ctitsfe fw m iw i l i win jwuwl 7 i i jim k i i w f aabh i riiiijtejafcfc x r ii 1 i m i ii th lpausb of he ffltftntg albswwi fwllrv iwupoe whajo i jtoboliol panther diaron snail crocodile monkey lhalo ere dromedary leopard mjtdtufuc bear elephant imtwr pelican ot fliajtyuh itciuloer anadotvla fotj watutacbr lldlduti afiolope qimjso fianiuiiietiitdi weasel pickets jdoqae- ibex ithiuooeros oal btaaaroe v fc yucttl phluratij cockatoo klboabcr jwevk atful jixrd ichucumuo hoiwvw list mo4kingbird cawcl urasslioigr moose igktmcajc sfmer cfctllttish invuse v ijtsvieaoaw-vvoliwrimalkr- v perisjiiilile ermincj katydid llswk quad uiiipopnumqa armadillo moli jutubsoak tjioo tyoodpcckcr slolli 3uiuatodcriiouiuach angle worto dog tijet fjaiujego swrpioii frsft 1 hntww qstflchitatilas mole viper oonii uaiilisk sale vvhiitwkjrill fever centipede tarn xaulfco canity fouiwog wau yeilovrbanautir ejcle ityeua lark cbra chiiucicou bilfcrtyeliatk hh ii i x o fir j it i oul- had capital jf t on- hail capital we heard a young mans- aa he pusedewayat a teacent cir i woaid do ometldti icxoii bsd capital said another aa he waited away from a dratu ihon where li had jest paid leu cenu tar a drink i kvmld pj into ituctw the same remark nriqiit hare been heard from the yiaii man oaiui on the street corner v nun with thcciir you arc smoking amy yuar cafiital iou from the dranvshep at drinking away youre and de stroying your iiody at the tame time and yoa ciktathfitrcttcofufraiykafjiflvowa ia idlftuf aad c m teg lad halita va 4in make year kirk i yoa with bat yoa most jlop tpeajtufc voar money for hat yon jint ud adjuandtruij yaar mmt in idldccas the two frieadsc lo tht deaths of afortt there lired lo foiea wiia had air had a croaa irotd with each other ou of thcoz aaid oae day in th eulitcst fax hibpiae t l 1 jy tell mid ticother asyoapfeiw dear cricad bat hoff shall are set altfmt it v oh item not he difficalt foxkottt tfr one ttfiiejged people tall odtwhy ehoold not re sa they tried au torta of irajatjat it ctmld cottc doce because each one urcujd jire aay t last kaaher pua fetched trcnoct w joa say theyre yirf and iii say theyre mine aiid lies w fcui oarrel acd tight and seraph- iioa- ill begin those ta stjaea are mine v very weti aoatcred the other yoa re welcome to thecal batve ahall tif w aairel it tbu rate cried tie otter jenpiac cp aid liciiicg hia face ym ocl siajpletin diat yoa tutw that it tafcea two to iaite a qsanrl any day f so they gate it ap asa had johaxni never tried to play at tiiic silly pacse aaia- i oflea thias of this lahlethea fael more incliaad to he aoifcy thasrsrvoec- xe4di and he rfffl i i ail amonit te pailr i l rrj tiji who woaldn i im t cmpiuuiik in a hollow tree j rlatiiu uats slid whoat add truck andbjf with thistle down all for your bed qaijvdjpraporlv aad iota at foraw to luais atccan ft ixyua kolh haie to ho a chip muok the 1 u rather far bo me ii tlit irnwr mas xot mad ahout uiljurim aud came atoni with his shootiu gai my hhing piac ireiee i and uoir mo all4v linlo btti uie i iuqs ttoct efff grs tlva bi ivajr to hrciik tvcai of fr- csitia is vo tuvjjt ihoir njckn nd- restocicjllli hotjic quired tin lnbit fowls lliat wc rt ia egg etliiig irst lick tin iiell will their bill if it w v uiia tliclt i few atrofcts will break it tud the rest ia ac miyjaiv if howeyor tha ahell i thick oat uuy generally fail to break it wild llioir bcatq they ibtyt begin scralch m tho neat and wiib their feci iliror the egy against ths bard aide of tho bpt until it uomkei firs- of all ruaka liena ly bardsbolled engsreo hard that thejr cannot be readily broken by a hens bill tbia can be done by tstdiug freely vritu slacked lime ground or brokon boiim oyursliels et to prerent breaking again jib fidet of the box tb nost bliauji be high aud jined upon the aides riiii uabion filcd with hajbrodteraoft roillrialitlittr only cbacco then ia hat tkej- may tlror two egga foroiblynpupiateacb other to jirevcnyhii uke the nt ejij away and gather the egg- several times a day it is good jan to leave a few cbini eggs near the post fori thetti to work at which will make their bills bo tnrsj that luey will strike the tie i eggtjwith less foai i- a preacher ia euglaad waa dace talfcioc shoctthehpithen and tetlijihow maris they oeeded bihlca to teach theea of jeans id the eongreaalloii was a bright little boy who becank itteasely interested he wan d to hep to bay biuea for the heithen- but he and his mother tcre poorand be wia pmzled torox hex lo niaeitacq ficajiyiliehitnpotaplla the people o eaclatid used rithtii or doorstones for pojishinc their hearths or scoarin their wooiea floors these stones arc lata of marble or freei tone begged from the itone- catteri the fittfc boy bad afatrdrite ttoakey turned teddfe he thought it wosld be m to hare ketldie help ia the beneroleat work whs haraesaed lim apaadreat aroandcalfiag- c want any door atonerf- ttfi 1 f i y mljifttr trra ni then ha went to the miaiatera and sald fr please sir scad this money to the neathes batmy dear little fellowi mast have a name to acknowledge it the lad hesitated m if he did not ander- stand yoa mast tee me yoar aaate replied the minister that we may know who gare tfae moaey on well sir please pat it down to jkeddie and fce that will do wont it sirf great mmam am m hc thi immobse nijporuuona of new god tor iua funottt eitabauhmeit ate laucj- kiaa wcj iho rsrjaii departmml am now btdnf flllett up with lhonekeauiel jns and the latest fashions that sum to ba had in the foreign warkits i or ioo000 yard or wlno dlreot from the swr fuctuctrs aiidwhiaii were bouhl last srinttr when ihejr ws i t 7 iw tirioesr 4tii irili give customers a ram clisneo to hay their wluori fully 10 pc cam al than thoy could be tow for if thr hktl own bought thll winoeji rom 5 to 20o tho new wool dteassergm thatamel hafrrfejsnoousc ilw leed dress uooditiie sail duobmclotha tha india htluoa thaftenoh foiilins an ximcuep lot the slorl r rnt oslinwrs and tha hsndsotne ivunniini brocades are all in ta wjr newest color injw uid jmltumensfl sk to selcol fiou the imporuuoui ttl mk lti iramillon sept wth 1880 fall goods at the ww m frbjaes olmps trimmings ornaments isod wostl friaiw ire abotrt twtflsj as lute u last season and ibe prket are lower new kreos woven cor- seta to all sbtee tbomsm01wafilttvoottinsulls cmipue oon twsk usntu lo altslssm ttie fcsua oorssrt rtsoo l mluu fesi the bias stlk trimming brooadei n a ipceiel lot and are tally 2 pis- cent obeaper than last season black end colored hatlweheaper tnao erer a tot of canton flannele left orar from but aesuoo at old striate faaioryoottoni full yardtrlde erjr baary at 10a cautomeraoan fat at moat eerr tijng at the baoar uocu ss cheap and in many tawee obaajter ibanaliewbersi cnuatjiot 30 it st utamtematnturvuao9nu thomas c watkihs subs01t0rtesr t ay the public are camicsiecfatitnat si castosa which js prorng quite ffflsmnn of lale smong s certalnclstt rf medicne cealers and which is lhlsi when sskeil for o bntile cf rnlnklller they suddenly discover lhat som oat btit hsveanother articleiwtas pvtl f not bilt which thry will rewjrsuhesaga pice te olfecl of this deeersionls ttsbsnarent these anlinlet err twnd ppio rj w ihr crenrrertiiatlof fre pnlnklllert sodtili crl f iherlev u are htictt itth dralr st stt uthmtfirihcniine pnlnkhir wheh ermet 1 jm rvc 1 rslie a few certs mot wl t 1 tl uin the jtvutlun srli-l- lsn he ran nlhe pnnine toa cholera siorbvscrajirs r xjcu alx burer or bowel pmplmkts i perry dy1s painkiller it ffvcqistuvn it cvhzs almosv ixsvastvt if 7 w a rtpca3irly lirt faokja u uacitfrrt djejw sold by ml mediothi dtaleuuv rfowlers words of mi4dorn the covonit man makea ttro cenfi of one and a liberal nian makea shil ling of it kb principle is more nobler as here ia none mere hqjr than that of a true obedience the faith wbicu looks forward is far richer than lbs eximience that looks backward it ia good in afeyer aci much batter tn anger to have the tongue kept clean and- aujootjj j i j will petitioni that da motro the heart fif the gupplfant iuota the heart of qinnfpotencer tljere are few oecaaione when cere- monrmay uotbeeisilydispenced with kindiew never tratk is alirafys present it only riehrto lift the ifpn lids i of the minds v -i- eye to read its oraclee afjjood constitniioiiis like a money boxifull vslhe i never known nntittt baa beh bioken taking a hinny that iot not belong to one reuiovej the barrier between in tegrity and rascality the raven in like the slanderer sees ing carron to feed upon and delighted when a feaat ii joun r 1 homilfty is the dbfistfons greater honor anj tbo lifjlermen fcuniotb furljief ihefare f ibbi heeveor iiofobj jicjcic pruninc frait and vntamcutal j trees v w read a gjraidealsibgilvhe proper time for pruning trees and epecilfy the ipple tree sortie prefer fall tome midwinter siine early spring bst scarcely any one recommends b very beat time incur bttroilevopiliionfe mid6toimer doubtlefia some cid fogies will open thit eyes and hld up their hands at each an ianovaiiun and denoance it at n absurdity but we think wo will be suauinod by majority n the lire men of the day if ws desire ui improve the form of a fruit tree and get ridpfsonief th sopetfluous sroodt we shoajdrune in winter but if wc desire fruit and a perfectly beaded bq top we should prone from the 15th of june to lb 20th of 5uly we rsf tfonolus often with the happiest resultk tu- fruit buds form after this and the oper ation in aoddeuly cnttiug off ila growth produces buds while th winter or early ispriiig ptunjg williroduie cjily ood in pruning oroamenui frees in mid summer the bark instead of receding from the stamp grows over it and in a few years srill completely foorer t siidniike perfeet amputitine we have nouced thst upon our own prem ises at well as upon those of others nuny times tjprumflgis done- wliari xiw tree is uklnf its nlctaummer siesta anovliieawakeflartyetrwbcd fqr another start and the bark gradually steals over the stump as if ashamed of tbe shabbylooking exposure when the tree is in full leaf and pre sents its full form to us we can sea ex actly whom the pruning should be done in order that whilathe overgrowth may- tie removed the sytoinstryof tha treaj may be preserved espccklly is midsummer pruning to be prefened first to produce buds on fruifebearing trees as before stated and second ogtjact o wmi cures diarrhecav summer complaints sold by all druggists dealers n nnxatra sraaa nwn b 4 u wr ecmtsua ttamti af rrtntseratsmsxarai ismnss 1st ratlldstw or malta n msxats m doiemc btca an mtwt ra ernrrolar briakiieu east tfarasviiiiy isssr kase m aattal rrttw u cwass r sartaia star i o t bcill fob whan larje limbs are to be rumored a j i see bat burs cockles etc r are cut down in fields where the sheep run daring this season tbe quality of their fleeces will btimuck detonated if full of this foreign matter a little care id tbia particular will be money in hand next spring extravagance there iitipthlng praisewortf at ap t extravagance the man who takes care of his earnings fslarjmdre respected than he who squanders all so with the young lady although she may spend her last dollar in tbe purchase of a new dress or costly gbswl and follow the whims of fashion ii closely as does the fashionable younglady ineocisty who has thousands at tier own disposal she cannot even make peopltvliptyeve she is richer than she really i and is more likely to incur suspioionand keep away such men aa make good husbands from her society than if she liwdvprudenfly and dressed plainly ha said a little boy looking np from aa illustrated paper i wish i wis a ittlaffoutbjafriean boy wjvfi qeorgiel asked biamolherr why causa their mothers dont wear slip uert be feelingly epjiedzv yj settles ik brasand ifiiottf ikok wkflssb sttiie bal in tie jiarfct at ha vijlks- wlltreeti actok 1 is strictrr jetniatto and caj ot lrt up fiiort dejlcate constitution i t is cno cf tbe best idhn la use jorccatlsgthsianrcls itvrchraroiti draasuia bieatwto oatne battteor this modldne from their druuct mar send us one dollar and wo wldileuwfi louwmfroeotanjrcaarnot tmam tj6utasuima jhhzastbdga ontabio vei saletovictob i ja ifooarrln ifst ccaiici bicis groceries ix yoa want a food an4 eheap aructa la touur stiob rota tnut ox qua- perdu tb s ii euuars syrnpb spicea and tobaccos of all kinds fbesa aad stfcet hajkdwarms of all kindt paints and oils hlnges and locks nails glass 4 putty cash 8alt brxthe barrel all cheap for qo ta- c t hills mill street aofcon 0 to tbe- guelph cloth hall and im tbe flnh ditpuy in th city of choice scotch tweeds ftoyehooatinos where you will get a good fit every time bafts ont locording to the latest lon donfke york styles shawkukton merchant tailors our agent may be found at the kan sien house pajmeratod every monday and saturday until further notice or ders entrusted to him will receive our best attention subscribe for the acton free press the largest and most complete paotoiy ttie jdomijumrd40xloo- highest honors ever awarded to any ilaker in the worla gufdal andldifjoma at centennial 1876 g medal and diploma at sydney australia 1877 htqold medal at provincial exhibition toronto 1878 highest award ail idiut rial exhibition toronto 1878 we are now manufacturing square and tjpright pianos best in the market correspondence solicited bead for niotttrated oattslotrda mailed free address dr haydoc vrrisidt 7 0mu towluimastaaaslsit tvram intftjr use blswrr r umleiaa aasf lu ssmttlwaai boyon any clsrktdnsyraamsuaaoilbe stay it sttraulaiee silamuon adds tea fotkwtn tens i nvltorum tbe tvwnutftaaulaasl jim lot the cure cwabetelolukirailarat oo trial of a usvspoonfol in awlilaiaic vsttr will eonvtnea tbemiatsi4leal stltk inlromlootolwsotjbunnuw j diaofder otihp sit aaray lamllasaaasajssasnanstaliaaieotj ssa tbe aacrlsif loo nsooa it too utks wmumrlber be affllouirwilb ivs g orw1tnaebaodjwdstultaiua oi hi rations ofibasuslbajla vita2i wm s suitvmssiskliai musoakaa osar msasuttsttitttlss4rjrbsr axlstlng medietas lor htam oti plaints plftrrean export too i wrototblsroaoodyunrftauar iisefalsaul to tbo jaaalf i should b wlthoot it jsd it may k laimbr yoanc or om aa it wiu rssior healtb wasa rsryoswr meant prove ooaooeomlrfi p v the ttosaaeb w trace djwpalab sobe and feoaral deblllly lo lb liver fil jaandlea and ttow lavs t lo ibe bowel ctlarrbooa dysodtoreomilpatloo llsa flatolai lo ta langa eansomptietiretas- ibe wood sjirofnu seorvy anctall eotanas eruption bjr koeput ibmeoibbdvlsals bold pa- afld twalljy w stay saltlassr tb attacks ir isaa and oo aaadlclat prtparea tortblapurpomcuiaxiosaoat or haydooies vrtajj b chu i hzab what rs aans it baa made mo a new asaa dr rardoevt boehn has lueresuod sinf wtlthinneen poonda lij wire would not bo without it for aar money j i w oar llltl boy is mneti betur tneloa one dollar for anoiner bop lo iflndlluejjlotakamllk wo bar adte milrvwilo bttles tbuiws aad shall wknt ibroo doseu next onhr j my motbldsafonylsfosuiatutslojiasw boeha- 1 want ol spaa eomptbt mo to ssspehsdc 1 any liralld or ateotrar ffueltd wtth ear kidney disorder who will viiteme to ibotr ram plaint iill bo tnatou ttamxtiuanduaav ly hffmjrmoit oaraest drslre tojavswfr tokluorissofdlabotm and lv reluf at ail tffnes it yoa ar0topoortopfirrbaae write ms any wiondrctar eaao wlutusrs- immeultte attention j oaundn obaarre that tbo slj paluro of joa haidoek isacroastbo moctholaacu botlla prleooha dollar sor argoi and nllwooata tor trial alacs i l putt tsshv lew ton sale 13pmlgm dominion orga piano company 0wiiatvl ontario mill reet aotoji ivl jou can getj gi4 fast new autiurizl and fall goods wm stewart co take pleasure in proclaiming to their customers and the pouio that they hst in stock lb grandest exhibition ot new bilks satms velveteens cress goods bergea costume tlolba if an ties dolmans laee qoods fringes olovta hosiery and trimmings we ask special attention to our dress qoodi we hold an immense stock ofnew fabric and trimmings lo match we claim to have the cheapest and brightest jlltck cashmeres in tha city ladies call and see the goods we only state the truth we also affirm our black velveteens cannot b surpassed for beauty of fcaljand lo prioo black btin skiru cheap white quilu rrom g 1 25 table linens nap kins and sheetings cheap our flannels cottons denims ticks to have been seleetad with care from the beat factories so that fully 100 cents worth will be bad lorjl our winceys surpaaa in value former seasons our 10c 12jc and 15c qualities are grand 6xm pieces of now printa really very ehoicetoaelect from no trouble to show goods obliging and courteous salesmen m stewart tsb go grtji33 furniture a good assortment of first clsss furnl- tnra of every descrip tion constantly on band prices aa low aa gualph er george town john 8peiqht tilfi undertak1no every description of coffins caskeu and all funeral ra- quiaites always kept in stack a band- aome atimi fur nuthed at a low rata i call soucnxd itiraoju john si3igrc i willow steb bt acton the acton free press best local paper in halton co ati 8maburat qood commercial i an exima delivery wsujoti will meet each express train and deurergocxlaw ady part of ihelown s all parties indebted tojtusi tauiahmenl are reitiested id payunp without further delay and saecoatap ed mattlie- proprietot org 8ewinc machines robt craine is prepared to can oh person i ollbor sewing hacblnes or tte has agencies i btu t il best maoufactnrers in tb eonntn win tuaraatee aallsfacuon 1 1 purdm- terms very reasonable onli ra leftl jf raaldeoc or addroasd tnhlm- oactqaf will receive prompt attention bcbalilgiiii canada reoam orcsuo- mum ub- plfisi mr the neatest and most dbabie ladies and qkntlemtns n boots shoes 1 c 1 wlfilims jpfltjtjlbfw olotb linutt- loam bahkimc cflil 81tish bane ooaim ox jaitis aits yuca a bis fm omt xttttmlt pal chi poaltl of 91 ul4 tiptutu batsst and best ssoovnrm board oifmhwcintis waxmutassqostlobn waldls csof ji v boasacaob m lx hamlttoa hdohmmsaat eaqaamllton 4r tanscaa bisrctiausjneo jj ool joan lsiro bartoa robt dtnrvahq hamulon k bk0nitbt0tisiejq oakvllle ws fsscsusajb jaju 0rtetowb rfp h iil4 0- b- wow bach itaaar roottonwi pandas- j ifeaey to lorn pa seal am u iwr o oseo what 4ka ajstofllco open overj isas-dacjc- amtospi j i- jk-abxtbit- ajwllaosi 17 imsmm