Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1881, p. 3

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m- syj h-imi- ttuk rat tibia tcctulaart acton aa follow t i ooiyowasi sight express tiroat nait day bxpttu express tielt mixed 105am 910am m2ptn i suhb 015 pm jfifkt express daft mixed day express western mail london nixed aotxeiasz 4tlnani ii uistttva iopm 930 pm whan yon want wadding and birthday presents ty forth children tall and a my urge slock ewttne tncraea knives tea spoon- forks handewie ilatswart vaaea and jolt of other fii presents too numerous to mention tl prtoe to tuit every person a large aloek of birthday cards almays tn stack f tiynd jewellery arid fancy goods to sign of lu big watch aotonot the frffb press sfbexftd uonkrsc feb it 16sl lacsi and other jotting hanlan won easily- r ukl yoa receive a valentine i i baisd benefit tonight staling jluk great call for robbers during he part wet get ready to votaon the scott act oa the19thanril i marbles is the favotittj gaoiawith the javeailea at present the scott act ft ta b voted 6a in till coaatyoc tic stiaf aprii- i enteruiniueat bf th temper ance lifegaarda tomorrow eveainsr advertisers will please hand in c not iatcc tnetday corning she feraiera contieue to bring in urge qnaatitie ofcordwood and othtr tim ber head tbi adirtiaemeali there- are a aoaber of important chanxee tbie week a good sicx tliesaelplioarrug good co ta applytnar for powers to increase its capital hock to 200000 wood costeact mr d b ifc- xtirof bairmafad was awarded the coo- tract xor ioppljtag the pablfc- sciud here wire itoreaood i the pclptt rev vtl ifarton ot georretairs 1 dvj pftucfe in the fethodiit church actoc au 4acndaf cect moraine and evening wtiulda t it i good idei far ome of oor agriealtnnt frieodi to form a feint atoefc coazaur and open a cheese hc- tory in actoa or riefnity t r 2 itet pae a goelpel w art- inforised that jfr a w wrikht and a feailtmurtramsanritnir art mikiof ar- ruemcota for puhztihing a piper in lilplu aycnox si tt aa aacttan iaie of urm rtocfc and implement will take place oa the szia ofmraiex wauna lot 2s vcooi xaisagaweja oa taeaday jfarch uvat one o pta sec pvitcrt for partimtira isinjfe ptes of the free peess can be obtained at the fuzz fcsx office for three cent ach thae who risk to for ward a cir to tketr friend xhoam call im mediately after the day of publication- to aecare one jrpat dowii intone corner of yoar memory tor fitore ale the fact- that in the tear 1900 february will hare bat tveaty- ignfcdara although leap year the phe- nomeaon ecean only once in 20c1 yearly and alwayi tn the jdimiured i what future duigaffcm till the men be who rtoemttr this year j xoic there iu the rear of 1880si why ir that year it froie teady for etc etc etc etc etc ete theanoir drifte4thirty- ijrit feet etc etc etc itoftevaccohkoditios the pnbllc school iorpeetor has informed the biard of sdoeatioa of tlua tillage that addiioual aehool actfamawdxijoa moat be prorided- r the third department hat from 25 to 30 mpre pupil than the number allowed by aw vtoobkilosis cttitcreg jouevid ve ha before oa a copy of woodkall tc clciavopraoirpabliiheiialondonenjr by two ladies of the abort name it i an aijrttpage well printed fonrnal and ifde- voted to the advocacy of great social qnes- tiena and for the higher iostmction and improreaent of women- beoedi wnetx oa wednesday ut an accident occurred at xtcklinv floor mills reaaiting in the breaking of a spcr heefc which coat about i50 to replace mi kiddin aeenis if be aafortanate with jnu part of hi nuehinery as atcideats off aimiur character has occurred tpo or three tunes in as many years past tnt scon act ihe caafda g aut c saturday that pollinjk oa the bcott temperance act ihihe cohotyiof haltea is filed for the isth of april sberjf crawford to act aa retarniog ooxcer athe conntf of vtentworth the date is the 22nd of april and in the city of hamirtoo the toting iriiltike place on the 13th apirtl quod aluigblog rthe ifai ended 8atardy olglil bkettben phle ate the latcat farmera boou prepare for the iprtsf work fteacberj convention in geoige townnext week tliii ytrtriai ut been more rajrolar this week cjy v tnpot jffiw w weupiiironlicti otmondirfivaleutinetday blderq g herttog i boldine meetings in the uiaeiple church hi tliti cqritmct bet let for uie erection of the new town hall and lookup yctt i itodel fask tliern an now 132 ttodenu at the outario agticaiturilcbllcre ioelpb mr earanuel fanett hia ranted mr alex b 5vrightt tannery and it ea gaged in manofactarinff kid buclikin and other idauier t ittonbaoj purpose to erect j 1000 marfcelhoum aud town hall next tatnmer actoa will no doubt follow til- loabargt good example faiic solormr john kixon 18- cenuy aojd hit farm oo the 7th coa kiquc iag to mr jtmti auenoa ulc of the scotch block for ft70a ctampion ltceskc oottuisswvkrs tb lieut- governor hat appoiuted uenrt john e barber george south and henry williams to act aa liceuae comaiiatiooer for thii county for isst frxe leathke mr james moore i now larutoc out a urge oaautity of nutet leather of the eery beat quality which would compare moat firorablr with that manufactured ia any ouier tannery lo canada torxaor tli exhibition of tab iexuiby the iadiea of st albaia church heldii the itemperance hall on tkundiy ereninj last waa well attended the ub- leaur were good and the war figures were admired by all cotlece jocrjcal we htvs re ceived copy at vol i xo i of tie college cersdf of pciniir ladies coicgeojha it i recy neatly printed and cootaiua coo- aidcrabie information iatccettiog te thoae who intend to become itadeuu of tie collcfe miistoxasrsecirair a missionary lermoi will be preached iu st albina church tut sunday evening next eeference will be made ta the miaiiaacy nrork in india and china collection it aid of above minion will be takes up hes little valextixe a dainty little valentine all blue ind niafc and geld ha come for our wee lassie jut fire tweet summeraold tee toiiliug po ltuian bcooght it i icnoder it he knew who lent the pretty mis are to darling little lou i aaagacious exchange pax it in this ue i doe a nun ever go into a gejeery store and aavr i win gire you fire cine abound for aasar and expect to be trcatel with respect sat at all he atk the price af sngir and pay what it asked or goes withedt hut the tame man will aser a price 20 per cent belaw e for sciren tpace ta the advertiiiug column of a newt- paper and feel ouvadcd because it i not takeaf erwaait mr joseph faarnley of london it in town uet phoebe vfarn is siaitisg friends vi itld ihendenon of toronto iru ta worestrar j mt katttiewi banker taeswaitsr mu town oa friday bi- john yiteoti of eieter it witit- hf htr actoa rienda mr john 8peigbtof thui rfllagei is at taadbig tkaieetnc batns j toronto by 5hich ha hope toioprore h health ks skoclai axd sad in our icscteof four weekt ago was notice of the birth of a child lo the wife of 3irfrcd h storey aud the next issu contained a notice of the dsath qf mr storer father of the little one in jartweek issue we inserted a notice of the birth of a chld to the wife of 3ir lfwi e for bookkeeper for messrs wh storey son and this week we are called upon fcl chronicle the death of mr faxi- motherof the babe we are sure that oar citizcas will all sympathize with the be reaved familiet life jcards tbe juvenile tem perance society called the acton tem perance life guards will give their 6rtt eatertainment in the ilsthodist church on friday evening therogramtne will con tist of imnsic ia chorus by the children readingsv recitatioat and dirloguct and will no doabtbe very laterettio it was first annaunceathatthueotertiinmeuf would be held in the temperance ifall hut owing to the bad coaditraa of the hall at preseot it was decided on farther consideration to hold it in toe hethoditt church viirreo thete beetuecx seven or eight of the members of actou lodge l opfji ko 2m who are alto members of wehiugtoa encampment no 21 rititcd their guelph brethren on frhaf tvening but at the conclusion of iodgebniiuets those present adjourned to the dining room of the weatera hotel where an excellent oyster tapper lad been prepared afkr ampie jutice had been dons t the good things provided tie cloth waa drawn tnda very pleasant- hour was passed with speeches singing and general conversation the tititing brethren returned home bya special train at 2 pm greatly pleased with the reception they received at- the hands of their guelph brethren taes it back the milton cliam piorof but week says in rererence to the scott act petition if the petition lor hamilton has really patted it was just in time the new regulation respecting peti tion under the canada tsgnperance act jef 1378 hate been by the governor- inconneil and gatetted all tignatures in future mutt be witnessed tad twurnto and s declaratioo as to qualification- it alsd re quired le would take tome tall sweariug- to pats the halton petition on the genuine ness of many of its signatures as the entbcritms have concluded that no swearing was decenary to confirm tht haiton peti tions caring patted the petitioni aid ap pointed the 19th of april as the day of poll ing for thii county the cluufpim if it withes to maintain aa bonorable potition among the people ot oar countyjaad the respectable jonrnaliof the country will politely joke back what waa tttld but week ia refetetjee to the tweariii bntineai moonligiit jhisjlim sorertl omm of mmln ta town carawalia aid of actou brtaa bud tonight onnl hm gona np it ougbt to htrecamo down with tht thaw woodjwa wilt pay writ tor a lew cordt of good dry hardwood four feet long factout opexid mr j b coatet opened hit itav aud heading factory on monday lut mr john steal uf salmon oity idaho hat oor thanks for copies of stu francisco papers ths boatd of education meed in the school house next monday evening and the village council ia tht council chamber on tuesday tveniug exukcied mr joln cameron iu building an addition to bit retidenee won- der why perhaps john intends to take ttplo himself a wife ttiia aratll boya ara becomtn a decided nuisance in thoir games at marbles they mononoliao certain tpott on the sido- walkt and pedestrians hava to uzako wa fortbem loafera tand a wor cltitnce it chatham lut wk two yoang men without any sufficient visible meant of sup port wore ieut totht central puton for tix months each blow viould that work here there would no doubt be a number of can didatca i mrw a lynelandj pf orangeville was in town yesterday mr n lookt well and happy and being a near relative at our own sve wish him tuccct georgetown herald if yc lore them which love you what reward have you co not erca the publicautatie same iltpeoteo we are gufl to leant that mr thos walton tr of ihi village who hat just hid an operation performed on hit leg which wai amputatedat the knee tome two years ao it much iuiprorcd he haa under the care ot dr aikeus to ronto for the past tix weeks tnd hit leg giro him us paia now than at any previous time tiuce it was amputated oacvicle futaxces oxkyille lown council nuance are in a very bad ttate for a number of yurt past a large portion of the taxet karebeenalloirad to remain auedleeted aud the uncollected faxes in the towa now tmouutto several thousand dollars and the town is iu tuck a condition at present that i hardly kuowt whether to sink or twin thoseuc the ratewytrt who iu pay their taxes will an doubt have con siderable to do ia that line wo are proud to be able to say that siuce the incorporation of actou erery cent of utea levied hare ben collected aud paid oyer to the treas urer acctdextoxthe h t x w rr anaccidntoccaned oa the h i x w ky at ilaaaewood near xfilton ou moudav which resulted ia killing three head of cattle and injuring two othcrt by a fence being left downthe cattle seven ia uumlier got on the truck and only two escaped the irt a harae one of the autmil waa carried about two mile aud a half on the front of the engine and whea the traiu was stopped aud the cow lifted off alio started up the tract at if nothice hid happened the owners of the cattle were wurkmea at lawsaac mills and their io vtill amount to about 75 as is usual ia sack accident no person was ta blame faseioxable weddtxa tuesday evening wat the tceneqf considerable excite ment among the fair sex of oar village the cause aa usual being a marriage ceremony which took place ia the methodist church the erremp y was perforated at s pm by gov t l wilkinton and the contracting partiet were mr tc h scott of toronto tiftsasittisssrs cook ttuyah lai aoorgclqirn on tha 16th inst by havj cfttfttavmr juoioa cook third ton of be v r b cook of thii village to miiiefa tbkyor daaiihtor uf mr c thayer 61 oeorgtttwn scott guxuktok in tho uethodltt church aotou oniho 18th lnat by ber t l wilklntwa mr w h boott of toronto to mill caroline 1 l griolinton ewnd daughter of mr 11 grin liu ton of thii viukgi 1 rat ctate fox in acton on tin 11th lnat uxtli terift bilovcd wife ot mr lewli h fox bookkeeper or messrs w h stony a sou aged 23 years mifral stt s lnltl baaumcms 1htr tuhrjlofuliiilijmlrt attov majtltctl white wheat 1 00 to 1 53 tread well old i op to i 08 spring wheat gltagcwj old 1 00 to 1 0 atk four dealer for oattorine maohlne oil and it that tbe bnrrel ii branded cattorlne unooa otiier ji genuloa kod chaff oats poet barley ryt eggtperdoa butter dairy packed butter rollt potatoes new perbag dreaacd llogt 0 98 to 1 0 3o to 0 87 0 00 to 0 70 0 go too 82 0 tw to 070 0 22 to 0 25 ulbto 0 2 018 to0sl 0 io to 0 c 50 to 7 25 do von edow thatjnaevera aud chronic ettat whleh ham ilf he d alloi her rttuedlea wllsoni com- indmyronofwildctiajrrrilreilomalala relief suid elhcta a soecdenrc that vrery family who ktept it on hatid ouniiafr looflitcrooi wbavnena oonthi oolot eroiiohlllt and all miiilmtrifatii toatnoeart irat been reported i nfwhkb it fmled to lro relief tluti in every district whrrt wilsons wl a ooirry has been inirodowd it hi jumped loto favor in an inonjlbly she tline- tliul you ctn boy h from toy leadinr droi- llatln wfiiirhonlurlo cranked hands craeked lips and booehaaai of the ekla can be cared by a nw applications of qnlbourfa pniialan balm wbtas only ootta 28 oemta and la sold br all loasuaa omtruta ufweitora oataria it ta tuansataed to alta aatu- natloa in ovorr tutatioa try it glelra atabkittf 12 75 to 8 00 flour white wheat lreadwh spriagwhtat glatgow red chaff ottt peat barley ufi egkfpetiot bolter daily packed buttfr rollt potatoot new per bhth dressed hogt 1 00 tot i 00 to i 03 1 00 to i 08 0 95 to i m 0 35 to 0 37 ou to 0 70 0 15 to 0 22 0 18 to 0 20 0 18 to 0 22 0 40 to 0 45 6 50 to 7 25 m lad ilia cttxaliael l grinliatan skoiij uaghur of h e gruimtiin erq of this nilage teia bride aai vec three aiad werevery uauoliit attired m tilki axtia etc tnd they rcceirej- thaundiiidd at- utftioaof those prejeat duriai the cere- many the hippy coaple left for their cew botne ia torqato aa the 930 tn tnin sad arrlrcnovrt is oar ssd datj thic week ia annaaaca the deitb of the wife of iff lewis g for accoaataotfor messra w h story t saa af thi riluge about t year aco mr fox lrtmijiht to iiit home ia actaa hia aevrly redded bride mr far ins atticfced vith a sererd illness a boat a week ajn and althaagii everything w jooe to rcliero her and to cm tore ber ta heith iha rapidly becano worse a alii saadaf maraio whea death coded hr ialterinfr after one ihorfc year of happy wedded life the faaeral took puce oa taeidxy morain aad the imriil icrrjae waa performed ia st albiaa chatch after which the corpse wai taken to torouto for interment sinc m rt forc arriral amonj the actoa people the nai midn inany warm fnenda aad waa loved by all who became acqtujated withher the young and be reared hatband bxa th heartfelt sympathy of the commaaity i ocelph glxt cocycil a fevf yearr ago gaelph coaacil waa famotu for the ap- roarioas character of iu meetings aad ou friday evenin iaat the diaorder of paat yean waa renewed the licenae qaeatioo waa the bone of contention and high words were indulged ia by several members ia- eliding the hayor until he the mayor vacated the chair saying ha wonldnotsuy there to be iaioltad in referring to the matter the mercury sayt it it to be re- ttretted that the cooncifof this year begins to show symptoms tfcat the decorous pro- ceedipgsof thecoflncil of lst year jtre not to aervorm f jrne to our city solonsof 1s3i and for this we most hold the minority ia the present council responsible the whole trouble as we noderatand it this year has orittinated in the report of ths license committee we eannoteee any reason why the minority in the council oa this question with whom the mayor is supposed to be 10 sympathy shooldoat accept tbesitoa- tfon jait u tbe minority ot tbe council of 1ss0 and 1679 aepud the sitnatioo oa the license question in those years when by a flake the then chsirmau of the liconu commit toe managed to get the licenses re duced it will very m neb detract from the popularity of the mayor if be tepa into the arena now aa a patiini of a certain class btteii0s notice worth ant ion at geo hyndtjcwflleryifc fancy goods stote you will alwnyt find a well telected stock of berlin woole adittdec rilvetcttd boirl eiveloie writing papei sciol books copy book scribbling 3ooks slates and pencils pens iuk blotting paiier circular coniba dressing comba fine combs hitit brutbes spectacles etc see his large stock of the kbnre line of voods and nota the phce sign of ibe big walch acton out 12 pounds of sugar fdrf i0tit a secord 4 cot hati from 75 wna to 25caat j fylei r- l t ho 1 sad iront for 5c iier lb at j c hills higbest market pricajaid for pork at a secord 4 cos ladies luapiw neweststylet st cbritlie henderson co pounds good tea for 100 at a stconi k uot a gxxi second hand cook stove cheap for exsb at j c hills you save money by buying your grocenva and hardware from a 8- cord co a good felt hat for 75 cent at j fyfas coal oil best london coal oil 30 cent at j 0 hillav if ran want a nobby dnmbie and cneap sail j fjfei is the place to go the bona coal scuttlcwjbmaale at j c uiila tin and stove dejitj acton suits an ovrrcoatt at extremely low rxtc ui mife ia lxtext style b sure ta call tnd see them j fyfe acton rights market price paid for fresh ejjgs and ko 1 batttr at a stcctd it cos j scotch english and cttiadian suitings in great variety at the eestend clothing ttore j fyfe acton they all do if ererjbody nsea tea- hery to beautlly theeelhandjtvtfrastarce lo the hrcalti ask yoar drugxist lor sample package oct large untile ss cents ifanufacturert of eaapers mowert tnd thresningmacbinery prefer cat torlne machine lil to any other it will oetwear iard teat and elephant and it warranted not to gum mcquillan hmiltonpf the wellington marble wurkajjcujph are noted or giving satisfaction tethoesf favor ing them with their orders if you uwd auytb log inj their liie be surend remember them tsey do a very large business con sequently they are able to gif beiler terms and keep better workmen than smaller work iud to them for particulars use catlorine msciiyneoil for all kinds of machinery 1 1 is ilio excellent or hnrnest or leuther niauug it water and weather proof doctora garo him cp is stootsltilc iliac struodfraylt up undai wnrfcaud cured by an slmplcatcrneiy i assure you it i tne thuttit lacnlrer earetl and wtli nnitilnx but hoai liters end wly ten days nsri liitdoctorsave him upand said lie muttdll tvvitaifcyi ir thai is to iwik c0 tuis minute and xt some tht poor george i know hois art xood tho areaust bleaatig a simple pure harm leu jemfdr that rurcs every time and prevents disease bj kepls thi blod pure atoipaeb xeeulai kidneys andllreroetlre ittllifrealeslbii-sa- inaetsr cuofernd upantfan 1i4i fitters l ttmt remedy and fit proprietors trr beta bleued by- uiooaauds whfrinareitroji laved and cured b ii will yog try u see other column i zopesa from brazil at result of tht new commercial- enterprise qftut asaumfug importance with brazil utttialntroductlou of zofesa to lastly celebrate i whre it is knownforlbecureof siuormiifoolestloii tbe eompany nave opened a laboratory in toronto zofesa comet to na nurbly endors ed aud reeommanded its wonderful affinity to tna pnestlva or tans its certainty to re lieve and cure dytpepsla and constipation mokes this remarkable compound a neces sity in caiada thecomrany roaktsample bottles at tbe trim ng cost of 10 oenlt lo be hadorjemeaarvln actoa toronto uil co are sole msnulactar- ers of castorine machine oill in- fringeniepu will be prosecuted i est antlcamrert to iht infferlng i browns bouteboid fonaoea hns no equal for relieving pain bojb- in ternal and external it ouret fain in the bide back or bowels sore throat icheomatla tntoolhaoba bpmbago and any klnnvot a fain or ache tt will cnoit aurely quicken thebloedand ueal at ill acting poiwjw0jiderfui browns household pabacaa baing acknowledged m tbegreat fain belieier and of double the strength f any oilier elixir or liniment m tbeworld should- be in f very family bnnjyfornts it hen wanted as it reallylt tbebestrfaitdy in tbe world for cremus in the itomaob and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale byalldruggitjuat 25 oenu a bottle lfi of all the remedies on earth that well deserve attention bugyards fellow oil commands eipeeia menilon j for wondrou power to cure disease its fime tberes nonecin ihroltle lis merits are nt in thepus but they are in the bottle 060 t c7o all manner ofpaioful and insimmalory 0 65 to 0 kjditeaies are promptly relieved by the external useflf this valuable medicine kheumtitai bore throat asthmskkl ney complainls croup burnt scalds frost bites ceafnett neuralgia btilf joints rind wounds ol every description yield like magio 0 its power for sale by alldealers an indianjs three greatest desires wfle thus exprested first he wished forall hie tobacco in tbeworldkcon my for nil the rum in the world and when allied what bis third wish aojld be he replied that he would take a little more rum nowf we wished to banish tbe most troublesome aiais iu the quickest posible time oor chief wish would be lor hagyaads vellow oila it is a perfect panacea curing by extern ii and internal use all inflamma tion puu andstenets bneainatistn stiff joints deafnes colds sidney complaints burns frost rites and flesh tvdanli of erery variety for sale by all dealers 1 clearing sale v i i trttmntaou bargains ortat reduotlons la alllan of winter 000d8 art tho mammoth house georgetown m be ifeaars iiontrtal mapoo oct february 1880 ivrry davit t son 4 xoarrraee it gives me much pleasure to state that during a drug caieerof more than a quarter century can testify that your justly celebrated painkiller hat not only held its own aa a family medicine but still occupies the front rank where- erer duty calls it my customers speak fery highly of it and i could send no end of testimonials showing up its meriti and 1 intrinsic worth were it necessary- which it fa not ft should however be called excelsior pain- kiier i pride mjielf in never being oatocit toars very rtpeelfully john a deujs stir see advertisement in another column the v inter goods must be sold to make room for spring importations member we bavo cat dowxi the prices of millinery mantles shawls piurs j dress goods wiadestweecls readymade clothing overcoats c we make a specialty of cottons and checked bhirtings for the spring we make a specialty of black and colored drtas bilks- and black and colored qaahmeres we make a specialty of carpets oil cloths and ljinolram- l nxxut our ordered clothing department is the bestandcheapcst in canada we have a bis place a big stock and we will rive big bargains j moleod anderson co mammotb haisso ojorajaiown 4 selling off great bargains many things at half price i auction sall onsaturday ohapmans i the mm ix plastgr a positive and permsneht cure for cace wlrfaout tliolube of she kwifol j ore application of tbe iumix plasiee will draw lbs capcar out in afewdsyt with its very ho and fibro that efiecting a rziunrzsr cure and preventinsa reear- reneeol the dread malady this is no humbug but a roativa and aaxtaautcca witnouiaicknaxs debility or evil results to the patient and all nfflcled wills tbe loathsome oiseaaa of caucer are sincerely urged to tr this neverdalling raatuisirf remedy the plaster with fall particulars for iu application will be tent so sosy ad dress on receipt ofbiz dollars addressed registered letter to s c smith cottioooi pxj tanada safthe highest refeences given ns to respecubilify and standing whan required including theeditor of hiifpaper j comejtd hillis photo art studio mill st acton and if you dont knpwyoujp own photograph now you will hereafter i citizens visitors all come v and vou will be well coma 1 cbst bill yts lsj 1 f teas the cheap groceitt w p brown fiu jott received a new stock o grocsries orookery and glasffwartj a are exeelitnt and htvgiveo great 81 titf action try tbsjm l- acton wwmsmlssbsm a splxxwd lot 07 soon to be opened and very suitable far ciiriilmupresenn give him a jball ceodi delivered in the village w ip brown j it hm teas stoves stoves see 16 not fail to j i hayill stooki of stover tto cheapest and sftiwfesrtte t-f- j nrrrrv 1 pnrfritftwrivnn t lilmt ill iis i if 11 fn il mintlrm jn 0i m it aft fji i iw si wg- r

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