Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1881, p. 3

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tv gyffsigsg tliwl jftx tncpw mfbtlvej 7 i8s1 watcilesgoid ml silver watches old on wtkly or monthly payments c10ck8 larre stork of wotkud apring ckkt always m stolk j jewelieby shi dd wdjdiue eiori solid qvkl giurd iliuj kcckiela lockets all tads of jet jc tilery j riots- to sixious tabic sputa knives and iimb llic laigut stock ui town all kiud of watches cktijevvclcrr and spectacle carefully xruirejj- note tttr ruetgio uvuds jeweller t baey uyxit si actvo out tuc leadipi store tor wcjdinvr aiid uiriijiv rrcwalj cu iu add srclliein r t home s p sayinss aud doinjrs in town and coniujv items cotircteu ajjd repoktxb pos the ruca press f v rt sfllmoib mooaltgut nights his brovtxes ploiiogriplac loaiiily ca enures re ripcuingj uiit tie jckp it very tnitll t kb vv e adavs is giving jus hocfe ca cucrcii strcc a coatoc paiut sraitniciiries r ntrly all gwf tlcy axe now- ejiiq for tea ceat wr btuket irjaucfis ire all tasy btyiug harrtg fill riieit jrviit begicriaicoapk of wreaks j x 1 tue miltoaacgw cants tfc tovca occch tochirter a fpcckl train inj tike llic iple of lite town cut for ia eictufcian- mttii cviuipell fannst-h- of the ebciscrciil hoto hiztzt to yuinipe ilh viotr to wttiu zuilu rdjioa alil- to ciacris y tootbill tsujq ftcorite pisltnitfi irijx tie vikuicea and bors these evren- a tuv slicamut jiif oa tte priocipo euects tougli gcdph cectiul iuiitii3 will leltli or te 4h zih cai eli vt tjtuf tie cinccns sf th acitiua ire iifiuc crcn cixruon o tiiiic tue tilubiiioa a yecsoe wts f hat july tliouglt prtlctwy talerfu eal and evkrer- in mftii tojlfaris rili raiilli- ntre irio raltriccis ari exeecre hezi tiicniy after ttrf fgortli crlitwui tlejmjcti tun jrrlcs cfpwiu coatinoit to f3rrt tids uct tdl whs it is sin oglis treijaeu tis to ilt bticr aaa kls rtiiia tte tzjacs tul public fliojis cijrt today fc tiamcrvaciuoti we jrrcmc tlatthe tixclfs live ie ci affc duric tie tail ttir jlt cijcti koduab tolfc uqc a crriositv in ue hp of pfrr trc- contiiii tt tie txae tiine tears cf cjuiilctittfi fi aci bloisocii ciiy ue 6a ia tle injia of ur eli suyderof tiiis vftkee the llojija stpir oa this jcre gruicta d the tre ikev il c washington fcrswrly pasur ot the ieloiist diarcli ltre prcaclcd aa trcdltnt teriaa ia the ilttlocist church on nday evegiijj-last- he cace down oa sitarday to ttttcd the r fcutral of the late john kpcfct ekj cjinas duties for guelph portforja kcre s7 torthceaaie moath lt year tier vtre 207fll3t li- creae i9gs iclid rcra for jcnc- sjojsg far the jmamoath last year 571551 ilcreaie j i xfjleeeiofvivs rvjjortjjtbat their huslmds caaje hotne ieveral eights dannrtheftweek ia a terribly beujidered ccasitiodni ruited tuat it was tje e3wt of looting at the coktv- the koetn duat want aay more coasts to appear for a u hfle fa steoee cf good fartanehii jut lefaflea ilr james jovlall and family thu village by the death til a relative in ecglacd a oiaidcnbe amouat tfioaey hue been left thcai mr aad ilra uoodall left for fcizliud oa thartday hit to receire the legacy beqceathed to thetn s ox fridey evening at balfpast fie bclocfche michigan press ifiociatioa paased throait aco oa tle g t e roui to the thouiaad lusada and iftct- real oa their aaanal ersaraiacu tle traxa war nude up of five pclhaia coaches three firstchus cart a bazge ind condactrv car the spectator ays in referring o dpminioa day tilat caaadaa birthday was celebrated by kaaiilloaiaai in rariou vay5 and doubtleio all wre peaed ue were always of opinioa thatthe first of july wasjthe birtbiaiof oatario sud the ether prbviacci icstsidj of itacadas birthday better loot op yoar caaadiaa hifitoryp a exchange taye ljtric dojs ofwaur littiegnrius of saadycu fcaotc tfae ict- the smotidt thateachde5ojneot fabscriber whotiwtis 6s is lot a iiixfe drop ia him bit t a goodtnifly of them to- gethermake or ttuid aiake if wc had them th mighty ojaao a thatu requir ed to float newspaper aad ire befu to feel that- it time fofquifea pecaiary ahoirer to fall iatosar empty rail harre tncbsdav aftejriiooit iet koue hclam s rybuagnrin eoiplovelia speights bickamitihop was at ifooraa atif fac tory and thinbin he wocjd qrprie tbe jspioyees1y lu ecjcieocjratatavegtticg took op a block and neat to work lf had not cat mauy tava however wbetif the block slipped aud his hsud coming m jiu tdt with the tave knife bo lost the naili and part of the first jpinttpf the fcecood and third ficgeri of hk dghtliaud thwoatd- edfjgiis have caoacd him uonahcaue pain lario the vanh wearier bf lb past few iuyc and he has tlttdtj tolet eoroe other person cattiivejiafutore yui uur muipien of memorial taid itnoartmig card bkivgou your dulldr for auotler jcat ubscriptiou j t school bays will lw lunotng id- mott wild or thvaoxtuvwecki cuoqcet ivaslnif alrvivodhiidcon uderablc time is iftutby uaincrouiciticutis at uttvgkqlq vim wdwmk ou willow su btu been wmiilctcd and workmen arc no cu cscd on the couiion ou cuuwu sl a sitcugu nvi whip wero stolon from mr a v smith hucy it ucnuetts filed oa friday uicht tho thicvw arc kauwa i i titu football vvas kickii tbrcuth k wctreeuc fwut wjutiiyrt tdcalherday ll football ii ly bo payeuiu lawu uic club- should euagci tiddaasyfroai the public etrccu j doitlktos day was very quietly aoticcd here the shop were cood aiid btisium- uas sasivuded a grctt mauy of our citkecs visited fcitudsia variass parts of the cocatn a roofiull club ha bee a organ ized here and conntkrable intf rest is taken tathe a jiiatch was played ou i kv minioa day bclweed to sittcs chwca frotu the clcbithe losiar side payitit far the ice kaat aal strawberries for ihccympany ttte stayncr suit surprisea us by sayicg that the lire ecpinc worfcs wrll and ttidcood service at a cachatitian isxt week this is the lirst caseoa reedtd whcicthe cre enrine bcloiitn to a cocatry town was ubt oat of order sud coaswjiicatly useless at thtiiuof a lire eldca if ilcdiarmid jia of toroeto preached iu the diectple- house oa ssodsy last prayer was oflfcred for the recovery v ircilcat who is a member cf that boiy elder a audcrwo of kiuiiltoo will preach- ncrt scnday- nroraioi aadereain owing to the dentb of john stkriirht eq ikte chainiun ot the floard of trasts of acton school division a pcblic meet i i will be held ia matthews ftaltuert wtdtictday isth icst at twelve deittk ayoii f rir the pcrpoie of eletiua it and jj ropes persoa to til the vacancy- s thettioj ui train rvacbedujf lia line iwipki escesinj and triftlpir at monday cventvj the rau iato a herd r4 cattle euadiap cu tke track killiuqoceand breaking tbe jec c aotber tbi tteis o he a peculiarly fit uwt ts it was ucar it that the ma wai killud about twa wceh i0 c i a jiijx we hats received -the- tdvitncv pacs of the uetf directory toe published at aa farly date by the wtll kuowa direct- ty coepiltrs vfcrsre jobulovell son j loatreal fcvusi tiie eames we jade that the work how beinj prvpir will tie one of the beat ever itiael ia the do ts inioa forcer tditious hive proved iu- ralaable to badness mecand the present ce will be foaxd ir hi advaxicc of previ ous ediiioas t we cakxot but smie when a man rays he cannot afibrd to take bis local pshr becaase he wants to take a city raper he isiht jott as well say he caauot afiurd lirtad uecaue hfc intends hariuc spioe cake meanwhile hj has to aik his ceib- bor aboat the local tew aud notice and the local ppcr goes oa hsililiurphu place aad bueuitef an emc his conveuience tilhtt iarjport this ii nor mauly aad we say without beitattna tht there is toavthizs oat of j at with the aiaa who does not eupport iiis local paper tweaee infordied that ftir eerent evenings daring the past week- or so eome persoa orpcrsocs have bcea prowliria abiat the residence of kr george walter besting the windows tad macin noues calculated to dirtcrb the icmater oa tharsday even- tnc hut the disturbance was conliused and one of the lower windows was broken pefhaps if these peredas were made tc- qcainted with the fact that there is a sick person iu the hcose whase recovery ii greatly retard ed- by their pnuifce they woald dri tt- from auy rnrther diitarbaoce tre t lwilkiucon of this place who recently delivered a teries jsf deeturea oa eaptiim ia the village of evertrio was entertained oa focday cveaicj by about 1 25 pedo- baptist framds of tllit vicinity in the preabteriaa cbkircn tsxs made the re cipient of a very hauiisptcte doaatin the programme of the ereaiag cousistcd of reaxil- ins recitations soogs eooand addresses eeri w freeman bd of roekvood presided aad iatrodaced misses day and to veil who came forward and read a very coinplimectarf address to mrjv aasariog him of the frood effect of histectaires and of the high appreciation df hia ubors by the pejobaptists of the cotcmonity and pre- aehted him with a parse containing the handiocne ram of 350 in cash to thia- mr made a aaitable reply and the meeting was closed with the beuediclion fiuuucc oommituio bo udopwd ca ned moved 6y samuol moore teconded by j laaby that tha secretary hb in- rtcuctid to give notice of nomination of a tit ami proper petnoa to qll tuu vacancy on ihtt boaid of xvunteea caused by the deatuo the ua john skigh ekj baia lotuiuutioo u bo held on wedueaduy july i3tb at 12 oclock noon dmed rtuokfd- that whereas this bwrd ot truifim of acton school divuiuh bad been deprived uf ouu of its niemboca in couat allelic of the very sudden and lamyntr death of lle chauwau the ul jotm speight eq aud whereas we uia deatroua of jcpreaiing our dwii regret aud placing on tveurd our bigb evlimala of hi valuo a au houuriblc uptight and worthy citiin a frieud of educa- audvhereaa wc deeply and at oce re ly sympathize with his fililicted family iu their i bervaveuionu therefore it is moved by s moore teoouded by jokcph laaby that the secretary of ihik bourd be auihorud uu boliaif of the board to prcsont uits motion af coudolenoo to met siwight- aud family m expreasian of our deep sympathy in their affliction moved bf s moon wconded by a ltsby that the secretary be and ia hereby inatructed toptxjcure a copy of the latest edttioa of thij public scbool ltv for tb use of the board of trustees carried board adjjurned to meet en monday evening 5 th stpt pcridaatc mr kcllej grtffld of oakville wuin town oa mouday mr george ilavill spent dominion day with frieuda in gait mr r x thurtell of tccswater is visiting his friends here mr and mrs pearcy of boltaa visited iheir acton frieuds ou sunday j ret chirks t scott of ktoney creek was ia town on djuiiujcm dy miss lin kennedy tpent a few days last vk with frioids in erin village mr alec sccord e jjeat feveral dayt tdr- is the wcek jvith riens ia toronto and mis jennie mitchell of spent dominica day acd several fullowiat dayt with friends here mr samaelcantiinchttn bmiherof mrs tims moore- r of this vilkge js visiting his frieuds here lie v w s mctavish of ktio college ttronto preached iu the presbyterian church here liit sunday mqruiag and even ing metsn jamep williatn and hcurj speight and wifa mrs tliof speight- sr of msrkhammr john mcbride aud wife of concord mr alfred boomer and wife of lin wood mr john boomer of clifford vlessrs r h hah jaraee ftall and s hall cad wife and mus orpha hall of horuby aad iire j wrigsicaworth of aikarove visited acton on satardavto at tend the fcccral of the late juha speight esq boarl cf siusitioil the board of trufitees of acton school divuiou met iatfae school hofion mubday evening priremant to adjourn in eat msmberepresntjmesfers smoofe jl spewlit jaoiea matthews aie laaby and irlnfiby moved byalex xflby fiecond by james matthews that m seigbt occapy the position of chairman renv dered vacant by the decease of mr john 6peigbfor the remainder of the year carried tbe committed on finance beg to jj reseti taheir report and recommend paymefit of the following acconnts wiiicii they fcave exaraioei an3 fiod corrects tlios moore salary jane ajoly i91gq miss hckellar cx0 migmnv v jj mrs hdgjies i j h k moore hahypstjailary etc 1072 ls8 moved by- jav afhttliews seooded ty xjbhyi that riitryort of tlie rrz fm 9wfl 1 fiiiffillfs wm huqhfaa grifff in offer prom datec spring and summir millinery at a or eat raduetlon dress goods muslins and hosiery at wholesale prloaa grey and bleaohsi cottons denims ducks cttonades and panoy prints i 3 s3 oheapar than ear also large qonsigament of french lid calf boots and slippers hefs tieshoes and gaiters just received from tha maaufacttireru goods we mil guarantee at peices that cant be beaoj fresh a full line of groceries just ii for the harvest season at bottom prices remember we s ell cheap for cash and give bond tahie hughes griffin acton a splendid lot 6 firyet tools clieap it erarsoas acton the emve srnigiif la acton oa thursdiy morning lunc 3jlh jhu slt em j lity- cilt zrv fix monihk ad tiliteadiyi obitcuy w another colairi facts for the a w greek will pay tha highest market price for tny quiutity of good diied apploa s etocfc of stores just receired t j 0 kills ipe ubeak by the dish or qoart fresh and purtf at kicklias batery cakes of erery description made to oider it short uotice nt nicklins bifcerj- i foe ttretckw eiretcouguiag ap ply tojc hilli teeat yoobselt and yonr friends to ice criu a kidcliua bjkcry ceockettt and gusaware at prices that wilf sirpriie you at peationv acton evelirnnxg cheap int hattpr and eggs at the farmers produce market cliristie henderson fc go lace curtaina 75c per eet at the egg and bater depot where yoa git the fatuous 50c ta christie hender son ifc co nacls and hinges locks etc at astonishingly low rates at fearsofla acton scotch english and cnadian suiting in peat vjiriety at the aafc had clothing store j fyfe actoq kcmetuher that famnns 5jc tea at the egg emporium aom in 51h lots at 45 ceats christie henderson 4co hats from 75 cnn fo s25c at jfyfes see pur 50c ttbe best iu the coonty and dont you forget it at eeatsous actotu tf yon want a nobby drirable and cneap suit j fyfea is tte place to go ladies ruaotles heweststyles at dhrislie hendaraon co a good felt hat for 75 cents at j fyfes chbitie hendrsori co are now prepared tp iiiy a the choice butter and fresh fga in the townships pi jfassajjaweyj eniraosa erin and esquesing they will lead the market as they have always done when buying these ardclne of produce reinemli their co cent tflisold in 5d lots t 45 cfnta i bkmmfmm suits an overcoats at extremely low ratca and mide ia utct ttylct be sure to call and ice thn jj fyfe aetoo the eg and butter emporiaut will take all your egga ami choice butter at highest market prices hav ing contracted to supply an industrial institution with butler our facilities foe handling aiie quantities are uu- limited we want at ieast one ton per week icive you tried oar famous 50c tea i christie henderson k co mcquillan hamilton of the wellington ifarlil works ijuelpb are uoted for giving tatif fwtioii to those favor- inff tnani with their orders if you need anylkiue ia their line be mte and remember them they do a very large dullness caa icqaeatly ther are able to gire better term and keep better workmen than smaller worts seud to them for mrtieulan use coslorlne machine oil for ail kindaof machinery it i also excellent for harness or leather raalingit water and weatherproof i- just look this way w- p- hahx bootht a lasge ttock of groceries glassware crockery a hkaltixt ma ntrtbinknof ui m- sea tba iyipepttc thlnici of notuinff elfie ludlccfllon i a conslant reiclodfir thai m mmm wl man who flodx hlmseff balterinff will j foiv cash brazil tae dew n remarkabtrrrooriii forclcansjoffaadtcnif ttfajip furai- n jjaj expanses bcloff bght if ifhii e eadforl e r bollott bi how is it ifow is how ii it the qaesnon is often lulkejau that thqqik timkaj nathlnp doing in other stores the spacious rooms of the lioi ana av nitn customers tha reasons are simple and plain tbefiesyfcjlniu birr fnm us to better advantage our ltrcejbuslne enable jtojbni quantiiies if the pnce is low rnongh nenee we bny teakati tores our large sties rnible us do sell in emjaller prpftt eheaper iban other storri oor large stock wbicu ewnprwisiaj of tbe dry cooti traae offerj variety to suit the wantaefewrfi jlenoe eustomen can always bud whilt triey want jir jo sy up we thev lirjj variety wp b17 olnijsr tab w soil cittj tho lliit 4033 th sir 039ll jrde pf oiialpjt- danng he psft week we sold bouranls oryardsr per varj the usual price of which is 2n wesumseb at i2jo the usual phce of which is 2fl and 2o we sol ets the usual price uf which is 5u and 73c wesotddnierltaf t suits tne nsual price uof whicli watf is fetthetniuiolmataiiil tor yourseltes durtng the present week wo onr tbe foosrfojg special and stirrihc bargsmm ts pieces dress goods at 10c per yard too pieces dress qxli at ljc per rd v poasoot heavy bacjl gos tiralu 6ussatl per yard bi pieces prlnk at 7 cents per yurj daztosofunen utile ra and dolmans at 1 aeh taark tie price 100 pieces croaslers and other carpets 83 per cent under rahi a fraud rardsrlu her iienu udershlrusv huwuimvtsuaj whin lioliu bl to- new lot ladies aiul and american h n vlrjdaprfiorvnre t7uandiome atc new lot of tweeds for our ju so suits ajj1 hre a cr heasy twilled oxford shirtings lua j 50 pieces fine odatea hair tliia ndsueh toods are to be fjpnd at loss than so per centt prices see them and be ccntinced oorae with tbe crowd lv j d williamson y gvblpb oat 7 azcbuierbaxaar prepare for the hot we halifax tweh s from 1100 to 18 just the thiag for july and ac they are n ojbby durable akd -at- l fyfes acton ahead of all comee y slstfns the dicekliye appsraiai and toe tivcr to properly perform tbetrdaifes imassimllnt j luff the tod jcta lotvnuampllcf zarku he daw remcrfr of yourdryattsf j e ue- fjrvln afewdos wttlsarprtse yoa j confident that be cannot be bndersoltt affc your dealer for csstorine lachinehl and se that ibe barrel is branded castorine asnoue other is fieuuine by the timely use of the eslraot ofi wild sirawberyyoumaj avert all dis i agreeable summericompiaiutsiitthoea i dysentery cholera mdrbusete nothing is so pleasart in its curej so rapid re- j liable and effectual as dr fowlers i extract of wild strawberry and tbe value cl this medicine asian antidote in sour stomach colic cramps seasickness vomiting and other irritations of ibe stomach and bowels is incalculable u is safe and sure an should be carried in tbe haversack pf every traveller and tourist farmers cn rely on receiving tha highet l mtrkt price for their butter and eggs t the bulk of the worlds writing is done with s leal fens esurbroojcs can be procured irom any stationer and at wholesale from brown bros toronto best ialce in teas is afibnts ttanl rellabu asents wanted toieahvpss for the nlioaka falu hitxew a btautl- ml ullhogfopblc painting- sor29 inches of kloenra falls filven to each pearl subscrib er picture alone worth the price of tbe paper and uns immhisekv bgbscrictlon lot itaview including rlctufe tlw perac- iiuuixlberal commlssligiven seiid 40 eetitaforsamile pletnre aulpsiper and get terms to agihitsthlsajnonjni to be deducted from first list or sye satbeij sent to our ad- dreii ahqervbltwi iirsiw pal wmmmmm tbewbole of the stock is ifew acd fraah ami axmie of ilia terj designs in ulanstira stave come te jiancl tftttt patroaaga la liostad w p bkpil towk joit jivr- mm tftl 1 special ml mammoth bag leave to announce that urey bfis twmii sraaa aooda ar in addition to their foriser i ioo pjecea or 3000 jahiali pjemewwj lar ptlceaitai aanvperlsup a6h xsamesodsrandio issdatseiil 0fri- a3xl kgf -kva- waitaitwejfin- m ps0r3l cam

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