Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1880, p. 2

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tjcs33ffilb fe 1 r m irving n jtutiiali j wilkou pair ewes two yctis uu and ujjviiijr iv nmsh x kwriili j aiuntuio pairshcaiiiruj w p eiitaiurook k norrish tlios- wilson pair ewe lambs geo eiateruroek j aditnisou knoniivh j hom lare bretd boir pig sirquw iu isso j kilchiiig t wil t- wilson brocd aur x kortiah gkitchiug sow liin dtopued in 1830 jaa jfnxii bal irviug j kitchiai 8majl lltih batr gu jaa meson h btiugw boa- jug dionped iis0buljl akius x ficomih brood aowt hunter j xuth bow iig dccf iki in 18s0 cliis beid kuul akiiit jas jusoti poultbt fairtmkcrk woteuiou p gould ear geese w watson p gould pair ducks av logic rout irving piir fonis stnill liced j w eulecbccok s ftitharee pair fowls large breed ja mason p gould piir chickens jas hasan w elliott gainr two imslieh- while nil wheat a sicguibuit vt logii two bushels fall vseit any oilier kind x btoreji j watson to bushels spring whet g easterbcouk ji aduuisan two bushels barter j utpusdran w wsttoa two huuiels white oats j burns r irving two bushels black oata x xorrisiw b harrison half bushel flax iced w walton w husband iuduocom j mcplutlrau j meade exit amber sugar csue j slradet roots etc builelcirly kjcttoes g kiiciingr d uarrisoo bushel jolatoee iny other kind w lojie burns j a puaccck half dozen swedish torcips d ilctavish jas banisky w uarrisoo half dozen any other sort of furuiijs w e har riston jolinladsuitoa j if aimsou mangold wavtbtl j ilea j j locker field carrots j watson j w caster brook table carrots j xomsb j w ecsierbrdbt blood beets j anderson sbatbirte potato oqions w e harrison g stranger sj onions jsibamsij- j w etslerbrocik cabbages a ilcgibboa j ilatd cauliflowers a picket pumfjkink w kitcliinj r irrtnj sntsbrp jas watson scs himiir cttrons tmason w husband lcrr winkr apples a hinton dr winn fall pples w watson p goald atsortaientiof pis iv xorrisb w watson fallpaare n korrish j ilejid winter pears a mcgibbpn e aikeas grapes w piayrj ttrad elaitr ieodlc fresb butter j adanjson 0 brbaree w holotes j kitchinf firkin butter j mcpbed ran j kitcjin jus ramsay j xorruiii ifinse made cheese g kitchingjeetd jilffftt factory ciiecse d gillies honey in comb d kitcuicf jva- peicock honey itralijsd j a peacock jas storey tifitwtr woes gjruuxoa team barruss x hsslilkn dqicestia five yitrds fuiod cloth jas afideron fireyards suinal d gilliesw kitcbinf pair woolen blankets d gillies a licgibbon ladies depienrexr woolen socles q xorrish sirs a ilcgibuon mrs wavataon woolen mitts jlrs d ilorrisan mrs d gillies common mittc lira d ltorrioi his w watson coverlet ilrs a sicgibbon mrs p goaldj bitch quiit xlre a bell mis gemterbiook fine shu t mrs a bell ilrs r holmes log cabinquilt ilrs jas rjuisay lrs a bellh xfeedlewoik ilrs a bl crochbfc wort iir a bfll mrs w watson embroidery sirs li gillies braiding hrst bolfs iit bill ianoy knitting mrs j korrish jlre g ic watson berlin wool work mrs mcmillan mte fc ilosoa eag mat mrs g eisterbrook mrs g etching hair flowers mtsx mumil ian g l watson collection of ladies work mrs a bcil acbicoltueal ihplehextsnff ier w h burrows shod horse g- ranuhsw square uhingiesr black miscztlaseous collection of farm produce w watson horns made bread mrs d gillies 1 early honie made bread salt yeast mis d gillit mrs jasuqsatt selection of nalnral flowers j xorrisbyp gouw seed flowers g l watson cotlestion of window ilants x xorrieh bauqitet for table j mcphectran j xrruvi bouoeffor hand j mcphedran elhhta rostie frame tdstrang point lace miss mcmillan jarrjre- scrres j leichuiaa cushion win atcheson work box watcheson ills fses pusss acros tucnsuiv tier u 1ss0 till coal v fkavdj the rico of coal oil is a mailer of eueiid cjtuiuint among a urgccuis of th ppl it has f froi 23 to 40 conls par gallon tiie rvason coal oil is so high is thai the government issued regulalioualor the lradsruuiuglli lost for arusrican oil to 120 dcgirf ti4 object was to ensure thai the oil burned would be neifoclly safe hut liu cflvct has bn to cruilo icanadina luonopoly which ccatrolsall the crude petroleum iu the oil regions it is desiiablu that th quality of coal oil used should he- good huts combination qf monopolists should not ba pcnnitlcd to put up the price actoxs phospects everylhinj seems to iks favoring our villja at present aud the prospects point to ho circulation of conaidsrabla money irrouc midst during thccoming winter i acton has the reputation of being on of the best grain markets iu the country and is coisequeutly wdl patronized whichis i great beagt to the rihitga a few weeks since we iu- timated that a larre quantity ofnwood was wanted at lh g t r dekithere and now we are informed that 10000 railroad ties wilt ba purchased during the winter as cash is paid for this clssi of merchandise there is every prospect that money will ba plentiful here our business men should en- couratbuciness contracts of this natute is they always tend not only to benefit our farmer friends but alsoour villagu thaxksgitixg inr wednesday the jrdqf novdmur has tn appointed by the gorernoc- general to be obserred throagtiout the dominion is day of thanksgiving the pcpclamitionresds as follows whereas it has pleid almighty god in his great goodness to roushsafe unto our dominion of canada the blejsirga of a bountiful snd abundant harvest we therefore conriderim tiiat thesa blessings enjoyed by oar people throughout the ssid dominion do call for solemn and pabiic acknowi edgment have thought fit hy and with the adviot of our privy council fjt ctnada to siioint wednesday the third day of xovember next as a general thanksgiving to almighty god for tlebouniful hirrest ith wkich canada has fceen blessed this year and we do inviu ourloving subjects thtough- out ctnadsf to observe the faid day as a day of rencral thanktgiving tae biudclpehcedkecise the disagreement of the jury in the case of carroll leaves ths niattst legally just exactly where it stood prior to the bejinning of the trial so fsriui the eal aspect of the case is concerned the trial just closed is ss if it hsd never occurred ta comment therefore on the evidence is as obviously improper now si st any previous stage of the proceedings rigbtmindsd and law- abidiug citisans cannoc desire other than that the jury who shallfinally sit upon the case shall well and truly try to make a true deliveriuce according to the oath that shall be adaiiuisered to them in a matter- which involves takidg one view the order and weh being of society or taking the other the lives of savers persons charged with a foul crime it is the duty of the good citizen to rofrain from seeking to prejudice the case in any direction barhock blood bitters cures all diseases of the blood liver and kidneys remsle oomplalntajnervoaraud general debility and buutfa up tlie tire if stem when broken doira by disease by the tioie the biddulph trials have been eoncloded there wdl be a pretty urge hill to be paid by the country theooatof be trial to the crown o far has been about 85000 the witnesses fees alone reehedsli230 col oaiii london adtariter tfia btdculph murder trial the jnrr discharged closed until efkenq assizes the biddulph murder trial opened atlondoti on monday before his lordship jutice armour the call ing of the jury excited the deepest uiteiest one by one thny were chal lenged and left the box and it was to he seen that those who were ssked to stand aside were infinitely more pleased than those- against whom the connfel raised no objection after three quarters of an hour was spent in this way the trial of james carroll on he charge of murdering judith dounelly was proceeded with and occupied the attention of the court for over a week uf unremitting to0 the jiiost im portant point was tue evidence of the boy johnny oconnor who told the sqma story as at the inqnest the drift of the defence was to prove an alibi on behalf of carroll and his fellow- prisoners and to discredit the state ments of johnny oconnor and wui 00 a l oil donnelly after the evidence had beu concluded pti saturday th jiidgn nddrossed the jury who retired sod wew locked up uutil 1030 p iu when thtjr wpcrfed ihnillwy could not agree a verdict the judge again ad dressed thvui utid said in a case this kind nimioruul whwe the soitiit to be no chance ofconiiciiiitious coming to u unanimous decision i hav uo disiro by keeping you luugcr to coerco you to such coticluaion you are therefore dicharged the iioi of tlie jury was seven for acquittal four for oouyietion and oneuudeclded tiie cine is uow in the suuie potitiou as before the trial aud uollucg further will he done uutil thtf spring aisiics ia conyersatioa after the trial s juryman was hoard to observe that he pciboimlly thought carroll was guilty hut did niit lilf to vote for a verdict on tha boys evidsucc ho alio thought that some members of the jury wcrv uj to loto fr an acquittut bwise of the very strong charg which the judge delivsred and which ihosa faroraue to the prisuneia considered unfair and beyond hia province a shameful procccdure in dmedin village xottawasaga owoship a kjor and aged widow named mrs houeywell was recently called upon to perfjtiu two days statute lalcr sle had not the means to hire any one ta tako her place so the patbmaster insisted that feeble and iufinu as she was she must undertaki- tlie work herself aud allotted her task on tin highway she actualk ierfornied the work alouo oneday vvlcli a kind neighbor hiuiaelf far ad- vauctd iu years toot pity an her and hcljfcd her to complete it tuo widows son and grandchildren are teiideuta of the village and made no attempt to relieve her that bust be a ban i community to lire in burdock blood bitters cures icrofult erysipelas salt rheum pitea and alt humors of the blood cures dyipepara liver complaint hillouineis conitips- tion dropsy kidney complaints bead ache nervousness female xeafcnus and generaldebilitf the greatest bleaatni a ftmpte pare hanica reutpdr that carta evcrj- time and prvveau iea br teepipj the bleed pure aioraacli- recatar tliueiauflrfiaetivcltnsrrilloifu- loc ever etuircrrcd uim raaa luikuttax u kiat ratafjv and iu proprietors itt btoc btefd br ujotnandc tin have bit tavl acd enrol 111 11 vtttl ran xt u sta otuor coiainn dngerj beware aa you value your lire beware ot opiate in diirrbtsx mix- turea they quell pain but oheckinf too suddenly the results is ii fumma tion dr rotri eilraet of wild aialw i berry plant and other hesling vegetable is natures own curd for ill forbi of bowel complaint bl0oxrrrin0rr mskh2 i8s0 hiving been acquainted with perry davis painkiller or many yeir and baring sold it several years pact f da not hesitate to say that i believe it to be a valuable family medicine its ex tensive sale in all parts of the world it a sufficient proof of its value used in teraally and externally it is avaluable remedy for the various pains that flh is heir to levi vakxev sb see advertisement hi another column auction gaxa bagigter ytedxcsdit oct 13 auction sale of vale able household furniture ia the vil iage of kockwood the property of ilr george haih bale to commence at 2 oclock vi hcmstrcct auctioneer feidit oct 15 auction talc of thorough bred farm stock on lot 2 ccm l erin belooing to sfessnr r a kennedy sale to commence at 12 oclock w ecmstrcet auctioneer sioxdit oct 18 auction sale of farm stock the property of mr wj 5forion lot 16 con i kcssigaweya solo at i oclock e chapman auctioneer wrsxzsbix oct 20 clearing credit sale of thoroughbred cattle aad ehccpacd firstclass horses and implements be- longing to c s smith on tlie property adjoining the g t vt station ai 12 oclock w hecistrctt auctioneer tutsdtt oct 2g auction sale of farm stock and implements belonging to c j 51 cdonald lot 23 con 2 esquesing sale to commence at 12 oclock e chapman auctioneer erparties getting bills printed at this office receive a notice similar to abovefitee or cuxbge auction bills printed in the best and most attractive manner and as cheap as any other office in the vicinity tek clidlc fteicrrriin eoctwood on tha 1 2th inst the wife of mr john wright baker of twins aom starket in milton on the 3rd irut the wife of ilr t j starret proprietor of the halton vr of a daughter actov hsttklts vlhite wheat 0 98 to 100 treidwell od 1 00 to i 02 spring wheat glargcw old 1 00 to i 05 bedchafr 1 00 to i 00 oats 0 28 to 0 30 eeas 0 58 to 0 62 barley 0 58 to 0 85 egg per dor 0 10 to 0 ii butter dairy packed 0 17 to i 19 batter rolls 0 20 tq 0 20 potatoes new per bag 0 40 to 0 45 glelpu habkets flour 1 2 75fojt00 white whest- 1- 0 90 to 1 05 ireadwiil 1 0 90 to 1 05 springwhest qlasgow 0 95 te 1 05 bed chaff 0 50 to 0 95 oats 0 28 to 0 30 peas 0 50 to 0 65 barley 0 55 to 0 62 eggs perjor 0 14 to 0 15 butter dairy packed 0 16 to 0 22 battr rolls 0 18 to0 21 potatoes new por bash 0 40 to 0 45 just received a new goods new goods bbaswtt bai jot sictrf ib a ta cock of tsw fall goods comprisixo- french merjnos uaahmeres lustres colored and plain winceys gents underclothing ladies iundervests berlin and fingering wools colored stocking goods and i a liajtoe a8clttliekt or- pa not go 09s all of which ha will loll cheap for casa ortrsja b hasiett hats and caps a cojirlete assohtmext of fall and wintkk mats axd caps at the eastendclo i hingstore a lot of boys scotch caps r the tnuo roa fiix ttm tjnderclotsing and s2tittbd goods lh gjteat viribir axd vebt cntaf at j fyfes visitors to guelph ladees from tir icrroaadinf toirm tad riluget uid oantry gtaenliy ruitiag li ue ul nre oaroutl lr to v l4i lo vtiu tjo fishios tha only tiptop thorovkrhly liodiee hotwe ia tlie citv kn tactt rioula think otvlallins fluelnh wtttont ealllns npon ua wa ihav lh hane- iorntatuctomcwanotbopitisblreiable fuocsuth voolo trade and la4 ha fasalons orihe jj in every panicular i our display next week will be truly maenlflcent- any hiu 03 lue itroot will djrt auanj to o ir esubllahroent i su 87 uppek wvhdijaji st auixpa a 0 bucham faitiuiiulk wul eitdprrsi ilualie and millinery ettalluhmciil gtuljih i 4ttrf xnwrol no risk thnuu edeetrit oil u 11orta ta tiau ia iririf kt in ooli da fn taow anylluj cful fitai u it lime ytu did pain cannot stay where it is ried it is the cheapest medicine ever made tine dose cures common iart throat oue bottle has cured bronchftiv fifty cents wortu bas cured at 01 i standing to eight spplieations cure any case of exconsted kipples orlnfliraed breast one bottle hasmutcd lame back of eight years standing daniel piankof brook deld tioga countr pa says i went thirty tnitea lor a bottle of jour oil which auected a wonderful cure of a crookou limh br sir spplicitions another who has had aitbraa for yean sirs i have half a bottle lelt and 8100 would not buy it if i could et no morej kufus koomson of nunda n xj writes one small bottle ol jont eclectrid oil restored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in five years rev j ifallory o wyoming n y writes your jkclectria oil cursd me of bron chitis in one week it it composed of sir of the best oils that are known it is as good for in terns as for e iternal ureand is believed to be immeasurably superior to anyihiug ever made wtllsave yon much sufler- iag arid many dollsrs ol expense beware of imilatioos ask for dr thomas eclectric oil fee that the signsfure of s n trjojf u is on the wrapper and lhe of nojthrop a lyman are blown in the bottle and tixk xa otasa sid bi- all mekiclne dealers price 25 cts ktlrturop t lyitak toronto ont proprietors for the dominion korkicfcri selected and electrised plasteuxsg uaie plaatarine hair for sale at the aotoa tannery- charles kees tctocxd a som of rronay on main 8l between agnews hotel anl speirhts blacksmith shop theowsar can have the lama by prorinff property and paying cxiwnaea edw matthews archibald biddeli i gebeetwit it for sewini uacuine atfd general repairs try thegoorgetowa xovelty works ascs eiddell 22tf main ru georgetown cheep asteay came on the premises lot 2 con i erin about the lat ofjdne a ewe and twolamba owner will prove propertyipay expenses snd take them away robt kexnedy i p woeiiek rraottcal huedxssara is prepared to esecote anything in his line in the best possible manner snd in the latest style monthly customers t special rates a call is lobcited j p woedek weavikc the undersigned art prspsred to weave carpets and fpoleirclqtbs in the best muj- uer snd at reasonable prices carpets a paeialty aplyatlot 25 con 2 eaqoes- ln j elliott 450 13 choice pieces of sheet music aggregate vanem50 foil aire beat quality yooal and instnimcntal sent post paid for 25c address at once to j c 8hatttjor 153t owe mich u8a dr haydocks vitalized buohu tl eilrmnrdioarr efltct at tfalf boebti u ttt pared by dr uajdock a pup um cidoeyr od crioary orfmni is vlttaoat parallel in the butor or indletd and it resnlufar bod ao of ihkldny rnm dle otthacuy u umtxlau dntioo arld cat o tl tm inrlconum utedetftuudandlilda ubieforuiecurf ofdiabeimlatuworufonn ua trial of a ieaoo in a inrtfjiof fwhr disorder of the kidneya inalldia4nfftetlrtrtliofn whelber ttiry cerct loo mucb r uo utile atr ol wtetoertk7b afflicted with ttneorcrarel orvttt ch ana pato willed in ihe iolci over tbe rioat of tb kldotj haydocks vitalized buchu will fflnarmottltntnedlau relief then hi aher mean ha falim thfliooirotrfal exmintf micln lar ib cureorrrnkla trtn- puiqia klrtrcan exjerlidre lnconttbsr prtite ujli remedy on rt vailed for thf- djnrdr lacldental to the female x ko family cbould b wit boa i l and it may bo taken by you of or old u it will restore health vbea every other meo pruve qiuaceufut to uie iowiarb we trace dyirepita lied- iche and federal debility to he iher bme ja and lea ardjeltow ltor to tht boweic diarrhoea jienleryeonilrtlnt 1tana tiiinia totbe larp txuampioo eta to the bliitw 4tofou acurvy and nt cotaneoni ruplioot bjr keeping theteorjnmod vliai fltjd pur and bealtny we may tarelydeiy th attack of dueaio and no mdicui y pre pared far tali rarposo caa equal the action of haydook8 yitalilzed buohu i graddemoinsxemiof magnlflcerifc daily gaslight illumination and ex hibition of new millinery mantles and fancy goods at our show rooms wo talte ipecial pleasnre in informing the ladies of acton and rletnltr that commeocing on thursday sept- 30th at 2 pm continuing on friday oct 1st and closing at 10 oclock on setotrtaj night oct snd we iiarjxae preheating m exhibitioa at once uniqu novel tail brilliant 1 w shall make pur magnificent and nneqaalltd display of original pari and london paftarn millinery plumes flowere ornaments fancy goods mantles dolmans o under a j ri daily caslicht illuminatiq oar spaclons show booms will be specially arrbdred aad decotv ated so as jo exclade all ilst from wllhoat and scores of stasveu will pour lorth a flood of brilliancy that will rival the celebrated electric light e x in tiew rfihe extent and notehy of our display ice shall have an immense throng of visitors especially on the latter dayphen our friends from the country trill be more fully present and itbe- thtreforf urge retpectfitly upon tlie ladies who can ho so to favor us- with their presence during t fie ea her part of our ex hibition and escape tlie crowd that will be sure to takf place- on saturday s 1 l this will beat the grandest display or hllhnery erer aadeb finelpbr and worthy of the atteudauce of every lady that caake present all are welcome j d williamson so co guelp m to tbub ptmiiia a w oreem v wocurepeettnir can your altentlpn to his lare and welt aelectaatockcrf teas sugars general grooeriesg which for caaliiy end pries cannot oe eqraljeti in acton come direct to the 5 cheap cash storev and be cmvlneed ihat y peronl inspection he leadt in the way in seluur rjodi at lba cuexpest pkicea iixjak what a said itbaa made me a new man or haydocka flncfca baa lncnased my weight nneen pounds l wlf would not be without ufor any money oar lull boy u roach beiiar i neioa one dollar for anotnor bottle- iflndu u eaay to take aa mtlk we have told thirteen biule tbii week aad thai want three dozen trext order my moroluc 4onyl pone tbanki toyour buchu want of ipace compeli me to eonclude any nralld or infferer aillltted with any ktdneydliorder whowltl wrie meailnilulr complain be treated humanly and kind ly it u my most earnest detlre to inteatl- ftflajtforrof diabetee and cita r lief at all tfmee it yon are tno poor 10 purr base vrlu me any wy and joor out will hate inuneolate kiteoilon oaution obserre tbatthe clfnatare of jocuaydock li across the month 01 each botili price one dollar fur irce and aftvr cent for trial iles jos haydocr m d m rlatt ktsccr new terk n otioe notice iijlarsby riven that as too reqnir- d nomber of votsra names bar been ob tained or petitions in favor of tha canada temperance act of 1878 in the county of haltoo province of ontario i and that said petitions vill ba fild in the sherirta office in the town of milton in the county of haltou on the elaraoth day of october in the yaar of oaf lord one thomsnd eight hundred and eighty m c c auk ron hilton sept 20th 1880 secretary niewagepaimixg having opened a paint shop ia che pren- iteslately occupied by mr james mclam next door to nictlina bakery i sin pre pared to do carriage painting snd aign writing of avtry rlesoriptiod and would re- speotf ally solicit the patronage of the people of acton and yicinity james scott h r oegana newopqan fbom a nrstelass canadian mabfr for sale suitable far the home sundayschool or small church we will sell the above very low for cash for full narticnlaas apply to hp mooee fan pbiss omcs acton feb 11 1880 ijcrge ptopk of coal oil at j b this large stock of groceries just to hand has been purchased for cash end ate allji- paesh nev goods oome to the stokeap 0a3h stored for bargains 5fe x is the weekly globe foe 1881 i of ti 11111 the largest i i j the cheapest tiie bestl h i mi humus licaitctoimjiii imim a mfowmm mi amps a w fill dkimdlbbdwm mrarffleatili ucoeooiuaui tflmsainfe tcntf m eiobj miu flu lntklatt one dollae containing b6 columns of reading matter ud admtttodly the beet authority in aetieultaral and commercial circles throughout thft dor itt enormous dronlatlon dlstxitratedvmula in ail parta of the country renders it the best adverusliut medium for toachlng the intellcfnt maaaes qtezywhere j increased speed in publication t remember that all snbseriptions enttnbe tweentbis date and 1st januar tstfl uue lhoanb6rtber to isoolvethk gia tram date otaabscrlpuontobatoj deoembee ifsj jus fjtjk3 uiarmttr tat mim at j h ii fi st single sscjiliptiplv jtwo potau3e- orders and remlttancee to be addreesed ijt the qloe printina co toeplrpv isurhwaataahtevarr uravwatsl dsttrlet h ila ts elan ta pe4a exadfqi voso wj ml thl mcparyins drug store acoii clif

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