Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1881, p. 3

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the tree press ttitwma uoitkisc june 1g isil fans 1 fan811 mjjslu a urt tfvckt tuttc btup j wiut awikc seaside ukcvmc frank lia square libraries shlcutlm reading vcry cheap call m ul- sec my lock george hfsds dealer m jewellery fancy clods boks fcsjbtioncry acton out home news sayings and dotncs lutowu and cottnijrr- itdcs coiakcted ajvd rxtcrted for the rakk passs i v tins is the month of roses hoe rour jwliloes noar ifjon have arty bldyau bc tho lunar eclipse on saturday tight tm prospects arc good for a large crop of raspberries tuefate press from aovr until january tit iss2 for fifty cents there wis i tng wind storm lut rcry little rua oa jfaaday evening jcxe roses ire now plentiful and their fragrant pcrfutue pervades the air r h xiodetmid intends to veneer his new blacksmith shop with red brick j mb jos t thomiiion eques icg it raitiac preparations tot the ujaoa- lactate of cheese xo coexctt meetinj list tuesday erening ecimu cat caocch members to form a cuqrtm 1 wouldt it par some of onr 1 enwrpnsin business then to organize a telephone system ia town the esprit thinks that oskville t2ihtejpy actons zl eciniple and pass a caw hylsw with favorable results a coitle cf kurs of white mice ia a care in mr pcarsanyshop window attract the attention of the juveniles a miltox psper sirs the oifcville people hive to tie cp their gitcs with ropes al debts to keep the court out of their yards yetrsirndy will be universally observed in the ehcrohes is s uy of united prayer for sunday schools throughout the triiv tiittuneril of sirs jos bdesur j iliciltoa passed tiroch here frvru georclcwn oa slocday to the catholic cemetery those who were outafter the ahower oa monday evening raikt hive ob served moslbeatifnlvieh in the sresiem itr rzst before easdoira tee greed trunk uiilwiy cnl- plorees on the section ertermicg from strsrfovd to toronto propose holiiai their taacil picnic ingcelph this ycir in jaly we save received new etocfc cf mcamicc coois of every description fc- cerai notices coarcinc iad mccorisl csrds printed ia the litest styltt ciu and sec- oar sirepjes r ease call nistch was lived in gnelph ntriliysitereoon betweenthe ilsple lesfs of gcelph and browns of iir- triston resclting ia a victory to the latter by a score of iz to l the agent herald jouklied jo phil5iljhii isa raonthh- joaraal devoted to the interests of ants and canvassers the iiay narabec is to hinl and is decked ta aaeatir cew dress besiles feeing other- wise creaty iaprovei it cots apton people only 30 cents psr eight to light and erticaish their rtrt iaccps it costiililtna a peat deal the voiuutcer uro it llm frout greek- pea hive made thuir p- wuat do jqu think of the rovisod ivcw ttiuaicnt cosstderaiilk ptoinenading u in- dalged in luc liui cvcuinip tue street urkenlcd in unusually hirring ippcaraacc on satarday tveaiug a new culvett haa ben put in near stcphcaioat ltackiaitu shop ou main street the sidewalk oamiin md mill- ttrect ia uow being pathed forward uitli rapidity tue shower which fell on moadaj- cvcuin tlrough very lip lit iceaied la pat vigor ialb all uie crops mrivr little p s i reprts geargctovra uechaaict t atutnto to be in a very creditablncoadilioo 0akviuk lets cows run about the streets to give the place a rural air tor the purpoio of attracting tammer visitors be tue wind during monday even ings storm wreuehed off the large gate lead tag into sirs s a secordtgarden oa alill street cottresppxdests will please bear tn mind that ail coramuaicatloas mait be ia aot later than tuesday eveuing to insure iawrtioo missus mcciaa tico- guelph forwarded oa friday last per erpress over 603 pair uf hoso as a doaatioa to the safler- era of the quebec fini v the liody of wilfia wvlfcer of gaclph who was drowaed five or aia weekt ao was foaad ia the river last week ia aa advanced state of decomposition me walter mctay late of georgetown now of portace la vrairie carried off the prise one red by the latter town for the best plaa of it market hoaae we have txeeivedtho prite list of the third annual dominion krhihition to be held ia halifax x couiaicacing an tvcdacsdsy sept ut and clotiug oa friday sept suth cash prizes amounting to 15000 are offered it was e in the prttliftnan that the kev l cameron of thauitsfard fonaerlv of acton bad resignett his charge there this is incorrect air caracraa has no intention of resigning bat be intends to leave for scotland this week oa a viiit the ladies of grace church mil toawill give a concert in the town hall milton on the evecing of tcesday the 21st icst besides local talent a number of ladies and xntletnea from hamilton will take part athe performance cktmwit if eekt man would nuke it his besiaess toncat the grass ia front of his premises it wonld mska a material iai- provement to ie appearance of the streets ok tiiuiudal- latt while mc w ffmbaud and if o of kaaaagawoya near knalchbull wn absent woi homo bur- rlttt cutcced thoir msideuoo and ibittaelcd therefrom the mm of 170 part of which bclongd to the mcthodiil ohurehr mr hnsbaud being treasurer for that body two ou of mr huiband wcroi hauling manure from tho stable to a sold near the houic bit t nothing of the burglars it ii generally luppowd that the pcriietratori were well acquainted with the pramiioa lie xs idvortisemeut iutho uauon directory jut publiihed the editor of the georgetown llmxtd hw lhaiiadacity to sule that tho hmttd it the hilton fem- loranco organ wonder who gavu him aalhority to call his journal za tcmpor- aace organ there are three or four other papers in theeoanty whohavc tho lameright to assame that they are the tcmperauco organ tho iccram ihould at least try to keep tothc truth if it is ouly in an adver- tacuient tjicrsdav morning last mr isaac orr aacmployee in messn s moore cos stave fsctory met with a severe accident the stavecutter had been unwell for a week or more and tho fsctory had not been run- uing in consequence and lotafo further loss of time mr orr concluded to try to ill tho stavecutters place he succeeded very well for about aa hoar when by some means hit left band slipped iuto the machine and he lost about half aa iuch off both tho ecoud and third fingers mr orr thinks lie wont try stavecutting agaia for a few weeks teneaals ve had a call ou monday front mrthos it campbell of milton miss mary kennedy of georgetown is paying her friends here a visit mrs james barclay of erie pa is visit ing her friends in acton and vicinity mis elita cameron left ou tuesday morning for collingwood on a visit to her friends there mr alec secoed now occupies a plsce the packing and shipping department of the canada glove works uev mr mclutyrc of thorahury at one time pastor of the ctmgrcgttional church here paid his acton friends a short visit on monday our holiday season i approaching king c the dry goods nowi ladies would be a good time to purchase jour travelling- suits whilst you have a good choice we have some nice lines in j surges gashmeres buntings etc centlemen now is the tim3 to buy your travelling and rusti cating suites we have in stock a choice lot of and the grass on which co rs arc not allow ifcss than vtiat here a man carries a lamp df fcis own or goes it bimd ia his nrcturnal tiaililes or else stays at home vers oce eori tti volunteers ifft oa monday morning for niagara whtie theyill be pat ttxnsgtt their facings for twelve days we opine that the com- pletkia cfsitae of our village boys will be considerably cliacaed by the time they retarn hsme the friends of mr p s-arm- ttrccgaaafainili wharenioved to kebraski some time agi will be glad to leara from a letter received a few days ago tfeafthe family are ail enjoying gwid health and that the prospects for good crops are much better this year thaa kst iwc aire been infonned that mr j e barber of the paper mills generously abicribed the sum nf 3 to oari mechiaics institute and aaaded in the names of 3 of fcis employees as meabers thereof george- ferrt herald mr barber has set aar- celhat eiample to other large mployers jsia wj- s smith for the past airteen yean employed ia savages jewelry atore gcelph hasopened a shop and com menced business for himself in the premises next t xiies bookstore on wyniham st i number of oarcitisens are well acquaint- d withsfc mith and trill no doubt be glad to tee him sacceed j this afternoon prpspect division 5s oft xasssgawera will hold their an- aha tea meeting inthe grove a brootvilk adjreaes win be delivered by mr d b chiiholm of hamiltoa prof foster kew bronswick and others acton brass band wilffnniishmaric a concert willigiren ia union hall ia the evening we esre received from jfessra wh- irwht tco publishers hamilton a copy of halloa county gazetteer and directory foe the year i8sc the directory includes- the nasaet and post office addresses of the ratepayers of the townships towns villages and posuuocalities of tbeeonnty weh as other local and roiscellaoeons in- formauan from a casual perusal of the work we find it aa correct and complete aa cool j be desired and it wio be if value to the baeinesfmea of thexxiuuty local agents are wanted by the publish now on hand ed to pasture coald be gathered in and thes atilired for wiuterl food the eclipse of the moan toofc place early on sadday pornitig and was wltresed by a namber o oarcitizeas tlri eclipse began about 1215 reaching a total obscuration at 117 attained the middle of the eclipse at l 5s and continoed until 235 whea the moon appeared ik response to an invitiion frotr a camber of pedo- baptists rev t l wilkinson has consented to delivers course of lectares oa the nature sabjects and mode of baptism in the presbyterian church evertoa commencing on monday evening 20th rust aad continuing five nights tee work an the new presbyter ian church in this village is progressing favorably and when completed will be a valcxlda acquisition to the public buildings of the olace as well as a comfortable edifice for the large congregation who weekly as semble together to worship god the cor ner stone will be laid on tharaday icth inst erin aicvxtft the acton fgee press rays that the town and villages in all parts of the country are following actons good example aad passing prohibitory bylaws would it not have been a good thing if the feee ppess could have indndederin erin ad- ramfs had the a dcocau copied correctly what the pen pecm said the item would have read prohibitory eotr bylaws we are informed that mr wm stephenson of the late acton plow co now of jordan has invented and received letters patent for a ground anger for boring post holes or wells it is elained that it willwork saccesjfnlly in the hardest clay road ta the dryesfc season and is capable of boring a hole three feet deep ia three min utes is ocr hut issue it was incorrectly stated thatcapt kerat and lieut breckon had resigned their commissiont ia the 20th battalion capt kerns his been promoted to the office of msjor and lieut breefeon retaias his sxisition col murray and capt mchsster have resignal major allan of this village now hold the office of col aad is la command of the regiment 51b r little p s inspector for thiseounty inspected miitonfjchanici rostitnte this week and kindly furnished at with the following statement the total dumber of role on stock book 2729 total number ia the library including 9g vakof sessional papers 2233 total num ber of tattered and not in circulation 107 namber in the hands of readers 250 total namberaocoanted for 2590 total namber unaccounted for 139 aow- the last issue of grip contained the following rich hit oa the uaeuty la the city coluina of thegaelph ifrrcurjf we read the revhed test tbtajdt t j day- haviagan eye to the spiritual weuare of the printers of tie mercury has presented a namber of the employees with a revised edition of the kew testament they are irow for sale at the bookstore this appears to be a bad case of misplaced benevolence surely mr day eould never hare imsginedfhat the iferauy fellows would have gone aad sold bjs gifts or is t possible that the bookstore alluded to has three golden balls over the door the revised a aeriaua accident occuncd at milton oil tuesday morning to a ballast rain on tho credit valley itailway when oeriog the station a broken wheel on one of cite gravel cars osneed tho cr to tw thrown from the track killiug one raanmdttijurinc several others one of the men having his cellar bcue broken another somnbroken rib and another being badly bruised across the hits the remainder who were onthc car escttjktl witbotlt tnucb injury froa our oua corrfrjardrnt tho sabliaili schoolchildren of el-en- iirer clitirdh enjoyed themsclves yery ranch at htir picnic if puslinch laki- oa saturday 1 prospect division sous of temper ance hold a picnic to day acton bisks band will provide excellent music on thursday last while mr husband and wife were at guelph the house was robbed of 170 mr h has no suspicions as to who is tho guiitv party mr r l meade is doing consider able in thg culture of bees ho was very fortunate with his stock of ixes last winter ned scotch english tweeds we makt up a nfej tweed suit to order at low aa 050 o eurbak for bargains in fur ai felt hats we have a fine stock of men and boys fur and felt hats which we are selling less than wholesale at these prices 4fede 60oil 75o aai 100 mens fancy hose 5c a pair but the cheapest thing of all is our heavt white coterlets f0 110 only a few dozen left hughes griffin e hdforl e e bollort j s williamson ww mm the lldn at work toronto oil go are sole manalactar- ers ot cwwrine uachine oil in- fringemepts will be prosecatej the iitrgkrt stitretjn and indeed tlie largest 5sh ever kaown to lave been captured in camtdinn waters 1 was cduht by s hoire twentymile point two miles from port dslhousie and weirk10 poauds it wa on ethibitiocntn toronto on satindjy the ckaolc ems in actdrn on tbe 13th inst the wife of mr j t euu of tlie atil cf a son thejlltjlk haerkok likusat 0a tins ut inrt by tbe rev ii mutlmd at- the reiideiic2 of mr jostph lluduty horuby emtatr tvrr harrison of milton to mu mary a liddfavf of hornby waleee hahiltos in acioa on the i5tu itbt at the residence of the bride j father by elder a anderson of lutuil- ton mr c h walter f krin vtlle tomus ellaooiy danehter of mr rich ard hamilton of this village tbe gki1 e adams ia actoo on the 15th icit mr josiah adaais aged tuirtyeicht years fanerxl will iavt the residence at two pm and the fnaeral sermoa will bepreacli- ed in the methodist charch ltt9x jcxutet- whitewimae 1 05 to i 10 treadwell old i g1 to 1 12 spring wheat guagcw eld k10 to ill mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marble works gaelph are nutcd or giving satirfuctina to those favor ing thetn with their orders if yon need anything in their rme be tare and remembci thetn they do a very large busiaeas coa- tttaently ther are able to gire better terms and keep better worfcmea than smaller worka scud to them for trticutre just look ak your dealer for castorine machine ill ocd eee tbit the birrel ia branded castorine aa none other is genuine a hcaltiit man never thmtit of his ruinj- sen the dyspeptic ihlnfcn of nouiinj else iiidlcetuaix is a conitafit rcnlnder the wts nan who finds tamsetf bagerinfjrut kpcndafcweeitsforaboaiefifznin i null hi new and rernarfcable wm otmj for cleansing and tonlc tbe syrttm fitae- flsttng the ulgfitlveappanuaf and toe liver to proceriy perform luelr dalles laasslrallat- i net lie food cieta locentkamieof zopcsa thenflw remedy cfyoardrofcclft jejic qanin afwdos will surprise you this way immense xob purchases i- eztraoedinae low isioes reat bargains for the people we have concluded the purchase of some large lius of drv goods amouf wb i are tbe following sjeciales r choice of 500 pieces print at 7 oenis per yard wurranted equal to any 121 cant eoods choice of 600 parasols at 25 centa tha chaapest eooda in the city choice of 25 pieces striped silks at 35 cents per yard choice of 50 pieces fancy miihlina at 10 cents per yard choice of 185 dozen childrens hose assorted sizes from 8 cents per pair upwards j choice of 50 pieces heavy ducks at 121 cents per yard- chance of 100 pieces tapestry carpets oougtit at agteat sacrifice and offered at prices ucrer before toucbed ia the ury uhoi trsje of odelph x dijililiamsplt co svepm 0jcf x i beautiful spring suits from 1000 up at the east end clothing store t w p use costorine machine oil or all kinds of machinery hisilsoeiwiiebti forhrnes or leather mating it wateri and weather proof i reader have you riec etery remedy for chmnicdiseae impure boodif ordered llrer or kidneys k rtousand tieneral debility constipalion of the dowels with the inanifold sufferings pertaininp thereto j have yon- pfen up in despair try iinrdocfc bbiod bitten- it will nnt fall you a- trwl bottle only costs id cenis regular site si 00 any dealer in medicine aa sup ply you i pay cp all parffes indebted tn the undersized for biead tc are required to call aud settle their accounts immediately e kicklix s0k eed chaff peas oats barley eye rjgg per doz butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bag dreased hogs wool 0 mto 1 0 go to 0 70 0 35 to 0 0 0 50 to 0 55 0 65 to 0 70 0 12 to 0 12 0 13 to 0 u 0 u to 15 0 35 to 0 40 700 to 7 50 0 21 to 0 21 guelfa hikkett j2 75 to 3 00 flour white wheat lrudwu spring wheat qlasgow bedchatf oats r peas barley tye eggs per daz butter dairy packed butvr rolls potatoes new per bush pressed hof wool l 10 to 1 15 i 10 to 1 15 i 15 to 1 15 1 03 to i 10 0 39 to 0 40 0 65 to 0 70 0 45 to 0 45 0 65 too 87 0 10 to 0 12 0 10 tofl 12 0 10 to 0 13 0 30 to 0 35 7 00 to 7 35 0 23 to 0 23 new testa- a gexts wanted reliable asenta wanted to canvpw for the fali review a beauil- fal llflioffrarhlc palnttnff j2i2s incnw of xtagaro falls plven to eachyearlj mbucrlb- er pletare alone wortli the price of the paper and tafces imniposelr subfcrrttlia fatkcricwt incltidlne rlclaie fcwqreran- naw liberal cotnmtsfcttn given send 0 cents for satnjle ritctare ani paper and get terms to agenik tnlsamoantto be dkucted from first list of five games seiut lb oar ad dress axaeu buqx klagarit fallsoat acton tannery hemloct bm wanted 2400 pec cord will be paid for all wellsaved hemlock bark bark mast be kept flat and piled fall four feet lone bark will be taken as it runs heavy and iifilit chas knees acton may 23 81 ment air j e hivixa boeanx i laege stoce or groceries glassware i cr6ckery for cash and his expris bcintr hsht is confident that he cakh0t be umders0l0 a nice variety- of cents spring underclothing and all the newest things ia qqjitairs ties etc etc js fyfe acton ahead of all competition 1 farmers can rely on receiving the highest market price for their butter and eggs best value ik teas ix towv l kew jtiivi tin whole of tha 3fock f freahj and some of the verrtjatieat designs in glassware hare just coma to hand your paronag9 i kindly solicited w p brown mcgarvnrs special announcement 1 mammoth house georgetown bejf icsre to announce thai they base made extensive purchases in tweeds ore s loeds muslns prints carpets ss i iu addition to their former ituuiaiisa toet44t save parchisel large lines j of the aoove foods 100 pieces or 2000 yarda all of n and fahicnable scotch tweeds reg ular prices 2 2s par suit and in the city they charge 30 lor the name goods and to be sold for 18 per cuit made to order drbch30jis 8a we ue lv 20c north double the mony dubs musuns 5c 8ol0c worth doable thetnoney prints for 5c 60 8c 10c worth in each case 33 per cent mdr tapealry uirpots for 50c per yard we have maha an addition of 50 pieew aftspestry carpet to our stack- bare rtirther a hanificent slock of brussels in our millinery depanoient we were neter so busy or hands are working night and day our drdervd clothing oepartmeat was never in such a flourishing condition the above is proof positiv oiatve tire doing the josineasugiving ik barrains and pleiaug the eoplo come and trade with us and have jloney j 0 meledds anderson oo drug store acton seeps r

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