vvt 1 mi- t e 1 17 r rrf uiisni rymxrxg nf v hpmoobe eduor proprietor at ihktivfci ik v jpxiyrzxdiq pcsrsatxg xemurio mctusul cnvreh trr- tht-ftti- iiii- will l fpl to 1 ijrs irf wium fpit to f ivr o r f slojrcr a iil 1v v cj- xo pivr r r tio id l cfa advertise 1- laataatiaetmm terms si00 in advano x1cheajkiii4i a lfvp of stay life tt fludmiimt awl ut vud concerns uffo ff not m paid volume vl no 51 acton ont thursday june 16 1881 whole no 330 advertise v i s c- 1m li f j filvl in ival 2 tei p- i c ui iru o- 1 oi ii5iiiiii 1 mujt w hru cmivr h va- 1 iu r i uiv sixoir1 sotcvtu whirl isvpnw fiiy iv iviviwlorcvi taadvrfo iiyut tho iiir rl likisiicvliiie1 uretdby r crtix- vx tv ijo of tvntrti- ermn vt fta c- rvxi s 0 1 1jtti vith 1 01 iiviv dlrrct ions iivttv nt his musi lip 1 tnivimnliivs ojiicr- ift over lii tlu- itiitcjwirc cur u jln ik kcv tjouh- j cy ni- jiii toriii tsliir xv efietmanrir to is for tt it klttredtje v banker a gexertil llinkrkg busi ness transacted u3kst toiseo cit approves notes notes discounted tiad tatrst allowod on deposits eiltonrcxn the bank of montreal wh storey sqn ftotom 0kt xlove manufaoturers in even varioiyof materiu and style ire manufactured by ns su w n i i xviiv m r m c r s 1 c st0rey3eurekf aritcgloyefastenelxpai flour and feed sf8 lawson bros woajmpecxully inirm uie pple of aclfii mil vlclmvi ttmit wier iaveiu- oattiuv resfdeuce it flour an peed store tad vrlli cwpcqnktiintlrtnuando laiulocfcoc floue or all kekiis inclritlkg family flour buokwhaat floor graham flour corn meal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped peas chopped oats mixed chops oats feos- m3 ih kinis of feed usudly keptnn i firstlass store all sxis doliyoro 1 to spirt sf tic vulija s kta a oricrti fpa cull rv tticcfidhj irjtritd hamhattam feed fcrr horses cattje sheep pigs and poultry goad for horseshav- inff episootic laws on bros aelonjjn is issui js nivin t x t r tvu te a- aiiliilvafri ve tre aiio patentees and inventors ot 1 if fn a- 1 sta7s eussia epriss glare rwtsa- flr jctr icknowkla tiwi most perfect fjtcur in us ptentfd in calrvia the united states and great dhtxiu if i uj if toixigk orncrs srraee plrocr kcis york u s a lme grove birtninjumn eng the rixesr paper hangfngs ever sua wa fo gaelpli j 1 vat- xttornef at its rtjky office- naz rvi v-ut- hoi ll rlvxfji yejytiet gsoric- ti i iij- 0 s0orrtyvc ij cry vlii tohistt- iir s- 1nc- to idvertlsers qso peowillcqs scicrt list cf lss kewi5k n -irin- y ik fi iie ri rn- vr j aivsrtisifisiei i is sot s cflsjkitivs list ft is not cicip list ft is s sc33s lirt i tfciculcaeplf6nruicllttiemrts t- 7ittr xvuiuienmcifth wtm iriml iumlll i n11 kietvre it lslnocivliimim itiktj xvlcti irinud ilhalitalvttlshlp jhmt iir i tle i liacf ttn- ii rive the v iii o very torrn and the circulation j t very r zit 2 ificilsst tiirmreirr0tcrt oieiiilitliciulililer tierrie foi si njv plaits rar from rtnm tlie rricfnror inch one mutui in hi cniire iht iscs the reenlkrnle o ttie pipnn rf f-li- sim raee and lime r gtisolt 1 rieli- reisffd blill and uccklv- tley re inciim hi m itiaereut rtjuaajiokhf xkc sor xr ri- trvle cv ri inot i oi trldrlisite stile raiitvfs 3c3 plsce oi rt beats a listii2 i clark iiakuistefl jvbeporuui5maviiu7cnif itl i for cods- of tjst ni ottier kfonaallon quebei sreet gnlph- gejp koweluacxi 10 siircee st ker vc ceiacu anf rin mtecatdics i day b00sstdjte day gives hs customers the advantage of a large stock to select from borders to hatch ms tapers and fpociil low erices day sells cheap qrrc- icjcti 1 i tmiiftt licensed 4ctioneer tor tiic c i v nid lltiiton 0at t sii- jrr ii onactia it tit -cj- in atii a le fnnftlv iidi to tvr- r-vii-ll- ienrj to trc- ao pny k n ftf c irot frvorrdiv trru- fvajl th lwwt rjtv i inurvft ii szns c t lid cn-m-l- patet5 jivxiivs kxre- l dirtyrv rrl r- srliti cji- aii tvlti st- i eii-rjc- in tent giruttj credciirse scad icjt priavri itritia ivgtiicy in optrnticn hexrr grrst jkiwa canada ilwitkiicj ctijvcrn solicitor oi pa- a taylor vetfipixapy suri glux giorgcmvn grednztc of th ontrirr v-nniirv- tzoilc-g- will viit actoncvprytiiuiiy ron ito4ntn ail csiis rec1ivcl tfrnrptly lttcndcmto by dht or day hjssiknit itudtold on conitiiiio iiiciice vestcjrnerfroni livery btiue otorttpvra jnt l c taylop lbcnid anctioneor doiilsiox hotel acto pobt atcsv rro ror tinewiiotil is fittti aii in efiteiis rfylc- vih new iarni- tare ojiaiirrtj travtlitrs ll and good cccoriinoliir7it tin c sarnjle pojms sjijttitionijiltothekuits of titertveiiir jta ux ir eujipliei vntlt thsbw of llrincns and cigars hood stau- 1d2 nd attentive hfi-tlr- i am propircd to pay- tie tiigiicst cafli prcie for hiles cisi deacons lamh tnd ahecp 5iiii dthvtred rt my taaceiy laos lcitlitr c2nitiijv oa liand jaihi5 igoee acres qlkftlige pustixg ists act driir txitklfae llatery i am pre- pirel t ili cirrix paintinjj and jin uritic of ererj ricecripfion auii vouldte tpcifclly rjct the jstronae oftijepeople of actoa and vicity jasie5 scott rtilgi bcsuess v wm ooorr barber woatdannoacce wlhepwpiecc acton a eurrojndtijgcoqrirr tliat be iis paichawd- hind lcleims tocrrrruoa icribncacitf ti clesaieefljrid trie ns- pdprictirtnlcodk irfviticbfrtrijql rerfonal oitertion to lue kaiqaf7anitnme thai all whnlitvf patron- jzi ifurljop in ice laatwili cotdnaetq the mutual life associationof canada 1 eeid office htinivtoy ost 3trasscat bcjsrit ortr 3500903 j lliiicies n the llrxruvc fcsd ftt iiicd ly tiis company onl ind copyright eiitain a iirin statement of the araoont of crhh yslue of rudfnp iiikurance tbe policy- iiiikr will 1 entitled to receive if discon- tinning tbe rnvraent bf premiams titer 5 10 13 jo 25 3033 piymente tc tfjllcjlblg fuiatfc propertr for sale triernrscrilfcr nhrs tnr rale that bmi- fuiijtkitttatcd fifee of property ijincimrtli uf ail- liie tjiu driifit in tbe ourrtttiori cr the village of acton ttie piouerty conitaic 12 aer more or irt r of which arc hi a fih elrt oi callltalloa tend nsrly all ptnlef wltnfrult trees ot ercij description acd all oc tue bt varieties th halanxre is cd ptftnrelandwthanevraluftrejm mn ctnr triroacli it on whfeti is kit iatei a fish pond oo the rrecalf ttiere is a twnf tnry brt tdirellinc neariycorapltfcintinlns s room also bark kitchen trith three ftkimp good etkhle ind shed abd crscjit iwrd and soft water eie thtf atxrsre woald be a very dofirxhle lico for a retired ceauenen or far a max tot k p koore agenf fkee pkessofheei actan a gkeafr cacse of hciiax misekt is lie low at iiewaol llzzf- hevreceotlrpnbllehedttnev ijjj l gti of dr catrccttcuc celt- rf bnttwt fjstar ca th radical and peifmanect care without meu- ciuejof kcnoudfbilltrf henulatri ftiyflc- ai i ocaiar i tji impediment ofkarrfage eteu resaltlnc ram ttcetx et taprice in a feaid ea veoperaly cjcte ortcniolree stamps the celebraled author jn this admirable ezs cleiy jemointnitefi fmm thirty yrsrueaccefstal pnictjc tlatalrrmlntfcnn- peoueticm may btf radiciv cured without the dinserous npe if luteroal medicinsor thoture ollfiefcnife pointing ojt- mode of cure at once rimple certain and effect nal by mesrs f which every snfterer no matter what his condition may oe my care hlmxef cheaply privately and radically tliu rcctnre etna id be id the han3s of every yonth aud every nana iq the land aidresk tfae calrenrell tfcdlcat co aan 6f xcw taffc poet office b0x4sm he 140 ilgents can mate jnoreanonfiy new tetepttone fliaii in aay other business send h for sample pair and wire to put up eiisrexhibit satirfaction-piaraxjteed- or ffionruiideddicrge profits address z 8 tdcpnoxn co 123 s clark st chicago el terms liberal and made known onappllea tioato j kli sxvdett actcn po hekry e grlhlmtqh pnacrrcal house palnfar oral nee paper hanger and decorator is prepared to take contracts for palutldf paper hacla and ktsamtnlag orders promptly attended to in town or cooqtry terras reasonable harins an esperience of thirty rears 1 can gaarantee kallfaclicn to ail i h e grinlintok mux st acton fiuhks ktock-rciteld- ekjsxttextiav c taylor veterinary sarcon george town will call in acton at bennetts hotel professionally every ttreaday frour one to fobrpro lie will bring with him hie cele brated stallion kinjj george he will call at surer fjreek an his way to acton frotr 10 to 12 ara king georce is tbe closest bred royal george in ontario mckiadleye celebrated iloyal gearce is king georges grandsire and great- ijrttndfifre he u iko tbriee bred in the sir hearyv c taylor mo n e y the uadereigued his money at hiadirpos- al for discoanting cocid eudoraed notes at a reaaonabie rat of discouat jailes itatthews acton kay loth 1881 tol tent free ottfi4 t 1 ingafein he mortpltefintanoprof- fwbe buflnces known evcrytulne new carttalnot reqaired we willi fariiikh 501 eveeyt hi dj flo a dty and an- wtrdstheo made wltliootftajln awny from home rvir night korifc whaicter itany aer worfcerk wanted ai once many are matlrsrirtaces at ihr btislner readies mslc as mneh mmen nnd yoanfff boyr and zltxn mafco frfnt-par- ko one who k willing to work fllsto make ra on money every day bmfltt irt muffi in a weefcwt any ordfn lhanesn rade in a wcefcwt any employmrnt thopp whonnpneefltooceirni nmlafftnrtrriflhorortntip arfdrr h uailetrcporthlud otice to oebtoks ah pirtiei indebted to the estsfe of the iatflraqfiom adams either liy note or book accoant arc requested to coll and settle tiieir accounts forthwith d w campbell f bxftcatorc acton may4tfa8l the frer press acris- tittird rruc- ig issl pvemi mothers blesstnjfli liko smiiet of love fiotir fteavca atarc tho stiirry clcams an lying oer wood and lull and reiueas rill and willoag softly tiuitig still vtneeriioojwed with niofo kcar the old turtipikeit beittltui tlie hoac4pmajk ttliere life a lint years were hawed with juy attcnjiu icr ficcs ftir fonil hert are there that iour to givcjmc grectiinc- yet for a while by ihis old stile i jatue before hi meeting oh teeainrcs rare i know ate there a sitter antra fircther the light of love all itvht above the iwcct eniile o a mother though far iwty oar feet may stray r the heart will eer lio yearning fornne dear spot acl oi ia thoaght to it well be returning love never parts from faithful heart ko matter what hertida thera autl rtrtrcr binds resptjqtive minde though brtxidtit fifii divide tutai tlie years may go wjth rapid flnw like torrent swiftly driven hat time will prove the ktniinh of love that to the soul it given i paure no more ive reached th door yivel ones arc round me prcssini thank heaven for blits j for jy like thi for hunn tud metaecm miiue i kav the squires advloe yts squire tlte lord has iiuescj us in brtfaket nd in stoce and we ttre proper thankful tor all his msreies will im glutei to hear that you ty eo im sure your brother feels just the saiue as you do honrwill you uto it little suggestion front mep well i hoie wo are not above liking advice from anyone are you htother sjiu v ko indeed bnt you will allow squire richards that wo know a little he most oakirntitif matters yes yes kow you are bath rich men and you oaglit to enjoy your wealth yon have children aud i ouut believe yoo want them to work as you have done give thera i taste of something better in nhai 1 1 adviite to get a lianp take one of the monthly raagacines and a newufntjier cr two well if thatdnnt beat the dutch f exclaimed sam tho elder ot tlio two do you think we toiled ttlithcso years to get uch things i i dont mean of fence squire but id juat he encourag ing idleness to follow j adriee what do you say jaet i havent thought rhout it yet rctiiicd the other i wiih youd come over to tho farm squire and talk it over with maty and jwe 1he gtntleuien readily agreed and the two farmers walked home to gether joe peters i hope you remember what hook learnin did fur lien ex claimed sam ioher would have him go to college aud ha died as poor as poverty i aint so eure it was the learnin that ruined ben sm but the speiidin to much that didut go with he j to show that slio was rs good as mamie books and lucy by flirtinn and dresaing as ts the aime he got his queer beconing as possible ideas out of hooks you can deiend meanwhile squire kichards moted richards she dropped her katfa in astonishment oh joe cant we mvniie ia so fond of singing and josey and incy- would- teed forever if- id let vin that settled it for hira three weeks ufurward iii front door opened wide to- adnkt an- elegant piano joe never did anything by the halves and three curly leads bent orer the beautiful illustrations j n harpets magazine sam and his ifc condemned the folly iu laudiat terms but squire 1ucliunls and the miuister told joa he had done agood thing little by little a eliange crept over the meadow fane a new ulniotphere jkeraded tlw house books and pipera began to be a matter of course aud julue richards was a frequent bearer of sheets nf music to ilauiia peleis fariikt oes views attend he fouid lime to fad now sd then and didut sod the moments wafted either he had a way of dropping a newspaper in the hands of his- h- lu after tea much to stms disapproval who told him there were a beaji of odd jobs utiut be done up while hia hands were hanging lotiud- after supper in fact it nettltd saui to see tint his brother was 6uch a favoril with the hands and it was not plejaut to hear hia wife repeat that mary peters had- so much lime- to her self j or to hear his jack or dolly tell how much their contins knew father said jack can vi earn money beat the farm lbs way joe does i his father lets him spend it for real nice thingv and he takes the youtha companion and lias bought a set of tools and heaps of things be sides so air if ton wint o read youll hare le- borrow boolcs and i gues my tools are the best to work wilh n i aint a coing to luys yon with napers in ytxir hands anttl after your work is done so jack borrowed bocks thrillirig stories which he offered to joe nut his cousins taitta was of a different nature carefully trained as it was by his father and mother r nd heretnrned the books after reading a ciaptcr years went by two fire sir the pretty country villagft began to attract public attention city bdardere ap peared and from ttie very grit joe peters houa htd as many as it conjd hold it was a pleasure to bs with such resned people and to have such entertainment as the books afforded the elder brother was eager to follow tha example hat his wif flatly re fused im eleir beat out the sai i i cant bear those city folks with their notious theres one- of the young men over thero waiting on mamie and whcl warned mary she only laughed and said he was just a steady as any farmer round here such doitis i suppose joe will come home too fine for any of us im glad wa kept ycu on the farm jack well i aint 1 i hated it always bat now ive cot to stick it out the young man spolje bitterly he felt the difference between himself and his cousin all the more keenly for the reason that he knewks was his equal naturally he knew that mattie richards the loveliest girl in the vil lage piefened joe to httnaelf and that in itself was no small gtievance dolly felt the difference but strove i band and a aulendid boy thats roroiug to see his grandpa this-hutniiier- then lucy now squire shes graduated up to may bloom but shes going loiuarry turn allen hell take ihcrfann some fda and do- better than i ever did ifcit stm alio t f cant see some how hii wifo died last week eieati worn out dollys married a realgood farmer but he cant tad- to nuch si home now of coots and she has lud to wotk same its her uiolher did jack is so moody that there is not a sonl that liku him poor bam hes worn out inc well now theres a- reason for all- my prosperity vitot to know it 1 twas the piano and the maguztne and the paper after tho bible and sjkiilinij book now do you thick you ai- going to ruin after yoo- have done all this for me i dju say ou word i twas the piano and the mag- aztnea and the paper afkr tha cble anil spelling boolc i wish hed tefi me why whist tnyvtfrim aw torn young men r 1 cam4t aiftklhem oat f i wiihibyapwnty pk tbr mfodh not of us aiiiji iiidvobt tlioy uw and hlusli ailrl hoer roan w ith many a dw drawn riuh vv liy dont ui sillfi fridhtened lhinn speak oat mrl ull us why t ust aach it on is cliartky itrown a conwly youth i know if r wko though a kv ynnnk mao jet prara a chiokeiiheaiteu bean- hd hautilc footfteps niht and nj aad llmaah hs tutumtt tby hfcll buco or sing with non hat a i wiih hell tell me why t wonder now if he expect the ooortiiig im in ho t i love iiitn tuary fll cnufc 1 thialiilovcs me too ti really vn he imkc the ioe t make liuii ik ill li jaatimluf foiriea til pntanit then i think lcll tell me why upon it if i 6eudmy bor and gill to school in the winter timo i do my duty by iheni in the book line i hope yoo wont do anything foolish to the city i a dud ol good sense and dear understanding he nevertheless became invoked in soma spupilion and at the end of five years found him tit vuao ti i novsjipor a correspondent says t ten years ago i arrived in a small iowa to the west of this and one day on returning home from wotk for i am a carpbaler by trade i saw a little girl leave my door and i asked my wife who she wax she said sirs harris bad sent hrft- after their newspaper which my wif had borrowed as we 6at down to tea my wifo said to- nw by name i wish yoo would subscribe for the newspaper j it u so niuctx comfort to me when you are away frcm hone i would ljke to do so said i but you know i ow a payment on the house aod lot it will be all i can do to meet it she replied if yoo will lake this paper i will sew for the tailor to pay for if i subscribed or the paper wtilo resting om noon and looking oyer it i saw an adveuisetheat of commis sioners inviting bids for a bridge thai was to be built 1 put in a lid for tha bridge and the job was awarded to me on which j cleared jgo whih enabled me to pay for mf bouse nl lot easilr and for the newspaper if i bad not subscribe 1 for the news- pupec i should no hava inown any thing about the contract and could not have mat my payment on the house and lot a mechanic never loses anything by taking a newspaper you need not worry- r bout me self a poor man overwhelmed and sam there is a good streak of your i broken down he received a tetter from fathers savin in me hut id like to the meadow farm urging him to come have my children enjoy life more than down to the country and hinting at i have aid youll bring them to the poor honae accordingly the gentleman went if yon jump at every idea better farmer joe met him at the depot listen to uie joe and after a few moments silence during joseph peters walked into his house which they iogned oyer the road- he with a thoughtful air his wifa look- turned and said ed enquiringly as he sat down beside j sqnire richard6 youfe been my her thete were people who said that best friend wait while 1 i want to mary prince would defer make a tell yoo about it look at nie im decent rtife for a farmer she was too strong as that oak over there my high strung evideiuy- sam thought wifeis asheitty and blocrmng as hr startling uo fur he cjiooge very different sort girlsj my boy is a minister squire discovery ltwnilo manage his farm house and hes got the best wife in your i l08t manhood restored j li a rtctun ot rtoiral imimitleneeeaatiiiis prcnu- ion decay kernraa deulhov loft uanbood etc bitfus tried in vtla every knoira reroedf ht dif- cottvsiriiipleieltenjewuicalioirtlucodnira id bu 4s ciiuibiuia bu n x oddrau 1 uuketjh tau abottt alcoiol 1 alcohol is a poison when pure it will prodnce death na certainly and al most as quickly as prussic asid 2 alcohol is a product of fermenta tiou or decay the creatornever wade it ko plant produces iw ko bub- blingspring affords it 3 alcohol is sn irritant it will blister the skin and produce inftauiuia tioa of tin stomach i alcohol is a narcotic it pamlyris the nerves and benumbs the sensibili ties 5 alcohol destroys fhe blood it dissolves the blood corpuscles and thus impoverishes the vital fluid 6 alcohol causgr heart disease by changing the heart tissue to fat i 7 alcoholcauses apoplexy it weak ens the blood vessels and causes con gestion of the brain alcohol weakens the muscles it has been proved by experiment that a man can lift leas aftei uking a glass of whiskey than before 8 alcohol wastes vital force 9 alcohol causes consumption 10 alcohol lessens bodiryfat travellers iu the arctic regions are obliged to be teetotalers 11 alcohol causes paralysis of the brain- a man who is dead drunk is temporarily paralyied 12 alcohol bardens the brain 13 alcoholpwinces congestion of every organ of the body it alcohol hardens tho liver and renders it useless 15 aloobol produces ita worst effects when taken in small doses he never repented his choice in fact daughter there ever was cept one he never thought of doing anything mjr- daughter mary has married a rich without her advice and council when young merchant down in new york he fold hec of uiebugijeslinti of squire shes got- aood sleadj chfisuan hui- at 20 years of age a man is sure that he knows every thing at 30 he begins to liive grave doubts at 40 ee knows that there are some things he dontknew at so he is certain that liej will never again know an much as be once know laiy piyslcjnj whr it will xeveh do to call iiiib tor i vev twk mh a st louis medical college recently turned out a dozen female dectort a long as the frmale dtclors wete oon6neca to one erlwo ki llieooutry and tbose were oufy cxperinienlal we held one peace and did uot complain but nor that he collgea hre enggl in pro ducing female doctors as a busiuess wea must protest and in so doing will gi0 a few reason why fitaule doctors will cot prorea paying bnnali of industry in the gtbl place if ihey doctor any body it must be women and tkteev fourths ot the wotueu would ratber have a tnsle doctor- suppose tfteso colleges turn out ftuile dootom untit thete arc as many of them as there are male doctors whst have they got to- practice oh i a nun if there was colhinghhc matter ith niin mfgnt call in a frmale doctor bnt if he wasac sick as a hoise if a man is sick hs im sick as a horse the last thing he would have atooad would be a feoiale doctpri- and why 1 because hc a man nasi a female doctor fumbling aronnd hinr he wanls to feel welh lie dont want- to be bilioas or feverish with bis mouth listing like ahsese and his eyes bloodshot when tle- feinals is looking him over and taking account of stock of course these female doctors are all young and good looking and if one of them cauie into a sick room where- a man was in bed and he hud chills and was as cold as a wedje and sbe should sit up close to the aide of the- bed and lake hold of his hand his pulse would ruu u to one hnndredaud fifty and she wonld prescribe for a fever whence had chilblains oh you cant fool uson fatnale doctors a man wbo has been sict and bad male doctors knows jiht hgw much he would feci to have a female doctor come truiping in put her furlined cloak ovwa chair take off her hat and glovpa and throw them on a lounge and coiue up to tho bed wih a pir of marine blue eyea witn t twinkle in the corner and look him in the wild changeable eyes arij ask him to run pet his toogn sup pose hia toneno was coated to it lookeol like a yellow tnikish towel do yoa suppose he would waut le ran out fiv or six inches nf the lower part of ft in let that female doctor put lirr finger on it to see how it looked i not much he wouldput that tongne apinto ht cheek and wouldnt let het see it for twenty five cents admission- wo have all seen doctors put their hand under the bed clothes and fee a mans feet to see it they were cold i a female doctor ahould do that it would give a man cramps in tlie legs a nsale doe tor can pin his hand on a mans stomach and liversmi lungs and ask him if he fuels any pain there but if aferuaie doctor should do tlie same thing it would make a man eick and he would want to get up and kick himself for employing a female doctor- oh there is no use of talking it wonld kill a man kdw suppose a man baa bear da fas and a fvmale doctor should wttnt to listen to the beating of his hcarf sue would lay her left ear on his left breast so her eyes and loeebud miratk wouldbe looking vigbt into his face aid her wjvy hair would be scattered albaronnd there getting tangfjd to tlio buttons cf his night shirt dout yon suppose bis heart would get in about twenty extra beats to theiminntef you bet and sbe would i smile wa will bet ten dollars she world smile und show her pearly teeth and tha ripe lips woald be working as thmgk bhe were counting tho beats and ha would think she was trying to wbiyer to him and well wtmt would he be doing all this timet if hewas not lead yft which would be a wonder his left baud would brush he hair away from tier temple and kind of stny tlirre to keep the hair away and hi right lund would get sort of neiroui and move ainund to tke back of he head and when sbo had counted tha beats a lew minutes und was raisins her head he would draw the itfad a to him and kits her ouco for good liick if lib was as bitions na a jersey aw map nnel and hav her charge h hi tha bill i and tbw a reaction set in anl he would get al weak at a cat atnl site would have tofah him and rub hii head till he tjotwer w liervousbees ard then roafee vt hia ireacrrjitiom after lie got aslefm no of inianji syarplotns chungenilitq a female doctot ia practiefng on hiljf jiud the wutji km hiui dead- btvs h 8 t i 1 s m