror i is nncu atasrpnrsdvj lareeetiieit- selvrs uhltcteo albert i wish yan would let me bavo seveutygvo ceula kale landman spote very eirefollr for she knaw that iior jad not much money to span- yet she spote a world of acton dec a t3 acton kay fth iso b e xickuv now- ready xsatted aajtmt 1st amsrioaa newspaper directorr 1880 tvclftfi annual volume oskthocsaxd axd ofit pageh price fire dollar tvtaisrbioqr how lost how restored i we liaterecertlrpnmjfljcdanew edition of or fblrnrclls ole hrafm euay tx tw- rudical and perinkiirnt cure kllhcut medi cine of kcrroodtbltlty jteiiul an i puyftc- a incartfcuy imrllinedtaoritarrtate etc- reaaltlna from ere asset when albert came to his slipper kal greeted him with a kisa and in a mo ment tho sunshine came back and had jtbe lesson endod tliere the husband might have fancied that he bed done nothing wrong and that the cloud bad been nothing bill the erhafhrtion of a domestic ferment for which no on was particularly responsible and might have banitbed theconfictionthat wo mens juhrani were a nuisance and a humbug as well as a frightful draft upon a hushaoota pocket after tea albeit did a fer cliorei around the house and then he lighted a cigar aud walked out he had gone but a short d lance when he met lvtzie in her right hand aha dragged aa old hoop trhich she had taken from a dilapidated hoar barrel wbilo with her left she was robbing her red swol len eyaf she wafl in deep grief and was aobbing painfully he slopped bis child and anted what was the matter she answered as well as her sobs i would let her thatf be alter girls had laughed at her and made fan of her old hoop ihsy had nice pretty hoops while here was ugly and homely ner niind said albert patting the little one upon the bead for tbe childs grief touched him perhaps well hare a new hoop some time i whbfeno 277 manner and from tbe fact that he feels it his duty to go hotue at this hour that be has a wifoand children i see by his face that he is kindhearted and generous and t should judgs that bo- means to dc as near right as he can rte has boon heated and pays one dollar and forty cents for the recreation some two hours duration if you observe you will see that he pays it freely and pockets the lossiwjih itynpy faculty but io nassagaweya exhibition on tuesday oct fith the annual agricultural abow df the ownaliipof kaasagaweya was held inlihc villntro of brookville tliealnjf waa relight fully fine and in tho foiirqa 11 wa lurry and bustle gettingtlie krltclea placed in position and miilii tlte jndgk ing was going bii a large iiuiamr f the residents of the toinjiimiiwdbloi on thegroqnd and by u rftijcv be place iresenteo a very jiiiimieil acftie the 4uora of the bu siurtiojwrediliosft thrw oolock when tliere nravit geiernl rush to nee who bad taken thapiizck the exiiibitim both in tl 1i outside won good and taken altogether fully equal to any previous abow ab usual for xaaaugaweya the iiliibit of batter was large snd of eiccllciit qual ity theshbw of ladies upttwas very good and as on former occaijom tilra abell succeeded in carrying off the mijjority of prizes mr w walaon president of the society made the sobbing had ceased as the child caught her fathers band eagerly not now lizzie not uow ill think i of it t d ifirriegax atroesnrat j this work iiihettcqgnized somocof in ormition on the stctistica of american vl l j the- hanis of aewriapctt advertiscre advertiaing aficnta editore rnlkiciasa and the dcnarfineru nf iciina and the dcpartmecuof jthe 1 l j the only recouizc authority siher perioiica j it p- the politics religion class or 2htraclristc quebec street qaeiph aiu umt irtoi dlr al5tni pes the daw cf estlu dayaadwmaaendto all cal r- e lest obtainable infnraati eoiua profession qraerslefcit 7fi rcnlfin r brae store will receive ptvt- termi moderate e flsrlfr atiar iron foamier st kacalnlsi -ccorgetok- machinery of every description made to order the ahorteit notice animas w he1isteeet icioensed anctianeer ssfe i vtethngton and haltcn timers left at the exxc porss grace acton or at my residence in eccfcirood aill be promptly attended to cenca reaaonahle it sives tlie days of issue it ive the tdtirs name- it pvc the publisher name it raves the ir of the piper it gives the eobscripjion price it rives the dam of cstaliiihacct aid e best obtainable information alolt 0e eirenlation and several valuable tables and clsicc-tions- t nnaahy and information rcoght dcti to the latest date bent to any iddits on receipt of the i price address eot rosvelitt co publishera fscrspaperadvcrtiiinf buican 10 bcrace st kew york earnestly and there entreaty in her look what do von want seventyfire e nti foe r asked albert i want to get soma braid or tny new drees i i thought yea had all the material on hand for that so i thought i had j but mremith aud mrs tharuprou both havs a trim ming of braid upon theirs and it looks very pretty it la very faaliionable and it certainly addj much to the beauty of thejdrega j plague lakethese womens fashions 1 saprke in a scale d envelopaonlyt ek i tour endless trimmings and thing-a- sobbinj again the child moved to- mjigi cow more tha th di is d to dragjing the om hoop after worth its nothing but shell ont at one of the stores albert landman met some of bis friends uunt have msny new dresses i do certainly try to be aa economical aa lean j it is a funny kind of economy at all eyenta but if yon muat have jti anrrpoaeywinrwal and albert landman jlook out hir wallet and counted out the seventyfive n ceiita but he gavo it grudgingly wid beallhr pretty game and the keej when be put the wallet back into his of the hll allowed no rouirh senflv a injile do yoa suppose it it ia the yonug mans homel suppose his wife hat come lo him this morning and asked 1iim for a dollar to spend lor some trifling thing some household ornaments or some bits of jewellery lo adorn her person and biippose his little child had put in a plea at forty cente toinv a paper and picture book with what do you think he would have answered i of fifty uen just like him would not forty and five have declared tliot they had not money to spare for any anch puiposfi 1 and moreover they would tuva said so feeling that they were telling die truth am i not right f upon my soul responded the man who understood billiards you speak to the point i knjw that young man who has paid bis bill and you have not mifjudged him in a single particular maynt i have one now jlr grant and what is has one leftoh such a pretty one 1 tneolbralad ftathor in tblsladmlrablo essay clearly demonstrates frvm ihiru- 1 years cueeeralol practice mat alarmlac enn- sequences may be radically cared wiiuotrt pie certain and eflvctua by a- every smterer no mailer hat blsfoondftlon may oe uisyeare himself the drerisnw orinternrmedietnfwwr roman of a the cseoitbe knife polnuntost a mode or new dress i r core ax once imp te certain rod eflvctua br every yoolh and every man in the land address the cnlverwell post flrartoorawstr hedfcal cava da ua b akkikc icampahy 8uxygs bisk consre or racs avn vtsrt sts neet i to i- op batbkts for dtpekhoxs xf-e- jnocaxt and propexly aecared in gan- asai the ttlid states and europe pa- 4erit guaranteed orno cklrge send for printed iaatructiona agency in operation tea reacs hekeroeifil ottars canada fyisltfyt aiginiseriqg solicitors of p- stgnta and draaghlmian srssr- bt ttvtjmikios hotel actok hobt als agnenr proprietor the new hotel is fiued qpa finta8 btyfe vdtb new fumr- tarc- commercial ttavella urill bud good aascomraddatfon and commodious sample i ejoiafipeaalaitentionpaidtothewafllfi d dextei mandcer athfi bested liquors and cigars sood stabl- j in and attentive hostlers siz wltafs i safest asd best security i proverbs c so one can lie tucwhfntlie stomach bloodllverandklineycaehealihyand ilori bltterf keep ibemeo tbe greduit donrthlnf innte aope- tirt nrenstheoer and eumllveoo earth aatbiaers it is imposible to remain lonctlpfcor oct nr tiealtht where flop hitters are why do ftop bitters care soraacar u caac iberrlve eod direton tjch bioodndhealwiyscifonofkliihrorsanc vnmullarwhatyoarmlliics or alt- mentis flop sitters wilt adoyoood nemcmbt iron bitters never does barm bntjrood always and conllnnally pnrirylhs brood cleanse the atrnaeh and sweeten die breath with hop bit- trs ftnlct nerves and balmy sleep in hop bitters noheauh wlta lnscllve liver and urinary crplfliwllbont hop bitters try hop roack core and palo reuefy for ale by afldrngclstaj game of hillo albeit whats up ifoteing in particular what do you say to hilliarda albert f good im in for that aodawsy -went- albert totbe billiard i hall where he had a glorious lime with hu friends us liked billiards it was more thappen to have a fact at band to illustrate your charge ue bars a club for aa excellent literary paper in onr village and last year that man was one of our subscribers thu year he frit obliged to ditcontinne it hu wife w very unions to take it or it had become a genial companion in leisure momenta but be ooold not ffrd it the cliibraoi was one dollar and fifty cents a year ay aadiolt goes said the other gentleman wall that mans wife may be wishing this very moment that she had her paper to read while be is paying al ita full price for yar fbrarhafl and yet how smilingly ia does it ah1 hose poor sympathizing niade ajfne exhibit being a collection of fuim pro duce the show o frvit good grain roots knd yeitotttblvs wefe yell iepicsented jlr r ciaine of ibis village bad on ekhibitiqn two very gne organs and a eewing machine jlr gnswod presided at the organ during the afternoon and the music atetned to make everybody presentfeel morelraely mr c w hill had four fcanies of rcellent photographs in the ball and they were admired by allprsannt on the gmunds outside the show rif liorsoe cattle and sheep was very fairlmt thai of pigs nd poultry did not oonie up to jotner eiliibitiotis in agricul tural implements here were only entries tut messrs t gdwdy 4 co gaelph and mr a- jjichcl of ktiatch- bull had a number of iuiplncntsoh eichibition and messri ilusllcril mc- kenzie of milton showed aesjoral very lino baggies end cuttera on the street was a- jarga crowd rf jieopie uhd a number of swindlers and blacklegs leaped a rich baryeat from the airuple by gambling and other tricki we thank beecretay apdothcia forlheir kindness the following is tiro prize ltst goesestbrcod puie 81 holme as hogan w etching ebisecalt i r 8torey w hasuild jxtfwj filly colt j hogari jl riolmes a hintori one year old fill- j hogan d scdtt j rtid gldiiig or entiie ono year oldvt wilaofi bowles two year old filly j sitclitng ix bcott j atkinson two year old gelding w elliott t wilson ti lo- taviah vdy or gelding ibrae years s old w elliott a bilrfiioreri i w tikkas brkckannet nelson cor jem oaxd bsrton cobt drkvak kq ltmiltoo c b ksow esq town tanater couon unix xw toko on boa etott 100 fisward i e offer the above reward to any m person who willfnrnish ria with sufficient evidence to convict the parties who are selling or offering to sell other oils under oar trade marie cat lorine we are sole manulacturers and proprietorsol the caatorine machine oils and every barrel is branded ci tonne toronto oil compaify i is sherbatrrne st toronro i s for sale by u t hfll acton amttofnj c kday from 0 1 msote efl laic etflhe bossdn fccwx nesxg t i i statiois tsdceaplaaazbn annonnctngto his anairy old friends and patrons that he has cently purchased and refitted the eoyal bnnaojp in the neatest arid most comfort able style is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him in the most eom- lotislerinsiuier choir wines liquors cigars a ooolsiiminer drinks alsrars in lock stable in- charge of an atteritff e lustier jsiepatrenajjetittnapnbee ia ra- soectfnlly sojicitedv nd no effort wfll b jpwed to ffte ihevery best attention ubavqabmb i am prepared to pay the highest caah preie- for hi3acalfslrrns deacons jjamb a sheep bairioliyenedat tannery r leath ctjprfsnflyoirumar albert college s belleyivle oxt gaxxxae scbqq reoecavrzeo affords excellent facultiea for err sxrans preparation imislf taw medicine or arts or h4 aminations stoauszsfs flourishing commercial ims 51 idra colloge fo isdiesl ir academy avera5t j president j e jiqces d d bellevnie ontario the caxadiay orth west a monthly joaraai devoted to the settlement anil development of aanttob soul the northwest published by james weidman selkirk afaxuuba canada evch ntrmberonbe canadian knrthwest will contain thlrtylwo pseesof very desir- able matter and wnl belsupd at the low ccuscrfptloa price of ono dollar e year in advane simple copies wilt besent on receipt of flf- leen cmta tnatam pa address- xames wetbitajf selalrlc auojlaot canada pocket he did it with an eraphaais which seemed la say thathe woald not take it out again for a week wher albert reached the outer dosr on his way to work he found the weather so threatening that he conclud ed to go back and get bis umbrella and upon reenteriug the silting room bo found hia wife in teara she tried to hide the fact that she bad been weeping but hd hid caught her in the act and asked what it mennt good gracious cried the husband i should like to know if you are cty- ing at what i said about the dress 1 1 was not crying at what you said albert replied kate tremulously but you wete so reluctant to grant me the favor i was thinking how hard i have to work- i am tied to the house bow many little things i have to per plex nw then to think pshaw f liat do youwant to be fooish for t j aud away started albert landman j per scuffs on bis premises they had played fonr games albert von two and hia opponent had bad won two thats two and two cried tom what do you say to playing piper them off albert f all right go in said albert full of animation jh puadrafpumwl pbupb w- e adaw of inperior wellaao cistern pnmps trhich trill be put hi on sioit jioticft repairing promptly -oone- yvraiture zna4e jind repaired ouafer tttrdp also fwiflea- and tjiveliimacall shop on pff opposite dr lowrya residenoe rr w e ailaim aftb coiosita wb jpruu ilsoo to loan on firstclfas larni aeearitv imwoable rate of interest applyto flip mooee fat pim office acfon- jobewboivb cden ers la prepared to do agfcindnof whitewash ivc coeobikc on the shortest nottre anclat reasonable rates j mtlearre yonr oboanawt che tjiee pbess mbce acton i j t- sciotunc cleaned een- grr i 70 wil seeson wanted an energetic honest man to open a branch psceof the new magnet telephone co in this and adjoining counties small caah capital reqnirod to such a man this is an eicellent opening formoney makinft busi- neas address with stamp o vt foster ik and 127 clark stchicagdm j qhakles cameros main st aotqn aejentforthe bell orean manufactured by if essra w bell 4 c gnel ph orders left at his residence will receive prompt at tention for particularssea adv on other side give him a trial chas cameaon dec 1079- 24jr 1 eex f smith aokhtrobthbltjabt reapeb4wovter- also nrstclaw general purrxwe plowscumai rbreshlne machines wlnnpsota cdlersind yibratorprlr tooth harrow cents ftsui ii c aiiz smith the second time but he whs not to escape so easily in the ball he was met by hia daughter lizzie a bright- eyed rosy cheeked girl of ten yearr 0 papa give me fifteen bents 0 1 want fifteen cants do please give it to oie what ia the world do yoa want with it are they changing sc rool books agaiuf no t want to buy a hoop ellen smith has got one and eo lias mary ruck and ssrah allen jl grant lias got some real pretty ones to sell cant i hare one 1 i nonsense if yoa wan t to gat a hoop go and get one off some old barrel i cant affold to be buying hoops for you to trundle about the street please pipa told you ths bright bine eyes filled with terns and the childs sobbing broke upon bis ear albert landman hurried from the house with- some very im- patient words npon hit lips this wajq the morning at noon when he came home to hijs dinnerthere was a doud over tb xhousehdld hia wife was sober aodjeven little lime usually gay and blithesome was sad ahdsilent but these tilings could not last long in that bousehosd for tbo hnaband and wife really loved each othejdeyontedlji and ircriatlieart kind and foi bearing and so tley played the fifth gkme and he who last was to pay for the fire games it waa an exciting contesl both made capital runs but in the end albert was beaten three points and with a little laugh he went up to eettle the bill fire games twenty cent a game just one dollar not much for luch sport and he paid out the money with a grace and never ono aeeminr to feel that he could not afford it have a- cigar f said turn yes they lighted their cigars and then i sauntered down the hall to watch others plj albert soon found himself seated over against a table at vrhicli some of hii friends were plaviog and clcue by stood two genthmen strangers to him one of whom was explaining to ths other the mysteries of the game it ia a healthy pastime said he who had been making the explsnntion and certainly it is one which has no evil tendency albert heard the remarks very plain ly and he had ft cariosity to hoar what the other who seemed unacquainted with billiards wonld say i cannot of course assert that any game which calls fur skill and judgment and which is free from the attendant enrae of gaming is of itself an evil remarked the second gentleman such things are only evil so far as they excite and stimulate men beyond the bounds of healthy recreation i that result can scarcely follow such a game said the first speaker butthe other shook hia bead yoa am wrong here the result can follow in two wayet first iteaa lead men away from their business it can lead men to spiod money who have not money us epend whenever i visit a place of this kind i am led to reflect upon a most efrange and promi- t broodmare t storev d jlctaviah wiyea how many clones often daken r aitidt horeq ij upon them from the brows of their r 4ikinar d jj- husbands when thoy k for trifling th storey a 311 how grudgtogly one year ld fily mo- taviah tbos bowles w e uarrieoi gelding or entire uie yearold w agnew h stingle trdyeal- oldfilly 1st aid 2nd tnot licker m millan- two year old geldjngi barbiree jf mcmiljtn p black filly or gelding three years oldj w watson general piirifiaejioilies jas hume thoa bowies r- bjack cir- riage horses l watson 3j simpson t barbaiee single bbrje irrlesa jaswatson d morrisohju wtbon siddle horse jos waiaou ji siiiitu d w agnew cattle durham cow wit regis lered pedigree r i w tlionijtaa watson jos wataon durhiimbidfkc thiee years old giving ijiirk fe w thomas j wflaon w hulmci pu ham heifer two years old wi wauqa- w watson durham neifer ono year old r i wthonioa r ij w thomas woi wataopj durhain heifer cjfof i 1se0 robt afkina win waison0 wilson bull calf of 1880 k w thomas jas watson e i wlhonihi one year old boll m waisou it b campbell j kitcliing- buirtwio years old r v thomas jojm atchesoc herd orbital cattle e ft wthomas bull any gwm wat son milch cow grade or common john ramsay j adxnirun jak wat son three year w lieifrc gbtbg milk g easterbroot t wilson jns adamsdn two year old theifer fi stranger g stranger ja wiitson sums of money and the jioney ia hauded over hen it is given what perfect floods of joy that dollar and forty cents might have poured upon the children of that un successful billiard player ah it is well for such wives and children that iher do not know where the money all goes they had finished at the nearest table the two gendemen moved on and albert landman arose from his seat and left the hoase never before had he such thoughts as now possessed himjlho had never dwelt apon the ami tronping of ideas that very motninr hia own true faithful loving wife hid been sad and hesriaiek because he had harshly and unkindly met her request for a small sam of money and his sweet lizzie had crept away to her home almost brokenhearted for the waut of a simple toy such as her males possessed and yet the sum of both their wants amounted to not so much aa he hid paid away that evening- for billiard playing albert landman wanted to be an honert inshand and father tind the lesson was not lost upon him on his way home he stopped at mr granta and purchased the boat and prettiest hoop to be found with drivingstick painted red white and bine and in the morning when ho beheld his clijms delight and bad received her giateftl happy kiss the question ciineto his mihdl the hoop cost thirty cents he could puy two gnmes ol billiards leas and be the absolute gainer of ten cents by the pleasant operation a few mornings after this as alport rose frorathe breakfast table be detect ed an uneasw wistful look upon his wifes face 1 1 kate what is it t albert could yeh spare me half a dollar this morning t out came the wallet and the money was handed ver with warm genial smile wbatlteart at thatl was it possible she had been bo little- nsed to bueh soeoeo on his part that bo simple an aot ofloving klndnesathns affected beet how many games of billiards would i m required to secure such satisfaction one year old heifer nent weakness bf humanity as develop- as albert landman carried wath him ed in our sex for instance observe that young man who is just settling 4ns bill ai the dealt he lootojilfea dieohahic andt slioiild say from his that morning to the ebcnil a very bimple lesson is it not 1 butj how miny may gain lasting profit by givint heed to the lesson i ex stranger wm holinee- heifer calf of 1888 jus wataon j adimson j adamson three year old steers n yoke n norrisb b wallitoeyl mc- laoghlin yoke of toer8t veiti old j adamson o sinipsbn- d 8torey working oxen ta yrike trios bell g bitupaon w iojjie fat beast g simpson jiilnorriah r sheepcotswbiis two years old and npwarilsjr aikins w wat sbrieam iamb jas wtaoul w tbomab wh burrowij pair ewes two years old and ujwuiil8 r aikins r j w thomas jaav watson pair aliearlinj aweaj rj at wvithbtthifii w h burrows ja watson pair ffe lambfi jlat mi snliiftvwi thomab j watson utlija f norrisli geo eastwbropk pqoujo lacestehs ramtwoyesuvold and apwarda sfimefnt ramroul irving ramlatpb bolt yiv

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