Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1881, p. 3

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gs rs v3 a lip le hl iiv- inr- v lay jot bam- mtml tiu tlnlt rriiuslcave acton aa oiiou4 uoixg mkhtr vijlil ktptwt tspsnc cifoato mil 9lovm day kinross lpuu express suprf jiltaired v gttsprn ootsosuat xirtt eapreta llim gaitnured- 942m payutprcu l3latn western mail ittopim leadon raikcd 930 pra sisiiofthebltrtth see my urge stock of cueie from 15c a pair to 3 ca ii and ape nij- laxce stoet of jerua wools mottoes silver card bot tans eo celoiics note paper cotulu toys doiit beautiful wedding and hiritidty prcacnta in jiss-tvro- flaled ware vases the t6let plire for fancy ioods fifti cf the big watch geo tiynls jewellery fancy goods sure acton jnt the jeelee p tateitiiv morjcim- jan 20 isst local aid otter jotuakt 4yhos licstniuil bfmvof snasr and meaty of merry raakin ptiifovtbiffmcpsessftrlssl havent well call tint trcither of the past week his beea raddcl ictejresthcr jack frost most elaborately decor atei the tree etc on sacday night the stave and hevding factories arid leather mills ire getting ictheiraioefca teyecflktdy who ovns 4 team of harsea ic eccaged in teaming something nosv the baptism dhzu seems to be the topic at euaversatiua amoty oar mx hugh oauiecon his reopened his athcry ard is engaged ia the aiaaufac- care qipotiao wa bav teiri icotnroiincs- tioa from l ot jcorcitoan lit t ciffle too tale foe insertion this week the tirttfir n pirir ttrutv vot e4 i0 eicli by tie boird of aueraea tiie other ci ft xecding sad repuruui proceedi dfcriaissi lie ilpjja fkex paaj sends fiiterazl preeiiiiiii the taape of i kmd- xe xew vcxrs card tbe kiiac co yoa outelloa- tad lazay cf call ijirrie ad- fire as this eni of the tontishifi it nretij- reli fcfrsieatejciu iricaltartt 6icittr directors ire hope ther ttili da their ctmoit to tecaie tis coaia ftii siow for actaa 7 tdsrfreatxx thii case wi tried ia bffliitca utt reet resaltia in i cociiai xamedicaisatlaiea ttil now ztihs mar freely ad sttead ta inch csea ithteadier cerrei tiaa if a verdic hid uea ctreoi s cisk srstek itesire i secord i co anaoaace tttt they hare decided to edoro tie casi mym cf aoig hasias aai w21 hereafteisall for cih br g rodic qalr by trsasictia basiness en a cash fcisis they tcis be able to give goods ranch cheaper thin by the credit system highly eaxitfxciorr the iiest i erer had ufccn i ilqat thiafc thit- they coald be better i hive pxid three tluicx the price yoa fc foe pielhref hat i cerer ud is oodt oae before arc a fe- cf the reraxrt passed ly cajctocaerc uhcu in y receive their picicres made by hill the photo irtlit the caciettiv reroetee tm nt copy f the caxittiiu jtpcritfiac isil- it to haadj tae ahoe jaaraal is pauiahl ia toronto by vrfaz beagoqgh sfiwre aai havfcc ita editor the kaax-yice-qhau- celier blafce inoo its coctriuatcre are the tames of a ncazber of therooet ahe sriterx of the day txcipiest fiee at about oclfjcfc car satardar the pchiic schoolhpase ia jlifcoa was foaad to be oa fire the toospeopie were soon oa hacd and in a ihcrt tints had tiie fire aader control the j fire was fcaad to hs between the cetlin tad the opper rloor haviajj cacghtfroai the rejriker daauje ahoat f in which will he covered by insarane s s cosrrriox as hefore stited the taaatl neetiaj of haltoa coaatr sib- hithhool auociattoa will tafcer place aa taejday aad ivedaesdaj the lit aad 2ad ocfehraary in the ifetttaiit charch here ocr rftidera are aa ctosht aware that this u cot a dsocatiasfioaal crgiaizition hat is repreated by alajast erer dcaoaiinatina ia the eoaaty ye have jast received a iiae from ifr k coama lecretary of the asscciariis iatiraatiaj that ia addition tc theipeateri aimed ia the bronrfflrae which hat teta cirealited eev a iodrewi ot tt it erpted ta attead and will take up ne practical s s work we oad arge oar a da frieait to dj all t hey can to mate the eaarentkia a ecccett tralt if its jfajxie camera a iof horn ia visit- z her actoa criepdt ke had ackll frora ikytacoh fitter of iackaowoc roesiar ifr famei ifaithewf jr of otrtfiaxa ihomefofafewweett k- george beafty of ferpit i the est of eer t u wilifnsoa r c- xeelacdi o he geornetoira serdd wit i tow oa moodajr r e b eyelanan d d of bot tfocd itteadinff the debate oa bapliffls tnd ifrt w cilder of maiwibi pert i fejr dajt with their friendihere twtfci mr percy secord who hat beeo itadyiny ta toronto for tererit rnontht put tf ptoj i fey geeiu bu aeton hoa i school bdoks ii- -jo- ut 4 itv- couuctl ultttiul moitdav viume cyunctt mwt oa moaday bmy appeoee about 550 ttteadftl the dujata oa 4iivrf your atoclc pleaty of wdiug while tha cold uwuiot uc mt 0 rjss opetutot atr has oarhiik fur copfca of the detroit frtt t v romhead and read the u6wdu iriut eomttliiag liut wol not occur iiia nulil 80cs or 8us tura re a targe nuailtec of- klrtogcw viaiiinc their- actca frictidg a present but 3 arc unable to gtl uio uimc of all far oar personal list yw tinve rttve4 a report of a prescqtaticn azid iddreaii lo itr jacics f smyth ea the eve of his depart arc froms sko7i ktsiagavoja but it i crowded out of tiii issue tri riak u kttll the ragp tomo of the titlct ia oue uight sec millioat of stiti aud uoadcrt thaamothtr suiploa f vtrr droimed o for ttie oruoja a lst but the fitcsnatioa seema irrciutable yrc have teceived tta adcocalc adcltcr lublubeiutt watfocd out hy the kiit eicibta printiag catnpaaj thii journal iicejeuli a very cteditabla ajrpcar- ancc is nrfiu edited and should receive the hcartv support of thercsiticau of the couutj o lambtoa to sportscex the life of edoratd ilaalin the wtirlda charapiaa oarsraar hi just bteu publiihedby richard k 01 ioiwilliiia sl ker yurt tue bxk u ia paper covem aad illustrated villi por- tiits of promment scullart the hoot will be mailed oa rectipt of 2sa a giulph tavtiship ulcrilifr write dcxu sic please tiad eucloied w for which caatiaue sending me yuur viiuotule ipcr f have tiheu it one yeat aiad i lihe it vry much wihiu you every euecesa and the rjmpiiuicijts ufthe seioa i am tral yjis tle was wisc- there i mzu in oar town lie t iiidraiis trtse he iiiiuli ii ijuiiue wuuij ran itelf aud le didut iru ttcll biisiuet was dull at first hat letter tujccawe aal itsipicer oue dxy wiii a rusu tic i stl tat itarf liat the iiieriif wx ucliuater z ice harvrser6lofctrcttiins dive beja eaiied dariug the pt weeu iu iic oat ice but the opeixticcu are con- riued to the vorh of citioj out the aiuxl iccil t apply tbc winter iiu bceu a solid iae ill over thu country tad our ice is casequently at idiscouutthisyear thuau but year it wzs at a preimuta finding ccstouees i tmus busi uea eijjn offer a is ate invitation to those oay wrho pats hia phce of basinets hit circular can oaly reach thoe t whom per sonal attention u circa bat hia adverthre- ineat in anegapcr roes into the highwayt td byways ndij customers and com peiiin them to eoaaider hir armaments tbedciniuioo telegraph company are enaed ia patting op a tliird ire for tbeir jacrtiing bnsidesa they have gt is faraa actoa itith the wort thecom- ttayare nat giving every ol5s the third aire hat ouly ocej in the principal tyssps along tle roaitf we may add tbat the oihce in i ctoa ia supplied bsttieore- toira vis passed br ocr iocvg woaexwtt haro re ceived copy cf the kingston tfij coq- taimug tbe report of aa excellent cerozoa on our vocu uiaiea delivered last san- day evening by iuv g a- coofc of the zbure city ft rntcrly of this village tbe rratii e very iutercatiunae tbesaliject bemz eiceeungly well handrcd- 0inc to a ucfc of epce re are net tble to inaertit ia ocr eo lata as j appekd youa nakc wc hare aiany times mformed oar readers tha we will insert no cotnmnaicationnrt matter on what subject it is written uules tbe name 11 sat in coucsclion with the comrauniea- tioa as before stated we do not wish the came for pubhcatioa bnt merely ai- an evidence of good fxith da this wect we have received a letter for insertion in oar columns bat as no name accompanied it the writer will herety aaderstand that it was coosixed to the waste basket the guelph jjnim says for some days past it has been tnnwato many of our reader that ilr j g ilclsgan was ia financial trouble caused by serioas loues recently sustained aad a rapid decline iu tbe priq of erode aad rennet- oil as well as other mtterlilf of which he held a large itoek the troable it u to be hoped is oaly temparar the indebtedness u can- fiusd to few creditors some of wham have alrear offered 5cr ifclagan masc libera encoaragemeat for future operatioai a lage gtfr lao jjjuce aat a tnoasaad milcs froaz gaelph tempernce ocittyrafdnued four seari agn aad in caanection with it a enatrilutioa bar was eiuiiltshed it being decided tobpen the uit some time in the futare aad devote th treasurea it contained to toaie worthy ob jeet afrer four years ctisteuce the society deterraiued to dxsbind jast week and it was decided bat tbe receipts ia the con tribution box a soald be pven to aid iff tbe purebiai of au organ for a certain charck when the bor was opened it was found to cohtaiu ii ceuuiccrcvrjf i 6akville stictx schood the fnl- iowtnc h the list of candidates whose tem porary admiision to tbeoakville itigh school afc tbe etaaunatton- held on the22adaad 23rd ultima bi been confinaed by the hih ychool inspector j- harks 1 thou h dowler 280 oakvilie p8 2 jfaonie alton 357ss l2trfagar 3 jiinnieetnenoa ih 8 do t miaoielacaa 30s 2 do 5rjaliafshea 326 iy do itfarsl wilson 311 17 do 7 edeorietu wright ps oakvfllop t1 tiujtujjl in ilt ffonty iiir lij5l cutiife in otrsluidiiy uud coet out oa saturday reuiembpf hie tkblxuli bcliopl couvcatiou oa ttw lit and 2nd of fob quite a nurubtr of clerical gentle- nion am in town atteuuinf the debate oa bajiusin to lfftftbat chaeiful aud moat cotuforuwe dwtliiutz oyer vacant ito in mrt secotdvuock tboj debato haa progressed thus far oud the church has not yot succumbed to the praaurc pat ou it ai i caraivttl iu fergui laa night thew was only oue skater in costauie aal he rcprcseuted a faoh guclph mercury a cry apimptbitc cornouwa divteiov court at tho diviaion court held hero yesterday a very large number of cases were examined and more business was transacted than has been he case for several years biq tukuv last week mr ttios millir of krin showed nt avturkcy of im mease dimeutions which he hail fatted for air iv ra ueuutrcct of this village the bird weighed nearly 21 pouuds sale op fattirjlat week mr johatoa elirrisaa purchased from mr jac sherwood pice grove tarmiklacrvfor juqq thcfarui u atlualcd on the tuwu line about 4 mile and a half frour miltuu camiart tlnllur thu udiea of st albms church of this village iutcud givius an eutertaiument coaststinf of tableaus and aa exbibitiou of mrs jollys van figures life size itt the teuiperaucc eall on vcd neiday eveuin oao 2gib commeuciu at 8 oclock p at j a ceeveund ma boguu two liljol suits against a uewspaper and persouaily assaulted oueofita reporters hix vindica tion thus vigorously beguu ended tbe other day iu his wumrawim aji suits paying all coits sad tuy i a the reporter tlw uct sum of 5g0j the rights of aewepaper meu cauc be tauiperei with by rowdies with impunity rurciftfs ted41ilc iualventatf tthc tuinii th aniivcrxry of the cjarrisue otlilr aud mr william ittntret of thii village was celebrate by tbat family sad a urje number of frieuds at their residence oa church street on friday last many wtre tha couyraulitiuas botowed on tbe bndil pair on tbe 21 rival f the numer ous ptu diunee was served at 1j3j u m after which aciaktneau and pbitait couvcriatiou tererrini to pleasing incidcats of the past etc were iadulgel xu and a very eojiiyableafurnoua was spcil tbe hippy pair were made the recipient of a lare number of valuable aad appropriate prcedts the ftex vtsss congratulates them and we hnp we will be permitted to clroaicle their coldca utddin no hoes worth m ntlort 2zsa slates pens ink sad fatal accidcst ltst wed uctdiy eveaiaj a number of young men and boys were enjoying themselves by sleigh- ridiag down oceef tue long aad steep hills at gleawjiiiama when aa accident which rtualted fatally occurred mr john sahly ied about 21 years was da the sleigh with a number of otuerj xnd tbe sleigh was de- scendicc tbe hill with cexi velocity aad in crossing a iiridge it wasaccidently steer ed over tbe elge and the occapints keatier- cd arouiid the youn man receiving fatal injuries by bcin etraeu ia tlie abdomen wih the end of a brokea phtak helical aid was at once procured bu- he lived only a- few huars after the accident his sorrow- h parents hive the sympathies of the community tae debateari captxua oa mnudiy evening lt the debate oa bsptism betweca revs h mcdiarmid xi a of toronto aad t l wilkiusoa of the slethidist charch here was opened xi r xicdiarmid ieifing witj the first proposi- tioa thst dipping or iramenion is eaj lin ed in the lards ccsi nissina ilxtt 23 19 a iarg namhtr ab mt 3 assembled to hear the ducaioa mr john warren acted as chairmm aud before opening the meeting to the gaatemen eugsgink in the debite he asked the audience to be as orderly as possible aud stated that tbe eominittee bail dicidd not to allow of any applause from the sympathisers of cither party and we think the people deserve credit for the admirable mianer in which they complied with this request in fice of tbe numerous points broaeht out by each speaker the debaters each occupied 30 minutes twice and 15 minutes once in tbe eveuiur xad the meeting- was brought to a close at a few annates after ten oclock after tbe meeting aud duriug the neatday the debate was the topic of colveration amouc ail parties tbe points established or refated by either speaker were discussed aad considerable interest and excitement was manifested ia the subject oa tuesday evening the attendance wax larger than on the former evening there betai about 550 persons preseat the enbjecfc of the prevt- oaseventaj was continued bat there were fewer paiats advanced as ranch of the argu ment aea was a repetition of tbat of the previous evening at the close of the meet ing it was mutually decided to introduce the secoad proposition oa wednesdaj even ing as oa tbe fir6 two evenings theiudt- encewas very iirceoa wedaeidayeyeninir aadthediicassiott wis opeaed by mr wit- kiason who affirmed that bptism ad- raiuistcred by eprinklin or pouring is scripturally performed the usuil good order and attention was ziyeu the speakers and the nteresfc manifested on the first eveaina is still apparent the audiences have been made up not only of par owa citizens bat iare numbers have beea pres eat from the surrpandiug to wu and villages while some from more dtstau tp laces were present qeitc itnutnberof revwaod cea tie- men fcom different parts of the country have been regular atteddantaaiace th commeace- meat of the discassiouv it it er pec tod that the discussion will not be cotroluded niittl some time next week it ia useless for us to give an opinion oa to which of the speak ers has succeeded in making tbe largest number of points as every peraoa has hia owa opinion oa tbe qneatioa and erpresses it to bis own aatisfactioa- stationery etc haw from tsjonti lo f2bcl j fylaiy ko 1 sad iroua for 5c perjb j 0 hilli second lind btflfm from 100 up t j c ililia tin hop a 8ecord j- co intro llio very bet tockofteaj in town- a good alock of cookinp slovct t j c hih will bo told ttieap dont faifto liy a secord coa new lock of ten 0 k firo shovcli it jrchiili tiuslioiifor loc oach iihardwari of all kinds at a se- costcj- cjo laoks mapllck newest stylet at christie henderson i co a gxid sectnid liaiid coot stove cuetti for cash itt x0 uilttf- a good felt hut for 75 cents it j fjfti ir you wrtnt a rtolliy durable and cneap suit j fytet ti the place to go tiie bfs co scuttuj for sale att c iltun tin and stpvu deot aclon suits aiil ovitcoitts at extremek- inw rates and mule ia latest tlyicj be sure to call aad sco them j tyfe actoa royal bke burner coal stove tlio bent in the uiavket at ji c hilla tiu shop for the von cncrt tcai good value iu all juicca go to a secoid 6 coa scotch english ard cntiadun suiliurt in ereat varietyct the eat end clothing rtorc- j fyfe acton j c hill lifts jiut- received a kiludid lot of gfktiitu uaro atfiia tin khop broad i bread i broad 1 occn ifouso bread received daily from hatuilton at a secord d coa fur the very hest qctality new finson teas at0 onu 50 canta 60 cnts and 75 cents go to a secoid cue they all da it kveiybodjbiet tca- hcrr to beaattlriteeelhaiidbfvertajracee to tlio areata aat yoardruffrit lor tauiple picfcare 5 ctt larze botu a 15 cenm sicqmllitn hmuilton of the welliiigton ilirhle workr flutlph are uotcd tor giving satisfaction to these favor ing tbera with their ordera ic yoa need aaythhi iu their iiie be icreiod remeraber tiiein thay da a very large huliaeaf con scqacntly thev are aide o gir better terrna aod keep better worhmea thaa arcaller works scad to theax for particular best value in the countv in gran ulated cut loaf icint coffae and baking sugars ac a scord fc coa uatts we will save year money by leaving your orders with ua we bitva aniajnunw stock to choose from genu futnibhings in graat variets fcuiutnee iile of uvercoita and ready made clothing cheapeat goods in catioda kumuiotu hous georgetosn mcleoi anderson t co i look here we hire some qf the ciievjkgt diy goods iu the world 2s inch gry funnel for 25c per yaul dres3 goods for 10c original pries 20 12c 25c 15c 30c winceys for 5c 9c 10c worth double the price black and colored cashmeres colored dretx silks blfc diets silks millinery shawls and indies furs iru mnse itargitins ilcleod auderaon k co georgetown doctors gars 171m dp is ltp that mr tiouray is ap and at wnrcuud corci bv tt elmiia rcmejyt i aisure joa it is ine that leletntrey cttieo atiil with ikitlilnc but llor utters and uly ten dajnffouisajctorcavebllii upacd said u mtitdl vlladrty if that is ta i win eo ttits tnlrule ard get kme for poor georre i jcnow ho s are aood ktider have joua coogh thit does not yelj to the usual romeiien do not da isy do not despair bdt try ifagyards pectoral bxlssm the best cough cure known j a few doses of this siife and pleasant medicine wilibreak op she most obstinate couglj alt madiciue dealers sell it at 23 cts per bottle oa ton know that lnsvcre and chronic esses which havpdpfidaloliprrenedter wilmiiisccm- rkjanilsyrupo wlldciierryfclvesimia oaie re sui effects u jietd cure 1 hat vcrv jamlly who fcteps t oa hand cm iffy iughk crooii vhoi iit ciuths cild ijnjiiciiitls nnd sll kliidrd dls ascs that no ease bus been reported iu which it failed toirr rellei that in every district where wilsons wid chtrry has tyn icroduct tt has jiiroped into favor in an incredibly shurl time that yoa can buy ltfrora any leading draj- ijlst in wrslein ontario craclioa sanaa crackod lps aal boaglincss af tao iciil can bo eared by a few apnlicauoaa of gtilbouxva farlsiaii balm which only coats 29 oenta aad la sold byall isadiar drugytsta la western oatarla it ta guaranteed to ttva satls taction m ovary instance tr it hngyards pecoraliialsant contains ro dingerous narcotic drug but is a purely vegetable healing bslsam it cores far loosening iha phlegm and corrupt-nil- terfrorn the lungs andexpeilingftfrom the systetn croup asthma btonchitu hatreness and all pectoral disoasea yield to it promptly all dealers tell it the oroatcst blessing a simple tare harmlets remedy that pares every time and prevcnu disease by tetplnj the blood pare stomach reaalar kidneys and liver acuve is the crealestblesa- insevcrcquferrtd upon man up bitters t that re met 7 and lis proprietors are belne hlrsscd bv thousands who have been saved and cured but will yoa try it sen other column ttiioxuk is the uest polict our daily bread is sweetest when gained by honest loil fjogyards yellow oil is an honest oil and honestly epaking it cares more cases of aches pains lame- esslilf joints pleah voonds burns scalds uralses rheuniuism idealness cold hare throat and infjammalion jhan any other rjtuwiy osered for tale o household should he n-ithou- it zopesa from brazil asftfesaltof tha no- commercial enterprise jntt msumlnj iraportanca wlta brtlla the introdaetlon of zorasa so jnsliy ocibrale44fhre it u tnowaforlhecareof alllormionnclaestlont the company have opened a laboratory in toronto zoitst enmea to inhjf idy endors ed and recommshded ftrwoqdcrfdl afllnlty to the dittcstlvc orjnns its ceriolnly lo r- ileya and care dyspepsia and costlpa ion makos lliia remarkable compound a necea- stymcaiadi the coraraoy makesample bottles al the trldlnit coal of 10 cents lo he hadofje ilcoatvln acloa at j b mcq-ar- auction sale ghr co actoni rthis week show the contents ofjvbk- dl4y goods 1 qfsm of boots and shoes and groceries such as tftm hxt 2nt i4ika ia ti dtsalnloa th ver sxcousat qnlitrf acsseoodj b osfl tborrojaly tests for yrrs aa the tutves busfc tity varltt 19urawu aai ofceapnos la uaurpstei ly asy incl jmuw la tnj tr4 r otpottuajtr u osmiln jioonria ta rclt it rill jai vintr mpply i winter woolens dress goods shirtings winceys mens hats and caps millinery o i wffilv c0xtinue on thursday andtsatuiiay at k30 oclock and 7 pm t ohapmms acton purchaser under 15 dollan caah oyer 6hat 3 months credit bargains given i ipl our daily sale aa usual j chapman w hemstrcet auetloaeer full lines of i tweeds dray white and- scarlet flannels can- ton flannels white j shdetablanksts ladies mantles fine wool goods black costumes oostume cloth etc just in navlvg alrtayg hade a 8pecialtt of a r 12icl wiob we are determined still to maintain the super iority of this line winceys plaih and fancy from 5 cents up remember their famous 50c tea cheistie hfindersch ft 00 i rjrssolctrov of partnership if o lice is hereby giren that the co partnership formerly sabsmins between us tbebrjdersigned aa millers bakers etc at alston under iheslvle or firm ol b g kicllin was disaclted by mutual consent on the first dsy oi january knd that the milling husiness will in future hecirriedjon by b w kictlin and the bskery husicess hy e ntcklinit son the old firm will receive und all dedls oflhe ue copartnership dated tins i9lhtay afanusrr i8si i jbexiajflkw ktckidn enward nickux wilness a e if snosxi dn qtice to dlibtorm all accounts due the undersigned nust he settel bv the first ol february otherwise i hy will be placed in other hands for collection horse hug b e k1cel1k new shoeintt shop iisr otoisr imcdermid would infqnuthe people of acton and surronnc ing country that he has open ed a eh pin the premises formerly occupied by itr james ryder and vrill earry on teh business of j horscshoeiscfc uflncrsl bucksmiti- idz ia all branches i a wooclshor will be carried on in con nection with the blackamith shop and all repairs to scatters sleighs baggies vsgjjons w ii be promptly attendsd to repiirrsi of all kinds execnted on short notice 3jali wortwarraated 3acall solicitfld hugh mcdermfd come to hills photo art studio mill st acton and if you dont know your own photographfnow will hereafter citizens visitors all come and you will be well come cms ft sill teas the cheap grocer j v w p brown hat jqst received a new stockof groceries crockery and glasswaso hiis teas i h w ara exselleat and hava given great satisfaction- trytlim aa 5 a sfuxmd lot or the complete domestic bible pcbltsnrn br j jirlroxcogaciyh ontario canada i acknowledged by the world to be the tev and most complete family bible irer rjubltaued a circulation more er- teusivd thyn all other bibles is thehest evidence of us merits bemaoldnot by hundreds ofthousands finding a ready sale not oaly tu this country bat reach- in nearly urouud the world has now another great addition miking it still more interesting and useful as a com plele family bible 7au0 gods or tho worship of idols tirotaselr llmslrated tuts new fntnrndes- ertbtpff the falce gcxls or he iilul worship of the virisaieofimccfncefmorrfticexiti of nullmttod interest so grant a proportion of the earuik luhabttanisar novimdeter hare been tddintora inat tne system which lioltts ibem truijofairyoughttobeaajerstood by every tbrhgbtful ptiun luromattdn on hit subject has hitherto been widcljisaiitered nnidifflcaltof sriceap in oil now feat t of oar bible the f4llea available material has been examioeov sort itsesheoualpartuhayeheon two tghi together every fjstera offline worship is here ex plained aiupiu featerei of greatest interest fllmtraud tt9 influence of new shtnmt tha people who bow totiem ispanlcn- if- it elfar contrast before the render lary traeidlbat the vast dllterenoo betwrtii this and ot trna lllon ma s tan j oh t in no palntrhiive been spared to secure tbe foitat hltftratlon of the nhjcu superb pleutrlal rtfirer4nialnhreel7eii there for showinslte costly emrdesapd h lines the deluded priest and 4nrslitorers tar cup to ma and dorrived imnxloauaos rpmeloas rsmvau lahnsntn sarrnaes etc also eonuiriing nfiy fall pae platcsfaooo lliastratlun ilrilr vinsi drug store soon to em opened and very suitable for christmas presents giye him a call good dcllvcredln the tlliase v w p brown teas stoves stores i st0vte3s- do not fail to see havills stock of stotres the cheapest and best variety in town ordered apusio a

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