i aril tttm pmss for 1881 k lhc siiiuipart tftsovsvlimrtttti the acton fit fatta will bo furnished to new tawribcrs froui tuosrctctittims till the 1st cf january 1632 furl loo tjro months for nothing subscribe it once id secure the full benefit of lhjl ubcraljoffcr axy present subscriber to tbe acon fsxi tre lending as aiiew subscriber with the money i oo at above viuhivohii own subscription advanced throe months foctwa subscribori sir mouths andso an three months for each new ubkribcr- willi clio liberal offer given above to bow ratiscribcrt- it will be very easy to get new names or present subscribers could pay up ytcir awn gubscriptiout by inetiiod ud nt the ssine time in- crease our present list four fold it it rwoctb trying giro us t lift tad help ouralvos it thft lino time anus tttrnsdav nov 4 lth editorial jvgtcfe it is reported tfmt the dominion parliament will meet on thursday january the i3tl a hotel fceeper wit 6ued fifty dollars at the bnintfurd ptilico oiirt on iluu- lny for selling liquor to u locjiiii oa s autdity lt lifcely tint tlio biddutph pris oners will be tried by a special cunimis nioii ts tocointueuded by jude ar mour mr xlowtt being favorable to that course of procedure xuesiir there died in toronto one of tin trexlthicsl if i oths wialtllett tiian in cinidn willisiii ciwilnvt iged so vu hu eltn is estimated lit ftoai 5000000 to 7100000 tbeuisud trunk rtilway tins be come so prosjieroua under tbo manage ment of m ttictfotii tbst tlut board of directors j awarded tbe sum of 1250x5 as s gmtuity and eltit com pensitidh for good management 4 correspondent writes to a toronto paper the sublet beiuq i temperance- that wbatall need to tie ucghc is not to ibusa the gifts of god wc tbiok it is tbe opinion of ibe cisjority of tbb pecde uitt it is m tbuse of gj4s gift of vbett to turn it into whifkoj instead pf bretd the hamilton spectator admits llml e kin fjudds is paid for his sdvowcy of th liquor cjuid and it retorts tbtl some leading umptntwe sdroeiten are paid for tlieir work if the vswfoor leans thereby to iflfcr that tba supporters oi brtl wa avo actu ated by equally selfish and personal ulotiyta he will not iucceed in blinding anyone to tbo truth tho liquor bampidttisiiiid by men whoso mis chierous business it is sought to suppress and wuoteoiotltes are as utterly stjssh as those of the robber who pays a lawyer out of his takios a fat foo foe defending him in lha criiuiualcdurt they ere as a matter of course defending lha business ta- whicli they maka iheir living but whoso gains result inaviubly in tho kjverty crime hart and heart break ings of otliers those who give their money to eupport probibitiop advocates give it with 00 thought of personal gain they erpefc no pecuniary od vmuja barond that which would tccruo to all taxpayers from the op pression of the chiuf csuse of crime and poverty with the consequent police and poor rites their motives ftre purely liittiotio or philanthropic and as disinterested in moat discs as if they were giving to foreign miiuonp iquor mn never help their cause by entering about puid temperance advo caus ir they simply tet people to thinkiric about wlero the reil selfish ness its- montreal tlifiteit bore unmifactarits the greet bsnegts thit would arisfi from having more urge raitnufteioriei in oor mfet cr- ir well known to need enlarging or expatiating upon every one issnisciestlt conversant wiilr lb impetaa sucti estauishmeats gits ta ail branches of iuttness and their attrac tion of commerce of every tint altboafb acton b a number of good manufactories etill we think that odr vilfage is fivorbly ritaital for other basfness on- a urp tcila tii oountrj arband is ercellent water abundant and shipping facilitieigood au thai is needed u wie enetgetic persons to tike hold of tbe enterprise we woald invite discussion on this subject believing thit anythine pro moted fortiie benefit of theown will receive the hearty co ofientico and sup port of the town generally irparimelit of actun public 8ohoj for the rnmlug year at lha salary of two huiidced and setantj tive dollars and that the chaltnrao sign ho proper agicemutt op bebajf of this poard garrich jfoved by i uaby woadl by m 8wglit that miss jennie grant bo re engaged as icartiox of lha third chv partuicnt of 4o puhlio school for the enduing year at lb aity of two hundred an1 twejaty five dolfara and that the chairman sign the proper agroeineul on behalf of this boarc- carried 1 moved by d henderson seconded by m speight that this board adjourn to meet u tho call of the chairman flitrriod j erprtou kcws voia orr cwa eomtpondatt at lha laat regular meeting of blooming rote todga ho 829 1og v everlon lha following officers were elided for tho present quarter brolgeo willuwt wot sis m furuter ffwt bro wnt brber w sco j j event yvj 8c bia1 cc anderson wtroas brojas blackwif siai j torell w j o bothn webb wag sis a torell wrhs j black wiilts s a talbot wdlf j suntcr w as bro j c boy- v chap etpvellpwos jaa black t deputy hats and caps a c0mplbt8 assohltment of fall ahd jtinwb bkv 5d ca8 at xhft eat rhingstoi a jtot of bois scotch caps it ill we rot 141 wu totsromtsiira and knitted goods j fyfe8 a crowded store fshj01srablewest j dolfa the tbadb sih of the dri fioods l lloldliic back grpin if is evident thatlonr farmers in a good many parts of tbe country are holding back tleir grain from ihe mar ket in tbe hope that by so doing they will obtain more money for it later az i canadian faimers are uot eingukr in f this repect for we find tbe americiti j yf papers commentiue npon a siioiltr con 1 1 dttion of things in the western states i f- the sew ort bulletin recently j i ehofed that while the total crop of i i wheat bis year exceeds last by perhaps 40000000 bnsibols the receipts at tbe j seaboard aid tbe exports abroad are fesg than in the like teriod of 1879 y from- which it concludes that there are j 5fl000000 bushels more wheat in the westani interior and on tbe pacific 1 coast tjun it thil datn last year in the meantime we aro approaching the close of navigation after whicli the farmer will be for five months at the mercy of the railroads and will hare to j p7 pfflk 10 to 15 csats per 10 more than the current rates of freight it is out of the question to suppose that the course of prices this year cm correspoud to tha steady rfas after the opening of the season that occurred jasfc year and it is just as unreasonable to otjmpsre tiii sesins conditions of iopply gqd deniapd yiththpse of either pf th two iast years ihisyeava united ststeg crops m all probably ex- eeedt thatf 1878 by 6to70 millions of bsihebj and the european crop is about an average one while that of 1878 was ayery deficient orio especially io england and france under these eironmstancea there is little chance fot rise in the prioedf grain a jiunitoba ejotlbitfan tha tfrst annual xhibii6n of mountain agricultural society of mani toba was held on the 23th and 29th of september and from the pris list we copy the names of tho folio wing exhibit ors who ware until lately residents of oar county and with whom many of our readers were acquainted mr huch mcdonald formerly of nataaga- weya a few miles from here took the firi prise tor what ind the wheat weighed 03 lbs to the bushel follow ing ta a list of the prizes takan by former residents of kalian- sulliod i year old 1st richird preston brood marc lit peter rae filly 2 years old tat gsorge smith sjuin mares in harness 1st hugh mc donald foal of 1630 1st frter j2e cow giying milk 1st t prtstnn ram i jeatoidbichirdresionjoi bk pteston ean iamb 1st richard i res- ton 2nd r 6 preston 2 ewe iambs tst r s pteslon 2 liuab spnng vtheat 1st hagh mcdonald 2 bush- barley 1st donald campbell 2 bush oats 1st dcuafd campbell special prize for i bush wheat barlev and peas a flowworth 20givea by d ifarwall donald campbell tim othy seed 1st donald campbell early ross potatoes 2nd thos preston graystona turnip 2nd thos preston yellow aberdeen lit thos preston mangold wurlzel 1st thos pteston fieldjjarrtts 1st thos preston 2nd r prrston- crock butter 2nd mr d campbell best cne shirt hand made- mrs pgsmpbe bestavoolien yard istlrcd campbell coal oil i board of fcdacallaai the board of trustees of acton school division met in the school house 01 monday evening list nov pursuant to adjournment members present mr john speight in the chair messrs d henderson m speight a lcsby and j lasby minutes of last meeting read and confirmed communications from the minister of education relative to school accom modation and from mr eli snyder in reference to balance due on contract for roofing teachers residence were received and read tbe finance committee presented their eighth report and recommended payment of the following accounts thomas moore salary for oct iism sfiss sickelkr i 2500 ilss grant i l8 irs hughes 625 eh snyder balance due on tcc 300 thomas moore toolafpr school nse l2 n p moore printing 200 catalogues 70o total i 810726 ard that the chairman issue his cheque in favor of the treasurer for the sum requited to coyer said accounts moved by d ifendsrson seconded by a tiasby that the report of the fins ncercbmjilittee be adopted car ried v lfaiiilienieron seconded by jog irtsgrvttatthomas moore be tesngagedasuaobftr of tits first depart- iient dfiactottpulilid school for the ensniageat at the salary of five hdndrednd fifty dollars with free reidencehnd that the ohairman sign thepropef agreemsnt on behalf of this board carried moved by alar jjaiby seconded by st- speight that- hiss mckellar be reengaged as teacher of the recond coaloil jtockwood xeffsc frora ovr otnt tttpqvdcnl the occasional flurries ofnow hurry the farmers wonderfully and remind them that winter it at hand i the farmers in tho vicinity are busily engaged in taking up their turnips arid a good many are shipping them as lhay bring a good price tho roctwood millautey purcliaa ed by mr j moore are now closed owing to the watar wheel being broken but as soon aa this is repaired butiueat will be resumed qiarries are expected to be opened here in few days by the gtand trunk company it being found that no stone in ontario is equl to that got in rick wood for bridges 1 it is rnmored that a certain cilixn nterds giving the people of this villge the benefit of mr t b goughi leclare on lights and shades of london life lately dalivered a guelph he iif iwitct it ictjox meraorj- sunday night being ijalloweea the urchitis of rockwood kept it on saturday night and on the litter evening bars bolts and locks were freely applied to doors and gates which were constructed so si ta b easily removed and which might becarried away end hidden from mortal ken a goo deal nf tnischief wis indulged io but no serious damage done cttteex s3sn dress departmentrushi2to nr tfaenuaeat and attract atlr lmmn croodi in 0 p hjvasj a 0 bucham faatmaut rtf end dtw ifautk and wllinery ettabluhmmi ouelph acton harness trwe fa0t0rt i tbe atetxest bjesalnt a simple pare harmless remedr that eurea everj- lime and prerrnu tflvue bj- iceeple tbe blood pare rtarancti recala kldai-sanlllrerectirelcthstetlstbe- ln evercanfemd cpan man hoi hitter 1 taut remedr ansftttiroprietott trt belnc blessed br uxojttda wbo jiari bea tared aoi cured bi it will yoo trj- lt see other column travellers- and tourists should always be provided with dr f fowlers extract of wild strawberir the best remedy in the world for caring suffering brought on fr m eating nnritje or tour ruits bad milfc impure water cbange of water and climate the great remedy for all summer complaints i m m atk jour drugeiit grocer or shop keeper for a bottle of rainkiller if he passes it down without ceremony ask him while extracting tbe quarter dollar from your wsllet if this is the genuine made by perry davis son at the same time watch the expression on his face yon can easily tell if hit conscience it all right- also clonely ex- tmine the bottle yourself is roe advertisement in another column kor ras suaatest arnxrrr exists be- tween the numberless cough mixtures with which the market is flooded and that successful preparation northrop k lymans emulsion of cod liver oil and ffypophotphites of lime and soda it standi alone distinct ia like itself and nothing else ft embodies the best results of advanced pharmaceutical science it accomplishes positive de cisire results effectual y relieving coughs wfien the lungs are- not tuberculous or hopelessly affected colds laryngitis and diseases ot a scrofilous origin while it does not criu consumption it is the most reliable meant of defence against that dreaded scourge the in- v igorating properties of the hypophos pbitet reimburse the system debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a cough while the paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence in consequence of the soolblng emollient action ol the cod liver oil up on the inflamed long memtirane the phosphoros lime and soda in combina tion wih it are all natural components in he eonslraciion of the bodily edlfloe which ia a stale of decay lacks a suf ficiency of those elements fhese tbe hypophospbitet supply increasing the nutritive properties of the blood and building up and rehabilitating the totter ing human structure with a degree of promptitude as astonishing as it is gratilying to the invalid a perceptible gain lu flesh al well si in hrenglh ii one of the consequence of using this itand- ard prepastion whioh both time and experience have demonstrated to be fully worthy of tha oonsdenoe repoted in it prepared by nohtbbop 4 ltjjix toronto and told by all drogglita just received a m habxes8 and tpcxks mida to order ia toy itylo reqoirdoa ihort botiotiad at rcawotble pneea bcpairiog promptly hmnded ui r oruoh 0v bsa froia beitil is am oi into ciuifa jtua mild parfatlta aclint as a woaderdponadfcivtdiitrenrirandearsr u uio ulieiute apfmrtuik or tha toman itomseii eorrectlns aud lucrtaslnsthe acids illhrooslriollvmllauiixi carries off ail urplgsueiosauptm uver bvei toaud dijeaoti aid teir health to tba ixipe pile indtbt sllllooi atk i e ueeiarvln lor a aew eomfpaiid tsft llsht oaac houlet 75 eirilt qoal coat stavt coal delivered to any part of tba torn apply to ben jobart at th otr depot s 450 for 5 ct8 grand demonstration magnificent daily gaslight illumination and e hibition of new millinery mantles nd fancy goods at our snow booms we take ipecial pleunra in infortningtbe ladies of acton nd vianity that commenring on thursday sept 30th at 2 pm continuing on friday uct 1st and closing jat jo oclock on saturday night oct 2nd we purpose presenting an exhibition at once unique novel and brilliant wa ahall maka our mafnlfloant and nnaquallad dlaalay of original parla and london pattarn mlllinary plumaa rowara ornamanta fancy oooda mantlaa dolmana fco widar a daily gaslight illumination oar spacleu show booms will be specially arranged and decor- ated so as to exclude all light from without and score of gas eu wiu ponr forth a flood of brllllaney that wlu rital the celebrated jj electric light in view of the extent and novelty of our display tbe ihall now an immense throng of visitors especially on the latter daytchcl our friends from the country will be more fully present and we therefor urge respectfully upon the ladies fcho can no sq favor us with their presence during the earlier part of our ex hibition arid escape the crowd tliat will be sure to takeplact on saturday this will beat the grandest display of millinery erer made b gnelpb and worthy of the attendance of eyery lady that can be present i all are welcome j d williamson go que tbi ckiolc cufraxil in eric on the 30th alt the wife ot ifr it campbell of aducbler me tkite warioi in acton on lha lit inst the wifeof mr- woi watson ir aged 58 years tasstx at the residence of tr corertoa torouto oa saturday oct 3rd of con- gastioa of tba laaaa bebecca belovbd wife of james taasif neisoo auction saue btfuur kcvuoia 13lb iaction sa of farm block and implamenta belonging to mr hugfc cameron to be aold at tho athery m thit village sale at 1 oclock pjn vf eemttreet auctioneer nov 23rcl auction salt of firm stak and implementa belonginie to beasay iot 20 con 6 ewuesiiig sale to com- meoesafilteeloex wm hemslreet amlwnejr rarueagcbt bills printed it thit omoe rcceiyo notioa nmilarfo aboveaxx or cffxaos auction bills printed in the best and most attractive manner and as cheap at anv other office in the vicinity value 460 fua size best quality vocal tod instrumental sent pott paid for 36c address at onoe to j c 8hatttlck owoaaa mich us a h e1fjkk ajsteay fjamt on the premises of the undersigned lot 18 aoa 6 saatagaweya about the 1st october a red aod white beifer oca year old the owner can hare tbe lama by- provinguropcrtt and payiok aipansea chaistian frank actok nirkitt wtiite wheat 0 98 to 1 00 treadwell oft 1 00 to 1 02 spring wheat glugcw oil i 00 to 1 05 redchaff 1 01 to 1 co oats 0 28 to 0 so peas 0 go to 0 66 bar lay 0 60 to 0 68 rve 0 80 to 0 80 eggsperdoa 0 jo to 0 11 butter dsiry picked 0 17 to 0 19 batter roll 0 20 to 0 20 potatoes new per bsg 0 40 to 0 45 dressed if ogs 5 60 to 6 00 geeira hibkets hour 4275 to 3 00 white whsit i 0 90 to 1 04 ireadwell 0 90 to 1 04 spring wheat glasgow red chaff l 0 95 to 1 06 0 90 v 0 95 oatt 0 28 to 0 so pets- v- 0 50 to 0 65 birley 0 65 to 0 62 itva 0 73 to 0 80 sggi per dot 0 15 too 16 butter dairy packed 0 16 to 0 22 batter rolls 0 18 ta 0 21 potatoes new per bath 0 40 to 0 45 dressed if ogs 5 so to 6 00 t l bennett dentist otorge- jut loanont cukm fob sale xots3 eon 8 in the township of esqaes ing 100 teres 60 cleared and under colli- vation balasoe good eedaraod black ash good farm baildiogi fences ia the best con dition rpleudid orchard of bearing trees ex cellent trait good spring water all the year round the property is ntusjed abont 2 miles frotn acton mile from a firstelass mat mill convenient to school and ohurch title inditputible tens reasonable ap ply on the premises or address jame8 scott vsy acton pott office r uhed tnf with lull lo- lor condomln tbe most bonnehtny ontaogn gass in i tbe basinets te to tasr to learn and our lotroatloni are n simple and plain thaianyone oan make treat proflu irom tbe terr itart wllllnrto wort men han noone can tall wh it aoinen are aa taeeenrufat insjoworf boy and s1rl can earn larte inm ir have made at tba basinets over one hundred dollarain slnfie week nothing like it over known before all who ensile are surprised it the eaae and rapldliy wllb wblcblhejare able to make money von can engage 1 thin bnsi daring toarspare tlmeatgreal pront you do not liave to ir- vert capital in it we take all the rlik tbom vhoneed readrmoney shonldwrite to at at once all rurooneii ee addreat tad co auguni mains t large of cttlfeg astray om oa the premitet of the andenigned west part lot 27 con 3 etqaeaicg on or about the lit of august a yeirling heifer the owner can have the lama by proving property and paying expenses hugh cameron to the zpctbiliragh f a w green voaureptcifnllj ajtll joar alintloa lo i ularud well elected ilock of f teas sugars general groceries j wolch for qotliiy nd price cnnot boqtiiitdiaa come direct totb cheap gash store and beejnvf need that by pertousi inspection be leads in the way in selling goodt al ihe caiurkit rtutcs qbeep stravep slriyed from the farm lot 31 con 7th naiaagiweya iom time daring the ismmer 11 sheep and 2 iambi anr person giving information that will lead to the recovery of the tame will be suitably rewarded j elliott jjurs t class bajtbek i have leeured the services of mr o u rtowsrd a firstclass barber who win con duct my baiinesi for a few weeks and girt every attention to the wanta of customers kindly give him yoar patronage j p worden organ a new obgan from a firstclaat canadiin maker for atje saitable for the home sundayschool or small church we will tell the above very low for cash for fall particalaaa apply to hpjutoore fan fuss omci acton feb ii 1880 outfit lent free to thoae who wllb to s ttkengagefn tbe moat pleatantandpror- jjallbiole bnslnett known everrtbina wmi capital not requlrtd we will rurnlibyon eterlhlng 10 a day and up- wardi is eatllr made wlthont ttaylng away from home over night no rtik whatever many new workeri wanted al once many are mating fortunes at th bus dei jdjei mik as muoh at men ind young boyi and girls make great pay no ona vbu la yrlblng to work hlli to maka more money every day than oan be made in a week at any ordfnary employment those woo engage atonoe will and a ihort road to fortune address h hiilsttooponlandulpe established 35 years weekly spectator- a large eight page paper year -only- per year thli iurge ttook oi groceries just to hand haa been pnrohaeed for cash aad are all fresh new goods ooma to tha jtsfoheap 0a8h stored for bargalna new goods new goods b haslett has rem kicirrrd a lsaot stock or 3stb w failgooda comprising french merinos oashmeres lustres colored plain winceys gents underclothing ladies undervests berlin and fingering wools colored stocking goods and a laboe assobthestur pa no 7 gq0ds ad of whloh he will tell cheap for cats or trade b hasletti one of the larweat and baat weeklies in canada bauanoe of 1880 free agent reoeive u cent for every yearly subscriber any party sending nt thrte bnbtoribers will receive a copy pott bald oi the farmers account book worth one dollar in place oi the usual oommisaon sand pott card for btmple copy ol oor weekly whioh it tent free ihe only paper in canada that publishes a draught column address spectator printin0c0 i n ox coal oil at j b fashionable tailoring 0 i the subtoriver withes to annonnoe to the people of acton tad virrfnity thai he has open ed ont in the premises lately occupied by l g uatthewt next to the post offloe a complete assortment of clous and twims suitable for the fall andwin- t tar trade and it prepared to make them on in the lateet styles and i off oi good mduceanenu to caan customert i lc my stpckf consists qr ti black a2to colored beavbrs dlauonals 0oating8 and vestinuc enqlisa irish bootoh and canadian tweeds whioh have been bought in the best mmkea-foreesh- an early 0all is solicited jj satisfaction quarahteed j- 1s es3sr mcgarvins drug store iitct6g c