Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1881, p. 2

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w- gfsj f v im h 1 l tab fbjsfi press airt furtmpu juno 18 1m at list there epiiraia to lie onii evijnee that the iiiln of acton are waking up ta the fcl that a ton halt la ueeessatr and from the largiljriigu ed petition lu bo presented to the oouu cll at next meeting n aould jdgi lul tlujr arc determined to har on there ik now a pevwpect uf getting a spacious town vdj council chamber pulcco otlla and fire hall all of hich can le aid tor at the rill uf a out f 2 in the thousand rhett cxtwided over a ftiod of twuily j c4tr we have no doubt thai alt will concur in the action liieli we resume wilt be ukm by the council nrubalilv at uk w it mrctinf ta htaltng arrangimtnts to pass a tlj uvv for such purpose and acton id soon be naeed in as good a ositlon n rrgnids public buildings iicssary for lla iirwprnly ar smaller aud its im kjrtant village throupjiout the world the prospects seem to he good fortius ear harvest in england the cakwitv of wet seasons and their tegier of weeds seems to have been overcame and thv firms are in erevlletit condition one tuithont- hjlds that the agricultural lands o eugland are worth this spring fitly tailuon dollars mora than ttier were uro years ago the weather seems to be most fortunate here in canada we hao had it dry too dry they say for sowingy but afler this ctme the iwann genial rain and all natqt seem ed wspnng suddcnlr lata young life the f forest and the fiild alike are clothed withdilicala tints which are vrstlly ripentng into euatrarr green the reports from the korth west are similir they seem there to be if anything a little ahead of ourwrlves in their operations altogether so far a ws can jade there seems to be yeat of prosperity before us oaaat ma is ijitsbeo nfuta cunlra4 ramilioi somoloii one of the most disastrous bits aitlt aluvli tho uiifutlunawoity of tttcuic hus bwil attktttt took pliicq oil wfd iivaday uiglil 8lh okt the htiillaim from the comet of st olnur and si claire stretu al ton minutes ufoie lev m uducl i nt and lie lire vvrs uul uudu ooulrul uuil kixo clock lh next niotuing the ivflrcuoii o the llantts ns su ixtcnslvc that in a shoit time half the city anaarvd attended to the bctmie si d by halfuatt clivcn oclock all the ireiu around and leading to the era wire a oomnlittlj lcked witlnw pie llial it aa nixt to iuixissibta to forco the way throujh iluuj the iceue of iimer ocfifuiiou hat met uic gain in the vicimtt of the oouflajiation uggart description uair tin people mi mid inic itticlcn aud ihrcefuuubs of the otlien wcru ou adding to thu general coufusion hi rvmnmg sgninit trch other and assist ini tn the dvsttaclion of the iroartj in the sokiiin lalief that they wen rendering snutanoe in saving it parculs rutrlially clothed hurried jung m every ilirrctwn with infante- lu thiu arms aud ludmj olhew h the hand some idea qf the extent of the digits ter may bo gathered from the fact that 1500 families have leen burned out the number of houses const med is about 8q0 and the total loss of property not less than two million dollars the tollies in the burned district were built clintu of wood and this fact coupled with tie absenea of anything like an effective fire protection system stuieieutlj accounts or the oooflgra tton five persoui peruhed u the uauic the fire originated in a disreputable house the inmates of which were iuv nig a lively row and upaet a coal oil tamp the huiljmg being an old one and very dry and the others in the vicinity beiuu wooden they soon lg nited the time uas almcat rrtvl when it will t necessary for the trifftcrt of the public school to preride further school accommodation m some waj and we would recemmend for iheit consideration the- adoption of the half day ejsum for the junior clafeeisi a means of getting aver the decuty a great deal em be sid m fxvor of thia scheme we believe that a svinjj in expenditure of an extra teacherd ly aiatj maiublt bchranj saurr cm be tffcted and the eavin p oa t cutrge 0 mansuughter icttiioliit oiukji of okuo klallaaiat he mllatiim pmaohen iii bhfloa liwhci thfl following is the final draft of the mlniitrkiil preachers of the ii don omi f ivuee fui 1881 8 j ol oinlph diali let uiiilpkiifolk it wmwilliama juhn y ctoolov ifupriuinnrary i gi iph dubliu it win j muxaoll klont kyrgo ijugjjiu samui i fear sitpeunnuated puiisouhy kphraiin ii suphcnson li a 1irnns win liireis gall uubu h waddilf b l pnalou fiaukswiitin ltifaler brancia k nitnt georgetown w tocton nilson hums hi a ufl without a station at hu own n quest kw llaatburg win saviige lkllin w j fold elmire gio w luii ssangavvia johus fishir aton tiios l wilktniou uuckwood jnhu w pixemali u d rim itaao crane gaiafraxa u w wrijul chairuiaa w williams km sec w j jlaxwcli t l wilkinson of thiiv illgc who has held the cfiico of journal sicretaiy uf the cuufuenee fur the past two tutu was appointed ast secretary t a moore of thu viluge waa ilationed at dilmont this j car christie setfbsrson ft 00 ill uot ft nntll every mn woman nd olilla within dlluw o fifty mllm f has hoard that uiey sell 4 dry goods clothing hats groceries boots and shoes c at almost wholesale prices see oar prices for drew good sec our prim iorcouonh hlilrtlmrs print denims dnckf see our price for felt ii all and gents furnishing 1 1 siec ourprlccd for uooik and shoes sec oer price for headymade clothing they astonish everybody the coroners inquest rata the cause l the itcf jrm disaster was concluded on ilonday the evidence of large number of wituesset hai rag been taken an examination of the wreeb was made hy the jury and a number at leakages wero found in the hult thfe gtand jury in their presentation at the asauea alluded u die accident and tecommended the idopttou of more stnngcnt reguutiocs regarding the in tpeccioa and management of passenge bolts in future immediately on the conclusion of the evidence m the tnjnest the manaaer of the boa george paruti and the uptaln of the lit fated vessel were of room wtjl postpone foe a number cjf years the question of the erection of furtner bnildtnf which is at present ptesfang upon the board by theyhaliday system tha younger pupils attend school in the forenoon or afternoon as may be arranged for their clissps one teacher it thus able to do practically the- wotk of two and the experience of places that have tried lhuyltn is that the little ones make faster progress it u foand that they can da in three hoars all that is needed at their tender age and while the make just u good or better progress they have more time for recreation the plan has worked verr satisfactorily in gait and oiliwa and we tbmk che trnftees of the pubic school hece would do well to look into the system facts for tha to farmers m- i1- ijuvewstook a splendid wt op v 1 3 arvep and other tools 1 -iicludixo- 8cythes crajl tnd ctrua al snalthb rakes 1 forks in 2 3 4 5 k 6 prongs barlev forks hoes spades 8hoveu9 ohisel8 8pud3 grind 8tones and fijlnrw scythe stones i all of which i will sell cheap etc eto eto wo bcllove hat i pflta he la the volume pf buatnem done rather than xa largo pronta on a small turn over the grand trunk railway is to be improved by the expenditure of as mucu money as the issue of two and alalf million potnds of stcck wilt pro duce among other thuigs doubfe tracks will tje pnrfided oo important btctioni a london eist magistrate on slon day morning entereda hovel in the village and found a family named jiiiis consisting of father mother and three children absolutely destitute the only article of fuinitnrd being a chair with a bundle of straw to lie on whiikty did it mad the fact that the scott act in iiuib- ton has been set aside on the ground that the vote was takn oit nomina tion day seems to be about the silliest provision that anr set of sane men could have invented we oui4nol be smprised if a law will be enacted some of these days that a murdec com muted on it sundav is not a crime because some of the hiijftstya sulj eta were attending dirine service on thtl daysc the information was lai 1 by robert a janes of lindsa west storekeeper he charges the defendants with the manslaughter of ehxt donee daughter of tie informant hen arretted both defendants took the matter lightly and were allowed to go m charge af the constable to procure ball which was accepted by john peters j p parish hits belt in 2000 and one sunty in 1000 eanktn found security himself m 2000 and two sureties to 1000 each the magisterial investigation will proceed on sluudny the boats capaciti the montreal star in an editorial says the ulua book containing fie reports for i8s0 of the chairman of the board of steamboat inspection etc has just been published we were ennous and anxious to see the tatmg of the ill fated steamer vtdorta of london at pige 118 of the report we read over the name of w j jfemelley steamboat inspector that hir horse power was 8 gt her gross tonnige iz and her registered tonnage 27 tons therefore wa had a vessel hlch would hava been fkirlj- filled by 100 persons carrying about 600 it wan highly culpame to eyen start wilh xach numtier on board and there can be no excuse for the want of knowl edge a fruitful tragoir on sunday thirty six laborers homes at the asbestos mines township of thetford que were destroyed by tire j i seeds la ddie county georgia at the tonnes wash ilcdiniel irnturderei under sentice for life showed a fellow convict 20 received fiom home ike wood the convict enticed sicdaniel into an abandoned part of tlte mine and struck htm with a heavy hammer crushing hta skull but failing to kill him wood then with a large piece of slate hammered mrdniel over thp head gashing him fearfully but still failing to beat iifi out he then walked to where his comrades were at work and returned with a pick and diore it through the victims leg and into his ab loroen fcannn out the entrails and breaking his arm in two places think ing kcdamel dead the assailant rifled his pockets hours after mcdjniel wit found and restored to conscious nesx he guve details of the assault a w gree will pay the highest market puce for any quantity of citioi duid applef ice ckeait b ibv dish or quart fresh and pure at nuuina cikery call aud examine ifilla new stock of fcraiiics a splevdid lot of harvest tools cheap at pearsons arton cakes of every description made to order at shutt uoilcu at xrliius baury gills btfare bujing see our jill liuery piuiihk flukirs ribbons it lots than half puce at illlue cua eurgttawa tkeat 5fotitsntrnd yonr fnendt to icu ctvaul at ivicllius caliry crockeki and glumware at prices that wilt surprise vou at ptaisouv acton b enitvtolo cheap luc butter and eggs at th farititrc producu market chiutie hiuderton k cc litest docigns in photo franet at hills belting very clesp lace curtains 75c per set at the eg and butur depot where vou get the famous 50c tea christie hender eou t co nails and nmces locks etc at asauishingty law rales at ptaikont acton c w hill iiu just opened the cnest stack of photo frames ever shown in acton rcmctubcr that famous 50c tea at the eg eukriuui told m 51b lots at cents christie hctudersou ico hats from 75 cents to 2 5c at i fyfe see our nbbons at 2c and up sash ribbon i5c yri and up girla hats 5c stlka very cheap at illlue cus georgetown see our 50c t the best in the county and dot you forget it at peaisou acton first class returned pressed hilk pant at j c hills why psy iso cents on the dollar for goods when you can buy them at ililne cos georgetown ior 70 ladies nanlles newest stiles at christie uendenon k co t a giod second handfcook store cheap for cash at j c hills a good felc hat fur 75 cents at j fyfe s cmtihtle hendrson sz co arc now prepared to buy all the choice butter and fresh eggs ta tha tnwnahi s of nassagaweya etnmosa erin and esqitestng they will lead the matket as they have alwajs done when buying these articles of produce rstnemlier their 50 cent tea sold in 52 lots at 45 cenls if yon want a nobby durable and cneap suit j frtes is the place to go cistern and force pumps cheap at j c ttills stove depot look out for the great auction sale of dry goods beginning tuesday uth rast us we have to leave by the 1st july the store having been leased to auotlier pirty rememrier the place milne 4 co gtorgetown dout you forget it a nice lot of bird cages just ar rived at j c hills tin shop cheap come with the crowd to the glasgow house highest price paid for fresh eggs best value itf 50 cent tea christie henderson co it aaociat in i we ha 1ia ve also a nice lot of cutlery and shelf hardware- 2t at low bates jg f i butter tubs the nicest in town qheap t 1 hingis strap i t butts screws etc in great ruruty cheap in oroekary oiwr it erinnwar lamps oblmnr buriwr lift a larft atoek at bottom prfooa glaaaail sues putty painti 4 ofla tnrpentina vanuih ac salt by tka barrel cheap ix cbocestlehihaveabplenad asmrtnmnt at lowest priaet i see our 50 cent hp thebest in the county and dont you foe0bt it v if fi green sells cheap qrben keeps prices down green does the trade eggs ettee aad deled gplei i for wmcii dill be paid tut highest harelt price iv w green corker of hill l main streets a o t o in garden field flshioinable tailoring 8prin0 8t00k of oloth3 therubsr ber in returning thaals to his numerous castomers for the liberal pat ronage extended to him since oommaclng bonnes in acton would mvita attention to his resh arrirals of spring summer tweeds glottis diagonals fancy coatings trowsarings vestings which hare been selected with great care and hare been bought in the best markets on the most farorable terms close buyers will find if to ineir adisntage to inspect my ilocfc before going elsewhere as mr prices are put down to the iovr est figures for cash a perfect fit tfuaarnleed the latest fashions just keceived r e nelson must say its the mcett thin i ever used fat lh6 leethaedbreth8ari everjnoe fiavlnj trlod lie new icllet fcm getaffentaampl6 tnu fciddtst or sao sionn the grey hairs of age being brought with sorrow to the grariv is now we art glad to think bfcoming rarer erery year as ho ua of cingalese uuir eeslorer becomes more general br its uve ibe scmly loots of age once more resume their r color and he hair becomes tliick and luxuriant as ever wuh its 8cotch euclish and canadian suitings in ercat v anety at the east end id we o dflf the change of ears resting assured that no grey hir t any rate will come to udden ns bold by e ifoguvin 50 cents per bottle best aid comfort u the aofff rlnt browns household panscea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures f tin in the side baok or bowels borelhroal kheumitljm toothache lumbago and any klml jt a fain or ache it will irost surely quicken tha ulood and heal as its acting power it wonderful browns household panscea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir orliuimenl in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramus in the btomadb and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle clothine stare j fyfe actuu suits and overcoats at extremely law rates and made in latest styles be sure to call aati aec them j ej fe acton the bug and bnltcr emporium will take all your eggs and choice butter at highest maiket prices hav ing conlatted to biipply an industrial insluuiion ith butter our facihtits for dandling huge quantities are tin limited we want at least one ton per week icava you tried our famous 50c tea f christie uenderson c0 milna t co georgetown intend retuaiuidg a few weeks longer to close out their sumraei goods of grant thompson 4 ccis biukrupt stock the ladies all my they are selling terrible cheap tivtheui and flower seeds at j e hacyards pectoral balsam has no equal for the pernunctu cm of ntghb tolfti ftrr thrat julhma cnap wbooptu con it bnarlililf tad all tmrng blncart tw krtrr bottk cnaranteed it rtv umfictw t j4 ilbitrk co prastrntn tonoto watoh repairing having secured the services of mr a h lhmov as repairer ol fine watohes i am no in a foitin to do all kind ol watch repairing mr lemon beidg acknowledged by those of the trsde who know bim lo be ont of the best work men in canada those who have been in the habit of getting their watchei repaired at our establishment enn tlierr lore rely on their being done as carefully as usual yonr ob t servant b savage vatctanjwr ft jmllir ouilp mcgarvins fatnihe laying in a stock for harvest i am prepared u tnt liberally sample and save money come and see butter and eggs tnkeu at the highest price a call rolieiied acton jnae loth 1881 j b pearson the wonderful ma j m dcrlia the baunce of this kovth we shall ofteb it oob dress department 180 pieces new summer dress materials is evlbt desirable shades scch as oxford or bg drab masilqii eambrldo 81 brown navy oroan vc at 12 cant a yard nre to a we advertise this as lh oheapest lot of goods it haa ever been oar pleas submit to an appreciative public together with this lot we will ober american lace banling uevr shades at 25c french brack buntings at 2oc 35c and 40c 42 inch black cashmeres pi 50c 38 inch black frenclitwill at 80c i french debeige and swiss serges at 29c 25c 30c andwloc fringes satius and brocades o match each piece j t- i a this announcemeistt la worthy the thoughtful consideration of every lady in the city mid u this will be the largest offering of ftne dree uateilals ever made in quelph we prediot tbaidunng the oontlnuano ol thu sale oureeubluhfaeai will more than ever be the centre of attraction for udiee wishing to procure first class materials l 1 silk slxades and satia parasols all reduped iaprioe great bargains offering john flogg k son direct importers grjelphlj drug store acton seeds y a

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