bw tflsfrbe press aitix tnriisoav tfuae 8 issu thtfvooli 1casset the dcnictta foe common canadian wool this lc is likely to be very limited lh price paid it the octiingj of hie tuitfcet was recy low1einfi two orihtee cants leas than was paid at hie opening of the market last year the gnat demand of uuit for a finer grade of wool aud iftljy faiuiere would only raise leicester and southdown shep llwjwopl would couiraaui from fire to ten cent per lb biou than ths cxiumioa wool which most of hem now produce it would be well far fanners to consider ibis fact those who have dicsriiej the coarse breeds and com meuccd wising i finer class of sheep find it more profitable at present the dealers here end it itery difficult to dispose of the couiiuoa grades of wool at anything ltfc pyi prices tbs sestt art ia taattca the scott act which curie into force in the county of tauibton a nionth ago has been 6et aside by the j u jfes in toronto by the merest technicality vir on the ground that the polling toot taca on ibe sauie jay as nomini tioua for the local legislature this hows how necessity it is for tha pro moters of prohibition to cak every possible precaution igainst- tearing weak specs in their proceedings that the enemy can quibble at however the triumph of the liquor interest will be short lived as the people of licubton are utrting in the determination to keep their neighborhood sober and will immediately ptocced with another election tas toys call augou ckautlk vtt clip ilia fullawiug from the ktirkbara jkoiwmttl sad think it sa vctycrditsblo move fort village about the same biro as our own we ttvikt that wheu the town hall by law is put before tie freeholders of acton hut thu rtsull will bo similar loilhatof lakhaui on friday last the 27ih ult the ratepayers ol xhrkluui village- divided by a vote ofct to ig to build a commo dious town hall the council on tucs jar evening received the report of the special committee recommending ac ceptance of tho alto offered by mr hamilton hull and ilia immediate pre paration of plans and specifications fur the town tioil thu wytti wt adopted aud the prospects are that the hall will bo dlicilcd about tho erst night of our full tvir fogyisci is being scotch ed and tho progress of the village is onward and riprmd then is plenty uf room fur it tfcs toaiki siautsr it is the intention of crown attorney rutcliiiikon to ltvo tho bull of tho wrecked victoria towed up the liver to the city whsce it wilt be removed from the water and set up on blocks to admit of a thorough inspection not only by competent judges but by citiieus generally this movement will no doubt meet with popularap pro val alcoholism is according to the keep r of tie kew york morgue tie cause of the death directly or indirectly of fourfifths of the five thousand pertons whose bodiss annually find their way into that ghostly place does the rum- selier want any better proof of the disastrous nature of his horrid workt and does the moderate drinker ever consider that these most unhappy ones were once what he is and yet they at last found a restinjfplsce on the cold marble of the deadhouse ttvf la t s- t e iceiiat it la on sunday morning about six oclock thirteen care of a freight tria going east on the grand trunk rut way ran off the tract a short distances west of the georgetown station and ori the higheit partof theembankment several of the cars rolled down the steep incline at each side and were alnjost completely demolished and their contents com scattered in every direction two or three cut ore shattered to splictert while some of the trucks sre so completely broken up that the wheels have rolled down the bant oidtcrasked through the fence and ore now tying some yards in the field the- track is fearfully torn up anil the railt bent tike wire are lying at the bottom of the embank ment a brakesman is seriously hurt but it is thought not fatally he severely cut about the head and other wise badly injured he manfully stack to the brake until hs found the cor toppling over when he jumped it is s miracle that he escaped at all the loss mast be considerable as a very large portion of the com cannot be gathered lap xsoihzk j about eight oclock loo monday morning seven cars of a g t e train kdea with hogs ran off the track at maltoa a large number of hogs were killed it was several hours before tha wreck was cleared way duriag whisk time traffic was almost suspend ed on this division the datch nkil ran as far as molten where tbe toronto nuila and passengers were transported to and from the train which arrives here from tha east at 917 1 a snafcud hatuatoi a ostt named john hallidar from the forks of the credit was ran over on sotarday by the up train from eloro on he 0 y e a short du tance from melville the cars passed over both legs just below the knee grinding them to a palp hw right hand is also badly mangled he was in tori cated and had laid down alongside the track he was token aboard arid brought to the orangeville station where be now lies dr henry aid smith ore inatleudance but do sot consider him strong etiou toriak amputation iruxojitdti ocaacu this council met pursuant to ad journment on monday the 3rd day of ky f members all present tho reeve iu the choir ilr xurrish oved seconded by mr atson that leire be granted to inuo duie a bylaw to reduce the amount of tututt labor of fauuera sooa encored on the assessment roll and others not assessed for any properly between the age of twenty one and sixty to one day instead at two as formerly and that the same be now read c first time carried bylaw read therequired number of times and passed mr mcfhederan moved seconded by mr korrisb that a bylaw bo passed to legalize the deviation of the allow ance for road between th sirth con cessions of the townships of nissagx- weya and eramosa and that the same oo now lead a first time carried by low read the required number of times and passed mr xotttsh moved seconded by mr watson that james mcgregor be ap pointed athmaster in div so 50 in place of peter mcdonald carried mr watson moved teconded by mr xorrisb the following sams were ordered to be paid to the persons named for sheep killed by dogstheir claims having been duly certified viz w e harrison 534 for one sheep jas henderson 600 fortwo sheep moset clayton stooofor two sheep and v j morton 1267 for three sheep carried ilr slensies moved seconded by mr korrish- that david wheelihan esq be and is hereby appointed by- this council on their behalf- to confer and negotiate with the c v r company concerning the erection of a passenger station and grain wsrehsnse as per greemcnt at campbeltsvilte near the guelpb road also the deviation and grading of tha public travelled road to and from the railway crossing car ried on motion the following accounts were ordered to be paid viz t j u s2300 for 200 copies uf tuinuies and bylaws for the year 18si and the financial statements for the years 1879 16s0 and t j day 795 fcr blanks carried on motion the council adjoanid and tha members thereof organized as a court of- revision- and appeal tho teeve in the chair the appeals presented by the clsrk were f considered with the following result john stuart lot e 19 con 7 changed to arthur w stewart johnston harrison personal property reduced 800 a large portion of the timber being taken off since the assess ment thereof and the same assessed to d wbeetihan jjuucan r laidlaws assessment confirmed the name of jas w thorton entered as tenant in place of aler stewart lot w i con t james watson lot ej 32 con z personal property reduced 550 and 33 charged to income richard taylor reduced 300 on account of loss by fire and j canute reduced 100 for the sams cause tha following persona had their dogs struck onviz3x coie w little j daniels and w h sorrows ou motion the assessment roll as amended was confirmed and the court closed on motion the council adjourned to meet again on the last monday in augnst nert notices wifhh attention a v gake wtllpny thu highest maiket prioc corauy quautity of oooi diied apples ice ciieau by tho dish or quart fresh aud pure ut kicklius bakery call and cxamino ii ills new stock of hvitiucs i cakes of every dcecriplion nisdo lo order at thoct uotico ul nicklius bakciy kvuuvtitixu way dowri in piicoat pearsons acton girls before buying sen our mil- liuery plumi bloers ribbons ic at lets than liaif price it milua it co georgetown tucat voiitsrilf and your friends to icu civaiu at kicklius bakery icre cortre cround on the premises delicious ul lvitsous acton evebvtmxo cheap but butter imd eggs at tli fanuera produce market christie ileudcrjou co latest def igus in tholo frames at kids selling very clfeap a car load of silt just arrived aud cheap at pearsons actou lmk curtiiiiik 75c per set at the eg ami kailcr uopot where you get thefaiiumssoc lea chustie uendtr- tonii co wool wool the bistirat price iu cash will be paid for uuy quantity of good clean merchantable waul mc- leod anderson co georgetown c w hill tut just owned tlio gnest stock of photo frames ever shown in acton remember that famous 50c teii at the eg emporium sold iu 51b lots at 15 cul christie haderou ico j hats from 75 ccnls to 25c at j fytos sue our ribbons at 2c- and up sash ribbon 15c yrl aud up girli hata 5c silk very cheap at miluo j cos georgetown r first class retinned pressed milt pane at j a hills iammmsmmmmmiszr christ ib h qa will not tst until every man woman and child within a dislanm of ttfty miles has heard that they sell dry goods pine hats groceries boots and shoes e at almost wholesale prioes see our pr see our ccs for drew good prlcck for cqltous klitrffnit print dcnlnw daclc sec out- prtcck for felt uats nnd genu furnishing see our prices for hoof and shock sccocr price or bcadyinadc doming ldok here ft- 1 1- having purchased the business lately carried on by a secprd co in the post office store am now prepared to opker inucememi in haedaej they astonish everybody why pay 150 cents on the dollar for goods when you cad buy them at milue i gos georgetown for 70 iadils rcanttis newest styles at curulie tlenderton i co tca and sugar the best in the countl- for the money it pearsous acton t yvc believe that profit uo ic tbb volume of uurincm done rather than in large profit ou a kuiall turn over come with the crowd to the alasow house bes groceries glassware coal oil crockery paints oils glass iputty all stone earthenware vtc purehamd for prompt 0ash af llbaral diteonn and will b old rock bottom prices r highest price pail for fresh eggs value in 50 cent tea christie henderson co i attv aecsay to those building we offer special hate in kails hlnxes locks c i have irreatlr reduced former priperi and partieslaeed notjeavo acton for cheap goods aa i am bound npt toy nclersold i have a splendid lot of habvesttovjlsjlblieap a car load of fine salt juat tc ln trias sugars general groceries i have a large stock at extra value pure coffee ground on the premises cheap 1 seeds a good second band cook stay cheap for cash at j c hills a good felt hat far 75 cents at j fyfes cntusrr itendrson co arc now prepared to buy all the choice butter aud fresh epes ia the tiwnahips ol kassagtwcya emuiosa erin slid esquesin- they a ill leaj the market as they have always done when buying the aruch- of produce remember their 0 cent tax sold in sqi lots at 5 cents ir you want a nobby durable and caeap suit j fytos u tins ikcg to go cistern and foreo pumps cheap at j c hills buvt uejt ut castorine ilachlne oil lor all kinds or machinery it istlwercllcot or harness or leather mil in it water and weatherproof a nica lot of bird eices just ar rived at j c hills tin shop cheap scotch english and canadian suiting in ereat viricty at the east eud clothincivjre j ffft actoa toronto oil co are k1o manutactur- ers or castorino ilachins oil in fringements will be prosecuted suits an overcoats at crtremely low rites ahd made ia latest stylet be cure to call aud ceo them j tyfc actou the ejjj and butter emporium wilt taku all your eggs and choiw butter at highest market prices hav ing contracted to supply an industrial institution with butter our facilities for handling lsico quantities are un limited we want at least ono toil per week if ivo yon tried our famous 50c tsa cluiatie henderson i co mcquillan k hamilton of th wellington marble work gaelph are noted for giving satis fiction to thos favor ing tucm with their orders if yao neeil aaythiug iu their line be tare and remember them they do a very large business con- neatly thev are able to give better term i keep better workmen tliaa smaller worts scud to them for particulars milna k co georgetown intend remaining a few weeks longer to close out their summer poods of grant thompson k cos bankrupt- stock tbe ladies ail say they are selling terribla cheap try them ask your dealer for castorine machine oil aad see that the barrel is branded castorine as none other is genuine the sidobst or sao sights the grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the grave is now we are glad to think becoming rarer every year as the ue6 of cingalese hair kestoret becomes nore genera bv its use he scvnty locks of age once more resume heir former color and the hair becomes thick ahd luxuriant as everjwiih its aid we can nowdefy the change oryeari resting assured that no grey fiair at any rate will come o sadden us bold by j e hcgarvia 60 cents per bottle best and comfort to he gafferlnc browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures fain in the tilde back or bowels sore throat kueurnatum toothache lumbago and any kind ot a fain or ache it will oosl surely quicken ths blood and heal as lis- sating power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great psln believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family hnnjy for use when wanted as it really ia the hestreinedy in the world forcmniis in tbe stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sole by all druggists at 25 cents aboltle green sells cheap greek keeps prices down i green does tee trade in tct trerythinj antr dom in p siixff yotx out i im advertising wlit i intend to perform rice give mi a call and i will endeavor fc egs settee aad deied aggies li wajlstteid for w ilctt will be pud tuk highest habklt feice i a wcreen corner of mill main streets acton us itelsoit jmiebc jt aistt t a ttob malln street acton o nt wishes to- announce to the people ot acton and vicinity that he has removed his tailoring establishment lo the premises lately occupied oy um ilckair at the tame time 1 would thank those who hate so liberally pat- rouised me since commencing business in acton and so licit a coutinuanca of their favors garden field and flower my stock of spring goods is mvt 00utletb ahd 0q1tpeisss tsz lat3st styles k irish english scotch and canadian tweeds wobsteds tfcc- which were purchased for caah and will consequently be made up at as reason- onabl prices or cash as any house iulhe trade examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere a perfect fit guaranteed- largs stock of spring eats in latest styles r e nelson mast say ii the niwst thine i ever used far tb rmlliif dbub says everyone hftvldc tried teabrrey tbe new tottct gem gfltascentiample v the finest piper hangings 1 ever shown n gaelpu ik sowar dats 00kst0he day giv6fcjliis customers the advantage of a large stock to belect from iotth borders to hatch his papers and special lhw prices day sells cheap seeds at j e hacyardsf lpect0ral 1 bxtsam hu no eqiau x itie permineoi enrt of hi coldt sorr ttiroaf aitknuu cr tbepiax cstl boibekjui jud coozha coldt srr ttiroaf aitknuu cromp ltboplu cekf h bmbekjl all last dlwasn r emtkntk cnirtmetd rt eive iutitwtlov- tu1lburslx pncfieun terwiio watojies in 2j 8 4 and 5 ounce cabes a kow stock just roitd b savage watohaukei ft jeveller ouolpi mcgarvins my motto is hie nimble sixpence rattier than the slow shilling tsrcome and see us and get right prices just weight and plump measure j b pearson acton jue 1st 1681 the woiderful mai m r v oar stock his ben replenished dnring this week with uiyj lots of new ind deaimhlo goods fnclidg bitim ihax ai proscnt ire difiscais to procure of goods for oar t mlletfery departisient a representing the newest shapes ia j hats and bonucts kew beaded laces new ombre ribbons j new lace fichus and scarfs n s 1 new satin parasols new silk sunshades new silk lace mittr and gloves new buntings and muslins and id every department of our business an assortment as complete as at tho btgin- i uing of the season f i t i i v the prices we jqote for orosajeyb and frith b tapestry carpets are the lowest ever known in quelph and the sales in this department have been very large bvery person lookinjr for carpets should i r see oar stock w t john hogg son direct importers quelph drug store acton seiekos 11 ii rv v ui- i tli sw i m