vsjvats tpffijbepebss tairtaruv jltfftxiitt nov 18 18sq rowrefozxs cobxsb ftj 8ern statrea paly a baby lotted and caressed uentlv held jn a mother a bretst pair t child toddling elana prjgbbniwr now ita nappy home fixifthaf i trudging to school ooverusd tow by sterner rata anlravooth liritar in dreams fpu of nrojptse eta now teems olvajathar bomed with cn silver threads in dark brown hair only a staybeari toddling aiaia graving old and fall of pain polyamoand 0ergrowa with grass dreams unrealised ml it last na il m ffli m- 0 mothers tiff u tyty lnc la february lsfil terrible gale raced aloor the eosat of euglrud ta one bay hartlepool it wrecked eightyone vessels j whilst the ttonn was t its hefgfcl the liang m t stout brig struck oa lone itecr bock t reef crteajtef from one tide ot the bay she ml tearing only her two uiuaustt 11m ve the coaming waves phe iifeboata were away rescuing wreck ed crewa the only meant of saving the lyeo dinging to the swaying masts was the nctei sptratsa before it could be idjut- j one gust fell just u the rocket bear- iugtlie lifeline went booming oat of the niortarj the tftsfif tout toppled orer iiadly the rocket met began to draw ia their line when suddenly tier felt tha sumetbing was attached to it and in a fe niiuutea hauled oa to iitc beach the appar ently lifeless body of a sailurboy trained and tender hands worked and ittebort time hefa conscious th sxdty jtaoaae may describe the coal scene with wli amazement he guj aroaod oa the kind and sympathizing frfeuda thef raited him to hia feet he looked an fnto the weatherbeaten flat of the old fisherman near him and ukftd where am if thoo art here my lad wheres the caia prawned nvy lad the mate then r hes drowned too thacrew t they are lost my lad thou art the only one saved the borstood overwhelmed foe a few momenta then he raised both hie haads and critd in a load rpice my metiers been praying for ma ilj- ntothera been praying for me r ladthea he dropped oa his knees on the wet and u4 fc4 bis ohfcn ue in his hands hundreds heard that day this tribal to a mothers tars and to gods faithxalaeai is listening to a mothers prayers the little fellov was taken to a house near by and ia a few days he ni test home sa 6fi mothers cottase in korthom- iedaad short and bad two mlukcuolyaoclotti bbttflr jutcojbbp jua j joy gun bait f boy unit firrnjl ou j jiettle boiu for eest 8ee inqaett 0em of fiil h that blows tbo coals in qasrrels aa notfaing to corapliii if tin sparks flj- in faufiaca ta be perfectly- jvttu an iftribau gf the dirina dstnre to l so to the btaoat of oar aluiliex it the glory of nn tbe gretlret evijj fit life if re tieir riaa from bomething which cu thoogfat o 1 pf too jiwe irproitance torbeai undid to tras goodnesi is like the glaw waroi la this that it abine moat when no eye except tfjoee of fierep are apon to please one must mate rrp his roind tp be upgut many thing which lie alresiy knows by jcoplewho do pot enow- tfiern a woman shoald aerer accept a lover witfioat the consant of her heart nor a hnjtiand without the cooseut of terjadgment j ie it oqra to fasten oar thoughts not on the passions add panics of ha brief todajr but on the hopes of the long i- ornprrgr he that cannot forgire obers breakfr l ii bridge orer rbicft he mustfjaas bin- self j forererr fliau iiiis need to be for gireo the christua who prays for gnce for ljojirjess while all the while he it liringjoas to frustrate alubeae trajersv jf spacing nmqmc thorns qhristunitjr does not jestroj- the socioi prinpiplfibtlt aapties it oa estrtl wi will irerfectlf sanctify it in heaven the select soctsjy of the pnirarse is inhearen f n cleap ail oatsj with pilfc sod vster a little ginger put into sausage meat improves the flavor in icing caesrdip thefenife freoaent- jy iqto coiatwaur a bmsu pioce of chsraoal ia be pot witft hoiling cajbaga rerppves the smell tamlivtil that ltave had millc in fhetq shouw neyer be put iptq hot wafer- k your coal fire ia lew thrp on a tahlespoonful of saliandit wil htjpit tervtaach j a soofltjfulof slewpd potatoes in the gravy of fitber rdasud or fried mst is i jtoprorameat the cant rpp lfe thira is a limit beyond which the housewife h baa eigcrly pluagwl into the canniag and preserving arson can not go there ire onjy 500 known methods of putting up peaches it may take eouietlme to gat o the last one but shajl rench it in time tbo ulmt estimate j aces lis ouuber of fruit jars on sale in this country at 3000000 no housewife can aecuro more has tar proportwu of these after aha has stictd her basbaad seventy tight ooaiecutive times to und up tnolber doien of ho cans there tajistsonia a lull she majr then de mand her shara of the crocks and jars and elljf tumblers of this great and growing country but winter is only thraie months aay by and by there mast come an end to this astiug for another treaty pounds of that tame kind of sugar the stock on hand in this country will not allow any family to consume over 5000 pounds in pulr ting np prereryes ths woman who goes beyond that must do o at ber peril while the avenga husband ferlsa thriii of exultation s i he realizes that pums are played ha must not be plunged into despair to learn that peaches wili go down to fifty cents be fore the jut of the crop is in and hat pears wer never knows to be so plenty no cellar can hold mora than it cad after the jiiga and jars and cans and pitchers ate stacked from floor to joice the wife hat got to either lay ofl her big apron and quit or else rent apace from the neighbors and th chances wiu be tiit thiey will njranona to spare in two weeks more shell have to girt up on peaches and peara than shall begin on tcnato pickles and catsup jump to cucujnlirrs slide off on apple butler wori op a bushel of qainoaa boil down a ban of cider and then lit doan and giro up the uneqaal itruggje that is shdu sud- i debly remember hat every can and jar and jag mast bo lifted up or taken down and opened and heated over and if perchance she finishes the job before spring he mince pie season will sarve to keep the house up they were bom that way and men most suffer andeodara ii tcasn purchases do at the pht hpe ft pmbss gq0q8 beaess qqq3d3 1 88 9099 at uo u anablai bin o tell a rery superior wide baayy uty i wool book for men at ooy hi wortu 5o a full supply of cob dlreot from the british makers ibj and genta underwear nehkwesr member kuhf liuuke ia on hamilton oct 28th 1m fine ptanyai at only joo wall worth lie it anabua bia to sail very plot u aud aoa bmty uabs woriu 930 a iuii tuupi a huates and ladles amya in farious ooloft just received 4 jar j jot of mlsam iutd udiaaveney dloa lit mk are ooerlng cheap it aoablas him to aeu manila polmsns and jlatata tar below raguiae mioaa manuac atillinat ladua and urasajng qownt made to order oarpau 1om loo to 1w an immaosa stock onjiaod wblafc at aauuag b yery tats it njjiigt jjaat nos0 and 32 one door rai of hugheon tt where the varaudah is down tboaimla thomas c watkins hamilton stibsoribe for the acton free press art goods charles w hill uas k rim absortmivt or pictures and frames or ina latsat dsaroxs vtay cnaar also in etoort losttrf eepta ttaraoaaoplo vlawa noljtoaa parforattd or ohroyno plefnr oord plcura nalla olaaa all aliaa motto frames complete for 20c the jjatestcrtr srvrra tuc bar akd oijttf est ix rat uocntt burdock biaodiblttara the only- jffedicina that ncceufolly poriflei the blood acts upon the liver bowel skin and kidneys while at the same time it allayi nervonj irhtation and strenffthenj the debilitated system perfectly and epeedily curing buioosnew ianndke dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropsy ervous tad gen eral debility female complaints ecrofnla brysipclas salt rheum and every ppecitt of chronic pia arising from dikrdred liverj kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best biooo purifyinc tonic in the fobto latahe aljle ite t ktuw k cc bat solts iiwatt eewal else tm ihctiunaer m irteasvi mm rewtfer ia mlt m sad tarf inmrir a- adala pnei tj ccau or j kx l i tars ttriwul rr amaeitle ares ve rartas it rrt calot far lilitni md efeaiair iter a lai p mm fii nua mi o t stiisisi fok groceries tfce soopstoneln out siorrl a lady on the outskirts of denver was the victim he other day of a tramps practical joke even in those vagabonds hrra is an occasional vein of hamor which is worth preserving the incident hsppeoed in this wise aviut the middle of the afternoon tha tramp pat ia an appearance and aaktd politely if he could be permitted o cook for himself a pke of soup i have the ingredients with me ha said displaying a cobblestone about the site of an apple the lady very nturaliy looked at him in iiirprise ypii cant make soup oat of that rock can yon i she inquired in aur prise oh yes- madam this is what ar call i aoop alone well i should like a see yoa do it and she forthwith made np a nre in the stove and the ramp commenced operations he filled the storepap with water and afterit comnienctd to boil verroarefully deposited the stone in tbt pan of water i shall hare to trouble you for a iittfs krasoning be sajd and he lady hastened to get him an ornou a piece of meat and a cmato these were care fully cut up and put in to- boil along with the stone- fn a abort tirne a de ilcioqa plate of soap wua prepared the lady tasted it and was delighted with the fiiroc the fellow sat down and ate and bis boatess immediately added what was necessary to mafceji substan tial meal when he left he said that he cuuldjget plenty of soupstones pn hisl way and hat he would leavo that one with ber as an evidence of how sincerely he appreciated her kindness she was firmlv convinped that she bad come into possession of a treasure that night thetaldherbnsbandof thecircunistincr hd listened o the recital and then inquired innooently f r- f dont yon think tie mrat and the onion and the tomato would have made a very good plate of soap without the rocfer j gradually the trick began to dawn upon her and if you want to matte hat lady mad you have only to uk her of the joan of ber soudstont uroa want a rood tad cheap srtlele a 7svt4 srttif jijan sucker sua povler teasii surars syrupe bpicea and tobaooos w all kinds frr8h and sweet hardware of all tiniu paints akd oils hindes and locks nalf gla83 pdttr salt by the babrel au cheap for ca8h ao to o t hrjjs mill street acton sarsaparilla lira ww mu and for purrfflna the blood- ii has been in use lor sd years and taa iroveil to be thobestnrefiantjoitinuia umrket foreick hkasagie pain mjtsmicoii back lives con- pijusthiiples otsmt pace dm- fefsia hles and ail dhnasea thai lrreroriui lm- ttcanry tbcbo who use it and gtr it it once recommend it fslsat njeuoi seaaatraa other wpbtaown vahtsble norba it la fru vegetable and can pot tart the mart delicate eanatttsuoa it is one of the best or cesulatiawtrja who eonot uwaa3 thseocmeftowiianiat althnatbobo jrninwjca suas ohtaeia pr ssf 1 acton b j e slcoarvin pmsslst gboana new organ fhom a firstclass canadian jnaker for sale suitable for the home sundaytchpol or binall church we will sell the above very lowforoaah for fauparticalaas apply to fats fasts omcsi acton feb hx88x pxeserting settles in brass and granite monware fstthe but i the ucrktt at ha vills hill street actok siqjf of tbs lmp a mccrae gos first prize underclothing lambs wool merino and hoavy lutood al80- childrens dresses anp ladies underclothing m u rto n mayftiit ttliori oiwipli the largest and most complete factory ia tie dominion140rl00 highest honors ever awarded to any maker ia the worlol tstuaal and diploma at ctntennial st medal and diploma at sydity australia fstoeld medal at provincial exhibition toronto fqtijiohtil award at induttrial exhibition toronto 1876 1877 1878 1876 we are now manufacturing square and upright pianos best in the market- correspondence solicited send for ulaatrfited oataloaae mailed free addrtos dominion organ piano company bowmanvillb ontario b tauijke acent actok wm stewart oo inrite the fcpeoial atleouon of all who want reallr first claaa dry goods at reasonable prices to the immense slock of tie a uoods in our pbkss goods dkpabtmknt hantlk dkf astment hilunbry defabthest iiace hoslbki and gutvfi dbpartmbst black and colo hud velveteen departuest bilk department sflavloisprthknr tjtaplbdgpartment w15cey departhent uourmno depabtutnt tabls linen deparrmknt cloth and tweed department bulk cashmere cepaktmbnt we have tie largest stock of ood3vo laavs ever before offered ssat our aim is to offer inch value and choice as o make it an object for purchasers to call and secure barjaina j 19 fleanrre of a vialt solicited t wm stewart co aot0n harness trtjmsf factory harness and th0nes mad to order ia any atria reqoired abort aotioa lad at reasonabla uricea renairiiut rmmnttr attended to n orkkoh treasonable prieae repairing prompujr attended to the jactdn free prfsis best local papeb tn bliqnqq furniturb a good assortment of fijst claaa fural- tnr of averj deaorip tlon oonttintl- on hand priee allow aa qoalpuor george town a cam nuorfsd iohn tpeloht undertakino ivery deaeripuo idf oofflna caakei and all funeral re qoiaketi alwva kept insiaek a twndv oroe haku fur oiahed at loar rat itsmu lato-aul- john seilgklit ai4ywotbawr actoh dr hayco vitautowosw itm asaraclnrldarr tfeet tt uila sj arepardsir ur hucii pos aattdrldari- utaana la wjilusaia th feleiorx aa medleine amtllsreaalu mroa4anoitkmbtrna4kawiiakrts it suiuia digaatinn adds ions e u 1 uiblnflsomeaweprtmtalsmlslalbsj autjottoevwataruubekmlauaworaar- oae trial of a taaaaeonrnl in a ml wur will eoovkwe tba bom sea in from tan to twaptr asimiu m diaorder of tb kidney laaliituaaataektlrtbahzbswb taer a t loo moon it wo hum watavafta wbatttlbeatmatadwlibiiormva orwlto aanaa and paina aattlad 5 s u2 jijfatbbojrfl vitiliawd buchu vjt1vajaratlmmaanwhn i tfi n iataas have railed tb mivtiieawiitiv azniuaa madlata mr uwiaf iraateeaaa bmmantal to lie ttaal an fta tuair anoald wlioohand ft tuy tt lakat yooof or oft at h iriu rtalre bxlui tvrreawr atfaaaa prur naeaeeeatiai m twttiaaiocaaeu w iraee avswpalaibaai j3 ab and teoaral i jaandle and xellow lever lo ibabanjal dlaitboaa drmauryeatjnatlod battei u the latfi eaaaajbatua km wood tt eeorvv asdatl i mpuoct avkaaptnc i old psra and tualikr w fur mmjt abaatuaka ofidtnats aad no wdkfaa ai prpaaraortnispqxpoaaeaqoajihajoif maydoofn vttaxjzbd buobtji ataua wai a urn i it baa mad me inn sua orihavdoem boeho has inereatedi welski uflmd ppnnda my wut woffld not b wltboot t roraar i mooav oar llule txr is muh better i asalet on dollar for anntner bottle i undu as easrtt take as milk j w kave sold ifalrtecn bulmtmaw aad shall want brae doxen nevi oraer hj ttornlnastonrufoneuianastoj boebn wanlmtpmmmptlstmtoanixma ll any invalid or sufferer sfflleted with as kidney dltordpr who 1 11 write m t at to their il eoaplalnl will be iraatad bnmanly and kind i ly it is my most earnest desire to inveau v5f fataajjibrdiulabrtra and air relief at 5 atfjonfa ifoo are tpobrloorbaaf write meany wy andyoar aaaa will hate immediate attention oautiorv observe that tba iltnaliire tt joahsydcek is across tbt atoclb ol eaeb dottle prlee ooa dooax tat large and flay cents teutai ataea jom hatdock at d- sw rxarr mazt lewtark uvear sale a board itailei mill treet acton la where yoa can get firstclass rigs at bea80habu bates a r flood commercial eigtv an eirreas deuverr wagon will meet earn express train and deliver goods to anj part of the own j all parties indebted e thu es- 1 tablithment are rrneated it par np without further delay and tase costs sd mattlievf propietop o rc a n s 8ewinc machines m u robttraihi acton is praparad to call on pertona reqmnns either sewliik bacltlties ir onrairt f he has agencies from thl beat inannjaetnreraln theooobtry and f will manatee aatliraeuon lo porehaaars terms very reasobabla men reft alhla rhideneeoraddresaedtohlm toaeto t 11 raottva prompt attantion st okaikb canada j lai baninc compaut savings aank ooairaojaaajavixtta r six rwosst tamest tail on ip- pouti etu tad asrsrazos t sa rssr4iri usst sgqffititt hi wmmid oltaurbotqtts ixb crarailouisqpraamant i wa knsa o or uphii waldi coj bar ffikmrvmprei4- boetl moht beehaa ttroaai blachaan esq out johii ltxo barton vakktqr i masleaiyratjrealdanl- j wrkoajeaoaoii m a hamilton boss mohati beahammoa r biircila jnhhlaiakl noar dnmak ktq uamutep r kchtmloui kin jakviue wrmtrojemixartowa o b ttratr manaaer oolto uuss mimtyuhtttm aei afafe a w i aalxil5avafjumkpir