jj1 s i the free bress tiuktm mokmac jane q ibfet the edict him that nnn tntic vcddic lwu mfus it aod iktrc t the rent bocsute tic w15 alas n reat to do int hit mother thought beat it hctit i titie t rcharu lo nluodcr or to url hen rcotlv ter inrt thev never ua i nel m their uumbcr utlnu uxj docured ucrefyottioru e t d neecr be l el 1 1 w m thcr few t robert si ikvuuuu hue at ulcr he clm for uuotlur fall rlwt of that cr 11 me but time alh lucir ji ulfi quicklj furled aud koli caiuc to noa t last lit mother ltd me i o lcn uojtrted fcvm earth and her scrru had el hat xcddie in criu1 wl stiti ling ith men hfch h m r to daj hue coure ever txiarl teas tfu4iur the a rofiyi led hint uit ua a he iivki abotc lip closed uj sitetee aud cjci u trtvr fhut d wn he cnt for mother whose tendance hid icu to lu mmhood it crowu an t then ciiuc a feeling i f ru vets 1 leh t tightened tt e tear that he shed- he t c cr had c ucd i or a tailing ilecrlv lurhtlbeea led a aoi kisltt tve o ec vmted a ruth khl t re cess httle ftllow came up and tpute to the teacher s he torcevl to go d vtu tie rdauom tve master ta 1 this i a bo i can trust v toll cd uim trith our et e and uled at lira trhca he toot hts seat aftc recea he hid a hue open man face e lhoaght a cood deal alxut the readers remark what a character had that bo earned he had alixady gittca what wtuld be vorth- more to hira thxn x fortune- it odd lo a pastrt a ti the lest totc in tie cifl and whit u better into the exot dec c an i reiect of the nth ik comccctr e wonder if the bora know her sooa thev are rated b other pe pie evcrr hot- in lh ncighborhotid u fcuorn and opticas are formed of htu le lac a chirxctcr ctier fatcrabie or cnfaeoralle a toy of whoa the master can ta f can trcit lata he never fiited rae will nevr vaat crapluaicat the hdelity prompt ness ana indtutrr uch le hors in achool are la desind xnd pued et cry where he- who it athfcl in little will b faithful in too umxiy ooutouoai itoic do ou lilta ttio eiiiucoiwilmn sgivicr 4skl jones nucr herd tt rophed brtucg t i dropped m at ouu oc thts cliurelit itut sundd u as iml urlxt lwd o l begun kwdiug llio wrvtco i dtdtft read fat thwugu licforo t firiud that it ould tievxt da cot tnc sj tcaqic aau whj whut wns tua ttautilot too utu coikks hotitt yt ou tilmjat cvry wgo it wtd l coucu out cdltcuon u all i can afford to tynrnd to suat bo awfully cxktuu ia manufaotuttia of heap or mowoit md lh willing maohlnort prfcr cas- lorlac machino oil to any guih itwlll omupftf lard icftland elophtint and ii warranted not lo gura new importations this week at the right house to be att liticott the jiroprlctor or ilttrdock uhtcrn eluunc hit wor iluco do iccord or i mdlo attictcd tt more won lorcul m us licilor ctwtenitnu m 10 thori period of ptrfoooonevavl whow lyttair oiier mokm of coneu b in ainulng itle time uhmtult groat bloodturtfier and mw a tlt lulsht uouio inn my other noro laoouno palura uatillel marked down to i fls intle reduced to 8 and lota o olhm in the im proportion rlack tolln ueel rimmed pfnuola at onlr 8112 i sutetu kcnoralor tt cures are tho the crompwn oortet ootnpsor aay there are tooreo lulgtu uouia thin any other atom in ontario pattern kuntlta marked down to far leai than half the original prioea j0 kantlea marked down to ouiem ucnoraiar ut cures are mo fls mantlea reduced to 8 and lota of olhfra in the tame proportion wacn baun baee lrimmea inuoia aioniy 91 uj ah woi niaoit iaanra marelof the age tauyla uotllcj 1u u jo exaollent all wool blaok caahmeroa tho superior fllaek cuhrotrea at 50 55 ai j 6o0 and tery aupertor at m 10 and 75o t ocula i c m a rl f any ladywatkint hd hi caihmawa dyed ery beauul ihadet of blue blaok an t jet blm in pari ipeoallr to hla xis sr ca yocce nun hts not j our eye been fre quently tttneted to akiga hxvici ttc fol luwie opmois word on tt bir ato d tic phce i it u no iaucoiar the etpenecce c thosicda hxve pruned it t be- a btr to re prtibjity a bir to loaur a bw to hp kick t a bir to drutst c felicity every di ports it to be tbe roxd to ticreiitioa tee raid to we r the toid to the cimllcrt bell the road to the brothel the rod to poverty the raid to rechedness the rotd to fiat the real to robbery the road to murder the roxd to pnfon the roid to the ttooto the road to the dninfciid e grcre voe5 am before yoa enter a bar room atop ponder the piths of yonr feet ere it betooliie a osurttup scoao georgo oh angilina1 idol of mj litiug star of my mills cxtauiw 1 oh kh t t 1 angilma olt dcrcst 1 ah 1 oh 1 1 1 ilovc nice junl oneo mora 1 1 old man niters smlikuu i t sc t c 1 ou l dutit hut ho did young man never lose jour presence f tnttid km jou arxun a trjingmtut tion inn jou 1 1l0 a girl ou love to a iicmc auil jou nciiilir itaj tiicttlir to commune tth naurc and she ruddcut 1 xcunup oocorgi there ib an ant dumu ni liack rt doti maud ttillttith tour mouth okn dont faint dont go for the irloiothir 0 forthu ant as a lietllli renewer durlock blood kiuera acts like a cliarui in miliaria uillouacoaiplalnu sorufulaand all dla- order of the rlood lueraut kidneja tliii treat oomblnalion of vefeuhlo ucdidnef provet a certain tpecilia a fewd sea rerulue he bowela and as a relorthn lotnoil tiaatio ejuil trial bottlei itrcenla neither the hyodicilo llio boolt act or the iruh question cames half tho sensational coainient that is caused by the popularity or burdock blood bitters thispreat remedj u marrcl loa in it euecess in curing chronic disease when otherme licinet hare ctiled it is the test blood purifying tonic and lirer lnriorttor knoicp ipecifio for all dheasea of ulood liter and ktdueyt sample bottles 1u cents penarc roa sntva after a lone severe winter ihesjktem neettseleaastt f of ncrorltlcs nature must be assisted 10 re- eaperaxe the liver mat ue made ta act alt sorrlas bite and tmparlllrt carrtwl off zel cx fmm uruxll acts as a cenue part- alive it i j kllnlroduevdtolo tuiteoattlrx tbe remarkable rcsaluofa few closes is raact sat ulnc atfc yoardruccst j e itfgsr vln for a 10 rent sami4e and try zoecsa he most rcw rial rcrae y for liyspepts lndlerstlon constipation and kltlousaesa ever introduced lat ttcoantry an honet medicine u the nobleit work of man and there ta no remedy that u mors- justlv mentonoos m cur mg the ills hat flesu tt heir to than burdock blood bitters the great blood purifier and vstcm k norator it cure lirrr complaint dyspepsia scrofula kidney comj laintt and all troubles arising from impure blood conaiptled boaels or disordered secre tions and the beat xcrrae and tonic m the a o rid burdock blood bitters u not a whts key bmnulant or tancy drmk to pander to tae depraved appetite of the intem perate but a pure regetablo life ginng tonic and regulator of the secretions it acts promptly on tha boirels the urer thebiood and the hidneys purify ing and pnpg lone to theeatire system try a tainple bo tie whicfr costs only 10- centa large bottlea 1 ou tthat difereiice doet it make which aide yon re en yon re only one weu but i an one and one and one makes two so if yon should joj me there d be two on the right side bat what would that be among to many i it woald be two boys strnggun np to the right thats whit it wouli be it would be two mtc by and by doing their very best thats what it woold be it woald be two sons who did not break thormother s heart or inrke their father wish tbey had never been bora thit s what it wod be and where 3 on find two each yfia find a dozen of the other stamp ii thia true boys rc mamma tfhere do the cows get their nnik t aiked willie looking up from the foamtngpan of tutlk which he had teen intently kgardtng whero do jotz get yonr teari v waa thi ans trer after a tnoajjtfal eilnies le again broke out tnth mamma do tie cows have to be spanned t celica glsaaa for all pnrpoes of a family mediane histicos icllow oil will be found tnvaluatle immctiate relief will follow its use it reheres pain cures chilblains frostbites scalds bams corns rheam atism neuralgia etc etc for in ternal tzse it is none the lest wonderful one or two dises frequently care sore throat it will cure croup in a few minutes a ew bottles has often cared asthma colic has been cared in fifteen minutes by a teaspoonful dose it cures with tl e utmost rapidity it is really a wonderful medians 8011 that caush or h will letd to tenous disease of the lung or bronchial i boa wilsons uiinpouud syrup cjf wild cherry will cure it lur you now it is lileissnt to take contains no opium or other injun ous drutf and is recommended bj the nuny uiousmds who hire already used hat d been cured y it ror hairiness whooping 0ugh croup bronchitis otuirrh and lass of voice it lus naequil bo mre aud get tho genuine nn uliico wrappers ladies it you wmi to keep your hands aott and while and jour completion clear and transpureut mo duilourls p tnsun balm it cures chapped 11 stids ctucked li s and koughtitss of tho rkm etc onfy coals 25 cents per hotte and is sold by all druggists msthers usthers ltatlicrs arc j ou disturbed at nlfht and broken of j our re st in a sick child suffering ai d cryim with the excruciating pun ot cutting teeth t if so coat once ami get a bottlu of frs uinslont toothing sjrup it will relieve tho poo- little sutlerer immediately depend upon it there is no tulsufco about it there u not nyitlicron earth vri o haererused it who will not tell ou at once that it will regulste the bowels and gie reit to tha mother aad relief utid health tn the child operating like mtjic it tt perfectly sate to ue in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is tne pre scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians omt nurse in the united btates isold crerywhere at 25 cents a bottle c y v- a cloatitik ealo of colotod luslrei from 10 to mo excellent ll wool frtnch if beige only x close to ui gluon street where the voraudab la down and mind be dime is u thomas 0 watkins hamilton i21lp 10c etoll a sal ifsquiloa all ck1 blaok ytahmeres only esq the871nd t a owrt order by rked down irom kemember the right uonse u ou king altcet eaat v janand 16s1 p e and alll to f ills -foe- stclftss photographs 8xooo fgjethio immli cancer care depot coctlcoul tl cinadi ancer curey without tne ufite knlf the nnl ivrmainnt lire in the wort t fr paulculnieiotesetattos c skirir toalleoofc v cxnwtia cwre kwlft aadc ruisi note the followinc o stoves tinware coal oil lamp gocds aud pumps cheap for cash at havills i earetratuuine and job work a specialty all kinds of track akca lu exclinuec for goods i remember the place next door to creechs baddlery tign of the lamp kill i suiet acton 0 h4yill aaval rr tt1 11 u r- 1 xt cjl i afmul tu3xftusitaluu4lialart 10 culflt furnubet lire with full ln- trt eilt rs jor enmlucurx ti rnkt rrtjfllxble hcavltienj one rjnen- ce in ti e t urlne 1 c my to learn antlmir lotln etlon nif c tlraie nd uin ihtt xnjr on em mate crest trtfii irom tlie v rj urt v ne uti ttl wlo u wililcct wort w men treuhtjcerwulits tn u ii attj cirn et cant larco tuuik jxat v li e ra lc at ii o li i lnet c r he hun lret jolun in plrcl wet vnti inc lite it ctrr ktmwt te re all wlo enrhtc arc mr hmm at ll e txe ai i np tllty with wuiett ti ryjtre llf i utile nun ev a cn rdcbf inllilfc tiuir- durli c oorpre time at crrai rnnt aton t nxv v ti retc4tull in it e ittcaiitrerirt tti whouem ready morerilrct id write inu at oocc ah furulfhe f cr atfircs trt citt aiicutat itatne grirb specific hedicive thegrcattmetfihgeaielr anunmllteruref kcmltxl v cafci c spcrmaijrrn- imjouno aid all itcakk xnt 1 itiw a a eicfner f sir ktt t as lew of item- rj li ucrtal i a fltude i aln lnilellaek iilrommoimt- t ian premxtnreiild ace and bdbrt tliilc mxn other ulwawa that q lead m irjanlly orcanaucii- linn svfall pnxtleularisln ocrparaphlei wiitett wp de- rtrotoiend free by mall to every one catl e reelfie kcdlclneicihold by alfdrac- cuvs at 51 per paefca or sir naelmc for j or will beealfrr by mail on re eelpt of tne money by ad- drtajnc tin saj koilclaa c9 aft toronto onl canada bold by j e hegarrtdurnccut acton jyictbria duchuuvaursi the oreit specific i s c o i s v li o n cv s tae olft eeuable wilsons wild cherry has been nick ntnred the 01 1 reliable cough rem edy by a gentleman who has used it for mtnv yean and it nchly de etves the name because its baccesain curing coughs colds croap rthooping cough branchflis and lots of voice hia been almost universal for children and adults ta om standing casea and in new it always gives immediate relief ana effects a tpeedy cpre and is nor the standard cure for these diseases he sure to get the genuine in white wrap per at there tra many imitations hold tiy druggists and medicine dealers cracked hands cracked laps and bonhnesa of the sim can be cared by tfer applications of guibourts parisian balm which only costs 25 cents and is sold by all leading bragfuta in western ontario try it the only way to have s friend ia to be one for sleeps but cohbui henstn hut dreams if you act with a view to praise only yen deserve none we seek to control others yet how few of as are masters of ourselves knowledge when possessed by only axew has almost always been turned to iniquitous purposes it is easj- to pick holes in other peo plevwork but it is far more profitable lo do better work onrself we appreciate no pleasures unless we are occasionally deprived of them bestrunt is the golden rule of enjoy ment good nature like s bee collects honey from every herb iii nature like spider sacks poison from the sweetest flowers insult not misery neitherderide in ii rarity nor ridicule deformity the first is inhamsii the second shows folly and ibetuird pnde j i whitewashing and coloring wm nelson cecwsovs cores is prepa to do all kinds of irhitewasaivg culoriag on tho ehortest not ce and at reason able rates ffltleave your orders at tho rfcu peess osee acton sa mill lt7esrt se bcjard stables street aotok it whereyoa can get firstclass rigs at reasokable rates flood commercial rigs psclbtbink cleaned ren ovated wif kelso v zlsotsiorrr tkamas ezalnor eclainc oil worth ten times lis tceieiaf ta quid pain ainnoc uf icfiere d u vmd 1 it is the cheapest medicine erer made one dose cures common tore throat one bottle nas cared brpnchtlis fitly cents worth his cured an old standing cough i posiurely cares catarrh asthma and croup fifty cents wortn has cured enck in the back and he same quantity lame back of eight years standing itcares swelled neck tumors theumatlsm neuralgia stitt joints spinal difficulties and pain and soreness in any part no matter where it may be nor frotn what cause it may arise it au ways does yon good twentyfire cents worth has cared bad cases of chronic and bloodydysentery oneteaspoontul cures colietln 15 minutes it will care any case of piles that is possible to cure six to eightapplications is warranted to care any case of excoriated nipples or inflamed breast for bruises it applied often aad bound up there is never the slightest discoloration to the akin it atop the pam of a bum at toon as ap plird cures frosted feet boila warts and corns end wounds of every descrip tion on man or beast beware of imitations ask for dr thomas eclectne oil 8a that the signature or s nthojus eb on the wrapper and the names of northrop t ryman are blown in the bottle and tite xo othhk sold by all medicine deaere price 25 eta nttkxakop lzhajetoronto ont eropnetorsfor i the dominion i kote ecucitk selected andeiectmed x acton eauness tutjns defoi patties requiring anything in harness or trunks to aave money should go to i v creech acton burdock bitters ian express delivery wagon will meet h eaprcss train and deliver goods to y part of the town all parties indebted to his es tablishment are reejueted to pay up without farther delay and tare costs ed matttews i proprietor special bargains dominion boot sh09 store lia7e jugt received an lm sense clock of 8cyu aadshaeaof every description cam- prtslngrau tinea la mens womens childrens ordered work partlcalar attention ic paid to ordered work and the bed material will alwaji be used repairing i itepalrtnirprompllyanttoanfnllrattenct odw call and examine onr stock kenney sron acton march 8lt 1ss1 istew butcher shop w 0 robinson woalt lntlmte ta thepeipl of aetn that he ha mr iiaet ttie batca r baitacae late ly ctrleci on hj- iitwrtriarer aad that lie iluaewijkua hinda firtciai4octoi beer rerlc half prj- cad game m kami hc- and hoptchy trtet altentl a to bttftna to teenre a fair tuare of the patmnasje of le ptiblle urttdellvenslatany uai to anr part of tue town o torai cuh i 0u1 sdidud oancaa raaxrrit arraxici ro w c koblnson urn new arrivals kid gents kid gloves of a new make and a very superior article white and colored shirts seats half hose in cot- ton merino cashmere aad vool summer underclothing shaw murton merchant tailor ouolph utt deposit diabetes in t the kldoeviuxl eladaer dneya add urine bawdy it la a apeetflo in she cure erf an dtsaaaea ot me kkxnerl bladder prottalk por tion ot the urinary organ srrttallon of the keck of the bladder basing urine glees gonorrhea la all us stage ma cons discharet congestion ot the eld vers brick dust depolt dlasetea nammauoc of the k j dropsy of kidneys orinfcpaininuierl pilm in the baotuhcoit calculus betml calcuha banal couc birttmtkm at urine freqroonl urination gravel in an tu forma tnablutr to retam the wa ter parucaiarlr in persocn surmcrtui in e tt s a ktdney isvibnaatob that restore the urine to ta naarat oolor remove the bonhig and the sect of the uiisili me of tasoal cmuag drink fblcctli er avxbettuarwis trtodtnclmlar soubrtuonctma w johnston co ihhibstbimti ortaia 4gnti for a v s oad cbaosta maltopepsyn i registered at ottawa an artificial ga juice this la not a patent medieuie secret remedj ihc formula la printed on the label at- uehed to each bottle ifiroijbfsracnresdyrpepsui indikenlon loss of appcite intestinal anot wasting- disease constipation nausea chronic diarrhcea cholera infantum and moat of infanta troubles which generally arise from the atomach 50 cent8 for 48 d08e8 or about i cent per dose regular sued bottles containing i j an with dose measure attached 50 cents for sale by all chemist throughout the dominion ayoid taking iqnida of any sort more than is absolutely necessary to quench thirst a theeicessne use of liquids is the cause of half the dyspepsia in ibe world italtoprpsya if s powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the stomach the actual gaslnc irwe prescribed by the leading phyhcians lbrdughoal the dominion in tbeir regular prac tice kfaltopepsyn is also used lo a large eitent in hospitals dispensaries and infimariea ipccihui ot tutworuu bicciveo fboh phy8iciai4 i wallacs k s oct most the mallopepsyti was given in a marked and distressing case of indiyestion wit rapid pleasing and beneficial results zkemptos md 1es0 with the athloxe oxt jan 10 1es0 the mallopepsyn i obtained from yon has far more than answered mv anticipations having tried it m two old and very obstinate case of indigestion i found it 10 act hie a charm c mckekva m d cakbaat ow jan is8r f have nxd your sfaltopepsrn in severe cases of indigestion and malnutrition tn adnlts and darrhcea of children and am so well pleased with the results that i have lo- ttructed my druggist lo keep a supply on hand i t v reade m d t arntoki ovt dec 30 itfco after ginng yonr malfopepsyn a trial in some of my worst cases for which it was recommended i am well pleased with the way l which it acts continue to make a good article like that no in use and it will be a universal favorite r rtamiltox m d hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j e mogabytn acton a distinct and peculiar combination feillows compound syrup of pitopws tt eantaina the element essential to tha animal 1 l organiation the oxidising agents and tome in eotabinstiaxi with the atinralating agent phosphorus riosraaing th merit of ha nrahghtlyalkalihe aad ia dupenwd in tha oonrenient aad btl fonn of a aymp t afliets are naually naihle within twenty four hours aal are marked by a stim ulation m th apraate the digntun and usamikoou entering dirsetry into tha ercnlam u tone th nerve and mnaele uerti a healthy action ot tha aecretknis nlthr custnrw th rtnnuch nor isjxrra th itrtein tsndcr ptalaisd w uid ssy b diaeontinned at any tun without inconremesoe in a word it rosmor tha atuanknts to arouse th atresgta the tonics to rattja it mi mtnt of high decree 1 fellows c0mp00hd syrup of hypophosphhes spcedtlr ako piacwttxtlr ivna ctnmiian of fk4 tuki jtrtmchtti commpf jftf prhristitn sttorf i mmorbrws til utfiamaf zfirf trmbli of tk hds d lmkekviml d xu l dprmi9 1st of jppctiu ai rih rtmdty aarvot tfc wrxfcenrsf f ja rm mi ofrisj tf tlm wt wkick tlcpcnd for kaixk itoawttfury iraaai7iaiuitffiurfbt ut 6uo roil a pamphlct perry davis son lawrence qetebal icest3 h0stk1al t ll r is 1 v w wm stewiarts co erjelph iont w e are ekable0 to offer special- bargains in the following lines of new goods bought at most advantageous prices customers may rely on value that cannot be beat i ew black satin parasols ey silk uilbrellab ew hosiery for ladies t iluses ev buntivg8 black colored ew blace cashmeres ev blat5k and ujlored satms new blace1 silks a apecud lot from 5c sl001 25 50 3 00 2 60 and np lo sl 00 new dres3 muslins new prints new s1raw sunshades for ladies snd pisses new table linen very choice patterns new laces every make also a lot of untearable tweeds for boys wet very low priced gents furnishing department m ties soarfs collars socks no shirts etc kenno shirts etc wm stewart co speight son undertakers furniture dealers wagoon 1l a tsttjjc txt us us lllflwi v r far sal in adon by j druggist e uooartln i tndertaklnff every description of funeral requisites of the best qnalttios aop- plied at shortest notice firstoses trms f nmishod pliniutirvyinour cabmetmaiuxg department we are prepared for th spnnk deoiand paorjsurte sofa centre table wistnota bedstead 4c wairgoilgwe hye oo hand a atoek oi nrtclaas lumber wagons and democrats maniifaotnicdby ksrselves irom the bes inatorial which will be sold at the lowest pos sible rates 1 x 1 8pci0ht k son aoton i vj5tmmcmmiiitlm 1 tarfli