wsmmm mmmmmmmmmmmzmmmmmmmmm make your homes happy on nias antf new years see my great stock of i zmas aal ware and other beautiful presents the laegest stoge in tbtn w4ta mk pm jewellery and fancy goods store acton tee free press thckmuv m0ryix1- decx 15 ik1 srill aheadwlthtrat doubt the largest selection and best varielr if xmns rrescnls ever shown la onesiore lu acton call fa and sec xo trouble to show vo the goods sim of the blc hatcji geo urnds jctelierr faier goads store mturv clalustfiasa striit worttsccluc geo ujuds treat stock of xiuns tors vases alli ums and other beautiful presents see iriy larue stock of beatitlfut xmasnod kew years cards from 1 1 ct upwards tlie best la town ktea of tbc bis u ucli c uruds jewellerr fatter goo lit store aclou local aad other jattlas urg he elc i al lb luaif jchi- f ccis- irou jwt yex itspl- r i siii4ij tlcijihicg picutr uc iroui is ooaiirt j m nor ltitff 3t bar uil buy k the tonr for ujs holjava christmas ftt cattle shavr ca held icxcpa ycstcnlav buky u several ceuu busliel fciracc tkt lias last tcie irenr ut6lyles of xvor years rittdzzcirji itliie fcax feem oisce j5e our uqpc- eucriin meetings ire riav htias fceli tterc arc tea metii tdvcztital for uert aeefc retuearber the ciirisuaaa tre tad enteriiiamect ia tic llelfcdtiist chrct oa ttf s al ar- ctruttni ee lhre ate ecidcs in almost every thptlit the christmas liuying lot begun ia earcest silu f jc tit office of councillor or the vt ward in this township during tie present moatti there will be two new taaaac the first sppeired oz tne 1st tnst xsi tfee iecoad wk impair oalhejiit tta namiatttciti of maaicipd os- cen utejplice oa siociiy tie 2tui icst sai tfct aaatiattiaa of school tnuec ou tte oibiues mia who ca do til the httxiaetx he vxcti to without zdcer- tiiiog u totnetime obliged to figure u ut l hitidr it headed serxitt ttlei the efcitin rinfc rx cjweed tw the snt- time tioc lexnff oa xhcrviiy ecec- inyliit tad x urge ncjnltr cf ttiterx trere pceeat the riai will le opea foar uilts exch sreefc burs vho bve sliding pa tbitrie vslu ill iileise recenljer tbit older pcpe lice to irjju 03 tbtai asd fiod it verr lccocreciat getting aloujvtea they are xkct recdecvd clipiry sboatd mr c our sabscrileis fti to receive iny number a the fnix pncss vithin easple of diyt of the cjuxl tiae srih jir it caceurop ti t fmt exri we are taiioj to insure- reckr iid irocjpt dtlirerr kot ix the field drylowry mukcs cj to ttite to the electors of te maaicipility af tle villxge f acton tiit be it act in the field for lacakirjal hocott ted dcs oat with to be liocutcd ax 1 candiditc foe efection gmralltixic yve4fre recc-ir- ed tketojtztiit gripc alminic fur 1s6l the iiaaic will be briui fall of intelligent fun tad piiticil jfcw tnd we kepeii foe ft atilxjsflded tcccesi ad feel cgadnfc tint it xll be eicoraed hy xll it- will lie tiszed aloat the cotii of dec reid 0 w itiue new stititig m tue riak to night nissgiwey tutrnaliip counetl erjeded ot uiit wreck sutuchbart continue to m oar lttt ic npidlr-iqcttitinff- 1 th dealers ttt ualtdj gooil at dotcc it lircly bciu it pretcat july ten matv ditys till noaitna- tioa diy eatlemctt whos ruaaiug j tbo ilaunje furwfc confederate zamincr hax discorded iu pi teat oauide we ar4 informed hit icr pitut jtnrit uatmedu ciadidite for municipal honor i tbe snor whtca fell ia the tdy put of the orcek greitfy- improved che tleigkio sooa tlo cirnirat fever vl lieia order sud tkturt iriu be bciy reirruituig lut yexr ccntatce a- sibbitth school tea mating kill be held ia the brick charch sad line oa tctfeuy evening uert on krtiny itt t g t r epacial trxia pifsei throuch acton with 17 cxrr coauiaicg 2550 bxrrclt of igxr fur if xai- tobt i thruwthe epirror iomethtaj to ett tfcee iriatry moroingi pltuc they cxat tit for theauelccs o vre do it for then thewucge eanstue should pro hibit the reeuecc pixecieeof saaicbiiliaoa the priacipol stru thettrt it no puce fur inch xmmeatat- we aaderitind thtt an entertain- meat tad chrutnux tree will be held ia caacectioa with st alhuitchcrchsibbxth school oa chrutau eve ferchatfi who advertise are- doing s pruaultle baioc people do notcire to patroaiie tfaofe who neglect to mzkt palizc tiaooaceaicat cf their trade heid- qcirters tiieee months hoiga wilkon who wi recently committed to piolhere fur triil for ttesjiu torae duthing rata mr kichril of ksoncejai hwlbeea sent down to central friioa fur thiccmvothi chau i xiias tree anxnirs tree will be j decorated by the pareuu and fricndi of the i canada ifcthadiat sunday school children iu the mclhodtit churcli on christmas eve thtthiast auy ierwn uiihiu to put presents oa the tree for albert arc at utterly to do fo whether iu connection with the echcwt or not an eutcrtoiaracut uill be given ia connection with the tree which uill coutat of tpecchet by several interested ia sabbath echool work dialogues and rccita- tious by the children end ramie by the choir of the church a ood time u exict- cvl admission 25 ceau children free ktes ettoeex tto ilondjty last xd ra tlpk s ifr roberi crtioe receved aa ojiy kick ia the riht troa a coll he had kt the animal ewe ia the yard and it tcrnolxad utrocfc fonon iu front of their boaines place and him with its kiad fcet fcnoctraj him ia- esqecsfsg cockcrlrn another foceir irill be foend the notice of a meet ing to be held ia matthews hall actoh on tcesday ereoicg neat for the purpose of relsctiag a candidate to represent thu west ward in the township coencih eraitikatioks the usual ecmi-an- ccal efaminrtiont ofactoo iublic school will be held oa thswrfay neat the eram- iaatifn of the iccaad and third departments aill take place ia the forcnooa and ia the first department ia tne afteraoox laegehocs ab iaforau cs that sir jamea anderson of that viijage killci two spring pigt duringthe put week one if which wetahed 326 poauds the other 300 pounds and ha vishe to know if any of the farmers at this cad of the town ship czu beat it bcsixes liee our streets present a jrery bnejaesshke appearance these da vs the merchanu display their eoods in pro- stznhts one of hu ribs was broken by the kick and ids watch was made a complete wrek j tt m tff catada health jbunrxu r the neeeifiber oumber of this ercelleat juarnil has beea receired it is ercti better lhaa nsaaad it con tenia are inch as afconld be read by eyery canadian who rajuea health- scad l5q to edward play ter if d taronto aadtry it far a rear or sendt li coots to the rame address sad set bacfc a aamflle copy of this iacalcable taonthly rtmiilt eeif w vrae xii tam aa priiij- i vt v d qufie it uaia confined hh rooou uijeuie zuis of gauhiu ootie tinting iir actoa criendt- mii ail frjemin o vtett loe ont aid hccactoa triebd visit uitwefc ilr kenrf ytcbtt ii 4 k ooriflnifdniilf to tiifartk in proton i mean jjvk storey d jxmei moore tet vuiadi mniiior gloveaviiie x oa biuioeu tfip mt hiy kant- of berlin twted hit acton bretbrea it wtuur lod uf t a mcmonouytin lift ur john kicbahos ftad irife of tfirletu mich locmerlj- of tui wcinity hte been nendmjf the vvt vtekl vilh their irieads hat harry ebbge ion of mr xhbnwi ebbige of crivsibnrit hiu returned to acton hi aitire village to icara the bikwy balneal w mesrf bt e kicfclin thii combined intk tie gtcitnnmbcr of fcieib pxitiag ap d doa the streets cir t jjttty comraerckl tk to tie pkee sesiv is the keiti a local ncfa rukr mtt is generally erpected to be everf- khtn kt everyttiiok uj4 citcb everj item xrloit ticnply becinse it it hit profesfiao- but be cant do it hu friend an belp bimtbrrodi by rending or bridrinu mcb items w sre of interest ail nunner of iesitirasfe local neics o to mike ap sn in teresting piper ind b ill be received iritb tints seveee acciderr john dooohne a eremsn in tie employ of the c t hsil- f in sttempting to jarnp on ia engine ia motion st thegeorgetoirn ctstion slipped ind cell with his foot on the trsefc the dririmr wheels of the engine passed orer it msshine it festally dr eoe wssimoedi- stety called in snd acmapmied the sufferer to his borne in toronto earau ithose of oir readers desiring steady sad profitsble employment or rsla- ibw msdinc nutter cheap for i8sl stonld send ijcents to the frsnfc leslie patlish- inf6ois dey 3fce xk for plete set of their publications ind lllsif rat ed cstslogae contaiuinr list of premiums etc or 150 for complete irents outfit of i2bealbifnlchromossndtheirpremininbook of tsfnable informationebatiinhixiiter600 pages also dr kendalls eminent treatise on the horse and bis diseases wita sample copies of au oar pnbbestions etc an active agent wanted in orery town twenty to ttirty dollars can be nude weekly- their illnstrated pnblicatioris with their new preminms take at sight do not delayif yoa wist to seenreyoar territory address friak leslie pabliibiag co isdeyst ew york- gall and exam- ine j b mccjar sobprisk party on friday oven- iof last aboat thirty yoaag ladies and gett- utm0 having ptovided themselves with alt the neeetsary adjuncts of a liptop snr- priic party proceeded to the residence of dr ucgarrin of this village and touk his hoase byj tiarm after the dr aad his family recovered from llie first shock of surprise they grsccfully surrendered to ike iavadiaif host of friends and did all in their power to make them fei at home thoy sacceeded admuably and after kinraptaozt ip read of iuaanes had been disposed of to the tatiifictioa of every bod v the eveainj was pleasantly spent with parlorrames and amasemeau and friendly conversation ixsipitvvt fiac on saturday night last aboat fi30 oclock ifcsirs a seccrd tfc cos grocery aad hardware store oa mill street barely escaped bang consumed by the devouring eircftat fire the shop was being closed for the night sud mr alex secord was engaged la cilicguiihiaj the lights ta the chandelier at the south cad of the store when the staple came oat of the the ceiling allowing the lighted lamps to fall to the soar several of the lamps were broken la the fall aad the coal oil wblh was scattered aboat ia all directions imniediale iy ignilcd and in a moment this cod of the shop wax all a bliic la a few seconds one of the lamps exploded making matters mcch worse the alarm of firef wax givca ad citizens rdahed into the shop to lend their aid mr george havill who was present palled aa hit overcoat aad with it thcic present stamped oat the flames there were several keg of gunpowder standing a lew feet from where the fire vrsxv and it is very fortunate that the names were checked be fore they had made any headway tile fioorwti badly charred but further than this nc damage was done eicept to sir havill s coat and the chandelier aad i imps yellow oil ii hfl grmx paiir panacea magical inilapoirer over pain and in flammation it cures rueuuialisui and nouralyla lame back and fcpirwl afleo- lioas contraction of cords and muscle used sttetnaly id fuurualfy- for solo by all dealers the area test bloaalnjr a itmple lurcr uuruiuhs rcmedr that cures every lima ana prevents disease br keeping -the- blood parr komaeli recalar fcttlnckftnrtliveracuvefini inf ever ouuferrvd upon man 11 op hitlers it lualroaicdvandui proprleiontare ucjue blesseobv ihojwidf wik have bea saved and cured bj it will jou iry it sca other ccjumn uagyiude recloral balsam is he- moit safe pieaaantundperfeol remedy known foraudiseueeuf uia throaiand lungs it curti cougba colds broocliilis asibms croup whooping cough itnd all pectoral camplaints la lbs moat ppeedy manner a few doses u relieve the most troublesome cough in chlldrcu j or adults for sale by all dealers at 25 cents perbouie s euvaxt girl wanted wauled a good servant pirl for general house work apiily immediately mrs w hstoret nn ittijt mxetijr giclt i at tic prcsbjteriin miiiec acum on tbc 8li inst by icy- d b ciinertiu mr jinjs martin of eoetiu to miss mary dauciterof if r join gaalt of ximicageya- sfcdosald kokkc at the reiidecce of tbc brides mother on the stfi iiut by ibceer meikle donald mcdild of eiqucriug to elirtbctb jdauebtr of tie late uillim uorke ejof trafuljar qoallcoallt stove coal delivers d fc any part of the tori apply to bex jobart at tbgte depot plasterlhg nib plastering jiairkr tale at the cordoraflianiiy acion cua8 kjcees tekt m opfistto bs a meetinircl tlie fieetot of the test ward of tie township orejqesinjt will b held in the drill shedactoti on thcnday evening dec 2srd for the purpose of electing a candidate fornomlnation for he office of councillor for to west ward john crajg chairman of cora eaesin dec utaluh- is otice to kalii payers there is i stran feeling eiiatinr in the west ward of esqocsinc to have a rtprs- entative in lis towoshipcouuctuloriug tie coming year and a mcctinc for the purpose of electing a candidate in bis wild will be held in matthews ilall actououtuesday eireciug dec 2ut at 7 oclock sharp tie uacies of john warreu alex brown jss newton geo toltou alec wright jsx lamb snd akeunedy aie spaka of a t suit able candidates for nofaiuattoa and any of the above nsmedineu could very honorably reprucst this ward in lie ejuesinj coun- cif and it is barely our tnru to have a voice in tie council a full mcelicc of tie rate payers it desirable icrys hiirklt wiitewieat 1 trcxdwdl od 0 spring w beat glarcw od 1 iledcbaut oats ten barley liye ejrgs per dor butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bag dressed hogs o ccelfii meters flour j2 white wheat 0 lreadwh 0 spring wheat glasgow 0 kedcball 0 oits 0 peas 0 parley 0 kre 0 eggti perdoi 0 butter dairy packed 13 butter rolls 0 potatoes new per bush 0 dressed hor g os to so to 10 to 90 to 30 to gj to 75 to 70 to 10 to is to is to io to 50 to 75 to 90 to 90 to s5 to 90 to 31 to co to c5 to 73 to 15 to is to 18 to 0 to 00 to 1 05 i 12 1 17 i 00 0 3- 0 cs 0 m 0 75 0 ii 0 20 0 so 0 6 00 3 00 1 os i os i 12 i 03 0 32 0 70 0 80 0 78 0 is 0 20 0 20 0 g 33 rxnvxd concert the committee of management having cn- gg the services of eyerul lidics and gentlemen of ccfcnowleded talent purpose giving a ficarcuns coxcnnt on the crng of ednssdaj- 22nd ix tiie town kalt rockwood thoproceods tobo afplfedin aiding the building fund of kt johns church in coarse of erection there doors open ct 7 cofh- mence at 6- aixiirfo 15cclliidren 15c cjbccsied sec r wkxowlrstreas proctamracs at door selling i cbeap an immense reduction in prices to clear out our stock to make a change i w e s heirj- 50c factory- flaonel lor 3ac 25o wincey shirting foe ify u 125 double fold coatiogfor 95c 225 benrer forjl75 100 velvet wide for 70c i fina 125 lace curtains for 1 100 fine 35c cash mare for 25c hear- 50c dims goodi for 25c fine 22c dress ooodi for 15c 1 etc elt eta in groceries 3 iba splendid tea for 1 100 find 30c coffee for 25c corn srch 3 package for 25c bating powder 3 packagei for 25c biscuits 3 lbs for 22c etc etc great seductions in hil- haepy i oooo boots shoes selling lower than ever i jtmnnki i r caapmas comer store aoiok wilson wild cucrrr boeof h most uwroughlr reliable medi cines now in use by- tfae canadtan pabllc s wluous command kvrep of wild cuerr- toe success wncb attndsks use p ckbcs of colds oousus brooeblus croup whooplnc coujli lxs of voice and vcalc lunji is moat remrkame orfctnallj- itepnred to meet the dsmand for a good oaedlclue of tie fclndtn tti reuu store of tlie prapcietovs lis sate increuked so rapldlraud became sa farjelj extended mat tie manufacturers fell 11 was ouj- necessary tolntrodccelttlirougithe newspapers of lue coantry to ensure its adaption as tlie nncanrl care fr u7sisek of the resntratory orpins every ieatlloc druzirtst in western ontario now sells iu goibonrf s parisian balm is a sure enre for oraslced ganrls cracked lips bough- ness of tiu sklii tan frecldea ana sun tram it does not smart like glycerine and is car more healing try it lciofc here we ttive sotne of tlie chenpeatdiy goods in the world 28 inch gray flannel for 25c per yatd dress goods for 10c original price 20 12 25c i5c 30c winceys for 5c 9e 10c worth double the price black and colored caaunierea colored dress silks blkvdiew silks millinery shawls andladie furs im mense bargains mclveod anderson k co georgetown zopesa from braril is now come rnto canada klsainlll purstiuvc acting- as a wonder upoaondsivinjiirejigtl and energy to tie uljesllve apparatns of the human sloroacr eorrecllnssndlncreasinclbe acids til stronely anthiilou ana carries off all inrpna ulelonfts op tho liver atvej sound digestion anl tpeey healti to tie iytpeptlc ndtllt billions akk e jfeuarvin era ten ccntrsample bottle and lest zopnss the new compound lareeliht ounce ljoules 5 ctnts vins stock of rxhaxge iv bcsatxess the undereifincdhcreby announces to he people of acton anil fiurroundina couatry that nxbsiigo has been made in the man agement of the wagon undertaking and farnituro business heretofare carried on by myself hy son joseph speight hn been rncde a member of the firm which will hercfitcr be knovm as speight bon i bog to thank my many customers fortheir patronege during the pxet thirty yetrs and solicit a continuance of the same j0hk speight acton dec 1st 1830 as announced above chinge has tkn place in the business referred to the new crni dire to state that they are jirepaxcd to attend to the wants of customers in the wagon undertaking and furniture lines tuidgivmgtheirjptsoonal attention to the basincst will endeavor to satisfy the de mand of oll we tahcit your natronago s sojc acton dec 1st -1s3q- mtotice todiebtors as the old bnfiiness is being closed up i beg to notify alljarties owing me thktuicir aecounta are now made out and i require that all accounts whether book or cote be bettledbv january let 188l i have tried the credit system for thirty years and now conclude that long credit is bad for both debtor and creditor and have decided that hereafter business must be conducted on shorter credit john speight acton dec 1st 1830 t christmas presenjsi watokes clocks jewelry eleotro plate new goods large sfcook and low irioes for cash j school teachers witthave a special discount b savage lower wyndliam st j gtjelph rpnn o k barbee shop g h howard bannxa if you want an eay iture as ood aa barber ever g re jnt call on me at my saloon at morn or eve or bmy noon i comb and carl the hair with grace to suit the contour of your faee come once and voa will come alwiys shop opposite tle glove works acton 38 cases of new ch81stas goods at day cooluiore oualph bought by idr da j wher in england comprising writing desks work bores dressing cases ladies companions vases toilet sctb dolls dolls dolls in rubber china and war card cases fqoket books wallets and tkousaadsof artidcssuitedfofirnaspresenbju pocket bibles teachers bibles prayer books presentation books photograph jqbuns antorragb alburns tool chcstsjoystlc etc the shop is full cf nice kcw goods and our prices arfl far below any competition we nave the targcfine stock the people want and prices cheaper every time an inspection le invited at qts bqqseq8e day sells clieup xmaslitd new the best offer yef hade fear or frnfc acsliei pabllealisbi 0e vcar for only 9t5 the frank leslie pubhahing co15jdey bt kew york will send fbjlxx leslizss fiimt fbjskd a 16page illustrated paper for only 100 per year fiuxx leslies yocxo focis devoted to the interest of the young people and con taining much to interest those of a more mature age a 16page illustrated paper price per year 50 cents fiuxkleshzs kitioxil aobicxltcaist axd woexixo fibiczit a 16page illustrated paper for only 100 per year with dr b jkendiilla eminent treatise on the horse and its diseases a book of 100 pages 90 mr jravingb free to each subscriber iz lcues pclpit or the dat a lfc page iiiastratod paper just the paper for sunday reading price only 75 cents tr year including two beautiful chromos the fin easter dawn and tho first christ mas horn or all four qf kt above publications for 250 ptr year samples of all of our publications and il lustrated catalogue without premiums for 15 cents ail desiring steady and profitablo employment should send at once before their territory is taen any of the abore publications bant lor aii months at half rates address frank leslie pcbubhino co 15 dey sueel kew york teats presents new goods io good ntws christie henderson co acton this week show the contents of oveh- 60 cases of boots and shoes trem th bait kikm ja to soainlon nu tor exeoueat qtalfiy o tnosi etlt au ba taorhr trti tor yftr j tie ttcefc tor cisa- tity virioty ounbiilty lal oanpaots u uaiurpused lyrjay slael asiii la to tttt t tu oojortualty ii attnti in procarlm too rtoau- it wi ui mt wppir full lines op tweeds gray white and scarlet flannelp can ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles fine wool goods black costumes costume cloth etc just in satlvg always badb a speailtt of 1 laid wiisrdeir we are determined still to maintain the super iority of this line winceys plajn and fancy from s cekts up v remember their famous 50c tea ohaistie henderson co come to hills photo art studio mill st acton i and if you dont know your own photograph now you will hereafter j citizens visitors all come and you will be well come cb38 w mill teas the cheap grocery w p broiwn has jutt received a new stock of grocsries crockery and olassare siis teas aj w ar exeelleat aad have fit feat great satisfaction try m h 7i a siloxid lot or- gxijsswjalbe 6oon to be opened nnl ery snilable for curiittaaa preienu gi ye him a call goods delivered in rlic villitec wp pown vx teas make your selections early