rv m m ifesfi- i k 400igji fulfil ssa isi tee fbjbe press m vucmdo mokstmr mweh 17 1831 4 ftv- tmluuuwkttul jttrt07 ho littlt lints akitbtrs em hud it all oat at thay do if a irilut dea n thing htaitmy or anything that not trot i ttievlllvik at you jutt a moment till wht heart in yur bosom awtlls and uaa they koow jlut it korklittjtbirdlellti 5 w if re tut little wnl cm mr there- the little bud goet ihei cowred rilh tamltiul plnuug 0u tiack m the kiasalcrovt ictvoict n hoim a revta kr fier u the ringing belli litiipbol butthtlluoot j a little liti tell i i the irgnf ut you ihtnka thine wicked tlic uvmtul yon do a ttiug lad at ancry oruulftvorhitcful lift ny or tnpul or ouit or lee a dear hi other or tialer tlut intrant your ttlilcnw lie knellt and the whole to mamma in a minute ithat little bird lellt i v iry 1 in the deptht of a closet ivktir wuly teet l t dku wsjrbe allalont in tlit cellar von ihtyl on the wp of tee kow miy v in the jink aod theiilence oroot in the woodland the dellt- jo mauet wbertverithtpptot the little bird lelli 1 ard the only contrivance fo ttcp him t u jut i i tort whslyoa y ic voarljcu tod ynuc fiicivt fcsnre of yotr work and voar py i be hvs3hit brare ud be kindly iv cftitle tnd lormif ti veil and uira voa mamiagu at tlie ttoritf tte little bintthlttl j a if ffe ciji theuouotin cilct tlnsrcitic the vry is tcuc toi of oar merchiou lave rrt frgm ah hasiue noa-reoiuner- ttre a milii to ritt of utilji iad promin ence a fct rarito t tire drog firm tdrer- used fee tbr theneitdr uie ilor vxx timuufd vuu thplicsiite unoog them a qaccrdootiu little fellot tecompuiied hy t vpmto vho prored o he hit tuat to- lirtkffitlerlesiirciite by xhom he hl ma thiudoned lookiot ut thii little jifltefctrchiatia the ttore taid cant tlcii puce til fall hetidn he u too null i fcrotr he it tmih laid the womintibt he- it willioe and faithfal tifre vti a tinke ii ke boji eyt hih cude the merchant thiot 4ain a partner ia tbe firm volunteered to remaik that he did not tee that they waited tnch a boy- he xanil uv3r than a pint of cidjr bat fttr evnialtation the boy tu it to torfc a fc- dayt later a call rat made on the imya in the ttore for tome on to ttay all rght the prompt responw of the little tflkit contntied veil vith the reluctance of other la the middle cf the oihfc the ruerchaat louked in to tee if all ns ruht in the liore and presently ditoorered hit jcathfal prote bmy acitiorinj ubek what ire yoi doiflf p taid ht i did tot tell yon to work nishu i know rn did net tell me to bat i lioagfat i might aa veil be doinc tomelhiac in the pim the cuhier pit orfert tn doable at bojt vaiet for he u willing oaly iitw weekx elipted before a thow of wild tau puied throofth the rtreet feri- uirnrahy all hand in the ttare rttthed to wiess the tpeetacle a ibjtt taw hit op- por4ouitr and entered the rear door to miaraeiia6uatin attnnkling foandyoa ruty tain thtm 10 aetdtlia then thill tlit kingdom of iatd u likeoj to a grain of tohmm md which though until ulngoaat into the earth grew and brean gml jant to tlut hug tod vile vormi- foan1 a hifcltation tberton and it onme to mil iu lis court of urn lhal tlie raw of tjien luoktil uion it and tbougbt u beautilul mijl uiuoh to u uirod 6 aikeudlu6kugbdnianljf ftlly wt forth the hand and did obaw thenof and oui it uude tlok ao that they did tomlt ttott filthily and it further oaiue to iian that those who chewed became veok aod uomanlj end nid we be turee and cannot ooate from chewing and iht moulhi of ell that were eutured beoanie foul aod lliej were aeized with a riolcnt tpitliap and tlit did kiit even in ladiw parlor and ia tlit houee of tie lord of uoata at fitat litis difgualinc tiling did grcallr lil 4e lu eaiiite but they eoon varnei l chew like ordinary lianora and in the irocen of lime it came to paw ihsf olri anuffod it and they were ttkea euddenly lit aa that they kid tueen with a great and mighty toxi then the taint alio aaufldd ia the moit niirovedfaiion oilwrt hill cunniugly wrought ite leatire liicwut into rolla and did eel fire lo on cud ihtreof then interting the olher end thereof in their inouthe they bgaa fa lack liio emoke into theif tuootha and puff it out again all the while looting wiie aud dignifirf at a crow on a barnyard fence but did the saiuu tend ha fumta of tohicco through tiiuiri liptljye terily 1 their imoke wrut ay like llie amoke of a furnace and it cams to asa that the colli tation thtrcof becauia a mightr buti oik iu the etlhand the mfeichanlmtu lrame net by- ib vuu tfcoreof and the prcpte bnie bewilched tlereaith aa that ta the poor who could not buy thoti nor bread for their little one tpeut their ooney for it and iheloidwa greatly diapleeaj ed therewith anid wherefore thia waate land why ui theae little one lick breid and ahotf i jcultitata ootu and wheat in yoar fieldi and put away thia evil thing defile not youraeim anymore and i will bleaa you am u my face to thiise upon you but ith one aceoid thy all ex claimed we cannot ceaee chewing tnuffing and puffing i we are el tlatea ability and ntcosity will dwell nr each other there ia nothing to imprudent exceaire prudence j men may be ungrateful bat the ha man race ia not to br ottriagaringof all good qoaliliet twemr three balae of new otrpett amed dlreol iron t twiweelt loodlmtooloradprinti at only 80 t k thia weak r mornwm quantity of beautiful htt eolowd prtnli from mm luntheelw piwiei tu w tad wk plnulr px 312 but ry to fahlonbl cambr mmltou 17 nd aoomu iu iii ana lf 1 j ii i a et yn lh mm nialilim at wit told for me lt teeton bemeabei the name li tolihmtbme utktubgestbest ttittfifci ubfioo w 19sspao0oeacirlat 460q ibifwotcw v diiiilpmimi1 sietioiiwjr of ovrfftoohaauik fiem t idaatt tw mwl bfwtaedlniibtrekaminitbteninttel ihtpotlaoaofilit ettfihnabwkhtvf tkt ilnrmanon thlt tie o7 lb auantle b kae ae haaalltoouarnthlui thomas c watkins hamilton 4vea4edlabtretaeiniuteeainttef khepotiiobofllk etfbthb klncmanonthhiloeojlh ttaurrboheokofutll4tbftoinalrf meal no est reference work la which kewm lad til that be may bt la ert et dotttfl onarrjr thtt will ttu hla tttir ore kit v urn tttrr ore kit dtataea b ttbta wtbrter k distinct and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of 1 htpophosphites it eoniiii iht tlfmcnli itvulul to the tciaal otctbization the oxid if uuud jouua 1 1 oombinmion with the tlraoutin l agent phoephorui pitai lie mlt f h- dg tlightlyakaiine anditdiipenwi m tt coufonlant aidjtuic la f i ttlteu art ninally yialhlt within tw nty font boon ani tre uuu ik io- nlauim of the tnjrttite tht dlgntion and udmilauon ealwiui i ly un t tmttlm i it tohfi the name and octelrt i txru ahealtby eeuot cftle err j neithr dittaibt the ttontah not injaret the irtttni andtr prolond u- tid uj u ditsoutinuei at any time wf tboot inooattmtnoe j rnawotditpoftmthtitlmultatauaicwtuitruguitlu w retain itajtmituf thighdtjrta fellows compouko syrup of hyp0pho8phites aannr ami mmiaioiriw ioma ccmatsttn mflkt ttmc ctnntmrll lfil rrt-ro- rv-rt- mt7v5lli ltrtrtbuu0 trthllwl juifliriliartlkkxd eflaof ui wrla it- ff f uo touuuo- reluau wi uluaury acnui tajdo fitkahn ten a t jiaw r perry davis son lawrence omul kwra waxazu subsoribb for the acton free press i hacyardfsw arttrk ktaatua lameai xu mt nimtftjkl vak knl0ck blued biltc t cmrb ukxn ahntxi imn s j fiia mi mhx t milhuks t co kuua4xim tirfmtrt -victoria- buchuuvaursi thc qreat specific i sc as e s- c r i o n t y s ly i ivtfly oficjrvs hhm tql faf tut pcnstocm o ka rtlex ear tknal aatkub frua til laaskmmtie bmplu taaak kneeklua aa4 all lata kmmtiefc errvr loiilc rnraalwd u tin wttfiflica tmiluuxhtco riraiwn taw ssjoijffl kalltsa nila uptrior u ta rtber uueutm b tuaifu 4 nmx ii uar tut kikbeu cf acuta atk your dealer for cattbrine machine ftl and it- that the barrel u branded cailoriae at none other it aeouioe himself emily cjafched by the dinunatirt l cfc aforejiid and alter a ttrcjtgu wat captored t oslr atnobety wat prerent- ed bat filathleartidcf taken from other ttnrct fcre reigfcrcd when asked by the nrcaant why he ttiycd behind to watch when alt othert qait their work he replied too told me nerer to leave the ttore- when othert jrert abeeat and i thoozht td ttay orjert were immedi atdygifen oo more dinhte that boy wafiet he ia willinz and cailhfol today that boy ii getting 92 and net jtna- ary he ni become a member of the gna h fc cnrisslt7 for some teait the following sen tine baa stood u the ehorvtt into wbenall the iettera of the alphabet leesd be eompresmd j gray back with iny bor fire dobn quails the above sentence contain thirty- three iettera a ulici grutleman re cently iqiprpted on it aa follows using only thirty two letters qaaek glii rpbyr waft mv javt- lin box georga vt pierce a boston lawyer bus now forced twentysix letters of the alphabet into a sentence of ordythirty- one iettera as below z badger 5hy tixen jumps quick at fowl ka man can end with being taperior who will not begin with being inferior success in moat things depends on knowing how long it lakea to tueeeed cbeerfollneaa or joyonaneaa ia the heaven under which everything not poitonooa thrive knowledge without jutlice become craft courage without reason becomes raahuee if mortals could discover the toenca of conquering themselvea we should have perfection weall have oar leeret sina and if we knew ourselves we thould not judge each other harshly zopesa from brash at a reralt of tht otr eoomtrelal taterprlte last auamlur imiarttnea with brull is the inlrcducuou- of zortii w jur eltbrtlex wtxrt it it koo wu for tbe cart at ill lornu oc aalietllou theeompaor oaf oieaol a labonuorr in toronto zopasx comet wot hiimy eiilon- edandreeommidied iu wonderful affinity to uit diitiur orcant ltc eerttnty to r- llttt tntf cure dytpeptla anj cotufatioo mi to lull rtmackabte oompoaoa a otett- iuio canada- tnteomrany itiakemmple bollleialllm irirlmt coat of 10 etota lo bt hadof jetleiaivih actoa spring goods just received our new s f r i et g- r words of wisdom 7 my ki strengthen the weak and all will be ktrong strive to attain the nobie esdt of ypnr highest aims stupidity in some persons is one of the worst diseases speak well of yoar friends of your enemies say nothing selfishness u as enemy io conscience tndj friend only to itsslf it is better to be merry and wise than merry and otherwise systematize you business and keep an eye on your little expenses some people are so lazy that they tire tbs tools with which they work beat satisfied with doing well and leave others to say of yon what they please bappran the fret ipelinatipnt to ib ng and lien it will bo eiiy jo do calamity lvtpham is the name of a man who uvea in otlumwa ia he acquired hit unhappy sobriquet from the numerous accident of which he was victim he wis shot a dozen times daring the war wai run over by a caisson and went down to the bottom of the mississippi biver with a trans port sunk at the aiege of yicksburg since the war he has had the oholera smallpox yellow fever been bitten by snake struck by lightnitg and had three ribs broken by a falling wall during an earthquake in one of the south american state- a few days ago his left hand waa oat off in aa ottuin tnill ttkenl hatkentt tkerttlt are yoa disturbed ti night ind broken of your rest bi tick child uqeringaid cryine with the excrnciating pain of cailingleeih ifioibal once and get a boltle of mrs wfotlcvt boolhing m- ftft h1 it tigs byrup it will relieve the poor litue xlrvwbvi ouiwiiigs toflerer immediately dependupon it there is no mistake about it there is note mother on earth who ha ever uetd it who will not tell you at once hat it will regulate the bcwelt and give rut to the mother and relief nnd heiih to the child operating like migic it n perfectly safe to use in til ernes and pleasant to the taste tnd it the pre tcription ofone of tbe oldest and beat female pbysioiansan d nurses in the united stales bold everywhere at 24 cents a bottle sia- the christian gleaner 9100 a year air ttk5ktahuv mxaizuns con taining missionaty news from all parts of the world and well illustrated with firstdas engravings one of he buf iiiirionary periodicau ptmuhed spiamen copiujrtt address chsistrax q leasee port hope ont stiaw murton i i jmorohant tailors g- t7 e1lp hi we do not know to whom to credit the following batjt contain troth aa well as alliteraled proverbial philosophy persons who patronize papers should pay promptly for the pecuniary prospect of the proas bare peculiar power in pushing forward public prosperity if the printer is paid promptly and hi pocket book is kept pletboruvby prompt paying pat rons bo pat his pen lo bit paper in peaoe hit paragraphs ate more pungent and pfintod bo paint his pictures of paid event in more pleasing colors and the perusal of his paper is pleasure to tbe people paste this in yoar pocketbook vs castorin maobln yil for all kind of machinery it italao excellent th bast offtrtii hado i rctr tf frank letllet rablleautat one tear ttr onlj the frank leslie enbliahing co 15 dey st new york will tend fsahx lrtuxts fault feuto a 16page illustrated paper for only llxtoper year fbasx leslus yotrxo folib devoted to the interest of the young people and oon taining mnch to interest those of a more mature age a 16page illattratod paper price per year 60 cents ftisa tjzsuxs natioxaz aouckctuiist no wpanxa famus a 16page ulsstrated ir for only kl00 per year with dr b mdalls eminent treatise on the horse and its diseases a book of 100 paces fine engravings free to each subscriber fbaxi lzsuxt pnxnt or nn dai a 16- t illnstratedpaser just the paper for price only 75 cents per ear indudlng two beautiful 9hromo the find batter mas mom or alt ttsoptr ytt samples of all of onr publications and ta lostrated catalogue without premlmns for ueenta audesbdngsteadtandprofitable sanity reading price only 75 cents two beautiful chromoa awn and tlje first ohriit- o at abovt pvbllcatianifar i emplotmenti should tend at coos before their territory is taken any of the above puhlloationt tent for six naomjbtatlikttra i johhstoips andfarfurffjlngthodlood thtnberntnutolwtcenandbail inrcrcdto betriebtpreparoljonlntbei i strtctforbirk 11 jdalakipan h i vhua 11le3 and all dinttet that 1 erite t rom abltoratrpa liver or en lm- leuieblood thoutandtotourbcatpotple i ibkeltandfrlvoutothelrchnckn lvi adcltntprascrittdaliy thotowbotaeb iberntramendtttooaiot p 1 huotdo from tclcw bock ttondu- anararcia told cherry btaiagta i eoa earadniavfctartmn end louicr wcuhnovn vahiablo tbota andb lerrti ulsttrlttegclabioae3ca3i 1 ru tart tio tart aeucuo cksctatam i i it tj co mho bed bdlcinria la i iferrrjttfcstholireu 1 it b sd by ci rcrtcrjhle dramltta i i at ose doimr taait bottle or sjz g i thow who cannot pbtan from their annpijt j jlhoie i seed us om oliawswowlclauvtr i jothem free of anj chartea iahqebstbdbo oktasio cannot obtain a bottteol e f i retain the lonteuea taeb tthtnaylaa llbiatibidthodabrklftd ia rtftrd lo lit taut iu hav- aadit arlet it it aa i prodovl of utrtry tkul atdj jktehtsjctl work- thmt thonid nttlit t kbctl la uwdembta whtrtapctw eanaot rttallr ta r had lo it k teht tad w mlakl tdl m nadn tf ibt bvofsat eta tsord lo bt wilhtat i ii lor ii it a bwamnttrtal work aeut mbttt loeorarndouamoitrtosiaa mmutdia puarttrlr bvltwollht boun httaadpttt it met rttptekutai eartalnly raaktf rattikat bmus mtau avbratt a steeetily lo tvtrjr dactttd etajtfi smgum t- eiery teholtr kaewt bt tttokr 8 praauh4 buorka 1 tbt book htttteaat tedlt it titty ttodnt of u eoallah lai s welti ouf jubctvs the largest and most complete factory la tlxo dcmialoa 140x100 t highest honors ever awarded to any 2akor in the worla etmtdal and diploma at centennial v fjgaltdalad djnma at sydnvj australia g gold medal at provincial tuhibition toronto uijhtsi aicard at industrial xzhibititn tortnlo 1878 1377 t 1879 -i- mjtsbzj saie i boaitl tables bjiu strkft acttom is wbkrer yoo earn gt pirstclass ei3 at reasommie ratel good commercial eijjs we are norv manufacturing square and upright pianos- best in the market coirespondbric solicited sand for hlhtrted ctalouo mailed piwfliddreaa dominion organ piano company bowmanvillb ontabi0- b csaims ack5t acto dry goods proclamation we oommeaoed oa wednesday 1st seoemodr a grand clearia sale of fr salt in aelon by i drogirniu ueoarvlp our 1kmesse srock of j winter dry goods isclctdinq- i silks velvets drew ooja ca- vrlvrteent mantles shawls mantle clot li u inter ulutlia hoaierj glovt ribbons la mlliuery trimmed tnd uutiinimej clutln twewiegents fiiruwniigs dtl an iulraensc stock of ivjis luenstabloixpkiu8cutlon a liucii tocsliicp curiniuitjsbtetihga we nill also offer for tale at iht time time a lare stock of ladies fobs in muffjroai tud caps thii it a splendid opprlanify to terure genuine btrgiint at ittt than rezultr priori kemrptier umi it no humbug hut a genuine clearing sal fiooda will beioid only ior caah no credit at our reduced rates wm stewart co uppk wtsdkah st gtjelph ad kxrrest delivery wagon will i each pretiwto tnd dtier good ifc any part of the town ah parti indebted tfeiscav ubl bmeot are rruettrd 10 pay uf wiuxni further delay and sat eotta i qm ed llatthew i proprietor given away t v- th phrenological jotirnal it vimv ka4 la adc aalmm wtor tt wtelmtorid fcri f tlm we tbmjft km katat u d in i itj h mkktkwayalgcuioatw acton habkess teu1ts factory bcuirmdtkdr ftreattlhmmiafli ikm tber r uw taw knr i nmm m p tkey brr mik tk mm tf taavdm f edmriiii phrenological tbk bat h aat of planer w ptna a onfcrn tk wdjwrkwi iaeaekjramljkau itk th iktftnmt km kkk imiiii ua tk utids csvuil k ik jocaiul ptambat beaf tk rtdertt kff u tnahat t katuafnun oo t iw kmdd u ia tk auts u1 w m bf htruciuiarrtt tttimvtkjogiiai kltotv kclkkrciirt mm k itctj na tack cafesenpeem i i ca tk jovtoul od tk opem kotsaj tit ban wkkk win k ml t tcodtr site vtb k tckl kv mil i tat tk bk hrotcaa bow to 1 yaauacatjeft a saafcci kl iv l vtttoa sc m cab hr i mflw lii ctcx tj mra oo foaalcbwl ntdhtaattlaidlinkamltita j ddrtti bb wths8tfj01 nil 1 harness tnd trtjnk8madt to order io toy ttvl required on thori notiot at rtatonahlt prioeaieepairing promptly attended to rorecoh aad the acton free press best lopal paper in h alton 00v oeqan a new organ froh a firttelatt canadian maker for sale suitable for the hotne sundayuhool or smauchureb we will sell tbe above very low for cash for frillptrtioulaas apply to furniture a good asaortment of first- class furni ture of very detcrip tlon constantly on band prions as low at guelph r george town a oau toucmaj l iohn tpdoht ijjya ukdirtakiko every deaori hlwaykpi ipatatiick ajhnd mu njsissi hi jalidiedkiklcfijrratei tflje a ed lor cull we havt arraaged pareaokotcsi jottmol at abovt be fornithtd with tit fax fuai feci per year sviwannbmw rtjtl lakaur iur yonneltm hy maklkg wht n nklmebaaeti 11 ei monev uat artofftrf d leneralrv wealthy whllt u wl j do mw toon eh oee bklajii tcverit j we linbjrlwytkltalv iraayeardocr wtielawboarwortiaa vastateotlbe pio4 rhanift lor r jliretmittl maigr znvn wrtmenibojs anaairlt for as rlaht la iktlrerwaueautiet wlllpay mora tbatfien uabtt ekrawatt hoontwk ft rapidly dttote- yew wijnvunyt ortburi- joomnv tfnuiloforwailon and all dtadtdteatrrr atwrrtt ijrtisaok opcrti sat wlllpay terra wkttet we fcrnltfc a all thai oned crte iklia to aakenrtntyrerv rapidly it4 tnvwn foroniktoetlikr iwebnaibttaaiaxa j nhtwmta1l2 utroehon ark to it 4tio ikatmy eae eaa atakt i tnjeatbevrrjratart wuunato wort wnwtai mem tsnjtand irt tak mtaw t- ita earal atd m doltaxrt io a lot ft i llkllovfrotbitor auw tr tur i at the i tm r whlealjier are wwf f gs3j