Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1881, p. 4

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jtf if jtttlliii in i w the free press tutrsuit mtfrslht jvv jo tb8i ai i aa fmtt tfttxs cqxxbb jack tor and the tiapwanoe folka he chinked hii atone and he drank hie gin and be ell t the time in jolly tint h cared tot 14 much as the polut o a fur the temperance tolkt and their foll gin slipped down iy tod tin bag grea iili i aul the barkpc- crecdy iea gluten ed and jack nelcd irm ot the placet tic bid cen i aud tie grecdl ero d drink end in lined pat when jack found llitl hu tables hd turucd and tie mm at the tur chinked tic tnooe aud tu i oac rctniiaed of the diaicc ia hid earned l ou lieu i ft ra cot quit to ttuoj and he felt u lie bag iiuere lit atonej hid been aud i ihouctt all luieel iti vit tub f t the leuvcnuc folk in sennit on tbil hit ribbed lie ut til lilt it jul tj only fhe hjaules yae lca stuping ao lleiitr tom j said i poor ft lus to lcr s a he iv c icr lie artlcc lie bid beca sut for win ilont ia caac lr houc when ou kuuw let uilc s to prvckut i tilj to mother until gat to sir guk ips le rcptcd ml ticu i sticl to have i la k tfcrocb tie utadoat for oal luc lailutcs uij ijiauiaitut repectcd tie aidiw meant i u4 deal vita uu eo ue to rvci t titm tit i k luae net i nii it in ir tier t if hir bi l a ai l- tu i h- jul recti diau j ur tlate allel thr rid iu t iheuull f lut i mem tiji uil j s swtcujll kurc loitull w 1m- fitt i t i at dau uu iff ucl iciu i i hie tc 1 tivn ttll rat it w nuh u u clc itr utst ia x t tutu v rite tlc tiurci icrald iu bud luid lotket into tic hre td tiirti ic tos inic iskcd li mo her en weucoat ueoi if- pre- there xrc tircf baajel ia uit u lalj ear and hilf ti i iar f r aci tuy ci t yoj a totit or one hn ireitaad eij l atul a ialf iaort or opnrdx cf bl q dtt o trelre l ars eii lot ia tirelv e ranjtit toat price patiu peact licttrceciiuhps aad stirva it tie saci lcfara kim sapioae you r d im to inert f r eaci day liutiad of thriy m nukt added iumdier tail tll iiaa a lu cf cure tbaa ucty diy ia tie year tool i new wis a sharp ud acd soa proved ile troth of tie tndo- itateaieot it doej mother he iitj eat vies f sead yoa for acyuanj i vxat aad voa itay ioiunog ia ths itrectc my tiaie hat- 1 he reckoned ap ax wall as roan liiaa t it v 0 cire too coald not dear tint then tt acd remember said tie widnr what a aenoas lots erea tire ana- ctes are tz rae yoa knuk y boy tour tery hard 1 have to work to pay reat lra bread and keen ym at achuol to yoa ihoali endeavor to faela rather than to hiuder tocr poor motie- 111 rai all tha nj the nert ure i o aadtoai io no idont want j oa to do tilt i only want yoa to bear in nund that ocr lives are ma te cp of those aaxre aucctcs and that wt can co acjrd to thrur tiem stay jaat f t we pleaie like a katibfc little fellow toai pnce look hit mo jier s ik wa to heart aad it vat a ionj ioa tiaie before he wat again heard tfi oac tie worda oalf vc miautet aud licr nnm wtro ttj dirly to ilie too ipeudil ictaluigleaniauitn till ttory ho how two limuot and their occupanta wef o made tuly and com fortable aimply by thi ananiple ot the clean un ol n ragged boy tvonls or wudom qiitr not tlifl oloik to malta lia it iwgitii to tain tnit maulioo l kti go ki cloth auiinka nt rotluun m8u srtiilt lika luuaii imluna ii often fgund iii ouj luuktuf fmiuia wlutt n mam tut kl tie but cc lam k rovtali tin worst of turn he who lalka but littta may be kuukctuj of uuuwiuj utiiru than he coadiniit u lifct tin lot trxiii dim litwril ariauntli iuiuiirtut ilu lickllllln jcu tookn work t pe furqi tl iiibit by rlmj you may bplt luracttr de grntcfit for am ill bn 3ta u kniflratlktyniieatiitiq utcaa iiimdii n t tlieir irtish tint uitililer cuts too mitclt wlucli t pmclitiej by thi ucubeo of jenuet md liruiiiety tt j idly of charity a iitlr itt r hewn a tuius luxjt btfuw lliej an luici uioa u tim are tlia bust intnismr that tcb ia tltfiir litva and hxiitt tin u nr k bv ttiir ucti u in iiuttrii uf cciuiic iit tua ijliu r u in ujtttrra uf pru i a lant thouhta ar botf cumn ai d jcx i kkijiih rarilj ittn mac i an 1 tnynittil uu ar lnerallj jiiuhi 1 m tl eu 1 hiv ttieomrigi to b- iiiri itof a gtcut i um rof timt m order to a ton th tilauiiu ql ik uimciatyf eterj ibtttg btforv yoa ju to la aoasidr well tbf cue fur if you win jour suit aad pwer tluu b lore ffbat do ym accat ipisb i tut are icart gtthenra ncd dirt rjttliears tti- uttr litv iiy fcr tin lirgrst car0 b it tb bail lul of llil fonnir 0 it ik it m t il 1 1 ka that vlnca gi- into the rao ii deaecratas u man but tit winch ciniea q it of it stci a ncrctijia bitter jata raoski au taunts and til nature t ab acrrauoot coanadrunu farmers sons tie cracdett prodnct of the firm it the boys aad girle in every tveaa of life wher tinf caaatr ana ecenri are re chaired tie tnan who pathea to the ftiut r tie ton of the fanner he hat the uixlli ance there it a sort rf broad conioioa teaje ruaaiac thro i hit actx ee his a cooti atiau tiateaa tn ar xtior ic it a noib fact chit ia the a legecf rurcoat try th- lc t tti leitaar the una front tl fari in tie a rk thoji ih the halls of leanlati niat the tar on tle forata tn tie pal t ninety n n iiaadretlths ot the tren uho stand aa tie eaaiuut irere oace boys on tie farm they a ere liarvf ioed wt e pitjiedcl ua eranl wfrsedf it ietrlirtal m tt oelalft f tt pec pe of this c aatry v de inrtotvo l are the town bjys a the race of ile ftwliaff carinff their aad polithiaa their boo while tie rough coar j bay u plaagng iarefootad aloag the road to fame- vruha hook auder one arm and a few extra clothes m hit itad he pitsec the eleat horns of tic town boy aadlooka in on ease and larary alaiosc far the nrrt time he may be called a tramp aad refaaae a crast of brad t oce day he will retara and bay that mortgage coyered ioote aad became the hoaored cituea o that town here did that boj get iia noble parpoie sad his ccialtcnag coaate they weie barn to hna on tic farm they verz woven lato his fibre by early yeari of toil the wap tnd woof of lit life are threads of gold wh it a door like a calorwt woraent its an carets how did qnxo eluibetb taks hci ptls t la cider lea is rcttsio lifcu oysters i wbtu tbete a a qujt eat vtbat annual comes dowa fromibe cloajs t rata deer what loldt all ui inutt ia tie world t na ooe nose waat relatioa to tie door ut tle djor mat f astei further hour did adam and eve get oat of edea thet sete buakej out why ts a iaty yuaaj doj lika au mdmed puatt ua a law pop when will there be duly twenty five letter in ibtsdrilisretr asfced lie mcbel irl tewcher wliea oil e nude- i aurert ida girl rapt a good eiample a poor boy once went to a raced schoo vhere iis face wat well washed when he retaroed home the nuhljcri looked at him with aatonuloent thoy aaid that looks like tom roieri and jet it can t be for ha u so clean presently his mother looked at him and teeing that hit face was tn clean she fancied that her own face was dirty and forthwith abe waiied it tie fstbenoon came homo from hit work and eeeina his wife and ton so clean he tbonybt that ha face waa dirty and to he followed fsdrjxitaple talier mother and son being eean the mother began to think that the room looked dirty aotke went down on her knees and crabbed tie floor clean a woman tiring text door teeing sogreat ehanoe ia erbeighbx thought tfct her l t le rjlilue wen to a show cue finc turn- in lils life wbetl bo ctute b jme i is too lier kfcd bun what ha bad an at ol p icut uauiuiii tbt rubbled bty wuu bis fruai tail great clearing sale at the right honse co litlr xdl ticliea only 1j cqm to ilughioii it uctutnibtr ibo nam i hamilton dm sotli 1851 thomas c watkins hamilton substitutes t ay the public are caaloned tttlntt a custom whlch it rty up nunc rowivm if isle among a certtjnw cfmxli n dealers td ahcmslhi wsentikm f r a ml- if ialhkiiirr llier u lunlr dw rer lhat ih nmn lw have in ler stlwa q 1 r rpf iftlt y i ic ih vsril m wvl l nme 1 i i i ic tem cin iiwyftit te rix i i-tr- riur anitfll ali rrwlrcmmlof lli- palnkuiri mlvi c ntvm ll f lit- w nunl rug ire ril 1 1 y ih- dnl r it ili i i if vltlvmtf rihteip cl cc1 w i m ll er f c t r lire f w renls w prf r h ivnii isn inmam 1iin i cancnte pn i re tot cholera morels cramps akf au summer or bowel complaints perry dayis painkiller it tkcjuaucu it clrcs aluost isstatlr tvrau ktlirt icp tup inter unljor boti ffuxaf u ljftj wa- ipecu jirtr taxutt irt twt dkayt 60u3 by au me0101nc dcaur8 bbi0kbloodbirs- hie only medicine that sneccsafully punflei the blood acts upon the liver boweli bkia and kidneys while at the same time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropsyn ervoos and gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best eu300 punlfylnc toxic ih the world ample hslllr ir t khich co scu uctts tcboito betnoar lf im kn memaaf wsnw rswtfer u a ule ten sod cffccissl imtzvpr c vccm la ciildrai t fnec ti can or j ur fl wru rmsnai wrw dsactfe trea ra poriccc te mf coloc earauar licy kits m cictl fikc i exact per ptdlsfs rortka mi vvfr03 irfip iirii tlio largest and most completo factory in tue dominion 140x100 highest 3ioaors ever awarded to any jlaker in tne worla i xffmdal and diyloma at centennial ftljajal and dqitama ai sydun auaraha fjffgold ittdal id ptcuirial kdtibtlion lurxjnlo 1gujliut uieard alludtutrvd ichibdicrt turonla 1876 1s77 1878 1s79 tob 1 fi groceries if yoa wsiil tod and cheap arucle tu3 1 rla taug hysoa uvta stock s itim tbas1 bthntrs f sympsj bffsoea t j and tobacco m if art klndi pbe8b al sweet i- v hardware of all kimu paints and oils hinok8 and ixjcks i nails glass k puatavl salt w the barrel all cheap for cam oo to o t hiljls ictillstreet aoton hxw edition putlsihedbrcac herruslsrrnxicmkas utestlrgestbest contains otcr 118000 words 1088 pacot 3000 entraviae 4000 sew rokds and heablnpt blograpliicol dictionary of over 9700 names front the c educational ironthlt- torwo aci jct i frc ccmc- la lxecalnli cf uiepcliioaof tfe ecr uiimsn wtlhttistcf ris kltunji entl is ride cftl eallicuc lleijuira i wcbjter no beck ofan sll-tatiryincrviiclrc- raect aooce reference work in cl ch he a iii gad ill cast he tsar be la eaert of oq ilncta ccarry that will yw d him every oi lsdinds ilia mq who talk abjot cicsiri to pitrutntflft uewsur wrilcli dues not aree with tif n thuujb ic git en all cae titfwic are iua wuju patroug helps no aitvbjnper mt ot the a do a it know how to rd kumdloii timu it wag oa a rmlrotd tram and politics bad giren way to tbfoloy aud th young una with a turlna lint bad tie floor aid was denouncing the oldfaahiinei idea of bell i tell yoa ha crtd man was never in tended for aacb a 6 ndtab punishment god nercr raila ma for kindling wood kaokon not said th old parson back near tba atoye too green the following whioh wu clip from an erehauge ia va think the biggeat lie on recoid two men were dmpating about tda raanta of the aalra thay had for aile one of them to danonstrate that his aalrs war ettpenor to all others eat off a dogs tail aad in the presence of spectators applied some of his salve to the stamp and a nav tail immediately itrew on the other man took up the dogs tail that had been cat off put some of his salve on the raw end and a new dog imioeduuily grow on aid at last ao outt the men were q mr reling about who owned the aecoud dog reqalre the larpcejoa cfach tchemsyana la lis rsmtrxch uoslmdpwt webrtev- liar- iflc reranl to its issafu its tiiorooshafir ts eampaetaesr tad its f nrc it if aa amszlrc proact of utersrf ikjii sod tcecisaicsl aorl rasatilp there fhoald not be atehool lathedomfalott where access caaaot resdijr sad eooscsnlly he usd ti 11 ho tcscher sad ve mirlit sdil no reader of the isagusge csn a2 n to b wi i oct it for it is a moaamcalal vorlc a aobfa tribate to ocr rrtad tad mfltber toaae from lvaiidan qaerterlj- bevtewon the whole as it ftaoa it it mart respectable lad eertslaly rat ttxt rticncic excuiu stcnoxi- artxrirr a necessity to ever edaesrea rasa lard ilnjajteai evsry scholsr kaews i vslae w it praau lie ffutorids u the book lues become indispensable to every scadent of the eaglbh isrruafie iforruda e roc a w a s f the hristian gleaner 100 a year at usiecrirtair uagaiim con tinning mmaionaiy nrwa from ail parts of the world and well illustrated with srstclass cinravings om of he bat umonary ptnodicalt puhhthed seamen copies free address c hhistiaa gleae poit hnpw ont cuelph cl0tx mall qcercoaumt far ctxpt gloca arj utiu ui derclothxnj suy uurtok utreha i tailor we are uow maaufacturing square and upright i a rr o s best in the market correspondence solicited bend for iiluntrtd ctlcxru mailed free address dominion organ piano company bowmakville ontario u chum aoext agtck dry goods proclamation the boat offar yet made feme of frank luei rablicxiom one lut far oaif 9t2 the fnmk lesq pabbahing co t is dey t kew york will twnd fbase le6los fiifilt friexd a igpaga tlltiatratd paper for only 1 00 per car ftuxi leslie s yocxg folsc devoted to the interest of the young people and con uuung much to interest those of a mature age 16 page lhustrawd pnc per yeiu 50 centft fruxc lzsuz k kitioxil acriczlmuat 1xd woukisg fiimxn a 16 page ulastratod paper for only 1 00 per year with dr b j kent more paper dleet ooriorrctt la oil tl tasu coal dlcharvt a nfstioa of iho kj l txhes ykwejlrtfl 1a ii reyv bride dust irv cammiuio- of tholujua dropsy of kidney a aculii urine paralnlbiririofth6blftdftr b pais in the luoc crimrr calcalts beoal cdcohis eeul colic rafcmioa ol urfw rrequent l diut on gnkl in ftfliu firra ina i ity tortarn the va r pillar li pareos advanwl ip i f ir 3 airv ylnebajacr iait n- i i trine to ltd natwi rjlctr- i acidandciirlti an uo zct rfa 2xcsslt0 qiooiltoi i caus3uin p eii rr jlieeuuaifortj tfteoltoigsciu bold by all drue itu 7 jotct ulcenstbcnto oktjlb10 j4 or ut v aad cuada jorrcctontico v indalls eminent treatise on the horse and its diseases a book of 100 pages 90 fine engravings free to each labsoriber feixx lislixj perm or isz dir a 16- page lllastraiod paper jnst the paper for bnnday reading price only 75 cents per year including two beantiinlenromoa the first eaaterdawn and the first chritt- maa mom or all four qf ou abort publieauont for tt soptr ytar samples of all of our porlications and 11 i lnstrated catalogue without premituni for ibgan a new oboak feqm a 15 cents all desiring steady and profitable j flrstolsss canadian maker lor sale employment should send at once before suitable or the hone sunday school or their territory is taken i small church we will sell the above very any of the above publication sent for six low for cash for full psrbcukaa applylo montbaai half rate- h p1100be rux hauz pobusbdio co fwat fast ornosc maaefttolfrwisia- aotaairptfcljjsm tt sale la aeion b 1 ur wjtln k alcoarvln 77a omoi3no3i on wedassiay 1st dsosmbar a grajstd clbabing sale of s juk ikmknbe stock or w11mter dry goods -soodlra- silks telvels dress gooda cafhraerea telvrtfens mantles sbawlt mantlr ctullitt ulster clotua huaiery qlovirs bitiboiia licea miljiuery- inuiitivtl eai uutniuuied cloths tweetigents funilsblugii aud atiiuiuienar stock ol table ltueiiatable nupkmauutlon at lmen tuelsltce citrtainn sliretlnga we will alio oder for tale at the same time a laraa stock of ud1k3 fuhin muffs boas and ceips tbia la a splendid opportunity to secure uenuine b irgiioa at lass than regular pncei uemember this u nn humbug but a ijenumeclearioj sale ioodj will be told only or cash xo credit at our reduced met wm stewart co ljp8 wrvdbu st gtjelph acton helfiltess trtjnsl factory h arness and trunks msds to order in any atria raqatrad on abort lotiee and at reasonable prices repainat promptly attended to i r oreeoh x the acton free press best local paper in halton co furniture a good assortment of first clast furni un of evtry tlfacrip lion dm tnllv on hand pticesaalow hk qurlfh or fteorge- luwu a oux aouatd i- alohm spe10ht johiqf- stjmxqi3 uhdertakinu brerv deaciiiuiou cf jenfiiii ceska ajnl nit flintier rv qtna les alwuih kti in ttock a bund- sli e ueae8k lilt iiinrtl ut h o rati- hfutt umsryaiii sale boart ttasles i mfll street aotom j la where yoa csn get li firstclass figs at reasonable rates good commercial xtigs an eiireii deliver ron will meet each express irain nd da iter goods 10 any pin of ihe town au partita ludebtrrl to hla lililnhment are tiirsled in pat up- witboui fuilbertelav spsliye costs si hattnev proprietory civew awayi phrenological jonrnal ct amitlr kar a americ tad enpc an me3r t6e rauhag world tony reaf ad place ta lueriinre czdbnrcly in ofcm tu pkruocaoay lihnslofj phtstolox c tkt bclcar f bwauk wad ex rtrf to mkc fa the bt pjblmuoa tar wtjoa tcadiac surirt to taake dta tx taoiudy aad oorilljr pira j liatjid r ikat taey may better kmj kaw te coma a v caildrca once kopisijtinh rcail tie joci3ta tat taey may make ihe oott ofabensclrc to each li tcxiw ta firea the 3 phrenological bust jf tvs btat u made of puter ofpans tad baktttttj to iow tit nct lttoa cf eii of he hluuoltw s orxvn- the htuaearfyiirtucjii terybfaf drni a plan oa the cea tttahu ormaatetal oficc or undy and itaifl recently liaswm faeo2 willi tit fllusiraied key watch asxo- i ud the arucies jmbtiahtrd in the loivm on phrenoloey will emble the rotcer tabccmae a ful ttndent of httibia nature oae of these 1 ihacld be is the hand of ail who would know 1 hcrw to rxad chaicacra tertm- tv jocxmai aa pobhed at f s ywar rut beeo reduced froa joo ui ileal at l ecata vhefl the premiurru are teat 5 celae nost be rtctittd with each snhecnpuoa terparj oa tht jottnai aad the cxpeiueaf bonaj aatt the boat which will h test by expresa or k tmaller me will be seat by nail portpaid or we tead the acw book rtiniiaa uow ra epcctrrv resumbs axd amnoas secdfordescntitittcica scad aaaooat ipo ordcrt drafts oa the yotayg i regpatcrcd letter pofiafciampc r aatcd sttt to ceau far ipecimea buaber pi luu etc ir td addreu ba poaal card tar a miaber as luaple which will be seat tree darees 8 s wells 4 ctl publiiaj t39 srmtfjejr jlfrm t we have arranged f or clcmmso parenofooscai jocmaf as abu e vbtck 1 be famished with the fexa pass dor i per year hei p- ycmrselrpa hy making raoi wh n a enhl n ebanre is off- thrrrhy itlwajttkerrwbt fmaa yoardor tl of niroaiwiiyf f tanuce or ibr- nod rliamrt fr mai1 muniy al an oftend tciicrajtr twf wealthr whli ti e wiu vo ib hrly aarhchadeartiiii lu rtiive many tni n wornn hnya and ilrli iq rnrttrlbtnrelrciwntofalliii tie nesa wlljiay mot tian ten ilm wafa w frmiali up ximivlrt aiiitjwt 7onnd ire novthr frmiali n xiwivlv- vail nndfre nov- flikiiruiltpmy vir miwlr j r whop unf ortn putllnfori at ion al frr addrjait rtimtos icopoiuadd devote oor r tlnif ortnly oj v tiih infori atlon and all tl aem fm addrji a j a uasass trlsi wlttlow eltb sat aoton 0m oncotmnilted te lt stri rilta torrinddmlaata pmfltmiiw io nesaenenie tus in ti e nsloe la lecirvisililoiir4itr ellmi aeso1i- ilaln iht any tar een maae e- imm ihv rvetmi n neea 111 wll idjtt iwoit v nvuttr- a t mm n j wiilelr ra ern ira5 ma a t sbsoi at u bmliesj hundrl ml t l a sllif le wress j like it ever ilinki bear w re tor rim ul h n rym nixl thptlw- wlilfti 11 jhf hl ti mnk piowv ci inailuthlslml 1 ilnnif n iimeii ft t ttmift w3ji ipill nit imiii outdreikljlrjijlwt tspn e oohbaxatwl i la 1 ip m- wr 1 pla kcj l 1 pi 1 mfdk 3a fe f r saw 4 4 ffz v r 1 v 1 ifi l fl

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