tkjupth sll ttbe tibia trains icivc acton at follows coixa wxsr vixht etprcts rirvatauiatt tur espress krprcts jillmited aatxc xisr xirhtetprest ditt wired dsy etptcit western wild toadan mired x 11 yirt uopeonnj it th local rofii of c pruepbssi itllui ulttio to pb tic theetugt or entertauwuati rtfylmu m or to natter vut ie isjrea tmlf u cusrertstmsjestr and ckaroul at rrfturrattt i the r 4 i it the- vait- it sit- jfai- cctt- 3 w ex day apt- id s ie fgk i may m 4 9 x tj rev 105am stqiiu l42puv 6 ijpni 615 pmi i 9i42iriij us0ta ihopri 8j0pm citutmv5sttjimioat twibj 0jiao4 scoa aeettfblstooioi oarirtsu 6 uffw zeus c4i alirrflitnkaioirlrtmuttta a gitacl usotcatat of doll aurjteiel ntestkpajutiaj pa8toa9ji albttaw touot scu tueaboutifalor4ounkiieiiiff birtts saiyti settt of alvt ftirlu tn spwai tibia sjsoas caxtrtauboqxkifjr til eauaaa tsi lati ef stattaat smmatt too atsitnras m nottica at tieo studs jtveilmt saer floods store aetoa oat the free press turnstu iloexrecvoy 1s15q roirv aatj cozvrn winter is liusu djat gaoa the ioimj tittiaj yet iwyt j rfad h ttic ttdceilitcnicnlf it win pay ie jrjctyorcircixrktiid christinas frictiiigm gxxl ue- j young win von ne1 a nejj over eat leave affrirwkiur ciiiniad lay eel t its not coantcr hopping tlutuscs cp the ckrtt shoe leather itt runnitc out tiler choree j tue deceit aor gung coasld nuv itorter ii tic colt at liikt tt the presc2tlitcli li u fiffcaiu it3l- we ucierstuid ttrt ic p kfly inids cnktici t tincfc hoiie oa uis lat it the ccrner of mh1 iadiiielpi tlrtttt if j115 of our etttttcribere fail to rcclirc thtir feei peev5 thrtjh the post oac they cxji prucare x copy by ciihn tt thii oim dont forget to dean lg kioi- off the tijecijk appesit yaar retideiice if vot danc tttcd to it thecaciuc ui ad cblr yott or it ja sufcdty ereninj rer t l vtilejniaa erptiined the bipjim chrjt in 1 kttaoa 03 thit salijrct in the ilethodist church to x large eatiferitioo auction eile lillipriatcd neitly cbeipyal on short aaticeit this 00 pjrtfes fxvaring up with their ordem li recede- x frt notice ot ie iu the flmx the iidesilfc od jliia street is in ci cttdiaoa theixraccil shod hire tt reptirei it once an old ectlcuan ffis tiippea the other diy lyt brofcen pkut xud in ubinz most- bcofce hii leg thersd oa tie west side of tiie g t il pissecerdepgt ieidinc to the phufbrnt u in t hid ooadiuoai md it ti dmost impoisible for tanu to fetin or ot with 1 the g t e isthoriuet ahonld repxirithe caid- the inirtees of wilfcertoa hure instracted tne constable to street all bovt iain us ihoat the town dcriog fichbat hopn without leiok ibce t ire in loccunt cf thenuelrei we think il woald u 1 food rjlia to cirry oat the ume idei here csrtain joang man in ton thocghtleslly went eat the other ercniuc without his pen behind his exr sod caught a severe cold it is no wonder this young mn- carries his peftbeiiind his ear at na- tnrs hu aftfirded him sach grand accomuio tie canadian pravtkria is a periodical now so wall hnawn as to require no words of eommeadstian at our hands the puhlsher oners great tnducemeats io suhscrihersxorlsst andwants aasetire aent ineash coogregsiion write for par farntsn the amount of job wort tamed oaf thefatx vitas office is th best eriaeoe haw our work is appreciated we are tarntne oat potters sate bills dodzera cirenlar hillheads eta- eti ejnal in worfcnunihip ind it is low prices ueitr offices call and see oar samples the proipteta for the eirrftug of the scott act are bnrhfastnjt kinsdodds it coming uk4 the cotnty soon andchal- itcjresprot fosteria meet him what a pity it it that theproftasor cannot talk biffigete for then and tloddseouid meet on eqaal cootin6ceati7fri kiiaul uau wu vlikuuoit afuw col i of good liardviwd or lenilock in iymtlit uf tuuscriptioua tun lifiioouc tics epizootic lua ttacitftd hero thoagb vcryfettrfiorses have bocmtucttjlayit the lioys am ont with trtxir hand iltijhi aud th girl art tlitinf anxioaily lor slalittto coaimoucc llwibd twenty fire obiiti will be fiver at tho ifu ili jm office for tho oovcry of a leiro brail doo ior bpukkdw orreu wewill gke the saadioa farmer a tht fmnpeesstroin nowtolhe lit janiirv isoitorjiw w no etaggeration to sy that hanlana crory ftrer on the tliauws on mondu- hu nlltd every cinidihatrtsirithpfideiiidloawfro scorr act a vorv nuccwui soolt act mtiti wit held in oikvillc list wk bothproj fotler ml mr bonds i 00 the pkuorm the sott art wis uadojlt- edly in livor by sli rjrejeut paeskstittos mr jaraos ifssaie of guelph who has istely been tppoioted warden of the centnl pniousoronto was made the recipieut jut jfridiy reninf of a purse ooouiniog moo in rom pruehted by hit ioilph frtends stitaxika ltrr the oueih lion innouncet ia todtyi issue 1 great parchim of dreit goods it an imdicnu redaction in price our itdy resders will no doubt not let inch in opportunity to secure ruuy- clsnt roods it such low prices slip bf dciixess caixor during the pat teet mr t k hsrdidg hu parchued the ttoctind buiiuett ot mr a w greco who his been cirrying on a grocery and provision trade fur the put fourteen mouths mr eliding will no doubt do 1 good busi- nest ajtilgiitatiox the mount forest ecantua- hu been iiurchased by the oro prietors of the sfcra and lh two pitcrc hivo been amaliramated and will mi- 1 published eemiteetly the con- ftdriite hit alaiyc been a live locsl journal md win nor uo doubt be bcttef than erer we wiiltit uccea s s cosvcstios hilton mnty siblnth school aasociiuon intend holding 1 convention ja this village on tucsdiy ind wednesday tte 1st and 2nd of februuy we hapo th acton people will giva the meatlrs of the auocutioa a heirty recep- tiou tni do all tbey cm to mate the con vention m interesting and successful one selling catiip on ace mat of tlw cood crops tuii good prices this fill aur villiire mercltiutx lzveparchiseeitrilirke ttuchi in ezpoctatiau of an increased trade they hive uiirhcd their foods down to the ipuest riaurc tad are selling 10 ehsip that it will pay far tiert from 1 dutuce to drive to acton to mihe their pncchsks eiteikce krxuikatios the next crimination of pupils for tdmittioa to the oskrillehla schoi will be held on toet- diyind wednesday the 21 it scd 22at days of fceuiber next begiuaiue each dayat 9 oclock ia the forenoon ciadioutec should uaiifv the ifeid sfuter y b wellwood 1 bosuxl eer w s ball ofgoelph callsd on na- on7ridy ereoinglat hist ada cameron who iaabeen vufc u fnenda ia montreal retorned to acton lattweefc kr i e jfjoarria ent to motintjor eti yestsrday to und cfatv babtstjrif friend there mr e bfttof asuanoi ismipeat irw diyf terjr rdeaasntlyainoox his acton fciendt daring the week m oma higginsiwho has 6e employ ad in the excelsior bakery tha past two ytsrt left cor bracfrridgrcn saturday we had a pleasant call from harry ceapisaa of the mtcbdlbtcorder on tuesday mr chapman ra married a few- weeks ago sod il consequently in the best of spirit paints oils sltiijliitijf nt f day uiort c brill una couimlcti stotdiiy tltit year mother eartb irni dounsd hr uiiutls of white j lh christmm itoeici of funcy roodi are nor arriving ill do4t hvirybody uea te htn 11 lieiintl y hieueth siilvwrirateo ell lie brtattf vkk t fair dragfiit laoipb puckijf uu iirohnctlonu ocnli i the oreatoat bleuing x simple uire liurnikm rinitdr thai rufeif every linn una prvtriiu ulwue bj keplmib biioa prc konisou rtculsi t i til ffnt test buss- muscvkrqourfrrru upon mnn unp bittas 11 that remeuvjaud fu proprletort r biirif 1 blifdiy tbnjotdtwbn niivffbetn vejl fliuieii abtou inaikctl hro hich- cured bj 11 will f uu try iu sc oibet cr than quclph come to aetou with your graiu the brick wotk of olrhlilbotn yellow oiljti h gwat pain panacea mtgioali in lis power over ptin and l limmmion li cures ulwumaliim end new kiideoo nesr tno 0 t e depot ii neurtogu iwrnt baolt nnd siilhiil afleo- esjj oiiville pt3j irithoat delay of their intcatioa of bcin present a secovd goirun qq sftotday evening last mr s 3 bills of kockwood delivered goaehs isctcre lights sud hidet of loudon life from metnorf to a very urge audience the speaker repeated the lecture ind imitated gough is far as possible and st the close wss enthusiistic ally cheered he intendsgiring he lecture at creweoas com rs oa friday evtaing 25th inst fkee lot hr john eoh informs tu that he it willing to present a free lot containing a quarter of aa acre upon his land withia the corporation to any espitai- ist who will underuketo establish another new msnufscturing euterphseinour viilige aai5sry independent thi is a sensible iffur and will no doubt be tccepted by same enterprising uicufsctnrer are any of the real estate owners uf acton ready to give the town a lift in making a similar offer a cleveb sstkdle the tcason seems to be uuuiuslly prolific ia the matter of noref and tucceufui swindles snd the igriculturist seems tobe the principal vic tim georce swia of pilkintton was neatly swindfed r few days ago an ageat came alaog and asked feave to pnt up four teen feet of fencing iu front of his place iritis as an advertisement ifr swsa rimed an order to thit effect- afient kci 2 shortly tfterwsrds turned up with a nota for 1200 the moral of this story will make ilaelf crident bat it realfy does not seem to be of sny use to wsra people to beware of signing theirnxmea to pspert pretented by magenta w fsrmerr bewsre americas newepapef axsual t have jolt received a copy of the inwri- eoo aetsrpdperifnnua prepared by messrs it w af er t 3on fhilsdelphia which eontaras icompiete lad corrtct list of as the newspapers published in the united states and donuoioa of canada the annual for icijerenmorijeonpreheotite aid iceunte thin previoni vme of the work and lappbes the demand of advertis ers for a comptef list nwipper in every detsfl there hi fevideiice that the most ontiruig eare aadftsesrch hubeeo ased ia the pretritionf the vbrk and the xturi ayer deietrti m their eeal wevtry fniilr without exception iacitjj village and country will findlt higfilyrlseiartooonstantly road the xberi- ean ajrieulturul tt abonndi in plain mac- xaii rdifili infornrfimtmost taluahle fer a4oor weffm orrwoot wohf ana com fort and its boo to ao00igrivingiiinctary volume are both letting and frnitratratd in tr3 rwptct jtireiariinent and irtands lone a phico in honaehold no matter how many other joniiisa t taken- v ulnstrafed depart ment for jonth tod eiildrencontsini vjofb information a well a amuseane tts hnmhiig xpoenre axe invalnabw to dl classes the cost hi very tow on3yltp from now to the end of lil orieflrnei forl sihgla nmnbera 1 0p fed- aea 6c take our advim ntribe nofbtn88l orangef odd company pub- ifchers 2b varnislies oumptcted aod the building it enclosed the isadiogcitixen will roon bogtn to make himielf morl than ordinarily ureeible muoicipsi eloctioot ia the tttar future t mr hmcdiirtiid of toronto ii exncclcd to prcsch iu the disciple xteoiing ifjuie aitoo nettsuadsy slit tuil it tlaim and 530 pm a fact what is a fct i that nw tabicrihert can tccara the faxx liixss the best ioeil pspec iu fsiton county from i bow until jiuuin tit 1832 far one dolitr the georgolown urdtd hns great ly improved etuce the new proprietor took hold of it kit rtiden will uo doubt ap preciate the iutcreit he takes is local af fairs mofclniiu lira now eendinp out their accounts billbeads look attractive ire a goodr sdvertiiemeut ire fsrhtudier sad cost little more than the blink tccouut piper when printed it tho fxk ekesx job rooms t v would iiforta those of oar rcadert who ire desirpai of lubscribing for the fkxe pkra toseud to friends it 1 dis tance that we pay all pottage and that the cost of subscription will be only one dollar per annum if paid ia advance scott act meerrxa on fadsy eveniue but a very tuccessful and well t- leuded meeting in far of th scott act hcldiu the teojpcnaw hill of thit villsge uev ur loweicuiiaicbtirmiii her w 8 bill ot giielph tddressed the tudieuce for about sa hour and rasde one of the bast ttopenace ikturtt vi hive ever listened to itit reunrka were both prscticsl sad sensible la his speech mr balfcivei synopsis of the history of tht workings sad result ot the creaks act in tiufttph during the previous two weeks and the history was ant sa eaviible ouc rev d b cunerdn wis tbtu cilled upon far a speech bat not beiog prepared he deciiacd iftcr 1 few rtrnirkt rtr t l wilkinson thfa took the puuifm snd mide in excel- leut eptech in which he exptiined many poiuu uf the scott act snd the duty of temperance people at the close of the meeting 1 vote ni tskin tadill manifested that they were in livor of the act the meeting closed with the benediction 1ialtov cotixtv sews georsetovntc svral hotetkeetitit have storrpi taking clelfdtalrf owing to he fim stand we are taking with referenca to ihe teuipurnce juficra kut none of heiie ihiags move us herald thstii righ keep x stiff upper liju wo hire bceu requested to call the mention ol the kutloritiec to an m- tojeraue nuisance cccurinj almost every night by knots of boys ranjnnj from nine to about ntacteea years of g who ierch tlenilves hers and iliere under the veranddu of main street andat street crossings singing and whistling and making use of ob scene language scarcely any person male or female can rwsa the young scamps without being nitds the object of their iliasecrau twa wamen mother and daughter wens taken to limbo one night lust week for being drunk and creating a disturbance in the waiting rooo of the k i if w railway sution on being arrested the elder lady caught the conitabu by the throat and was about to go for him generally when a few smart rapa of the constables homy palm fetched her ladyship fo time they were both liberated after a nights lodging in jnil which had the effect of sobering them a little her ald milton mr k- j hitrtch of this town start ed on tuesday for michijsn he will remsin there until spring and then go west to take up land cltampipn j the teacheri in acton pohlic i3cuoof hav all been reengaged for 1881 ax two of themare ladies w wonder how they like it to be published heat scorr act w oaeville a meet- ingwag held in oikviye on jfonday evening whicu wai addressed by prof foster on behalf of the act and in ofposilion 0 itby mr dodds bjth genflemin delivertd effective speeches inri wets listened to with aarnest at- tsrntlon tfaronghbut the hall was filled to its utmost capacity a fair indication thit the town is being thoroughly aroused by the agitation atrc 1 w oakvuie fthe scott aot igiutioa is t ferer lmt in oakville ezprest the epixootie if ragine had in this oooiity eiprae mr oas davis ont of the first set- tiers in oskville died of congestion of the lungs last taaaday standard on mondytb propeller dromedary took ot bprd 1863- barrels of apples for montreil taeaday tiie lalce ificlii- fan sco barrels for montreal ez yr v yett reason- tlonicontrnfctlonocorrlssnoiluelei uf tlmlly and rutornslly kor tale by all dealers ooirtr lave aim up iu it pomlblfi thai mraodfruy it up ana at wrirx tud cur4t by w ilmple a rcmolyf 1 assure you u in true hut heft eukrety ouffd anil willi nothing but han hitters tod ofl lenllayi nthii4xroriv him upiod laid lie must lb mcildyl it lalimto and sct some fur poor clcorte tint is io 1 sarn itnmruoiaitnigood ml jo- hiu free ins cyslem of impurities excite tbt secretions io i uiallbv actioa cleunie the blood ahd lone up the aeukenod nerves with lust matchless medicine burdock lilood bitters ic cures hcrolulli liver and kidney com plaints jauridice coiuiipailori dynpep- sit ileidache ncivous and general debility oiijf all femilp compuidtt- uvery dealer in medicine can supply you with burdock blood bitten sample bouksioccrits leguhrtiie j100 zopesa fijam briril is now come into ctuxda itlsu mill puratlve sctinr as a wabder upon tud slcint crcnall and catrzi to the uirestivo apiurutut of the bumsa stwubcb eoerctlntttudlucreistafflue acids it is stroocly aiuuoinfaufi and carries ofl all suriitus bile lotu up tie liver fives sound dlrcstioa sad iiefy health to the liyspeptlc andtbe wiiloasaskj e ueltrvln fort ten ceutsainplt bottle and clt 2orcfi the new comoaua isrse rjlsulouaoa ttotllcs 7s cjnts halyards pectoral bajsamli the most safe pleanntand pi feet remedy known for all diseases of the throat and lung it curct cowhs colds rronchitis asibmt croup wbooptog coogfi and all pectoral camplaintsj in the most 6pccjy manner a ewdosetmll relieve the most troublesome cuugh in children aradullt for sale by ill dealers at 25 cents perbouie kot rus luuatett arrtxirr exists be tween the numberless cough mixtures with which the nwricl is flooded and thit successful pieparition rjnrthrop lymina emulsion df cod liver oil nnd lltpophosphifbi of lime and soda it stands alone distinct is like itself and nothing le it eabodics the best results of advanced pfpjrmaceuucal ounce it accomplishes positive de cisive result ill ectuallrelieringcoughs when ihe lungs are not tuberculous or uoieeiy atectcm colds laryngitis and diseases ot a scrofilout origin while it doei riot ccni cohfumption it is the most reliable means o defence against that dreaded scourge the in vigorating properties of thetiypophot phites reimburse the system debilitated by the comunt tear and wear oracoub while the paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence in oonsequence of the sooting emollient action ol the cod liver od up on the inttaraei iunjj membrane the phosphorus lime andeoda in comluoa lion wi h it are all natural components in the constriiciion of the bodily edifice which ia a slsteof rlffiilsrksaauf ficiency of those elements thcfe the hypnphosphies supply increa the nutritive properties of the blood and building up and rehabilitating the totter ing human structure with a degree ol pronptitude as sstoniihir as it is grttilying to the invalid a perceptible gsin iu flesh s well as in strength is one ot the consecfoencea of using this stand ard iprepaation which both time and experience ntx demonstrated to be fully worthy of the coafidenoe reposed in it prept ed by kaentto 4 lnits toronto and sold by all dtaggiala croap thi t dire disease his lost its tenors to ibejse who keep tellow oil al hmd felloe oil also cures tore ihroil qulnsey cangeauon and inbim mttion of the lungt now is the season to gtard against sudden attacks of ciseses ask your druggist ibrilag- vards yellow oil go to the post office store acton r for cheap hardware 0t7t sb waotjgst et a ixis la all sizes paints oils and varnishes window glass 7x9 to 30x40 choice smoked hams ajvr side meats best teas sugars and general groceries at lowest prices alex secord christie henderson go acton this week show the contents of ofver- 60 cases of boots and shoes rrom tat 2t ifaken la t comlalja tio vor stxeelleat quality tt thm fooli bm tw taorwitblt ttl forrui as tat rtrtk for qats- tltti virlty dntwity aal qatajati li aatarputtd by tay ilablt aouit la tat tndt rst oflptrtiialty li offtrti tor piwarlajr tat rtaait- itt nil tainttrfttpply full lines qf tweeds gray white and scarlet flannel can- ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies ixlan ties fine wool goods blaok costumes costume cloth etc just in hiritfi al1tat8 bide a specialt1 op a ia a wiobt we are determined still to maintarn the super iority of this line winceys plajn and fancy fiqm 5 cents up f remerjiber their famous 50c tea cheistie hendeescn co t7 f auction sale htguter icov 23rd auction tile of finn stock sad imple meuti belonging ue betsey lot 20 co l 6 equetnlg silb to coni- mcace it 12 oclock wm hcmsfrcet auclioaer kovxkbck 2pth auction sale of real estate firm stock and implements at lot a j can 1 urin on thursday nov 2jlh the property of the late alex kclntosh esa w hemstrect anctioueer wearties office receive or caxaoc getting bqls priated it this a notice sirailarto abovefki e acctioa buls printed in the best and moit attractive manner and ci cheap as onv other office in the vicinity i toe alt1e lawsot kekkedt iu eyjnesing on the i7th last at the residence of the brides father by lev d b cameron of acton mr grittim liwion of estt rreemnnt uichigsa ia miggie third daughter of mr john kennedy actov baut its white wheat 1090 to 1 07 tretdwelloid 0 80 to i 07 spring wheat gltfgcw mo 93 to i os eedchafi oats pent barley rye egg per do u batter dairy packed batter rollu potstoe cc r per bag dressed hogt flour hc white wheat ireadwu i spring wheat glitgaw red ehalf dits peat rsrley life roa to i 02 0 28 to 0 21 0 0 to 0 co 0 s5 to 0 70 03mo 0 75 0 10 to 0 ii 0 is to 0 20 0 18 to 0 20 0 10 to 0 5 5 60 to 6 cio elfu haetrts 2 75to300 eggs per dot butter dairy picked batter rolls potatoes new per bush dressed hozs 0 90 to 1 m 0 90 to i 04 0 9sto lj06 0 90 to 0 95 0 28 fo 0 30 0 50 to cg5 0 55 to 0 62 0 73 to 0 80 0 15 to 0 16 0 is to 0 22 0 16 to 0 21 0 40 to 0 45 5 k to 00 a distifict and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of eypophosphites tt eanftirtjhe flfmnit rskntiftl to the sniaul orgmuiiitioa the oxiiiiajg igestx uitoaics u combiattion titi t rtimtiuting ijtii pbophonuridgtirtnnt of b- sq iligiitlyilfamne and is diipess u the caiireiuentiatipdblfonnofaitn ti effeetl in anillr risible within twentyfour boars ulitt marked by ft stim tjlftiffl of th sputite th digestioa tad wnmilttimi entrring hrecuy into the ciicnlfttios it tones tbe nerre tad muscles- exerts t heiltby action of u secretians neuher disturbs the stomixh nor injures the tjfiaa tudu ytolovgeilrhti and my b disoonttducd ftt soy tin withoat inconrchieacft in a srord it possesses tbj ftiianlsats o stoms th ftangut the tonice to retsia fit sod merit of ft high decree 4 fellows compound strap of hyp0pho3phites mfcxotvr amd pcbmamotay cures cffmtum mf fjtm tm ifwjrli comrmmptt jtwui p uh- um0f brnk fnlpiutio thmru tumbling of t hamdsmtu limjh thwieat and ni iinw1o low apphuty lost emerfgf lot of m smry asd wvll rtpirfly imprort tbe vekned funcdora iod tnvutt of lie tndy which depend for hekkk rpomrihmrj mtrroutiaion xt fioq for a pamphlet perry davis son- lawrence pkt aqehtb hqxtreal qoklitoilu 7 8tove cotdehviredtoany part of the towa apply to ben jobitlt i attheotr depot 450 f r u ts 13 choice piecas of sheet itasicaggregafe value 4501 full sise best quality vocal and instraroiental sent post paid for 25c address at once fo ita shatttjck owossaii mioli tjsa ko potfaq sutmpt tnlm of all kims at an immense reduction in prices to clear but our stock to make a change w at sellieg heavy 50c factory flannel for 39c 25c wincey shirtinr for 18c 125 doable fold coatio g for 95c 225 beaver forfl75 000 velvet wide for 70c fins 12 luce curtains for 100 fine 35c cashmere for 25c heavy 50c dress goods for 25c fin 22c bresa goods for 15c ltc etc etc in groceries 3 lbs splendid ta for 100 find 30c coffee for 25c com barch 3 package for 25c biking powder 3 packajes for 25c biscuita 3 lbs for 22e etc etc qroat hoductions ia mil- linepy oood boots k shoes i selling lvowrtlin ever- b1kms8 olaapmans comer store -rotgosr- t2as able prices the cheap grocery w p brown hu just received a new stock of grooaries crockery and glassvie 1 i histeas are excellent ajttl have given great satisfaction try them a smmtd lot or giissv soon lo b opened antery ini table for cbriilmu fresenu give him a call cpo4s dellrcred in the tulase w p brown i i u teas v new goods new goods v l o b nasletthisjotraicavxbiijtboasiocior 1tb w fall aojotis comprising french merinos oashmeres lustres oolored and plain winceys gents underclothing ladieb tjndervests berlin and fingerihg wools oolored stocking goods and a large absoltlubit or all of which he will teli cheap for com or tradi b hmhtl at mcqajvins drug store aieton