5 i viurv ft the free press tttcesdiv mokkuc jane 9 sssssessesi 41 tssi 0o4tliitekt 0o braiu jewellery fascir qeocu starejieteo oats all kinds ot watches clocks jewellery 8peoucles sitter plated cruets knivea spoons 4 forks kew urea iu glassware berlin wools perforated ctl board uottoee motto prune ill kioit o coribs panwitoya the children schem books wriusg taper kavalopea pan sod luk haadsooie vcddiif aad birthday presents always inalock sactiivn usa call hews and jottings about home a 1 scbscriiie for the free press tub frctl season will noon open the pjtt it eieelkut ia this ricialty 1 i tgloeiocs weather for vegetation tad moaujtitoes i oocsrrusiunctl met on tuesday uiaulce ne week j the interior of st albtus church u being cleioedtpiiatw iz mhl j b fenreqn hn s very fine diiplsy of hardware ia one of his windows soice miacreint naa eeiipcd ihojmiiat ctlouoaideof tie tamp rwtvat the gtr crossing t owtsc to the g t r eccidenls st geacgetawnihj malton all the trains trece ut oa monday y j tee oatville rrprcs ts yery anrious foe the town council to piss ind enforce prohibitory cow by law axr person wishing extra copies of the feu puss till do veil to lend in their orders early inorder to sccare them what shout making acton the centre of attraction on the 1st of jcly rlet m tome one stir himself in the muter the rani retreats ire becoming swellish berlin is to hive 1 pabiic piifc tad actoa t new tewa hill iiiiuilton 2tjs- a tockg lid j- of oar acquaintance says she doesnt like the new street limps they just throw light vrher joa doat want them to she siys sce w h ininf of this village late of milton writes letter to the milton daapum ef list week describing his trip from actoa to bisaxirk irikois a good msay complaints ire msde respecting the stit of the sidewalks the commissioners- should erect themselves to nuke necessary repairs is soon is possible tac customs duties 4t guelph for msywtre 497027 far miy list year tsjuii decrease ktx the inked eevsnne returns for may were 1061285 for miy list jeir f757t31 increise 3- lss5i the farmer alcoeatc pahllhtd london out by wm weld esq oners t- prize o3lojoq for ths best herd c fit attie for export the prize iill be twsxdedit the frannml exhibition fo be held in london this yesr ife w h long his retired from tite uiltoa xoveity works the two recitiu- injr nirtaers f essrst pilaer ind hiih coatioae the bnsicess the indestry is doing vel torninx ont weekly 1 urge obiatftr of ooden nbret2esrca4rfiipiin he lordship tee bishop of ki- ttri held caonnnxtioa in st jcdes chcrch oikrille on sibbith eveaieff list- after th andjdites for confinnitioa hid beat confirmed bis lordship preiched t unsickatiusa dpi kttiu tud lieut hreckoa hto jretlgaed their com- missions in lh 20lh iululioo tbe oowg acton hm ottrtdied the caw- 10 his brimpton bat qeorgetoira couldnt be so hcutless noaertr herald elpltakob op pulhts revs w muiio ma ot lmtvilte ind iv j pigatt ot st albsic church hew etchiuge palpiu oa suudsy the markets grain remttna thout he ttnio iu last week botitooi 0c per big batter uc cgjs 12c wool 0c very ituo rool uss been broaght in yot ankle bpratscd oa iloudsy as mr w ii storey wu louring his resideno he sccidcatly tlipped oq the steps and in fuliog sprained his ankle bat ho is uosr til nkht again tovrx ttalc br law a petition aiking the coaacit to submit t bvlaw tor tho erection of a tora hill is nov betog circolited amoau the ratepayers it is being largclr signed kew bark on mondtj tut iletsri twdy t moore litaehome raised t ne birn 3jr50 on their property ktesars esnwhit i son did the framing and the fob it a very creditable one fixe work raferrinj to iho work mr goodwilues new residence the georgetown fcratt says the pvintinj snd graining by mr grinlinton of acton is ahont the finest we hire erer tn med1cise akd coitltok sexsefa the annoal meeting of the ontario medical association at toronto last week dr cnrrieot rockirood readapapecon the science ot medicina and common seme cattli skipjiext mr d w uampbclt ofthi town sold yestcrdsy 17 held of as fine yoong cattle as ever stepped throcgh town thesttta realised wisl00 the rattle will be shipped by the c ve milton wirt a xovel sionc ilr john elliott sllosrs his pet deer hsrry to mn loose on the streets where he is perfectly at laooie never attempting to leave town or take to the woods it is rather a uo vel sight ia this part of the conntry milton cluuaplax little falls factor we dad a call on sitordsy from mr j b besscy proprietor of the ohcose factory jast erected near limehiitise the fsctory is now ron- nine in full blast mr besscy has christen ed it the little fills cheese factory eicituitext at a jlsgistrates coart on taesdsy niorning coosidcrsble ez- citeireat prevsiled from angry words several parties cime to blows the ciso was settled ia the evening hythe party who used his fists so fieely paying jx1 and costl bceglart on wednesday night lit irist some nnknown person or persons entered the store of mr j fyfe merchant tailor by a window in the rear and ab stracted a complete outfit iaclcdicg an ordered suit seven clothes iinea were robbed the same night corporation hat in another week it will be time for the street commu sioners to have the corporation hay cnt if left until it ripens the streets will begin to present sa ohtidr jsppeinnce we pre sjtitawuekwea tin iljieuinoj crora look tint in ihu vicinity frost has tppoirod aevertl tiinea daring the week caledoxiak gtmm will b hold in qaelph oa dominion day the pionto aeuon ia now open whoa shall w toaoaoce the first oao 1 mr vt ltngrill potttnaiter at koatchball au oar thinks or copies of bcidfocd pitapert the addition to meears w h storey sous factoty is almost completed sod will be read for 010 iu t ftw days the revenue derived from he town hall milton including u10 weigh seal a ia connection was 274 last year good for haltox the manitoba fne prist his the- following the de- mand or 6rtclasi esttle ia this country is on the increase prominent among ths recent importations are the celebrated thorough- bred ball batchers fride and he well- known heifer rosabel 3rd purchased from d alton ot the county of hilton oat and iho heifers kelly loe and beauty bred respootivsly by 1 f peart and c 0 davis of the same county the pulpit owing to th ahaence of eev t l wilkinson at conference tlio pulpit of the methodist church wa filled on sunday ia iho morning by mr john speight who preached very interesting and lengthy sermon from hicah 2 10 and intho evening rev t a mooroof london delivered most practical discourse taking as his text james i it many who heard him siats that mr moore has considerably improved since he last preached hero it is a singular coincidence that messrs speight and moore have occupied the pulpit in the methodist church here on the sunday during conference for the last three years que sea801l dry a00ds is approaching nowtablesiwould be a good time to purchase your travelling suits whilst you have a good choice we have some nice lines in surges cashmeres buntings etc l entlemen now is the time to buy your travelling and kusti- catlng suitei we have in stock a choice lot of scotch toy eloquent md ioachlug icnaoa stead end- tee sfeasn speight r doing b much hrgzt baiidtss thii aeajsoa thsit lot bctiriiye4n put th hire completed camber of icirfcet tiggoas sad babies vhick thaw most credrtttrle irorkmiaxbip tfcroagiiciit thcri re dlrerj tutefall piinted by mr jsma scott peisoss eijcdlikg bink bills slioald beairefttl aot to ufce ia tnj 2 do- minion notecfcwa ko- 145001 to xv lfg 000 hoc tux 1 doiunioa aote fromxos 255001 to 356000 the goverameafrjizs niuagltortdeem them they beiag yzt of the lot itolea cram the eeceiveigeaent office in toronto some time ago ose who has tried the efficiency of rertiiinea l urge scale gires to other buxtiaeismea tdviae to the effect thxt the paper that it the most read the paper that is the most talked of and ir in iact the beat paper the paper of largest circalation trithal u the one to adrertoein ifer- chaata maj throv away money byadrertis- injj in some newapapers with the idea o cheap rates bat adfertzaing in paper that ererybody read alcayt paya hence adtertise p thefete peebk u the odtertiaing colamna of a good live paper re probahy worth as mnch in year to the general reader as ail the reading matter eapplied- if reader troaldxjnly re flect oathe many ways ia which they benefit from theannotinwaicata in oar ed- tflrtiatog eolnmna daring the year they woold more falty appreciate the raise of a aenrpaper a friend who ha for some time ba receiving thispyperiu dutaatiaad recently declared to us tht iie considered tha advertisements as creat soorce of entertain nieat as the news columns- erery one ahoald read tin advcrtiseiaeau of tjood paper jvsx- wait the free press con turaes to boast of the beauty of acton hut just ietiiim wsiijtili our corporation bean- tiliete get througli with main street th hell see a aight worth looking atanti a bill of costs too that will thiow actons bflls 90 agrees in tbe shade we are pre- pared to stake almost any sum ou a wager toat in idton you can get the ust amount of work done at the greatest outlay of capital and time than in any othr place of the came- tf jmt pretenaionb milton kttcr our street and sidewalk com nun oners fhorougttlyi nnierstand how to get full talufl for money paid to corporation con tractors and laborers- perhaps the mhton officials are ifr to push their men next gears election being in view now on- sand some oar dtrefls vill be i welcome to the hiy opposite their prcmisca kiinee kifcxsive at the kst incctinc o xauxaveya oancil tbefohow- inz amoaata were rrxatd for ihecp tilled by dogs v e harrison one cheep 534 j henderson two sheep 600 il clayton two sbecp 1000 sad w j korton three sheep 1267 ikpeovikg the mjrehanto of the village wem to be vieiu with each other forthe most attractive shopfront air a w green his painted his front a wioe color with ithitesah we hope to see ilescrs christie henderson k co follow in the wafce pi their fellow msrehanta fiuceaft our table has beeu adorned dafing the wet with on of lire s a secorjts fragrant and tastefal boquets kptwithstandine that mrs secord has been unable to girts her garden the neecsaary at tention this year it seems no trouble for herat any time to pluck therefrom leaati- fal boa acts addinoyatj liicps the coancil has decided to pat np two more ctreet lamps one at the creek near speights blacksmith sop and the other at the entrance to the school lane the lamp at the corner of sir james browns property will be removed to the end of the sidewalk soath cf the railroad the black eistjthe north pert hotels have been favored with the names of about seventy individuals to whom it u forbidden to give any hsjuor this idea is a good oue when due care is exercised in tue preparation of the hst so that no name is allowed to be placed on it unless the man is onaestioiuuily drtxalurd new coifpjus the editor of the georgetown herald has evidently purchas ed anew compass it is not only supplied with the csaal points but has also the acton direction he says on sunday evening last acoaple of young men coming into town from the acton direction sang most lustily not the soasof zioa far from it qaery who were they private telegraph sir j e aicgarvfn has erected a private telegraph wire from his drug store to hit retdeace it may be well to erplaia that 5fr hcgar via has removed from his dwelling above the shop to the residence on bower avenue near the drill shed and as he thinkt there it no person ia the world like his own little wife he has conuected the two places with the wire to thst at say moment he ex a sit down and have a chat with her withoat ieaviog his business parlgh orchestra it u now some time since acton parlor orchestra took part tuanf pablic entertainment they have however beeu regiarly prac- ticiflg and have greatly improved their musical faculties a short time ago two new instruments were added to the orchestra a clariouette and a bass viol which are very efficiently manipulated by ifessrc c av hiu and a e matthews we hope to have thepleasu re of attending an orchestrc entertainment in the near future the revised tclit tilt paze pses3 troild liis tlce0t why the average rata hties canlening why the volunteers doat turn oat bet ter to drill if the boys cannot carry on their games with less profanity if lemons art to be used in leasoasde this seisoa bat no it cannot be why there are so many children ran- ninfc about the streets darine school hoars how mach political disagreement there would be if every oao kept strictly to the truth if there li not a law to compel pareuta to send their children to school fur a certain period rertauu mr mc fsrriah johnson ot roekwood visited hit fricads here oa monday evening mrs c killmssler formerly miss nellie hill of this village and ilia belli killnaster of port kowsn arc risitiug their friends here messrs john snd michicl speirht left yesterday for markham- to attend the funeral of their niece miss klinwth m speight which takes place- today rev t a moore of london north brother of the editor of this joaruai epeat several days during the week rith his friends here lie returned to conference oo taesdiy morning mrs charles liinc of new tork so- compsuied by two children friends of mr chai knees arrived here on saturday cveaing they intend to spend a couple of months with mr knees we trust they will enjoy themselves in oar quiet and tidy little town mr d henderson of the firm of christie henderson co left yesterday moruiog for kiogston to attend the presbytcrisa assembly now in session ia thst city mr henderson is t representative of thegaelph presbytery he will be absent about a week ind will no doubt have ia enjoyable visit 2300 1875 c2o sui of eiumtici the board of trustees of acton school division met in the school house oa monday evening pursuant to ad journaient memtiers present messrs j matthews s moore m slight aud j luby jag matthews in tbe chair minutes of lostmeeltdg read and confirmed the financa committee brought in their fiisth report and recommended that the following accounts bo paid thos moore salary for may 562 miss mckallar miss grant mrs hughes r total j9382 moved byj jfatthews seconded by m speight that the report of the finance committee be adopted car- tied moved by s moore seconded liv m speight that this board authorize the chairman to negotiate with mr c s smith for the purchase oe the site adjoining the school property and that he accept the o2r of mr smith of one hnndredand fifty dollars for the same clrriad moyed by j iisby seconded by s moore that this lioard sdjoara to meet an monday evening july 4th car ried english tweeds we males up a nftu tweed suit to order as low ae 1050 hurrah for bargains in fur and felt hats we hav6 a line stock of men and boys fur and felt hats which we are selling less than wholesale at these prices 40c soo 75 aai 100 mens fancy hose 5c a pair but the cheapest thing of all is our eeatt white coverlets for 110 only a few dozen left hugijies griffin a il e eadforl e 21 bollen j s williamson the lion at work immense jpb purchases estsaoerdinaiv low phioes great bargains for tbe people vt ht concluded the purchaxe o some large un ot dry goods among which are the following specialties ohooeof 500 pieces printat 7 centd pervard wattantodeaual to any 121 cent goods i choioo of tsoo paraolb at 25 cent the cheapest firooda in the city choice of 25 pieces striped sluwat 35 tail ts per yard choice of 50 pieces fancy muslins at 10 centa per yard ohoioe of 185 dozen childrens hose assorted sizes from 8 cents der pair upwards 1 r k ivybucks at 12j centa per yard t sacrifice bntsorhl lint- c of ootlilnc else- the growth of winnipeg la some thing astouishicg last year the assess ment amounted to 4008y0 this year it is 9039035 we know oi no city in america which has thus more than doubled ia one year toe sbue spcoht lathe villsgo of ifarkhaai oa tuesday jane 7th elizabeth maud mary eldest dsaghter of jimn speight esi brother of messrs john sod michael soeight of this village aged 20 years new testa- a uciltnt man aevr j sen tlie drspepue tblniis indlgostlna its coalant remlnoer ilie wise man who ands htmielf satlering will itpeiit i ew ecitstbri ixiuie afzoresj frc m brsih the new sat remarfcabte eornioor0 forcfeanslnc and tonlg ujo system r as sisting tlie ulccllveapparataeand the liver to property ptrfrm tbelruullcs inasslrallat- inc the food octa locentsamrlecf zoiku the nw remedyof joardmsrlit j e lie- aarvln i ter dosi will surprise joa esoott oxt march 4 is0 iltktt perry vans urn i laiereaee ilmlrtax having been agent for the sale of your pain killer tor many years and having used it in my family both internally and externally i can recommend it as a valuable household remedy for the relief of rheumatism sax throat fttid neuralgia and also u a sure and safe preventive of disease and pain occasion ed by sudden colds if used according to the directions given joseph l tfiysee advertisement in another column pax cp all pirtics indebted to the nnnefsigned for biead c are required to call and settle their accounts inraediatoly k kickllv t son just look this way w p hinxa eoccnr a large stock or groceries glassware crockery foe- cash a gexts wasted rellableasentswsnted o eauvrss for the kraoaitjt film kcviev a jdeauti- ful luhographlo painting us iqclws of kl falls elvet to eaehj-earljaabserlb- jjj eipngcs bciae j tf cr pletare aloas worth ihe price of the j s i paper snd take immensely salkcriptlor cottfldcttt luat he loi kkviiw neludlns rtcluic l jcran- oam liberal camnitsfclctt ilvcn send 0 cents far ssmtls picture aal paper and set terms to agents thisuraount to be deducted froax first lint of five names sent to our ad dress anqeb bko klotim falls inl choice of 50 pieces hea- choioe of 100 pieces tapestry oarpeta bought at a and offered at prices never before touched in the dry goods trade of qoelpb j d williams 0 0 beautiful spring suits from 1000 up at the east end clothing store a nice variety op gents spring underclothing i and all the newest things in l ootrt a tlb 1gces 33to etc j fyfe acton ahead competition i t 0 all jtcsa it 2ia7 osacan take notice that the municipal council of tho viuare of acton purpose pasting a bylaw to atop up that portion of agues stitet lying between blocks 21 and 22 in said village and opening up ia hea thereof as a public street lots 5 aud it in said block 21 signed j e mogagvik acton i6th may 81 clerk actoh tannery hemlock ifcpp -s- 2400 pecgobd will ric paid for all tvellsarta ilenilock bark bark ranst be kept flat and plied fall foqr feet long bark will be akriti as it runs neat aiid light acton may 23 chas knees ment at j e cannot be undersold farmers can rely on receiving the highest market price for their butter and eggs best vadce 1st teas hi towx the whole of the stock is new snd fresh and some of the very latest designs ia ulaaswarehare just come to hand your patronage l kindly solicited w p bro wtf mcgarvtns special announcement mammoth house georgetown beg leave to aaaooaee that they have made exteaaiv purclnseaii tweed dree ooods masllns prints carpets ite ia addition to their former imownse stock they have pdrehued large lines of the aoove soods 100 pieces or 2000 jartn all of kew and farhicnalile scotch tweeds reg ular prices 824 2 per suit and in the city thej charts 20 lor the um goods anii lo be sold for 18 per tuit made to order drensgoousjie 10a lie 15r 20o worth double the manoy drkps mumvhis so 8a luo worth donhle the money prints for 5 60 8c 0c wonh la each os3j per cent raor- tapestry carpets for 50c per jard we bare nrarle an addilloii of bo pieces af tapestry csrpet to oar sloci we have further a magnificent stock of brussels in our millinery department we wer never o busy 0 bauds ire working night and day our ordered clothingdepartment wti neter in inch a nourishing condition tbe obove is proof positive that we ore doing the basinets giving llrt bsrftsins and pleasing the people come and trade with us and save money jdh hinds mcleod anderson st 00 drug store acton seeds 1