mtttmttmm gustavk dore sco rou mllit nntu ut tuutuitt art is n are ivuielr known uo olir tuilv tculs nn ri its t uii rftciv ui liyt o d jntt iiu r xik i owtr nd wattuitul uh t i uiktmhvtio it 11 un fuel tit gufcuvt utirt judt ut ir- t r hus jt- 1 c t yl c tl ns imt i aw j p j jmur tm peojile tun ncer tle iittvts t hi lli trttt t liiliu tl futile iajm kuiitmi lv u in wt m vuijar i it in tx uui rt tin v ulnut i tm to bf tt m -ttvur- ii z art lifi cmfm i f tltl this cftxihe ia ui o lutuxi ol the nicfcis c f tli great murine cc tw ut ui- to- 1 uir t tiut k ami to herolcis to rtud tlutv to l auiurrf j rrtv tuic uk tn titu kisk art fctudtatsaui art locrv ixp of cj tr a iitturut tij ji t litks- a jttaurr ultimate cf in jiuiv but if indastc imiiie itv om re irt in nutt l ptil uuitrvd uu ia a name that oimvs nutate vitli t mtv ti in g s iuci lift u from ihti too uori a atts wrotld mto tl tr njliu nf ctiej tnliug tu ftuin lhr tracttcal mtj iqkuii the vorm at ltgi aa uk fntic larviuoq to u troud of guatire don a wmiderfulu fxiil ful rriirorl action of dona ctlibralfd jicturp christ leaving tlin riletuluuh panted oa the finest enjrun ter t iffcrei to pcerj uuctlier of the knrffil refit f iufi who tends bertttuf o rt- utcr wit it is own an the titvr eultcnur rccaaes the ptctutv is veil ecli ftuiri 1 10 the unl ki liscrtptiju rnct of the taior jpocvvc qjes gqxaeff tmgmg off to school exry io the iacna tltu saa af j snnus cf little iltiirea make tlit pi iivi i i ht eaaaia o er ztica rcidj brcaljng f her r r hna nccner l ltlis 0 j tier ira t l- sarru tl i fcw isoiintt i in ir bmj h je cii ircn tnpptne throa tfcft gtduii f v da t ficlkjill ixacaiiu ocr fcc- fc i o en a- i it pre tt e lndcru t issinj ax in- y raa f mxalr li tic fii biiui o er cri l fco cicck- as red s rts ht lj s h tc is su t lj j hdjicaj ercrrrhc4 tl j- co 2 staling lui f av the clctr ccf cay ii torird the tcaj r j a pij a tczi icj lab er oa ufon tee r lkssznz i 7 ttr lu t tits frcmyach jal dr i cre ci wdi ti uv cai dr3 g oat ltaxt c i rue could re do chil lrea dreacilui and doiajr jlmf is a dear h tie irl in maaj thmt mt at hid one had libit tut was tio apt to ttte tune in dianmj of doicj instead of doing la the village wh ck bred mr torntoa ket a suill ahoi vlcre he told fnut of all ktuda tacldiar berriei m their mortis ol ttmoiu enr icaite ttriruits elbow conduct and caarag bud io lonor kiadntssis theolden chain livwlicb k0cttt is bouud together jctfioa is the height of sgottftn snfloiff afld the uriutioa vt false imt rrtarn rquity and juiucc for harm dons to jott and iaj goodaess b cqjdacik xlrr cannot be a greater traachry than firet to tauc a coufidenccj and then diceire it he is not only idle jia aoos nothing i it h is idle who might be letter eciflotcd j the uecessitwa that ttit are iu gen cral created by the superfluities thc vha a 7oan msa ims uarned to tait he hits mastered one of the band- et lessons it life uohkfi is th man for whom bis own moher las not made all other mo bra rcnemble tnere are fw rccanons hen cere- man may uoteafcity udupnsed rub bat ktuuncis uever find arth where grows no weed inj yon ma find a heart whicb no ttror grows oca day h said to 4ny oald yoa like to mate tow raone s of coarse isfcojld said kmy f for my dear motler laa o to dtyn e herself df thui2 rfft aeeda ao thafe ihe auy haj ho or eh hex for aie fffu afay i noticed loine fine nne- blackbernec in the nelges around ilr gieea s field aad hesiid thittorsajbody eue tu welcome tj them ivok if yoa will pick the npeet and lct i will pay yoj eihtfence qjart for tlem amy was delighted at tha tfcoat and ran home and got her bafcet and called her little d qailfo with the iatenfacm of goiaz at once to pick the berries then she thocaht she woau ufce to fiud oat with the ai4 of her elate and pencil how much money the wo a id make if she were to pick fire qaarta she found she should mak thre shjbagh and foarpoe ilmatt tnoaght to bay a new calico drew bat capposia i shoald pick a dozen qaarts haw mach ehoald e earn thea so the stopped and fizared thxt oat dear me it would ccme to eght ihiihqi f amy thn waotad to knew hayr much fifty a handred two hundred three hun rired qaarts would pe her and then how mach she coald get if she were to put it io the savings bank andrece re are per cent interest oa ir qailp rew tmpstwnt batmf did not heed his bar kqu and vheq the was at fast ready to start she found it was so near dinner time that she mostpat oft her gather l afternoon as soon as 4iuer wai over she took her basket snd homed to the geld but s whole froup of boys ffonj the achool were there before her alfiy soon found that all the large npc terriea had been ctbered not enough id inakfl np a s nglequsrc cobldiho find the intjhd kwepv the hashes cesu all km i graad dresms of makiiigsftirtuoe i pkkinp blackberries were at an end s iwlj aud sadly ffie went her way home rccalhiig oo her way the words of her teaber who said to hr ou doer u better than a hundred dreamera there ia man in xewark so clore that when he attends church hi occupies the pew fxrthfct from the ulpit to sive the intereefc oa hu money wlila the colfecore are passing thd late foe contnbations w- siraebod gave little augnstas two oj s a ill give this one to ray dear little sister he said showing the largest beetle it i the prettieat fdid the delighted mamma no be replied withouthesitatioqj becaaae its broken w mcjti wv v i- m quivufb vatu in bress goods at theuicht house 1 4 ji t bal a of 111 krncb s worth 0o r mag oldoffulo bwng bn bought lor l undr tfg smkjss uu jldftrt r 4iwndta blaaku re celted jjssst tfcs kmta sp wss rt 5 tat n j lit- ur to too hi jo d 7541 luhiar ilioe bo blwk caijlbierm 4 lflektt l 5hl a tot 5 fjowble fiwell wbhom a color jt imports kiel blank ostrich rentlieim wi k olrtoh eiaam io jl tb w j wy obp a tot ol fww nstbovwmd rr rl h wl wycomprlp xtw uu wd gooj ilu koralwre fringe iled ihu wek hilh spjti t wilh pxklrt tbta ir t in iho k a cry bxn horn lot of jllk olrdlw rrlod tb k dra un dm sd prth qood ood pw 5i m tss s of o k n b au tun cord 1 wek vry luudorn colored silk from pl tb bjm ki x2 been wht in lm- ut i hi ivok a uim lot ol bey uutm uotw tor men nd bo cou nd udie mwhe t onetblfd m im rl ffiwsgfjsl mo oucuon fur uul croolon corel ut ui auimmgl urge ule jut fe tb 37j d 40c kludi lb bj0u1 huuib w d 8 king 1 eut mom io iiugdioii i kcuicmber tu qanje it thomas c watkins hamilton ubscribe for the acton free press ititnuloo nor 28tb 1ss0 a distinct and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of htpdphosphites it looiri ilia tlimnt twratiil to tb islsul cirguutou tie ojmuujj tgtatt ud totdo la mbb th hi imdullog cnt ylkwpliomi jfn g tb merit of be ag jigbtlyilwbk wd i dujdii m t lit esuruuieu t md jkuu form of t yrnp ut tffeoto m tthudf tmbl witvia tw atf ir horari oi r mkl by tin ojdo of tb ppetiw tin dtpit oa ui uilailuhoa tatfnng directly lato tb w neilhrdu irrt tmnidir proloopd rut tod buy b duooatlaul it i y tlm ithout laccnvtultaos ia word it powwjn 0 it enkaj to iroaw tb ttt gtli tbo toaia to retain 11 ud rnuil of i lili jctv fellows compound symp of hyp0ph03ph1tes hcm iivra i ip tt taf ik llct tfrnblltgefth umtdmrnma lot 0 fntffft ltirt 9f umry airvrtijrpklkir ittdf v- wi ail nfim rf i e i v vifh flfpmd ct uks tpoc ruaufi icai rj-a- i trtnjit ca fitpchfl por a pampwxt perry dats son lawrence buflbqbkfeqmbiwr tue only medicine that successfolly purifies the blood acts upon the lire bowels skin and kidneys while at the tame timeit allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily cunnj biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropsylfervousbd gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt bhemn and erery species of chronic- disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood pubifyikg tonic im the world tomtit bctar ifc i hubbi k ccu sou mots notts btflu ite c4m in fl ir4cr fa tth n rrfmrt knr tmnic tm nt pvftot k tmr mkr 4biiar iwqr faf b cul tu 1 cau per tcutj fori c t bcxlil tou groceries 3 if yoa tnl a nod lad ehcp utlcf la ruz eyiohi 7sut ncfcer oua pcw4r teasii eukara syrups spices and tobaccos of all kind feesii lvd sweet hardware 0 aw fanrf paikts and 011 hikqes and locks kalts class puttf salt by the barrel all cheap for cash qo to c t hills i will street acton ouelph oloth hall qizrcoaiingt fur cap i covj and ifuu underclothing shaw uueton hctclitnl tailort z tbe orirjeirllp advaiitt juts the inak whea it bieik as follosji iljy peola appai io be unconscious of the imposition tbey ata practising in taking a newspaper teilboat r it until das for a year or more does f farmer get a years credit on bia grain or the merchant on his goods i is the laborer erpecttd to wait a year or ins aaces or the aerk or official for bis taltj is any one erpecied to wait a etr or more for his raooey besides tbe printer who has ia paj cish for all his expenses a minister with a rather florid com ilcxion had gone info the shop of a barber one of his parishioners to be shaved the liaiber was addicted o heavy bouls of drinking aflur which ins band vox in consequence unsteady t bis work in shaving the minister on the occasion referred to he inflicted a eat sufficiently deep to cover the jwer pa it of uie face with blood the minister turned to the barber and said m a tono of bolerun seventy yon me thotuas bat comes of taking to idudi dunk ay re lied thomas j it maks lbs tkm vura teener dootor qav him up ii apoalblo tliatmr lodfra 1 up and at worfcand caret bj- fo simple reracjt i rmure joa it u lfte that t euduret earhl anrf will iilincdat hophlltrfand 01 y tenrfayt agnh sdvclorevcl m upaad uldlie ranat-dl- ililai ir tbat l m i will so ihu calnfite arj get crae for poor george i irno- hops are sood new ilillivear chnstie hen deraodco will receive their dctt fall milboer la a few das and cariv next week will bepreparea to fill orders fhaok ui their many atroaa for past lavor thej reapecfdlly solicit lnspectloa of their nan fall goods winch will tbey believe be focvd verv attractirs aud very cheap re member the famous 50c tci sold iu 3 lb lots it 4v zoiesa i hs e secured the agency for this new- compound for disperss- aud lt er troubles itcomesto me undermost favor able ausrices beloa- very hlshlv eodorsed and recommended its wonferful afflollrlo taerjisestlveurcausand the liver increas ing- uc dluolvlnff jalces oorreetlog tbe adds aud carrying otrimputltle of the btomaeb and regulatlog tbe liver can be tested by sa carluga snmpla bottle wnicn sells at 10 eta or urge eigl t oonoe bottle at 76 eai j ejleuarvu gents we will save yonr money by leaving yonr ordsrs with us we hav an irumend stock to choose from genu furnishings in great variets immense piles of overcoats and beady made clothing cheapest goods in canada mammoth bouse georgetown moleod anderson tb co burdock bloodbitter u tbe best blosd purifier liver and side regu lalor and besioratlt elonlo in tbe world- it act upon tbe liver tbe kidney and tbe bowels curing all manner of bilious complaint kidney complaints and diseases or tbe blood ask your drot ist for burdook blood bitten sample bottle jo cents regular sise io0 v johhsttw sarsapar1llai 0b m mkmil ctsfm and for purrylns the blood it has been in tee i or 90 years and bas i ixiktmtpllbon mepaceds- 1 riafeu 1iles and all dbeasea that i arise tom odtaordered liver or as lm p pureblood tboaaasasotourbcctpcsplo i bikeltandftolttotaelrchilurei rtr i ejcisssprctcrboujlsuj taos who use i iteboe rxxotmeadljts othem f it hi modoftwrtellow loct ilondu raa eawipartlla wdd chenr3thuila l dtuct on basatros wuileictoen aal i ether wt 3 ttwvn valuable boots and ncrta uusttivecesbkandean i ret lt us mttt delicate oo3sttution i it is co ct do best mesucniea 1ft uaa toreqclatbthelowcuk it is tpjl ly au restonslbvi draggbts i those who cannot obtain a bottle of e this medida fteta thtr drussttoiy send usotoateaar smdwowtrleiltoii to them free rf any coarres stf3stia9lsmbdam ahbsbstbqba ontab10 1 jt nle in aolon by j b moosrvln drujitst oboaha new ojtgan feom a itanvolaa canadian maker lor sale suitable for tbe home snndaysobool or small chnrch we will aell tbe above very lowforoaab forfonparutralaaaapplyto hphoobb tnm pwm oma aoien7b 111890 nei p ths largest and most complete factory in tbe dominion 140sl00 highest honors ever awarded to any maker in the work dr haydoci vrralitid fpenu that sraltacwtiijry njrl otaj itnen arspartdby thsydocknisoiittwktds- ano urinary organ i without a parallel the history of medicine sod li rtsuli beyontanrofikldnyrnjdlmthe llltlnmlalea digestion adds tolielolht 1 urn i nrlotmttm debilitated and isla uble fortne cure of dl be lesln its worst one trial of a taawsoonrul tna wiaeiasa araterwlll ooovlnee tbe mntsetuea inrota ten to tftety aumtbt dlsordflr of the kidrieyn iaaddlswsmlrlreuiwlbmmfajuvh tbtj ktmi loo aaoeo too utile wavri wbethtrllwybtaffllaledwlllistthsorgi orwltn aebnand pain milled in the uw over wtreglotiol tbe kfcuxys t uaybookb vitalized buthu will fin almost immediate relief whafe oibermtan hav failed tbe mostnr- eslsllng medlelne lor ttteareof fenfalt plaint rinyrearxprliiclncorr prava this remedy oarfvallad ibt ibtj loeldenul to the ftaiale aex jto nmi snoald be without it and it joay b tadiear young or old as ii will restore brattbwbaa arery other soealu prove nnsoeeetslni rothesioinaw f tree dsrmi m tvshesodgeueraldeellllyj io tbe lltervuia jaundice and yellow fever to lb hoires diarrhoea dysentery coosjrsstlotf rlinaij nslnlaj to the loofs eonsomptlon l rs lb blood sofdtseurty and an nuaalia eruplloos by keeping ibess organs ddvbal fluid iur and besliby we may salslydtre tbealueks i disease and oolbdlk4es itl prepared fortnlsjuposecan equailheaetjiisi of haydook8 vitalized buchth hsua wbst is aajs itaasaads meanewmao j or hardoek floeha hss increased tor weight sfieen pounds jty wife would not be wllboot n aw aiv mony i our llttl boy is moeh better 1 eaeloaa one dollar for aootnerboltla i find it ii easy to lake as mil we liave sold thirteen btlle itrtsweek aad shall want three dozen next truer sly mornlncagonylsgone tbanktoyoar hacba want of apaee compels me to eonelodg any tnralid or sunerer omleted with anr ki my disorder wbowlll wrunneastmbtli romilalol willbetreatni ormanlyatidkjnd iy it 1i my ral earnest deslrio inrnu grtilformsof diabetes and glee relief at all ifmes if yoa are lm poor to porrbsse wrii mc any wij and yonr esse will have imnteduteatteullon caution obssrre that the sltoalore of joe haydoek is aeroes lh mocrb of eaeh bottle prle one dollar for large and hfty esnts tor irwl slses t jos naydoce m d s rtitt mttt new fstufdul and oleoma at centennial 133mtdal and diploma at sydny australia lfffqm medal at pmvtnctal exhibition toronto thitjhett avard at ladiuinal juhiktion toronto 1876 1877 2878 1s7s we are now manufacturing square aud upright dpinsros best in the market correspondence solicited send tor 111 natrated catalotrue mailed free arhreoa dominion organ- a piano company bowmanvillb ontario b ckairl acent actott dry goods proclamation ve oomaenoed on wednesday 1st december a grasyd clearing sals of i odr 1mmbvse sfock of i winter dry goods i ikclupng silka velvejs drss goods oifhroerea vrlveuens mantles shawls mantle cloths ulster cloths hosiery gloves rlbbona laces mtlliuery tnmnicd and untritauied cloths tweedkgenla furniahings and an immense stock ut table linens tabfc napktnscotton t linen toeislice curtain sheetings we will alto offer for sale at tha same time a lare took of ladlhsrdksin muflslboas and clips i this is a splendid opportunity to secure genuine birgains at less than regular prices kemember this is no luimhug bat a uonuine clearing sale goods will be sold only far cash no credil at our reduced rales to stewart co tjppee wrsdffah st tfttttnt i- t acton harness tjrtjnk fa0t0r7 h abjtess and tbunksimado to order u any style rqaird on short notice and at reasooahla prices repairing promptly attended to r oreeoh the act on free press best local paper in halton 00 furniture a good assortment of first olau fnrnt- tar of every deaorip- tion oonstantly oa band prices as low as guelph ar george- town a eu eoucnzd john f pe10ht undertakino brory description of coffins oaakete and all funeral re- quiiitea always kept in stack a hud tome bbosa for nisbed at a low rata twms luiokaalb joh3st smjigkhit willow tbibbt acton ijveey sale boar taites j 4 mill street aoton u where you eaa get piistcls bigs at 1ea80b able bates t good commercial bigs an express delivery wagon win meet each express train and deliver goods to any partcf tbe town v aii parties indebted to this e tabliabxnent are requested to pay np without tnrtber delay and save coata ed latatthefws proprietor organs sewinc robt craine acton ispre pared to call on persons kouius i either sewlnc bachlnes or orna 5 ha5 aqkncik8 fkom th best raannfaetnrera in the eooataram win guarantee sallsiaction to purthassrs teraaa vrry eaaonable order toft at b- reaidenoe or addressed to him to aetonpr will reeolva prorupvattenuon bljsui 5 outfit sent free to thoae wbo wish t jufake in tbe moat pleasant aad lubls business known kver new cardul not required w rurllshyonyrerjihlng io a day auad nrdaiseidly made wit hoot ataxia- a rrom home xjvr nlihv ho rlaa wbatevar many new workers wanted at one masg ar making fortune at the boslnesi- ladtej makeastooeblas men and young boyaam aorts make great pay nooawbols wtalaj toworkrallatomakaisiore money evairsr mtaaeast be made ia a week at anr ohusa employment those who snrasealooeew nndaaaortroadtoforlnna addraaa- jit hiixartooportfwl ioora1 t uflbwes ii ll i ttiarataf always kttmks froa your door tboe wboalwyala vantage or tin onsl rbaace r won- jr4 areoand cmclb- wealthy while thtaw wbo do bet ooh chadceetrmala in poverly many men women boy and glrla to niiahtialbaarowksaesjniai sh outtejrr maomwba falaitoakebfnneyitjy rapmly devots mar wtieilneinty momenta mil tntormatlon awl autth abdcl aent free addrraa lviijvujvcarsirtiaba