Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1880, p. 4

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u m 111 m i i j r amjhbi afrfip t jkrs of pint boy will boys ot muscle liraiu nut rtosrer fit to cone with aiulluiirk- theare wiatd every hour hemakalwu jrouei it nit tcouslwvinuil- 1 kot tbe catchword c t aint but tbe noble out itl tryry do whaucr yon have to do jwilh a true andaiijeil teil ptodyotmiinrerltv tat but i rokyoursliouldvr to the diccl jo it with an houeat itt to xitittr ia e fcrtwyjuolrfer wui late iihwj4jeiitv tccaii it emcd u thoogh 1 u sure of it im use dost unlucky boy in the world and i at waysjraabrcrauicelcajiromciiiucr jiiees flimondgrayrot uie dacc jmt es hedue leverylniuc he isnt any utler kiwiic than i in bat haafcayc gather crl ahead this was ssid in c lone oc raiujcd im- foineetl sanuuerit cjiracuy at hie toother ttwmliwu sadly dmnixjinted her face nlaiuljfrtrcsled- jfilr bcraia buaun omnooi gray iota die counting uav fuatad oc ybri ins had a reason fiv it if yog fad as wo as yoasowpbuo yon da there it a reason- for it responded mrs civu ie thats the tray yot aluaya talk mother 1 t- seems as though yoa blame me for every ithiiajthajhtsjeii xoi dont pyaouf loreyoo too well kow gkitry tucjc jistjgyi retie- r ong to an ttnkefcy faoiily ie tayt fcef al ways had had luck and i suppoe mast oar uncle his aide us own luck my hon he hxibocu hisosj eueray id kind heirted and grueroas but be is aritto wiwhjtaapiutavoiajl orfaue for hoor and tobacco nd tiiat is the iccrct of hifftf loos r t s lyj ajitioiriiihaujlit w loced ow jack exclaimed xed tronlcr i do love lict hut tnow hit faelut if yoo woajij ti rjthy ceiie the place in fcetnntuxro3m to otmnud gr instead of yog tbjlh l wosmtcu yon iirsbiiw aunfrfied at receinaj a alifarasea croieyvuditiumare nr- prised whei he wat respectfully ashtd the reason for hi prtfereuc in the ilectin of ahoy i knor it is a strange question or me to fldjhurtl i vlu inarcr it wit the reply until within x fortailt z inecdet to pre tlf puoe to yaa x fcce v2 rcre a k chour and qoi-accoaaub- bat i ur ton drint a filjrt of uf r xai ace diy i u v paffinc jefgxr thxt wix the wiy yodr uacu jk tc25 idttdffdifirt yoc w4 v- c thxnejott jor trllipg me this mr bciic if ypti cxr gi- tn wit timl of a- choc to work 111 du the best i can cud lhhevn diea olfatfcw htlp nox laid mr bni bat j yoa tern your bct on these bad hiiritt i hxr a cseodjirho ctmld nuke ae ufiyouc cric if oa will nuke tiioa tataxlle- 0oartioftaixiorbc posttiottrtijkino motefboat lack i fas bant g06vx teepabmbb nr let the wealthjr aud vreat attjll an ardendor and aut i 1 envy item not i deelats it i cat my own lamb jjy chickebaiwd ham 1 iliear my own fleece and i wear it i i hayo uh i hue bowen jjiavo fields i havo flowcrt the lark ia any nionibjj alarm o jolly imyi mow uorea luccttito the plow longlifemdgoodluck to the faraier j kjtp t ht mmts iim- datlc etaujei art an akwniaation and liouldiot co tolorated tbtrn la iio neiljvtorfiu oooilurt eiuierln tislqr roratuunirr to jceara enodrli lijht aji6rtaifia ire aclnrged tha fxipil of tua efa ta by tainy kppt in dark awe bo lias a harneai pal on hiai andauddenlr brought out iuto tlio unjitglhriiig aunligbt whicli coii- traota b piipil so suddenly u lo cause etroui ptin by ixnevcriaia thir rerjfltllriiil juiudicioui aa well as crttel inftice tha oervjasof tha eye oecome luipafird and if c0qtiaue4 long ehoitfcb lou of ainht will cruue tu rm hi rery painful it is to faco a iingbt isfjiii afttr baricf ba ia tbe dark tuku ft raiic some nigtt for a short liiue till tiisleye beoamts accm toaicd to tba darfcnus tbeji drop suddenly ituaianifi ejlligbtoi rootn nfid you veil be 6crciy able to sec for a fev mooieala uium 6uddtn ligiit vottknow haw fateful it iiio youriwlq tljeu irbylhare your horses repeatedly to bear eutb cmnecessary pajo t a riiok tttble uiinratinblr a daaip one kfld suclt 6tbles re ure not jet ttilliac to put either a ralaabla srorkirg or djiiina horse in- g ire goad rmliu- tion u tba sunshine and lbs air lava cbatjoe toetret an entrance andtonr aikuea ih beparirand tiior bealtby jnc if yoa take laina to exclude ill em ud tb good ioilcienae tie iararably oring elth them fall goods at great rup i lmm th omdom tmporuuona ol now ju for tbli twaou eiubll ibnwt aro larjw thuq edr the tiujuua depirlmmu are noir belu ua hi with ljinc4ml4liii nl theatelablon that we to hmoim fqrei uver joo000 yard e wllsmyi direct front b ajjaau- riiolutij andjfjtioh wire bougiil ut winter wbeo they re t f w prloea- uiils ju fciooulonort a rare blianoo to buy their wloeryi lutir 10 pernloleiuior than tboy could be told for if they hadbeen oousnt this fall iiioeia irom 5 to 20o the new wool praia herges the camel ualr twi qohdathfl iweed dtoia oooda tha satin dqabeii clolbi w indlaliolgcs thefrcnoh iopllnancxiracbeplot the oojoraid fwnoii tuhmeaa and the handsome trimming brocades re all in the crr neffett oolorinp and atvjnimenae atock m sejeflt fiota tho importauoni 01 blllc hamilton seiitltstl 1830 prlnjei olrnpa trlmmlbga omameni and woi krhifrtkatrlow aeti tin all i lift tboiabna torfltlldj ooraeu in all atae otomi cosibokpmrt in all aiaea wj t2 black stlfc trimming brooade an a phw jot ard ar mjr 24 jp- itoblprthnltteaan anteolored hatlna mjm thjfa for a lotof canton flannel left orerrom laat jemoa um mm kafliorrjottoo full yard wide rery beary at me cotomern gtv aj most eiarjtninf at the kiaut uoeu u cheap and ia many oaea obir ihanwaewhere j cualxoiao3ulnztuutnfrbathonlu thomas c watkins sustitjdtbsr v 1 r the while arfcantlmieil agihut a custom wttdi h ctow qnite common of late ameracertajnelass cf mcdicne dealere and which is lhi when asked far a iwtfle ri 1alallllrt ther rohdenly discover ihet iheynre nildiont but have imniher article lut as f mter which ihr will sunplv at the tarae n ice thcohect of this dfeertlo isltaiwnsrcnl thwe suiulrs are mnde nn 1 sell r he rrol rrranstinn of inlnklllrri ami lieing ctnirm i ihe rlest cheaneqdrngi lire timelit 1r the dealer al about hlf vthl hliiil fr ihe fenuioe talnkihfri whch crbl lira intffnrc in rultt s fnr cenls trwe ivrift tvr b i uiv iwiitation rtrl tkin he can rn te pnuine foa cttolxra vorbvs ctlamrs ao au summer or bowel complaints perry dayis painkiller j if ckitwsvllia it cuitcs almost wstavtlv lj ui4 pj ctou ropanairtiyt urge bouiat un tiwrtnrt cfactpol bold by all ucolouif dtalebth br fowlers extract cojjecftax dsmases anexcjapp telk sorrthatpy hemaelrtf against fraudulent dealers 1 tsbtznlfc nmbrejl trom i merdbajt iodpfinicdy chrairimdmlirjj ihcnexf day being pny tji ntel ws pat to use anl tee fflk tore in six pieces daring its first hours contsctsviththe rain th parcbsier of coarse demand- edla hew- one 1 1 t t c ts ambrellaff however wer made toscllj not to usu a the dealer amiled poiitajvni observed thai pur- j chasers sist ilo be- carefuf srhea making elections the- yijang msn toot home the uin brelk ads oited on it jnjarge le uirssl thb h now ix cubjuxti tots ttmht whiclt ttjj ift s 8bop thteiusir he thavfattd nuin towalkto and fio before c t store tor a whole dar and carr3fbtimibriiia this annssal form of advertisement natarallinicated c- and jcoald not hare been without a deterring eflect upon ktactmotoerev- be bent for r iffiii pollm nd nkkislflieni tbtrfest the i miuibttbey5jciarirtbifv j aee nothing criuiinal intusbauecon- datt aodjisfustd tit jnarci him oc to jtearly the next todrnfagthtfjimpur ferabla umbrella carrier appeared again and kept nntinel duty ia front of flh i store tlilswaakejit np for tgarlyawtekj at tb eposjllii period- theebop- tepr bawtbaemustglyeway and fling the ma2healadvhidjto go to n master sjaofeioylhat every thing asoald be aeus aicordine to bis when the bold inventor of the mmjifttered the ahop the dealer cfierea hima sound silk umbrella in exchange fottbe sickly one 2te jiielbes refured to gettle un leas c aboald pay the nan oho carri the ombre for a weeks work aclioa or lime oa he soil lime as it cbuiet frtjn- tha kiln is knon as exut tic or quick lima the utt uring rrpthed tlie carbonic svead ia of- the carbonatd of lime or lime stoae ului exiosure to the air and moisture tniscituilicluuealisbrlu watr isud xrlquic acid gas and again ns turns to the carlouate during this rerertiau it dircompose regulable miller and sets the elements of plant food fiee it ie ia this power to prepare food for the grownj crop from the rcgetabla rps in lhfi oil that the h yaln of lime resides the greater the par cent of the time that is in the canatie state the more taluabla it ia for this work l lime carl be appliod after burning tha better couldnt tate ft ote tha doctor- was at a neighboring nlhige utajjjtoastio jlhav hevcoald remove from any borce ringbones sparinsand everything of that nature in short ha could take off everything nature had not placed upon the horse jjvbaveja horse inthfitablo aaid our friend and ha has something upon him i hire been trying to remove for six months past without success and if you will tmbveie twill give l lcanidoitjealdlhedoctor and if ifaiii show me the aniaial jhe tsroitartet followed by a crowd rfwitsexrsjctingati explosion the doctor jwas shown a horse worth 350 wtthoat a blemish lie examined the hoofvhead anateverjy part of him and rhinrng himself ap- to his full height very confidently declared nothing ails that horse that i can see ksoaaid the wag- bat 50a al lowed hat yon could take anyiing off offalmthas nature did notpat there jtebv saidthe doctor 5 lean or i wiuforfeit 20 8hbr the da- fect jy ijeroitvsaiihe foker its a chattel mortgage for 1 1 50 the doctor could not take this off and was of coarse sold i cures diarrheoariv summer complaints sold by all druggists dealers esf i rjjwmji fa i tv aws d etcmtatal ateaaiwer r nteaaiaxa nr noanric bies an pntrrt u ntniw w brtajiiakusuudiraklllitlwjavaaiaaauaal rmmueaasapistsae sep a lady visited kewtorkcity and aavr on the sidewalk a ragged cold and iongry little girl gaiing wiatfally at siiiie cakes in a shop window bho stopped and taking the iittlo one by the handled her into the store though ihe was aware that bread would be bettor fortho cold child than cake yet desiring to gratify the shivering and f irlora one she booght and gavl her the cake she wanted fcjhe then took her to another place where the pro- ourd her a shawl and other articles of oomfort the grateful little creature looked thebenovorent lady ful in tlfil face andwith artless simplicity asked arttyoirgodswifer did the most eloquent spyaker ever employwordi to better advantage t in finishing up the cultivation of fields leave the land ae level as possible yoa will ever after be glad that you hayedonesdi this will faciliate the catherine of crops and will always look better to utj l o t blir1- -fob- zettlos ik and granite oji agjr77is bat in flu marled at ha vflls mill street acton srgw qf fee ljimp groceries if yoo want a rood and cheap article la tcug s7oa japa black 01 qua- sotddt teasii sugars syrups spices and tobaccos of u kinds feesh ayd sweet hlkdwiee of all hndi paints and 6 115 1 hinges and locks nails gla83 t putty 8alt bt4the barrel au cheap for gash j qo to- o t hills j mill street aoton it is a of the loa of tbetjrlparrorgvilriiallooot the keck of the bladder biirnfngurioe qleet gonorrhea in alf its stages un- cons plsoharcea congestion of the kid marafbrfctdastwfoaii dlabotm lo niamnanoc oltheklddey and elfflder nrocar of bdneys ada drfne bloody patata the kmon cf the bladder bacs prlnarr calonlnsi eteliuoo jtarel m all lu forma lubtutr to retain the wa ter particularly in persona advanced in life n is a firoire luvssna atoe tha jhtores tbeurtae to uanatsral kfejeibovefuie acid aid tantlnk and bi sectof tbaeaseeatra nseof jutoxl- aslngidrint i c pnrretii erilxbotttmrorio csrfindtorclrccuar sold br all drosslsla w johnston co i hhhbstbtmo ontaeio nts for tht v- b and canada a tjamttistisnmp 0 to the guelph plotii hall ttod me tb finest dipuy in the city o clidjcs c0tch tweeds sc oveecoatings where yoa will get a good fit every time salte ent according tothe latest lon don or ne york styles shaw mrton mebcbant tailors our agent may be found at the ifn tiaii house palmerston every monday and saturday until further notice or ders entrusted 10 him will repeiye our ajbaaa bestatwcuon- l v u-i- j subscribe for the acton free press tli largest and host complete factory in tio dominion 140x100 highest honora ever awarded to any maker intna ttorlcl tgmrdal andldiploma at centennial tstkledal and diplrma at sydny australia btqold medal at provincial exhibition toronto ft liigliett axrard at industrial exhibition toronto 1870 1877 1878 1879 we are now manufacturing square and upright pianos best in the market correspondence solicited sand for riluatrated catalotrae mailed free address doniimonorgan piano gomkantr bdwmanvnjjb oxtabio itew auttima and fall goods wm stewart co take pleasure in proclaiming to their customers and the public that they bar in stock the grandest exhibition ol hew isilkt satins velveteens dresa goods berges costume tlotbs mantles dolmans laoe goods fringes olovea hosiery and trimmings we assj special attention to onr drees goods we holdan immense stock of new fabrics and trimmings to match we claim to have the cheapest and brightest wick cashmeres in the city ladies call and see the goods we only stato the truth we also affirm our blsck velveteens cannot be surpaased for beauty of finish and loness of price black satin skirls cheap while quilts rrom t125 tablelinens nap kins and sheetings cheap our flannels cottona denims ricks ao hare been selected with care from the heal factories so that fully 100 cenis worth will be had for 1 our winceys surpass in value former seasons our 10c i2jo and 15c qualities art grand 500 pieoes of new prinu really ery choice lo select from no trouble to show goods obligiog and courteous salesmen wk stewart co gtjeijps furniture a good assortment of first class furni ture of every descrip tion constantly on hand prices as low asguelpb er george- town john speight undertakino cuj soucrrm every description bcoffin caskeu and all foneral re quiaiteaalvayi kept in atawk a hand- come- hkjjtas iur niahed at a low rate ctohiit speight wiiilow st15ebtrictoh the aoton free press best local paper ia haiton ci for the neate8t and m08t dobabk ladies and genjribembn3 boots shoes made to okdebib to w willikms orwsrie iiiracanabi i qlotbv wowt j odok stct 1iii f autkeialtkttriyummi tutttuudtiiuaif jilways os uasd ttosssfixs irass w loufos txtaotdn u jstafcsta a aoorf tutk ossrk jsaiaa cieajtf oo ia aiip sis tot twuw ivsptembertauijlct flour fee stose i i i lawson bros woamrrvpeeitujrlnibrm tbe peopb aelnu nd tlciblt7rtttwy haopeo- c ml lo tbe vrriru oppofcii dr mck atrvds rldac f- flour and fffo sto i- and will keep eonitnl lyoobandaf 3 fullatuekof l 139 ftocb tf all lihd8 inetodiag family flour buckwheat flour 3 orahwjicssr heals com ileal oat ileal cracked wheat braol i- i cokim kbottav tmesberte j mixed chops be oaundpeaa 1 and all kind of feed mnafr- kept in a nrsuclasa store i rljetnfupe at ipii as unurnu x ga call- is rektfuuji ujiieim uwmm broftf aelon jan islssoa lj- jt lt7ert tya mill street rrfjwk is wharevyou can get- firstclass eu atbea80wablehate8 cjopd onimercial an speea delivery wagon will a each eipreee train and deliver goodsa any part of the lown ahpartleludebted u tiltri tf blitbment are reueeted to payi without farther delay and save eoai ed mat thews r pyourie 8ewinc ftjachlhes bfstij 1 kt 1 sl tti prit mxtmomwi ta prepaml to ean on parsons s ju hthu rswim hactaue r tie has aqknc1e8 xl astat snannlaetorera ta thee addressed totlm to 1 terms very kaaoiia iiljiui f5ltnpt attejujrf

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