Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1880, p. 4

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v f m mil iji mh ills i it tsgst jracty gjattg jcqx 3traafe6 ajotar booght a baby title ulay siua ink i nu could pit him title ulay siua i ink i nu could rnit trvii my rublictf riup auiji avful uttty v aftl tie awful piuk 5 justcowt down runi heaven tat s a fib islnk ftox told amxinr oreat lug awful lie i kow ant uut ot jiut sen tat ant whrl lamina stays ti ldrotr guess he makes her sick jf ru- hint tn re gutter j w tticui tight uujck badule hia and loira win calthisi brewed siujr ptuitcareitmy kilckut got a bit of alrius 1 scud tniou with uiddy every jillc day he a gwidioy charlie ituu jny and play sink fought taiaxt him ko i wont so terct nassy crying baby not got any hair gvl all my nice kitscs clot my place in bed meau lo talce tuy druinalick and crackkitn oa the hwd ivvxtepa hot ttaxten a pov to nux er- ii kiktis and make himself ccacriuy useful mrpcppcrrasaeauie out wilhhiscap ou he lack ct hi head and his apeciablcs flashed keu up on his forvkrad to mafir his written notice ou the side of his store and fire- minutes afterward it tuykt have been uss or it mht have kxu more crowd ot capr little lads assemble j aruuud it standing ou tipm tu rent ery vroii johnny jarris had 3at becu discharged from hi place as cashboy in a dryfioods store because business was dull and ctuloin- irs for i he vis a fine tall ivy of ifeiie with bright black cyca acd lauhrng uiontu and be didnt at all like baring nothing to do charlie warmer wanted a situation because there were a ood many littla warncrr and mrthins to feed them antii aince their father died eouii brown haxt lecn out of rcptlar cm- oloyineat ecer since llic ihiaa factory closed in the fail r for these little fellows bdooced to the intcnlcrable artry of buys who cannot play and cnioy- tic bricht boqrs u they go by bnt east work and drade and count every j day 1st tilt bea rut hrjiz in its carres- ponding wages childien did jw erer think hor haid the world was on these poor little toilers 1 it srai pot iosybefore ifr pepperjraasa v atore wxs fofl of hoys irha aaated to run i errands and mak ihemaelres generally oae ful bfglj iad little boys tall boys and rortboys veuressed bors and sbahiy ioyi4ts who leased op against the flocr and potato barrels as if they had left their backbones at home boya who stood straight np boya who took off their caps and boys srho left them on and still they kept pommg soli on i said itr pcppenrraai r sriudop so bo took iotn ti uotie and bolted the atondoor jceri will proceed in bcsiaesx said ifx fepperraaa rambling np his hair and sdjasting his apeeuelea ao a to make his keen gray eyes sbarper than erer a fesr penetratfag glaneea calfadozea naestans aid tbe ndmber of tb boys wss speedy iednid to pnr three little friend johnny arris narlle varner and lonis brown ther wcrir ih three trilling and anriona to work all tnreeukngit rood reeommen- dauobs bad hooest faces 9snted to enter on the sitnatioct at once and wrote neat roandtunda 1 f hnmpb humph t said sir pepperpaas ssith his nds locked nnderneath his coat sal hpbiad tbcrev three of yon and i cant find wort foe three boya v the utile lads said- nerer a word but locked eagerly as thd srocer each one hope- ing hsbe might be 6ia toy selected to ran errands ad cute hinuetf geacnilly nsefnl i mr pepperjrrass stared hard at the rpicc boxes and preserve bottles in the wiadair frowned fc- tbe crackerboses and anally ju np hisjnfqd brown said le sir v said louis brown f 111 try you on afew snnis i want my boy to understand the first principles of ansbmetici r iant jjood at figures sir f cried lonls are you i said sfr ieppcrgrass very srell iii gire yen a tfiat- he wrote down a lalrylth of figures on a alale and tbea opened the door of a little rcombicncazplnaiiicaied with the store j sit- downicre brown and work oat hese sams said he ill come to you in a few rninntes john- jarris and chariie r plankly at eaclllther then at the grocer please sir what are we to do said yoa are to wait said mr eppcrgrass aiortfjyoar torus will coma in dnc pae tfca nana wwsnotrcsptclally hardnd pniafirqwn wss qoick at scares hq soon despdtchodhis task cndbegan to look aionnd j- it watarstnff closesmellinelittie room vitb one window cleanup to the ceiuns ismd a cnrions olofasjjiobed bonkase or jgesk with glass doo lined witbadodred i ailk in the corner ff do wonder arhafc mr i peppergraas eeps ibptit saidlouis to himself j and iptftev he had sar4 a ift ajiib fea got up and went aoftlylioward thedesk fhe jrey s in tie lock- said he there cant be any borin in leoking psrhapj there are i tatorybooks or naybj f pjions shells and ftonoror y as tfiesp thnnabtacroased bis mind he opened theidklincd door boagtsbpir i pntfletra baantifal pearlcolored dorcj l00u itood aghaai in rain were itisr afforts to captnre tie little crostarl it ntteredirom the top of the bookcase to prfbpyon4anj theoceto thetop cirungntievindows -a- it 4t unoyed fhechaae mi in the rnidst of it all in wwmrjepperjiraai j jghltwhttvpaiflteifloirtektitu liapikit please sir tali huui halting his bosjd tbabtrdirot rat ami j was trying uivv it again i i i j 1 oct out did it 1 aald mr poppcrtrraai it must bo a very ingenious bird to lie able to opeu tin desk- ttsiin the ottaido i vnu may go boy jto uito cerurni that you woot suit mo x dont approyooi maddlert so aaviug ha opened door which led ilirectly out into the back streot and dis iisiad poor lmt lrown withont forthor qeroraouy ecasr piairlio aald t 0 tha ijttla dote who jrelid bu his shoulder atoocs vou can go back to your nest you base hl ped tuo out ut the difficultji thja tina 1 sobcleltltelituocfeatarefty out into the yard where it belonged charlia warner was the neat 00a ushored into the stuny smelling foojn he too siicsdily cuisiicd ijii n au baiatoj look around iiini for loraething to occupy hisatteutionj oh my wtafc a lot ot boos sail he piled up one aboyo anothor like a tower ofhabcll what can mr peppergraas keep in all ot them v charlie ijitened ka advancing faotalapa wro near ha looksd cantiuiy about him but he lis nothing then ha rose from his chair and crept toward tie mys terious pile of boics tbeywere of all hapes rathcrjmall and fitted with loess wooden covers charlie lifted the lid of one it was full uf kogljsk walnuts hello f thought charlie im in luck old ieppergnaswill never miss two or three of these snd he pocketed a handful the uert but was full of mala raiiius charlie niiped two cr fhtee bloomy writika led fellotvt off the stem and ate them he as foud of raiiinas what ncct f he ssid tugging at the cover of the third bor which ieemcdto ul a little closer all of asuddcn howejcr it flew off with see mat wpireh ftp no r mmmmmmk enamci hi mil it onal i soar prksaa horrookaaa ibleawatkanh to gax an hnnnuajuaih7i t2i5 ljombia ntluntwn 10 mil tnirwi t7rl jfftifa to m giavkaaa bwotilal to webad fjm sissore can mil thm iltofip to t u m vary mmat tiwxlmimi96 andnloe 0r wrb yitauzi o 0 osbbs 6008 f at j wool it anabiaa urn to aedl ry nlee walldi nrhaary itbbf ii itacts i larate lot oi muam nd jadiaavoftaiotm ilagaitoi oct 88th l uvtf sliilisls fine art goods i jcrfc iillia theiir wittitlivcaae- pepper wid ktitng poc cuirlic lo inrin aviicitc racket to eaczc bis acad ofe mr reppcrnu baaticd iai ah paid kt i tec bat you nwttat hre ta ioclia huny to cxanuae my stock yceng inta i lnvcut caicd joa yet aad lj tloatiaccad to aad poor cluhie amked eyy throagt the lice duor vlitcli ilr v fkri held politely opea forihim feeling uut hi ctiri- oiity lud raiaed his ai it wti tame time befow tha clycnne pepper wis taecieati- elered from the t- mosphcrc for johnny jiryi to take hit turn it the tarns in jecitiiil fnctioaf bat he worked tfccm piticntly ont ind then tt looting ixocad iiitn u the blhert hid done but ha vu too hononblo to dreax of meddiiac- ffc too dfldcrtdviut ru in tha baxcf bat he didnt do ny tfion ihxa tender he heard vmyarifjm roauinc behind th culedtlk door oj tia oldwk- oie reoro ir peppfcigrim hd hrt np hi pet kitten bat he lusrec thaufih q ooexiiiiff it to ee whit it all raeaot nirajua jar of oied dnsgt ao tha auntie ily m peppcrgratf had want ed ererf one btaidei corermj it with a dany lid lao that tha leari cngermadc voald hare beeaiaite viaiue bat td tat thrt qoite etui cuiil jlr eppcrsraaf bounced into the room the old grocer looked at the candy jar he fcknoed ai tha csmoustcd boxca and opening the desk saw the kitten iaat atitep intheiorner 1 ait t eid mr pepperjirmaa with a long breath yea exactly 1 too are the boy i raat come right back into the store and hi iet yoa to wafic wuhiac oat tea and coffee and that was tha viy m pepptrtxrao loited himaelf with a boy charles w bill r- jjaa a f ixg assortjtcvt of i pictures and frames oriitarttoa j at30 in stock t8trooop08 8foroeop1o vlw mottoas prforatd or ohromo plcur oord picture nila 01488 ml elza wottfl frames complete for 200 p b o t og- ti a f h s tub uttrr ctty styxes tuc best axd ctteaptar is tbj jouty caas ir sill subscribe for the acton free press 1 rtit isbaulaik llorvfieiraofuiiainluaaaattefc tjna trial or a mi opnfol inasttoehtasafja m vacar will eoottow lata pmtaoatlcvsiilsw jdiojolenloiwanjjiatklptiua jdlswrderothekldneyb liiallillnaaiaaftmnr 1 vt halmofls i vitaliztd puchul wlut4naancal toacmawjrellai wjiaai ai j olher aaaaau hareillad tba jaoelpovnm xlsuni mjkaolorthaooo rsaalaeaai plaints rinysasmalelmnbtsy- proratbu remedy tawfiusttijsswinat ineldedul ts lb female an kotaaatty should be srltbool it awl m nay tat tavkaay tar unecasr ouiaa it will restore tmaakaasga- evermrtnariaaansjrwettotewoi tolhsiiowiarn w uee yajnaiatiaak setie and eiiral dewlllys 16 l llvjr mia s arv rwraoiarit woatit rwssui u al swre aml raeetsal nsrarrr af acwraalaculdirksrfiiijbns trlti ttreau mt rija sfr ruixmtt tmjxrtttr htx ar swrtvrt la rnirtr ar brlsjteoawldnkiiiribrfheutaal hr ii etats ft fsthf the largest and most complete factory in tne dominion 140x100 highest tenors ever twarded to any maker in the world options fijr keeplbc ibeaa onanaanl dnld pur and beallby we may aaisfy ibaataaom dtaease and no medietm ys prepared forhilapbrpoaeeaaajnaluieilaa of tfaydooktb 7jtalizbp scab that i ao u bjaa taade ma a new plan dr haydocki bocho baa increased aajr srelfht oneen rxioads jg my wife would not bet without u fnraaiul anoney i ttttm oar hule boy is bineh better i eneleaa i ana dollar for arwltnar boftla inodltaseasylolakeaamllt wajiara sold thlrtoen bulei tms waefe sad shall want ihem down net order my mornlna agony tsgone inankatoiaat eoetiu wantotapaaaaoaapala aeio oo any inraud or aodarar aouetad with aar kidney disorder wtw will write aoe aatotnear eoaplatnt will be mated hamanly and klad ly iv ta mr moat eardeat desire lolarrasll gate- all forma of diabetes and fflva rellafat all ifmps if yon are too poor lo pnrrhaaej write me any way and jroor scaaa ariat haw immediate attention oaution obaarre tnat tba sltnalore ofjoa haydoek is across tha month ot each bout prleo one dollar tar brga and fifty casta tor trial aires f i jos hatpock vh a rixfr men lew tawk fetmniai and difoma at centennial fjjfllcdal and diplotnaat sydny australia fstgold medal at provincial exhibition toronto hjt highest aifarj at iudutirial exiibilion toronto is76 1877 1878 w9 lt7bry j o t- silll fott preserving settles aboat clrlss bt a bactfejos frieyp the girls in tht principal cities and tpwru of canacjx are natexj os fojlowi montreal the beat dreaaed tdroato the tejist and moat atytian qiisbfic tha smallest feet ljcdon the most demare kingston rolost aid bbominff hamiltod the best mnsicians st- john n b tlia prettiest etalifat the best complexions fort hopeinteliectnaiiiadtiractoas cobourg foad of music and flirting brockville tsdyliko and gracefal presmtt the most amiable brintford tha most indifferent sarnia lbs moataniions to be lored bawmaarille the most anxiam to be mattied st catharines the wittiest and most re6oed uharioteetosn tnejirpsfc tibtlifal peterborough the moat unaophisti- cntej with a wcaknesss for ski ting belleville the most reckless ottawa the most intelligent acton he most sociable all pretty lj 1 i atstewspapera tilflbsicei how apt the old eaying oircam- sjittces fllferc4esjgiccj3jnejn0ffle- times jlowyiyidlj this jsillustrated in the j case of the manjjrno tdafces a constant habit of rncdiag- dpalhe importauce aiid influencoof a tocul papef fat the main object no donbtfo aijord an excuse for bis stinginess in not subscribing for it but who when anything detrimental to bis character comes outia its coinjcns flies intoa terriblg rage and breitens to kick tha unfortunate ltor ejty high and who whin anything on the other band appears ginng creditoblo notice to him or his belonglngsj comas into tie office with bland niils and profote praiae begging icopyw sand awayfo distant friendi- how common an occurrence this is with newspaper men some men seem tn think that only when articles in praise or in depreciion of them pome out in the paperpis tte latter posse seed of any influence purely anph men ayflyanityr isi dji btaso aoft granite ib0n ware rraf bat in the itcrlct at hiafy tl s mill stiiee7 acton si8x 4f fee sdtjitp groceries iyon want a cood and cheap artlela in teug- syaon jinan suck ex hpt- povtui teasil stkrars sympa spioea and tobaooos of au kinda bi58n akd hvteet hardware of all kinds r jtt tha tear j jenet0i and t wmm purify it has been in uso lor so yean and has i ssafegil t12s jitdii jucucoat- 1 kjslavhlea and all dlauaca tbl crtee fctmnclscwreollverman la i srebloolftonsandaofourl leuand droit to their chile ridanapzcscribaltdauy tbotuiel uoncerccommdlttoouiersr i itlamadoirom yellow doci ru eamponlla wud cherrr i psftcikcia3vraawjntcn other wcujdiown tamable j derba strlctlytegetabjouidesu- l net hurt tbo wrt dellcus oonstltuuon 1 it la cno rt the- best tnoeadssatinnaa i for eopiuias tto linrcli j i it is sold dyou responsible draodsta i at cno fiollar for a qnarv bottle oealr i bottleasorowlara- r i hicisawjo cannot obtain ahotuo of i this medhn pom their dmjiist mar i aend naaao dollar and we wnqeusisrn i tntheni free m any charseaps g mam c0 ktrnftrlasu amhebstboea ontaelo frab in kaon 1 praaiaj cfcjoi lu ilcqarrln olds paints akd oils hinges and locks naita glass k puttt salt byjjthe barrei1 all cheap for cash qo to- o t hills mill street aoton go to the guelph cloth hall and soe the oest diapur in tha city of choica scotch tweeds cvercoatinas r where von will get a good fit every time feuits eat according to the lateat ton- doifofkaivtwltitalm shaw 3iukton our agent maybe found at the kan ien hodao palmeraton ry honday and saturday until further notice or ders entrusted to bim will reoeireonr pfatjittiiullopr i i we are now manufacturing square and upright pianoby beet in the market correspondence solicited send for niuiitroted oatalottue mailed free- addresai dominion organ piano company wwmanvilib ontaeio- b craim5 agent actox new autumn and fall goods wm stewart co i take pleasure in proclaiming to their customers and ibe public that they bara in stock th grandest exhibition ol ken bilka satins velrateena dress goods bergea coatome rlotna uantlea dolmans uce goods fringes aiorea hosiery and trim tnis we ask spcialaltention to our dress goods we hold an immense stock of new fabrics acd trimmings to match we claim to bare the cheapest and brightest black ouhmaraa in um city ladies call and ate the joods ry only state tha train we also amrm oar black velreuena cannot be surpassed for beanty of finish and loenees of price black batin skirta cheap white quilu from 125 tabic linens map kins and sheetinge cheap oar flannels cottons canimt ticks ac hare been selected with care from the beat factories ao that folly 100 cents worth will be had crl our winceys surpass in ralne former seasons our 10o 12jc and 15c qualities are grand 800 pieoes of hear prints really ery choice lo select from j no trouble to show goods obliging and courteous salesmen wm stj5wabt co furniture a goodassortaent of first elaas furol- tura of every deacrip- uon conatantly on hand prices aa low as gaelph or george town undertakino john 8pei0ht every deacriptio of coffins casket and all funeral re qniaites alwaya tent in stack a band- some heaest fcr nished at a low rate a call soucrxd j txxao lzasosaixav wilisowstbafit actpn the acton free best local paper in haltbn oq for the heateit amd h0std0rabie ladibs and akhtlbmbn3 boots shoes w williams saie boarfei vt- cj itable8 mill street ii where yoa firstclass eigs at seasonable rates oood ed acton commercial bags an express delleery wagon millmm each expi ess traiandleliter goods t is any part i f the town all pi ties indebted to thii et m ubliabmeit ara requested to pay np withont firther delay and aat6 coata proijiietof organs ajatt sevflnc machihes robt is props red to can on persons requlnn either 8esrlb r machines or organ re h is agencies from beal nanajaetnrera ldtbecmintra wilicaxbt to smvebiasa terms ti y reasonable orders letvaatjrs residence t addressed to hlso to aetoj xa will racatvt prompt attention r kcltallfts t canada t- rf loan bjkiha conpa h satikgjtbank cobirtb owaasrsaurii vnri aw sv sitting i sarxsr ain bsst secwiitn m board op diriotob8v nneefmnt di jeepremat i w rssqhjboh m d uamllton hcoh hdbkatj esq hmllloo tirojsaaiinaxchaanemielson 06c jomc lasoriarton isj war paa a sc a oeottstown 3 host dosrraaj bkoaishoucl lie hbamrusji- o bsowslmeaam cotton jfoasty to faoasm aai blu u noiva citoaseioaesj aaarotom op arari wedaj amtoinm d deitkk nab l-a- anlliuni n vl i

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