prmmg ttastkstu svenr taaeloat morxixgt h jicooee editor proprietor movsjt f nesowlomoukidaicnurcli iwsfrf ctcaa on terms 00 in advene faxx pwss will be sent lo lcriw portage paid foe jlio per n ma in advance u50 if not ad paid- ko paper discontinued ull all arrears arc paid except at the option of the publisher jaorxamntaluits casual adverbsc- jwnta 8 cent per une for the first user- oo ani cents per line for cadi subso- aoeatuiiertmu cash professional cards iu lines or less w00 per annum i square hoes w per annum pavsblo in s kootha from dite of insertion any special fjwee the object of which is lo promote ta pecuniary benefit of any intoviddal or company to bo considered antidvqrtise- jnenu the number of lines reckoned w taico suoo si00 m93 u ou sjro troo oo eolnmn onerear halt column one year oarter column one rear one eolnmn six moninit half column sir mouths jjnanereolumustxmonuit jae column taree mouths hair column tfirernonlhi quarter eotamutnree months mm 2js2ijf directions ssdfas tbe h- mnu advertisements must s f mondays otlier- weev be ua qttr uu wtosrtat k p itoo ire idllor4 proprietor thi8 paper lif ijrtaietoeop tck mac burma n tflsprooes aade tacit vtotice the canada adwticiuc area- j3 cti ko j3 kins 8u west toronto u uxper advertise menu for w bctcheri minster director ii t wl lowitr 1tb jtcps grsduie of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons 0 fits and residence at ilie head of fred erick sr- acton f jtrgahnx jlo h p s jlx qradoate of ytcionanniiersitt georuicrowjrj esrriaio wni visit acton on tuesday and friday from ptai p m if his services are required during any other days of thiweek notice left at j e mcgarrinvdjugstqre will receive prompt attention- ju jtathesoj attorketat a ravsohatcrmcbaneettvic office next door to wahacfel hotel loltal l i bex town vuw sirrtl dextist george tj fishes v s- geobgetowx oat- 11 visct actoa every wednes- y nd will attend to sll calls pertaining teliis profession orders left at megarvins drugstore vzr receive prompt attention terms moderate t i fisher r weiycr zabflilecr irn fotuider a wghtyrfu virti m eivoitert descrfptioiitcsde to order fftat shortest notite sid most teisouable terms eepamcg promptly at taadadta -i- j i kcwpai w x ifap o wy jy fluciuaiiont and its vast conctrns flsoff iwttopald volume vil no 2 4ct0n ont thursday jult14 188l wholno 34 tx h klttretxje banker ctq qjitsslq a general bankrkg busi ness transacted notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits- arkixekesck the bank of montreal wh storey son aotom ont gloye maaufaoturers flour and feed stqbe lawsotf bros vqultlwepclfauy aforra tue people of aeiauiajd vlcluliyuuibflv tiavtopea- ediattie prcailso aapnfi ur mc- flour and feed- store aco ut ceepeonstanturonbanda lullitoekot floue or all krjcds tkcluiiisa familr flour buckwheat flour qraham flour corn meal oat heal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped peas chopped oats mixed the best description of gloves and stars chops oatsjfe peas in every variety of material and style are j uj ul kinds of feed osually keptin a firstclass store stofmeureka spr1nggl0ve fastekerpat we are also patentees and inventors of storeys 2uri ssrsaehare rsta- gt iustly aeknourledged the most perfect fastener in use patented in canada the united states and great britain rocack orncrs sprace street kes- york tj s a v lime grove birmingham bug ah eoodi doiitcwd to la part of tis tloatfl m 454a oj oi4cd iga ctdl is raspcilfully idicilfd manhattah feed for horses cattle sheep pigs and poultry goodforhorseshar- ingr epizootic lawson br06 acton jan islssif listee it claee b quebec street gnelfch- l bkaxck ernce i haokeirs boltdlxc v still acreec xetoff 4 a3orncr oreseteer fcnxtta ifhemsteeet licensed auctioneer fortheooitis of wellington and ftstton orders iafat the fair eejss office aeton or at m residence in acton will be promptlja terms t to bbey te leax m loan on the roost favorable te icrest rates of interest ind npwaids patex nrnac adathetji tent guarantee printed instrui ten years iktjctextioks epe- properly secured hi can- and europe pa- charge send for agency in operation enia and draoghfakian solica canada o pa- ctatiob veteeikaet soe- geolf gwrgeown graduate of the ontario veterinary cohege visit acton every toesdtytejml tot pin all calls recexred promptly attended to by nfrfjt or day horses bought and sold onr eomniisaibn eesiaence west comerfrom lrrery stable georgetown ont p iaylob j- licensed auctioneer hoteli actcx r03t j agnet proprietor the newhotelis figei up hcnrstebi style with new fami- fcue corrnparcial tratellers will find food ncrm tand oorrrmoains hample booms spejlattentiqnpiidtotliewant of flie traveling pubie bar mpphed with the beatof iyanors and cigars fjodsfahl- lag aad attaalirr hostlers ashf6b6kikb to pay the highest cash 8toetfbldndelrrered w cahakms beacons lamb ghoepbtina denrered at my tannery jambs ifooee acfos fukkugb faistof c fw opened patnt8hop in the prem- i liiettdoort sieklina bakery lam pre- v o do earriags paintinjc and sign m of ftew description and weald re- 01 aoli4t the ptronae the people james scott lilli ooohl barber tuibouottouiefeopy of acton od ntltirinw ul mhi puichawd m j p wordf nblaibarber boilneas ttstotaniet m fn all branebjes in tjmti larw vboie iraal atlenuoo to tne e iwmta thatab who have patron- lljsop to w pv eoouhmto wkcoo ife tq advertisers oeo scweli fc cos salrt lift of locil itcctfipars a odixriixt rcfio fpcnttpieanxof5qoq a yor raf co iuixtu ita tlian3jlofti tit lutrf trr- c 1wrr ifetfrf xoca2 zirf piii ke uutr but jr thia all tin oticr ajfcerhiringrdia 1 1 is net a cijejeratite ist it is act a caoaj list it ii an hoacst lirt the cataloene slates txaetlywllit the na pen tre when the mtme nfthe paper ik rrinlcd tn ftld face tree itis in eveiy instance ills best- wbeu printetflncaplralsltlstlje oszt pepurllthe place the llt glver tlie popoiatlon or every town and tbe cxreuutioo otivery paper ttienltteliarcedforiutvertltingttrirely oaegft h tbe nabtlfibers schedule the prfce for sinrle states raopis from 81 toasa tbe price far one inch one mouth in the entire llstlsgrc the reffutarrsles or the papers for tbe same space and time are 8tasai tbe list includes ks newspapers of wclcbiaj are issued d1ilt aud weeklv tbej- are located in ta diaerent cltleand towns otwhlcti mare state capitals 3fi3 ptaees o crreraa populatlaz aod sacoaatr seats far copy of lilt and other lefhnuatfon ad dress geop eovtefiitco 10 spruce sc kew vo rfc a splendid stock x of i i lew wall paper -at- the free press actok tltrrsdity july 14 1881 poster dats b00est0re day gives his customers the advantage of a large stock of paper and border to select from and his prices ars low day sells cheap yalcable village property forjale tbe subscriber offer for tale tut bau- fulirjulaallpecjfpropett7 ijiae north of uw wtk depot in the oarponttjofl of the village of ac urn tue piopcrtj- eoouint iz acrc mare or lesr r ox watch axe la a hfcti ctkts of ctiulttaa and aearty mil u anted ltqfrau lrect at craiy dexcrlption jud all of be best varieties xbe baiaace ix food psutare fand wiliikncretuilhnfuxvlm run doe tiiroach it oa whlcu 1 ilcuwi a llxh paadion che prepiu lliert is a lwotott urirfcdireluae adirljccmpifldconuiaing s room alea beci kitchen rlth three room c good nhle smd f heovand flrnu hard and soft water e ic the bjxjra would be a verj deslrale place ai for a retired xeatieicca or or a martet fctbnifficnt sepflslt oter 8000000 jramener u l terms liberal and made known oaappllca- policies oa tb ecscere fckd flas tiaato the mutual life jassociatiox of caxijja i hex office hjjitltojr ost the motheep botheb oh dear what a bother u bahy the careworu mothec lushed oot ac ihe looked at tha tbiu pn the carpet the little roeaed ftcatttered iboat rl from her buket and papers torn by the fiageri ioj anil and a ere i dingy ipot where that morning kad let teddyt medicine fill saehlft baby for keiuo in miichief she said u ihe aat dava to m im boiy from morainij- to bcdtim yet th rooms never tidy i kaow pen always behind with ny kwiari theres never a moment to rest and the dropped her tired head on the table with life and it worries opprest she thinkx of her waahinj and mending and the hoatchold tro ibles beaide the hic coal wattle waniafiljing- and the beefttcak ua half fried iet baby screams oat in hii cradle add the father comes lutne at eea she haatcos to get every hiag ready i befuro he sppearc on the scene t theres alow mnfited sound oa the pave ment she looks thraagh the miitelaadedpane and sees almost under her windo a hearse otpg by in the rain it hold a small uwcrstrewn caaket and then by her tears jit it hid ac she thinkx of the hearthstaae whose darling ltes ixuder the coffina small lid she 8 the poor mother lit weeping aloae at the coming of night lutntog for patteriag fooutepa uimiag the face hid frotn lieit she hears the little ones ifather weep softly u strong intnwill alas for the arms that are empty and the hoase so strangely till 1 she goe to her babys bedside and drop down all in tears and the prayer that ia mote and wordless the loving father heart ko longer the child seems a bother as ahe thinks of the coffin small and of home without the ibaby the dearest pleasing of all 1 issned by thu company only and copyright contain a plain statement of the amoant of caih vdne of pudnp inftrriiice the falicy- holder will be entitled to receive if discon tinuing the pavmento premiums after 5 10 j5 20 25 30 35 payments c 1 fti p moore agenf free pfiess office acfon a gueit ca17ke of acllaa h18ehy if the lci of manhood weltavereeeptlrpnbllsbedanew edlllou of nrculverwells celej brated rmf- ou tae radical and permanent core wkbout medl- el ire of kerroadfbhltr mental sntpbrlc- allnca cacltjim pediments of lfarrtage etc resulllosfrom jxcess es primlnasealedenrelppeonlylipts orlwofosuce slamps 1 tbe celebrated aatfior inthls admirable tlmt clearly demonstrates trom tmrw jswsuccessrui practice uiatalarrnlnioon- jsjenccrinaj- it radically cored rtinont tbedanserooj ose of lotrnl mediolof or thedseottbs tnife polnlinrost a mode of coreatonce riraple certain ndefleetoal 07- means of wblpn every sufferer no matter wbat ms eondllion may ne may cure wmaer cbeapty privalelyana radically t thfs lecture sbouldbe in tbe ban js or everyyoutb and every man in the land address j culterwell medical co 41 inn st ktir tort postofflce boxtsm the hleiilo j agent caamaie mora money selling our new telephoho than ia airy other btiatness send u for wmple pair and wife to pot np and exhibit satirfaction gnaranteed or money refunded large profila address tr g teiepdo ie co j 123 s clark st chicago hi g outtltsentfree to tbow wbo wlblo everjthinjr weiwlfl etcryimok wards is easily made without suyingajay luble business known new caploil not reqnli mnilshyoieterrim usr 10 a day n pi1 not fenlred we i a from home 0t nlgbt no rlalc wbaffi faty nwvovkersffanted alonee way arofflaunaforkinesrat ajliirbnd make as m ocb as men itroobt bnj krlanlalreetstpay o one wbn is wininf 10 work fils to mase m jfi2xk than can he made in a week at anr or dinar emploimrnt tbosewhoanjiihatoncefhi da jbnrtroad fo fnruinn addm l u hajjjrrtooportlaodiin kfisxrdek acton po henry e crnlnt0n psacncar house palnfer oralner paper hanger and decorator is prepared to take can tracts for palatine paper hanging and kdlsomlnlne torders promptly attended to in town or country terms reasonable eatlnc an experience of thirty yearsv i con guarantee salufactlaato all s e qbinlinton mill st aoton tjtaehles stock-bbeed- j ems attexttolt ctaylor veferihary surgeon george town will call in acton at benaetf hotel professionally every tuesday from one to four pm he will bring with him his cele brated 8talhoo kin george he will call at silver fjreek on his way to acton frou- 10 to 12are king georeo it the closest bred royal george in ontario ifckiadleys celebrated fioyal georce n u king georgfts grandsire and great- grandsire he ix also thrice bred in the sir henrys c taylor money the undersigned has money t his dispos al for discounting rood endorsed notes- at a reasonable rateof discount jame8 hatthews acton may 10th 188l vtot1ce to debtoks all parties indebted to tbe estate of the bite bansom adams either by note or book account are requested to call and settle their acconnta forthwith vjt h storey acton yay4thl the weodiho present so said aaat deljorah severely eeing her nephew c yott are gotngf to marry sewing girl f i foiex rockingbam emiled i am going to marry a yoang lady annt dobby said he j who hag been sent ibis enough occasionally to eke oat the insufhetent means of her family by a little honest and honorable work aunt deborah ahrngged her shoal- ders she was a all high feaared old womuiwith scotchred hair prominent cheek oonea and eyes that glittered like cells of jetty light in their cavern- om sockets and as the sat there beside her big work basket with a piece of uncompromising knittingwork in her hinds felix felt the old sensa tion which had so often comeoyer him as a child of being summoned before some stern jridicial tribunal aunt deboiah in the moneyed metuber of the family it was aunt deborah whose tastes were courted aunt deborah whose aiicawas scr iicited iii every important crisis in he rockingham family- and the old lady could hardly belietre her own senses when she heard lhat her nephew felix had actually dared to select a wife according to his own teste and fancy humph commented aunt deborah and i suppose you will expect me to give you a wedding present that is just an your own judgment snd liberality may dictate said felix with a hidden sparkle of mischief under his eyelashes j humph i again ottered aunt deborah bring her to see me to night- amy falkland was half frightened out of her pretty little wito when her lover told her that aunt deborah had desired her presence oh felix said she eoloriag pink and white im afraid l when the qneen issnes her com mands said felix laaghiog all the be the bride elect pteteated beitelf to aunt deborah blushing pretty and confused that selfsame evening so youre going to marry my nephew bald aunt deborah altnoat hi the words wherewith she had catechised felix in the morning- yea confessed the pretty little culprit scarcely daring lo lift her eyes from the round and i suppose joa expect to be very happy x vcaj what fools people are said annt deborah in a general way well my dear ive no pearls and diamonds to give away and if i had you wouldnt know what to do with them heres an old sealkiu jacket lhat ive worn a few times take that youre handy with tbe netdie and yon can eaaily fit it up iddo a great many winters ser vice i thaak you aunt deborah said amy with a pretty little courtesy you may kits me my dear said the old jlady relenting a little under the sunshine of the soft blu eyes and timid voice and amy put up her che ty lips lo the old spinsters thin and wrinkle- seamed fsce ive given your brolher halberta bride elect just such another sacque said miss deborah to her nephew l dareisay she expect a set of jewels or a thousand dollar necklace or some such piece of frivoltry and nonsense but shell find herself mistaken i intend to show no partiality to my nephewa i amy falkland took home the vener able old fur garment which gave signs of long ind hard service unci viewed it with earnest eyes it is old said she but theie is a deal of wear in it yet i should eay haiarded felix it was cnlyfit fnr the rk bag- but you are not a judge of fur said amy now when i hiverfpped it up sewed it over again and relined liege eubjeote must nbeyj andjaunt debby is queen in our family is she very terrible f said any ab hard as a rock and as cold as an icicle replied felix graviily does she bate me t by no means laughed felix she discovery i on called you a eewingjirl well but that wexajtly what i am said amy lifting het pretty eye- browi if bat is the w irst she bas to aay about uip i thial ijcaa endure ttartlinc lost manhood restored ssivtslntby known feuudy h dls- sl alsnrt mf era wstelha wal smdtbzi jfinowsai f u bkevla ecuuuhan mu if i i v fismzm it you will see what a pretty and substantial garment i shall have felix looked admiringly at her 1 havent the least doubt said he hat yoa will look pretty inanything youchoose 0 wear dont be a goose said amy and she sat down at once with her scissors and worlr basket for miss falklands iroutteau w as by no means so extensive 1 bat that ahe had time enough to attend 0 these little details hersalt but hiss hortentta waldron the bride elect of mr halbert rockingham felixs elder brother viewed the wed- ding gift of j her husbands aunt with considerably less favor mias waldron was a beauty and a belle with an uncle in the united states navy a father who dealt extensively in mining stocks and bonds and a french maid and thi rockingbatns were all delighted and said what a great thing it was for halbert to marry into i such a family good gracious ms said miss wal dron eyeing the ancient sealskin wrap through a gold eye glass what does the old eccentricity mean by sending me such a rag as that f and the mamma the sisterand the french maid didnt find themselves prepared with an answer therese said miss hortenkuvtake that old thing to mrs levis on seventh avenue she will five yon something for it x dare say an3 i can lay it out ursixbutton gloves- j but my dear remonstrated mrs waldron what will halbertu aunt deborah think f j what she pleases said miss hor- teneia with a toss of tbe head but you neednt look so frightened mamma she will never know how could shef j i do hate such stinginess eaid the siaur j 80 do i said horteosia w to em phasis and maameelle thereee mother had been aunt deborahs humble lriend and seamatreaa a id who was in that lady v secret service off the jacket not to mrs lejvia oa seventh avenue but back to its rjginal donor she dont want it eh t tiii deborah maambftlle therese ged her shoulders ob wall said the old lady indifferently jnat pleambs whose annt song deborah was yet driukipg iter cofiee in matutinal curl paper then came a knock at thi door it waa amy falk land flushed and wrelr eh f uid aunt deborah whats wanting its the sealskin jacket please miss rockingham said amy breathlessly i was ripping it up to pot m a new lining od there quilted into a square panel at tbe very back of tbe old brown silk facing i foonda tbouaanddollar tieesury bond nonsense f said aunt deobrah such things only happen in old legends but indeed it has happened to me said amy and felix abd i agreed lhat the money didnt belong to us and so i have brought it back look i kisa me my dear aaid aunt deborah setting down her cofiee ewp youarewrong ih money dint belong to ycu i pul it there myself with the express intention that you should find it i put another one into the jacket that i gave the girl who ia going 0 marry hdbert but shell never get it now and aunt daborsli chuckled oh cried amy do you really mean to give us felix and me all his money a thou sand dollars and she opened her eyes veiy wide i do really mean it said aunt deborah smiling down upon tbe freeb primrose like face mist horteosia waldron was much chagrined when the rumor of the thousand dollar treasury bonds that were hijdeu away in tha two old seal skin jacket reached her ears sbe sent at once to mrs levi but the jacket as might have been expected was never recovered and i do believe aaid mrs halbert rockiugham that that is phe reason aunt deborah makes such an absurd j et of felixs china doll of a wife 1 wish i hadnt been in each a hurry aboat the sel akin jacket the icaa won wtciad- a day or two ago soon after the hour of noon an individual who seemed fo be laboring under considerable ex citement entered a grocery blore on michigan avenue and asked for a private ford with the proprieter when the request had been granted he explained ibelieve myself 0 be an injured husband and i want to verify my sus picions by watching a house on tbe other street this i can best do from the rear of your afore have yon any objections to my taking a seat back there by the open windew t tbe grocer granted the favor and the agi tated stranger walked back and took a seat on a box of codfish and began hi watch his presence had almost been forgotten when he returned to the front of tha store with hasty step and quivering voice and said great shakespeare but ill kill her 1 yes ill shoot her through the heart your wife v yes m y idolited mary i i can no longer doubt hor guilt ill be a murder er in leas than ten minutes the grocer tried to detain him but he broke away and rushed around the corner not bearing anything further of bim for half an hour tbe grocer began to investigate and he discovered that fourteen rolls of butter a crock of lard two hams and other stnff had left tbe back of the store by way of the window atlwhich the watchful husband was stationed tu now the balmy aepjiyrmot y the petals from the crimson rose aod tbo glasses frees tha poets aoi tie now beside the ratias tea fair maidens stroll right a cutiuettitig with tba itttfve ba ti now at eve that leak aid jtata till tea oclock from allifttt eight hwnug bappilt mtbesritwgsta tis now npos tha mountain top doth utergs to anaenn pop j lis now tis now jast tistt te sttrgw m f msuttiinetlw bh7 dont measbte the baby i do yen- see that name written in leadpencil 00 tbe decreasing t well thats when w measured the baby if yoa get down 00 your knee yon will be able to read jim just so high it wasnt y ear- ago that we all cante ont here father motbet and the girh aad got dowa on the grass and ttood hrm orp there he was a sight to look at all pink tui whits with ia aofteat rings f awr and eyee like viblets in the apritlg hed laugh aad tumble dawn and wed all langb and ebter him up tgrtn aad jean laid the pencil sat mi his bead and notched the wall aw then we wrote bat to mark tbe epot bat ive wished tuany a time since id never had it done you see we had been reading some pretty verses abost ttat very thing and it just fitted to s baby exactly in the beginning wemeasnred the riotous bahy 3 cethagfi wall a lily grew oa toe 1 that apaiust tile ctge wall lily grew os and tbe boy was joat atall was so like our baby tat i cut lhat verse oot and pasted il on tb hkink leaf of the big bible theni jenny said there were more verses that suited bim but after getting the full drift of tbe poetry i moat wished we hadnt seen it but i look two more verses and lettkem go ith the others here they are his eyes were vita as bine oehs thats little jim exactly his month like a sunflower ohblt thats himagain two little bate feet like funny white mice peeped out from his snowy gown and we thought with i thrill of raptor that yet has a touch of pain when wane rolls round with her rosea well measure the baby again v now if it had stopped there aa i expected it would id have nothing u war and thered be another mark 00 the door casing iro niojch higher but but well whats tie use of beating about the bush in this way you see theres no mark there and it wasnt any superstition ffter all i went to- dayifltb thn room wherelre liy all white and peacefullike and to atilltjsat it was a aiil to cry and diatnrbta sleep and i added the rest of tba poetry that jenny had kept without kno wing wbyt to the ol j bible we measured the sleeping baby with ribbons white aa snow t for the shining rosewood casket that waited him below and put of tjhe darkened chamber we went with a childless moan to the height of the sinless angels our little ono had grown j that tells the story of little jra better than i could tell it that ia why theres a hush all over tin bouse and the son is too bright and the birda have- stopped singing and we can never again measure the baby for ire bas gone so high that we can only reach him by the golden ladder of death 1 33 4m w ptfcrli whole homespun is better than nigged velvet i t often plays tbe wrestler trick of raisiug a man np niereljr to fiinghim down when a man speaks tbe truth yoa may count ptetty surely lhat ha poa- seases most other rirtnea some men are with their character much as they are with their money the lesb they have the more cireful chef have to be i in the man or woman whose child- v i tioy were ou a gratiot avenae doctor received a call the other evening from a couple who bad not been in this country over a year and who had decided to check mate any danger from smallpox by vaccination the husband bared bis left arm and he operation waa soon completed he then rolled up his other sleeve and held ont hie right arm one arm ia enough repliedthe doctor but i guess i takes two of eat was thereply whatforf why dis one is for nre and de odder one for my frow it iaa better dot i ootobes all dr smallpox myeelt go ahead itilt yoor btabbing the dootor did net snooeed in con vincing tliem that ooeconl vaoelnated lottita1r hood baa known caresses there iablwmya a fibre of memory that can be touchs to gentle issues any man may walk np to a eanaoaw mouth but it is only oue here and there that will walk ou against mans opinions because be thinks it is right no man can sttfl hiuaelf up or seek applause on fnvods id high places or load praise if be belong to tha front he will get there in time and will remain there when ho does amve itaiett wclmsa 4 i the mexican ladies are exemplary wives and fond and loving tnouiera tbeir borne to them is their entire world tbeir husbands tbe idols of their hearts while their children are angels which make their bojmes tbear heaven yet strange to say 4bero it no word in the spanish language ibat can express the idea conveyed ottr dear old hearty anloaxao fttt sboitlixbsj 1 y