im oi mjsy t 7 uk a h j ir lsi t rk ml isps l4 rl 1 t the free press trieasoaa moiustsrj july 14 1831 tfhnrttfqiks cqsxbs thb babys toulgate knock at the door l peep in lift no the hwv and walk in r- what a finny door a foreneadfair i f honte with root 0 golden hair i andaujiled curls i fromridgo to base over the utbi queer utile place tiro windows there and baby peeps in t finds the bright bine f where the sky wnfc in and a laughing elf looks oat to see who rapt so load and calls tot nw a dainty now turned up beware- i with thumb and fingers lift it with care the portals open dont walk in i i bow to the dimple on the chin a list for toll kow yea nvnst par or not come in at all today lis prompt oati 7 a yonncmaa ws connnencinc life as a clerk oo day hts employer said to hint kow tom6rrdw that circa of cotton must be brought oat and weighed aul vr muat hare a recular aceoaut of it he was a yoawr nun of energy this iras the first time he had been entrusted te superintend the execution of this worfc ht made his arrangements over night spate t the men about their carts and horses anl resolving to leia very early in the morn- lag he instructed the laujcers to be thcrt at halfpast three oclock so they set ti yolk and the thine was done and about tenor eleven oclock his master came in add seeing him sitting in the coantiac- bouse looked very black supposing that hi command had not been executed j i thought said the master too wen requested to ret ont that cargo tins morn- it is sh done said the young nun and there is the sccoant cf it he never looked behind him front that moment never 1 his character was fixed confidence was established- he was found to be the man to do the thing withprotr-pt- ness he very soon came to be one that coold not be spared he was as necessary r to the firm si any one of the partners h- was a religious man andrent throqgba life of great benevolence and ai hi death was able to leave ins children an ample fortane souiiioh sin some cooktwul throw but tho wlr itt which tucatalnvo benn boiled with out lolling it cool to tako off tbtat- biu of meat are thrown out which would make hash tho flour ia lifted in a wiatoful man- uer and tho dough jan left with uia dough sticking to it pia crust ii laid by to wur inttsnd of uukuut fow tarts foe wj cuu jiuddlngt ara conndertd good fornolhipg when ofttnlltaea thsyjcaii be steauiod for the next day dishcloths ate thrown down whet mica doilroy iheta tegeuhles ire often thrown away that would warm nicely for breakfast the bcrubbinj ljush is left in the witer tuba end barrels ere left in the arfn to dry and fall apart nice handled kntveaare throan into hot water silver spoons are ased to acour kelttee crem is illowed to mold and spoil coffee tee pepper and spicee are t ft to stand open and lose their strength the ofc is left out of the molasses ag and the flic take possession vinegar is drawn in c tinbasin and tuowcd to stand until both basin and vraegsr sre exnled alnnuticluw of heepers uowen and threstiii g lloohinory refer cas- torlne llivchitia till o snjr other it will oelweer lard seal and elephant and lr warranted not to gurd by the timely use ot the burnet of s wild strawbevr you may avert all d is agreeable summer complalntarilarrhoca dysentery cholera morbus etc nothing uso pleasant in its cure so rapid re liable and ettecteal as dr kowlers exlreot of w lid strawberry and the value ct this medicine as an antidote in our stomach colic cramps semlckoess vomiting and other irritations of the stomach and bowels is incalculable it is safe and mro and should be carried in he haversack of every traveller and tourist ask your dealer ftir castorine uschine 111 and see that the barrel is branded castorine as none other is genuine wirt abay8t6d 7e urchin wno ansered they are ad to ntake men of made an admirable rfy bat the sort ocsnen we are to have xn a few yean depends qppn the sort ot boys we have now a mat is bat grown up boy he present crop of boys contains some bojwtulspecimenajwho give promise of useful manhood- but it also shows a urge percentage of boya wha most be re- constractok before theyeen possibly develop into a manhood that can fill tut honorable or nsefol positions in society boys who shun or shirk useful work or improving study and spend their time in idle diasipa- tion or vicious acuviues td never become useful men boys who being- obliged to do something for their support aatadnoasly- soek easy work an not hopefal propisems of manhood they will never ant n much when we see the tendeoev dots to become industrious only is r talfiardi or baseball or some other useless or daooraliring pursuit and the disposition of esjenrtrybotsto seek in the city for easier or more respectable employment than the coctbtrr afters re feel unhopeful at the fntere it is front ithese two classes that the eoistsirtlyincreaing armies of shysters lawyers qosck doct poor preachers- buojsier polifaciana drunken loafers petty thierea tramps deadbeata tc are chiefly recruited boys if you wsnt to be men of worth don be afraid of hard work or hard stmly t r lives of great men all remind you ton can make your uvea sublime bead the uvea of great men of the past snd present and emulate the virtuea and imitate j the example of their boyhood- dr benjamin franklin went from s soapboners shop throbeh a printing office to fame world wide 2nd immortal by dint ot industry apd study what boys have done yon can do lollie root zditor three gentlemen during a conrew tion greed to psy weh tathe one who ehontd tefl tbe ulleet and most ndienjoatory thfl first commenced his story thus there w once a wealthy- editor btopf c ntt e v j beresi onr money iim saoti tb nun wbom bonor ctnnpt be sfced fa bnsui treneection b an gelicj snnoay school pdei to cborcb- 7iii otiorrucss auclowi in indtitns a husband after a spree rsiect home by one of his friends who- after polling him safely on hit djorsteps rungibe bell snd retreated sraewhat deviously to the opposite ide of the street to see if it would be msttered ptoinptly iwnc and ouzcrt cd and the fond spouse who had waited up fac tho truant beheld him in ill hir oddiness i why walter is thuyoar tes mydear what in the world has kept ron snr been out on s littlo tarn with the bars ddirling why walter yoa ire intoit atod t yes my dear i estimate thats so wnat pn earth made yon get so itanktind why oh why did yiu come home to me in this dreadful aiter- becxnje my darling all th other placea v shut up i tooias jtteis brtcebridge writes de thojcxs dxeotkio otttt the best medicine i sell it always gives satisfac tion and incase of coughs colds sore throat etew immediate- relief his been received by those who use it i focfaxb oct hsrch 9 18s0 xfemrc perm daru t sm i jnmiue moatreal i have been nsing th painkiiier or many years with resalts that justly en title me to recommend it asa family medicine we consider it almost indis peosible being good not only as a painkiller but for csids and sore throat and many other ailments for which it appears specially sdsptrd i have used it myself chiefly as a liniment and find it valuable for rheumatism and pains andstuxness belonging to oil age i pronounce the painkiller a good and cheap medicine and worthy of all accep tation and send jyotx this certificate thai yon may assure the public that it is no humbug j tourstrnly j thomas qbahatt is see advertisement in another eolnnm 4 how to hake money in the first place take care of your health nse wilsons wild cherry for joughs colds bronchitis whooping congh cronpj catarrh or loss of voice it will never fall yon see cerlificaje from well known parties on inside wrapper there is no contradicting this evidence of its great virtue be snre and get the genuine in while wrappers and we guarantee satisfaction- after it has cured yon dont fait to recommend it to your friends it is your duty to tell others what it has done foryou i luibonrts parisian balm is a sure cure for cracked handscrocked lip88ough- riessof theskinetc boldbydrnggists at 25 cents thousands of onr little ones are lost annually from cholera infantum dia rrhoea and the summer complaints whose lives mifht be preserved by the timely ns of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry the greatest and most reliable specific known lor all summer ailments for sale at all drug stores see advertisement in another colamp toronto oil co are sole mannfactttr- ers of castorine tunnineoil in- fringementswill betprosecuted few are the remedies whose beneficial qualities and real merits bare made tbem so popular with the public and increased from year to year their con sumption which whilst possessing the mist valuable remedial properties are yet so simple ip their compound and so easy to take is the quinine wine pre pared by njrthrop k lyman of toronto this article is prepared from the pure sulphate of qainine combined with fine hberry wine and choice aromatlos which relieves the quinine of its bitter taste nd does not impair in the least degree the efficacy of its acton npon the patient j while small doses frequently repeated strengthen the pulse increase muscular force and invigorate the tone of the nervous system and thus by the general rigor which it imparts creates an appetitewhloh gives to the stomaob lane and enery and fortifies tbe system against all infections diseases ilk for hnrthrop lymans qdnlne wine oldl thrall druggists paxrskx for sriuxa after a long severe winter the system needs clesastng of imparities ksture must be assisted to re- eupenttc the liver mutt be made to act alt surplus bile and imparities carried off zorxa from urasll acts as a gentle porg4 sllve illajustlououucedlniolhtsoounir tbe re markable results ot afe w doses is most surptlstng ask your drusslst j e-uoctar- vln for a 10 cent satntle ari try zosa the most towerlal remedy for- dvspepsta tadlgestlon constipation and biliousness ever introduced la tuls coantrr rxkersl melherst lotkersiii are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain o cutting teeth t if so goal once and get a bottle of mrs winslbws soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little suflerer immediately dejpend upon it there is no mistake aboil it there is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will nbl tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly sale to use in ill cases snd pleasant to the taste and is me pre scriplion ofone of the oldest snd best female physicians and nurse in the yuiledstates sold everywhere at 25 cehta a bottle 10 cailmnttfcci evuh full ta- tn client forcxodacjbttittmal proflufjir bqinettnjoneyeq- re la tlte btntaem li eaky to learoandour twtnictlooare i iltnfaani vlaia thai anr one can mate rmt rrrfl tram tue xtt iurt ku one can tall win 1 tiluocla wort wcnwq are a raeetrnrat av me a bay aod tlrt can evm larcesama mar wire made at ite tnioec over one aandirddollxn kta pintle wee jvoibinr itke it ererkaown before all who eajae trererprtedat the ea and raptdiiy with whlcu they are able in make moaer yoa can enacq in thta otalinnadartax roartpare hmeatfttat rroflt yoa do a atn to tn- rctcxpiuunlt w ttketutbtrlak fho mooet wrttfltooa at thetur addreaa teukaoo aajuita maine tvi ctoria ttimtttk1 i ivial i the creat specific olsr a i k i dne1y s urnjry qficans whitewashing and coloring wm melso5t ckewsoks coexees is prepared to do all kinds of whiteirisaivg co to ring o4 the shortest notice and at reason able rates nlvvc your omims at the rerx ratss office acton pi sciothjne cleaned rea- orated wit nelsok sasmbss tetjns depot more new ib fflshi goo at the right hfhisf 1 y wnu- msisunof black satins uraandletrresk maaun frmehdwow k hosllns rveneb drees ian udtmu lset colon from 60 ctnu to ml hu slock of dro mantis and fiiuhw dimming u ejormou nd sltivsss ms v a very full stock of bilk and uhenile krlnges from the lowest up to loo wittm has nit opened p tbecmtenuoftweaty oncmclntoto uood fnotored aid blek drtstbultons colore sluvringeoirl and boys 0ndmsu bogljd tarihito sxsskz tjte inlet hare been lbtnenw in the 0rem oodf department m linoleums and carpet sweepers hat mij srnb sght house on king street olos to uughson street whr tbrrirncvb 1 f at less thsn toroutb prices down and mind the name is hamilton jane j3d 18si be sure and see them before baying thomas c waldkofs hamiltp a distinct and peculiar combination fellow compound syrupof hypopeosphites it sosiaiis the elements essential to the animal organisation the rm agents and tonics in eombuntiinwith the stunnlsting agent pnesp twssug msrft ttu- bjg ilighuysikatos and is diipenasd laths connnw aadpalasabfifermofasynip h sffrefs arejtwallr rwhl within twenty h j ulatioa of the petite the digestion sad hiauatlon tircnlaaon it tones th nerves and muscles i exerts a healthy scttoof the seereuonsi dbtnibs the stomsch nor tojares the system under prolonged use and may bs discontinued at any tims without inconvenience in a word itjpsesesses the stimulants to arouse the strength the tonics to retain iti and merit ot a high degree j fellows compound syrup of hypophosphites f spcxotlt and thxuamxtvc cwm slasursjsrrtii a kmm broitsfttst cunmmhon j ts-mtvmttm- aarfi ai ai tspiilt iirv is ked fuoaioe sad crja of lbs mr if perri davis son lawrence j oiaekai 1qest3 k0it5x1l comb one and all to huliils -for- 1 first- class ph0togeaphs note the following stoyesj tiinrare coal oil j lamp goods and pumps chelp for cash at hatllls eavetroaghins and job work a specialty all kinds of track 1 taken in eiehanke for good remember the place next door to creechs saddlery sign j street acton of the iamp mill h a vi l l pha ihlullraiik wucaill cfcm- abrmmumkirkdnlnrvpm wsiiwii nuirjirainiusi chmu parties requirin g anything in harness or trunks to save money should gq to r creech acton butcher shop worobinson would lntlmste to tbe people of acton mat he has purchased the batcher basfness late ly esmedon by robert storey and tbat be has alwaj son band sjlrstelasa stock ot beesv fork hatua fsaury and came la seaseh etc and bones by strict allenllnn to cosiness to iecure a fair sbare o the patronase of the pnbllc mi it delivered at any time to any part of the town to special bargains of the dominion boot shoe store nave just received an im ae nse stoctt of boou and8hoesftf every descrlpilon com pnalaeallunesin oteng womeng childrens taxsu oui i oail soueitei oanaas pkottlt atrxxnxn to w c robinson 8ra ordered work ptrticnlftr attention 1b paid lb ordered work and tbe bt material will alwajc be used btpairihc bepeinng promptly and earefcliy attend ed to call and examine onr stock kenriey son uloq march olst 1881 livery sale board stables mill street aoton is where you can get firstclass bigs at reasonable bate8 good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town all parties indebted to this es tabllsbmnl are requested to pay np without furthjer delay and save ooits e4 llatthewb proprietor tfrr- y s m jimmm new arrivals f gents kid gloves of a new make and a very superior article white and colored shirts gents half hose in cot ton merino caehaere and wool slimmer underclothing shaw murton mirohant tailors oualph mouses paih reer 1 a javorite proscription of oelebrajted hew york physician for the immediate rbtnp of all pain twiob as powerful as any known remedy fottb times as quick hr its action sold at thelowpnceo25 0eht8 a labob bottle- tbefollowing testimonials of tho great number received will show most conclosively the remarkable merit of the belief eastwood 0t march tb i860 i am gratified to hear fnra various quirters thit your mtlidnc is doing wonders a an instance one man received a severe blow fron a block of wpl thrown frotrfa areolar saw it struck him inthe thick part of the le so icijuripj hi h as to render nhn unable to walk tow applications of morses pain relief cored him lmiirfit multiply instance jps edmonds drng 1 chatham oxt sept m f8 your pain relief gives general salijaion in facf 1 believe i sell more of it ihisn all other pain remedies put together jc bright md and drnj i biisssts oyraug o isfi i hereby certify that my son has suffered for sit vein with a pain in tbe thigh had tried agreat number of things wbich did no good he hts been completely cured by one bottle of horses pain relief whichavas obtained at your agent in brussels win grabame md v george crooks ont- july 5 1880 n y nn n i irrp- t 1 lised thumb and le andb geo u francis baker and confectloaer stxathsl for the benefit of suffering humanity write yon of the greatsalue of your pain relief i was suffering from a bruised thumb and le andbv its u- obtainel immediate relief and in 2 days i was entirely well fivb testimonials from eastwood ont soaiar mosses pain rbuep corsd tbe fchowfas diarrlneatieaniem snbea facetjothtche cold and patob the stoaach no t used s trial bottlefor a much swollen ice with instint relief a relative used the relief for deafness and to her surprise was perfectly cured signed sgrobinson no z having snflerednnch with toothache 1 concluded to try your pain relief on application gave mo instant relief i also cared a violent cold i had contracted with tbe remedy f signed mrs e hersee i no 3 i have triedyour piin relief in cases ofheadache pain in the stomach and toothache the result m every instance being the same instant relief siened 1 a fredenbtjrg no suffering from a severeattaek of diarrhoea used vonr pain relief and was sur prised to find myself perfectly cored in a few hours signed wm robinson no 5 one night i was awakened by the most violent internal pains luungle teaspoon- jul pf your pain relief made- me as well as eler in five minutes signed j w jacques w a i ukt 13 e m j qtcsaoxtso 1 for s by all druggists and j b mcgaevtn aoton i wm stewart 00 guelph 0nt lje are ekabled to offer rectal bahaatns in the following lines of new goods bought at most advantageous prices customersmay rely on value thatcannot be beat n 1 ew black 8 atik pakasols ii ew bttntingg black d- colored ew silk umbrellas jew black cashmeres ew hosiery for ladies 4 misses i ew black and colored 8tina ittew black silks a special lot from 75c 100 25 150 200 250andup to00 new dress muslins new prints new 8traw sunshades for ladies tod misses new table linen very choice patterns new laces every mate also a lot of unte arable tweeds m boys wear very low priced oent8 furnishing department in ties scarfs collara ckfeka merind shirts etc 8xooo eojarvxxi nl i immlr cancer cure depot c ooalleookpqoauada a anger curell speight son undertakers furniture deallrs waggon cndertaklttb every description of funeral requisites of the best qualities sop plied at shortest notice firstdaia hsiasx furnished fnmltnre in our cabinetmaking department we are prepared for tbe bprina demand parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnots bedsteads ac w among we have on hand a stock of firstclass lnmber wagons and democrats manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be sold at the lowest pa j eible rates speight 1 80n aoton 4n m runlock lood bitters kar8 specific medicine without the use of tee knife nly permsnent cure in the world for particulars enclose cent to 8 u sjarn ioeook ftwres swift am certala tteoreatatnabjnmjlw an uufal lint cure for remloal weakness 8permatorrnea impofdcy and alt utseaaea ttwt follow as a eqoenee of 8eu- abuse asloss of mem- orydnltsaal lawdejgiln tn the bac elyls- lonfrasnatareokufeaj uoo tfall particulars in biieatfree ny mattbn rb oalpt of toe money by a oteaalns isrtwwm0o toronto onticaoadsi fuyiaieoarvlnurpsttst ri sale iaaounw7i-aeow- v jilirifc i s i i