Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1880, p. 2

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ksi 1 am siis w s ati iti cwkwc r3i wvr tmetreetiiec- acms tiivisiuv dec 1c isso tfcisciifcfr vs scju act ailc hcou act rutivo lo lis wcthhpi ot live can- aletrmjrrli acl or scott act in new hnioswick mr grg toltoti hands us tie following item diiiej iron tic uoncloo tiiict weaxnil ji leiki rescued by mr d 13 cuisiinlui of hamilton froiiillr juo l lluali lulicn niaxislruic in ftederickion n k uferiltig lo uiu working of the act iu linlcitr tho stoncwa timst says t vc have iuformadou front several itoure to here ia uo difficulty iu i obtaioiug liquor at half e scorii of ulaces within orilous throw of suwcx i malion sud thai at nil events liquor i is drxtib cjtuui as freely there its urfotv i the scott act came iij force the act aloes cot ajiftear to be walking very well at fredericlcton citl6r et the present iinie though it m rightly enforced at the canhuencetnenl mr uarslie letter bays as polica magistrate of the city of frelerkklon 1 hive much nleasnre in being able to ccrlifr o tho favorable rwrilts of the ginada temperance act tines it atom into operation in bis city on lo 1st of xfay 1879 and more cijieciiuy since the- act was declared byllie upreme court of the deinicion to be within the constitutional powers pi tarliauieut there is no fucli thing uow as the open sale of liquor brtelail ia iubljc bouses or saloons there u of course an occasional cue of illegal sale discovered and punished the cases of sueet drunkenness are very few indeed fcrul ll laslrmhklaii the miicr nfilom arising out of iutemperanoe has been reduced by at least onehalf iifcel sife in taring that in this city lh working of the act has been sacit as ought la satisfy the reasonable expec tations of all friends of temperance we leave th people to jadgo for themselves i jtassngnireya ews prom otar rn corrtspcadtrt the cattle fed for the christinas markets vrereukan ui gaelpbtaesday ac open entertainment il begireu by prospect division s of t in a fe wrecks tlje roriral meetings held atsicftxtl fcavebeen craciuded they resulted in modi goocl an etioiiuitioaof djapapilsof s3 ko 7 lit james bsjyt4j teacher kill b held pa thuredir 23id inst stewartto vca sews frosi fir cvrit iarrcspcudekt the scboil texchcre here hue otcu reengaged fr alotlier year the scarlet fever is in town there era several cases it at present mr ltwscc inrober tad- shingle manufacturer has eonmenccd to team saw uigs to hu ilius licre he intende jratting in large stock this winter mr ifurray has givtn up store ceep- log here jlr curry of ivorval who hai moved ta torn during tlio past week intencu to carry on the business mr d cross is drising a big busi ness bete he has just put a new steam engine in his tannery and there ia a great demand far hides vruad and bark a young man living not a thousand miles from bete got loo much whiskey iuside of him one day last ek and fell against the tide of a uofa breaking iiii nosej while feeding a threshing machine on the farm of air william thompson on wednesday last mr d madett of this village received a very severe cat on the back of jts hand- by the knife of he band cutter it will be some time before he will bo able to resume work thetuiase eeevesoip to ox editor cfuic pro pros deaje sib i see yoor last issue hat my name is mentioned with several others as like to be nominated for beera of this maoicipality for the en suing year permit we to lute to the electors through your eolnmns that x am not in the field as a candidate for municipal bnnon his year in the first place i do not believe in dual representation and it would complicate matters if i were elected to fill the office of village keere as i am at present chairman of the school board and secondly i think there is not such a scarcity of fit men in our village that any one ia required to take a doubln tbare of honor and usfly my health i at present is such as would prohibit we from acceptine the nomination thanking you for the ass of year valuaule spaca i remain ttouri truly jojjs spetoht acton dec u 1880 ta tkt acfiisr ofefr our friend of ttaaclpa altmgtr ould bae htv leaders aieliuve that hi ia dwply i caepiacd 6vr tk stt act hut jtoglnjt itouttikriif itcwii ilio decumlivi- liauiof hia jwjrer ilia uoubht sienia to u not ao much wttli ilit acti aho o kwpjin favoi wtiii the lisl itneicn whoaocliauipion up oomtut bittiaelfi and also lo iiicar friendly to the principlea advo cated by the miipofuisof life act lie mrs ha dont favor diuukeuiioita or diiiikiug ettong liquors of any sort but ha canuol eiiiiortlha scott act be caiisoit provides that the pruutiaea of iirties cluicged with selling liqnoi privately or publicly may be searched that i he cannot support the law localise it coutaiua the necessary pro- visiois to make it cdicliva to he checkiug of that drinking and druiikei ihss which ha dont favor ferhapx lie has some lereoual reasons for this objection but the right of search into the premises of parties clutged with eoucealcd breach of law has always been considered by legislators anecca sity for the detection of crime and fui the protection of life aud properly and no good reason ciu be advanced hy his act should be made an excepliou for without such a protiston law to a gret kteut would be a dead letter but ho dout teem to be very clsar as to whether his objection may atio not so much froin any fault in the law a from some national constituliuual characteriitic of his own iin thinks he may be too much english to submit to such alw we thiuk it may rather lie a certain grade of americanism ihich may bo ulastratcd by lh case of tie person who when charged wilu the jcriniflocasssalland battery put in as a plea of justification aint i u american and haint an american right wdo u lie please at any rate he shauld hare this point settled ai it is of vital importance lo a correct view of mr case he dout liki to hear men called bad names such as thieves robbers murder ers xeilher do we but the objection able scott act dont nuke uao of such names what doe h mean by the statement we support iho scott act because it aims at the suppression of that ruinous traffic which is a fruit ful source cf the ctimes indicated by such names we do notpropoae o enttt into lie question whether there leany good men engaged in the sals of liquors it is of too personal a nature fuither thau to say that it is exceedingly diuiealt o dissociate otic views of the morula of a person ftom the moral character of tin budineas he is engaged iu a tree ia known only by it fruit ffe says he cannot be a patty lo deprive men of iheir property without couipeu ation it ia not jutt this looki puasiblo but he oveilooks the fact hat so long as we allow intoxicating liquors to be legally sold we are laities to a traffic that if the causa af depriving thousands not only of their property but of their character and their lives who is to compensate for thir loss cut this act dontdeprive anyone of their property it simply deprives men of a privilege granted from year to year of selling intoxicating liquors a privilege of which many even in halloa have already been deprived br taw and to some of thesa the loss was gnat gain but all at ones our friend tarns bis face to tla prohibitionists an idea new to him comes up stop the manufacture of it entirely or make a law for ile whole province and make such a law as will be just lo all men these ideas appear to be new to him but they are standing principles with the advocates of the scott act to stop the manufacture is the ultimata object of the advocates of temperance bat the scott act is the present stage in the process and if ha and those with him who join ill the same cry are sincere thywtll all with one accord give their voice and rota for tha act but ha wants a law that will be just taajllmen that is exactly what we are working for under the existing law aprivilsga of carrying on a ruinou trad is granted- lo about four in a thousand of oar population and denied to all the rest we claim this state of things lo hi vory unjattand therefore ws support the scott act as la hii respect it pats slltneaoa acomnjod level granting special privileges to none we therefore on the ground of justice fo all men claim be support of all good mea for be scott ao next ha fully admits that strong drink is itijurioui very injuiioua but something better ihart ito scott act can aud must be devised to stop drunkenness so say we bat to that end we mast support the act as that belter thing cm only be obtained by progressive steps he admits the act will uiako it a lil tie more inconvenient to pricure liquor yes and it will make it a little irconvenient to those from whom it ia piocurod it carried out agaltbe saya wbea you close tbo kulak you close free sheds rooms td pump bui tho aot dont pro pose to eloao the hotels it dimply proposes to atop tb sale la them of liiiihiomilht iviro oauae of lend ing multitudes to jeft for druuksids am of that elan that shall not inherit ihe kingdom of god if we bare free beds rooftii pumps wt th pvusa ol the trade over lb bar our natural conscience would lay close tlitin tip at oao the 4uvuienoe is lbs dead- pail for but why not charge for the couvoninc itself and tnak those who are accauiuiodated fay the bill iuiloadof the poor infatuated creatures paying double at the bar for the drink that ruins many of tbeui wouldnt it be morejiisll our friend lama another tummerajult and would have u lav against tobacco file anus etc but nays you caut uiiko men moral by liw oh oonsitency verily a doubleminded mau is uiistalilo in ru his tsyiogs i well u in all his ways begging pardon for using so much of yoor space am mr e liter yours viry truly dnskrveit esqnetlng dec uth 18s0 osbistkas ghoceeibs ft fbe aooi mualclpal councillors to ae uilor of ike fnt prat dear sm kut baviug been heliiad ihe screen i may not fully realiio lia bility requited o acquit ones self creditably as a municipal counselor but it appears to ma that agood filiate of cauimott sense and conscuintioustieu is about enough to qualify any man whose najie appears on the aaacasuient roll to uko a teat at tha council baud i never could learn that the office wat a very probtabl one hanceai i lake it the louir of managing other peopls afiairs iasrtat is most desired by tboar who tetk this distinction erially as we find those who have once tutrd its iwecta liko vary ill lo be ga n left in the cold it seems to me there fore hat aa honor is he chief aim ot spirants for municipal offices it i desirable to divide it as much aa pcuible among those who art anxious to enjoy it i grant that in this as in tveiy thing else experience ia of great value but the whole board need not ik changed at once tha proper thing for the cleverest and moat efficient pablic officer to do is to endeavor lo nnng jxhs otter dnring ajrirnt forward o supply his place that indeed would be his greatest and it need not be his last houor i am yours respectfully jonx kewtvs limehoase dc 6th 1b80 it w harding y 4 has just opbned a fresh stock ofi groberies oonfeotionery c3t6 suitable fob christmas 8 bars of walker soap f x isc 00c tea aellme fot 50c j5c tea wiling for 65s toutes billing fcr 350 3 ch mustard for 25c 3 pounds currants for 35c 11 jwunds lis ft sugar fur 1 ktc etc et 00 our goods will givb all customers satisfaction h hardinc ps christmas candies just to hand cheap j b mcqarvilt dhuggist act01t liiju ladies please bead staitoiag sit ia the dressgoods traio1 1500 christmas and new years notice worth attention best value in skates at a secord j- cos hats from 75 ccnls o 25c at j fyfes second hand htoves from 100 up at j c hilla tin shop acme skates 225 at a secord d- cos a good stock of cooking stoves at j c hills will be eold clieap dont fall to try a secord t cos new stock of teas fresh bulk oysleri at tho excel sior bakery hardware of all kinds at a se cord cjs ladies mantles neweit styles at christie liendenon co highest price paid for fowls of all kinds at a secord k gos agood felt hat for 75 cents at j fyfes any quantity ot batter and eggs wanted at a secord u cos j oysort by the can cr quart at the excelsior bakery see the new glass ball castor at a secord d- cos if yoa wants nobfcydarable and cneap suit j fyfes is if e place to go nice clean and fresh raisins and currants at a secord coa suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and mads ia latest itylea be are to call and see them fyo acton royal base burner coal stove the best in the market at j c hills tin shop for pure and fresh groceries suitable jor christmas cooking go to a secord cos all new goode scotch english and cauadian suitings in areat variety at the east end clothing store j fyfs actoo j c hill has just received a plendid lot of granite warn at his tin shop for the very beat quality new season teas at 40 cents 60 cents 60 cents and 75 cents go to a secoid ti cos mcquillan k hamilton of- th wellington marble works ooelph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing them with their orders if yoa need auytbinjt in thefr line be tun and remember them tbaydo a very largo business eon aequcotly tlisvars able to give better terms and keep better workmen than smaller rorks bead to them for particulars new prnnes warranted this seasons fruit at a secord 4 cos best value in the county in gran ulated cut loaf ioing coffee arid baking sugara at a sicord 4 gos cards to select bright new year boys and cirls ladles ad gentlemen take notioe- thai owing lo j e itcganin druggiil adori hating the largest and motl raritd flock of christmas and avtr 1rara goode it ihit pari of the country ex italic for i ildatsc of ixoiilc old and youiij rich and oar i hacc apikinted ids store lo le my hadayariert henceforth tcltcrc i intend kecnng all my pretftils dont forget the jilice call and kt my stock and choose ichat jou irouw like i am your old friend santa- olaus ctaudland dcu 1st 1ss0 great purchase in fine dress c0db81 la bond in nov york c to be sold at a little oyer iilf their besaiar priee v i ve bsve jastoncloded en immense purchase of what is byund doubt tmlltigv est linest and most faibiorablc line of iifsi aoodsvex offered by tb dry goods iraae of guepli the lot comprises ail ine leading i andfashionabe shades in i j 3 mom ie cloths u cashmeres and oriental firoche silks rj to match each and ever shad of the goods and cbmmeijcing on vt zwehtiilm novemlieu lutb keihall oser ihe itule i jl af a tremendous redbxlwu on tity actual coat of itdporttliod i he eoods are ol a very fine all w cl texture 44 inch wide andaldrogularl atl per yard and we are enabled to otter th whole jot 5jcentaperyard a bkeohporluiiity lo buy really ilrgant dreas goods vi price of an inferior material may not occur again we intile ibe ladita to jrail ihemielres of ibis grand ofler l i it may interest oair lady friends to know how we are enabled to sell these foods a ueh a low price jkel the facts are these they re imported by leadinf caco house fit their snest trade tbrouth ftreisotelrcpmaunceaibey were i pelled to ilnload b fore takinc them out ouboud tbty were ffered for aalej and in wnneciion with a large tjoronto firm w bought tbewbold lot our totv friends are soliinf thm fieely t so cenu per yard bit as theouptiijwhieb were ccuipelitd to lake is muck larger than cur ordinary trade demands we decided to cjeale a t sensation bj offering lhemat and osebalf cents per yard we have aio made fpecial rednctionn lo our regular gofcds and en wedn kotemler joth we shall make the greatest offering of cress goods ever atte ed in qoelpn th liqh has tho goods tho lion olvos tbo bargains thotoi doosths ti j williamson t co guelp3i splendid ulster overcoat made to order for xm excellent lines of reayer diagofaii and tweed otercoatlngsj and a stock of hats and caps and cants undarwaro asarl i passed in tho trado 0 stovc s iovcs call- at tho east end clothing st0b i stoyes j wypex a crowded store- do not fail to see i havilis stock of syes the cheapest and seat variety in town -the- fasmonabijewebtveli dujfg the trade- w fashionable tailoring the subacriter wiihesto announce to the people of acton and vicinity that lie has open ed out is tie premises lately occupied by l q matthews next to the postoffioe a complete assortment of curaa and twiros suitable for the fall and win- teitrade and fspreparedto make them ap in tho latest styles and offers good indncements to cash customers my stock consists of black and colored beavers drauonals cjoattngs and veatihgs english irish 8cotch and canadian tweeds which have been bought in the best markets for cash an early call is solicited satisfaction guaranteed new goods new goods dress departmentrushli our kilournan tweeds our harrie tvoib our eildoretvt our camels hair tweeds our scotch suitings our wool an ilmrnjqootnd attract dilly imm9n6emiilt6 onr drrm ivirtmidt jtffi loot tmm with cnnfluenee for iho rlsm mtkrlnli tbe fvsnfntuilr wtfcmilt tolabatore iliotutomen tbe very lauut prtrfktfoakoibxjuikaotlkwtifnjoor a 0 bucham faihionablt west end dress mantle and millinery ettauishmcxi brilliant sucg bflasiiettnasretbiciivibi uiatftocro -compbising- freach merinos cashmeres lustres colored an plain- winceys gents underclothing ladies undervests berlin and fingering wools colored stocking goods am wie0k ibsoetukst of all of whobhe will sell oheapifor caaa or trade haslett frozni at xj b mcgatviiis drug 3 i two tmti4ijjhsni silveb medal and diplom a on upholrtered onpit and otof we ware awarded the onlysflyar meujd eve cdteredfceiueelleneep in thia department we take the lead and ohallenee oomiieiitson reoeive prompt attention inspection coidiauy tavitfi i stdre acton fiie assprtt 4 um ffblj ikiii

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