Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1880, p. 2

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zs m 1 sfc llifcli ttltss l ik81 thkacwu im vn will l luniidiol t fc3 nlscrlltrisfmn tha prccnl time ini0c4stt iiumv fortlqo- two rkhitln tot livlhiif fiulscribe fl ue ul iccnro the inu benefit ot iiis liberal offer axy prckiil ralcriktfo tubarin fau irrussciidinr u a new kubscrtbor with the thoncy 1 00 t a above will have his own subscript ion advanced three mouths for two sufcstfribers re mouths ind so on tlirtcjticoths tor etch lie tnicrxor 5vitii tiic liberal olfcr piveii citoyc to new svksiribcniil will be very ecy to m ucuuilks our rkiill fllkctikri could pyup their ovvu tuljcriplicns by this lutlhod lud tvtflhc wuuexinio ill- create our rrexriit libl cur fod his worthy trir givv u a lift sjd help vurehxlt the rrjuc lime smui act k coming u lip liulpvalioil them i no donbi abmti it but that it in llic best prohibitory act in an cuim- uy- it works like n cutu imd when it mssij na it will in county fey county iivit llm province it wilj then l minn that it in belter than if lltrurhad been ephetxl act of lroliibilian llumil- w inkier jcjzvt fkse sess acrox turisnvv oct cs ibsj jiit u ikt edttortiil votes steps ik treinj ukca to ltfct tile ott act m itie counties of lincoln sud wrl nd great feai-sirc- eiiteitniiitd of it am j ine turtig die comittg 4iilcr among the ruisiin jw-asiuitiy- a convention of lenjwntnc men wits held nt woodstock last l1s to cihsidet the ttdviratfihlt u mibnuttiti tic rjcoft act in qjiforj 7 a comitvcitivcnuon rns iicm ut st thccas cu ttininuy it liith it vrs dcmtd to snhtuit thy scit act to the jrctrccc the euuuy of kiijt litnhtn sinrt toljjuiutfirorit- ili iho jiiijlo of totljud gant crowds restuhe cvety dny to gee hm roa- kt putney hi in ccod hchn umr ivrr tiling in- chcatc slii contest ulvffn h fat and toys ii y drtiukcncu th low o jjitimii aniuwily by the sttuidny night lid sundity dtuukca nk of jior 0kjlive and trdcuncn of disvicutclasic owing to their in- nhility to work nnon flio ilcndiy bhc- cc4itig their dehmclj ia tyckoucd at many milliocn of pmnda guilinjr ind we nrc infoimwl tlix tlio loss to cnutida rom the imjc cduee is njso cuannous tradttuirn in litis city ukvo often to iifoiui tlcir curfuimrs llut cecuiti joik ctnuul bo pciformed until iifler a certntn liuto and pnqniry ovokm the information that mgtt of the l handfe aillo cbrit on uttmtlkjr owing o iidikitian from ttie iievioiu ditys diaftkition and that oonuqitcallr the work canuot he letfutmed when iciil tha goot time coma when govern ments will hjj able to t lint for the- little money they receive for thsttf of liquor licences qi etenlually lost many timrs th amount not only iti lies to tho iiilie tresiut generally but in it depletion for the cttjiort of ktorhmiaos and gaols sloirfrcxl it oar strtctf and sidewalks nothing indicate theetatui of a toscn cr villuga better tkatrtttc ccn o is repoitd eltrcur eijeaxits and public building no matter bow cue the cburchex schools or irivute icelt- incitt ugsmty bfl unless chm roviayi and the anicricaa bible societv have i alleys and good nd well kpt wnlke juit bcomiej it foi cylinder pleii khich will print n whole bible every luinut qsmitts tliinj very tieourainp far coloaul il ingerjoll the iufidtl vciit nun ciii talk fist encub to counter twlxncc t preis that will turn out ovirljooj biulutvcrv tatntv-foui- cell it ft pad catta cil it inijt- nation cjiit imbecility or what you rtvili he praclco- etiil coatinuts of pciple lending their names for bnytness puqiosfs to frirnds or ruero acquaint accef tue rnihsrassaieni or ruin of mwe csumtto rwaiilcrceiitsfraaitla wtetcbed praclic- we havo jus hctdcfavtrvrvspcableorcerand thlre ate few tmprovetcenta real titate agtft in the township of at uldjbe nadc conrativiy luthetykhosc ecddtxuiente for frirnds and fences are ptescot even tiocasial observer much more the cnbuirinj and ejricnced taiud concludes that the lustle niid etir of biutuew improve ineiituiid plenty are not there when- commercial activity reijn s ku- hcblcd pnuic spirit quick to oucrve whit it is that attracts taught by cr pvrieneo the bencct and even econqniy of repilatinj municipal matter 10 a ihorougb realaui entrgetic and taste ful intuner is found ajo white ac is perhaps as ell aapplted in numbci of walks and hkf her itroct as well craded gravelhi and drained is moet otberc and better than the majurilvi pave brought him i monda ruuijbl him iiiti anctnr financial trouble winter awtseraeiit nfsily every viiite of coy ireten elons has its niuici asfociatiun or at least a driaiilic deijitiag or rtiding cufi to furnib niuenint luring th- mwjmni lintketa uf pruviaiona which thoy gave tutu ilia clmrgo of miwrtuw who piepaied i liiost neoeptoble rpiuf victouit lindg will jong remember hio kelt in for tha worthy nitnucr in which be hut discharged hii dulica in conncc in itt the we and by jiia removul the lodgo wiu lone a gqod nd faithful inciiber v conintend him o cur acluu fiieudn clttfes sea nnxawrawoja new roiaour pica comtiwidviit the tuiniji frop which la it good ptle ii no- being taken in tat now storm of laat friday cuuel hofarnicu to net to work and put tieiu under covor a man living not a iqo mijes from here lias disappeared iiu keia temperance houso at faltauyille sir fraiur the liccuke instiector keut to pity him a visit and lieu he arrived it was found that tha bird had flown- we regret to lava to clirouicln the death of mr diid keudersou an old and rtlpectsd resident of kasaagnweya who died on lb 20th iuat at the limn of his death lie was an elder of the fiesliytcrian church i leares a wife- and grown up family th following officers were elected last friday creumg for proakct div s of t for the present quarter j logie w p l mainw a k simiison ks e taylot a- rs m jumillan t a flvtchtr chap w pickett con a gillie a con j ibcauhan i s jls stiller 0 s on wtdncfday evening last the cituvnaot ilrookvilla ud vitmily wnx faored with it rich inleilectuil treat being lh lecture of prof foster nf new brunswick or the scaa act the lull win well filled and all itresexa nunifeated great istereit in the lecture the prof nnke altfiul- uro htiiia and presented to hearers dainiinpalith cd fads and poweiful argunifiila which carried much weight and diiptned many of the pnjuuictt which wei pteviuuiy held acaiuat tht scott act at ttii close ot the iccturs i hearty vote of thanks was lendeind in the speaker zopesa froia crzil i raw ecoie mt caiuja idratnlu rttfallve acflnf a a wonder upon k ml it vine trenjhiarlnnf ia tn ttjetuve apparctn of tiw human horn cieocretlir and iqcrtaatacuictemc u u itroocli- aaitvbnuoua an carruc uflall iqrptla bile laat up tec uver sve tnand dlfetion anciareeij health aiueljipeptlc avdiiie cilllout afc b jicirrtn fora tfrti ecu saicple ijcujc and ctt zoerst new ejciiajuj large lutbtouacd uottici75 ottiwa ost ifirctt 19 18s0 vijitf perry daru t st k laareaee jfjrrro we take pteastik- fn adding oaf feitl- icmalt etpenst and which would i 1 mony to the popularity and efficacy or bniled with satisfaction by manyjt our that old timehonored rerccdr ierry idaria fiin kilter we haye ln uellinp it for more than fifteen yean and my weather on some of our notwithstanding the fact hat the xr krt bis become flooded with ltaiuitioni eitiietis in rs sreetisre obserred unsightly pools cf stagnant water this msnifosts s defect in diainaga and should receive immediate attention there sis also la ixrjf niiiuw of broken or rotten j plarfehnn the variout tidewalks which fall end winter ovfnink rtid it iiks 1 should b replaced before the winter reii rereaualv provedlhat nur village seifon epls in altlungh nearly ap he streets in the village which rfqu any of tho cbove named sucifties what cbitacle is ilcre- in tha way to prevent the organization of a toiely which can rroluce instructive and amusing entertainment to relieve the long fall nd winter evenings of monotouons dnllneis who will take fhe initiative i jxpiajv s11i5iee we hear a good deal cf the inditn summer but it is rxrely we get a chance of seeing if it a fpel of fine weather comes along this time of he yearjtis itnniediately pounced upon ind christened thn indian snrcmer as if fjno ivesthej- is not due in ostobcr as jftll- a anf other- fiioath the indian summer abont which posts rare as well at 4 good many who are not poets is go 6hyand sensitive that it kill not be induced to visit places vvhera cmiinliou lias changfiths face pf nature i yon want therefore to enjoy he dtlicioua werther you must go to the plains where it lores to linger iv or six weeks at a btrufpli sidewalks are supplied still sidewalks on willow street from mill to agnes on bawer avenue from john street to wilberandon elgin street front jlill to agnes slteet are very cecetsaryas these ttretts are almost impassable ia wet weather the present council have lately began the good tforfc of repairing old sidewalks and building new ones and we trust thjt ihey will not con clude their operations for the present rear until sidewalks re laid en the above etreats and all repairs are com pleted au over the liavice of ontario we hear the jwarcry of prohibiiion it iss really suriiriflg a see the general ntoreraept iwinguiaa to submit the i5cott act jn hamilipn wentworth haltonst catharines dncoln wei jand middwc jfovfollc kenfciiot- hanijoiford elgir spd iiurq the cheering news comes rlmt they are agi fatipg for the gott act what is wapfc- t js hackhope and perwveranc on he partpf the femperance nien i1ey are getting pnew inrpiratian as tbfi cpal ott hats and caps a0pmpjet absprtmbnt of fall and w1ntb8 bats and eastaijnpclothingtore i k lot of botb q0tch caps it qwat yirn 4jn vt cnur at jyfe8 a crowded store 0i -the- fabhtoxablewestend polfo the trad- dress department rtohing oar kflournaa tweeds our harris tweods our eudoretweeds our oomels hair twasds our flqqtcui suitljws our wool sprgree re sfainlent and altraet ilaliy lmmn eronda in onr dra ntmrmn tadln njajr look tn at wlili einlldenea ft lb- rlrtil malrli the fnnne v t ena bmiod ui lar boow iu ciuluimra tha varr lalat ptxdoclioniotflriuah and koieicn looms- a 0 bucham j faikicmaue tf iirf drti lafawffe nnd millinery etiauithmeni oudph acton harnes3 f hots factory haitxess and trcxks inj tn nrdtr in any itrle required oa ahort notio t iltwaabla prices itcairiog prouiptly tttandtd to r ore qoalcoai stova caal durered to any part of the town apuly to p5v jobart althegtr dpt a sum of irnnay oa main st btivetn agnexi uoul and spaihti lilackimivh gbnp tie nwner can bare the asaie by pruttnr uramrty and paying axitcnms c4w fob 5 era 13 choice piecoa of sheet uaaicaggregaie value flm foil size best quality tool and tnttmmfntal sent post paid for 5c addxen at once to i c shattdck owoaaa mich csa jt till haldx in own and stands today in the front rank as the moat prompt and esvcfira painkiller in the world wo once heard one of ih leading min isters of the jle hodut church say mat with a bottle of perry davis ramkiller at hand he feared no ill that we mortals are subject to it i a medioine to oe relied upon and alter our lengthened experience we hare no hesitation lu allowing our nariie to aland on the list as iriendsof that old stand by perry tlaris piiukiler yours reipectfally j htaaisbotham 4 son 8s roe adrertisement in another column tha qreateat bloaalng a rlmple trc harmless remedr that cures every lliue and prevenu dlane bj fceeplc the blood part- uamaefi rekutar tl jn-yt- an rt liver acuveutlia greatest bew- inj ever coufcrrixt upon man iitip hitters u that rcraedv and us proprietors are bcltac bsclby lliojtandc who have bhu ieed anlcurtdbylt will you trr 11 be- other coluoin epckwootf kews from our oem corrffjkmditti eockwood lodge l 0 l ko 661 intend giving an oyster supper on the evrning cf the 5th not the election of officers for victoria dodge e 0 tttno 75 liockwood took place on slchday evening and the following officers were duly elected for the current quarter bro tbos h edgar w c t sister william w v t bro lord v 8 sister lyman a s sister bills w t bro s balls w f s bro g cop land w il- bro geo iidqien chap iain bro j walker u g sister jlonow l g sisur utborne it i s sister hcjturry l e s on wednesday evening last the officers and pieqibera of victoria lodge 1 0 g- t of tjiil village gave an oyster supper in honor of mr e e kelson who is about taking up bis abode in acton the members of hie lajge piet at their ball andniarcbid in procession in full regalia tp ibe residence of jlr nelson where they spent a most pleasant eveqipg fhe menibers took with there well filled coal oil reud tins t five to thirtydrops ofluoms kclectsio tilt will cure com mon sora throat it never fails in croup it will cure a couku or cold m iwentyfoar to fortyeight hours one hottlb has cared bronchitis or eight years standing recnt cases are cured in three to fix days il has restored the voice where he person had not 6poken above a whisper in live years as pii outward application m altcaes of pain or lameaess nothrng like il has ever been known une bottle will curr any case of lame back or cnck in th bsck for diseases of the spina and contraction of the lluscles it is unequal- led in rheumatic or any other pain the first application does you good it stops iirache and he paih ot a hurn in three minutes and is altogether he cheapest medicine ever oflered to ihe people tha cheapest because it takes so little to do you good his compoed of sir ofdie hestdils known and nothing but ojlr is worth its weichtin gold why not buy it today t a b dss rochebs asistant postmaster arthabas kaville p- j writes thirteen years ago i was eeifed by a severe attack of rheumatism in behead from wbich i have neaily cocstanlly safleied afler bating used thomas eclectrio oil for nipadajf fatbingtbe forehead i have beon completely enred and bave only used halta bottle this i can certily under oath if yod wisli rrer j maliory of wyoming s y writes dr thomas eclectrio oil cured me of bronchitis in one week kewart of imitations ask for br thomw eclnclric oil see that the signature of r k tanvu is on the wrapper nnd the nama of fcorthrop lyman are blowo in the bottle and ties ko qtitsh jld bv all medioine dealers price 24 cla northrop lymav torouio 0p pioprietori for the poqiinion kteycris eelected trilelectrid just received a rrtlfkk asteay can oa the premises of the undersigned lot 18 con 6 nauagaweya abool tlie 1st october a rid and white heifer oue year old the owner can have the same by nrovinc property and payinc expanses 1 st cuiasrux ruase tthfer astkav came on the premisesnf the nndarsipied weat part lot it con 3eiaesiog on or about the 1st ot auput a yearling heifer the owner can have the same by proving urcruertyaudpayineeipenscs hugh cameros cheep sxtaveu strayed from the farm lot 81 con tlh kaasaffaweya sometime daring the summer ii sheep and 1 lamia any person jiving information that will lead la the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded 3 elli01t s5 iiuictteniireetoiaow tw wish to unsafe lu the ml jleaantaul prof- taue boilnesa known evrrjtliiinc wucw caeitalnot reqatrcl we wiu turunn yoaeverxntne i iii a nsy and up wards is ellr made wltbool atajlnj awaj- rrom home ever nljht ko rlak whatever slrny new torkers wanted at once many arc a fortunes nt lh boslnes ladles rnkiaa moeb aa men and younj boyaand shut make treat pay no one wno la wllllna to work fallsto make more money everyday than can be made lu a week at any ordinary employment those who engseatooe tll flndasaottroad loforton addresx u itiwrirji portland loriroaa loiorvan m h aillrrra co portund maine anottoa eaio bogtstar kovnnieii 13th auction sale of farm stock ap implomentt belonging to ur hugh cameron to be sold at the asheryin thia rolige 8ale atloclock pm w hoinstreo auctioneer parties getting bills printed at this office receive a notice sipiilaxfo abovofnxx or cniaoi auction bills printed in tho best and most attractive manner and as cheap as any other offico ip the vicinity actok hikketr wtilte wheat 0 08 to 1 00 treadweibow 1 00 to 1 00 siiring wheat fgiugow ow i 0d to j d5 redchaff oih peas barley rye egg perdot butter dairy packed butter rollu potatoes new per bag dressed bogs i lodto 1 00 028 to 0 30 0 60 to 0 ss 0 68 to 0 65 0 75 to 0 80 0 10 to o 11 0 17 to 0 ip 0 20 to ct 20 0 40 to 0 45 5 60 to 6 00 eceira mil rets s 75 to h 00 flour white wheat tread wu spring wheat glasgow redcvff oati peas barley rye egea per dot butter dalty packed bn iter rolls potatoes new per bosh dressed hois 0 90 to 02 0 00 to 1 02 0 95 to 105 0 90 to 0 95 0 28 to 0 30 0 60 to 0 65 0 65 to 0 62 0 78 to 0 80 0 u to q 15 0 18 too 22 018 too 21 0 40 to 0 4s 5 50 to 8 00 q0 to tee post offloa store acton fob cheaps hardware qvs wrotjijar la all sixes paints oils and varnishes window glass 7x9 to 30x40 ohoicje3 smoked hams side3 meats best teas sugars and general j groceries ai lowest prices alexsecord swi magniflcent daily gaslight uluminatiom and ex hibition of ew millinery mantles and fancy goods at our snow rooms w take ipcoial pleasnro in informing the ladies of aoton nd ricinity that oommenrlng on thursday sept 30tli at 2 pm continuing en friday jet 1st and doling at 10 oclock on rjatotdayiight oct 2nd wo jiarjiose presenting ah exhibition it once unique novel and brilliant w shall mak our magnificent and unaquallad display of j original paris and london pattern hllunary plum flowars ornamimts fancy goods mantlss dolmans ac under a v daily caslicht illumination onr apaclonj shew booms trill be specially arranged and deeor- atcd to as o exclnde all liclii from wlttaoat and score of ens gets wrll pour forth a ffood of srhllnikt utwluritauhecelebrat4 and jsco will rjral electric light i in view of tht- extent and novelty of our display tee shall have an immense throng ojvisilors especially on the tatter aaytchen our fritndtfrdtn the country will be more fittly pnsent and tee i therefon urge refpectjuily upon the ladies who can ho so to favor us- willi llifir presence during the earlier part cf our ex- hibition and escape the crated that will be sure to take place mi saturday t jj thin will beat the grandest display of millinery erer made in cnelpb and wormy of ilic attcuuauce of every ludy that can be preaeut all aee welcome j d williamson co guelpli ooogsiers l a w orecn woom respecunlly call yoorattentlon o uls laro and wellteleetd stock of teas sugars general grocerie irtilch forqalux price cannot be eqoalied in arton cometfirtcttoth cheap cash store and be c jovlnced thai bypenoasl insoecilon be leads in toe way n selllnr pxids at lh inzkpest rmrss 1 v rwmwuvi large stock of coal oil at j b this large stock ot groceries just to band has beei purchased for cash and ire ail press hew goods oomo o the lohbap 0a8h storeforbantslns a vst grk3l3sr now is the time to get wt has just got iti ane stock of ceqokse ft j llswark a fresh lot of tlust to hand v x v i i cicall and examinei the stock w p brown 23 it mcgarvins drug stke actonj 4i j rit

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