r r i 46 i vr x v but ml -tfle- acton free press u published ereur mursdxr jronxrtra nr hi moore editor ft proprietor sops ken deorto mvuomut church iot tsfrrtf j xcfon ok ttucs the fustuss will be tent to ubscrfber postage paid for 11 00 per an num m advance 1 50 if not m pud no paper dueoutmood till nil arrears are paid ixocpt at the option of the publisher anrsutanra eirrs casual advertise- nints 8 cents per uao for the first inaer- tta and 2 ccnu per une for oaeh subse quent icstrtioit cash profcswnil cards 10 ucc oriels 00 per annum l squire 12 line 5500 per annum parable ic 6 month fcmdat of insertion any special soucctuc object of which is to promote the recuniarv bcdcst oi anr individual or conpaay to be coadcred an advcruse- trcst tlc cumber of lines reckoned bv te aco occupied mcosared by a scale of ctistcact tutxs on edema on jrar iiictraunitt one ear jrtcrrvititaaqle ear ore- inmsts tuoauis half cm umit tit mantus l tarter enmni months ipt mama three tuanti s half calaaxa mcee months latrter colantn three months dvcrtlmenickihatsiieeiflc directions win bifawrtfrlitltr jflaajenirp-drecord- irrlr traa5iiorj advertisements mnst be pallid ad ranee caarcc for ooniraeladfertlfeinfrats mat ie laic afllfe uyfla m on f vn laysaiher- wice ue wli be ut over till lha lallawlnt tw n p swore i clitort proprietor terms00 in advanoe us iyeimjiapsn a hap ifiuy life hi fluciuadoiu and iu viul concent 160 if net o paid volume vi no 19 aoton ont thursday november 4 1880 luring home si m s m0j 00 flour feed store i i i lawsqn bros rwoaulrmrocirmiv lnrbm tlie people of aauui win vlctulty mat they ureonen- cdlalue premises oppode dr mo- this paper edlnllie ptenisot oppoau aarvln rciiianc it ttemust have bread sg urlmlisii poor mi u nr ti b e nicklin bakers cofectioneks corms iliiv i uuxsttlsra actok whole no 200 f tbe modal subsoriber qood niorom r ilr editor hir t ha folks lordly i owe jott for nottjrenri pp i thoagkt i id coraaaad pay and itonei u ajom to uiort nul tta u hu money hete i i that dowu lcndia it to him aad thee i coiic1 him to try it t j cr i aid hcrai a it little itemi that happen ed laet weet in our town j i thought thyjd logic cood for th puper 10 j i jut jottnd eo jown j lour ahd feed kwi xzgfts m w sundjtlwuaficudauriooiidiag and mau kojicji if flowar rroo jedaw- conatry mui tlloajnt mult ys7 b6st of br9ad toaro doiofitbo politics bullj as all o 1 oar family agree yuia to der ivijuly 0r vou bafason ithc home papers aud lie city rllt teen conxuntlson hand a milttockof tt h xoytry ill b hcps ii griiot of trusty college itcm ir of college gf ruygi ant uls arsons 05ce anl rejgty at tlie head of fred act st aden xt icgjlrrk sl 0 h c p s ix griiaaie virtoii coiicgs res desa corner o 5cji aai frijrcfc ttreei iiltanoa aaih iriii o v lo c m mil s to g p ex rrjeron jogx davis peo jo vrscui lai scrvcva cm enineer and dmtsns3 of guejpc is prepared 2a stind w all sircte ik acton aad vicxn ttv orders kft at i e jtcgamn dftg sw- actca till be poap jy cltcndls ftorrof alt likdst taddduig family flour buckwheat floor graham flour cora heal oat luat craeted wheat bran coarse fchorta tme bhorl cuopped peat i f chopped oaf slixed chopi oats and peai aai lit kmdt of feed uiually kept in a urelajrficore sstall gocas dlicered la any part of tke tillage as fwtt as arxleird fgpwi call is ruelfuuij solicited lawsoh bros ctoajui lalstti biws cakes pastry aad confectionery ebead delivered just keep j oorold gootreuil a flappin and give them a good one for me and now joa arc chock full of buamessand i wont be taking j oar lma tve things of mv own i mast tend to good day bit i bclicvo i will climb the editor aat in his aanctam and brought down his fist with a thump while thanking those wbo have favored c3od bless that old farmer he muttered us with thex patronage in the past wo hes a regular jolly old trump aohcit ooutuioancd of the miac and nll and ti5 thus with our uoblc profeaajoia and wclcomo new cuslcmcrs i tlas it will ever be still v thero arc aornc who tppreaato its labor and aqmo who perhaps never will but in tho jrcat tune hat is comtng when gabriel a trumpet shall sound in a fee- days we will have in a supply of jj k uborcd and rested shall the best brands of oysters and will i orne from the qiurcnng ground when they whej have striven and suftcred oyster parlor oysters and will sene ihew in any style in connection with the bakery b t e iticeldf aclqcsta5stblsss jd itaxeeson ittokkr- ls suhctor in ciinserr 4c qzzx xext tlr to w aliace s rctcl sliiton a ltsxer if- clihe barrister quebec street guelpfc- xkxsc1i oevlccc batlkewiboudtllc hhi slrttt actoiu tjj fisher r s gzorgetiivns m oaf will vit acton even wedi- djt ii will iirnj to zj cille pr tl seiii n oj s l ai 5tcgsxrn s drn fcjre wjl ccsre rttspt attention x j fisher- new butcher shop wocls intimate to the reproof acwa taat to each and ennoble the race shall march tt the head of the coznmneach oao in hia godgiven place as they march through the atea of the aty with proud and victorious tread tho editor an 4 hie aslataata will travel not fac from the head now ready iiaaed aajwt let i ie has parcbad the buteker bosluesslflely american iteiffspaper directory i crriet on by ur a cork and that he nu alvxr an band urttclasa tloejc uf bekf pork kuttoy sausage poultry and game in senaaon 4k and itoiby itrlet atkntloa to ttiklwti to l ecare fair share of the ttrtrooa of the onifthousaxd axd fif1t pages jpitle uevtdeuveredattny hue to any part of the tovn tehlkcasit a caukgliclred ortiirsprampoy attended to williau farr 188 0 tictftk jliuuial ivcroia uusaxdaxdfif1t price fire soiiart e vt eixg engineer t founder hsjchlnist ccoe actoi loluccr of ern deption made to cjr oa tse siortcs nt ce and mot reisdros fr-nr- eepjjjing prompy ax- ieadfid to l cltss j tthc itemstreer jdcaased auctioneer par the cbnues of telhagtoa and halion orders left at the feee prs- ofice acton cr at my resleaee in acton will be prom attended toi terins reasonable pate5ts fojustektioks expe cmoresr asd propeny secured ji can ada tns united states and europe pa tezt gararrtced or no charge send for pnnted inslructions aencj- in operation ten veere heser grist ottxwa canadil bjeehemicsi engmeerazg solicitois of ei- dohtsi03v hotel jlcx0k robt agnw propnstor the new hotel is fitted up in frstcls style with new furni ture commercial travellsrs will find good iccomicoditoii md commodious same pig special attentioc paud to the waufa ef tie travellm puhhc- bar eupphed with the besf lienor and cars sood stabl ing and tcntve hostkrs this wori i the recognized source cf m- formiton on the statistics of amercin qewparers advertisers adrcttni alnts cdors pohfccans and the departments of the government relv ujion iu statements- as the only rc0 antlo- v it prea tle name of ali spspers and tiner perodicals it pvtri the polaie religion tchsractentcs it ne the days of lue it gives the editors name it gives te pullshers name- it give the oze ct the piper r it cives the id5cnptoti pnee it ive tle idite of cttabishment and the bet obtajfable mfarmatoo about the circulitaj anl setteral valuable titles and ciasctons rvil annualiy and information brought dawn to heaest dat scat to any address on receipt of the pnee address geo p rqwell k co pnw where newspaper dvercan bureau 10 scruce st kcw york qikrtice paistivg hincg open a faint shop m the prem ises ixtclf ixcapied by ilr james mclam next doori to sicuias bxlerj i am pre pared to do carnage pafntiar and sign wndg of every description and would re spectfttuy solicit the patronage of the people of actoa acd icinitj am zs scott rxashfobsxtxs i am prepared io pay the highest cash prcie lor hides calwa deaom ltonh nd sheep sjans dehrered at my tannery lace leather ccnsfantlr on hand jaifes hookeactot i 1 pukpsi bumfs i pumps w e adaa mamifacturey ot superior welland otsfcera pumps yhkfc vill seput in on short notice repairing promptly done furniture mft and repaired charges moderate also saws filed and et- give him a-cau- shop on frederick keet opposite dr lowry residence weadasis oflaeles tluieeox mtbui st acton agent for the bell organ maoofactured gr messrs w bl ca guelph orders left at his restdeno will reeeise prompt at tendee for particulara tee adr on other we give him a trial chas cameoojt f osev to loak 1500 to loan on firsfcclss farnvseoontv reasonable rato of interest apply to h p moore j at fle pkzss oiuce acf on to advertisers select list of local knftppsts in adcaiikrvho rpc7idxtipiaxrxuof5qqo a year tuid tco vuyuu let lhatts5qofkia tliu fut wrui fokt ifef local lu pavl me bdxcr kut year tflfi autifldtr ad78rhmrgr dd it is not a ooporative list ituot4crsp list it is an scsest list the cauloeuestatsjactiiwhttue papers re- when tfae rwmeoftlie papcrls trinled in fcix pack trrc it is inaerinatauce lie b tt wbeu printed tucapitaulttstd ojcly peprfatde par- tiie hl jives the pojjulauoao every torn ttni tie circulattoa of very paper theracescnarced forjidrertldefl re barely oneqftti the dajjfsliers schedule the price rorsqefauesrangsrroai3t0m the price ibr one incb one mouth in tbe entire fit the repilar rata ot tfie papers for the same epaee aod uraearef6h tbe use toclades sst newspapers of which ist are issued daily and 1cs wecklt they ore locaxed n t8 ftisereof citle antf owns ofwarch kare htele capitals 303 plaers of over sapopuualn and ascotinir seats for copt of lifct add other information ad dress geo p a0wfcld co m spruce st kew york wsitewasmijfs awb cclqsixg wm jtelsobt oebwsons corners im rrepared odoallttndcor wiutehasiiivg colorisg on tne f borteft notice and at resaonatilfl rate svleare yoar ossebsl the ysex fkcsa office acton j p s clothliiir cleaned een- orated wjl kelso t nassauawbta ltjmbee o shingle mills peter 8ayers woat j tntlmnt tiiat he has on band at utf mills in kjwsacwreja- formerly tnotrn as carctlts mills a urge ttocic of lumber uath and 8h1nqle8 of all klntfs andqaaulfec oheap ao t shinnies 8150 per square bill stuff cot to order v tbrmsoash petek sayecs acton dec 23 n tvt a jnthood how lost how restored i we havereeecllrpnt ilthed anew edition of dr cttlrenrells tele- b rated yjxj on toe radical and permanent cure without niedt- ctoeiofkervauurb ilty hertalan i physic al incapacity imretumenttof marruse etc resultin cfrcmexeetser 53jprlee la a seale d envclopeonly c etc ortwa poue stamps tbecalebmledantuir in this admirable eaaay clearlj demo nitrites from thirty yrar saeeetsf ol preuee tiat alarmlne con- foqaences may be radically cared riiloat the daneron nse of internl medicines or the nseoltlie tnlfe pointinfoat a mode of cute atonee imple crtaln rnd effect oa by means of which every soiterer no matter what hit condition may oe cure himself cheaply privately and radlcaly this lectare shoald be in the hands o eteryyoatu and every man in the land address the colrerwclt medical co a attn st cw torlc post office bor8c 100 eewaud i ttte offer tlw abora reward to any proverbs 5o one eatx be icfc whea the stomjieh bloodiirerand kldneytareljeallh and hop bl iters keep themio the cteuteat noarlrhlpe flnlcarne- tlrer itrenstiener and curative on earth dopbutert it trlmpos ble to remain lonirelcfc or ant of ileal th where hop bitters ore used wtiy dollop bluers cure wmucnr c cauo therglve pod diteition rich h loodind healthy i a ten of all i he organs no matter wnatyoarfeellnero r all- mentis rop bitters wilt adoyojooj jlemeoiber itop bitters never does harm bat goodalwnys and continually c the bloodcleanse the stomach shod sweeten ue breath with hop blt- utgj v tlalet nerves and balmy sleep in hop jritlerrl ko- health with inactive liver and ulnary organs without hop bluers try hep codsh cure aad pain reilec for sale byahdrnpfiils wanted an energetfo honest man to opes a branch office of jfche new maflnpi telephooe co in thia and adjoining conntiea small oath capital required to such a man this ia an perun who will furaiah ua with aaxfltarf opening for money matang bnai- oila ooder oar trade ifarfe caa amlf lonne fe a aole manataeturerbiavba r bniltt and proprietawonhe caaforme machine aobjt foetit eisbyrkat nuiiora oils and eterybarrel la branded ca jlajnjciiaraliianmfjovacilnux dar penefit av trlnklng aa exctiango printe the followinf nggeauraandodifyine lectare oa der pencfits nv tnnkiuc uy ilr eat san rui ilea nln eunug- rv reaaarx ut letter ia der nepr i baf peea re- qucitod la octspruas uifinaelt oa der fistey question as i am der bon mit a her saloon it wu juat ngbt dot i stand oop fur dot leeiaess uv a man ras got a saloon mit himself i guess he ras tnow aooie tings aut triuks aint tt t i am aware dot iota ur fellers dot rants to save rnonish ris trrin to runs down der leesncss der ras slion b gooff ufld suse aiitnoh und bjt nams cirrus und blenty uy anner vel lts bat ren i doli joa aonie dings i gas you ouid tar pully for saaermilch us led ras itsrel der ort to pe a mm scliop on ercry corner und den peesneas eould pe goot der wakey peczueas hells enny town no matter bow dull peeznesa vaa hee- lilea rill spend der niomah fur tniiks dia ras broored efry tay all ofer njs yurkyou can find rot king mans dot vasgouiblaiqiugalioatderpiy und broausing dot dey rould go oa some strikes pecans dey dont got some more rages und yet doso same mens nil tpend feefty cents efry tay far rukey and bier dot brooiesdot der nsfcey peczaess risiliolpin tirade aint iti und dot ras not der only ray der s many unners dv it ras not fur trintm luennr public puildings rould not have peeapuilt deae hrisons und biila and poor houses nnd inebii- ate aaylama and such dings und uv dese bouses ras not puilt rr ur coarse der megbames rould haf nodings to do aint it i uy you dont got some ram schops in der tows yoa rnat need no abails und ut coarse you deat rant no sheriff und den rat rould der bolmcians done dnd der vaa no ram derotild peen no murders no fites no stabs no lick ing your rife no nodings for der ne8- papen and rot rould der editors douo 1 dnd rot rould der lawyers done i ah i luein freunds pefore yoa ran down der ram yoa mast tini nr all dose dings how many beeples roald peea oat ar vork mitoat liquor i ay re rould need ta bolioea no charity gbommisvans no aape bojsei no communists no nodings uv yoa bat no yisker whops rere roald your poyf spend der efenings 1 yf dey yould haf to stay at borne and it voald kill menoy ur dem ts be oast und you dent vant hla setting aronh der nouse aji do efening you eau ihoat toad bim to der saloon und he rould not yorry you some mores dot eight in all disqrays a saloon helps atowu ferry oiooeli aint it t und a helps ou socially it penafila your jamily- it helps your sons to get oclrqnainted mrt beeple dot dey rould not odderutse know niitout derialooo der ras noding like beer for socia blenesa except vukey vukey ras a icetle abed der iaa a tinm ren two freundi rould aieat und ockschyngc der gout blementsuy der lay und den part but do salooa has dune aray out dot cold ray ur acting kow rea dwo or dree freuuds meet und shake hands mit demaehes von urdetu till say jests hit aooiediiigv j und day rill volk into der saloon der is always ron handy und ron feller sas ot nil you i uke 1 und der unner feller says i rill take dar same und dey thuat douclt dcae glasses togedder and say hera the toes atid she does go dea der anner feller nil asy itow you must date some dings mit iue und dey go droo de same berformancea nut demtejres ronoe more dot ras socialality ur you dout got book saloons how yoa ras goio to done it ttt ven yoa ask a man to dock sorae- dingi you dont rant to droit him to a eoat or a pair of schuea or a loaf ur preid or no anch rooliahnaaa do ieai viafcer enables a man to pnry hia toaghts ha rill forget all about bu hard ycrk sooietimtb for more ash a j reek it gifa a man courage in running hi bans yot roald a man done mitoat he trinks i i was so meek as moses rea i ras sober bat ren i ras fulj mit weeklies an escbange lays tke other day aa c4d resseetibte dituen came into our office and after paying his last years subscription took a mat and remarked i giiess yoa neednt aend me che paper any longer i hare just subscn bed for a new montreal paper which smts me rery well and dout coat so much as ours hero he handed ns the paper for in opection we found it to be a nea looking litlto iheet handsomely printed with a fiud heading and containing about as columns of niiaceluneoua reading matter fair looking faper wo remarked as we banded it back to him bat dd you erer see anything in it concerning our on town well dout know as i erer hare anylhing m rtgaid toor county 1 nothing aiid et you giro up the paper that contains the local reports the ctate of the crops he deaths and marriages and the thousand and one happening from week to week which makes np the history of the region in which you are most interested and which you can get from no other source and take in stead a city paper simply because it comes a little cheaper tea and it contains mora reading nutter ho added certainly at remarked but what is the character of tbe matter v nothing in regard to yonr own til- iarge jour school yoor churches or your local tmproremonte add the thousand and one things that hippen in oar county there u nothing ia it helps to buiid np your eoanty and sap- j port home institutions it is as for nothing appear to ua fceaotifnt in tinman experience m tin reciprocal affection of narrate tod cbudriea ee- liecially ster the ittttar b attained maturity and it may be foraaerfoew relations in iuv wa liare tlie loring and lorely dmglifcjr witcr an bad beeomo wife wd fciotker ela j erery opportunity of riniting hie pu onul borne to urisli her affvctiotwt attesttoti ukii ler parrtta and by a thousand giactful and tender kind nesses agsuto thew that though sire was aa idolised wife and a happy mother her heart ethl cla5 witk erery strengtheaing error to fatter and mother who wutched over ker la- fancy and guided ut youth it las been our privilege to know such and as we bare sitnmsed tb outpoarlnira of lore and hapihneis bv- tween these derotd and glowmg liiarta wo have ftlt that mrely much of heaven might be enjoyed irrce if ail families were equally atuthed and woud that every daughter knew what pare joy she might create in tbe parental bu3on by a constant ktepimj ahro of the spirit of filial do 1 notion and seising frequent rtpjortit mties to make it manifest in littls ncta of geutleuess and ioetiotltlistai4iiig the child may hae become a parent j the child noror grows old to a fond parent it is alwry8 tltedenr child and never so dear us alien it keips be childish lore and ccnlideuce of 4tsarj- est years bier you shoost pt yonr poots derl to yoa aa the city in which it is schddren und der olt roonian ras got liuiahe4 it may contain more read in matter bat roar ocishberhood is torioe toronto- oil cojipanv ts sfcerteenie r toroafo for ahs by u t hilr iclon u thrcfhlnr hflcblnea mmnpkiu fhlef and vibrator sprtna tooth harrrwt centennial jsnvcj nana rase climax kannlna mills f tho eeleorated wlsnor seed drill 4c all warranted to do eood workererytlrae or no i sale rermareaaonable 1 alexisjienr t ihuuip mtmn licilr afm nfa dout dalk to me den ur she rould i lick her like plazas 1 1st her know i ras as goot a maa us rot she ras or sonif unaer von ala vislay teaches a man not to be proad mit iiimselc yea a man ras sober he tants glean gloso und a goot bed und blenty nr unner dings bat ren ha ras rank he ras not so stack oop he doat garo rot kind ar glose he rears nnd ven it cimos to ichleep irg he rould ahust as soon schhkp ia der gutter s same anner blaces ua j he dicks der cuabstons ras a pillar dont it i l ras healthy doo t know me dot yuat you ratch euny man dot keeps a saloon end ras not doo stingy to tnnk his own triuks tust you ratch him and see what a pig fatpelly ha ras got you dont tant some pet- lr proof as dot aint it yen i start i ed a 6aloon i ras ferry skinny and now der poys gall mo old bloat i ras gttm ferry fat efry town likes to hat rich men aad j der ras no peeznesa in vich a mm gould got rich so soon as ia der salooa peezneas dec ras a ferry pie brofit m all kinds of tricks yust look at some boor yung teller rot ras tnding bar he startt mit noting und in a few yahra he ras got a shirt mit frills and a diamond pin and a gold ratch mit a chain dot veigha den ponnds und monish cnuff to start a saloon ar his own look at me i started a bier saloon after i failed to got rich ia der paggy peesnesg and now i got no droables and no rork only to lap a new kg ren der oaner rua ras dry uad rake in der stamps i am a frennd to der rorkingman pecsace dey are a freund to me nnd help to support tre yen der vorking man ras mat mit der posses dey meet at nam saloon and triak pier und make speeches and say tam der- panks nnd rich heebies and dings ilka dot i bay bo doo somtdimes i rss mad it ras ven rimmens and echildrans come here o peg monish to pay pread and ren i say no den day cay der husbands and raters spend all der monish here yot vaa det dere peeznese 1 all vim- mens tmka uv was spending monish so dress nnd der olt man wast voik rork vork und haf no eashoymenl 1 stick mit my saloon i haf a li into der same society with der mudders 1 cense and der government vaa backing and seesterr der mudders coald not dell dem der same eholly stories vot dy bear mit der saloon dot ras em bohiuile peaides avr saloon ras uv me nd john b groff nor der vim- mens crusade nor enny onner man can make me stop dots der kind uv velier rot i vaa i not represented in its columns but why cant yoa famish your paper cheaper if they can afford a much larger one in a city at a low price v he asked labor ia certainly cheaper hero for the reason that a country pa per has a small circulation compared with a city paper an 1 the labor ex pended on 1000 papers is about the same as oa 50000 especially when it ia taken into consideratioa that the city weekly which is furnished for a dollar per year u made up from the type of the daily thais enough erclaimed the gen lamac ts he pulled out his wallet just 6ead me your paper for another year i as we bade him good moruing sad he passed through the sanctum door we heard him remark- its my belief that a mar who stops or refuses to sub scribe to his locil paper simply because it doesnt contain aa mush reading mat ter as one made up from a duly and published ia bo- city rfiould be sup education the dnirarsity is the pnde of the colored people at atlanta no matter what the tenor of their cunveraaticm h is sure to be part and iarcil of it tbe other day i bad one of its scholar thus sarcastically reprored by an olj black man lio prolwtilv thought be would hare used its privileges better he had evidently loaned a liufcdiet to his neighbors son fur he was calling across tbe fence loos hrar boy yoa goes to school dont yer yes air gitten eddykashun aiut yett yes sir lsrning nthmetick and figgorin on a slate eh f yea sir wall it dont take two whole day at tbe university to make an boar d itt why no yoa was gwine ter bring drt hatchet back in an hour wasnt jeri yes an its been two days since yoa borrowed it now what goods eddy kashun gwine tew do yon when it cant tell how long it takes to foth back a hatchet v plied with medical public expense almanacs at the summer nks gone yea certainly gene learea be gin to flutter don ovenings grow chill the rosea are dead and artemesias nd dahlias have taken rheir place certainly the air is pleasanter than the hot breath of mid summer yet some thing is lacking especially when it nuns do we recognize that the nielan chofy dijs hare coma for this is nc light pattering slower making the grass greener as it falls but a dull pr cstent beating storm filling the ponda for winters coming and beating down lingering blossom and clinging foliage now approaches tbe time when hearts heat aniionaty for those npon tbo sea in view of autumn gales wbnn but for the garnered wealth of summer there would be famine in the land the season which while brimming over with luxuries for tbe och is hardest for tbe fioor see that all remember it who nave the power to help them i a bright little boy who bad ben engaged in a fight with another boy was reproved by bis aunt who told him he ought always wait till the other boy pitched upon him well exclaimed the hero but if i wait for j the other boy to begin im afraid there aroat bo any fight an enraged female household departments are very good adjuncts t a newspaper in their way when edited by a wore ail bnt the male journalist who dubbies with the heaven inspired mysteries of codkuig rune a frightful nsk the editor of the weekly pelalnmna pmuae surta a column of that kind recently ami a few daj a afterwards a nrrct looking female came into the office carefully concealing some object behind he r apron 1 are yoa the man that published that new end approved way to urate currant cake 1 he said be was you said to mix washing soda wkb the floor and siir in a little con meal andeaet ol ictgite it consistency i 1 believe so and to add fifteen egg aud some uiolassscs and two onuces uf gsut arable and set in a cool place ts bake v i think that aatrt well taie that then and tho in dignant housewife knocked him dowa with a weapon that felt like a sand- club bnt which he felt in his heart must hi ye been a half baked hunk of cake constructed oa the peaoint pat tern you wouldnt take aatcu la cent tecigur would out qvt- tamly i wonli remarked the pro prietor well here it ureu passing orer tlie cent give me the cigar when do yoa intend to gs bnak mike i asked one exile of another if i lire till i dojerind god knows whetli- er i will or not i intend to visit onll ireland once more befoie i lave this country the latest case of absent raiododneea comes from tennessee a yoang sen- tleman of ilempliis love a girl who lire in tbo country np tbe railroad wishing to lee her he urea e horso and baggy and drove out le bet bouse hitching the horse- at the floor i after a while be came out happy serene am delighted walked down to the railway station got a ticket and rode back memphis leaving his horse hitelied near tbe country gate how ho die j base rovediierl j