ls mmmm iu 1 1 i tee free peess tiicmda morktur june 23 1081 r ywxg fojrs cobvss a little aibls wonder ft tilt da the bitde aaj f isatider i wonder with their clutter and clutter it uitl all pin dr tho todd do they fret it totue boggle of blunder as wc frcl u we scold dsy after day do their hearts ovst ache i loader i won der at an ihmg tl than the danger that comes when souic entory threatens them over of under their treat ealr booth of their great leafy home ivi they vow ta be friends i wouder i wonder ilh i rv mues fur and promiics ect thai quick as a wml it a word fall asiin as huuua cncudt do in a moment of hiat batdav after dsj t may wonder ted woo dcr- aad ia theat no end of tach qaeatiuu a theac wth clitur and chatter not over now un tcr the luif leaf bough of the big leafi trees tncv dxrt u d thev lim with their bills fli i j hm ler i ri i ti r i rl li thev anwer or kivc ndt never t wirtf shih i cit tluuch i woomo tho striunr two lr students on coruia sab baltt slrsed into climcb where llioy were strangers talked m whole tetigclt lo the iul it and not t door of a single per was opened or a single seat offered to ticm with quiet dignity they turned und marched out again wont about i mill to the school and t lie it tuuttung with chairs made their ai poaraue in church again cikily soatinir llicinulus in tha broad aisle they had no trouble after that time in finding i frvn t hw tt r iui titl tuch ts ic oc as i sotvra bliaifitr rttilnrs fctler laius loit bj the un bftlbj icd his fneeds rra tni jutrptml ttip cq the whxrf thfj htiiij oti to the rvik inti kilic frota the oras of the vt- iek thrj jlep into nt ixat tcj rocl thca ull ihg ftttr come over the ndts then the fhke tlemckct ul lojh tnd tt q tue eca uuiil their clothe iff drr bobby oftea taiaucs mto the writer bat he ooccfs cp like rubber txll he 1oes thit bv tad mj f tiiti fciud ot titer docs not dron foit one dij- 1 ues bcit uv fxiunj cor its mist- the ma in the bcxt-hottsi- heird ft noise like tint of vtcit seabird fupptcc lu aringt oa the dect they rui oct d tlere lty x little bodv dressed in snort prnt tad red itoclin beiung the dt ntb its had uid feet it ttrbobbv h bet the hed and vhere m iu hctd i ikjca ur the dxzl holjl of uie bct the lowlt tnd jobs told thxt bobbys hexd ni still oa ha aecfc j dobbj fitter toot imtll f tad sued t pice cf piiafcoct of the deck he tid to aw veryneuf tte little wtite neefc bat he did cot exea scratch it thea he palled boboy op by the heek tne little we ti tety rod he ti netrly iad- tfley cre him tome titer tad whea h rts better tsked hoir did yoa get yoar betd doni there 1 t as soon ts bobby eonld get breath enocrfc he aui t thcoht thit muthoc roddjost fifcpy hetd tcdsoitdidl bet my en tod oose wocldat let it cuaie- up iriin whea i wmted it to 1 tt hat did yoa think ikhen yoar held kis doxii there tkedhis ftther mniiufaoturr of keaprri movrori tndlhmtiiitgmioblner rrer torint maohmo hi to nr other h will oelwoar linj icl nud vlephut and u wtrnuiud not to gura the moil miierabo man in th world iojje new anafashlohablegqtid 0 i the right house goodii curtain ii the djftieiilic and dnpepia uoneof oolora from 60oenl to t m jra th moil twleaame difflcultiea lo a full took of dlk and ivhonlla fringe from the lowtat up kafllw i uf aneli ihli mk tonilhnk n waok fntlrja ogandio drim molln vttttfh vrtw i tbsik bugirdtmp ererlwllng trimmlngc rouohlnf flermto comtauot grat tiriilj ol tflhtr oxl jvatkl nuvlimbw w hbe ssw m the rca upod depnrcmerit irrmi haa juit ornd up tbsconteati of twenty oifboflny tastndvfi blaok crtm oolorrf bilk wlwr- n a rery liandwme lot ofolrlch feather er cheap and a mtnrllf ol tflhir fooila walkln silko art uperlorvnluo in both blaok and nil tha now mmlw woflsraod u oompoed o m from 3 mj to l 60 par yard he bar remote but burdock blood hitlers alwayi conquer it it illuililules tho ecrelion iprulale he boweli aoul ufon the liver aid diqellun wild tone up the o centi large fa i ouhmm art beautiful rxxb rannarom fi ufr a llnol ouhm up to t ja not ftru ptttl joojfrom it ttntt ifj tff jtemmkr tkiy tare wt oia iuautu and pncei do not liurgalitea that only i ii blood bittert u naiurai own calharlic o door in lbt church and aa had a mu n 01lm uic lie lha been tematkid by a leading lawyer of klu the liter and the kidueja aroui- injtall he eorellonsloalioiilthj action the town that wax tho best sermon ever preatbed in that church a kindly innution la a mighty hgency to win and attract a aoul tho lollowinc amcdute told in the london witiii jwiuts to the fact tbal mi occasional mne of humor in the oritihli okr aliettier accidents or not eitrv il the ae of stutkifijkkich clownk a vicar of a countr parish had occasion ulclj to remou sttrte a lib n ion u memlier of hi unci ln hid nulil bwn con jieihnis ly ins ttinfiicrt froji the omiruinni of ibe tulj communion fur i titin kit minuet- iftnljc luuril 1 ilii i tci sf ilut in didnt ciusuur riitiifrlf miihuiiik imliiitd lo rluud wlj noti nt jt ti tho ticnr jou bate luvn ciiiiiuul r via mr nilnd lltxlt and wccinated too but tluv neither of ivtu took 4j kiiea doctor disictee who shall dectle the people olten decid by throwing phtfic to the dog and tryn g burdock blood bitters and the result it nlwuys rat tfactory bur dock buiool bittern u tho mctrrit w iltro of raeiueal faeoco coring all diwuee of the bio 1 liter an i ktlns 1 trii hottlf onlv cocts 10 cols dollir bottleuiy fetve you many d liars in doctor s litis f ptetike mis srrrvn cter a loac ft vere winter ihefyttcca needtclet ai c to parities katcre diut be aulx led to re- cupente the l rfrant be mmde tocu ll surpln bile and impnrllles errte4 orr zs ecsx from pmrll sets it a centle parc- atlve it 1 j iinirrfueeilnto tuiteoantrj tbe remitrtableretuuofiifew dcsesipmoit turpnlnc art yoardrrcxil 1 f strtiar- vln f jr a 10 cent lamile kp1 try ciecsx ile itmt icw rial reme y for drfpcpit itidlexftlon cossllptllon ttdd elltcojtness ever introduced in v it eoanlry tho liver is the grind purifying organ of the eyttem when inactive or ob- structect bad blood and ill health are ortain results burjoel blood bitten cure alf diseaseaansmej from discrderci ltter stomach bowelt or kidneys purifying retorinc and strenjtheningl it reuutet the bowelt cleanses mid enriches the blood and imparls lone to evey organ of the body trul bottles 10 cent kherit kothert fethen areyouduturbejaitnlghtand broken ofyourrest bvaick child suflenngai d eryinj with the eicractating pain ol cutting teeth if so coat once and get a bottle of urs uinsiot hootbing it purlhes iheblood and cures all humora tven the worn form ol scrofula and tones up tho kern us and debilitated stop thiil couch or it will le id lo inoua disease ol he limp or bronchial trbea vriliou uimpouud v of wild cherry villi cura it lor lou now it is pleasant to lake contains no opium or other inj in ou drut anj it ncomiiieudeu bj the rnny tliausnds who hate already used it aid bcuicurul by it ror llotrenf whooping cough croup bronchitis caurrli and ixiisol voice itbnsnoiul be fure and get hie cenulue in white wnppers ladiw il you with to ueep jour lun is solt and while and votir conilerlon ctear and trathpitreiit ue iitnlourts tansun balm it cuies ch ipped llmid ctkckej lijis nd roughness of tho bttnec only cous 25 cents per bottle and i sold by all irugisu down and inlnd ho nimo u itamillou jaut 53d 16si come one and all to hulls -foe- firstclass photogeaphs 10 catctftinim ed irrc 4lcti full to- mrteiu in or c i lu liprtiu mkt l riflisiiic iminevtunj tit c lit n cjie lu ti t i nli pk is diit lo ictrn and our it trtirilou me c lm ip citj i istti ihxt tnj ono ctn malp en nl i nu irxim iln ry surt n kitiepfti li whi i wll icct ruif m itci h urc fcfnuk m n lktyt and dr rit rnrn min j nit h f tnidi at kolu ticfltvtr on- liun trrt dtil i rr i n tlnclt w rfc su inc tlkp tpwrttiiivt lie orr 1i ki tnitf arc sarj riel hi ii c t te- m it npdh wliti tlilciut rj- hn hiiip i racfc mnrev m rn ctujice in uiu itut pdnrn t onrt urt it cue alrtvat it t ud n l nine to h cl caf rthl tn tf tfccalut ensle tt ow- vto neid rca tj ntum i oj i rtt to us at once all furulil f ad ttr tucl t i ainusia maine gktrh kpetirtc uldccee the a roat cnclltli ecmcdr anunfkjm c urt furkemliial t catctip kprrmatrrn a tinicu i ei ai d all ditttuct hiai tomoir of a fcctnc of if- u us tct of tt-m- rj untrimfha illidelnin in iho 001 ininma it- ti m t lo ttkinturc jm ac tttl iwflra t manr kher hliwc that lead io rfititlj orcwoiumi- una tffffutl twritenlarstn oar pamphlet cj ire de sire lond frct h m ii to ret nne itln ioice tedieineukij in all dn- clts at f i tr itm nr tx paefcnxrr for f i nr will tx tent frre by mill on re ceipt of lue ruouej- by ad- drtwtt t tfcj crir itcdlcire co lah2 toroiit vontcarada sofdbyj k hcjanldtimcxt actaou note the followinc sto793 tinmre coal oil lamp 0oods and pump3 cttelp for cash at havills etttetroacfitiicand jnb work n aperfnltr all kluds of track i taken n cvctiause for good i remember the place next door lo creechs saddlery sign of tha lamp hill street acton i 0 kayill whitewashing and coloring burdock buood bitters the only medicine that successfully purifies the blood acts upon the liver bowels skin and kidneys while at the same time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropsynervousiad gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt eheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood purifying tomic imthe w0ru aanelecaille itc t iluiu t co sou fcfltc tooho cecmlar use tlm j3 bolbv casght hu breith agin and sob- syrup it will relievo the poor little teo tmmejiatelydepend upon it t j l ti there b no mistake about it ltereis not a mother on earth who has ever used dowu there i couldnt see the torchlights fctmghft- a tnitn said vottd better keep away from the water ties bobbj sprang lo his feet and cned it wasn t the iters fault thit i pat ny head info that mist hole r everr summer wc erpect to hear that bobby has been drowned bet the first lace we see staring in at the stae door is alrsya bobbys vaatei vat it who will not tell yoa at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and heslth to the child operating like magic it is perfectly sale to use in all esses and pleasant to the taste and is the pre scnption ofone of the oldest and best femala physicians and nurse in the u ited states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle th reliable in exchanje thus tells about it wanted one hundred and seventy- fiveyoung men of all shapes and sues fwm th tll graceful dandy nb hair tuctign on his uppr lip to sttiff a barbers cashton down to the little upstart the object is to form a gaping coqis to be in attendance at church doors on each sabbath before the i commencemeut of divine service to stare at the ladies ae they enter and make delicate and gentlemanly remrrks on their fjerson and dretsg all who wish to enlist in the above cors will please appear in the various church doors nert sabbath morning and even ing when they will be duly inspected and their names personal appearance and quantity of brains registered in a book kept for that purpose to prevent a general rash it will be well to state that none will be enlisted who possrsa intellectual capacities abote that of a well bred donkey 1 so was prcjsroi a kfeshtre man recently took hit child to the minister to be baptised who asked him are you prepared for so solemn end important an occa sfon r prepared he echoed with jiome indignation 1 hae a firlat o bannocks bkin two hams an a gallon o the best highland wbukey aa i wad like to ken what belter prepare tions ye expect frae a man in my con dition o life r ofct e wileons wild cherry has been nick named the old reliable cough rem edy by a gentleman who has used it for miny years and it nchly deceives the name because its soccesa in curing coughs colds croup whoopmgcough bronchitis and liossol voice has been almost universal fur children and adults m old standing caes and in new it always gires immediate relief and effects a speedy cure and is nor the standard cure for these diseases be sure to get the genuine in white wrap- per as there are many imitations bold by druggdts and sledicme dealers cracked hands cracked ilps and eoufhnessof theblin can be cured by a few applications of goibourts parisian balm which only costs 25 cents and is sold by all leading druggists in western ontario try it wm ifelsok ckwrs coksces j if preparci to do sil lit d of irnitewlnuivg colottlvg on the ehot nctico ted at nison al rat- itlxive your ot inis at tbo rr cc fexa office acton t hrw frensbaa vtnn ranr tx a uie rare a ffeaei tttijqu of torn ta cilina or trfaiiir rrn ccou or j fix h mr trtaaf jcrw tohie if7ea rt rerct ta troy ax isxtsx tfatt b co l pru tj can per pstuac tx fcnistaasi aa eea- psciotinc cleaned orated 1 wc kelsov aoton harness tpwults depot a a vawj a iw1w1ti tiliutws tti ill uatuic u if sxooo foetlpjirlx iraoilxcanercarc dpot coctlcoot p q canada f an0er curej wllhoat ttcuof e knife hi oril tcrmf nnt jrc in the cor id la- paiuci ursi t cuo 3ceiittoi c xirix coaucoafc i l cin till 1 ijctirc ktrttt and certain c on sunday one of the legion who has alwaya ben noted for his respect ful demeanor toward the great public observed an old citizen j yawning and gaping on a street cornet and said to him f not open your mouth too wide why w ibe aurprued query theres law ajin opening a saloon on sunday continued the sin ul child u be slid for the middle of the street exceed brdyvmtkkjtslepisgs restless by day sleeplees at n ght rising un refreshed la the morning- without ap petite and pestered by varying and perplexing symptoms the dyspfptio tafcs indeed a gloomy view of human existenee fornim the sestof ills seems gone heartburn oppression at the pit ol the stomach and the attendant mnoy- auces of constipation and biliousness combine to r nder him utterly wretched but mere is if he wdl bat take advan tage of it a reliable scarce of relief from all this misery nocteeop lnak s veoetiatk btscovebx and dtsmtio ccee is as its name imports a boianic preparation free from mmaral poison and an allsufficient remedy for radices tion in its most obstinate form it not only enriches he blood by enabling the digestive organs tp convert the food received into nutriment bar depurates it by increasing the action of the bowels and kidneys th natural outlets for its impurities but while ii relaxes the bdits it never does to violently sod with pain uu a drastic citharlic it aid but never forces nature invigor- atingas well as purifying and regulating the system it thoroughly remotes those diseased humors which tend to vitiate the blood panfies the urinary secretion and promotes a 8ow of healihy bile into the natural channel besides expelling it from the circulation ex perience has proved that this standard nedicme is a thorough remedy for dyspepsia biliousness costiveness kid ney complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum lumbago and all impurities of the blood irfce 1 00 sample bottle 10 cent ask for noatdeof ltxiks vegetable discovery and dys peptic cure the wrapper boars a vie i smite of their signature hold by all i parties requiring anytliing in harness or trunks to save money ehould go to r oreeoh acton butcher shop w 0 robinson would inurnm to the people cf aeton tbat he hat p vfiisrf thet ttctirh lilnrjwutc- ly carried at b it- ri torcvand iliat he has atwjkin hn tafirvieliuiiftflcoc ker perk knuan poultry and came tn tenia a he md hopcahy strict rttenth n lo baslncc to tccuro a fmr fharc oc tbe nitmnce of t if i pibile ufitaoltrcredatany time to any lartof hie town o tcttu cash a chi eclicltfli okdeespkojcrtlt atteiifn to v c robtasoa unx specialbargains emmj qam dominion bct shoe i tore fiarejust received an imaierscbtoekof hxiu andfiiiaesaf every description com- prtslopall iocs la i flfeag hmeas childrens liqqti til hm ordered work particular attention is paldto ordered work and tbe best malcriili wlllalwajabe nitd medisiae dealeri repairing be pairing prompurandeare fnllyattend- edto call and examine oar stock kenney son 1 acton march 01st 131 livery sale board r 8tables milu6treet acton la where you can get firstclass rigs at rea80h able rate8 good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town i all parties indebted to this es tablishment are requested 10 pay up without further delay and sate costs ed itatthrvg proprietor new arrivals gents kid gloves of tv new make and a very superior article white and colored shirts i seats half hose ia cot ton merino cashmere and wool summer tjacuroiothing shaw murton merchant tailor outlph morses pain relier a favorite prescription of a celebrated new york physiciamfor the immediate relief of all pain twice as powerful as an uown rcmei tour time as quick in us acttotrsold at helowpnceof 25 0euts a large bottle fc knowing lis value from the reputation it acquired in the unite stales i ha given away with the vmd ussme of the fouomn drug str or60m0 sanfle itottles wh he best mails twill publish a fe of the great mx of tcstitnonals recti elii tye nest issue of this paper read them ao of the mioming drogpts can ge joo mfornuiioo ot samples given away and cap ilii sopps jou ih thckelcf etc ample given away dr a tt tarlor alieniord z meqarvln acton wm wrtlle arr 1 u campbell 111 belmont a l ueen bellov ins j bernini dreehln wraoraham m dnrassela j r william llmdtora 0 brawn flrlniler jaa gurk bc4un- hart fmer uallocki ooraen c y otaielman chettervllle ltardon ryan camden lst john harris caledon m vsnilcena cramartr i j tt lapnm centrevtn- j c drbrht d chmrum j f 8mtilidnntllle j if osrver rviw vf c klbletl doadas jaati iusedanbar jos edmonds estwood calvin lota gieter j it dsrfavtl bin v thompson fianl- w h lota bait w o smith fc co goelpd j c uasraaranoer o a j a- preton a- uimokra a co usmllloo jotin oaffer infenoil cianro jr jordan v c 1jhoi a lo klmtston kobt- 1ition klnoufch- ihbl u ilia klppen mtrfliro v binlcn keraptvulc hnn t ulmoll lmd t flietln llwfv wii rnr im milljrove z vnliren mtto 8 h chrlstiai manclkster mrtwi hnqse sliiclicll l t klllc jlomburirli w tt s enhn a co mfuford m ttdic ir allocte- ori calz nortb gowcr wi q d- hr miaiec vv 1 iwum oliawa vk simer oesa c q tlllnl iwim wm llie p m imhnch it h ilitu i st phclpsion s k ai lion 1ort pcrrv john soyin iauilli ormonla walhh peterbrotteh- it jarmuth kcbrlnffville m hpriiijrer htralhmy k iumi9 hnillhocid w ii canden glavner m johnion gmith rails g h iloulk r ii ii 8uruag k taj lor sandfonl j harawej- btlrton jas cooper scwh nar thm h allen btevehrvnie urincstotie coimcoe j it ivn t j t hortccr trvnlfin c tlimnpon co tiuoubonr cio narl p htroy v vinwr rtv t fc pomerov tweed- oeo w ion tejon tlin scott it son wanit m iiw ytetl w inrlie v h crootrr ttatenlo i p dale wromimr j kolenon wlarkta ind scnombetr j c saiel tbonibfll j u cieiians k co vew trardee w a flreen vyslkerton lea 1vfilnd- ribt w inmit owen sonnd- j r diwwn omiah- llevew oranffevflle h f mwcinhr ouawa- brewrter a tn ie- ifdvwar llmvin f- wili frafonn ltickioa niesslcll scaforth tho onmlnea ja h lie woodrtock john thnmwn oodfoi w b smith co w w t bnir wlnkham w d hortln tvindaor dont fai y read testimonial published in next laaie of this pnpe if rou write tor information to anr of thy prnn liw names ipnbliak and wtshareplr enclose a yeeat stamp lo ihcta for cireaiaii and farther iaformatioa spplr to aor of tbe above drnstw or hazen m0ese manni chemist 57 front ste toionto hazens carbolic doc soap is the best only is cents for 4 or cake i 1 a distinct and peculiar combination bellows compcukd syrup of htpoph0sphites it eras rs l i elements taenbal to th animal ctgauujtu3 the oxalxmg sgnta and tonics ia eombtnatioawith tho stimulating agent psxwphoraj prsauiyth merit of be- f nd idnpnl in thacjnvemaataidi aarrap hs mbets are usually tsvo withm twentv four hours aai are marked by a stna- njafaon of the appetite tbo digsaou and aajmilat02 entering duectly into lbs nrculauon it tones thr nerves and mnades exe 1 1 a baljiy action of the aecretionj- bdthar dulnrli the stomach nor icjurcs tbe sv em uadtt prolonged tut and may b dueon tinned at aty tma without inonrenieee la a word it pnwoes lh itimuints to aronie the sttength the tonics to retail it aai mant of a hih dura bellows compound syiup of rypophosptiites pzz3 vc khd ptrl4akmtlr cures tfurt and vm tf d irtssto mstsur brett h i lthj tktfi lou of leri lo1 o ilmry nrjt otaburj icmu tuiuiiiaf f tv ii tcttj i fofjw hnatis mnd o appetite tit sch3 stort a pahptixct perry davis son lawrenc ocssil 1qe5t3 bostiffiil wm stewart co guelph oxt l i joknstojts sarsapariiala anet tor purlfitnsjth hood ilhaabeenlnuselocboy proved to tie tho best market f orslck he thjs side oe bai plaet racleb oitiasfaca 1 refsia vjxe8 sad all diaeaaei utse from s disordered liver or an tin- sicum ivia-n- tr ttpoce nsbanas ijmdcalost other wtu nerba tt is not hurt the tnptt ft la one of ustbest for eeeulatma the do it u sold by ail na fears ihose who cannot obtain awhkitat ortakio 1 ia anion by j alooarvio i w e are enabled to offer special bakguxs ik the following lines ol new good- bought at most advantageous prices customers mar nl on value that cannot be beat i e7 black9atik parasols evtsilk umbrellvb ew hosierv for ladies i- misses ew brjtings black jjoji tiv blck cashmeres ew black and cjorecl sntins kew black silks a special lot tooi 75c si 00 1 25 i 50 2 00 2 50 and up to 1 00 new dress atfjslrns f new prints new straw 8unsttades for ladies and misses new table linen vety choice palteme new laces every mora also a lot of ctntearble tweeds for bo b wear isyy low priced gents furnishing department m tiep scnrfs collars s merino shirts etc wm stewart co speight son undertakers furniture dealers waccqm m a istxjfc lofl4i tt undertakfntt etctt description of jjurieral reijuisites of tho best qualities sup phed at ahertsst notioo finrtjaass lleuaiuraishod sarnltre in our cabirietmaking fiaparttnoit wo are prepared for the bpnajr lamand parlor 8uites solas centre tables whatnots bedsteads 4o f wajtgoftg we he on hand a stock oi first olnss lumber wagons and bctnocrats iisaniaotured by ourselves from the boat material which wili lie sold at the lowest i pos riblo rates 1 ig speight- t 90nja0t0m ixv tijavsikc ft-j- saiuattjyisttsaawf- j cti ii5v