Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1881, p. 4

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si tee free press tntrsbiv xtgusisr july lis issl s ii mh a rt t3 f 3 t w 4 i c e- cruw ft rap was usiw it lilcd ki tiul mviipj u almost mdff biu fu4cn ic ati witmttaud jthorviiuucc svtucuve i jitd tjfi- oilier i doiit tkiiik jtftt kuov i so lit valked iu boldly ibtfjr u tight ri he took wblilej- cidie thc lisp ttcffc m iowpedjaa jflict ss wiuk catchiug rajiifey fastlucc cu ut didul tliiulc oncdxuutelurtcy 1 ioqvlof licr ocq hiv uldut ak ihc tild oavs ft here to pi or stay kle fitj im i a tuty lltrv taat uu-gruwav- surely 1 ttn- bibiuu x ruu louud ikav oitsbe went bn r some body hidinc saw lux uiir sxia like 5iou lvr fcaturi3 covcrrlktt tin fct- so she trail 1 ttjlyr for a iy yuaiy mint cusc flic- as st i iv strong that suv wot jux liiiuk quce there wis a robin r lived uctfijc ttic jot wliu waited ko iuslile aud btp upvn the lir 5 no n tliu miittut v vos uiut stay illi nu- liuk litdbarosjiftt jmtttiif iu s trvv v je dttutexw ssfd rot it3 and irive ht til a tlit i don liicild fls kl6v jjft twrytbluy dir lie lltw and kitty tt7td hisi before icd tunc th tbtifc he cried fm terry uct t diuit tliitlt jviv ciy little iimrt p you ibtt rvid tbit sinc- ixut vju 6c what trouiile i xaicsi fria tjtinfcliil- vrun- ucxat yea itkc wirtiicg ftoqi tjnir dreadful fate whti iiin tbtir think i vhta it hi t- late pout think thercvftiwayfnfetv ivia sciiet yc4j kuov lucre ttiiianlsvty fcljiirs svka ii mue btfurc bat vbea youre trireoj ol nun piste arnm tbo brink aodijuiit fitt aujer beidljn cacie ko2 jidut think t- tiifl8ir3 cf- rfce fccsniei lootmoet to yocrrpeadir ko cittir trlut ccmei ia it rcor fot- oal yoa will ajiriye be poor tbe ut is not ia making minerttt intoepiiiij it uttlc eiptif like mice iu l ixrc liin uhea they an- many make gtfeat waste hair by hair headtt bjd uravr by etrai- the thiteb goecfftiie e2tt andrdrup by drop the jin come in tte hhxinber a bsrreli- eooa empty if the tapjeiks bat i drp ini minute yiiea- j03- irean to tire bcii with joar maatii rniay tiiicres pss down the ltd iaire xhe si juis a gcat tiite in kll other ibiczs keep within comii xerer stretch yoir iejs further than the biinket vnil rczch nrvou will eood be cold ia clothes chooce eaitable uid ixttiij etufl ioa not uvdry uericf to be rarm is the main thnjcrviittr miad tbe lwifcc a fool may makti coney bat it cctda z vvut- mxa to spead it ilemetnbcr it is exsitr to baild two efeiimktaiii to keep oce oioc if yoagire ail to back and board there u nothinft left for the satingsuiink fsrt- briadtrorfc tianl while yoaire yoccg nd yoa will hire s chinc to ret wbei tou are old a 5 iv i- wist little- teas cssoa this iz rbit tbrrehttle gjru did- guetie cruirfchank u anrifc scammell j i od alice scaniciell j9 tliree little girls liviuy in st john kb talking araou tliechtlvw made it p bettceeu theta that they ooaltj t get 59 lot f ffncy articles and lidj a baxur theproccdxto k piep to oce or mar good object tlur qaietir wtut to lorb in a faiail room ly themselves for several wefts and ih hed a til- of the articles so rasde upfndotllero eoctriuated liy friends acd tbe proceeds amtrantedto f23 irhich were diiided pavt tj st davids conreft sazizy school for the- batrjyriny the mission schooner to the bresbrterian ghcrch in caiida psrt to triaity chcrch slissioni and the laknce to help a poor woman cannot icme other little girls follow thin eramplej a utuiit illiioc riya oolj it fumid in thirty six txniutiea m tlilx iriutc bilror in dint copl iu thirteen iron in foruthiw dimiiouda lit wcnlj aix wlnttey in nil of thi-m- and llo lust pyu iiway with all tlm rtsl a boy at tchool bnbiing ostid o dcsirilie a kitten muda the fallowing riliio btatcnuiit a kiltih i clikliy rcaiaiktbk fur iniiinj ftt notli- ing vvtwurcr ciitd generally elojping lufowit gets ttielv tils boy got a piiw an iristiuiiki kuowi bow q overcome nil dtflicultiea wbit aiihlt i do with thia utuigktiy 1icjj of rubbish pat li u hole aud bury it anawered the mau of iqvriition ab yes put but whin kiu i to do with the ditt i dig out of- the bou i well sir i voild kilvie yon o difj n bole big enough for tbu whole of it an orserver has taken 1100 notes of the cinvrrsiltuof imsainjj youu kometi out t tlutt iiiiiuber 7s0 be lull wiili eilbit and i sid to him r he eid to me or si tuld uio ttjf t he tail 10 teferrcd tn dittiis toronto uilco wo sole mnulaotur era or cmtqririe machine oil in- ftfngemepu wilt be proaeouled sekt0 1t1 zona imtn braiil will ur hie went 0u or dynpepsln a tlncle l i tjisrmqollmd stjoobiss of o clearing sal at the right house holbrnl uolurril ltalwrin am you djiturbed at night and broken of youfreat by a sick child luflarlng and cryiqj wfih the exciuciatiog pain of cutlini teeth if o aoat once and get a bailie of srri iwiniionri 8oohiug asyrup it wim tvliere th poor little aullorer iaimo lately depend upon it- there i no mistake about it there i not it matlier an etrlu who tmsoter used it who will not tell you at onco hat it w wguhle lie bciof5and giye rttit irf tba mother jmd relief ktid hefth to the child operating like msgio it ia perfectly wife in uso m all cases and pleawnt to the taste nd is tne pre- bcriptiarioftno of he oldest- end bet female phyyiciin ana nurse in the united fcutes iold eteryirhere at 25 ceut3 a bottle i otf jials tlint rjrn iitbit rvikctly lovely or just splendid and thrf rtuiiiiudfi- iftfn jromv ivtaily divide lituvcfll couiilltllm on othit glllrtjwlhi win licrrld cr muck u ind imfe tul rittr tit cclf tttidirt the kiitninci vrtcttitui undtlie lutcbt tcitntific dis ooveries r dp- fowlers rlrart ot wud strawberry ruie k forms of lowe eomplalntrin in rentier adults tli nost kife pleitnvand perfect remedy known purtlyf ectsjae and free from opiates or poisoned irugs d pc ltvax mnlcilm ontario write 1 hive liefii selling dr thoats eciectmc n for pome years and hare no heilitioit in snying that it has given letter euultction tlun any other medi cine i lure ever k ld i consider it the only patent medicine thit cures more than it is reomm ntlecf to cur- respect the grey hairs of oldajje demand and rhoald receive respect- but tn grey hairs of young people re- quire attention in tbe war of uing cncalee hair hencwer sold by j e ilcmirdn 50 cenle per bottle pieuc c aetors and vncalifte find and ftato that pc taoitifi eclec- tcic oil rclieres aoarfeuess and irrita tion in tbe thruat better tbtn reme iea perilly pdrertued to reliere tht diffi t culty this oil has wide ecope since it cures xternal- imttf corns wres froptlute piles and a ttriety of other unhealthy conditions a posit rc fact itisnnwslablith- ed be yopd cnatrorersv that dr fowl er extract of wild strawberry is thetnoit perfect cure for all forms of botrel complaints iaaludinff eholeia mnrbtig dyfentery colic cholera 4n fan tutu nauei canker of the stomach titid bowel- piles etc beware otopiates snr poisininrr drag ihat only cbrck tor a time and produceinsimmatipn wild strawberry is fe and ceftiia iaits ffcts burdock ctaad titters cares all ufeiees of the mood lirer and kidneys femle coaipiatnts nervous and general dkmfity and builds up the enure sjetem when broken down by disease manufacturers of reapers mowers nd threshing machinery prefer cas torinemachine oil lo any other it will oetear iani seat and elephant an j in warranted not to gum in a yard wis a frickyhe goat the boy on the fiac uidut kuowit the boy got a sare his pints got a tear and ms mother the hid tosew it c i h 1 1 l u eth her lvmo tw i4 v hi v v 5liea hssais r eavy sbootetb at btbersind woanii- benelt f fmoneviis not voar eerrint it will be ybar master t yirtae is the cafefit btluiet theraott beeufedeffiuce tliosevwbo repeat evil report fre- qneallf invent theo- no ranfccin sbield ns from tbe impalialiljr of death hawbo foreteei cakmftiea eqflera them twica over r a good conscience is to tbe soul what biakfi iito the body there is nothin tlat needs to be eaid in annniindjy tnanner i he vbo refnsegjaalice to the defence- jesswili make every ebneeseion to the powerful trickjcf tiado village ppataaeter to his wife here is a postatcafd to mr ifooes j saying that bia brother and fire children wul be here on satnrday kow keep that card baekiill tliennd iwillte attbe titwn and when tbpy find no ope to riieet them i rill take them all otrfor83 u itartier kcnare aiyoavnlae your life iercre of dplstes in dinrrbcei uriitues tbey quell pajh but check inff too suddenly the tesults iainflim mstion err fowlers ertract of hlld strawberry made trom the wild mrawterry plant and other bealinp vegetables u natures own cure or ail forms pf towel complaint the piiskllixi is the wellfried and trusted friend of all who want a sure and safe medicine which can be ireely used internally and exterrfjlly without fear of harm and with crrtaintv of relief- its price trings it within the reach ol alrfid it will annually save many limes its cost io doctor sbills the paikkiiltu should have a place in every factory sitclrne shop and ilill on every farm and plantation and inevery household ready forimmediite ase not only for accidents cuts liruises sores etc but in case of sudden sick- nets of aiy kind uow to make honey in the first place take care of your health use wilsoris wild cherry for coughs colds bfoncbitis whooping cough croup catarrborloss of voice t will nererfail you see certificates irom well known parties on inside wrapper fthereiis no contradicting this evidence of lis great virtue be sure ana get the genuine in white wrappers and we guarantee satisfaction after it has cured you dont fail lo recommend it to your friends it is yoorduty to tell others what itliai done for you i iuibourts parisian balm isasirecure forirjcked anlrc lipsjroupii- nessof the skiietc sold by druggists at 25 centa i 101 jeaniftijl mi iiatu uuti anyone can fftetrrrtit pnticv fnirn tli rrvsurt xuiuewu ftll win s ititntmrotchodfrie with full to kir kfukjorroiidneilrffttip most prididk ininokkany onctin cueln te liusioevfli n eacy- tn jearojtijttiiur i nrtruct ton- tone tluinlantkt whtiop ti wort we rapntretthitaveeorulm mn brfnr c catveam inrge sami muiy hve tnttdcat liietiufuiorr nvcf one hutktri jolirs ion kiiicii wet sotitnc ilkpilivcr known beiorc ah who ensure jirchurpriftslitt tlm iim nul ntpmiif with wlileli tlify ire iibtr tn maf tmonev voa ciii rrikkcliiihlf uiivltkniurltic vourfpkre time nt crfuiimilt vuiix-n- t linceto tn- vcci miul in it wf- afceflltnerfe ttkw tio imtil ready iiiok y todd write loug at once auftirtililttrfc adtlrcm tcifi oj aujusit maine whitewashing and coloring wm kielsos cbcwsoks coasths ik prepared to do all kinds of tthitewasaivc comirivg on the shortest notice and at reason- fthle ras riieive yojr oedeus at the ncn pkrxs oiece acton p scioltiiiis cleaned rea- ovated wst kelso s aotom harness st tuttits depot by all means corns and ritamme the slock the priaei east not 30 and 31 aio the uame if haiuiltou july slit 1831 thomas c watkitfs hamilom a distinct and peculiar combination fejlvtdws compound syrup of eipothfphp tt eonairr tin flemnta foentiilto th tsifflal d- argaaimuoj ke oxidixiitg agnta and tonics in rcmliinulon vih ttnitfeovtinfftput pioiplionuiiownuigthe rnarit ofba ngsliglitlyaiaim5aodisoaiieiljntij5couriuaantaadpkullformolaitrap lit cu are usaaif visihft within twf nyfoar houn an i are marked by a stuo tfeiun of ti apueiitc tin diitiott and aimfltiou entering diiectlylnto the circaiatioj it fooa te rerrm atd iul t if i u a heal ti taction of th lecrrtfau bcitlirrdin isiiheioniiaiioriiijuiei tio tj item uidtr prolongwi rue and may b dijauu i at ay titad wiouc iuonvciccc laawrd it y imunittiiej to aoue lit stietgth the tonica to retain it ailiclt of tt hijil dc r e v fellows cjmrtoo syrup of hypophosphites 8l k3 prlwektlr cyrt cahefm af tkm r f7 tti ui tie cttutttmpllvm xrwk trfra1toni short utaf itrtf ftiu tu- it- 1rmttjjtcth kamumnd lili llijiv t au m ii c it rsstia- of jppciiu i ut it iff mcjhrjf afli imrtiily i-t- ts- iferi fitvift t tiic c clkc imf viddk tfepeod fw hthk tiatajywi ci iii uryfcvla w6cnj fo a pampkixt perry davis l son lawrence comb one and all to hill -ifoe- first- glass photogeaphs nofe the following itrties reqoiring anything iattarnea i or trunks to save money should go to r creech a cton wortti their weight in boldl stoves tiamre coal oil lamp goods and pumps cheap for cash at hayills eavelroaghlnir and job work a specialty all kinds of truck takeu iu eichauce tor good remember the place next doarlo creechs saddlery sign of the tamp mill street acion v 0 h a v i lu pills oeftmekt this incomparable uedicike has ttcurtd for iurff an impcridiahtc fame j tlaoxjhovt the world for he allcviaitoa and cure of mod dticnta to which aamamyy u heir bvmmxmofidmmms the only medieine that successfully purifies tie blood acts upon the liver bowels skin and kidneys while at the same time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache bheumatism dropsynervotts mi gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelasi salt rheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood purifyihc tohic in the world temple batae 10c t mm t co s01e uhts tobfjito besnlai sure mm e3h the p lls ask your dealer for castorine jtachine 111 jwd see that the barrel is branded castorine as none other is ieoaiae hotivorars oixtkext axd pills conghsnfiuenii the soothing pro perties of these medicameqla render them well worthy of xrtaf in ail diseases of tbe respiratory organs fii common ooldsand influenza tbe filisj takeu in teroally nd tbe ointment rnbbed over tbe chest eud throat are exceedingly efficacious when influenjihi epidemic this treatment is the easiest safest and purest holloway pills purify the mood remove all obstacles to lis free circulation through the lungs relieve tbe overgorged air tubes and render respiration free without reducing the strength irriuhing the nerves orde pretaiug the spirits such are the ready means of escaping from suflering when afflicted with colds coughs bronchitis putifyregulate and improve the quality of the blood tliey assist the digestive orgras cleanse he stouach and bowels increase thn secretory pbwera of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements lor sustaining and repairing tita frame- thousands of persons have testified that by their usei alone they have been restored to health and strength after eveiy other means had proved unsuc cessful ithe ointment will be found invaluable in every house hold in the cure of open sores hard tumors eii les 014 wound congas colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also goat eheumalism scriifula acd every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hol- lowats establishment 533 oxfoed atkebtxokdolt and sold at is ld 2s 9d 4s 6d lis 22s and ii3s eaoh box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents anil 81 60 cents and the larger siies in proportion bcaotios i have no agent in the doited state nor are my aledicines sold there purchasers should tberelore look to tbe label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford slreet condon they are spurious the trade marks of iny said medicines are registered in ottawa and also at washington nd thomas hollowat and other chest compliints by tyhich the healm of so manv is seriously nd 5j3oxfbrd 8tre et london permanently injured in most countries jl julyilhwli hn fkemaat ttornt powder it j mrc tod tfiecail dnm- of i tdnks pric is ami cr 5 fcc l hrt vrtemmah tctw dotnete dye perfect la wr coki innlihux tney tare aa tqvil price t cents per psctie t cfasdrea or far rrnittw sad liver7 sale board 8table8 mill 8treet aoton is where yoa can get firstclass bigs at reasonable rate8 good commeroial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each ibxf res train and deliver goods to any part of the town au parties indebted to this es tablishment are requested to pay op without further delay and save costs ed matthews proprietor new arrivals maltopepsyn registered at ottawa i an artjeficial gastric juice this is not a patent medicine seqrtt remedy the formula is printed on tbe label at- tached to each bottle- jl v i 1 alto pepsyx cults dvspepsia indicestion loss of appetite intestinal ttnd wasting diseases constipation nausea chronic diarrhea cholera infantum and most of infants troubles which generally arise from ihe stomach 60 for 48 doses or about cew per dose regular sized bottles containing i ois with dose measure attached 50 cents for tale by all chemists throughout the dominion avoid taxing liquids of any sort more than is absolutely necessary to quench thirst as ihe excessive use of liquids is the cause of half the dyspepsia in the world maltopepsjn is a powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the stomach the actual gastric jnice prescribed by the leading physicians throughout the dominion inien- regular prac tice maltopepsyn is also used to a large extent in hospitals dispensaries and infirmaries skcikis of totimoiibus receflntd froh physiclms wallace n s oct 4 1s80 the xfaltopepsyn was given in a marked and distressing case of indipesiicn with tho most rapid pleasing and beneficial results z w kempton m- e ont jaii wered my n athlone the maltopepsyn i obtained from you has far more than answered my having tried it is two old and tery obstinatfc tases ofindigeslion i found it ti charm c mckenna v cauboay okt j i i hatt nsed yonr maltopepsyn in serere cases of indigestion and mai adults and diarrbcea of children and am so- well pleased with the results thai tract ed my druggist to keep a supply on hand t wreajpe athloce okt io- after giving your maltdpepsyna trial in some of my rvorst cases for whlicti h recommended i am well pleased with the way iu which it acts continue to male i articie like that now in use and it rill be a universal favorite r hamilton m hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j e mcgarvtn acton wi stewart go guelph ont semiannual clearing sale of summer cqcds rruiemendotjs reduction in thb price op goods as we are determined not to carryover one dollars w orihof tujmner goods thertfcre we wtli oilerscods at great sacrliice drc goods prlnlk parasols fichus r goods a complete cjearaiee of ail ouru smmer silk wnslins hosiery filoyes lace 1urtalus bantings laccs re tonnes t7i remaining portion of mr millinery sfodi trill le charged amertjiomindl prict we return thanxi lo our many friendt fotll fastand largest seaaon a tain ire erer had in millinery our price ahdit1pcs cnrrecj we tiffer gtnw felt halt silk handkerchief jsilk unibritlit tvetdt and clotht at ai bigditcounl on usual prices tins is a rare chance to secure new goods cheap i wlvstewart go speight son undertakers furniture dealers waggon itndertaklne every description of funeral requisites of the best qualities rap pbed at shortest notice firstqass hcabs furnished i v 1 v r fnmltare inourcabinetmaking department we j are prepared for the bprini demand parlor suites sofaa centre tables whatnots bedsteads etc w asgong we have oh hand a stock of firstclass lumber wagons and bemoorata manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be sold at the lowest pobj aibla rates speight son aoton 2 rbta moiwfatteitut wuuruijttbicam fe imlution cu w btsiiifirtlldtl cbupcui ai uat tor jnr rwm am r tpwnutlt tlotwttn nicutnoiaco gents kid gloves of a new make and a very superior article whits and colored shirts gents half hose in cot- ton merino cashmere and wool summer underolothing shaw murtoij mtrehant tailorp oualph 81000 3lojetrje3it immlx cancer cure depot coatleookpcanada r ancee curfu c without the use of tbe knife tbe only permanent care in the world for particulars enclose 8 eenv to e 0 bstitb coiuoook pcu caoda jwcr iwin m4 certala ceaf8 specnfic medicixe the oreat tntluh remedy ananraulnkeureforreinlnal weakness bpermaturrna impowocy and all diseases that lofow aa a sequence or selfabuse as loss or mera- ai7unlvraallaiduidepiun in the baek dimness 01 vis r 7 lon um i ae and beftrt takme many other dlwases that lead to insanity orrjoniumik tlon btfohpwucularsln 7 our pamphlet which we de- sire to lend free by mall to every one sarthe sresloe medicine is sold by alldrng- ut at 1 per paokatt or blxmckapi lor ia or wilt be sent free by mallore eelpt of tbe money by ad dressing tiu any jtodieix oo r tarofatqoniuanadi som by j e meoarvln urttttut aolon wi w 1 jilt ffistlsmflfltflwll sxisfelu 7 ru a hwssia v a- frij m lie m 1

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