Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1881, p. 3

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l woola mottoes card8ard try geo hynd iw school books envoi opes writinf paper trygeo hymu for pine combs lrrasinc combi hair brushet ptfttct spectacle try geo uynds or nciv styles in tiljui rare craeu knives spoons and fotks a urge stock cheap hock give us a call order nnr taken for the icviscd editioaot the xewtcttatucut the free press tnxitua morsisc may s isst local and other jottls heiss figtw v cedar posit tec adv now catch trout if you cm tree utiltng is now poiiuurw oxe third of 16si gotu already tuts islulowtiv arbor day the kuiotiade seascu lis eoi- mccecd card of lliiukfsee advoifuing colamuu tueifree press is only one ilol iar a year the steed lamr wilt be erected in iltwiivt j rehove the deid liuihsand tirune your tadc trees keulv etery pctsoa ialava ports a spring suit rake ovrr your- lawns knd get year fioi in trial j the first thunder shower of the eeuoa hut arrived yet iltst ia uy arid heit in june cuke the harvest right saan ocr mreev wittering cart willeicn need to mike iu appearance esjetstxc tqwmdifp council meets ia siewaritotru oq ifutcruy kth insc srrlkg bonnets surmoiiiting proudly happy faces appeared oa saadav mtheee re too ounv mils rearing theirheis above the level lc the sidewalks have you ba fishing yet and haw many did yon ketcb1 is thecommoa asluje i glelfk lias 1o25 inhabitant and tfcevalce of its taxable rruperty is v awo xf v a larjj number of new adverlise- ciects appear ia this isze it illpayyon to peruse theou the beilia yvtrx mab bas another libel suit on hand- this milcs the fourth ith two years ifmtry jtiie ufct quarterly meettnof tlt cfclerence ycaxwill be held in the ileth- qxiiit church ocscdiy ceit j axp no the hens end chickens cxcie the nun who his deghis carjcn to tttter words thii he ehoulinot we re iuformer thit the mi bxttilioar haiton hifes will ro into oan at xixgxr sboat the 15th of jcce ttse hotel keepers took out licenses for taother rear an thursday last when they expire the scott acteaaies in force messes hribes fc gnfsii have jamt cpea s lar lot of bit pri which they prooaiie to sell at very reasonable prices ii k gittifyin to lera that tli- fil wheat promises well in this neighbor hood a shower of ninis hadlyneeded cow though pttrente and teachers are especially estreated to instruct their cludreo not to bear any part in the killing and robbery of the innocecpbirds t be sore to wear roar aoes in the house ast cow the industrious housewife has carpet tacks strewed around with reck- uat refusion er savr is the time to plant out shade trees in the rihse jl few boar spent in this work by each ratepayer would ereitiy benefit the village dont nefect it the tillage council offers aprem- iflct of fifteen dollars for a plan of a town hall not to eceeed in cost gmoo u jojo the plan ranst be presected by the 17th fast r we suggest that hotel keepers ttart some otber besicess and find out how other people hare to make a living a rain who makes a good hotelkeeper willmake a success in some other business jr os friday eveuics misses marcelu and zaa grinlinton of onr village teolc part ia the prograinsoe of the ceorgetowa blue eibbon chip andtecefved peat pnyt for the excellent manner in which they per formed their pacta i the ftogs are piping cheerily in the ponds and swamp pools kaw would it do to keep one in icagel barriea- acmee try it brother and then publish your experience for the benefit of others whose curiosity is high as a jjamshmert to the cdancil for investing in inch lire apparatus each member should be condemned to work the machine whik the indignant ratepayers would stand aroand and shout down trakea sliltoa koct tkz fields now display a beautiful green sad everything seems to rejoice at lueretam of fhe spring the roads are very drf and dnsty present siower of raia is rnnek wanted which would comply with the wishes of citienx as well as coun try people f- ajfathee chxsoe darinthe putt eek negotiations have been eompfeted by which mcurs a record k co of the post office store havfi disposed of their stock to ur j pearson l toronto they are now enjtajed in taking stock and mr fearspn erpects to opea ia a few days he will ifl- creau the stock ef hardware and otherwise tmprore the iixh this it the fourth change ia the niannjesoebtof the post office jtore withia a year hot we trust thai mr- pearson will become a permanent and sne- etaifai merchant if r pearsoa will occupy residence of dr ifcgarria on the cor- a of mill and frederick str seeds seeds now rq trout fiahing btusrixuc council aw ulking of patti ng in xilcrvctki r l amtadv the vctitureaomc youlu wgttiilo jituc cor lis lithtug putimc note ihc list afiujptqvcuniuu ia auohicr column to tu itrccu unci tide vilke which ihc cotumusiuuera iulcnd lo mitt unt ccuou ruvexce uctuaxa the culcma futttt collected at guclph be the pt tuoatlt wrc c27s7 j for the tune mouth ust yew 58vulu iacrcx 529sl3 crnnitsvule tlura is outy oua uu- occupied itfttfllinff house iu acton and it it nat iu good coudilioti or it would ooa hiv ttcoict ii empty louies ire rtttlv iu dc uimd prospectikg dr foster of berlin tinted oar viliag during lh wk with i ride to csuliuhiuj s practtca here we hive uot licard whether h lia decided to couteoruoc siride inees messrs c t hill udunfl cuncma puatcd natnber cf liue yuuuc miplcc oppwilo their prcraues this tfcet other citircn chuuld follow their ctme ciirr ciriicerr mr aav grconis opcaiug hi stock o groceries etc ia tle pnusctorcierly occupied b mrc s a icord ind erpects to l reidy tocotnmcacc bislue oa stardv cocntt registrar mr f bircky geotetifra hti ruccircd the appointment n regiitnr for this county inpieof mr tho iucey deceased- mr brdiy catered apoa the dttuei of hit office thii week prosperous mr cldls fes of the cordovtu tauncrj informs us thit he is entirely unibfeto supply the dcaiind tor their miuufacture of leather he has jut idded two or three new ad eipcricaced hxnds to tisstxff scott act reusiok tle sctt itctof otkvtlle celebnted the tuccctt ot the scott act iu hsitw by t litgely t- teaded tueeting in the temperance hill ou taedsy eceaiur 2gtii ult the meeting wi i tnnd eucccsi scott act rx llicbtoktiie scott act cirae iqto force ia lxmbtoa otijmoudiy mxviod we are pleised to ec our cr- ccllent ca temporary tiie utford advocate sdritrr tike x stiad oa the tide of right d keep it throch tkick md thin cjxjda gloti works this most imjtortxat mtnufictaring csublishtaeut of our villxre it eoastintly incrcidoc the nombcr of its employees daring the pist week two tirstcliis siltcrs lidif irrired froai johnstorn jc y iad the firm is tmiitinuiily giving employment to near hinds the life guards we indvert itlv omitted iit week to mike mention of tha juveuce catertxiarnent held by the life gaardi ia the tempewacc hill on fridiy evening 22nd nit the entertiin ment was ill thtt could be desirsd anil eccy memltcr who toik pirt in the pr- enmme f acceeded cicefrtiolv well the mettle was very well attended md ill present were pleiscd witla the progrtmmc the wosderrcl ifix tmesrcf john vlogz t son gaelpa tppcir this week in- the miminoth idreriiscment on onr fonrth pe mnocccicg thit their bright ittraitive md wed assorted etock of gcods his mjide their plice cf bancess the centre nf ittrictioo they hive lirgc nnmuer of epeciil lines it specially low prices head th announcement thorouhiy and then yon nill know where to bay your goodi queers birthday when the com mittee appointed to collect fauds to defray erptnies ju connection with the pzmes and sports on the 2tth may caijed on the hbtel- kepera for the amoaat usually sabscribed by them they refused tn gire any aatut- tnce the committe decided to go no farlhcr with the btitter and state that they will not get up any attraction to bring people into acton for the hotel keepers t5 make money oat of we wu consequently have a quiet day in acton on the 21th the brass band are preparing for a grand prom enade concert in the drill shed on queens birthday evening and we hope our citizens will tare out in htge numbers md give tbetn a good house it is a ejest many years rface acton failed to provide amuse ments on the 2tth may perhaps a change will be aygreciated rersonals mr the kennedy retained to parry harbor on saturday we had a call on tuesday from mr eichard paiton of montreal ilr w h storey and wife pent few days this week with friends in hamilton mrs j b watson wfco his been spend ing the past month with friends in liatowel returned home on saturday ereninjr sin james crichton sr whose wife died a few weekr ago left this week to lire with his son retr c crichton 6rantford rev w pirritte of georgetown has re signed his connection with the jte church there asnmtd a position on the editorial staff of the christian adzocate published in hamilton a congh is ueuilly- the effort of kature to expel some mortid matter irritating toe air passages of the lungs it may bewever proceed from an inflamed op irritable condition of the throat a slight rnrfi or humor often berag per ceptible let the cause be what it mty tfie ratiiedykfiouid be hagyards pector al balsam a purely vegetable balsamic troatand lung healer for tale by all dealers fa ffleicine at 25 cenu per bottle the grate stoeh in acton on the 2sth nit frank- jin jlebert infaut son of wdt storey q bgeds owuthaaod twenty days oriere not t thongfe your habe ia called and unearifi nomore its dear fonryoull for did not the 8artoar miradnew asy v fiatter littie childre to come no to me garden field ittxi of buoiuoa the boarf otiute of aoloti pub lie sliool tiiet ia ilia ichool houso oa monday evening 2od init pursuant lo ttdjiuinuiout miuulcs of last dueling iead and coucrmcd tlia fintnco oiairiiitloo presented lieir cau rvpoh aud roeoratuended parnienl of ua following acooanta thos itoare salary or april h583 iliss jtckcllar jnoo xtif great iti j5 mrs hughes andooaloii gas speight 6 sou chairs 700 total 10100 moved by james matthews second ed by m speight that the report of tbe finance comuiittea be adopted carried moved by m speinht seconded by s- moorc that the chairman dnw the money nov on deposit at 1 h kitfc redges bank and that ho deposit it in ibe batik of hamilton georectoirn as mr kittredga is about lo retuovefrum acton carried moved by jas malluevrf accctnded by j lisby that the secretary of the board notify the reive of the munici pality of acton that the said board bava been uotiued that a petition relating to the dutolntion of the nnion between the village of acton and rural part of the actoa school division wjll be considered at next meeting of town- ship council on may ittli and re quest him to lay the matter before the village councd at its firat meeting can icd moved by j lucy seconded by s moan that thu board adjourn to meet na monday ereuing 6th june car ried wiih ihe approach 0 spring bllliary complaints prrraii lhat olten lej to terious reuttst gunrtl sgainst ttieir attack in time by using buntk blooj bitters the best titer tnvignrator kidney tortector kegulaior of the bowels and cretion- and the purest most permanent tonic in the world for sateby all dealers pntttaococae oxt march 918so 21eurt perry dads k sm t laisrtncc i have used the piip killer ever since it as introduce and ttwys hvo hud jfeat kith iu its medicinal qualities beliecin it to he a relitble piepaialion tor curing msny of tlo kilments for whichilu intended lours trulv wil jialculh jffi sea airertisement in another column hoflees worth attention kats from 75 cxms to s25c at j fylea try t k hardings 65c tea worth 75 cents first class retinned presstd iiilk paw at j c hills fork lrird and fiui cbeap at t h hardings ladies mantles newest styles at christie henderson co give ti harding a call for general groceries and provisions a gtod second band cook stove cheap for cash at j c hills a good felt hat for 75 cents at j fyfa 12iounds of goxi bright sugar for 100 at t h hardings cheap cash store the best collection of candies is at l gr matthews if you want a nobby durable and cneap suit j fyfes is the place to go cistern and force pnnips cheap at j c hills stove depot a nic lot of bird cages just ar rived at j c hills tin eliuii cheap l g matthewa has a splendid assortment of fancy biscuils and cakes highest market price paid ftr fresh butter and ezgs at t h hard ings hodse plasts honte plants 0 every description fine sjtion cheap at l g matthews scotch english and canadian suitings in reat variety at the eist end clothing store j ff fe acton go to t h hardings cheap cash store for flower pots cream crocks milk pans etc suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call aadseathem j fyfe acton mcquillan 4 hamilton of the wellington hirue works guelph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing tbetn with their ordprs if yonnccd anything in their line be snre and remember them they do 1 very large business con sequently they are aide tn give better terras acd keep better workmen than smaller works send to them for rarticulars use castorine machine oil or all kinds of machinery ft is also excellent tor harness or leather making it water and weather proof manufacturers of reapers vowers andthresuingltaehinery prefer cas torine machine li to any other itwill oetwear lard seal aud elephant and ia warranted not to guru heallaclle uy become a iiiflertnr martyr to lead- ache when burdock kkxid bluero will surly nre thecanseifailvarltiesofellicrallcor kervons headache cleanse lha rysem resalalc tiie secreuoris rlfeveon tiratf ji of ih bowels pnrlfy tli blood renovale the ltreranduineuplhc nervous yyslm and ulslresslntr ueadceiia wile be unknown sample botthsio cants lane bottles siw mothers who ara startled at the bour of midnight by that ominous hoarse couglf of your little ones what would you not give for a prompt and certain means of relief from that dread destroy er of your children croup such a means you may have for the trifling cost of 25 cents it is hagyards yellow oil ihe great household remedy for ail in- flam matory and painful diseases do not rest over night again without it- and flower f ill llluimiiilim hi iiirfr af4xvi v aik you dealer for castorine machine lit and see that tie barrel is branded culorino u nqne other is genuine the greatest blosstnf a ilmule jpure uarrokss emedy that cures every llrao and prsvfuu dlsettia hi keepltik his blood iiurc hdnicli rcaula kid uys aivt ll vcr ucll vs ik ttir drrateil blcss- inir cvor ooufernd ujhiu niuiljhop uulcrs hint rtuier and its fcroprletpri am bclua blessed by uioviwnds wll llavf b saved and cured by t will you try it fke otuor colutuu j dysrerarbstrengthtn yoar diges tion inno tin kiossch for ullllnj andas- slmllmfns every atom of load fou ilk- the body needs lijfor strensth and vjlfor lurxaa cleanses the jciillre ijhuin stimnlalis tu liver kcw you reaalar and 1i11 lo cat kn pflnnyuallfj taucntaudrostalcarde come in dally eauil hit zoieka irom urasll posi- tivtrkoir4 iealilittndvlcorjluivctn a 10 ccut sample soldby j e ltctiarvln acton j j tnk sadokst of sn siantsj the grey hairs of agej being brought with sorrow lo he grav ii now we arc glad to think becoming raret everylyear as the ute of cingalese hair kestoror becomes more general by- its use i ha scanty locks of age once nore resume their former color and ha ha r becomes thick and liixuhintj as ever with its aid we cat rjowtlery the change of years roiling ajsufedrthatno grey hair at any rats will come to saddon lis kold by j e mcgarvid co cents per xjllle rtedac posts the undertigned have a lards number f tirstclass round and split cedar posts fcr lie which they will deliver td customers exick1ux4s0x ci i cats vrotice to de15t01c all partiesjiadebtcd to the late lunsoiu adams either by sccouut arc j requested to csl their accoants forthwith w hstohey i w camtbell actoa ilay ilh si n otjlcij to ckeditoilsa all rartfct harincelaihieasplttheefuittt of tbe ltu rubertrstocey please rail oa the jiddersicne1 at anevc liutl until tticrtdit i9lti jlayttlien tbefrclaimt viil bcptuu afcordlnjloacreen cnt made at raeetlncclcr the under dlum uathandiyzut ult john stonevrerccutor te of the cote or tkkik and acttlo eiccotorc nilaxge ix blvsixess- igncd would intimate to the people of act a ami viciuitj tljit thy have ttejjosd of their liubutixs v mc j vcittaa of tonintu j tlicy desire to jtliauk tljosc bo have to ilienliv atrtmijl tdctn while they have rin in limine tunl would lind- lv ast tlicm to ivc their future pitrouae to dr ieiru ie cord k co rard of tujlxks j the oiticer and members of ivctor lodpe ioof no 2tm dctiri to lioretiy ires their uint hrty tunkj to iter t l wilkinttiii fiir lie kludtiesi in prcicliin the ecnnttu oi sunday evtuicj 2th ultia connection with the 6d3danuirsirycf the culilislimcnt of jjtlftilowthiu in america also u the trustees bf themetliodiet church for the ur of the church oa that occasion h p jiooite tkos isliyth ecol sec x g actcc apriljh iss1 butoheiiishor w o robinson wonld intiml to the rope acton that be has purcmrcl hie d at ctirr basin cks late- if cmrjejoa bjrobnstorpj audlbaliic hisalkosuntunda qrliaijtocicoc bct pert jfauon palirr and came la od hopeshy ktrlct kltcntlia to fcnnew to lecure a fair fuir of tue patrotikce of tt public ke ir delivered at acj part of i4e towu -ro- tarmi gasu time to tar a oiu soueimii oauces pe03tptlv attendld to xv c itobiason- i r i sm aug member i iths ion sle -op- real estate and furniture j x saturday itzt rxoirt of eetisiox the court of kevision for the munici- ipality of village oeabron will hold its first sitting for lieirinii and detenuiuipe appeals against the ksttainenc of 18sl at matthews hall acton -ok- j i tuesday 31st may 1881 at eght oclock tu clerts office jfay th ii village cleifc odbuc school toaehors examtnatiqns the july examination of candidates for the year 163li will be held as follows tos fltst ciss gaie c xov-pho- ftssioxsl at the korinal sosool torou- to on monda jury isth at 2 p m forlatermoiiuesiisiititleii- at the town hill ilillon and the oafcvillo high bchooljon sfonday july llth at 2 p m i the professional examination for first class oertificies willjteto aur the con clusion of the xon professional examina tion the examiuhtioii for j first class certificates grades- a and b will begin after the conclusion of the jprofessional examination i forma of the notice to he given by each candidate can be obtained on application to any county inspectoli i it is indispensable that candidates should notify the nnflersigned not taltr tiuu fa- lit oj june of thqtr intention to present them- selves for exnmuiation sittis i p b x co hatroxv ac ajirll 1581 1 seeds at virb new goods kinq of the dry goods hughes griffin opefthis wkek alaaestoczof bbt boobs and millinery in the latest and liest styles aud quality of goods als j 5 cases of ladie3 geatlemeas fine wear ik boots shoes ploat call and see ui bring along yovr butter and and if handy slip in a utile cash for our motto is cheap for readypay ypurs respectfully hushes fc oriffin cheaper than ever in e wi i well assorted stook in each departnieat grades in sugar from 8 to 12 los for one dollar 15 ids good fresh prunes for 100 remember those famous i teas w p brow mcgaryins radford- e r bollert jb williamson 1881 string 1881 r wcbezto announce lie opening and display in our millinery show room -qx- f teidy friday aad sateday apriu 21st 22nd and 23rd or artt iicpaatatioks or paris london and new york pattern millinery plumes flowers ornaments trimmings silks cloth and silk mantles ete etc k we invite every jatiy to visit our show rooms on the above dajs we hve made alterations which give us the largest and besii lighted hoiv kooms in he city we ask ladies to dfer iheir millinery purchases until tiis the grandest diiiday that will be altemuted this season 5 we siare the joods to do it kith the lioa has the i leadyand he will keep it 1 a welcome to all j d ill1amn55 00 guelph beautiful spring suits from 1000 up at the east end clothing store a nice variety of cents spring underclothing and all the newest things in ootilirs ties e07o etc j fyte aqton come to hulls photo art studio- mill st 1ct0n 1 and if you dont kiow your own photograph now you will hereafter hi citizen visitors all come and you will be welicome hi cgds wsil brilliant suoess 1 cd 3 n at s tiro 7ear3 awards silver medal and diploma oa upholstejed goods and cswtwr wir we were awarded the only silver modal ever offered for special aoellenoe in upholstery in this department we take the lead and challenge competition ordered work will receive prompt attention- inspection cordially invited worsfotd co 1 1 c sign oj the cjiair hazletohs block upper wyndham oxulpkou v i store acton sbbds

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