Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1880, p. 1

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syiiws0fsss iis i ssjggjjg i -the- acton free pres l poblubwl oac skpobiea editor rravrletoe t j mmituipth bavs kettdcorlo uatheditt cnnrcti mistrctt 0r thefinpasuwiflb tajserawrs postage paid for floo per on- advance l5o if not 6 paid ko piper disconttnucd tfll all arrears w w i cteept at the onun of tie publisher atramtxa iura caal ulvcrtue- racnts coats per line for the fin iussr- jm al j cents per liac or each subse- qij mutton esh pwfcfciona cards i r 0t mw i i h i ii5 j7i per annum parable i j ninths frva ivtc of insertion am- special st the oooct ot which j to promote tic pamt bescf of -i- individual or tumpaav to be considered n advertise- rae at tue- nusubec of lines reckicd bv the space- wcspicl measured b k kio eoi nosprctl rostkuct citts orf emrtcnohrt rear uaj oinit on year tr eitruifi sir wmiv vllrtroitumtiflioiiias ma amti ilre tt ft trmitritvi irtercoamn three months ijsii man be ttir be bflovtr ul in iouotidc volume vi no 28 530 itu smc iai jlfl is to t0 termsioo in advance 77e xcttw vktt cwenw 9160 if not o paid aotqn ont thursday december 23 l880 week h p moorei klilar proprietor this paperiiiop ojiawucjjtoaaitoru tvkevv vouk jhe osnada advertising 1 ary- no kiau st wt to rcati it aithruct to receive advertise- menu ur th pipi wu vartte bctckerjr rr ir kittuedoe general rankikg iiusl- xeiis transacted h51t3t m12d os amqtcs kots3 notes discoaated aad introat aliored oa deposita ttknxrnsce tha bank of montreal tv it iovtrv jt b fi c p s yj e grsl5ito ttinitt celiac ifttn- bcr cf cilirf j crhtsriii aai sargeces 0 2 tai rhuakce at the hcai of frci- trch st actti u dw jt c p s f tieipna- csuece rcsi- freieriei ttreeti s to 10 tnj tad scevetopj jomc davis pro- ttxciix fatl ssrrevor ciril cjicr ari dnzrhtsrztn ef gvlph it prepared la utsqitd allcsrvers rictoa arid vicia- oire acts wplbsp tttedei flour feed stokie i lawson bros tcuiu rplfully inform the icopie of ctlla ti pulse oproiue dr ixc- uarvlat wideflc a flour and feed store acd will tep eontantlyon hand a lulttvfcr flour of all lixds teeludbe fmnily flour bucfcwheat flour jriiiun flour keals corn itetl oat ileal cricted wheit bran coarte bhortt fine shortr cidpped pear choppexluttt sitred ci2t oat and peas and all kiads of feed ntaallj we mast hara bread b e nickuin baktes coxfectioxer8 coevtttmiik siillstkkrs actos- fbeg to intimate hat they are prepared to tupply tha villi ne and tarrounding i country rith i very best of bread bcvs cakes pasruaxd oonpeotionertj bread oetlyered wliib thinking those who have favored ns mtli their patronage in the past wo tolicita continuance of the tame and vill welcome neir cttstomert othtee pin lob i in i few dayt we will have in a tnpply of the best brand of oystert and till acrve them in any style in connection wiili the baiery i b t e xickus aetonmar6lbis50 t v hathe50k attoekevat k a bn ij t u solicitor iachjlsckt tc oece rext ioor to wthscec hotel 3ii2lil hew butcher shop t woila tntlmalt luthepopli acwatdtt ia bmk parctiuwd ilc hutkcrbailuetiuleiy cirrilqii bjuf a cft and thit lie bu vutoa hiua it cniclttstttctor beef pork- muttox sadsage poaltry and game in lexixun tc ant horebftrirt allenucn to bnilnat vy mseure a fair ahare of the itronar of ti c chrajmat 11 eaaiuzl l eevkett t to n onu dektist gtorge- 1 lexe3 jc clike bakeistea a a l quebec street aaelj5fa x eaxck office haascre elituc cht ilreef irtao a0tticr orkcrrevfiy3ri t- jfisher v s ceokgetovts a 3t- will riait act32 erery weiieii- iff and wiil lueni to all rr1t pertainin li ti praftimoi orien left at jfcgtrvint dr store rili receive proiript cuentioit- tj fishes d w sisg itffcfr tryr rntfttwarir ccotcctcwk ifaciiinay cf etery detcription mtde to i crder n fct shartett cotice and moct roiible tgnrc repxiricg prorcptly at- vtrii to tttileastbet i licensed alactiower- fer thcotim of treffinstoa end halton oriert left it the fari pcissofaa actoa cr at my faiise in aden will he jrsrjptlrtttended to f asr class bakbec i have aecoredtheservices of ifr g h hatrd a fintka harher irfco will cnn- ccct nr bsjiaeti for t few week tad give ery at en tim to the waata oc caitontetx eidly give till your pitrrtnace i i p v0eitef p atesis fohetveitoks erbe- jwttlr aad properly teenred in can ada fca united stites and europe pa- fct huranteed er no charge 6end for prletii irttrortioas ajjencr in operation kes3y geist j ottawa canada af eninkring solictjora of pa te and draaghtaman t0histok- hotel ados eobt apew proprietor the new hotel is fctsd up in firvtchisj style with new fnmi- ter osmroercial travellers will find good attommcdatioti ard commodiocs sample kzh special attention paid to the wants tdthttrcvelimepnblic bar t applied witli tiebeacf lidrsandcigan soodfitabl- 154 and attentive hostlers c ibhilce paivtikg htr j cyened a paint shop in theprera- wtufcly occupied by ifrvatnea mclam ttt dr to kicklint bakery larapre- pfel to do- carriage painting and cgn j of eery description and would re- gtctfiuj tolidt the patrona of the people ot actetud vicinity jawe3 scott pt3tpspuifps pomps -p7- eaoame cisftct7rcr cf tnrxji- ejan cistern pnmpswiiih will be put abort notice eepairine promptly m- fnmitnre mide end repaired set moderate also wt 03ed and v qfmhmitcalt sj on frederick b opposite dr lowryj retfdeuce weadaifs olawes cahcbov main st- acton- acmrfortie bell orean manafacfored 2 beu cc gnelph ordert fen ndeiei tritl weeire prompt atfi f t adv on other him a trial 101 st- sall gvsdt jtlktrcd to any part of the tilbiqt at toon ut ordered gja cuu raptcifiinytolieilrd lawsosf bro actmi jart ij lsktf tro- aiertisers flsopsowaiico seifict lirt cf lsni ctrsjapsa t jar tirff ci9 txcdxltti takfssbiifititt air uc irn fattr seittttswil list pkui tif utin- but yrr tits iiithfl 3ti5r- is u act a caccntifl list it is apt chesp lixt itikfiaeawstliit tbe cuiocti sitifoxecj i whtthe pipen rc wbti thsrwukroftht- ptpcrit jviditsj in fcix fcc ttrc u u inevetjr nttnce thtift wtivi primed in cxpitvtr it letlif ostlt p2partijue iitte the iit tire- tie population o every taxa ani ttie etretjutioa t-verj- ppar tbetiehajref faaldertmtic brxrcr ttiecflh rajlibfi ketertnl tlie prte ft it nr kttc- rfci cfmin t to ffmt the pric rircinfncli oaf- taimli ia ihtf eriiire tt is 8ct- tin rciar rite ol lhf ppr frr uif aai tcee xcd hmt qirstijscri tuc list inciaj5itretraptpiktiutx are lqfd a lily zad j6t vtccaslt tiey ar loeatet la t fitrntcittvtttf totfaf otwiiliiittxe state cartin j33 plac ol tt3gm popaixtifmatd4coniy scik foteopt of utttim artier inrinantliti tul- drttt geo p row t i0 st sc r yarfcl fkaverbs j kaoneeatthettfcwh 1 biomurtaadlcitfnr5tafeheahajyand hopmlterkeptl3rnic the etitect noarifhlrg tntctnpe ttr twngrheneraiiicaraureoqexrlh uti kitten iticimpotibtfftotetnilnlqncftefcor oat of fxexub whcr hopiiitterciir wt io hop bftlen care raraacnr b eae tiier give god dlrettias rieti bloodied uexitbyccdcnofkli he anrans ntotattrwhatyoarfenhcio r h- ment ii- hop bitten wilt udo yotom retnembr ha bitters neve r dee htrmbatxqo4 parify the 6 iood cleirse 1 be tonuch auidimeca the firemiii ifllla flop bit- 1 qnletnervetandlittlmrtlfleptn rfap blltert ko health with intcltve lifer and arerktj orjan without hop eutcrt trr p r3ffc care amd palm betitc foraale brail drflkltlt- how lost how restored i we faxtp recently pnhlisbedanew edition of dr colrerwelti cele flftol brtttlzat atnr- ruttcal and pcrtaencnt- care riihaut niedl- clnej of nerrotndrbjlity menial aai physic al tacapaelty tin pmsmenltot itiirlige etc reciticen3mexctt sprlce in a seaiedentelopeony tfgett oriupotcte stamp tbeciebrrfi anlborln thlclmmtmblfl eec cfuirt- aicwklras frcm thirty yrtrcceful prjicuce thataiarralneonn- reqtieneec miy be radfeairy cared wfthoat tbs daoserooa or of lnterowl medicinor the care tnean iath cheaply thl leclore iboald be ifl thevfiani ot eteryyoatu and erery man lo the ixnd addrcm te culrenrell hedfcal oo pott office borasm- the pree press acrox tnttiuoav dc 23 issa posraic rtlt herdellveredataoj- time to any nartor tot iciwn- teemkcasa i acaulkouclreu yoriiira promptly attenoied to william farr ha88ac1awbta lumber shihclejills peter 8ayer3 wotilis intimate that he ha on hand at hit rullllq xtezrtwt a ftirmerlr known at carcliii mlllt a ktrce stock of lumber iatrcard shingles at all kinds and oca utlec oriep xo i shfiisiek 8150 per square bill stcff cut to order tebmsoash petier saveks aetan dec c ft jotict to creditors a ffto goods of john me- mauston decaaoad pnrrnant to chapter 107 of the rented statuter of ontario sectinn m and of all other statutes in that behalf all crcditoct and other persons haictt auv claims or de- mauds against or upon tbe estate of lobn mcvangbton late of the townsbip of et- qneting in the county of haltoo veonian j deceased who died on orabouttbe hfth day of february ad issoare hereby repair ed to send ia to dancan dewar of the town of mittoa one of the executors of the said john if ckanghton deceased on or before tbe first day of janaary next their chris tian and surnames and full particulars and proofs of their claims or demands upon the said estate and ootie it hereby given thtt the said evecutors will on or after the christmas ia coming christmas it comtuir i chratmtt it eominjf i the children til kunw it trill noilkly be here their dear little facet grow brighter and brighter at umui iteadycule bringirthcir holiday near fto can watch them like groans in earnest devotion absorbed in the pleasures that the toy wiuduws show while out from their tjtt beams a tender emotion as glances from one ia another will go gimtttutait camtag 1 curittmat it cooiioe 1 kilt up the hetttaof the ycungouet with cheer i to the brim 1 to the brim 1 no miserly dteaaurii chriatuiat comet rannd only one in a year christmat it comtag i chriitmat it coming the hsrpicst day in the calendar year when santa caur itdtn with joijrivinc troitarts at every fireside in th isud will appear and if theres a boy who it blind or a cripple the pivoted point of a food methert care why santa cltut blest him to him hell give tnple j the will never begrudge him that share christmas is coming chriitmat is mmitr fill np tha ltaiu t1 tin vvung ortt win cheer i to the brim 1 to the brim 1 no miserly mersiire chriitmat comet round only once ia t year christmat is coming christmat is coming oh let os make giarthelaujbkif the fold let at oin in their fan tod share in their i frolic theres ptcttnra in life il the heart be not cm then turfeit the tlockingr wee hapdt have sutpenled and light up tbe green tree thatspmuu from the floor- that briztit dream of youth toon enough will be ended frum childhood to tge bat a itep ooth- iagmore ffll up the hearts of the young ouet with cheer to the brim to the brim no raiierly measare chrittmsi comet rouad only oace ia a year ried into effect that morning on th fayorite of ilia regiment this wtta to loka place at eight ooloclr and immediately jifter breiik fast tho long roll called the men to fall in loruioruini umdo and with-iower- ing loolu ihj took their placet in the iankt ibo office gathered abaat colonel wetttiltud who seated grtni and un- uiovtd uion hit gi-aj- chaegtr gave tbo neccmry orders to the adjuunl after wiitcd each took ilia placo wtth bit riapected compunf th band ttruck up a lively quickstep tnd all were uiitrclied to tha portda ground aud halted farming thine tidts of a hol low square with the office and und in the center and tha btckgroand filled np with woman and camp idiert tho regimsut thus stood when escorted br eio of the guard with fixei lutyonets miirtca wax oiarehedlo he centre of lint ujtitra he nver showed to better id vantage iahit life hik fitia form did in the whole no 287 ground tlill shooting hold on for guds sake hold on i tho other occn panta of tho carriage were eva vt erlsnd anda rather unpretentious looking old genllatuan in a sort of uudrua military uniform not in tbe least conspicnoua- th confusion allenditnt upon this unlookud fpr interruption having for n moment subsided george hnndernon almost breathless from bis exertions to be beard continued thitris god i ini hot too late to prevent this grett evil i blsi tha lord lean yet save the innocent and stay a terrilflo crime i colonel dear tbe keg of money is fdund i stole it colonel tnd hid it in my cellar but praise god i give it all up not a slrming is misting i am willing to be shot or hung colonel but in tha name of god let that inno cent man go free hilitary etiquette was for the mo ment lost sight of and a shout of joy went tip with one voice from everybody order baring been again restored gay regimental of a staff srgeut j henderson inhistet vo sothatji the oueehs birthday ot a kag of 8pfc nalu be1ko x stcet op telptitl0t iei1l kso tftluhpn ir i w rrrasxtjaicr chaffkry tncrranoir roc tke turn teicioth the eve of the long expected gala day had at length come bringing with it no change in the condition of things to tho actors on our mimio stage sfannce dillon seemed to have been left to bis fate for even eva wetter- laud had tailed to visit him since the evening that she badlwhispered to hiru hoie i this was to ifattrice the hardest of all bis trials to bear in the potsibility of her dsunting bis integrity and it certainly seemed as though such was tbe case although his confine- said first day of january ncrt proceed to i i alminister the estate and distribute the ment was not irksome sttll heeenly assttt of the said john ilcxtughton dejfelt the ignominy of his position and ceased among the persons entitled thereto tr r having regard oulyto tbe claim and de- 1 hii th clolce bcea lefl to hlln mandsof which the said eitcutort thall i falling on some well foaght battle field then have notice r dtsiii wcihpnax tha oment of victory or to face wrtxitk hlirraiujij fxteatort i the ordeal before him on tbi coming drscis ilewae 1 id da woald glttdljr bars cbooea tue jformor his best uniform was sptead out on ft table biefore him giy with all dated at millov hix kinth day of hovaalxrad 1ssq cutflt furnished tree with fait in- tae gorgeous intigua u prullkauie uuiuguhu1 one ufu i m r jae in tho business n to easy to j he- held in the army 1 heaa marks ot sf j uutthurnu iree witn lait in- t4 1 1 i u nations roreondaetinc the most th gorgeous tongas denoting tberank jl i ii prafltable boktness any one en en t w jaeln rtio basinets it oeasy to iearoandoar instractlonr are so simple and i plain that any one can make fre at rrut well earned promotion were t be worn irom tbe vry start kotmeean iall whi is i r ti 1 t wililnftoworf wrotcntrentiaceessfalat by hua for tbe list mint oniorrow sany iisvs mfdf it se butnesvsone jaod tb before alibis old comrade to hundred dalfurc m a itlncie week sfnthiny iifce t ever icnown before ail who enr aresarprtsedatthe ea and rapmliy with khich they are abie to mafc moner voq can enneelnthikbqsipdaiilg vaurfpare umeatgtvai proflt roudoirtliaca u iu- test capital niu we latcailtheriitt tne fha cecd reedy money rhordd irrtte loot at oace all furnished free addret tbue 4 co aaf atft maine wanted be ruthlessly torn from his ieva and shoulders it was bard toconfoniplata and with it tob of brokenhearted an gmsh b bitterly thoajjht of the irorrcw tbe day broke bright and clear on th following morning marking the anniversary of victorias natal day with the aarly dawn tbe lond thunders in of che artillery from tha forts annoqnc useoltbelcatfe pointing- nst a- mode of -lw- e atoneo flmple certain sndefleetnaiby i an energetic honest man o open a bran leant x wbfeii every soflrer no matter office of the new hagoet telephone co excellent opening for money making bntf best montteh that ever sat on the fck of b tbe awmmt pashiob8kixs i an fer trk aiso fob 85 cm t i 13 choioe pfeoea of sheet huirfcaggregala iond bat deep that the rneh fell in at j atop have called from sleep to duty but it was with soar looks and ourses not msj ir was the very persoaiucalion of he soldier his face though pule wits turned bravely to meet he officers aud men on bis bieost glislened in the morning sun the medals won by bravery in action while his aye gnd itpoii the colonel rather in turpntid sorrow thtn in anger colonel weslcrland though evidently afftced gava no outward sign of emo tion but sat bis horse at calhily at though the present proceedings were but a art of tbe general review in whijli the troop were about bo participate attention being ctlled tba colonel in a yotce clear cold and inflexible proceeded to read the finding of the courtttiurliai by which maurice dillon htd been tried together with tbe charges of hich ha had beta found might hear and somewhat in lie exhot ting style told bis story of find ing the keg of money in the soiehotise his ttnilif- battle wilb tciaputiunand his defeat when he bad at laat resolved to appropriate it to bit own us the slory was graphically tjld render ed wore so by gvorge being dressed in his working clothes and beearnesttuts wilb which he related it intcrsrtci by strong exhortation against yicldiug to sin but the mast surprising part was when be told of bo blessed ouug inly pointing to ev ho wiih her pale face rethod in smiles sat in the carriage beside the very iiistgnicceu1 old gentleuian it wns ihe continu ed george who viitd me at fey liouic end by ber pure womanly intui tian bad dsvined the secret it ws ohribtmao bvw chriitmat again but tbe sad botrt aches with itt burden add iveiglu abd care for iheboy who w once its jny sad light it itauberioi when oh where out fa the world tnd tbe world it wide- rle is ttrtyfng away away l far fruln the fold in the storm tnd cold witch him ob christ today ttright were tbt dayt in the years gone br fftitt tbe dawn till the toniet alow there was always eomiaf torn happy thought of thtbojr ohwl6yelbim tol mow we were ptuuisg tome glad surprise always soiuethfug was beiug done plant were laid firteand cattle buihthera hopes f the future and doubttf njt one he was the eaptain ot all the host 0 the hoys at school or playi load in his praises the world will ring we had proudly tbonght tome day grand he will ba in lifes battle said there is work for eachone to ao ha is s soldier to do his part fsithful and good and true where is the boy oh a wreck tonight he is drifting a shattered bark far awtv from the beacon vgbt away ia tbe cold aad dark oh i be was grand and bravo and true strong to resist till be tatted wiue but it dragged him down to theatiof deslu leaving hinrfhere nottnyboy yet mine guifly but when he cauia to the d lhe who helied me back tgain to gcd from whom i bad wtndered and ft was she who gave my peace of eoal back ayutr trr nrewhen bnerwrstitded me to do what i ara to day doing righting a terrible wrong heaven even bias her ia a moment every shako and hat was off and three rousing priltdi cheere were sent skyward for fho colonels daughter while a loving happy glance shot like lightning from eva to lliurice to he followed a moment liter by tke poor girls bursting into tears of joy upon the restoiatlon of order in tbe ranka colonel westerund visibly affected though struggling violently to supress it was again beard i am certainly glad my fine fellow that yon have made a clean breaat of this afttir and prisoner i am truly grading puaisbment attached a wail of sorrow camt front the woman in the i of sb regimeatr foljwd- like-a- ecbobyisob that sponunbusly burst forth from the men silence in the rants shoutad tba culonel shall tb fact of jot tly merit ed punishment provoke a rejoinder from my men p silence mpreme was at once obtained and after a moment further che voice of the colonel was again heard officers and men of the 106th you all know that i deeply regret tbe oo caaion for which we are assembled this holiday morning but none of you mo ever know how dstp that feeling of sorrow is and here tha voice of too colonel faltered resuming he said the man thus to day sentenced to bo reduced to the ranks for neglect of j glad for your sako that tie money is found still be fact of neglect of duty remains and tbe sentence must bo proceededed with dtnminera do your duty i hold drummers said tbe little man from be carriage to ik continued duty and loss of valuable stores of her gracious majesty intrusted to bis care was dear to rao is my own sou bjt men bad he been truly my own flesh and blotid t would certainly have acted in thasama manner though tbe career of tbe prisoner has been one of glory arid honor in tbe past and one i have been proud of still tba demands of the service and tha honor ol this regiment is far mora to ma tbau any spersonaf consideration and tho strict justice meted out in tbe present in- ijstanco will i trust prove a lesson for very officer and man in tbe regiment fbr diicnpliue must be maintained the icommanderin chjef of the forces will arrive from toronto by eleven oclock and this sorrowful but necessary exhibi tion biutt at once be completed jdrtimmers do your duty and remove the chevroua and epaulets from tha uniform ol private dillon the two iboge biss drammets the asual execu tioners of tbe regiment slapped for ward to wbre maurice bad stood with out moving or speaking a word during the speech of the colonel but at the very moment that eaob bad extended a band to tear away the risbly gold laced epaulets from tbe shoulders of maurice a disturbance was heard af the barrick square gat through which came vio lently driven a pair of smoking horses attached to a carriage in which was knew he was drank enoagli an old downeast farmer came home drunk th other night and became he victim ofjtn irrepressiblt desire id got still drunker so be thought be would bring out his wagon and drive over for more whisker jast ai was about putting the finishing- touches on the hankmtng arrangements he said to himself why hang mo if this horse hasnt got bums he brought out bis lantern and found he bad barnetuisd tbe cow to the wagar then he was satisfied and muttering im drulik enough now unhitched tbe beast and went into tbe house to sleep it off christmas day christmas day bbvlwy been associated witb rtjoicinj ttnliko nearly all other cbiistiao fegfivajs it commemorates abirtb not h death in the fatly church it was tho enatom to celebrate the day of tb death of whom soever was commemorated on this day on be other bind we celebrate not death with lie sad and gloomy images inseparable therefrom bat we do boa- age to a birth and conuected therewith not merely the ordinary joyous ideal which circle round a now life but associations which are worldwide in their rvfaliou aad infinite in their fcigiuficance tuat christnut day should bsraado i a liiuu for fpecinl ivjoicing far children strikes us aa in entire ketpingwitb ils character it is a childs eulrace iota the world that is e6ititnertiornted ia ibe grujiel bo childlike cilhracleria held up as a modtl mony cannot well be better spent than in making young hearts happy rind the songs mil chirrua and rcjuiciugt of the little folks aver their ptekeuts arewehcalcujrted to drivi fiom tbe breasts of the older and less bnpry all the perilous sutft which is inconsistent with peiceaud good- aill the german practice of inviiii a christmas tree laden v ith nice things and illuiuindted is even mora cfjulsled to draw out all the wouder and delight of a child than the stocking filled during the night by tho i benavolent santa cltut but whether on tree or in stocking or in papas pocket it is ood that the presents should ba forthcoming for thosewboi have an nnknown way to tread tba character of which none can tell but tha beginning of which may be cerfainl oinda cheery and bright equally fit is it that this day shouu ba one of good cheer for christianity is not ascetic and its central figure camo ealingsnd drinking bat tho good cheer should not be soflered to pass tho boundary which separates it from excess tba season of the yea r is no doubt oneof the causes why christmas day has so strong a dometic character it is the time when mengbtlrer round the hearth while snow lies deep and tha j frosty wind sweeps by outside we cannot ignore the fact thai christianity is perhaps the only system of religion whosaprecepta ere calculated to maka a really happy borne jand tberaraayhave been originally a religions rignificanca as well as a social object in bringing all the members of a family within reach together the castam is as aseful us it is beautiful and tqnds to perpetoate tba influences of home and to keep fresh tha memories of youth an editors work an exchange says an editoua business is to write editorials grin j out poetry sort and rewrite coinsum cations listen to all kinds of complaints offer advice ou all subjects from pre scribing for a baby with the cjlio up to specie resumption keep a waste seated threa persons one of whom was j basket steal matter fight other ponples t lady battles fake beans piihipkio and 0b of tha others was standing up t green wood when he can get hem on in tbt carriage wildly gesticulating and waring his bat while in a stentorious voice he was ohonting hold i bold i for gods sake bold on 1 stop colonel prci indsheep liee laaibsx nonataatly on uana 1 jajoei moobb aoioxv kt fultg slow tahn j valno f50 fnil tilest qnaht vocal r0 j f j nto orderly and tractable men of the 109lb were on tha very veige of njutiny as the result j of tils hard judgment about to tx ear- in a moment the carriage was in tho square and the excited individual who was none other than our old friend the pleasing plaudit george henderson leaped to tha i come up higher subscription work eighteen hours out of twenty four alwaya be in good bnmor and witty be alike lmfervious to littery and censure and be crili- cii and snubbed by svery nincoiipoop who dont like bis paper finally to wear nut in service and at inst hear lis enough i s vat and thrnst tbs witness who wentto the polios court to testify to the good character of his couutryman patrick mcgtatb charged with assault and buttery with a rifle effused in his remarksand delved loo deply into the genealogy of the mcgrathg to suit tlje conyuinnnts counsel tsmce be tried to arrest the loriut of ecomiuma and failing in it lost terajier and said did you ever talk a man to deiith i io did ye iver do it yerselli aked ibe witness quite wily tes aaid the counsel with an ab sent air but watching his opportunity for a thrust j yes a couple of hun dred of them c suppose is that ulll quoth the witness sharply then ye havent beat the record yet havent tent therecoid whose iccord p samsonsirefurned the witness calmly ha slew 30q philistines wid tho same instrument ye use yerselfl j the subsequent qnerbjg pnt lo that witness were reuwrkalla for their brevity i a return equity and jjsflw for eytl done to you und paydddyeea by good- nets i i t

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